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S04.E06: Strangers In The Night

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I had just taken a drink of water when Dave said "I'm going to go put on a clown mask" and I spit water all over my desk and keyboard and was howling laughing in my office that I share. ?

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The hair and makeup people must've been in the midst of some kind of mass temper tantrum because this season everyone looks like garbage.


Re: Doherty's dance move, are these scenes shot with music or is the music added after? If you've got to do fake dancing, it makes sense to keep it simple.

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BAG and the actor playing Howie play that caffeine pill/uppers scene so quiet and breathy (on the podcast at least) that I imagined long-looks, lingering fingertip touches and possible a hint of a head lean-in for a kiss before the scene ended.

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I like that Andrea isn't the one to blabber about her first time being "special". She just want to get it done so she won't be a virgin anymore. Good for her. And then she spoils it all by doing the searching look in the mirror that people only ever do on tv. Or in NoRms Klein novels, thank you so much for that reference.
Why is Jim and Cindy so interested in getting Brenda to hook up with a stranger all of a sudden - Jim certainly never wanted his "little girl" to come close to men before. I guess she's been to intolerable and complaining all the time that everybody in the house just want her to be occupied with ANYTHING to shut her up.

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My husband the communications major and former head of his college's radio says HELL NO you do not get paid to do work at the station. It's all college credit. Though he says if the station is big enough (we live where we *cries* USED to have Album 88) overnight shifts are par for the course. 


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34 minutes ago, Nanna said:

Why is Jim and Cindy so interested in getting Brenda to hook up with a stranger all of a sudden - Jim certainly never wanted his "little girl" to come close to men before. 

The only thing I could come up with is maybe Larry Carson was the one who wanted them to get together, and maybe he threatened to take his business elsewhere unless Jim helped him? I mean, we probably would have seen that, but at least it would explain why Jim got on board.

Or the writers just throw characterization out the window when it doesn't fit the story. 

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Oh my god, the 60-year-old virgin. Somehow Carteris looks even older than her actual almost-40 age here. Can't believe the episode wasn't called, 'Throw a Bone to Your Spinster Great Aunt.'

I'm not going to pretend she looks like the 18/19 year old she is playing, but in fairness, she's only around 33/34 when this was filmed. 


Re: Doherty's dance move, are these scenes shot with music or is the music added after? If you've got to do fake dancing, it makes sense to keep it simple.


I've seen behind the scenes featurettes on movies or other shows where they show these types of scenes being shot absent any music.

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Doing my resident academic duty here, chiming in to confirm that a graduate student TA dating their (current) undergraduate student is a real ethical no no, even in the 90s, when rules about faculty/student dating were much more...casually followed/applied than they are today. By many university standards, a TA can date that student once they aren't in the class, but while they are still in charge of said student's grades, etc? No way!  Same goes for RAs dating their residents, so (as referenced already), this is a double trouble stupid move for ol' Dan Rubin.

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I loved Dan, loved him, and still think he was the cutest guy ever to appear on the show.  All I wanted was to run my fingers through his hair and  even though I was an RA back in the 1980's and dating a resident was a huge no no I would have made an exception for him!  (actually at my university he would have been known as a GRA, graduate resident assistant, a higher position than an RA and therefore a bigger scandal.)

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Of course David is getting paid--he's getting paid in experience! The only person earning money for that job is the faculty or staff member advising the station. And I assure you, they aren't paid enough to deal with those winks.

What Dan is doing in dating a student and a resident is not only against the rules at most schools, he'd be breaking both faculty rules as a TA and employee rules as an RA. I mean, that's some pretty impressive effin' up.

Edited by doingthejackal
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To be fair on Dylan, Jim. At least he didn't buy an Aston Martin. Porsche are okay in comparison but yeah don't do the sticker thing. Though if I had the money and I needed a new car, I would do similar (not the sticker). 

David and Brandon are like me (in a way) when I was in college. Like Bran the Man, none of my friends were around (they were doing other stuff or had other days) so I felt lonely :( and I barely went to class anyway except I didn't eat ravioli from a can but I did watch cartoons and sport. So David Silver, you are a man that knows how to college.  

And ew to the whole Andrea Dan thing because just ew. 

Also shut up David. Why in the world you decided it would be great to live with your girlfriend when nothing happens between you guys is beyond me. Also do we know what degrees people do? I know David was a music major, Valerie was business? Clare was physics? What did the rest do?

