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S06.E04: Book of the Stranger

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Wow those Jon and Sansa scenes seemed straight out of some fanfic. Not that it was bad but it seemed like something out out of Jon/Sansa fan's dreams. Jesus once his Targ heritage is revealed I expect an awkward scene of her seeing him shirtless. And since I'm a believer in the Jon/Dany/Sansa end game its good to see they have really great chemistry together. 

The rest of episode ranged from enough already Ramsay/ High Sparrow to outright terrible in Dany just burning the Khals alive. Bonus points for Robin's actor still nailing that annoying kid act while its clear he's grown about a foot.

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25 minutes ago, SoWindsor said:

i thought Emilia Clarke said no more nudity but it was very appropriate here. It didn't really make sense to me that all the dothraki would bow to her. Why would they? I can understand being shocked and amazed but bowing doesn't really make sense here.

The Dothraki who were there had never seen anyone burn all their leaders before and come out alive. Much of their culture is based on following these Khals and tradition. I didn't think Emilia had a blanket statement on the nudity as much as I think she wanted any that WAS done to be important to the story. I think she was tired of being sexposition for no real reason.

Edited by Paradigm14
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1 minute ago, areca said:

Also, I forgot to call out not-so-wee Robyn.  I kind of like that he's still just as crazy, but now teenager sullen and laconic.

I really enjoyed the actor's portrayal - just the right amount of cray cray.

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7 minutes ago, Oscirus said:

Since Roose is dead and Theon isn't telling anybody, it's only important if she decides to say anything. Otherwise she can just lie and still claim to be a virgin.

She'd probably prefer someone make her a widow ASAP than lie about that. Virgin or not, she's still a valuable symbolic catch, and I suspect she's not going to allow anyone else to marry her off as a sweet maiden prize again when she can make her own choices.

Edited by screamin
edited for second thoughts.
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I enjoyed Sansa and Jon.  Family stabilized him.  I look forward to see what happens next.

i am so tired of Super Ramsey and Cersei.  Their evil seems to be magical but even the good guys are magical now.

The show makes men seem like pigs.  Women are often nothing more than objects.  The comes across in the books as well.  I was glad to see Dany pull off her Ocyober surprise and kill all those rapists.  The Dothraki and Iron Born are both scum of the earth people but maybe having a strong woman ruler can actually turn them into a real force.

if I'm voting to put someone on the Iron Throne today Dany gets my vote.

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That fucker Ramsay.  Why does he always have to win?  I hate that he was able to end Osha's life so easily, but I'm happy for her she didn't have to endure a flaying.  It's ridiculous how easily Ramsay wins.  I was thinking when the scene started - yeah, let this asshole see what happens when your fighting a worthy opponent versus a gently-reared girl, and ........  Oh well. 

41 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

Yay for the Jon/Sansa hug and Brienne calling out the two people involved in Renly's murder and announcing that she kills Stannis.  Other than that, I wasn't enjoying very much in this episode.

Yes, but Brienne interrupted right when Davos was about to get an explanation on Shireen.  Bad Brienne!

35 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Shipping Tormund/Brienne so hard. Brienne deserves a guy who takes one look at her in all her butch, stern, proud, six-foot-plus, warrior glory and immediately decides "I MUST HAVE HER."

I loved it.  But then I love the rare moments when Brienne is being treated as something unique or desirable, versus a freak of nature.  I still remember how delighted Olenna was to meet Brienne.  And Tormund was definitely eyeing her.  The wildlings respected their female warriors, and fought alongside them.  Maybe Brienne has found her people.  They can make amazing giant red-headed babies together.

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Sansa might have become a version of Stoneheart on this show with wanting to go after the Boltons.  A much different version of course.

Theon feels out of place being back in the Iron Islands instead of the North.  As a friend and I both agreed on, he'll be treated like an absolute joke at best on the Iron Islands because he is a eunuch. 

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I was just thrilled with this episode. When the gate swung open and Sansa was there, with Pod and Brienne...worth the 5 year wait. Agreed that Sansa and Jon had great chemistry together.

