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S08.E07: Airing Your Dirty Laundry

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1 minute ago, FamilyVan said:

I don't even really think Bethenny was that bad.  I mean look at last year when Sonja was doing the dress line, it was the same thing, she had no customers, no accounts, the team she was working with was shady, she had that fashion show, nothing ever came to fruition.  She genuinely wasted Bethenny's time by bringing her into these brainstorming sessions and working meetings, and it was all a sham.  She did the same thing to Heather with the toaster. And she did try to ride off Bethenny's brand name.  I think Bethenny was not out of line at all.

If Sonja wants to get back where she was then she needs to WORK, not just look for the next get-rich-quick scheme.  She's not popular or famous enough to get anything out of her name. Not on evine, not on QVC, not in a local boutique, not anywhere.  It's not going to happen.

I agree that Sonja is lazy and totally get why Bethenny is upset, but in my life I kind of size people up where they are and with what their capabilities seem to be, both mentally and emotionally.  When I see vulnerability, I don't go for the jugular purposefully.  Maybe Bethenny knows Sonja much better than I do and thinks the "babe in the woods" deal is an act.  If so, then I get why she didn't pull her punches.  But from what I've seen over the seasons (which is all I can really go on) Sonja isn't even farm league to Bethenniy's MLB, she's t-ball.

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Luann squirts.




She just earned her paycheck for the season.  OMGLOL  I will never, EVER, see her face again without that being the first thing that comes to mind.

Partly explains why she is so popular amongst the menfolk. I learned about this 'ability' the hard way. Why do I always click links?!?!? 

I don't think I have ever been more physically repulsed by the sound of Bethenny's voice than the 1st few moments she entered the Skinnygirl offices. Like nails in my ears.  It was so shrill, rapid fire (even for her) and non-ending that she was definitely the fog horn she accused Jill Zarin of being many seasons ago.  I only found it more tolerable after Sonja entered. 

2 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Obviously..   The same can be said in that girl chat scene between she,  Carole and Ramona.   Ramona and Carole were being her yes bitches in crime.   Everytime she spoke they both couldn't get their faces away from her ass. 

Carole, Ramona and Bethenny talking about how big of a narcissist Sonja is, disturbed my soul. Surprised it didn't disturb the universe. Surprised that everything within their immediate radius didn't collapse under the sheer weight of their collective narcissism ripping a whole through the space time continuum creating a black hole.

1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

Luann is just a washed up old whore-bag. She's nasty and hangs around with nasty men like that creepy Rey from the party just so she can 'squirt' once in a while (to release her tension?). It's just sickening to even think how nasty Luann is. Now Luann is engaged to Tom D'Agostino, Jr. who used to date Ramona Singer. I guess Ramona wasn't a squirter and when he found Luann was, he decided to put a ring on it.  Eww, these people.... just ewww.

All this nasty talk makes me feel like I need to get to a church a.s.a.p. and make a confession to a priest.


Luann seems to enjoy her sexual freedom. I wouldn't call her a whore bag or nasty since society rarely if ever deigns to attach the same label to a man who engaged in the same  behavior. I wouldn't choose to live my love life like Luann but I just can't bring myself to condemn her like that. The only thing I have a problem with is if isn't practicing sex safe; knowingly sleeping with married men (which there is some evidence of - no bueno Lulu). 

Didn't Tom D'Agostino also 'date' Sonja? I would only find it untoward if they all slept with him. Does anyone think Ramona would ever admit to that? Who am I kidding. (warning: heavy sarcasm ahead) We all know Ramona has been a vestal virgin since her divorce. The only intimate contact she had with Tom is probably sharing the same crazy straw while sipping Pinot floats at Arnold's Drive in wearing her best, most modest David Meister attire paired with sedate, respectable black knee high boots. 

Most uncomfortable scene but funniest thing this episode? B asking which distributors Sonja is dealing with. Sonja answers: ALL OF THEM. 

Luann's new TH confessional where she is in the white dress and her hair is in loose spiraly curls? Gorgeous!!!

  • Love 18

Watching Sonja makes me sad and crazy at the same time.  I think it was the last straw w/Bethenney.  Time to just shut it down.  Sonja doesn't listen, doesn't want to listen.   Bethenney was right, you can't play savvy and stupid at the same time.  Did she honestly think B was going to be excited for her?  Give her advice?   If, like she said, she felt B was her mentor, why didn't she go to her when the idea was first proposed?  No, Sonja just does what she wants, is flattered by anybody wanting to put her name on anything, and has absolutely no business savvy.   I thought B handled it pretty well.  Sonja was doing her usual ramble, and B was short, to the point, and called her on her BS, then ended the discussion.  

  • Love 17
5 hours ago, phoenix780 said:

I would never hire a nanny who could speak to my husband and kids in a language I don't know but they do. I'd learn the language first. 

