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S06.E03: Oathbreaker

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Episode Synopsis: 

Bran glimpses the past; Daenerys learns what's in store for her; Tommen faces the High Sparrow; Arya trains to be No One; Varys comes up with a solution to a vexing problem; Ramsay gets a gift.

Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

Edited by Mya Stone
Because we can all use a little more naked Snow in our lives.
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Holy crap, the Tower of Joy. I know there will be people who dislike that Dayne wielded two swords, but that fight was epic. So epic, in fact, that my fiancé who hasn't read since AFFC in 2005 or watched the show past the RW dropped everything to watch it. And he said, "Wow. That was...wow." Completely breathtaking. Ahhhhh I can't get over that we REALLY got the ToJ onscreen and we're going to see the part that was never in the book. And I can not wait. 


Jon's resurrection and the reaction was fantastic. Tormund being Tormund and making a pecker joke, and Edd commenting that Jon might not be Jon because he's funny...that was good stuff. 


Don't have much to say about Dany. I do love Varys showing his teeth. Seeing him in action is always so much fun. 


Qyburn as Miss Hannigan is uh, interesting. Pretty soon he's going to have those birds chirping, "We love youuuuu, Lord Qyburnnnnnnn." Still don't understand the assassination of the almost redeemed Jamie Lannister by the writers Weiss and Benioff.


Nice to see Kevan! And I guess we found where the Queen of Thrones was hiding - plotting in plain sight on the small council. Atta girl. 


A girl could not care less about this Braavos story. I'm sure even a blind Jaqen could see this. 


NOT SHAGGY. GAH. DAMMIT. And then there were three wolves. :(


Olly's stank face needs to be memeified stat. And Ser Alliser gave a great death speech. But Jon, Jon gave the best quitting speech since Jerry Maguire. 

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What the hell? What about the North Remembers? That's a huge part of the books so why would turn over Rickon?!?! I am not happy. I thought maybe it was a way to infiltrate and kill Ramsey but that doesn't seem to be the case :( Show - you are ruining the North storyline

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Hey, Baby Sam finally grew a bit!

I’m not quite sure what I think about the show evidently sidestepping completely Jon having to choose between his NW oath and his family.  It seemed like they were just delaying that from Season 5 to Season 6, but now he’s left the Watch without even knowing about Sansa or (sigh) Rickon.  Otherwise, the sequences around his return were fine, and whatever the larger significance, it’s certainly a very strong closing line.  I guess Dolorous Edd is the next LC by virtue of being the only named character left alive on the Watch?

Vaes Dothrak certainly looks a lot more expensive than the last time Dany visited it.

They used book dialogue in the Tower of Joy segment.  That almost never happens anymore.

The KL plot has been feeling a little slow, but both the small council scene and Tommen’s meeting with the High Sparrow were very strong.  Kevan is one of my favourite minor characters in the novels, so his refusing to play ball with Cersei was pretty awesome.

After two very short snippets, we got a sudden dump of character progression in Arya’s story in Braavos, even if people waiting for her to show her warging abilities must have a serious case of blue balls at this point.

There were more than four assassins in episode 510.  What happened to them?

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1 minute ago, Dust Bunny said:

This is not the most likable show ever. Just when Lord Umber seems like a cool guy to have a beer with...

That is not Lord Umber who would never betray the Starks like that at this time in the story. That's D&D Lord Umber who does things for no reason and for shock value. 

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I wanted to see Skaagos so much.  I hope Jon takes the wildlings and kills Ramsay.  I noticed that Illyn Payne wasn't on Arya's list, I know his actor is fighting cancer does this mean his character is gone?

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I think I figured out the purpose of the Arya scenes -- it's like a commercial break, you can go to the bathroom or get a snack.


Rickon's actor has doubled in size.


Tyrion's dialog with Missandei and Grey Worm was painfully bad.  i realize it was supposed to be awkward, but it was so poorly written.


Bet a friend of mine who was really excited about the Tower of Joy that it'd be a tease.  He now owes me a beer.  That reveal isn't coming this soon.


Hello, Kit Harrington's butt.  I'll be in my bunk.

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Just now, SimoneS said:

It just occurred to me. Is Jon not going to be at Castle Black when Sansa, Brienne, and Pod arrive? Because that would be fucked up.

I don't think he was leaving (where would he go?).