And the women rocked it tonight. Sansa insistent that Jon must raise an army and fight for Winterfell, Cersei deciding to be shrewd and collaborate with Olenna, Brienne announcing that she had executed Stannis for his murder of Renly, and the mother of Dragons incinerating the Khals...sweet justice. Even Margaery had some fight left...enough to try to get Loras to his feet again. I liked the way she parried with the Sparrow. 

Tormund and Brienne...perfect, a man who would appreciate her fine qualities, including her fighting skill. Now that's a match.

Sadly, my fave Osha is gone. But she put up a good fight, and died trying. Good on her.

The High Sparrow, the dickweeds of Astaphor and Yunkai, Littlefinger, and of course Ramsay, and his pals, Karstark and Umber...all can die screaming anytime now...preferably very slowly.

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Really enjoyed the reunion with Jon and Sansa. Glad at least two Starks are together. It was interesting watching Sansa convincing Jon to go fight for Winterfell. Also liked the Bastard letter being used here.

Yes to Tormund's falling for Brienne at first sight. The looks he was giving her were hysterical.

Did enjoy the reunion of Theon and Yara.  

Not sure what to really think about the other plots but hopefully they will start moving in more interesting directions.

Re: Jon saying your(Sansa's) father. I don't think this is unusual for Jon at least not BookJon as he usually made distinctions between him and his 'trueborn' siblings. Can't remember if in Season 1 Jon did the same thing.

Also loved Ed's reaction when he noticed Tormund looking at Brienne.

Edited by ybrik
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5 minutes ago, screamin said:

She'd probably prefer someone make her a widow ASAP than lie about that. Virgin or not, she's still a valuable symbolic catch, and I suspect she's not going to allow anyone else to marry her off as a sweet maiden prize again when she can make her own choices.

I think it would be difficult to sell virginity when one has had two wedding nights now.  And I agree that Sansa has seized her agency.

I have to rush off to Penny Dreadful.  It's almost more than I can take to have these shows back to back.

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12 minutes ago, Raachel2008 said:

FINALLY!!! I watch this show for the day all the Stark kids are reunited, so I'm a very very happy camper.


But... Two episodes ago Sansa gabe up on running from Ramsay's men, just sat there ready to be taken back and is only free because Brienne and Pod saved her ass and now she says she will lead a battle? Pluze.

Yeah, that was my main puzzlement of the Castle Black story too. Don't get me wrong, I like Sansa being all rawr, but ... a little transition would have been nice. Let her sit with Jon and talk about finally feeling somewhat safe for a bit before the Pink Letter kicks her into girl power mode.

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8 minutes ago, screamin said:

She'd probably prefer someone make her a widow ASAP than lie about that. Virgin or not, she's still a valuable symbolic catch, and I suspect she's not going to allow anyone else to marry her off as a sweet maiden prize again when she can make her own choices.

Well yea, obviously. I'm just saying that she doesn't have to bring up her treatment anymore, she has quite a few options at the moment where she doesn't have to use her rape as a rallying cry if she doesn't want to.

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1 hour ago, mac123x said:

I'm totally rooting for Cercei and her plots and schemes against the High Sparrow.  Because seriously, fuck that guy.

Oddly enough, his speech this week kind of sold me. The nobles, and the Lannisters in particular, are assholes. I'm more or less down with the revolution, although not with it's homophobia. On the other hand, I loved the moment where Cercei says "I agree" to Lady Olenna. Gods help anyone those two unite against. So I'm torn, because Jonathan Pryce, Lena Headey, and Diana Rigg are three of the best reasons to watch this show.

1 hour ago, FemmyV said:

Tormond/Brienne: Oh my goodness. If Jamie gets killed, I'd have no trouble seeing Brie transfer her affections. The ones she won't admit to. Tormond acted like he's found the woman of his dreams - or nightmare.

This confirmed my head fanfic since forever. I can remember reading about Brienne feeling horrible because none of the knights were attracted to her and only Renly was nice to her and thinking, "you've never met Tormund Giantsbane. You're like his perfect woman." So when they finally meet and he's all "hell, yes!" it was wonderful. I want a tiny little scene where they bond over what an asshole Stannis was. "You killed that f####r? Good, he was a right c##t."

