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S18.E03: Road Kill 1

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Jozea...really doesn't know how to play the game. I love that people were just side-eyeing him. He had no idea for sure that he would be safe. He just assumes it's newbies vs vets, but....it's not. He's so delusional, it's actually really funny. If he gets evicted on Thursday, if he stays on the block, I hope it's a complete blindside. 

I do love how confident Nicole's become since season 16. She's become a smarter player and I admire that. Frank has also become a better player since season 14. 

They really need to stop explaining the rules twice. It wastes an extra thirty seconds; if viewers didn't understand the rules the first time the host explains it, then it probably won't help much the second time with whoever is in the DR is explaining it in almost the same exact words. I did laugh at the horn honk sound effect during Michelle's round of the competition. I actually enjoyed the Roadkill competition a lot.

I laughed really hard at Frank coming up with their alliance name in the shower. And his "I won't be named after something with 'tinis' at the end" quote. And him accidentally smacking James' water bottle out of his hands while celebrating. And his facial expression after Jozea said he was convinced Paulie won because he reads faces. Basically, just Frank in general is great. 

I have to question some of the editing for the formation of the 'Spy Girls'; mostly, the music. It sounds too upbeat and quirky, as if it's supposed to be a joke. Also, Tiffany catching on because she was right there was pretty funny. 

What is with the Corey edits? He was basically salivating over the boys' bodies with the mystery punishment along with the girls in his DR....and with that dreamy look in the edit after his gushing DR. 

Paul, Jozea, and Paulie are up on the block. Ok, I'd be fine with two out of three going home. 

  • Love 13
15 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

I am all for 8pack, right now.  I am so glad Frank won.  Paul and Jozea just irritate.  Is Corey into guys or not? I am confused.  

There is editing on the broadcast shows. The way it was presented it made him to appear to be gay. Of course, there isn't anything wrong with that. LOL!! That said, I don't know if he is presenting himself having interest on the live feeds when it comes to the other guys. 

Edited by ByaNose
26 minutes ago, Frootloop Dingus said:

I am all for 8pack, right now.  I am so glad Frank won.  Paul and Jozea just irritate.  Is Corey into guys or not? I am confused.  

So is Corey. 

I like Frank so much more this season than in 14.  Confirms my theory that Mike Boogie ruins everything. 

Edited a second time because we all talked about Episodes v. Feeds at the same time. 

Edited by Turtle
  • Love 10
15 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

There is editing on the broadcast shows. The way it was presented it made him to appear to be gay. Of course, there isn't anything wrong with that. LOL!! That said, I don't know he is presenting himself on the live feeds when it comes to the other guys. Does anyone know if on the live feeds if he is gay or is it the handy work of the editors? 

So, I'm editing this because I forgot we have an Episodes vs Feeds thread. So don't mind this.

Edited by Lady Calypso
9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

There is editing on the broadcast shows. The way it was presented it made him to appear to be gay. Of course, there isn't anything wrong with that. LOL!! That said, I don't know he is presenting himself on the live feeds when it comes to the other guys. Does anyone know if on the live feeds if he is gay or is it the handy work of the editors? 

I answered in the Episode v. Feeds: To Tell the Truth thread since live feed talk isn't supposed to go in the episode threads. 

10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I answered in the Episode v. Feeds: To Tell the Truth thread since live feed talk isn't supposed to go in the episode threads. 

For anyone who is interested, that thread is where feed watchers answer questions about the feeds without spoiling competition wins, etc.  So if you just want a little more info about what led up to stuff on the episode or whether someone is as insufferable as they seem, it's a safe place to ask questions. 

  • Love 3

I thought that the real potential gayness was the Spy's, especially before they found their third spy. Those two were just realllly close and comfy and all "oh girl stop" on that bench, ya know?

But yeah I was glad to have things go the 8pack's way. They are just more likeable as a group not this know-nothing newbies...

There is nothing I like more on this show then when someone says something we know is the exact inverse of the truth/reality. "I read faces." to Frank today was a classic. Loved it.