I kept wondering how Luann could live in a house that has no heat or hot water from what I've read. But I guess the ability to shill necklaces on TV is important. 

In Beth vs. Sonja I'm team Beth. Except she could have done that in private. I felt sorry for Sonja for a second and then...she needs money to pay for her daughter to go to school? Bullshit. 

In Ramona vs. Dorinda I'm team Dorinda. Or I was until she turned in John because, um...

Mostly I'm just thrilled this season is still "disease" free. Everything is fun to me, so far. 

Sonja's ex is claiming he is destitute and won't pay Sonja the $3 million he owes her.  So there may be some truth to her having to pay for her child's education.  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/06/18/sonja-morgans-ex-husband-admits-owing-3-million-wont-pay/

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

I like Carole, but she was driving me nuts with the way she pronounced kittens. Kih-ens. The t's aren't silent.

OMG, THAT MAKES ME NUTS!!!! I notice lots of people do that with the "T" and Carole must have said it 10 times, just irks me.

Every time Ramona and Sonja are together it is so base, the sex talk is so childish and inappropriate almost like they just learned a dirty word and thought they would sound grown up if they threw it around.  I always get second hand embarrassment from them.

I predict that after a few nights at Morgan Manor Luanne will go running back to the Hampton's, one can only take no heat or hot water for so long. 

Ramona showing up at Dorinda's event was typical for her I am sure, she would show up at the opening of an envelope.  That guy Rey kind of pinged my gaydar a bit.  So, Lu supposedly bumped uglies with him once and now he can't live without her or was it the realization there would be screen time, hmmmm...

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, Umbelina said:

Luann squirts.

..She just earned her paycheck for the season.  OMGLOL  I will never, EVER, see her face again without that being the first thing that comes to mind.

MEeeeeeeeeeeee TOOoooooooooooooooo!!  OMG, Already I'm thinking LuEWWann de Squirteeps and thinking a lot of laundry for the housekeeper washing bed-sheets all day. And the walls!  OMG, does it reach the furniture and walls?? The most nauseating thing is that all those gnarly guys sitting with the women at their table seemed to know and snicker about the fact that Luann squirts. Is she legend or do they all have first-hand knowledge? Now I gotsta' know the lowdown on the uploads of squirts. I'm grossed out, I think I'll go cook a big bowl of cream of wheat for breakfast, wait..... second thought maybe toast.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 3

If Sonja really considered Bethenny such a good friend she would have had no problem telling her about Tipsy Girl before her launch party. Sonja brags about everything she is doing and is not shy about asking for advice (Kristin husband, Bethenny, Heather ...). She did what she did on purpose and she got called on her behavior. It's the same as being "friends" with the guy who started Uber then launching Lift. I don't think Sonja's brand is any threat to Skinny Girl but that is really not the point. I have a sister who does that crap to me and everyone notices. No matter what I do no matter what I buy she is hot on my heels trying to copy. Do I "own" these looks or brands - no. But no one wants to be single white femaled. It's annoying and sad and I avoid my sister like the plague and I don't blame Bethenny one bit .. the truth hurts. Once she started crying she dialed it back a bit so that tells me that she is sincerely hurt and angry.

Edited by Boofish
  • Love 23

There are many, Many, MANY reasons why I dislike Bethenny, but watching her "discussion" last night with Sonja illustrated (to me) what I dislike most. She is a go-for-the-jugular, mean, right-fighter. It all started off well enough. "I'm gonna tell you why I'm upset, then you can have your turn." Fair enough. Whether B believes Sonja's version of how the Tipsy Girl product came about is not the point. B went and made it personal.

From her blog; "Obviously, her idea can’t touch my brand. There is no product or distribution. It is a made-for-television idea, and I have over 20 varieties of wine, vodka and ready to drink. You can't find a city of the Housewives where several women haven't followed in my footsteps and attempted booze. Bring it on."

So WHY are you so threatened? "I think your a fraud" "No one's buying any of it" "No one believes any of it"     If you're so sure she'll fail, then let her go do her thing - then watch it go up in flames. If you believe your success is based on being the only game in town, then good luck with keeping up "the hustle". You didn't trademark the word "girl" and the entire Skinnygirl brand was developed for a specific kind of consumer. Really, no one will confuse the two. You have already proven to the world you are a stay-off-my-mountain businessperson. Your brand will be safe. Your ego and fragile feelings otoh - are obviously not. Retract the claws B, it's an ugly look. 

  • Love 19
12 hours ago, archer1267 said:

Ramona's had no problem throwing her one-time bestie under the bus. I felt for Sonja in that sit-down with Bethenny. Yes, her businesses are shady and she's delusional, but the "name one distributor! Name just one" made me cringe.