1 hour ago, Oscirus said:

Since Roose is dead and Theon isn't telling anybody, it's only important if she decides to say anything. Otherwise she can just lie and still claim to be a virgin.

She was married to Tyrion Lannister in the Great Sept of Baelor. All she has to do is say this makes her marriage to Ramsay null and void, and with it his claim to be "Lord of Winterfell." As for Warden of the North, he's not. His father was named such by Tommen  Baratheon, no king but a bastard born of incest. The wedding was treason and Lord Baelish has been dispatched to kill him. Fuck that guy. 

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Fina-freaking-lly, some reunited Starks. I can now not feel completely frustrated I ever watched/read this series, heh. I loved Sansa declaring they had to fight for Winterfell. 

And on a shallow note Jon looks good with his hair like that.

Also great moment when Brienne revealed she killed Stannis.  

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Bye Osha, so sorry you came back for this.  There was a brief moment there when you asked Ramsay if he ate his flaying victims where he looked like he'd thought he'd found his replacement Myranda. but it was not to be.

I'll admit the Jon/Sansa reunion got to me.  It's been such a long damn time since any of these kids have seen each other.  At least Sansa's presence kick starts Jon into something other than sitting around brooding.  I also really love all the assorted misfit survivors from other stories that are all hanging out at the Wall now and are obviously going to be part of the retaking of Winterfell story.   I liked Brienne cutting to the chase that she knows who Mel is and what she's done with her magic, as well as just telling them yeah, I was the one who killed Stannis.  Davos is one character I've been wanting to see her connect with for awhile because they're both such honorable people trying to do the right thing despite really having seen some shit, so hopefully that can still happen.  And I did get a tremendous kick out of Tormand giving her the eye too.

I want to like the Dany torches yet another group of assholes to gain allegiance scene.  Actually, I do but at the same time we're now repeating ourselves.

Neither Tyrion's nor Littlefinger's scenes made any sense or justified the time they took out of more interesting things this episode.

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Guys, I understand that this show is a political fantasy...but that's no reason to draw comparisons to real world politics. 


Here at PTV we had a strict "no politics" rule. Please abide it. Thanks! 

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What I love about this season is the nudity is there for a reason like Dany's story tonight. I wonder of D&D got an earful from the women in their lives to knock it off.

Also, the show is killing off many horrible men characters (sans Ramsay) and letting the women lead for the most part. Yeah feminism.

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Dario 2.0 became a believer after seeing that. Before I think he was following her around for the sex and with her dragons she was the best bet to align with. Now he's seen her walk through fire. The only person alive that's seen that before is Jorah. I wonder what Melisandre would do if she hears about Dany. 

Edited by Sakura12
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1 minute ago, Gertrude said:

Yeah, that was my main puzzlement of the Castle Black story too. Don't get me wrong, I like Sansa being all rawr, but ... a little transition would have been nice. Let her sit with Jon and talk about finally feeling somewhat safe for a bit before the Pink Letter kicks her into girl power mode.

That would have been great if they'd had the time.  One way for them to get the time -- not bother bringing back Osha.  The whole scene with Ramsey was unnecessary and repetitive and was only there to remove her from the role of Rickon's protector and to show yet again how Ramsey is the bestest vilain ever.  


Just kill Osha off-screen and don't even bother to bring her to Winterfell.  Then use the extra time to extend the meet-and-greet scene with Sansa and Jon.  It really was only slightly more than the "Hi" "Hi" "Good talk" scene I joked about last week.

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I didn't think Jon/Sansa seemed romantic at all but maybe that's just because I really don't want anything romantic between them (or him and Dany).

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I didn't think Jon/Sansa seemed romantic at all but maybe that's just because I really don't want anything romantic between them (or him and Dany).

I guess the hand grabbing could be seen as romantic if you're looking for that sort of thing. But they seemed to be talking like a brother and sister trying to reunite their house, not so much as man and woman. I hope that makes sense.