Paul and Jozea are soo over the top they don't really bother me, especially as they are not threats any more than a yipeing chihuahua is to a rottweiler. However it's Victor that won my "from zero to dead to me" prize for the season, it took like 6 seconds of his intro to me saying out loud 'Yeah, I'm going to hate him.'

It really is amazing everyone isn't in on the how 'Vanessa with brown hair' her sister is... like they were twins, right down to the open-ended sexuality!

But the funny thing is how much Michelle and Nicole look alike, I love both of them though.

  • Love 3

That Allison Grodner...she really is a curious beast. She goes through the trouble of brining back four vets and then stacks the deck against them with the Roadkill challenge but miracuously it worked out for the vets anyway.

DaVonne is making me nervous because she seems to have a much better game this season but at the same time she is playing way to hard as from what I can see assuming the leadership role of the 8-Pack. Once the alliance is inevitable exposed she will have a huge target on her back.

The Good: Zakiya seems to have swung back from the Dark Side by joining the 8-Pack and getting away from the two goons.

The Bad: Bronte may fave is NOT part of the 8-Pack but is in the rather lame Spy Girls alliance.

Miscellaneous: Zakiya in the RV...wow...just wow...what a nicely sculpted body. I later saw her hanging off Paulie. They'd make a hot couple....Tiffany-is she actually wearing Vanessa's hat? Not a good idea if she is trying to remain annoymous. With the hat on she's a dead ringer and by the way how come I never had a high school teacher that looked like that? Frumpy I guess was still in during the early to mid '80s....there seemed to be quite sometime between the RV challenge and the Diary Rooms based on Paulie's thick beard...on another board I was in a discussion as to weither Brigitte is half asian. The other poster said adamently she was not...does anyone know?

And to end I cheered out loud when Vile Paul went up on the block...good times!

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 2

Zakiyah in her bathing suit during the Roadkill comp -- damn !!!

I wish they would have at least shown the viewers the individual times of the Roadkill comp.  It was interesting the Frank was the only one that sat on the gear shift -- maybe because he's tall and has got long legs (as opposed to James).  I like that the Roadkill nom can be anonymous, if the winner chooses not to tell.

I never realized how short Natalie is -- standing next to Corey it looks like she's standing in a hole.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 2

Bridgette's face confuses me. On one hand it's very cute but on the other she makes these goofy faces with it which cause me to grab my remote to turn to the BBC World News for the latest Brexit update. There's something very early-mid 1960s about her whole look. Her name should be Gidgette. Hey, her intro segment revealed she moved down to LA from Fresno to learn how to surf.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 5

I'm not liking this: a weekly competition in an RV bus shielded from even live feed watchers, so no one but the TPTB knows the true results.   Very easy for TPTB to give the 3rd nomination power to predetermined HGs to further their agenda.   Same old monkey business.

With three nominees on the block: I'm just hoping there will be some tie votes on eviction night, so that the HoH is sometimes forced to cast the final vote to evict.  Get blood on their hands!  But probably there still will be lopsided-margin evictions because "it's what the house wants."

Edited by K-9
  • Love 6
10 hours ago, Turtle said:

So is Corey. 

I like Frank so much more this season than in 14.  Confirms my theory that Mike Boogie ruins everything. 

Edited a second time because we all talked about Episodes v. Feeds at the same time. 

This x 100! : )

10 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

It really is amazing everyone isn't in on the how 'Vanessa with brown hair' her sister is... like they were twins, right down to the open-ended sexuality!

I agree they look a lot alike, but you know who I think Tiffany resembles even more - Gena Davis (at least when she was younger and if she had red hair).  I think it is the shape of her jaw/her smile & teeth. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Also: Bronte, Natalie, and Bridgette, y'all are shitty spies if someone spies on you while you're naming your alliance. At least look around you first, and keep the squealing to a minimum. Just sayin'. 

Seriously - are we in junior high? I just can't stand the squealing. Bridgette is the worst. She jumps up and down and wags her butt like a puppy whenever ANYTHING is said - doesn't even have to be exciting - edit to say "obnoxious puppy".  Between her acting like an 11 year old and Bronte's voice...UGH!  

But enough of the "just because" snarkiness. LOL  They think they are all stealth and they think that 3 girls are going to be able to take down the house with all those guys who could beat them in competitions. They are just so clueless!

