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S03.E13: Reunion

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14 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I think there is something seriously wrong with Kathryn, maybe part of it is youth, but I don't know, something else is wrong. 

Could that something else be drugs??


15 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I can see a young woman hooking up with a bunch of young men, but why in the world would she choose Thomas and Whitney?

Because she wanted to get on the show. 


17 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Maybe Kathryn was looking for the fairy tale, the wealthy, older man who'd sweep her off her feet and take care of her, the "Pretty Woman" syndrome?.

She also slept with Shep who is only 12 years older. She was looking for "wealthy". Not necessarily older.  

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1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Could that something else be drugs??

   It seriously could be; she looked kind of zonked out to me.

1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

Because she wanted to get on the show. 

   Maybe she thought this show would be great to launch her career, but I don't know what that is, maybe it's "reality show star."

1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

She also slept with Shep who is only 12 years older. She was looking for "wealthy". Not necessarily older.  

  Maybe that's why she never went with Craig, not enough $$$.

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1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

What was the word she was looking for when she was using "ethnicity?"  I don't think there were any rumors she was also sleeping with a Latino or Asian guy? In fact, I'm not sure I've seen any ethnic minorities on the show. lol

Craig said on the reunion and on the show that Kathryn was sleeping with someone else during the time Julian was conceived (which was a one night stand thing with Thomas).  Perhaps that person she was having sex with was some other ethnicity, so the ethnicity question came up behind the scenes, or in Kathryn's real life.  Or maybe it never came up, but she herself wondered about it beforehand. 

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37 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Why would you assume her drug dealer was not white?


18 minutes ago, izabella said:

Craig said on the reunion and on the show that Kathryn was sleeping with someone else during the time Julian was conceived (which was a one night stand thing with Thomas).  Perhaps that person she was having sex with was some other ethnicity, so the ethnicity question came up behind the scenes, or in Kathryn's real life.  Or maybe it never came up, but she herself wondered about it beforehand. 

BiakBiak - that is why.  I did follow the twitter war a bit and between that and the rumors.  She herself said ethnicity.  Just saying.

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But once Saint was born, I highly doubt the ethnicity was a concern.   I took that comment as her looking for different word.  Heritage or lineage perhaps?   But really.... who knows with her.  It seems she's missing a lot more than irrelevance in her brain :p

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I have to agree with the posters that said Kathryn was on something, it was so evident.  I feel like she has that long skirt she wore to the reunion in a few different colors.  Maybe she should not rely on her friend Connor to style her, he does not seem like much of a friend, lol.  Her eye rolling is very telling she is not open to hear others opinions or thoughts, must be hard to communicate with her in real life.  I don't see her successfully getting thru life without the woe is me aspect.  Hope her daughter has a stronger role model in her life.

Shame on Shep for sleeping around and publicly rating women on a numerical scale but you really can't fault his honesty for admitting he sleeps around.

I cannot wait for Part 2.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Shep was the one who was rating the women on a numerical scale (at least on camera) - that was Craig and Whitney, and actually, I think Shep did his best to dispel those comments.

I like the fact that Shep is what he is, and he makes no excuses for it.  He is a guy who is just having a good time with his life.  He makes no apologies for who he is, for his family money, for his businesses, for the fact that he, right now, prefers one night stands or flings to anything more committed or serious.  Whiteny said it best when he said that Shep is the best one on the show because he just looks at the show as a fun thing to do, rather than a launch pad for anything else.  

Shep is an intelligent man.  You can tell by his answers to the questions that Andy asked, and the references he has made to literature and history throughout the show.  Regarding the numerical scale of his "hook-ups", and when Craig said something about going home with a "2", his response about a binary scale was priceless, and even more priceless was the look of utter confusion on Landon's face, because I think she has no freakin' clue what he was talking about!   AND - that, right there, is the reason that Landon and Shep would not be a good match.  She is just not on the same level, intellectually, as he is.

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I agree that Kathryn's behavior on the reunion part 1 was very painful to watch.  I know a lot of people think that Thomas and Kathryn "carry" the show, and if that is the case, I won't be tuning in any longer.  I found myself recoiling into my couch as the outbursts went on.  There's a difference between television drama that is a by-product of cattiness and cliques and drama caused by all out drug fueled, irrational and combative behavior / poor mental health.  I would rather watch the former and so I will happily move on to other pseudo-reality shows.

I think Andy Cohen should be ashamed of himself for forcing Kathryn to appear on the reunion show (there are reports that she was threatened with breach of contract if she refused to join the reunion).  She is clearly unwell and needs help.  I felt like I was watching a caged, abused circus animal.  It doesn't matter if she brought it on herself.  It doesn't matter whose opinion is what.  She was out of control and her behavior will live on in perpetuity.  I think they took advantage of her for ratings.

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37 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I agree with this.  As I watched this last night, I saw just how young and dumb Kathryn is.  When she told Landon that she sleeps with everybody (was she trying to "slut shame" Landon?), Landon hit back, and she was correct.  I thought it was interesting that when Landon said, "you've slept with everybody on this couch," the camera focused on Whitney, Thomas and Shep. 