Edited by Oscirus
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51 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

A dragon cannot be hurt by fire! I don't care that they changed Dani's fireproofness from the books, that looked awesome and she needed to pull of a huge magic show to get the entire Khalasar to bend the knee to her. I liked that she did the killing herself this time rather than be rescued by her dragons. But yeah, she's definitely got the Mad King genes. 

The Sansa/Jon reunion was everything. Even though they were not as close as he and Arya were. I hope Sansa told Jon that Arya was still alive somewhere as well. 

I'm guessing Cersei is willing to work with her enemies to get rid of the bigger threat that she created. 

Another brother/sister reunion with Yara and Theon, while not as heartwarming it was still nice to see siblings working together. Although I think they should both leave, there is no way they are winning the Kingsmoot. They should got Jon and the Wildings. 

I loved Tormund seeing Brianne and was like I want her. I could ship it. 

So much happened this episode.

I loved the Dany scene. It was not what I was expecting (dragons!) and in this case, maybe having book knowledge or Word of God confirmation of her non-fireproofedness actually made it more of a surprise when she became Unburnt 2.0 in the show. I'm not convinced that Dany is exhibiting MadTargaryen traits yet. Aerys was paranoid and irrational. Dany seemed pretty rational about the whole thing and she was legitimately in a dangerous situation. She manages to defeat all the Khals without shedding blood in the sacred city and now she's got an army to lead into battle. Badass.

I cheered and squealed when Jon and Sansa had their reunion and their hug. At long last a little relief for the Starks, if only for a moment. I love how she took command in that situation too. I get Jon reluctance. I can imagine experiencing murder, death and rebirth could be traumatizing, but he needs something to fight for. That being said, I think Edd has a point too. Jon has seen what they are up against and the strategy to save the North has to include protecting the North not just from the psycho in Winterfell, but the White Walkers that no one but a few brothers of the NW believes are real. 

This week's Kings Landing scenes were marginally more interesting. I don't like religious fanatics and I'm tired of the Sparrows and would like to see the plot move forward. So, small progress this week. I don't believe that Cersei would mind seeing her rival for Tommen's affection forced to walk naked through the streets, but Margaery is an important piece in this plot to try to take back power from the High Sparrow. It was nice to see Cersei getting her game back, and nice to see Olenna making peace with her enemy for a common purpose. 

I think Tyrion just made a big mistake. I'm sure I'll be wrong because Tyrion is supposed to be the smartest guy in the room, but I just think he should listen to the slaves who actually do understand the masters in a way the Tyrion can't. I did notice that one of the women he had brought in to pleasure the masters at the end of the meeting appeared to be the same prostitute who was conspiring with the Sons of the Harpy. She's now on Varys' payroll, so I can only assume she's one of his little birds now.

I'm glad to see Yara and Theon reunited. Unpleasant though it was, I can really understand Yara's misgivings. We'll have to see if he's able to pull himself together enough to support her claim in the Kingsmoot. 

And Osha... Sigh. I give her credit for trying to play Ramsay. She has a very keen sense about lordly men for someone who's only been around them a short time but I'm sick of Ramsay the super villain. I hope his eventual death is prolonged, painful and humiliating.  

I loved Brienne's scenes; with Davos and Melisandre - and her not forgetting what went down by with the blood magic. I loved Tormund making eyes at her. LOL Wilding men like their women warriors. He's got good taste! 

Edited to add:. I'm glad to see that Margaery isn't broken by her experience and is trying to keep herself and her brother sane. I hope she succeeds.

Edited by MarySNJ
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36 minutes ago, anyanka323 said:

I love how they constructed the episode around the women being the strong, decisive ones in their pairings.  All of them (Sansa, Dany, Margaery, Yara, Cersei) were looking ahead and trying to solve their current problems.  Of the men, Jon and Theon are the more proactive ones with Theon throwing his support to Yara and Jon coming around to Sansa's POV with the arrival of the pink letter. 