This reminded me so much of the Katie Couric interview with Sarah Palin, where she asked SP which newspapers she read, and SP said "all of them." Why? Because she's an insulated, ignorant person who privileges her own beliefs/gut/instinct over actual facts and evidence. Saying "all of them" is a weak way to disguise that you don't read any of them, and can't even think of the name of a single one.  

Sonja is exactly the same. She's choosing to trust Peter despite all evidence of his shadiness; choosing to continue to insist that she has all of these businesses going despite them all repeatedly being exposed as shams on television. And when she's asked for any basic information about them, she repeatedly fails to come up with anything concrete. Which distributors are we working with? All of them. Which stores are going to carry my clothes? All of them. When is my perfume coming out? It's almost ready; we're just waiting to clear something with the Nigerian football team. 

Bull. Fucking. Shit. If anything, Bethenny should've gone harder on her, because what Sonja really, REALLY needs is for someone to slap her across her finely chiseled WASP jawline, give her two hard shakes and tell her that she is never, EVER going to get back to where she used to be... unless she's talking about where she used to be before her profitable marriage. 

I used to like Sonja, but she needs to lose the woe is me Blanche du Bois tears and wounded beauty routine and face reality.  And now I'm FURIOUS that she's made me take Bethenny's side on something. Ugh. 

LuAnne's ex Rey... yoiks. 

Dorinda's strategy in taking Ramona to a place she'd associate with their early friendship was smart. So was not inviting her to John's party -- my guess is that Ramona being Ramona heard about it from LuAnn and Sonja (hell, they probably assumed she was invited and asked her to dinner beforehand to get an extra sciene out of it) and thought that her lack of invitation must have been an oversight, and that of course she'd be welcome. It's ridiculous that the party clearly had a guest list, and that somehow they still waved Ramona through. (of course, the idea that Dorinda was really upset about this is completely undone by the pictures of the four housewives on the step-and-repeat together beforehand). 

The minute they said Malan Breton I screamed out "From Taiwan!!" Old school Bravo era Project Runway FOREVER. 

Adam is striking me as shady. I don't know if he's one of those people who just doesn't come off well on camera (and is unaware of that, so will keep courting them), but there's something about his affect that's really off. 

Team Vinnie the Ki'en. (my best friend got FOUR ginger kittens as fosters yesterday, and between that and Vinnie, I am having the cat lady version of baby rabies). 

Edited by abbottrabbit
  • Love 19
9 minutes ago, Boofish said:

If Sonja really considered Bethenny such a good friend she would have had no problem telling her about Tipsy Girl before her launch party. Sonja brags about everything she is doing and is not shy about asking for advice (Kristin husband, Bethenny, Heather ...). She did what she did on purpose and she got called on her behavior.

Exactly. She had plenty of time to tell B, but only did so once the Page Six article came out. THAT'S when she wants to sit down and talk. Okay then....

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Sonja's ex is claiming he is destitute and won't pay Sonja the $3 million he owes her.  So there may be some truth to her having to pay for her child's education.  http://www.realitytea.com/2015/06/18/sonja-morgans-ex-husband-admits-owing-3-million-wont-pay/

It's terrible if this guy isn't paying Sonja the money he owes her. For that, I feel bad for her. This guy is absolutely one that holds a grudge. I would love to hear what she did (or what he thinks she did) to punish her in this manner. I know about how he was ill and asked her to join him in his hospital room and she refused to return from vacation, but I wonder if there isn't much more. Those would be some good stories to hear.

I wonder how true any of this is, however, as Sonja is no doubt probably their source. I seriously doubt that she is paying for her daughter's school. She has said that the kid went away to boarding school because that was what her ex wanted. Hard to believe he holds that much sway and isn't paying for it. No matter what, girl needs to downsize. Sell the townhouse and find a more practical, affordable option. Send the kid to public school like most folks do. Save a bit for college, or get a loan (again, like most folks do). Or, stop dating 20-somethings and land another old guy with some cash. She did it once, she still has time to do it again. I will never understand this about Sonja. She seems so desperate to get her old life back, but her old life was built on marrying an old geezer with money. The clock is ticking, Sonja, and that option won't be open forever. The old life she longs for isn't going to happen with a 23 year old.

  • Love 5
45 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I don't even really think Bethenny was that bad.  I mean look at last year when Sonja was doing the dress line, it was the same thing, she had no customers, no accounts, the team she was working with was shady, she had that fashion show, nothing ever came to fruition.  She genuinely wasted Bethenny's time by bringing her into these brainstorming sessions and working meetings, and it was all a sham.  She did the same thing to Heather with the toaster. And she did try to ride off Bethenny's brand name.  I think Bethenny was not out of line at all.