I don't think anybody has an issue with Kathryn because of who she slept with, but they do have an issue with her behavior.  Also, why shouldn't Whitney be pissed if Kathryn slept with him and then with Thomas, Whitney's best friend.  If a man did that to two women, he'd be labeled a "dog" and correctly so. 

I think there is something seriously wrong with Kathryn, maybe part of it is youth, but I don't know, something else is wrong.  I can see a young woman hooking up with a bunch of young men, but why in the world would she choose Thomas and Whitney?  Maybe Kathryn was looking for the fairy tale, the wealthy, older man who'd sweep her off her feet and take care of her, the "Pretty Woman" syndrome?.  Also in the first season, she didn't even want to admit that she slept with Whitney, I remember her saying that they were just friends, she even said, "Whitney? I thought he was gay."

Did Kathryn said they were questioning the ethnicity of her son with Thomas?  I was confused when she said that, I don't think anybody's questioned her son's ethnicity.

Agree with your post completely (which I ususally do).  To add my two cents ...  I do think Kathryn wanted to get knocked up as well as wifed up for financial security reasons and an easy, easy ride a la "Pretty Woman".  However Thomas is full of shit and made many promises he had no intention of keeping.  Kathryn is young and dumb and not an experienced gold-digger.  She believed Thomas' BS and shot herself in the foot.  Now she's stuck and Thomas is basically holding all the cards.

Now, IMHO an experienced gold-digger in Kathryn's current,less-than-optimal situation (child-support wise) would have picked up, taken her children, and relocated far enough away (not live in the same town) as her baby daddy before everybody lawyered up and concrete rules laid down therefore eliminating a possible 50-50% placement situation.  That way the baby daddy would be paying (in my state 25% of his annual income for 2 kids) per year in child support.  

As long as Kathryn lives close enough to Thomas that they can switch off and share custody on the regular, well, there goes her hefty monthly check.  I think Kathryn is miserable in her own skin and her current situation.  I think the light bulb has finally gone on in her head and she realizes she will never be with Thomas or be financially taken care of the way she wanted to.  Does she love Thomas to a certain extent?  Yeah, I think so.  I think she believed Thomas' promises and thought "This is a good deal".

I am profoundly disturbed if what another poster said up thread that there was actually a THERAPIST on set for Kathryn because ??  WTF?  Shame on Andy and Bravo.  Why do these networks keep employing mentally unstable people to boost their ratings?  Well, I know why but it's sick just the same.  (I'm also looking at you MTV /Teen Mom 2.  I see you).  I also think Kathryn was mood-altering or on meds to some extent.

And yes, I believe it was Whitless who questioned Kathryn's baby's ethnicity.  It was brought up because I remember gasping, thinking "Why would he say that?"  Inquiring minds want to know.

Now on to the superficial.  My 80 year old dad was a professional photographer back in the 70's and on the side he had one of those "Old Timey Photo Studios".  When I saw Kathryn in her get-up I about choked on my adult beverage.  Phoned dad, told him to turn on the show and he burst out laughing saying "When did that girl sneak into the basement and rummage thru my costume trunk? she looks like a saloon-hall hussy".   Mmmmm-kay.  Kathryn needs a stylist.  I'm just sayin'.

Landon - shut up.  Whitney - your hair looked great and not like you have a tangle of black shoe polish atop your 5-head.  

Shep - While I do like him a lot is it just me that thinks he's slept with more partners than a professional sex worker?  Anyone?  I wouldn't want to sleep with a dude that's slept with LITERALLY everyone.  Guy's plowed his way through most of SC.

Thomas - grow the fuck up.  You are hitting your mid-fifties and I agree with the poster up thread that you need to think before you speak and make rash decisions because you were "in the moment" (i.e. - Let's make another kid).  

Cameron - I could care less if you have kids or not (super yawn already!).  It'd better not be your next season's story line or you need to get off the show.  You used to crack me up when you were the proverbial Greek Chorus in seasons past.  Now I just FF through everything that is you.

Landon - Still hating you with the fire of a thousand suns but kudos to you in that your dolphin voice and sickening Valley-Girl nervous laughing shit did not emerge.  Good for you.  I see you have been practicing.

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11 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

Yeah, Craig is going to buckle down and finish that thesis when? If he hasn't done it yet, and they start filming season 4 in the fall, then when? Surely not this July and August, he's too busy instagramming all over the world. I wish Naomi would have been on the show. I would have loved to have seen her face if Andy pointed out to her that Craig's a phony.

Kathryn is so "off" in some major way; probably misdiagnosed as needing anti-depressants when she's probably bi-polar or visa versa. Whatever she's on it ain't working for her. Good thing there are lots of nannies with those babies, but she needs some help, and maybe needs to get off tv. Thomas looked drunk again.

Half the time she was zonked out and the other half she was excited, agitated, and rambling. I really think that she's been misdiagnosed. The other issue is that 50% of people with serious and persistent mental illness have a substance use problem. We know Kathryn uses, but sometimes substances impede the ability to make a good clean diagnosis. I hope she gets help. 