I loved Dany's rebirth in the flames.  Emilia Clarke finally got some good material and this episode could be one of her Emmy submissions.  Sophie Turner and her are the standouts this episode.

Don't forget Missandei.  She wasn't afraid to tell Tyrion that his plan was stupid.  I have a feeling when Meereen is done, she'll remain behind as its ruler.

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After some consideration I have concluded that it wouldn't be the worst thing for the High Sparrow and his disciples to win the war against the Lannisters and the Tyrells.  All of those people are equally boring and useless in my eyes and I will not miss them.  Cersei and her ridiculous, reckless and nonsensical scheming... sis, you had power when you were married to the King.  Then you had him killed.  Everything since then has been a discount dog-and-pony show with various bastard children and rich folk with heirs just there for a power grab.  She has been a big flop when it comes to achieving things.  None of the Lannisters or Tyrells deserve to sit on the Iron Throne (and likely will die anyway) so The Show is just wasting precious time with their drivel.  Kill them all, High Sparrow. 

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I am really glad the Kings Landing story looks like it's finally going to go somewhere.  I never thought at this point in the story that I'd be actively rooting for Cersei, but here we are.  That's how tiresome the High Sparrow has become with all his fake talk of goodness and remaking the world into what?  And good for Olenna finally seeing the bigger picture and realizing that their petty bickering wasn't getting them any closer to getting her only heirs back.  I don't believe for a moment that Cersei wasn't salivating at the thought of Margaery having to take the same horrible walk she did, but kudos for at least reining it in enough to credibly make her case.

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45 minutes ago, Sakura12 said:

The Sansa/Jon reunion was everything. Even though they were not as close as he and Arya were. I hope Sansa told Jon that Arya was still alive somewhere as well. 

It's funny cause I loved the Jon/Arya relationship in the books but I'm glad it ended up being Jon/Sansa reuniting because imo Arya's story is such a snooze and it's interesting to see Jon and Sansa who didn't particularly have a relationship now reunite and see in each other/bond with each other about all the things/people they loved in common. Not that it means I'm totally uninterested for Arya to reunite, because I am still interested. 

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15 minutes ago, Gertrude said:

Yeah, that was my main puzzlement of the Castle Black story too. Don't get me wrong, I like Sansa being all rawr, but ... a little transition would have been nice. Let her sit with Jon and talk about finally feeling somewhat safe for a bit before the Pink Letter kicks her into girl power mode.

I can definitely understand this.  But I liked her taking the initiative instead of her coming because Ramsay has forced their hand.  This was a problem I had with the way Cat was portrayed on the show.  Often responding to things instead of being the woman to do them in the first place.  Like how in Season 2, she only sent Jaime away to get her daughters back because Karstark was threatening to kill him.

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This season is definitely not sitting around puttering is it?  

Oh I am a bit gleeful at Cersei and Olenna getting together but I can't help but feel it's going to bite them in the ass.  The High Sparrow is a wily creature, and I'm sure he's got a few counter moves worked out.  It's such a joy though to watch Dame Diana, she could read the phone book and be engaging.

Stark Family Reunion...with t-shirts that have direwolves on them.  I still think that despite Osha's demise there was still some other set up with bringing Rickon there, not all the families of the north would turn on the Starks, especially since Roose was not loved, and they know what Ramsay is.    

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I don't get why Dany setting the Khals on fire was awesome at all. Because she wanted their armies? That's hardly in keeping with the "breaker of chains" persona she had going. Now she's a straight-up, power-hungry villain.

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So Loras is alive, wasn't that left very uncertain in the books? Speaking of, while watching tonight I became convinced that GRRM is never going publish. It just seems like it's pointless now. Are people that in love with his prose? Unless the next book comes out before next season, and takes the story beyond THIS season...I can't see it.

Literally laughed out loud at the "Tom Jones" style dinner and eye-f'ing. Ha!