If Sonja wants to get back where she was then she needs to WORK, not just look for the next get-rich-quick scheme.  She's not popular or famous enough to get anything out of her name. Not on evine, not on QVC, not in a local boutique, not anywhere.  It's not going to happen.

I agree with all your points, but I felt that Bethenny was very harsh with Sonja, especially given that she did this in front of her three employees.  That type of conversation was better left to be said away from those other girls.  I know the cameras are there, but Sonja is used to that.  I think that Bethenny's cutting barbs and insulted tone embarrassed Sonja immensely.  As I said, maybe that is what Sonja needs, because she really does need a wake up call about the realities of the business world.

Also, I think that Bethenny is talking out of both sides of her mouth.  On the one hand, she says she doesn't care about Sonja's prosecco, that it isn't a threat to her business, it isn't in the same league, etc., but then, with her cruel, albeit calm, diatribe and cutting tone, she does make it seem like she cares a whole lot about it.   

Sonja, for all her idiosyncrasies, has no head for business, of any kind.  We all know that she lives in the delusional world that she is still the toast of the town, and she thinks that lending her name to anything is all she has to do for it to be a success (whether a small or large success).  She has no idea of how hard it is to establish any type of legitimate business/brand, whatever.  Maybe that was what Bethenny was trying to get across to her.  While I think that the message was correct, the delivery was harsher than it had to be.  Bethenny, herself, said that she is taking this personally, as a personal dig/insult or whatever.  So, this is not really about Bethenny being nervous or worried about Tipsy Girl, as much as she is lashing out on a personal level towards Sonja.

And, Bethenny can have a seat with all that "I'm all over Page Six AGAIN" bullshit!!  She is the one who put herself out there, put all her trials and tribulations, business-wise and personal in the pubic forum - that was her choice, and now she has to live with it.   

  • Love 11

When Bethenny ask the distributor question she didn't listen to Sonja's response.  Sonja was pretty clear the wine was being made for a group of restaurants (70) that Pierre owned and she wanted to use it at her parties/events.   If Pierre is involved with the making of TG why would he need a distributor?  Why a pay a middleman to deliver your own product to your own businesses.  Brandi Glanville has a wine, and it is sold in some restaurants and Bev-Mo, these places would just as soon get the product directly from the vintner.   Sure it is a little more work for the restaurant but there are just so many that buy from small production houses and on-line. Heather Dubrow had a sparkling wine made and did not use a distributor.  She sold out before the episode aired. That is Bethenny trying to sound all bad ass knowledgeable and important.  Bethenny is not listening, essentially Sonja is part of a vanity product.  Granted if it catches on they may want to look into distributorship.   

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Sonja kept saying "B&P" instead of B&B. I kept wondering, does that stand for Bed and Penis? The way she and LuAnn party, that name would be very fitting. Just make sure you turn on the heat or the "P" is going to see some shrinkage. 

I thought she was joking because her townhouse is attached to that huge city parking garage… so bed and parking. That's what I thought.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


When Bethenny ask the distributor question she didn't listen to Sonja's response.  Sonja was pretty clear the wine was being made for a group of restaurants (70) that Pierre owned and she wanted to use it at her parties/events.   If Pierre is involved with the making of TG why would he need a distributor?  Why a pay a middleman to deliver your own product to your own businesses.


But that's not what she said at first. At first she was acting like they DID use distributors, or were planning on it. "They have several distributors", "We've been to late meetings with distributors, tasting the wines". "Which distributors?" - "All of them!" 

Then, suddenly, "We're not distributing, we're just passing around the wine at parties and their restaurants". Um okay, yea. Sounds like an excuse, when she was called on her BS. 

8 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Also, I think that Bethenny is talking out of both sides of her mouth.  On the one hand, she says she doesn't care about Sonja's prosecco, that it isn't a threat to her business, it isn't in the same league, etc., but then, with her cruel, albeit calm, diatribe and cutting tone, she does make it seem like she cares a whole lot about it.   

I don't think the point is that any confusion will hurt sales of B's brand or anything like that. I think it's that she feels Sonja is intentionally using said confusion/false association to get press for her prosecco. THAT'S the riding of coattails part, and it's just insulting to someone who put in the hard work on HER brand. 

  • Love 23
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

But that's not what she said at first. At first she was acting like they DID use distributors, or were planning on it. "They have several distributors", "We've been to late meetings with distributors, tasting the wines". "Which distributors?" - "All of them!" 

Then, suddenly, "We're not distributing, we're just passing around the wine at parties and their restaurants". Um okay, yea. Sounds like an excuse, when she was called on her BS. 

I don't think the point is that any confusion will hurt sales of B's brand or anything like that. I think it's that she feels Sonja is intentionally using said confusion/false association to get press for her prosecco. THAT'S the riding of coattails part, and it's just insulting to someone who put in the hard work on HER brand. 