It's probable that Kathryn's behavior is so overwhelming and intrusive that this group of people don't have the breathing room and perspective to see that Kathryn might have a mental illness. I had a boss like that. When she left for another job, it took me a week to realize that she had a personality disorder. But I also need them to stop using"drugs" as a pejorative as in "drug fueled rage" because they would never describe Shep's run in with the police as"drug fueled antics." They need focus their criticism on Kathryn's disruptive behaviors because when they talk about her drug use, but make jokes about Shep's or Thomas' Kathryn is going to fixate on their hypocrisy.

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4 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Agree with your post completely (which I ususally do).  To add my two cents ...  I do think Kathryn wanted to get knocked up as well as wifed up for financial/security reasons and an easy, easy ride a la "Pretty Woman".  However Thomas is full of shit and made many promises he had no intention of keeping.  Kathryn is young and dumb and not an experienced gold-digger.  She believed Thomas' BS and shot herself in the foot.  Now she's stuck in her situation and Thomas is basically holding all the cards.

Now, IMHO an experienced gold-digger in Kathryn's current,less-than-optimal situation (child-support wise) would have picked up, taken her children, and relocated far enough away (not live in the same town) as her baby daddy before everybody lawyered up and concrete rules laid down therefore eliminating a possible 50-50% placement situation.  That way the baby daddy would be paying (in my state 25% of his annual income for 2 kids) per year in child support.  

As long as Kathryn lives close enough to Thomas that they can switch off and share custody on the regular, well, there goes her hefty monthly check.  I think Kathryn is miserable in her own skin and her current situation.  I think the light bulb has finally gone on in her head and she realizes she will never be with Thomas or be financially taken care of the way she wanted to.  Does she love Thomas to a certain extent?  Yeah, I think so.  I think she believed Thomas' promises and thought "This is a good deal".

I am profoundly disturbed if what another poster said up thread that there was actually a THERAPIST on set for Kathryn because ??  WTF?  Shame on Andy and Bravo.  Why do these networks keep employing mentally unstable people to boost their ratings?  Well, I know why but it's sick just the same.  (I'm also looking at you MTV /Teen Mom 2.  I see you).  I also think Kathryn was mood-altering or on meds to some extent.

And yes, I believe it was Whitless who questioned Kathryn's baby's ethnicity.  It was brought up because I remember gasping, thinking "Why would he say that?"  Inquiring minds want to know.

Now on to the superficial.  My 80 year old dad was a professional photographer back in the 70's and on the side he had one of those "Old Timey Photo Studios".  When I saw Kathryn in her get-up I about choked on my adult beverage.  Phoned dad, told him to turn on the show and he burst out laughing saying "When did that girl sneak into the basement and rummage thru my costume trunk? she looks like a saloon-hall hussy".   Mmmmm-kay.  Kathryn needs a stylist.  I'm just sayin'.

Whitney - your hair looked great and not like you have a tangle of black shoe polish atop your 5-head.  Admit that Kathryn slept at your house multiple nights and just own it.

Shep - While I do like him a lot is it just me that thinks he's slept with more partners than a professional sex worker?  Anyone?  I wouldn't want to sleep with a dude that's slept with LITERALLY everyone.  Guy's plowed his way through most of SC.

Thomas - grow the fuck up.  You are hitting your mid-fifties and I agree with the poster up thread that you need to think before you speak and make rash decisions because you were "in the moment" (i.e. - Let's make another kid).  

Cameron - I could care less if you have kids or not (super yawn already!).  It'd better not be your next season's story line or you need to get off the show.  You used to crack me up when you were the proverbial Greek Chorus in seasons past.  Now I just FF through everything that is you.

Landon - Shut up.  Still hating you with the fire of a thousand suns but kudos to you in that your dolphin voice and sickening Valley-Girl nervous laughing shit did not emerge.  Good for you.  I see you have been practicing.  Stop trying to make Thomas happen.  You are also a gold-digger.  Take heed of Kathryn's situation and realize Thomas is a perpetual bachelor and won't marry you. 

Sick of all the Kathryn slut-shaming.  T-Rav's a slut, Shep's a slut, Whitney also slept with Kathryn, Landon has also gotten around plenty.

Edited by beesknees
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2 minutes ago, beesknees said:

Now, IMHO an experienced gold-digger in Kathryn's current,less-than-optimal situation (child-support wise) would have picked up, taken her children, and relocated far enough away (not live in the same town) as her baby daddy before everybody lawyered up and concrete rules laid down therefore eliminating a possible 50-50% placement situation.  That way the baby daddy would be paying (in my state 25% of his annual income for 2 kids) per year in child support.  

Very true, however, IMO an experienced gold digger would have gotten at least a ring on her finger before popping out baby #1.  The idea is not to have a baby just to get some rich guy to pay child support.  You get married, then have a baby, that way if he dumps you, you're his legal wife, you can take him to the cleaners plus get child support.  I remember some woman had on her blog the saying:  no wedding, no womb;  maybe she had a point.

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Sick of all the Kathryn slut-shaming.  T-Rav's a slut, Shep's a slut, Whitney also slept with Kathryn, Landon has also gotten around plenty.

Have we ever seen Landon with a man? I am not saying she might get around but there has been no evidence on the show. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

You forgot one: "Cream rises to the top"

HAHAHAHA!  How could I forget that gem?  I loved the look on everyone's face when she pulled that one out. 