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I am really enjoying the pacing this season. They are letting storylines give us *just enough* info we need to absorb and then wrapping it up. I do think Dany is the PTWP, but I also think she's shown signs of the Targaryeon madness. 
Sad to see Osha go, but at least she didn't get the torture treatment. On second watching, Tormund was really going heavy on the "fuck me" eyes with Brienn. And I love, I mean LOVE, that Tormund didn't even hesitate about offering the wildlings help to Jon. 

So many questions about the Dothraki scene. So can Dany just manipulate fire that is already there? There was, admittedly, a lot of fire burning in that room.

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14 minutes ago, benteen said:

I can definitely understand this.  But I liked her taking the initiative instead of her coming because Ramsay has forced their hand.  This was a problem I had with the way Cat was portrayed on the show.  Often responding to things instead of being the woman to do them in the first place.  Like how in Season 2, she only sent Jaime away to get her daughters back because Karstark was threatening to kill him.

And I get that point of view too. I guess I'm just disappointed that the story I am getting right now is all about moments rather than the journey - the polar opposite of the books. Nothing feels particularly earned (except for that hug - damn, I may have teared up)

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Also what the hell was Osha's endgame? Suicide bomb Ramsay? Even if she did kill Ramsay, there was no way that she was going to be able to get to Rickon or even past the guards that I'd assume were stationed outside the door.

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Jon Snow has a man-bun.  That is a no.  Easily the most offensive thing the entire hour.He never needed to pull it  back when it was longer.

Tormund was easily the best thing for me this hour.  His looks toward Brienne; then his look toward Jon when he read Ramsey's letter about killing wildings.

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26 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

After some consideration I have concluded that it wouldn't be the worst thing for the High Sparrow and his disciples to win the war against the Lannisters and the Tyrells.  All of those people are equally boring and useless in my eyes and I will not miss them.  Cersei and her ridiculous, reckless and nonsensical scheming... sis, you had power when you were married to the King.  Then you had him killed.  Everything since then has been a discount dog-and-pony show with various bastard children and rich folk with heirs just there for a power grab.  She has been a big flop when it comes to achieving things.  None of the Lannisters or Tyrells deserve to sit on the Iron Throne (and likely will die anyway) so The Show is just wasting precious time with their drivel.  Kill them all, High Sparrow. 

But will the High Sparrow send an army of lesser sparrows to fight WW's, for the benefit on anyone following the Red God? Or any other of the 'new' gods?

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The J Walter Weatherman lesson in this week's Particles should totally be "And that's why you don't plan to gang rape the Khaleesi."

I had to watch that Jon/Sansa reunion like 5 times.  Tears so many tears.  I knew the Not-so-Pink letter would reignite Jon.  STARK POWER!  Bring in Super Sansa.

I know people are pissed about Super Ramsay as am I but I'm now convinced he's done by seasons end.  It makes sense for Team Stark to reclaim the North of they're setting up the great battle of the whité walkers so I'm just gonna keep telling myself that.  Sigh poor Osha.  

Brienne and Tormund!  Lololololol a much needed comedic break.

Cersei and Olenna, I like it for now.  It's the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."  Now take Jaime to the damn riverlands.  Presumably he'll now going to grab Frey armies for the battle against the Faith but it would be a step in the right direction.

Edited by kittykat
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51 minutes ago, mac123x said:

Cercei (of all people) had a great response to it:  "He wants to tear down our world and replace it with what?  Beggars in the streets?"  If the High Sparrow actually meant what he said, he'd be across the Narrow Sea helping liberate slaves, who aren't making shoes, dresses, etc., because they want to.

Westeros is a feudal society where most of the population lives in poverty, subject to the capricious whims of a handful of nobles, of whom Cersei is the prime example.  The High Sparrow is entirely right in viewing them as the biggest problem with their society at the moment.

1 minute ago, FemmyV said:

But will the High Sparrow send an army of lesser sparrows to fight WW's, for the benefit on anyone following the Red God? Or any other of the 'new' gods?

As opposed to what, the Lannisters, who have been so attentive to the needs of the realm?

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I loved seeing Sansa and Jon together and lived their hug and their assessment of their situation together. I think Sansa has the potential to be one of the most interesting characters in the series if she's handles right. 