  • Love 2

Don't like the new competition. Nope. Nope. Nope. Just in general, I don't really care for a comp that messes with the HOH's noms. They fought for that position, they earned it, they should get to make their noms, and if people want out of it - win Veto. Maybe I'm old fashioned, but that's what BB is to me and I can't stand all this crap that they keep throwing at us to shake things up. Also, this particular comp seemed ripe for production manipulation. They could easily say whomever they wanted had the fastest time. There's really no way to know. It's all done so privately, there's no accountability. Now, personally, I'm rooting for the vets (for now, subject to change), so I was fine with Frank winning. But who's to say he was the real winner. 

Nope. Just don't like it at all. 

Jozea is so damn arrogant. He really thinks he has this game on lock. "I read faces". Well, ya read the wrong one, buddy, because Paulie didn't win! 

I find it hilarious that the vets have quite a few newbies that want to play with them, and aren't bowing to their Messiah, Jozea. The naming processes always make me cringe, however this one was brightened up by Frank sidebusting the conversation from the shower. 

Oh, and about the "secret" girl alliance? That was a gem. "We're going to form a super secret alliance! No one will have a clue, even though we're constantly huddle up together, whispering and giggling. Awesome, right?" Dolts. 

I agree with those who have mentioned the TH's being scripted more than ever before. It's painfully obvious with some of them, and really takes away from my enjoyment of the show. Just let people be real. We don't need soundbites!

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, llewis823 said:

This x 100! : )

I agree they look a lot alike, but you know who I think Tiffany resembles even more - Gena Davis (at least when she was younger and if she had red hair).  I think it is the shape of her jaw/her smile & teeth. 

Now,if Tiffany would just dye her hair blonde and freak everyone out. Of course, none of the new people wouldn't get the joke. I don't think many of them have watched BB before.

  • Love 2

Pet peeve: when the houseguests react with jaw-dropping horror whenever Julie mentions the word "twist," and the HG's don't even know what the twist is yet, or how it actually works.  Bridget is ridiculous with this, so is Bronte.

Also, in a house with 16 people (I think) - if eight go missing (as in the 8-pack meeting in the HOH room), how are those remaining HG's not aware that something is up?  Wouldn't they simply have to look around, wander in and out of a couple of rooms, and see that half the cast is gone?

And LOL that every time an alliance is made, they have to use up 90% of their collective brain power coming up with a clever name, and the remaining 10% on actually formulating a plan.

Still liking Confused Corey.  And Frank, who has too much class to go all hyper over-drive in his DR's.  I enjoy the occasional houseguest who can speak without making himself into a raging idiot.

  • Love 2

What is with the Corey edits? He was basically salivating over the boys' bodies with the mystery punishment along with the girls in his DR....and with that dreamy look in the edit after his gushing DR. 

This is a complete guess on my part - but I think the editors just like messing with Corey because they see him as homophobic and are getting a little payback. This can't be coincidence, this is the second time they've made it look like he's crushing on the guys.


Unless they show these comps completely unedited, I am always going to believe the fix is in.  I hate when vets and newbies are mixed into one season.  I always wonder if the thumb is being put on the scale in an effort to benefit the vets. 

I don't think the show really has to put the fix in the help the vets. The problem with mixing new players with returning players is a lot of the new ones get "star struck" if they're big fans of the show. They want to work with these people they watched on TV for an entire season. So the strategy of banding together and targeting the vets never works because they always cast enough super-fans who are sure to fall in with the vets.


Paul really needs to stop calling himself "your boy". I don't want him.

Ugh, I know. There's always someone who refers to himself in the DR as "your boy." Talk about arrogance.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 2

Putting aside the obvious opportunity for producer manipulations with the Roadkill, I actually really like the twist. Things done in secret is exponentially better for the game and preventing an all-powerful alliance from running the table. I also like that the HoH is still safe (sometimes special powers go too far).

I have pretty high hopes for this season. So far, so good!

  • Love 3
15 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Also: Bronte, Natalie, and Bridgette, y'all are shitty spies if someone spies on you while you're naming your alliance. At least look around you first, and keep the squealing to a minimum. Just sayin'. 