I also loved the look on Andy's face when  Thomas was talking about how the show brings shame to his family - and how some of the other cast members don't take the show seriously.  You could tell Satan Andy was struggling to keep himself composed and not break the 4th wall. 

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Thank you to whoever wrote this! It is one of the funniest (and on-point) things I've read in a long time! Maybe even going back to the early days of TWOP where snark and humor intersected to create pure entertainment.

I hope the writer is/has/will make a career of writing. Some have that gift and this person does!

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50 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Very true, however, IMO an experienced gold digger would have gotten at least a ring on her finger before popping out baby #1.  The idea is not to have a baby just to get some rich guy to pay child support.  You get married, then have a baby, that way if he dumps you, you're his legal wife, you can take him to the cleaners plus get child support.  I remember some woman had on her blog the saying:  no wedding, no womb;  maybe she had a point.

Oh GOSH NO - thoroughly agree with this 150%.  Maybe I was not being articulate (at work and trying not to be seen! hee) but I was trying to say that Kathryn made some Gold Digger 101 mistakes.   Now in her current, less-than-optimal financial situation (seeing the light of day) that Thomas is not ever going to put a ring on it what Kathryn should have done was scoop up the kids, moved to another city and at least salvaged a hefty monthly child-support check for the next 18 years.

Kathryn waited too long and now that attorneys and the court system is involved she's pretty much screwed financially in the way of CS money from Thomas.  

Edited by beesknees
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28 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Thank you to whoever wrote this! It is one of the funniest (and on-point) things I've read in a long time! Maybe even going back to the early days of TWOP where snark and humor intersected to create pure entertainment.

I hope the writer is/has/will make a career of writing. Some have that gift and this person does!

Maybe you could tell us what post you're referring to?

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1 hour ago, biakbiak said:


Have we ever seen Landon with a man? I am not saying she might get around but there has been no evidence on the show. 

I think there is some evidence on the show that Landon has also slept with a few of the cast members.  On last night's Reunion episode Landon declared with a straight face that she and Shep never had sex.  Shep flat called Landon out on her lie and said to the effect "Then I will admit we had sex; I have no problem admitting it".  So there's that.

Then on last week's episode didn't Shep's date Robin (who is Landon's GF) say to Shep (paraphrasing here) "Did Landon finally admit that she slept with Thomas?"  I have no problem with Landon sleeping with men in her friendship circle.  Kathryn certainly did.  The difference is that Kathryn owns her shit and I think Landon's not.

Edited by beesknees
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5 minutes ago, beesknees said:

I think there is some evidence on the show that Landon has also slept with a few of the cast members.  On last night's Reunion episode Landon declared with a straight face that she and Shep never had sex.  Shep flat called Landon out on her lie and said to the effect "Then I will admit we had sex; I have no problem admitting it".  So there's that.

Then on last week's episode didn't Shep's date Robin (who is Landon's GF) say to Shep (paraphrasing here) "Did Landon finally admit that she slept with Thomas?"  I have no problem with Landon sleeping with men in her friendship circle.  Kathryn certainly did.  The difference is that Kathryn owns her shit and I think Landon's not.

Shep did not ever say they had sex he said they made out in a closet. Also, Robin's statement could be interpreted in more than one way, she didn't say admit she asked if the fight was about them having sex, which is was the fight was about even if it wasn't true.

Edited by biakbiak
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15 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Now we know why he was so mad at Whitney - he thought he'd discovered the big secret somehow.  I'm surprised they let him walk at graduation if he lacked credits.

Whitney is so bad in a confrontation.  It almost makes me feel for him but then he inevitably says something douchey and I get over it.

I think most schools do that.  Our school has a rule that you have to complete X number of units to declare candidacy.  The grades etc aren't even posted until AFTER graduation.  I used to be an undergraduate advisor and you would not believe the number of phone calls we got from parents saying my snowflake graduated and is currently in Europe and I just received notice that they are short units/didn't pass classes and didn't actually graduate what do I do.  I would tell them YOU do nothing.  When snowflake gets back have them contact me cause I can't talk to you due to FERPA.  VERY common.  

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Jjust for the record, what the hell is wrong with a 6, Shep and Craig? Last time I checked my math, that's above average, right? Do these guys think they are so hot they can get 10's all day every day? I've got news for them, neither one of THEM are much better than a 6. Assholes. 

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 I'm trying to follow this show because they rave about it on Bitch Sesh.  I just started watching this season.  Did these people know each other before the show or are these reality tv friendships?

Nobody comes off well on this show, but I can't believe Tom and Kathryn made two kids from this hot mess.  I hope the kids have good grandparents because Tom and Kathryn seem self-absorbed.  Tom is one of the few men out there who isn't aging well.  He's much more handsome in earlier pics.  Might be drugs.  Who knows...

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1 minute ago, MerryMary said:

I hope the kids have good grandparents because Tom and Kathryn seem self-absorbed.

I doubt it; the kids' grandparents are the ones who raised Thomas and Kathryn to be who they are.

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12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Kathryn is 24.  She was 21 when she hooked up with Whit and Shep.  The only one she has been in a relationship with since then is TRav.  The 53 year old.  The one who makes promises of some kind of future. 

Shep, the thirty something year old has hooked up with Kathryn and dated Danni.  TRav wanted to hook up with Danni and probably hooked up with Landon.  Landon and Shep have come shy of hooking up but Landon announces she's in love with him.  