Edited by SoupThrower
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9 hours ago, bilgistic said:

That gif of Brandon walking like a weird, possessed robot to greet Stuart at the door with ol' Jim and Cin has me crying! He's deranged!

And why is he walking so closely he's literally touching his "dad". Back the eff off dude!

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Yeah, Dan was kind of ew to me as well. And dating Andrea while he was both her TA and her RA? Even more ew.

Yes, Kelly was a psych major. Donna was something fashion related, no? And I'm guessing Brandon was English/Journalism/Communications. Andrea became per-med, so something along those lines (chemistry, biology, bio-chemistry, etc).

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I've seen behind the scenes featurettes on movies or other shows where they show these types of scenes being shot absent any music.

Sometimes it's a different song even.


It's love at first sight...for Cindy

She must be thinking "It's my turn to live vicariously through one of our kids now!"


What Dan is doing in dating a student and a resident is not only against the rules at most schools, he'd be breaking both faculty rules as a TA and employee rules as an RA. I mean, that's some pretty impressive effin' up.

Seriously. Of course, what are the odds that Andrea's TA and RA are the same person to begin with?


Sheraton LAX by day, Falcon's by night!

I love how inside, everyone is dressed all trendy and whatnot for clubbing (well, for that era), but the establishing shot of the place is people in shorts and dockers or athletic shoes and socks, like college students trying to get into a bar during the world's preppiest spring break ever.

Edited by AndySmith
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Brandon's goofy march to the door to greet Stuart seems like it was a joke. Almost like he and Echkouse were goofing around beforehand and carried it into the scene. Let's hope, anyway.

Andrea looking at herself in the mirror in her robe is right up there with her scene on the merry go round (offering herself to Brandon) in terms of cringeworthiness. I can barely watch it, I'm so embarrassed for her.

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I think someone got a vague "liberal arts" degree. Maybe Donna? I remember bc I graduated undergrad when they did and that weird degree bothered me.

The reversal on Dan from nice guy to creep was too bad, and less believable than the reversal on Ray next season. Ray is aggressive, possessive, and sulky from day one. Poor Dan is a super liberal but racist against Hispanics? Please.

Fun inappropriate relationship in college memory: one of my fellow grad students was dating a professor who served on her thesis committee! They got married, I think to avoid getting in trouble. Funny, he never got full tenure.

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In that first visual aid Donna looks so normal, like a cute college student. Just wanted to say something nice about her appearance while I still can!

I remember reading somewhere that ShanDo was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease around that time? Not sure how accurate that is but it might explain the change in her hair if she was ill. The overplucked eyebrows do her no favors, but it really is shocking how different her hair looks compared to a season earlier. Looks like the whole texture changed.

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Why is Dan even an RA?  The only reason to put up with crappy dorm living and teenage drama is to get free housing, which Dan doesn't need.  I mean, his last name is Reuben, so obviously his parents are good with money.  I mean that as a compliment. -- Brooke

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Listening to it again, I am surprised at how forward Ohnndrea is with Dan.  I was surprised she offered to go back to the dorms with Dan. I figure she must have only kissed, maybe some bra action with Jordan, right.   Also, am I the only one who was surrounded by tons of "technical virgins" who did all sorts of things with their boyfriends?  It seems like neither Andrea or Donna did anything before except kiss.

As for the slobby David, I have a story to share.  ONCE when I was a surly senior in HS, I had made some ravioli, eaten it in my room then left the dish in the sink covered with a little water (after my mom already did all the dishes for the night).  The next day after school I found the dish in my room.  I never left a dirty dish in the sink again. Lessoned learned, no chore chart needed.  Donna needs to put those gross plates and moldy ravioli cans in his bed.

When does that horrible Lucinda come on board?

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At both the universities I went to I believe the "Station Manager" got paid at the radio station, but neither station was 24/7 and there was literally no other staff, just the station manager and the student DJs.

I do have some (some) sympathy for David in that he is serious about a broadcasting degree (or whatever) and he should be taking this stuff seriously and being dedicated and all that... he just doesn't have to be such a complete dick to everyone around him while doing it.  I mean if it were anything else I feel like everyone would understand? Like if it were writing for the paper or being a pledge to a sorority, or in the Rose Court, or any number of extracurricular activities that all these other squeefs do and take seriously and act like everyone should bend over backwards to accommodate or join in or whatever but for some reason the fact that his chosen carreer path is making his life hard they're all just like "you should quit, this is dumb" and I don't think that's fair to him really. But, he's suuuuuuuuch a dick to everyone that I stop worrying about him after about .3 seconds. 