I'm brokenhearted about OSHA for several reasons. First, I think she's dead just so the writers can take pieces off the board which is understandable on one level but unsatisfying on a bunch of others. So much for the idea that Manderly was still loyal and that OSHA was a well briefed spy sent to take Ramsay down from the inside. Jon and Sansa better plan carefully so they don't fall into whatever trap Ramsay is trying to lay with his taunts. The Northern storyline is really being mangled.

Speaking of, Littlefinger miscalculated. I think he intended to swoop in and rescue Sansa from Ramsay, thus ensuring her gratitude and obedience and his control of the North and the Vale through pawns, but Sansa's escape and her private distrust of Littlefinger are going to change that dynamic and him taking over the seven kingdoms one region at a time.

I have mixed feelings about Dany. I like that she freed slaves and that governing isn't going so well because that is realistic and could be interesting if the writing was better, but I yawned a bit now that she has the Dothraki hoard that has been so long foreshadowed.

I think Tyrion is giving in to a little hubris and arrogance. Not because he is choosing to negotiate when in a weak position but because he expects to be viewed as an aristocratic Lannister when the people he's dealing with have no idea and care less about Westerosi hierarchies. Even though Tywin hated him, Tyrion always had Lannister gold and privilege backing him. That was one of the mistakes Missendei and Grey Worm were trying to warn him about.

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37 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

After some consideration I have concluded that it wouldn't be the worst thing for the High Sparrow and his disciples to win the war against the Lannisters and the Tyrells. 

12 minutes ago, FemmyV said:

But will the High Sparrow send an army of lesser sparrows to fight WW's, for the benefit on anyone following the Red God? Or any other of the 'new' gods?

4 minutes ago, SeanC said:

As opposed to what, the Lannisters, who have been so attentive to the needs of the realm?

The Lannisters are on their way out, I doubt it much matters. But FTR, their troops, along with the Tyrells', have gone to war when called. If the Sparrows wind up in charge of KL, with the add'l members of the FM throughout Westeros, they could represent one more roadblock to getting to the real war. The one we've only got 2 and a half seasons left for.

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If next week's scene between Sansa and Littlefinger was 5 straight minutes of her slapping the shit out of him, I would be more than fine than that.

Are there 2 1/2 more seasons?  I thought this was the penultimate and S7 was going to be 13 episodes.

Edited by kittykat
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After some consideration I have concluded that it wouldn't be the worst thing for the High Sparrow and his disciples to win the war against the Lannisters and the Tyrells. 

I don't hate the High Sparrow because he is right about The Lannisters and The Tyrells.  The small folk are just that, small folk.   Margaery feigns interest in their welfare because the little people in mass, are a political tool the Tyrells can use in the Game of Thrones.  Even Olenna, this episode, was made aware of the great cost of life in a potential civil war and she clearly didn't care.   The lives of non-nobles ultimately don't matter to them.  That's one of the reasons all those peasants were cheering at what happened to Cersei.  "My dear, you have been stripped of your dignity and authority. Publicly shamed.  What's left to work with."  Lady Olenna can really throw a verbal haymaker. Ouch.

Enjoyed the Jon/Sansa reunion.  The Sansa character is really the little black dress of the show in my eyes.  I find the scenes interesting no matter whom she's involved with.  Loved her dynamic with Cersei, Tyrion, Margaery, Olenna, Lyssa, Littlefinger, Brienne, Theon.  Despite the horror, her scenes with Ramsay were always charged and she and the actor played off each other very well.   And I had to laugh, watching her sitting across from Dolores Edd eating gruel with Tormund.   Just love that you can never tell what's going to happen with this girl.   And smart of her to work to get Jon as a kind of figurehead to regain the North.

Littlefinger doing his thing.  He really set the Boltons up as his fall guys.  With The Lannisters and The Vale.  Smooth Serpent.

Not interested in Dany, didn't miss Arya.