I don't recall Kathryn saying that she wasn't responsible for her actions.  On the other hand, TRav makes a lot of excuses for his.   In the moment....  And then we have Whit who makes all sorts of excuses for his.  He was 'very' defensive in the mountains and blamed it on the moonshine or whatever.  He was very defensive on the reunion regarding Kathryn.  I think the guy is lying through his teeth.  Imagine how frustrating for Kathryn that is to hear. 

TRav and Whit both need to own up for their actions.... But I didn't hear that.

Maybe these chucklefucks should start dating (or "dating") outside their little friendship circle.  

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Once again, Landon stands up with a line I have used myself.  " I don't know you, but what I do know, I don't like."  Had she just refused to insert herself in any further back and forth between K and any of the others, she would have won the night easily.  But, alas........

 It kills me, but I truly believe that Kathryn thinks she and TRav will be one again.    I so want to remind her that if she had just agreed to the country house, she could have had the man, the money, the family, the life she 'dreamed' of, but nooooooo.  Staying put and learning to be a gracious lady of the manor was just not all that appealing, which is why I side-eye her claims of loooove for Thomas. 

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In regards to Kathryn and Thomas' custody arrangement and assuming Thomas makes $15 k a month and Kathryn $10 k according to the SC Child support formula she would only receive $373.00 a month. If they were proceeding under the 6 days a month visitation to Thomas support jumps to $1511.00 a month.  Hardly the payday Kathryn is looking for.  If Kathryn makes $.00 a month her support jumps to $1,873.00. In now makes a lot of sense why she was trying to negotiate her own deal. 

http://www.state.sc.us/cgi-bin/dss/csed/csedcalc2014.cgi?nochild=2&cp=shr&nochildmom=&nochilddad=&shrdaysmom=182&shrdaysdad=183&dad1=15%2C000.00&mom1=10%2C000.00&dad2a=&mom2a=&dad2b=&mom2b=&dad3a=&mom3a=&dad3b=0&mom3b=0&dad6a=&mom6a=&dad6b=&mom6b=&dad6cact=&mom6cact=&dad6cadjmt1=&mom6cadjmt1=&submit=Calculate+Child+Support  When Cam was tooting her horn about never dipping into her husband's money she made it sound as if it was because of her real estate dealings.  I think her money comes from the show.  Just as Kathryn and Landon's does.  I am kind of tired of the fourth wall nonsense these people don't get paid.  Just behind the RH franchise this has become a top tier show at Bravo.  My guess is all these people have agents.

Kathryn has been through four attorneys and is still unable to indicate what she wants in support.  My guess is she wants monthly maintenance and a lump sum, and the law just doesn't provide for that arrangement.  If she is following legal counsel, she doesn't have a good attorney, most likely she has decided the law doesn't apply to her.  Her idea of rocking the support scales by denying visitation just don't work.

31 minutes ago, MerryMary said:


Edited by zoeysmom
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16 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Agreed.  You can almost see the wheels turning in Thomas' head thinking "If I had only procreated with a sane woman instead of the hot redhead I couldn't keep my hands off of."  He looks like he finally sobered up (literally and figuratively) when it comes to her.

I've just seen a very recent interview in which he himself was mollied-up mofo. I think he just had better reason to feel comfortable at the reunion, and she knew she was not among friends, and overindulged out of nerves. But hell, Kathryn's my favorite so it's rose-colored glasses for me.

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13 hours ago, edra said:

Katherine is used to getting supporters on social media, and people praising her as the star of the show that she started to believe her own press. The reunion and the rest of the cast giving it back to her, the way she gleefully does in her talking heads must have been unnerving for her.

People talk about Katherine being "slut-shamed", compared to the male members of the cast, but that is not the point of contention in this case, it is more that she pointedly and knowingly slept with a group of friends, and even admitted on camera to doing it intentionally.

Every time Katherine misbehaves, people are so quick to excuse her actions as being that of a young person - but she is 24. She might be younger than the rest of the cast, but in the real world, at her age, no one would be excusing her tantrums and outbursts. Katherine appears to be angry - angry that her dreams of being the next Mrs. Ravenal, Lady of the Manor, is not working out. Angry that Landon ruined whatever 'Hail Mary' attempt she was hoping to pull. Hopefully, she and the people who care for her, will take from this season that perhaps it's time she gets some help for her issues.

I think why Kathryn gets grief about her sexcapades is because she slept with 3 out of the 4 of the men she shoots with.  If Craig would have had the cash the other 3 did it may have been 4 out of 4.  I think she should be able to get her groove on as much as she wants but sleep with 3 out of 4 castmates you are gonna get the side eye.  

I had been married 2 years at 24 and paying my own way for 6.  She needs to deal with the life she set up for herself.  Thomas seems pretty easy to sway.  Stop acting like a cracked out primate and maybe he will take you back.  He is not real smart regarding women.  Or learn to love yourself and quite allowing yourself to be treated like a cracked out primate.  I too think she is bipolar self medicating.  

