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S01.E02: Game Time

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Hannah isn't as awful as Adrienne, but for sure, she's no Kate Chastain!

Jen (I think that's her name--the female deckhand) is giving me the same lazy, entitled attitude I got from S1 Stewardess Sam.  Not a cute look.

I'm really glad Ben is here; otherwise, I don't think I'm clicking with this cast as well as I did with the previous Below Deck casts...

  • Love 8

Bobby and Julia are OK - they are the only high points in this lifeless and unlikable cast.

Hannah sucks the energy out of me and the lesbian / Bryan dynamic is also exhausting.  I think he is a Major Penis.  "I am the boss and I DESERVE RESPECT" - fuck that.  He is another prissy, entitled crybaby (see also Hannah) who wants to be in charge but has no discernible leadership skills.  As a true leader, he should be EARNING his respect from the crew.  It is not bestowed upon him simply by his "title".  Successful managers in any field understand this.  Egads.

This captain is underwhelming - he may as well not exist.  Can they edit him out of the rest of the unaired episodes so we don't have to see or hear him?

Tiffany and the bottle of wine was cringe-worthy.   I hate to agree with Hannah - but I agreed with "I am embarrassed to be seen in public with her".

This ship is sinking.  Will see if I last through the entire season of episodes.  Might turn out that "Below Deck" is best left in the Caribbean only with Captain Lee.  We will see.



  • Love 3

This episode reminds me of how much I can't stand working with managers who love to remind you at all times that they've worked four billion hours straight without a break or sleep since before they were born.Tiffany is not doing herself any favors but all she seemed to be saying when she unintentionally provoked the "not nasty" talk from her boss who called her a trashbag was that she had been up a long time and was surprised she had any adrenaline left. Big deal. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, 6FeetUnder said:

Hannah sucks the energy out of me and the lesbian / Bryan dynamic is also exhausting.  I think he is a Major Penis.  "I am the boss and I DESERVE RESPECT" - fuck that.  He is another prissy, entitled crybaby (see also Hannah) who wants to be in charge but has no discernible leadership skills.  As a true leader, he should be EARNING his respect from the crew.  It is not bestowed upon him simply by his "title".  Successful managers in any field understand this.  Egads.

Hmm.  Interesting, but I have to strongly disagree.  Particularly in a situation where no one knows anyone else, respect is owed on the basis of title.

You can't have everyone deciding whether or not his superior has earned the right to have his instructions followed.  "Nonrecognition of authority" is the literal definition of anarchy.

When they needed to snuggle that boat into the dock with five feet of leeway, the captain was rightly concerned that he didn't know his crew well enough to be sure he could count on them to follow instructions.  It would have been a disaster if the crew had been thinking they didn't know this captain guy from Adam and they better just do whatever they thought was the best move.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Why can this poor show not get its own forum? It took me two weeks to find it buried under another below deck show. I don't get it. It's like putting every project runway under one topic even if it's all stars or juniors. Come on guys! We'd get more comments if people could find it.

A vote was taken in the main forum weeks ago.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

Why can this poor show not get its own forum? It took me two weeks to find it buried under another below deck show. I don't get it. It's like putting every project runway under one topic even if it's all stars or juniors. Come on guys! We'd get more comments if people could find it.

I asked people weeks ago if they would prefer a sub-forum within the Below Deck forum or if they wanted a separate forum.  Most people wanted a sub-forum so we went with the majority.

  • Love 1

So this was Jen's first period?  That's why she pulls the period card out like a 6th grader?  I hate when women do that.  This is why some men feel they have the right to not work with women.  Jen is just a waste of space, seriously.  I like Ben, of course, the first mate, the captain and the second stew.  I don't care for Tiffany.  Did she say something about getting her captain's license?  Wow, just wow.  I can't stand Hannah, she should not be in management at all.

  • Love 3

Maybe it is because the last season of Below Deck had Rocky on it, who basically sent me into a rage spiral every time she was onscreen, that none of these crew members or their disagreements seem that bad to me. I like them all so far, except for Hannah and Jen. Though it is early in the season so that could all change.

I agreed with Ben about it being the first charter and that Tiffany has the potential to learn and be better. I do not think she was intentionally not doing the work or screwing around. Hey at least she wasn't sexing up a crew member in the laundry room.

I also agreed with Bryan in that Hannah confronting Tiffany when she was wasted wasn't going to get them anywhere.

I feel like Jen thinks she is too good for the job she is doing or where she ranks with the other deckhands. She does seem to have a lot of experience, but I think if she worked hard to show Bryan that he may change his opinion about her. It probably did not help that she wasn't on deck early the first morning.

  • Love 3

I always go back and forth about Ben. On the one hand, I think he's exceptionally great at his craft and more often than not blows the guests away with his cuisine, but on the other, he's so stubborn about last minute improvising and his "vision" and tends to get so hung up on getting the minutia and plating of each of his dishes just right (which IS important, but don't be a snappy prima donna!) that he overlooks the meals as an overall experience. Fried cheese AND Moussaka were much too heavy for this group in one sitting. He always redeems himself though by befriending and sticking up for the underdogs on the ship, in this case Tiffany.

I like Tiffany! If Hannah thinks Tiffany is incompetent, imagine what she would do with Rocky last season?! I agree that it's a little dumb to sign on for a job you don't want to do, but I didn't see Tiffany whining, putting on a show,  or sucking all of the air out of the boat. 

Definite Sam from season 1 vibes with Jen--the little smirks whenever Bryan spoke to her, ugh.  

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, jumper sage said:

So this was Jen's first period?  That's why she pulls the period card out like a 6th grader?  I hate when women do that.  This is why some men feel they have the right to not work with women.  

I think Jens issue was not advertising to a guy she didn't know very well, or to who was around that she had her period. She could have just said "I'm indisposed" or something like that. 