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Just now, SimoneS said:

It just occurred to me. Is Jon not going to be at Castle Black when Sansa, Brienne, and Pod arrive? Because that would be fucked up.

I started cursing the moment it became clear he was walking away from Castle Black. Denied a Stark reunion again. It's starting to feel cruel.

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It just occurred to me. Is Jon not going to be at Castle Black when Sansa, Brienne, and Pod arrive?

We didn't see him ride off, just give his NW cloak to Edd, proclaim his watch ended and drop the mic.  I expect he'll be just about to physically leave when they show up.

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1 minute ago, WatchrTina said:

Aren't Osha and Rickon supposed to be hiding out on that wild island off to the east?  Skaros or something like that?  Damn Osha, you had ONE job.

In the books.  In the show Bran told them to go to Last Hearth because the Umbers would protect them.

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No.  Just no.  I reject this narrative!! That was not Shaggy Dog.  Osha would need to be carried in there in forty seven pieces before she would let ANY of that go down.  The part of Lord Manderley is now being played by Lord Umber, the part of Shaggy Dog was played by some unfortunate wolf.  For real, that was a little on the small side for Direwolf head.  Just fucking NOOOOOOOOO. 

Yeah, yeah, Jon's back.  Hi.  

Tower of Joy.  Still no real answers as to whose baby Lyanna gave birth to, but she clearly had one.  

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13 minutes ago, Mya Stone said:

Holy crap, the Tower of Joy. I know there will be people who dislike that Dayne wielded two swords, but that fight was epic. So epic, in fact, that my fiancé who hasn't read since AFFC in 2005 or watched the show past the RW dropped everything to watch it. And he said, "Wow. That was...wow." Completely breathtaking. Ahhhhh I can't get over that we REALLY got the ToJ onscreen and we're going to see the part that was never in the book. And I can not wait. 


Jon's resurrection and the reaction was fantastic. Tormund being Tormund and making a pecker joke, and Edd commenting that Jon might not be Jon because he's funny...that was good stuff. 


Don't have much to say about Dany. I do love Varys showing his teeth. Seeing him in action is always so much fun. 


Qyburn as Miss Hannigan is uh, interesting. Pretty soon he's going to have those birds chirping, "We love youuuuu, Lord Qyburnnnnnnn." Still don't understand the assassination of the almost redeemed Jamie Lannister by the writers Weiss and Benioff.


Nice to see Kevan! And I guess we found where the Queen of Thrones was hiding - plotting in plain sight on the small council. Atta girl. 


A girl could not care less about this Braavos story. I'm sure even a blind Jaqen could see this. 


NOT SHAGGY. GAH. DAMMIT. And then there were three wolves. :(


Olly's stank face needs to be memeified stat. And Ser Alliser gave a great death speech. But Jon, Jon gave the best quitting speech since Jerry Maguire. 

Not everyone believes he's totally redeemed, me I'm on the fence.

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Yay Jon!  I was so happy when he spoke and didn't sound an imbecile.  And no blue eyes!  But I'm pretty sure Jon had some sort of diaper on while he was getting his spa treatment. 

I'm such a dork.  When they showed the Targaryen sharpening his sword, I whisper yelled, "It's the fucking Tower of Joy!  It's the fucking Tower of Joy!"  (whispered so the household wouldn't know how big of a dork I am)

I teared up when Ned heard Bran.  Was there the suggestion that Bran could possibly change the past? 

Didn't expect young Ned to look so much like Neil Patrick Harris.

I know many are bored by them, but I was happy to see Sam and Gilly.  Am I the only one who thought she was trying to tell him she's pregnant?  I hope Sam's asshole father knows how highly Jon Snow and Maester Aemon thought of Sam.

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12 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Tonight Bran was all of us.  I want more Tower of Joy dammit!

Please turn out to be a random wolf and not Shaggy Dog, please turn out to be a random wolf and not Shaggy Dog.

Head seemed damn small from when we last saw them.

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18 minutes ago, SeanC said:


I’m not quite sure what I think about the show evidently sidestepping completely Jon having to choose between his NW oath and his family.  It seemed like they were just delaying that from Season 5 to Season 6, but now he’s left the Watch without even knowing about Sansa or (sigh) Rickon.


