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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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2 hours ago, Darknight said:

Same old shit. Married in a cheap ass wedding. Pledge to Gothard then announce pregnancy in 6 months. Yawn. 


25 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

And apparently this brings in a million viewers. That's on a list somewhere with other inexplicable but troubling facts about the universe.

It's on that list right next to the fact that TLC will, it seems, keep going and going and going with the Duggars forever. No matter what. As I said somewhere around here, Josie's wedding VSE? Could happen.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, MunichNark said:

I'm so not interested in their courtship. I never even got up to be excited. It's just not fascinating.

So they'll marry, Jeremy looks like another loonie famewhore, they'll pop out blessing after blessing. How exciting. Not.

Ya know, actually Jill and Jessa have fallen down on that part of their job. They each rushed into their first pregnancy, then each of them had horrible scary birth experiences. After which neither of them has announced a pregnancy, which I'm sure is not at all what her mother expected. I'm sure MEchelle assumed her daughters would be as relentlessly fertile as Anna. Either Jessa or Jill - or both - could have been left with serious emotional/physical trauma from those births. I don't think it's necessary that they publicize the details of their health situations, but I hope to hell their families are aware of any issues and are supportive. 

Perhaps Jinger will prove to be more like Anna in the fertility sweepstakes, and her husband will be less of a Duggar leghumper than his BILs, and take a stand on her having proper prenatal care and medical care for childbirth. 

If those loons don't do better by Jinger after seeing two consecutive horrific birth experiences by her sisters? They are more evil than I think they are.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 5

I just saw the trailer for the new season and I have to say, Jinger and Jeremy are even creepier in live action than they are in photographs. Jinger looks like a high school freshman making googly eyes at her middle-aged geometry teacher. Even though they're both legal adults, the relationship comes across as so FLDS pervy. 

  • Love 11

I don't think they home churched to keep secrets because they had a horrible secret and went on TV.  No one interviewed the kids and it was all controlled but still...that's a lot of exposure for a closet jammed with skeletons.

It was probably that they couldn't find a church as strict and cultish as their Gothard beliefs.

Uh oh, I think I'm off topic...Can we move home churching over to the Religion Thread? 

  • Love 1

Someone on FJ says she spotted Jeremy in the 3-part special that had Jessa's baby shower. He was part of the brigade of guys who went shopping for foods to play that stupid baby food game. 

What the HELL is Ben doing inviting a single guy to a fucking baby shower 600 miles from home? This would have been in October, so before he was allowed to talk to Jinger (or before he even gave two shits about her). Looks like he wanted to be on TV, and now he's locked up the vehicle to get there on a regular basis. 

I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm right...poor, poor Jinger. 

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:


What a fucking weasel. 

Pretty much. Poor Jinger is too inexperienced and naive to see that her hooking up with Jeremy wasn't God's will, but a carefully calculated agenda. I mean, seriously, what normal guy travels 600 miles to attend a freaking baby shower for a couple he barely knows? 

  • Love 7

Sparked by a comment over on the Dullards topic - about JB's constipated frog face of disapproval if Derick shows up sporting a man bun.

The episodes of Jinger and Jeremy: Cashing In are IMO (and as has been discussed here) going to be so predictable. One of the few unknowns will be how much air time the toxic Duggar 'rents get. I can only hope the TLC editing monkeys end up with some good frank bits to work with. Heh.

'Cause, as we've discussed, generally this next season is all gonna be "God brought us together for this season of life" and "sooo excited" and * * * courting and * * * rules * * * excited * * * God * * * purity * * * Engaged!! * * * trip to meet Jeremy's family * * * go shopping * * * modesty dress * * * Jana sews panels onto bridesmaids dresses  * * * answered our prayers * * * Jeremy's a pastor * * * pastor's wife * * * Jill is back * * * mission Danger America * * * cheap snacks for 1,000 guests * * * Michelle talks about her wedding * * * cheap decorations for the wedding Jana will make * * * Jill's wedding recap * * * Jessa's wedding recap * * * as many babies as God decides * * * adoption * * * God * * * do things a little differently * * * Ben's a preacher! * * * Central America is SO dangerous! * * * meek sweet Jinger * * * blessed * * * Jessa and Spurgeon * * * Jill is a missionary * * * servant's heart * * * repeat everything the first five minutes following a commercial break * * * ten minutes of new material in an hour long show * * * TLC will remain bound to teh Duggars forever and ever. Amen.

ETA: I left out trip(s) to Texas, Ben and Jeremy are good friends, and what's going to happen WRT Jeremy's little church-ette in Laredo. 