See, this is why I love these boards....your comments and all the others that have been posted here are making me see things from another perspective, and I'm beginning to see things from both sides of the story.     :-)

Intelligent discussion (even about these stupid shows) is wonderful!    :-)

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, JenFromCincy said:

Maybe I'm a sick puppy, but this has been my favorite episode this season. All kinds of craziness going on.

Rey super freaked me out. Drunks are bad enough but close talker drunks are more than I can handle. I need my personal space bubble. Luann took kissing a whole lot of frogs before you find your Prince to a whole other level. Eek.


Bethenny was hard core with Sonja. In my head I envisioned Sonja shrinking with every insult until she wound up Polly Pocket sized. I get why Bethenny was upset, but dang. That was like using an Uzi to shoot a flea.  


I think Ramona is absolutely lost on her own. Without Mario or Avery around to put her in check, she's gone bat guano crazy.


Lastly Dorinda seems to have two modes: observant and logical or irrational ranting. 1 or 10 are her only settings.  I like Dorinda at 1. Bright, funny, insightful. I want zero part of Dorinda on 10. Spittle flying, self absorbed, nasty. No thank you.

Using "Uzi to shoot a flea" and "bat guano crazy" in the same post deserves a slow clap standing ovation.  Thank you my dear!!!

  • Love 4

The ki'en rescue that Carole is promoting is the only thing a HW has promoted that I can get completely behind. I get so tired of the bacon flavored vodka, SkinnyShit, weave line, cook book, make up, product shilling bullshit that these women inundate us with. I'm not even a Carole fan, but using her appearance on this show to promote an animal rescue -- in a way that doesn't seem self serving -- makes me respect the heck out of her. I hope Vinnie found a good forever home. He's so stinking cute.

  • Love 13

IMO  Fame and fortune has gone to Beth's head.  She thinks she is the master of the "brrrand"  (not a typo).  She is condescending towards everyone.    Can't she just shut up for once and be happy for someone else?  Nope, she knows everything and makes sure everyone around her knows that she knows everything.  Heather T was right.    And, Carole and her kih-hens needs to pull her head out of Beth's ass.   I would have rather seen the NY Housewives get cancelled than have Beth come back.  The only redeeming character on this show is Dorinda and her wacky rules for dating John.  Why does this man stay with her?  She belittles him for everything.  It's like she is trying to change him into the man she thinks he should be.  Maybe trying to mold him into a replica of her deceased husband?

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

So according to Bethanny, skinny and tipsy are the same thing, but girl and cow are totally different?

I think Jules' husband is hispanic and I feel like they mentioned he'd either lived in Latin America or had family there, so it makes sense to me that they'd want the kids to learn Spanish.

From Colombia

2 minutes ago, Blondie said:

IMO  Fame and fortune has gone to Beth's head.  She thinks she is the master of the "brrrand"  (not a typo).  She is condescending towards everyone.    Can't she just shut up for once and be happy for someone else?  Nope, she knows everything and makes sure everyone around her knows that she knows everything.  Heather T was right.    And, Carole and her kih-hens needs to pull her head out of Beth's ass.   I would have rather seen the NY Housewives get cancelled than have Beth come back.  The only redeeming character on this show is Dorinda and her wacky rules for dating John.  Why does this man stay with her?  She belittles him for everything.  It's like she is trying to change him into the man she thinks he should be.  Maybe trying to mold him into a replica of her deceased husband?

The funny thing is that I just watched Andy Cohen's 'Watch What Happens Live'. It was a show with clips of every one of the previous housewives of New York since they began in 2008 as the second of its franchises. Bethenny Frankel gave 100% of the credit for the successes she's had in business to Bravo and Andy Cohen. She actually cried tears and hugged Andy saying that she had nothing when she agreed to be a cast member and she knew very well that due to the exposure the show gave to her, she would be able to showcase the start up of her business. There was a clip of her wearing an apron standing at a folding table in a local supermarket giving out samples of her food, whatever it was she was selling, to customers. Now for her to come forward all bent out of shape and go on the attack towards Sonja for using the show and the "Girl" name in her product to promote her own product is just preposterous and unfounded. I thought the name of the Prosecco product was perfect for Sonja because she's usually half in the bag at any function or vacation they're on. 'Tipsy Girl' is a good name because people that know Sonja will associate that name with her and certainly not with Bethenny. The claim by Bethenny that it's a 'cheater brand' is stupid and I hope Sonja doesn't back down and rename it just for Bethenny's sake.

  • Love 9

Ramona is on tear over Luann's appearance on WWHL last night.  Luann was playing a game with Rappoport and one of the questions was how long was Sonja asleep before Andy noticed?  Luann added at lunch Ramona had downed four glasses of wine.  Luann was then asked if she cares for Sonja.  Luann said when Sonja gets tipsy girl, she makes sure that she gets home okay.  Ramona on the other hand goes into Turtle Time mode and pretty much is all about herself.  So Ramona claims Luann is trying to stay relevant by lying.  This is Ramona who sent in a video and texted  Andy during Luann's appearance.