I am okay with it, because in the books Jon was agonizing between the NW and Arya. Specifically Arya. That's what's so momentous about the decision. What he does not do for Ned or Robb, he does for Arya. To make it about Sansa (Whom he is more or less indifferent to in the books) would be again taking away more from Arya's arc. Since they have already removed the whole fake Arya plot, Jon's reasons for leaving the watch is also going to be different. I do think he is going to attack Winterfell and Ramsay for Sansa and Rickon though. I am guessing the shows version of the Pink Letter will be about Rickon.

Poor Shaggydog!! I am guessing that before the season is over, the Umbers are going to be as hated as the Freys. Their book versions were cool.

Edited by anamika
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10 minutes ago, bluphoenix451 said:

Dani is slow on the uptake, at what point is she going to realize that without her dragons or army no one cares about her made up titles?

Oh, she knows they don't care, but I don't blame her for trying.

Edited by Eyes High
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So, who was the Oathbreaker of the title?
Not Jon. His watch ended with his death.

Not Osha, unless she betrayed Rickon.


We never saw the Umbers swear an oath to keep Rickon safe...


So who is the Oathbreaker?

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Like Lord Umber the Great Idiot would have ever called Roose Bolton a cunt to his face when he was alive.  Yeah, you can fuck right off, dude.  Afraid of some wildings?  What a crap reason for turning over Rickon and Osha.  What's Ramsey supposed to do with them anyway?  It seems as though the Starks have no allies left in the North, unless D&D just gave the fake-Arya story line to Rickon?  Who even knows anymore...

Edited by LilaFowler
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Something tells me the thing with Rickon is a set-up.

Oh PLEASE let that be true.  And that way the wolf head (which was WAY too small for a dire wolf) could also be a fake.  Yup, I'm clinging to that story.

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I think I figured out the purpose of the Arya scenes -- it's like a commercial break, you can go to the bathroom or get a snack.

PRECISELY. Tommen's scenes, too. 

I am so excited to see more from the Tower of Joy. Don't be such a buzzkill, Three Eyed Raven.

And thank you, show and Kit Harrington, for that glimpse of Jon Snow ass. Truly.

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I'm starting to see a crack in the Dany camp.  Whereas Dany's method is to be more blood thirsty, Tyrion appears to be more practical. Those two methods aren't going to mix when she returns. Varys' handling of that woman was brilliant.

The tower of joy scene was nice, but what happened to the third guard? I'm guessing that the Raven is trying to teach Bran that all that happened in the past is not what it seems. Which will lead into the big reveal that everybody knows about. Also, I know this is wrong but I liked the younger cockier Ned more then the older brooding one.

Tommen's going to find religion and be turned against his mom. Poor guy doesn't have it in him to be a bloodthirsty Lannister.  I'm glad that they changed Varys's treatment of his birds on the show.  I don't imagine that the poor treatment of the twins is going to last forever.   I guess we can now all guess how Kev and  Pycelle die. I wouldn't be shocked if Lord Tyrell was included in the scene.

R.I.P Shaggy dog :(

I swear to god that if we have to endure all these Arya training scenes just for her to escape and realize that she's Arya,  I'm not going to be happy.


Wall stuff happened. Ollie's death stare <3 I'm guessing that Edd's going to die by Ramsay's hand in the near future to force Jon into resuming his role at the wall.

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1 minute ago, WatchrTina said:

Something tells me the thing with Rickon is a set-up.

Oh, I hope this is true. I am really not looking forward to Rickon getting the Ramsay treatment.

But I doubt this is so because this show is not kind.

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7 minutes ago, anamika said:

I am okay with it, because in the books Jon was agonizing between the NW and Arya. Specifically Arya. That's what's so momentous about the decision. What he does not do for Ned or Robb, he does for Arya. To make it about Sansa (Whom he is more or less indifferent to in the books) would be again taking away more from Arya's arc. Since they have already removed the whole fake Arya plot, Jon's reasons for leaving the watch is also going to be different. I do think he is going to attack Winterfell and Ramsay for Sansa and Rickon though. I am guessing the shows version of the Pink Letter will be about Rickon.

Poor Shaggydog!! I am guessing that before the season is over, the Umbers are going to be as hated as the Freys. Their book versions were cool.

WRT this episode, he's leaving for himself, not Sansa,Not Arya,Not Rickon and not Bran and NOT Winterfell.

His mind will change next week if Sansa gets there before he leaves, then and only then will it be for Family and possibly the North.