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 19
15 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Pretty much. Poor Jinger is too inexperienced and naive to see that her hooking up with Jeremy wasn't God's will, but a carefully calculated agenda. I mean, seriously, what normal guy travels 600 miles to attend a freaking baby shower for a couple he barely knows? 

They said they met in May 2015. Spurgeon wasn't born until November. Jeremy's trips to Tontitown might be quite a reasonable thing in a culture where a courtship is itself basically "engaged to be engaged". One must be willing to go out of one's way for a Duggar girl, they're cloistered. 

  • Love 2

They said that BEN AND JESSA met him (in Texas, maybe San Antonio?) in May 2015 at a prayer meeting. But it does sound like he was in Tontitown very soon after their initial meeting. However, they won't indicate exactly when or how the couple actually met, because it would have been in a group setting, and to be honest, Jinger probably didn't think much of it, other than him being Ben's friend. I don't think Jessa can tell Jinger that she has a guy lined up for her, since all guys are, in the end, vetted by Boob. In the end, he didn't ask to "get to know" Jinger until December, and no one knows exactly when the courtship began, although I guess it's reasonable to assume that it was sometime in the early Spring (Aprilish).

It is entirely possible that there was interest in Jana between May and December that Boob quashed. They never release this data, other than the blanket statement  along the lines of "There has been lot of interest, but I (or Pops, depending on who's talking) turn/s them down."

Edited by Sew Sumi
3 hours ago, TaxNerd said:

Is Jeremy's church in Laredo against dancing?  Surely somewhere along the line one of the partners want to do a first dance.  Maybe by Jason's wedding.  The Duggars may forget to show up to that one :)

Fundies generally do *not* dance. I am sure that hell will freeze over before there is dancing at a Duggar daughter wedding reception. Derick was performing a skit for Christ so whatever kind of dancing he did was part of that. 

  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Fundies generally do *not* dance. I am sure that hell will freeze over before there is dancing at a Duggar daughter wedding reception. Derick was performing a skit for Christ so whatever kind of dancing he did was part of that. 

The couple could have their first interpretive dance instead of a couple dance...it could tell the story of their relationship and future baby deliveries.  With Derick dancing the role of Jim Bob.  

Omg I just scared myself.

  • Love 18

E! online published this list of the Duggar family rules in 2014.  Here's the one about dancing:


7. Leave the Twerking to Miley Cyrus: Michelle explains that dancing encourages "sensual" feelings while Jessa warns that modern day music is "promoting sex, drugs, all that type of stuff." Instead, the family chooses to play gospel together. 

Of course, this article was written before Ben married in. He with the rapper Christian buddy. And all that "modern day music" like Christian rap. Methinks many of these "rules" are disposable as toilet paper, if there's a TV episode to be gained by ignoring them.

BTW I adore the illustrations in this story. And BTW the Duggar parents and the Dullards *did* go to the beach in Danger America, despite disavowing it in this article.

Edited by Jeeves
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lady Edith said:

The couple could have their first interpretive dance instead of a couple dance...it could tell the story of their relationship and future baby deliveries.  With Derick dancing the role of Jim Bob.  

Omg I just scared myself.

One can only imagine how "special" that would be for the TLC viewers... 

  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

E! online published this list of the Duggar family rules in 2014.  Here's the one about dancing:

Of course, this article was written before Ben married in. He with the rapper Christian buddy. And all that "modern day music" like Christian rap. Methinks many of these "rules" are disposable as toilet paper, if there's a TV episode to be gained by ignoring them.


Just throwing this one out here: It seems that our fundie brothers and sisters believe that modern "worship" music will bring in the younger generation that previously would not darken the doors of any church. They're pushing it hard. LOL at the "Christian rap" as well. My former pastor told me that ALL music (even classical) was sinful because it did not "exalt the Lord". 

Old-time fundies bragged about stuff like never going to a movie theater, no dancing, no drinking, no smoking, bla bla bla. I had a pastor who was "convicted" that roller skating was sinful because he could spend the time "studying God's Word" instead.

You are right about the fundie rules. They change with every passing day, especially if they can get butts in the seats (with wallets) and TV show money. There's also a very long list of unwritten rules; those are the ones that will land you in the pastor's office.

  • Love 4

Shifting Fundie Rules: Zach's got a 60" TV. Just to show Westerns? I doubt it. From the setup I saw tonight, they have Netflix. That's more advanced than my lame 32" and cable. 