I think there is no doubt Ramona is the worst friend ever.  It is nice she likes to consider herself Bethenny's confidante but I would no sooner trust a story from Ramona than I would have her as a friend.  If Bethenny's inside track is Ramona on Peter she might want to rethink the source.

Last night I felt like Ramona was trying to get John to touch her, there was a point when she was enraged I thought she might get physical.  Again on twitter it is what a bad guy John is and she has MANNERS.  She decided to dis Luann after the manners comment by using #regift #disinvited.  It didn't bother me John put his hand up as much as Ramona and her very transparent plan to disrupt John's party, one she was not invited to.

I really would like to see bloated old Ramona exit after this season.  There really is no need for her.  

  • Love 19

I didn't understand the whole nanny interview. If I'm interviewing someone to take care of my toddler children I'm asking do you know CPR? What would you do in case of emergency? How would you handle temper tantrums? What are your ideas on discipline? Stuff like that, I didn't understand the whole standing in line thing, or picking out an outfit. 

I've been trying not to judge Jules on her mothering, but that interview was stupid. Not one question about how she would actually take care of the children's health or safety. 

  • Love 22
1 minute ago, Rainny said:

I didn't understand the whole nanny interview. If I'm interviewing someone to take care of my toddler children I'm asking do you know CPR? What would you do in case of emergency? How would you handle temper tantrums? What are your ideas on discipline? Stuff like that, I didn't understand the whole standing in line thing, or picking out an outfit. 

I've been trying not to judge Jules on her mothering, but that interview was stupid. Not one question about how she would actually take care of the children's health or safety. 

is it possible it was edited?  I do not trust the producers when it comes to editing.

  • Love 8

John told uninvited Ramona to leave and she said no.  He had every right to have her ejected.  He shouldn't have put his hand in front of her face but she does it to other people all the time.  She was drunk when she lunched with Luanne and Sonja earlier.  She broke the wineglass because she set it down too hard on the table.  (compared to over steering a car when drunk)  The Pinot princress is a sloppy drunk.  She was getting even for not getting an invite.

  • Love 15
Just now, zoeysmom said:

is it possible it was edited?  I do not trust the producers when it comes to editing.

That's is so true, you're right of course. I'm just watching it now and the interview just came off so bad to me, but, of course it was edited and they picked the dumbest parts to show. I didn't think of that when I was watching it for the first time. I just couldn't get over her asking the woman if she minded standing in lines. lol

  • Love 3

I don't really buy all of Sonja's innocent act, but at the same time Bethenny is a straight up bitch, and an unprofessional one at that. The way she goes on about her late night tryst and bitching about Sonja illustrates that she has no boundries. Furthermore she takes a meeting to bitch out Sonja in her employee's workspace -- who does that?? And how does she expect her staff to get any work done, riiight, she doesn't! Total bitch move, she wants to flex her skinnygirl muscles in front of her staff and humiliate Sonja in the process. If she's willing to do that to a girlfriend/HW co-worker, then bitch, she'll do the same to you. Roadkill. 

We just got another peak into the private world of LuAnn and it ain't pretty. The open marriage, the pirate, the married one night stand, the drunken creepy dude. I think she's in the habit of keeping company with creepy dudes. Remember the one she dated and was skeeved out by (as we all were) a couple dates later in season 4? 

You have to wonder who alerted Rey to LuAnn attending John's party? It wasn't LuAnn obviously. Production? Ramona? He was obviously texting her before she went to John's. What a douche.

I add Ramona, John, Dorinda, and Bethenny to the douche list this week.

  • Love 6
28 minutes ago, Blondie said:

John (in his high or inebriated state at the bra party) was accusing her of stealing the skinny off skinny bitch, I think.

John was referring to the brand of low calorie ice cream treats created by Marc Wexler and Sam Pugliese called 'Skinny Cow'. And wow, didn't Bethenny throw a fit over that? "You're a cow, I'm a girl" she said. Sonja should have said to Bethenny 'You're skinny, and I'm tipsy, so what?'

  • Love 16
57 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

It's terrible if this guy isn't paying Sonja the money he owes her. For that, I feel bad for her. This guy is absolutely one that holds a grudge. I would love to hear what she did (or what he thinks she did) to punish her in this manner. I know about how he was ill and asked her to join him in his hospital room and she refused to return from vacation, but I wonder if there isn't much more. Those would be some good stories to hear.