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I think Kathryn wants her rent paid - she seemed very smug and satisfied that she stopped paying her own rent so Thomas, (who co-signed on her lease agreement) has to pay it or his credit is ruined.  She also wants child support.  And she wants Thomas to give her lots and lots of other money and gifts and everything she thinks she is entitled to because she had his kids, even though she wasn't married to him. 

But  it's that lack of marriage that is her downfall - the courts just see her as a baby-momma so she is only entitled to child support, period.  And Thomas isn't going to marry her, so instead of being able to lord it over everyone that she is MRS. Ravenel and all the "status" and money that go with that, she's an unwed mom with two kids who failed a drug test.

Edited by izabella
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44 minutes ago, arejay said:

Once again, Landon stands up with a line I have used myself.  " I don't know you, but what I do know, I don't like."  Had she just refused to insert herself in any further back and forth between K and any of the others, she would have won the night easily.  But, alas........

 It kills me, but I truly believe that Kathryn thinks she and TRav will be one again.    I so want to remind her that if she had just agreed to the country house, she could have had the man, the money, the family, the life she 'dreamed' of, but nooooooo.  Staying put and learning to be a gracious lady of the manor was just not all that appealing, which is why I side-eye her claims of loooove for Thomas. 

Agree with all of this.  Landon should of stayed out of that mess. She has best reason to dislike Kathryn. Kathryn has been a huge bitch to her.  But yeah stay out of the K&T bs. 


And absolutely if Kathryn wanted a life with Thomas,  (what sane person would) she could have had it. Kathryn was never happy.  I'm sure her immaturity and tantrums led to Thomas never putting a ring on her finger. 

Someone  pointed out up thread that Thomas made alot of promises.  I agree he did absolutely. And he is the idiot that picked an impulsive entitled young woman to have children with. But Kathryn shares in the failure of that relationship. Kathryn couldn't  stop bitching and complaining about every damn thing. Thomas is the last person I'd want to be with but Kathryn wanted him and he set her up in his home and the sucked for her.  Then he was campaigning and that was another non stop fight. They both Cleary see what a mistake what a relationship between the two of them has been and yet these 2 morons bring another child into the mess. They both sucks. 



I'm recording this again, because I swear I saw her nodding off at one point. I haven't seen it mentioned, or I missed it. Maybe I was wrong but I swear I saw her closing her eyes as she looked in  Shep's direction. 


I also forgot to mention how much Thomas annoyed me,  when he told Cameron all she needed to do was hold julienne.  He's such an idiot.  Yes TRav that's all cam needs. God forbid she thinks a life decision through before jumping into it. 

Edited by imjagain
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17 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

So, Craig has been lying for all these years about even being eligible to take the Bar.  What a poseur!  Run, Naomi!  Liar face is never going to be a lawyer.

That actually really pissed me off. He's told so many lies that Naomi is well within her rights to dump him. If I were Craig's parents, I'd be furious. The annoying way he said 'Well, I walked at graduation...' like that makes any of this okay is mind-boggling. In the 3 years since law school, he hasn't even completed his thesis paper. I can't believe it.

I don't care if Kathryn slept with every man on that reunion set...I just don't care. I do care that she failed a drug test when she has two innocent babies. I also think she should have been more upset with Thomas about the Valentine's Day trip than Landon. If Thomas had an extra ticket/room, I'm assuming he didn't want to waste it and since Landon was around, he asked her to join him.

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I find it both astounding and disgusting that Shit-Eatin' and a-Grinnin' Shep is able to relay his sickening tale of being 'shroomed while driving thereby endangering others then arrested, and all he receives are 'aw, shucks, Shep' grins, giggles, and coos of "It's the funniest thing/story ever!"                                                                                                 (Party of pseudo-pious prigs and pigs)

Edited by BookElitist
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16 hours ago, TexasGal said:

 I'm surprised they let him walk at graduation if he lacked credits.


I walked for my Bachelor's, but I still had 3 classes left. My dean approved me walking and I took my remaining classes that summer. It was either walk then or wait a whole year, and I didn't feel like doing the latter. I do know two people who also walked for their Master's and weren't technically finished with their program - one had a thesis that was overdue (but he finished it within three weeks). So yeah, it happens. It just depends on the school...some won't let you walk if you're not completely finished.

However, for Craig not to have the thesis completed 3 years post-graduation tells me he wasn't anywhere near finishing it. So ridiculous.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I don't believe that Kathryn is in love with Thomas so much as the Ravenel name and the lifestyle it apparently affords.  She doesn't want to work; she wants to hang out, party with friends and live a life of drunken leisure.  In other words, she wants to be the younger, female version of Thomas.  Not going to happen.  She screwed up by getting pregnant.  Both times.

I also think the fact that she banged (TM Vanderpump Rules chucklefucks) Whitney and Shep before Thomas affected how Thomas was going to view her.  Sorry to say but different rules/standards still exist.  I'm pretty easygoing but I don't think I'd want to get involved with someone who had slept with 2 or 3 of my friends.  There are plenty of other people out there. 

Kathryn was a crazy lay for Thomas in my opinion and probably an ego boost, given their age difference. I don't think he's ever been in love with her.  Cared for her maybe and even loved her the way you'd love a friend and the mother of your children.  But not a romantic love.