7 minutes ago, jcin617 said:

Something tells me the thing with Rickon is a set-up.

With the size of the wolf's head I'm thinking so, hoping more.

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This season's been pretty bloody so far: six named characters died over the first two episodes, and four named characters died in this episode (although Harwick and Marsh were pretty much nonentities, to be fair), five if you count Arthur Dayne dying in the flashback. On average about 18 named characters have died per season. At the current rate, the show will hit that well before the end of the season.

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Of course the Tower of Joy was a tease. As others have pointed out, missed opportunity to reveal Jon Snow's mother on Mother's Day. I kind of figured they were going to drag it out when I heard two directors were on set meaning the ToJ scenes would be in at least two episodes with two separate directors. At least we know more is coming this season because they could have left it at just that. Great sword fight though, even if Arthur Dayne did have two swords. I can see why visually the show would have changed that. 

Still loving the Wall storyline. Davos is awesome, Tormund is awesome, Edd is awesome. Yay for Ollie dying. Jon's angst over it just doesn't resinate with me because the character was so unlikable. Jon had a great closing line. Happy he's out of the Night's Watch and free to go save the North from Ramsay.

Speaking of which, I continue to dislike everything about Ramsay's storyline and the rest of the non-Wall non-Sansa north. I want a true "North Remembers" storyline or at least a Northern storyline that makes sense. I want Ramsay dead. And damn you show for killing another dire wolf. At least we didn't have to see it happen I guess.

King's Landing has been one of the weaker plots this season but I enjoyed tonight's episode except of course for Jamie. I don't think I will ever stop being angry about what they're doing to his character. I'm hoping the line about the official charges not being filed means that he has no clue what Cersei is accused of and once he finds out he can get on with his redemption arc, although it seems unbelievable that he wouldn't know seeing as how it was publicly announced why she was doing her walk of shame. I liked the council scene and the little birds scene. They're definitely white washing Varys with leaving those children's tongues intact and having the little birds be in Qyburn's service now so if the epilogue from book five does happen it will be under his command and not Varys'.

I really liked Varys' scenes in Meereen. Love seeing him in action and the actor is just wonderful. Tyrion's scene's fell flat. The anachronisms continue. His scenes with the dragons last week were great so the character just needs more to do in order to be interesting.

Arya yawn. Wake me up when she gets back to Westeros. I wonder if her feelings about the Hound were merely inserted to remind the audience of his existence or if they're hinting at Arya crossing paths with him again assuming the Gravedigger theories are true. 

Edited by glowbug
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Did the Three Eyed Raven really say he'd been in that tree for a thousand years? I guess we won't be getting any Great Bastards history then. 

I thought the episode dragged a bit, or maybe it's just in comparison to last week's which left me breathless. 

I actually felt a little sorry for Olly. Me... after calling for his head last season. He was a kid with PTSD being manipulated by older men who had their own agenda. Still, the L.C. needs to lay down the law I guess. I'm glad Jon retired his command. He needs to kick some Bolton ass, and now he can. 

I thought the Tyrion scene was filler. I guess, that was the point, waiting for Varys to show up, but sometimes it seems they put Tyrion in so that they can have Peter Dinklage in every episode. 

I'm sick of the damn High Sparrow and I wanted sweet little Tommen to go full-on Tywin and take him down. 

I loved the Tower of Joy scene. I know the dialog was tweaked which worked for the live action, and I wanted more, but we know it's coming soon. 

Damn Lord Umber. I realize he has a legit grievance, given his history with the wildlings, but killing Shaggydog! Curse you! Also, nobody deserves to be handed over to Ramsay, especially not the littlest Stark and his nanny. 

Edited by MarySNJ
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38 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

Please turn out to be a random wolf and not Shaggy Dog, please turn out to be a random wolf and not Shaggy Dog.

This, a thousand times this. I cannot take anymore direwolf deaths, people! I cannot! (I was watching this with my dog, Sasha, and I had to give her a big hug after that scene).

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I actually felt a little sorry for Olly. Me... after calling for his head last season. He was a kid with PTSD being manipulated by older men who had their own agenda. Still, the L.C. needs to lay down the law I guess. I'm glad Jon retired his command. He needs to kick some Bolton ass, and now he can. 

I think his bitchface season that go me really hating him but I remember that he saw his parents killed by Wildlings, one of whom was Ygritte.

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