I wonder how true any of this is, however, as Sonja is no doubt probably their source. I seriously doubt that she is paying for her daughter's school. She has said that the kid went away to boarding school because that was what her ex wanted. Hard to believe he holds that much sway and isn't paying for it. No matter what, girl needs to downsize. Sell the townhouse and find a more practical, affordable option. Send the kid to public school like most folks do. Save a bit for college, or get a loan (again, like most folks do). Or, stop dating 20-somethings and land another old guy with some cash. She did it once, she still has time to do it again. I will never understand this about Sonja. She seems so desperate to get her old life back, but her old life was built on marrying an old geezer with money. The clock is ticking, Sonja, and that option won't be open forever. The old life she longs for isn't going to happen with a 23 year old.

Didn't Sonja say that the Morgan's all attended that boarding school? If old man Morgan isn't footing the entire bill then it may be that a close Morgan relative also chips in for tuition. Sonja may be sending in a small portion of tuition along with allowance. She said she doesn't want to hold her daughter back from the opportunities that go along with being a Morgan. It's in boarding schools that girls her age develop lifelong friendships and connections that benefit her as an adult and give her status, and we know that Sonja is all about that.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

But that's not what she said at first. At first she was acting like they DID use distributors, or were planning on it. "They have several distributors", "We've been to late meetings with distributors, tasting the wines". "Which distributors?" - "All of them!" 

Then, suddenly, "We're not distributing, we're just passing around the wine at parties and their restaurants". Um okay, yea. Sounds like an excuse, when she was called on her BS. 

I don't think the point is that any confusion will hurt sales of B's brand or anything like that. I think it's that she feels Sonja is intentionally using said confusion/false association to get press for her prosecco. THAT'S the riding of coattails part, and it's just insulting to someone who put in the hard work on HER brand. 

Exactly. It was Sonja who brought up the distributors in the first place, which is what led Beth to ask the million dollar question - "which distributors". Sonja was trying to make it sound legit, like she did have some involvement and maybe some decision making ability. She was in the room with these people, but she couldn't name any of them. Reminds me so much of the whole apparel fake. Remember when she was asked what retailer would be selling them, because she said that they would be sold at retail outlets initially. Her answer was similar to the "all of them" she said about the distributors. She knows nothing, which was what Beth was trying to highlight. Beth completely made Sonja her bitch last night. It was fast, it was efficient, and it perfectly got the point across. I hope she does as she said she would do, and doesn't speak of it again. When she said she wanted nothing to do with Sonja, she was basically saying "film with someone else". Perfection, although I agree with others that she should have done it without her assistants sitting in the same room. 

  • Love 21
3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I agree with this, but they all use things like this for their storyline. No doubt in my mind that Beth saw helping or "mentoring" Sonja as a way to showcase her own business savvy. The same accusation was made by folks against Heather during the toaster oven deal. Sonja was already involved in the lawsuit stuff by that point, and some folks said Heather was just trying to work a storyline. She had to have known that Sonja wasn't for real. Doesn't change the fact that Sonja is a user and damn near a grifter. I think it is human nature to sometimes look the other way to a persons faults when you like them. Things change when you become the target of their true character. I have a life long friend who always seems to fall in love with married men. Always an excuse (their wives threat them like shit, they don't love each other, they are both cheating, etc) and while I lecture her and tell her it is horrible, she is still my friend because she has been there for me for most of my life. Now, should she turn her eyes on my husband, things would be different. 

Except, Heather tried to help Sonja her first season on the show, before she got to know Sonja, while Bethenny has know Sonja for years and had the gift of seeing what Sonja did to both Heather and Jason when they tried to help her before she came back on the show.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I think putting your hands in people's faces is rude but I really hate when women are super agressive with men, which Ramona was and she kept invading John's space and telling him that he can't ask people to leave his own party and then when they get a reaction it's awful because she is a woman. He didn't touch her and she started it.

Thank you! Ramona's semi-tolerable kookiness from S1-3 has disappeared into a vulgar and pathetic shrew. A few posters this season have pointed out how they cannot understand that Moaner hasn't been slugged for her words and actions and I'm starting to agree. Avery must have PTSD from living with this likely oft-drunk harridan.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, bosawks said:

Is it me or did Jules seem more invested in getting a nanny to wait in line at a sample sale than she did in getting one to watch her kids.

Don't forget how overjoyed she was when she asked the nanny if she did blow-outs and the nanny responded yes. Forget knowing CPR and having no criminal background - if you can blow-dry her hair and wait in line at sample sales, you're gold!

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Except, Heather tried to help Sonja her first season on the show, before she got to know Sonja, while Bethenny has know Sonja for years and had the gift of seeing what Sonja did to both Heather and Jason when they tried to help her before she came back on the show.