As far as dancing, rap isn't really conducive to the dancing that Gothard warned about. TBH, I wonder if Gothard has ever heard even Christian rap or watched the dancing it inspires. That said, I can only imagine the Duggars dancing would be a ballroom of Ramonas from RHONY (if I can source a gif from last night's disaster, I'll post it). She CANNOT dance, and she's actually trying and thinks she's hot. LMAO

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

The couple could have their first interpretive dance instead of a couple dance...it could tell the story of their relationship and future baby deliveries.  With Derick dancing the role of Jim Bob.  

Omg I just scared myself.

An interpretive dance is such a special and neat way to enter this next sweet season of life!

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Lady Edith said:

The couple could have their first interpretive dance instead of a couple dance...it could tell the story of their relationship and future baby deliveries.  With Derick dancing the role of Jim Bob.  

Omg I just scared myself.

Well that sure beats the reenactment of the marriage proposals put on by the Duggar kids that were shown at the rehearsal dinners.

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Jeeves said:

E! online published this list of the Duggar family rules in 2014.  Here's the one about dancing:

Of course, this article was written before Ben married in. He with the rapper Christian buddy. And all that "modern day music" like Christian rap. Methinks many of these "rules" are disposable as toilet paper, if there's a TV episode to be gained by ignoring them.

BTW I adore the illustrations in this story. And BTW the Duggar parents and the Dullards *did* go to the beach in Danger America, despite disavowing it in this article.

Not on the rules list: don't molest your siblings. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Not on the rules list: don't molest your siblings. 

My only regret (so far today), is that I have only one Like to give this.


11 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

As far as dancing, rap isn't really conducive to the dancing that Gothard warned about. TBH, I wonder if Gothard has ever heard even Christian rap or watched the dancing it inspires. That said, I can only imagine the Duggars dancing would be a ballroom of Ramonas from RHONY (if I can source a gif from last night's disaster, I'll post it). She CANNOT dance, and she's actually trying and thinks she's hot. LMAO

I think the fact that there's no effective backbeat is the only thing they care about.  It's the great loophole in Gothard's rules.  

I am embarrassed to admit this but I had a dream about Jinjer last night. it was like an action movie lol Ill spare you the details but they were in a room in a house trying to escape the fundies and the fundies kept looking in the windows and barging in the door and they were trying to get them to leave them alone basically

I woke up before the big escape but Im just gonna tell myself it happened and they rode off into the sunset LOL

This is what I hope happens. Jeremy brings Jinger to TX, then Ben and Jessa follow suit. In about 5 years BIN realizes that this fundie cult is insane and him and Jessa move onto plain old evangelical Christian, and Jinjer somewhat follow suit. Spurgy grows up with lifetime resentment of his MORON parents, is a rebellious kid and escapes to college as soon as he is 18. Jinjer can only have 2 kids and they go off to college and have a real education.

I think there isn't a lot of hope for the 19 Duggars kids, but there is hope for their kids. 


Also, I wonder if Jinjer is going to have a hard time getting pregnant because she is so thin. When I was in my early 20's I was really thin and flat out didnt get my period for almost a year until I gained a little weight, but with all the life changes for Jinger coming up , I could see how stress would keep her small ( unless she takes Smuggars route and eats her feelings)

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, louannems said:

But Jeremy doesn't want to escape!  He escaped from "the world" TO Fundamental religion!

Very true.  I hold very poor opinions of Jeremy and Derick because they've chosen the "Fundamental/woman are chattel" belief structure willingly. They both had exposure to independent, educated women in college and the workplace -- and it scared the shit out of them. They want their women dumb and dependent.  Jinger moves from one headship to another.  Possessions, nothing more.

I do not place Ben in with Derick and Jeremy because Ben grew up in the environment and has made some effort to expand his consciousness.  He's the only person in the family web to have African-American friends.  Plus, we all know Jessa wears the (designer) pants in that marriage. 

  • Love 14
On 8/3/2016 at 11:46 PM, Marigold said:

Another prayer partner request?  (like Derick)

Is this how you date a Duggar girl?  Put in a prayer partner request?  Is there a button to click on their website? 

Prayer partner -fundie speak for marriage partner.  They've got to marry all of them off somehow. 

On 8/4/2016 at 11:24 AM, DangerousMinds said:

Perfect! I just don't have the patience to watch this crap, even if I wanted to. And I really don't.

Same here. I've never actually watched a Duggar wedding I just read the jokes about it.

  • Love 4
19 hours ago, emma675 said:

How exactly would Jessa know this unless she had been listening to some of that evil, modern day music?

Because everything Gothard -- all the booklets, the conferences, the "camps", the videos, the loudmouth preachy zealots such as Jim Bob and Michelle, etc. etc. etc. -- hammer on exactly these words over and over and over and over and over and over and over. And have done for decades.

The Duggar spawn operate less like people than like parrots. She has no idea what she's talking about.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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