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1 minute ago, BookElitist said:

I find it both astounding and disgusting that Shit-Eatin' and a-Grinnin' Shep is able to relay his sickening tale of being 'shroomed while driving thereby endangering others then arrested, and all he receives are 'aw, shucks, Shep' grins, giggles, and coos of "It's the funniest thing/story ever!"                                                                                                 (Party of pseudo-pious prigs and pigs)

That was so bizarre - I definitely found his nonchalance sickening. He could have killed someone, but I guess he doesn't care because mommy and daddy's money would get him out of it. Affleunza and whatever.

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1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

That was so bizarre - I definitely found his nonchalance sickening. He could have killed someone, but I guess he doesn't care because mommy and daddy's money would get him out of it. Affleunza and whatever.

I found this article it appears he was arrested in Redwood City in a shopping mall.   I did not see anything about anyone being arrested for driving under the influence. I think he was outside being disorderly.  http://spectrummagazine.blogspot.com/2015/05/bravo-reality-star-arrested-in-redwood.html

Wasn't the emphasis of the story more on why Shep had an epiphany at the hands of a female correctional employee regarding his treatment of Craig?

I thought the it was humorous because of the questions that followed and there were no people injured.  I would have liked to have heard more about Shep's Magical Mushroom trip.  At some point his drinking and drugging habits may be on the firing line.  This group seems to like to discuss others' sobriety-add this one to the pile.

Edited by zoeysmom
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48 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I don't care if Kathryn slept with every man on that reunion set...I just don't care. I do care that she failed a drug test when she has two innocent babies. I also think she should have been more upset with Thomas about the Valentine's Day trip than Landon. If Thomas had an extra ticket/room, I'm assuming he didn't want to waste it and since Landon was around, he asked her to join him.

THIS, so many times this.  Kathryn is on the warpath against Landon, but THOMAS is the one who is choosing everyone else but Kathryn and she doesn't blame him nearly as much as she blames other people and, in fact, still WANTS him.  She has not grasped the simple fact that Thomas does what Thomas wants and he is the one she should be mad at if she thinks he is reneging on his promises or is seeing other people.  But she won't blame Thomas - she thinks if she drives every other woman away, Thomas will finally want to marry her.  She is wrong.

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24 minutes ago, izabella said:

THIS, so many times this.  Kathryn is on the warpath against Landon, but THOMAS is the one who is choosing everyone else but Kathryn and she doesn't blame him nearly as much as she blames other people and, in fact, still WANTS him.  She has not grasped the simple fact that Thomas does what Thomas wants and he is the one she should be mad at if she thinks he is reneging on his promises or is seeing other people.  But she won't blame Thomas - she thinks if she drives every other woman away, Thomas will finally want to marry her.  She is wrong.

I felt like when Kathryn was invited away for Valentine's Day she took an invitation, a date as it was, and started negotiating from a place of no.  I can understand not wanting to have sex with Thomas and perhaps she needs to realize that he can visit the children without her.  I don't know if she constantly wants to be wooed, if the excitement is in the chase, but at this point in her life she probably needs to stop trying to extract promises from Thomas.  If she just wants to hear pretty words and lofty dreams fine, keep up the game, if she is serious about establishing a binding agreement regarding the custody and support of their children, stop throwing dating rules in the mix.

Kathryn has an interesting dynamic claiming she is being pushed off the show.  Whitney responded to claims he wants her fired by saying:  "On the contrary.  She does the heavy lifting."  It sort of sums up her relationship with Thomas, he is resigned to the best they can do is co-parenting and she insists he broke promises.  Divorces courts are filled with people everyday who reneged on their promises most of them would probably be better off had they opted out earlier.  I am only guessing but I would think Thomas' promises hinged on Kathryn not being unhinged.

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10 hours ago, Lizzing said:

In my law school experience, the writing requirement was nothing like the masters thesis or PhD dissertation process.  It is much easier in law school; there aren't committees, no defending, etc.  (My sister has a doctorate from an Ivy and I was a proof/copy reader on many, many iterations of her thesis and dissertation, as well as a sounding board for venting during the process.)  In my law school, which sounds a lot like what Craig had to do http://www.charlestonlaw.edu/Academic-Affairs/Academic-Policies/Upper-Level-Writing-Requirement.aspx is basically a long research paper vetted by one faculty member when done within a writing course.  Craig could have, and should have, done it while in school.  But to the other point of why his school would still entertain him finishing the requirement this many years past his coursework is a good question.  It's been a long while since I graduated, but barring some kind of medical necessity, you didn't get much leeway at all to finish a course requirement without taking the course over again. 

What I do find interesting is that, again, this is a 4th wall thing.  It seems Whitney knew Craig really didn't "graduate" from law school, and thus the producers knew and allowed this "will he/won't he take the bar" story to spool out for two seasons.  I kind of wonder why.  I don't remember Craig being all that compelling of a character in the first season, so to my mind, he could have been offloaded with that half glove wearing chick for S2.

I really do wish someone had taken Craig to task for his comment about women from the south being failures for not graduating college with a ring.  That is too antiquated of an idea, even 25 years ago when I was in college.

Geez, that's only around 20 pages. I had to write a 25 page thesis for UNDERGRAD. That #IdiotCraig didn't complete this says a lot about his work ethic, or lack thereof. 