Their alliance name should have been "The Squealers,"  because....whoa on those voices.

I love the idea of an all-girl alliance in theory.....but I liked a more mixed alliance in practice.  I think you need to look at the skills of the alliance members.  If a competition involves upper body strength - you want to have that covered (not that women can't have upper body strength, but for some women its not a priority, and it doesn't always come naturally).  If a competition involves brains, you want to have that covered (I think Bronte is smart)

And, I hate the "well, I'm gonna use my sexuality to draw you in" because its just eyerolling.  Do you really think you're so pretty that you'll make men forget about playing for 500k?  Unless its a Caleb, or maybe a James, you're pretty lost.

  • Love 2

It's interesting that, of the 15 remaining Houseguests, 14 are now in alliances (only Paulie seems to have been left out), and no one was invited to more than one alliance!  That's unusual.  

Of Team 8-Pack, Team Spy Girls and Team Dickwad, I like 8-Pack the best.  The Spy Girls idea was okay, but they'd be more sexy/intimidating if Bronte removed her retainer first!

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, NYCFree said:

It really does seem foolish not to include Paulie.  Especially because he was willing to go along with their foolish pawn scheme (I still don't see why they couldn't have just nominated Jozea and Paul to begin with). 

I think Nicole wanted one nominee from each of the two teams that were eligible to be nominated.  Jozea and Paul are on the same team.

I wish 8 pack would substitute Paulie for the extremely boring Corey.

Edited by Snaporaz
removed inadvertent potential spoiler
16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jozea...really doesn't know how to play the game. I love that people were just side-eyeing him. He had no idea for sure that he would be safe. He just assumes it's newbies vs vets, but....it's not. He's so delusional, it's actually really funny. If he gets evicted on Thursday, if he stays on the block, I hope it's a complete blindside. 

I laughed really hard at Frank coming up with their alliance name in the shower. And his "I won't be named after something with 'tinis' at the end" quote. And him accidentally smacking James' water bottle out of his hands while celebrating. And his facial expression after Jozea said he was convinced Paulie won because he reads faces. Basically, just Frank in general is great. 

What is with the Corey edits? He was basically salivating over the boys' bodies with the mystery punishment along with the girls in his DR....and with that dreamy look in the edit after his gushing DR. 

Paul, Jozea, and Paulie are up on the block. Ok, I'd be fine with two out of three going home. 

This new editor isn't letting me split up the quote blocks, so:

  • My initial impression of Josea was that he was a clueless loudmouth jerk with delusions of grandeur.  Subsequent viewing, however, has convinced me I was incorrect in my initial assessment; he's even worse than I thought.  I must confess total cluelessness as to the origins of his self-image as the "glue" holding the House together, and can only assume either (a) Josea is pathologically narcissistic or (b) a few hundred hours of explanatory film got left on the cutting room floor.  The last time somebody used "glue" like this, the Minnow fell apart.
  • Frank is coming off much better this go-around.  In his first BB appearance Frank appeared - to me, anyway - to be a lump floating through the Game confidently sure he was an AG/Production favorite, and would therefore never be in any REAL jeopardy of elimination.  This time around Frank appears to be playing a much stronger game both strategically and socially.  So either Frank has gotten better at it, of AG has hired better editors.  :)
  • RE Corey - see below.
  • Agree on the Block noms.  Only improvement would be Paulie winning PoV, pulling himself off, and Victor going up in his place.


1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

This is a complete guess on my part - but I think the editors just like messing with Corey because they see him as homophobic and are getting a little payback. This can't be coincidence, this is the second time they've made it look like he's crushing on the guys.

Damn - beat me to it.  ;>

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Pet peeve: when the houseguests react with jaw-dropping horror whenever Julie mentions the word "twist," and the HG's don't even know what the twist is yet, or how it actually works.  Bridget is ridiculous with this, so is Bronte.

Yeah they are generally over the top but such geeky 'superfans' they seem like they are playing the role of being a houseguest instead of just, ya know, playing the game. If that makes any sense. Their 'alliance' would best be called 'Most Harmless' every 'meeting' (no matter who is watching them in lain sight) of theirs is like a sorority pillow fight cliché.