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I really didn't care about the "Stark" reunion. It wasn't Arya/Jon (the big one), Jon/Bran Arya/Sansa, Bron/Rickon or even Arya/Bran. It was the two that have never interacted and don't really give a fuck about each other. In the books they don't even think about each other. I have no investment in JOn and Sansa's relationship because they never had one 

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14 minutes ago, kittykat said:

If next week's scene between Sansa and Littlefinger was 5 straight minutes of her slapping the shit out of him, I would be more than fine than that.

Are there 2 1/2 more seasons?  I thought this was the penultimate and S7 was going to be 13 episodes.

nothing more than a 10 episode season 7 has been confirmed. Various episode/season configurations past that have been discussed.

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I think it's funny that spellcheck keeps capitalizing OSHA.  In other news I'm looking forward to a Tormund / Brienne hookup. That woman is overdue for some loving from a man who genuinely thinks she is desirable. 

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29 minutes ago, Paws said:

Because they had just threatened to gang rape her. They kind of deserved it.

Obviously, she planned the fire before they threatened her. The most likely outcome of their interaction was her ending up with the other widows, in a position of some influence.

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2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

A dragon cannot be hurt by fire! I don't care that they changed Dani's fireproofness from the books, that looked awesome and she needed to pull of a huge magic show to get the entire Khalasar to bend the knee to her. I liked that she did the killing herself this time rather than be rescued by her dragons. But yeah, she's definitely got the Mad King genes. 

The Sansa/Jon reunion was everything. Even though they were not as close as he and Arya were. I hope Sansa told Jon that Arya was still alive somewhere as well. 

I'm guessing Cersei is willing to work with her enemies to get rid of the bigger threat that she created. 

Another brother/sister reunion with Yara and Theon, while not as heartwarming it was still nice to see siblings working together. Although I think they should both leave, there is no way they are winning the Kingsmoot. They should go to join Jon and the Wildings. 

I loved Tormund seeing Brianne and was like I want her. I could ship it. 

They weren't just not as close as Arya and Jon, they didn't even like each other. Sansa never even considered Jon family. One of the biggest fuck ups the show has done is not doing fake Arya since it would makes Jon's motivation for everything he does make much more sense   

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2 hours ago, that one guy said:

To get it over with: I'm pissed about Osha. The character deserved better and the actress is awesome. She was a great character in the first 3 seasons, and then was brought back to be killed in perfunctory fashion after 2 scenes. That sucks. I'd rather she'd never been brought back at all. This is something I worry about with D&D on their own now that the book material is exhausted. This has NOT been  a show where anybody can die at any time. This is a show where actions had consequences, and everyone from Ned and Robb and Cat to Barristan Selmy, Stannis, and Roose Bolton died for reasons. They made mistakes or died nobly, but their fates were the naturalistic results of their actions. We didn't get this with Osha and Rickon. And honestly, Rickon's just a kid who hasn't been interesting so far, and I don't like dogs (I know I just offended half of you, but I had to get past a mean dog every day to get to school as a kid and I just don't like them) so I was only invested in Osha. Frankly I thought she'd be tortured and flayed alive and mounted on a Bolton Cross, so I'm glad it was quick, and she went out trying to take out Ramsay, but it was a waste of a character and based on previous scenes, she should have been able to take him. But whatever, it's done, and it wasn't as bad as I expected. But I'm still disgusted at the waste of a great character.

Otherwise this was great. I loved the Sansa/Jon reunion. I loved the Yara/Theon reunion. For once I really think Tyrion is wrong and out of his depth in Mereen, but the scenes were good anyway.  The  occupation of Mereen has just been an unmitigated disaster - but that's Dany's fault. The voice of Princess Leia echoes in my head: "When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?" Dany in Vaes Dothrak was sweet and to the point. Who barred the doors? I wish we'd seen her win over more than one of the Dosh Khaleen.

For people who point out that GRRM says she's not always fireproof, that's the books. In the show, they set up her being fireproof throughout Season 1, not noticing the boiling water, being able to reach into the flames and pick up the hot dragon eggs when her handmaiden was burned, etc. Show Dany is fireproof. It is known.


 GRRM said she is not fire proof, but more heat resistant so that would explain the bath and the hot eggs

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