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Craig and Kathryn are not all that different.  They both want to marry into wealth with as little expected of them as possible.  Kathryn went about it the wrong way by having the heirs before the marriage, but, I think their motives are the same.  Both want to live a life of luxury on someone else's dime.

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I do wonder when Craig came clean with Naomi and the rest of the cast because clearly no one was surprised by the revelation and Shep was mad at him about involving him in the charade of mailing off the application and that appears to have all happened after filming was complete.

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32 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Craig and Kathryn are not all that different.  They both want to marry into wealth with as little expected of them as possible.  Kathryn went about it the wrong way by having the heirs before the marriage, but, I think their motives are the same.  Both want to live a life of luxury on someone else's dime.

No truer words were ever spoken!  AHA!

3 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

I walked for my Bachelor's, but I still had 3 classes left.

Yes this does happen frequently.  The difference is that most parents of students know this is what is happening.  It seems like Craig didn't even clue his own parents in on his situation.  He stayed home for some time and came back.  You know that if he had to actually give a check to JD it was his parents money and he spent his time at home convincing them of his "plan".  His plan is a bunch of lies.  I feel for his parents.

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17 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

No truer words were ever spoken!  AHA!

Yes this does happen frequently.  The difference is that most parents of students know this is what is happening.  It seems like Craig didn't even clue his own parents in on his situation.  He stayed home for some time and came back.  You know that if he had to actually give a check to JD it was his parents money and he spent his time at home convincing them of his "plan".  His plan is a bunch of lies.  I feel for his parents.

Most likely it was part of his salary and orchestrated his return to Charleston.  These folks make six figures.  It is the greatest disservice  on the show when they pretend they have no money.  Like Landon moving from the boat to an apartment, travelling all over the world-where did the money come from-Bravo.

I think Craig is out to find the next Bravo Skinnygirl find.  Next year I bet he and Naomi both collect six figure checks. 

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17 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

I snorted with laughter over Kathryn calling Thomas an alcoholic and drug addict and then not wanting to address her drug test results, which we know she failed.  And don't roll your eyes and act all disgusted by Thomas - - and claim that Shep was the only person (on the couch) you hooked up with a brain - -  when you've procreated with him twice.   And while her dress was . . . different . . . at least her hair and makeup looked decent.  She was still higher than a Lohan at a drug bust. 

Both Cameran and Landon looked good.  I loved the color of Cameran's dress.  Why was Miss Kitty rolling her eyes or making a face when Cameran was explaining how she had her own bank account and credit card?  

So maybe if #NewCraig had been working on his thesis instead of digging for dirt on the Prince of Darkness, he could take the bar?  So his "storyline" that he was going to quit "working" for J.D. was b.s.?  And he didn't actually graduate from law school because he didn't write a paper?  What a dumbass.  Maybe he and Kathryn do belong together.  Stupid is as stupid does.

The first 30 min of this reunion was fairly boring.  It finally started getting juicy after the halfway point.   Look forward to part 2.  What was Jennifer blubbering about?  

I keep reading references to Kathryn's failed drug tests. Thomas didn't provide receipts even when prompted by Landon. Is this public record? It seems as if every gossip website repeats it, but has it been verified? Thanks

4 hours ago, BookElitist said:

I find it both astounding and disgusting that Shit-Eatin' and a-Grinnin' Shep is able to relay his sickening tale of being 'shroomed while driving thereby endangering others then arrested, and all he receives are 'aw, shucks, Shep' grins, giggles, and coos of "It's the funniest thing/story ever!"                                                                                                 (Party of pseudo-pious prigs and pigs)

But, he's Shep! He's got lineage and mailbox money! How dare you question his illicit drug use. 

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6 minutes ago, CriticalMass said:

I keep reading references to Kathryn's failed drug tests. Thomas didn't provide receipts even when prompted by Landon. Is this public record? It seems as if every gossip website repeats it, but has it been verified? Thanks

But, he's Shep! He's got lineage and mailbox money! How dare you question his illicit drug use. 

And he's male!  All is excused.

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4 hours ago, BookElitist said:

I find it both astounding and disgusting that Shit-Eatin' and a-Grinnin' Shep is able to relay his sickening tale of being 'shroomed while driving thereby endangering others then arrested, and all he receives are 'aw, shucks, Shep' grins, giggles, and coos of "It's the funniest thing/story ever!"                                                                                                 (Party of pseudo-pious prigs and pigs)

I don't get the love for this guy.

On the one hand, I like Shep. I sort of like it that he seems kind of chill and rejects the drama between others. He seems to be able to adapt to a bunch of different social circles.

On the other hand, I find it super distasteful that he's now middle-aged (36, right?) and he's constantly talking about bedding all of these women and so is everyone else. I'm sure his date Robyn appreciates him announcing to the world that they had sex. Who does that?  Sorry. I just find that gross. Perhaps because I grew up in the 80s and times when STDs were all prevalent in the media, I wouldn't touch that guy with a 10 foot pole. He's just nasty. Now add in the bragging about getting busted for 'shrooms. I guess it is good that he says he's not marriage material because....my God....he has the maturity of a 19 year old. Blech. Not cute. Not hot. Incompetence is a big turnoff to me.

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