Too much reliance on Da'Vonne narration in the diary room for my tastes. A little of her goes a long way. I think it's a stretch to call her a "fan favorite" when she was evicted in week 2. How many fans could she have made in that short time frame? But I can see why they brought her back, they thought she had strong/funny DRs. And she does - sometimes. I just don't want her dominating the narrative.

  • Love 1

This is a complete guess on my part - but I think the editors just like messing with Corey because they see him as homophobic and are getting a little payback.



I wish 8 pack would substitute Paulie for that asshole Corey.


Confusing remarks for someone (like me) who's only watched the network broadcasts and stuck to the PTV episode threads so far.  Corey has so far been given a network edit to make him seem like a decent guy.  Guess those two quoted comments come from viewers/readers of the Live Feed and/or After Dark. 

Edited by K-9
spoilers hidden
19 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Tiffany-is she actually wearing Vanessa's hat? Not a good idea if she is trying to remain annoymous.

...on another board I was in a discussion as to weither Brigitte is half asian. The other poster said adamently she was not...does anyone know?

It's not Vanessa's hat, I think it's one Zakiyah brought in with her. As far as anonymity, most of the recruit newbies have zero idea who anyone is as it seems they barely understand the rules of the game and very few seem to have watched even one entire season.

Bridgette is half Asian. You can see her mom and sisters in her departure scene. 

  • Love 1

And, I hate the "well, I'm gonna use my sexuality to draw you in" because its just eyerolling.  Do you really think you're so pretty that you'll make men forget about playing for 500k?  Unless its a Caleb, or maybe a James, you're pretty lost.

I think the only one who used sex/sex appeal successfully to get herself into the Final Two was Alison way back in season 4. (Holy shit, was that really 14 years ago?) It never really works. Most of the time, the "hot chick"/"pretty girl" gets herself close to the final two but then gets dropped by her showmance for his bromance.

Corey doesn't seem to get what or how actual bromances work.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Pet peeve: when the houseguests react with jaw-dropping horror whenever Julie mentions the word "twist," and the HG's don't even know what the twist is yet, or how it actually works.  Bridget is ridiculous with this, so is Bronte.

Swear to god.  Bridget pulled this when Glenn lost out; she held that slack-jawed omigawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwd expression for so long, I wanted to scream at the TV for her to shut her trap before a fly buzzed in.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Too much reliance on Da'Vonne narration in the diary room for my tastes. A little of her goes a long way. I think it's a stretch to call her a "fan favorite" when she was evicted in week 2. How many fans could she have made in that short time frame? But I can see why they brought her back, they thought she had strong/funny DRs. And she does - sometimes. I just don't want her dominating the narrative.

To each their own. ANYTHING beats the nasal inflections of Nicole for me! (Except Bronte, to be honest.)


This is a complete guess on my part - but I think the editors just like messing with Corey because they see him as homophobic and are getting a little payback. This can't be coincidence, this is the second time they've made it look like he's crushing on the guys.

The editors didn't make Corey entangle himself with Paulie while the Roadkill was being described, though. I'm not saying he IS interested, but he's showing no aversion either.

 OTOH, I may be getting confused about my sexuality, because, while Paulie and Corey are attractive, I find myself watching Zakiyah! She is flawless! I may need help.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

It's not Vanessa's hat, I think it's one Zakiyah brought in with her. As far as anonymity, most of the recruit newbies have zero idea who anyone is as it seems they barely understand the rules of the game and very few seem to have watched even one entire season.

Bridgette is half Asian. You can see her mom and sisters in her departure scene.    

Edited by North of Eden

What exactly is a "wifey spy", and why in the world would she be of value in a house full of singletons?

I'm convinced there's no way Jozea is this deluded.  The diary room has to be filling his head with things, which he combines with his natural arrogance and self-importance.  Things like - "Yeah Jozea, all the houseguests name you as the funniest, cutest, smartest, most favoritest of all the houseguests.  You've got this one in the bag.  Make sure you continue to hold court like a moron, and continue to speak openly regarding who you're after".

  • Love 2

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