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I can see why people hated Lucinda, but she and her husband do bring on the drama, ridiculous as it is.

As for the scam-ily, I can't hate on them fully because they do bring us Dylan & Valerie & Jonesy's Mexican Adventure next season, which I did enjoy.

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1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

I can see why people hated Lucinda, but she and her husband do bring on the drama, ridiculous as it is.

As for the scam-ily, I can't hate on them fully because they do bring us Dylan & Valerie & Jonesy's Mexican Adventure next season, which I did enjoy.

I'm with you on that. As much as I'm a SD sympathizer, I actually get anxious for this season to end so we can get to the Valerie goodness. I don't care about logic or morals, in the Kelly V. Valerie debate I am firmly #teamvalerienowandforever. She brings such much needed spice to the show. I could have easily watchd an entire spin-off of Valerie & Jonsie PI! They were so much more fun than anything on 90210. Be prepared for me to irrationally take Valerie's side in all debates despite that absolute wrongness of everything she does. I love her so! Best bad girl since Lucy Ewing!  

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On May 10, 2016 at 10:12 AM, vendredi3 said:

"Guess that choker has magical powers, because to our eyes Bren looks just okay."

By the power of three, make me look sex-Y.
Hmm, needs some work.

So mote it be. 

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No Donna studied fashion design and marketing I remember her having finals in the topic and bugging out. Am exam where she had to sketch outfits on command while timed LOL. Then she interned for a dragon lady, was a stylist, opened Now Wear This. 

Kelly studied psych (really bish?) and became a Social Worker. 

Brandon studied journalism. Brenda drama, and Dylan and Claire studied liberal arts like English and poli sci, if I remember right. Steve majored in gym or something. 

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I remember reading something about how during Shannon's last season on 90210 she was doing her own make-up and hair.  It seems as if both the actress and the show couldn't wait to part ways with each other.  I also think there was a haircut issue that messed with continuity?

Claire, I think, had a double major in French and Physics.  Because she's so super smart, you know.  I also thought Steve majored in poly-sic, but maybe that is because at my university the saying went: "Poly-sci/Why try?"

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On 5/10/2016 at 11:19 AM, Chicken Diablo said:

I think someone got a vague "liberal arts" degree. Maybe Donna? I remember bc I graduated undergrad when they did and that weird degree bothered me.

The reversal on Dan from nice guy to creep was too bad, and less believable than the reversal on Ray next season. Ray is aggressive, possessive, and sulky from day one. Poor Dan is a super liberal but racist against Hispanics? Please.

Fun inappropriate relationship in college memory: one of my fellow grad students was dating a professor who served on her thesis committee! They got married, I think to avoid getting in trouble. Funny, he never got full tenure.


Oh that totally rang true to me (Dan's racism). There are plenty of liberal racists who only show their true colors when they feel slighted or angry. 

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I felt that Dan's racism was just a quick way to deep-six the character much like Dean on Gilmore Girls going from perfect boyfriend to psycho-stalker when they ran out of storylines.

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I suddenly remembered how my RA ended up dating a friend of a friend (who was a freshman, but lived in another dorm).  It was sweet because the RA was so emotionally stunted and so was the girl.  They were the type that looked like all they ever did was hug.

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  On 5/11/2016 at 11:51 PM, AndySmith said:

I can see why people hated Lucinda, but she and her husband do bring on the drama, ridiculous as it is.

As for the scam-ily, I can't hate on them fully because they do bring us Dylan & Valerie & Jonesy's Mexican Adventure next season, which I did enjoy.

I'm with you on that. As much as I'm a SD sympathizer, I actually get anxious for this season to end so we can get to the Valerie goodness. I don't care about logic or morals, in the Kelly V. Valerie debate I am firmly #teamvalerienowandforever. She brings such much needed spice to the show. I could have easily watchd an entire spin-off of Valerie & Jonsie PI! They were so much more fun than anything on 90210. Be prepared for me to irrationally take Valerie's side in all debates despite that absolute wrongness of everything she does. I love her so! Best bad girl since Lucy Ewing!  

I am so with you. I will defend Valerie to the ends of the earth, especially when Brandon and Kelly get all up in her business. I mean, who cares if she smokes pot in her room? Or fakes a pregnancy and also an abortion to get money from the married man she's dating???? Mind your own business, squeefs.

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