That's a great point.  Heather didn't have the benefit of the learnings that Beth had.  One could still make the case that Heather didn't really care about Sonja because she didn't know her, so helped her mainly to further her own storyline and showcase her business acumen.  I am pretty confident that was partly true, but that doesn't bother me one bit.  I have often helped a co-worker on something that might also benefit me in some manner. I think the central point for me is that it doesn't much matter the motivation. People have tried to help Sonja, for whatever reason, and she has shit all over them. She went out of her way to talk about how important Beth was to her, and how much she had mentored and looked after her. Beth probably should have known better after seeing how Heather got treated, but I cannot fault a gal for trying to help. 

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

Yet the latter describes Bethanny perfectly.  

If Bethenny was as business savvy as she professes to be, she would have trademarked the name of her brand when she first started it.  Then she'd have a legal leg to stand on to claim 'trademark infringement' and Sonja wouldn't have even considered a name even remotely close to the 'Skinny Girl' brand.

"Infringement may occur when one party, the "infringer", uses a trademark which is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark owned by another party, in relation to products or services which are identical or similar to the products or services which the registration covers."   


I'm editing to add some information that I just found online. When this episode was filmed, Bethenny rushed out to trademark the name "Tipsygirl" (one word). According to the Daily Mail article from this past December, "She's reportedly moved quickly to trademark the name Tipsygirl after her Real Housewives Of New York co-star Sonja Morgan launched a line of liquor called Tipsy Girl. It seems Morgan's choice of name is too close for comfort to Frankel's signature brand, PageSix.com reported Sunday, and so she's filed trademark paperwork to own the name when it's spelled out as one word. It seems Morgan's choice of name is too close for comfort to Frankel's signature brand, PageSix.com reported Sunday, and so she's filed trademark paperwork to own the name when it's spelled out as one word.The gossip site says that Morgan's business partner Peter Guimaraes already trademarked the two word name Tipsy Girl seven months ago."

Essentially, because Bethenny had already trademarked "Skinnygirl" as one word, she can't claim copyright infringement, but if she had trademarked 'Skinny Girl' (two words) she would certainly take Sonja to court. But now, she rushed to get the 'Tipsygirl' (one word) trademarked. But it's pointless now in regards to Sonja's brand of Tipsy Girl because there was already a trademark registered on that.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

If Bethenny was as business savvy as she professes to be, she would have trademarked the name of her brand when she first started it.  Then she'd have a legal leg to stand on to claim 'trademark infringement' and Sonja wouldn't have even considered a name even remotely close to the 'Skinny Girl' brand.

"Infringement may occur when one party, the "infringer", uses a trademark which is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark owned by another party, in relation to products or services which are identical or similar to the products or services which the registration covers."   


She did. She trademarked SG in 2008.  Sonja still picked a name close to it. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5
12 hours ago, JenFromCincy said:

Maybe I'm a sick puppy, but this has been my favorite episode this season. All kinds of craziness going on.

Rey super freaked me out. Drunks are bad enough but close talker drunks are more than I can handle. I need my personal space bubble. Luann took kissing a whole lot of frogs before you find your Prince to a whole other level. Eek.


Bethenny was hard core with Sonja. In my head I envisioned Sonja shrinking with every insult until she wound up Polly Pocket sized. I get why Bethenny was upset, but dang. That was like using an Uzi to shoot a flea. 


I think Ramona is absolutely lost on her own. Without Mario or Avery around to put her in check, she's gone bat guano crazy.


Lastly Dorinda seems to have two modes: observant and logical or irrational ranting. 1 or 10 are her only settings.  I like Dorinda at 1. Bright, funny, insightful. I want zero part of Dorinda on 10. Spittle flying, self absorbed, nasty. No thank you.

With regard to Dorinda being on 10...


thumb (1).gif

  • Love 2
12 minutes ago, steelcitysister said:

Thank you! Ramona's semi-tolerable kookiness from S1-3 has disappeared into a vulgar and pathetic shrew. A few posters this season have pointed out how they cannot understand that Moaner hasn't been slugged for her words and actions and I'm starting to agree. Avery must have PTSD from living with this likely oft-drunk harridan.

So I volunteered at a charity auction years ago (no major role, just helping people place bids electronically) and was partnered up with a woman who knew Ramona personally, and it gave me LIFE. This lady told me Ramona was drunk all the time, showed up everywhere with a personal bottle of pinot long before her namesake wine came out (including to her therapist's office), and was banned from coming to Avery's high school because of her drunken vicious antics.  At the time I took that info with a grain of salt because Ramona has foot-in-mouth syndrome but she's always seemed harmless to me.  Now with season 3 I give the gossip waaaaay more merit.  NB: The woman also told me Mario had tried to get into her pants numerous times, and this auction was in 2011. yikes.

Anyway, what I mean to say is I am absolutely shocked that Avery turned out as well as she did and I agree that she must suffer big time for her mom's insane behavior

  • Love 15

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