If anything the boss needs to give her a chance and not assume she can't do something because she is a girl

50 minutes ago, tinaw said:

I think Jens issue was not advertising to a guy she didn't know very well, or to who was around that she had her period. She could have just said "I'm indisposed" or something like that. 


She was missing from her duties or not answering her call or something.  My point was that unless you just got your first period you should have the where-with-all to manage your body.  Having seen her already over sleep and then expecting people to lie for her, I call bullshit and she is just trying to shock her boss.

  • Love 2

I like Hannah (ducks head).   Yes, I cringed a bit while watching her but I agreed with a lot of what she said, just not how or when she said it.  I find both Tiffany and Jen irksome.  If you don't want to do the job you're assigned, why did you apply for it?  While I applaud Tiffany wanting to learn all she can before applying for her captain license, her attitude sucks.  And, as a female in a male dominated industry, I can understand Jen's concern of being iced out by the boys, but again, her attitude sucks.  Not showing up on time day 2 and asking co-workers to lier?  Plus, the massive chip she carries around on her shoulder is visible.

I really enjoy watching Ben, and I like Julia (did anyone know that her last name is Pusey?  That's just wrong) and the fireman too. I fear Bobby will be gone soon.  Jury's still out on the Captain.  His voice is sexy though!

  • Love 5
42 minutes ago, jumper sage said:

She was missing from her duties or not answering her call or something.  My point was that unless you just got your first period you should have the where-with-all to manage your body.  Having seen her already over sleep and then expecting people to lie for her, I call bullshit and she is just trying to shock her boss.

I agree. She should have just told the bosun that she was going off line for a couple of minutes. She didn't even have to say it on the air. She could have found him and told him. Your right though she hasn't shown much responsibility since being on the boat. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, snarts said:

I like Hannah (ducks head).   Yes, I cringed a bit while watching her but I agreed with a lot of what she said, just not how or when she said it.  I find both Tiffany and Jen irksome.  If you don't want to do the job you're assigned, why did you apply for it?  While I applaud Tiffany wanting to learn all she can before applying for her captain license, her attitude sucks.  And, as a female in a male dominated industry, I can understand Jen's concern of being iced out by the boys, but again, her attitude sucks.  Not showing up on time day 2 and asking co-workers to lier?  Plus, the massive chip she carries around on her shoulder is visible.

I really enjoy watching Ben, and I like Julia (did anyone know that her last name is Pusey?  That's just wrong) and the fireman too. I fear Bobby will be gone soon.  Jury's still out on the Captain.  His voice is sexy though!

I have to agree with you about Hannah.  She was just telling Tiffany the truth.  I got pissed that all the guys felt so sorry for Tiffany, typical "Captain save a ho" type guys who love being with a crying broken bird like Tiffany.  I wonder if she has a drinking problem.  To me Tiffany and Jen seem entitled and very "special snow-flakeish."

  • Love 4

While I don't think that was the time to lecture Tiffany on how she's not doing her fair share, I'm betting Hannah has seen that type of worker before.   Had Tiffany explained that Mr. Steeler wanted her to sit and watch the game with her and fetch him drinks non stop, so that was why she didn't get a lot done, that might have prevented Hannah's frustrations.  She could have asked Hannah, you're experienced, how should I have handled it or how could I have handled it differently so I could get everything done?  It would have been a way to show that she's interested in learning and getting the job done, plus it's also given some kudos to Hannah at the same time.  All Hannah sees is Tiffany not getting everything done; she was stupid enough to say she really wanted to be a deckhand, then she went to bed early the first evening.  Then Tiffany gets all teary eyed - what in the world would she do if a charter guest or the boat owner bitched her out big time?

Jury is out for me with Hannah.  And the other guy who thinks he's Mr. Exec - yeah not liking him at all.  Not really his place to step in, plus he's discussing shit with Hannah, just like he told her not to do with Tiffany.  Pot meet kettle.

I'm all about giving people chances, but she's really started off badly (not epic bad like Sam or Rocky).  If she wants to be a captain, then she has to start learning how to read people and realize that first impressions and perceptions count for a lot.

Jen is just trouble.  She's been a deckhand for how many years?  Don't people eventually move up the ladder a little bit? Maybe she's still a deckhand because she has a shitty attitude?

Glad I don't have to hear about that stupid football game again.  If it's that important to you, then plan your schedule accordingly.

  • Love 2

How could she get the list done when she was busy serving the charter guest during the game?

I think she is crap manager. She insulted her coworker several times in front of the crew and then instigated a work review in a bar after they had all been drinking. She is not a pro no matter what she thinks of herself. The guy was right to try and step in and stop it. I really think she should be reported to the captain for such a lack of professionalism so she can be replaced or retrained.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Belowdeckchatter said:

How could she get the list done when she was busy serving the charter guest during the game?

Maybe if Tiffany had told Hannah what happened, Hannah would have understood, instead Tiffany grabbed a bottle and just started crying, "wah, wah, I'm a victim, poor me." 

The First Mate was WRONG IMO to step in, the stews are Hannah's responsibility.  I have an issue when a man upstages a woman's authority.  She doesn't tell him how to run the deck, he shouldn't tell her how to run the stews.  If he had an issue, then he should have informed the captain.  I thought it was a crap move on his part.

  • Love 8

Tif might be lazy and needed a work performance review but not in a bar during off time.

I didn't really see her as being a baby. I saw a girl minding her own business and then being insulted. She was told she was a classless embarrassment for the way she was drinking her wine and then a trash bag. That is not a way a proper manager leads a crew. Han is a bully. If she were a man she would have been decked.

  • Love 1

Then why didn't Tiffany act like an adult and tell Hannah, "look Hannah I WAS doing my job, the primary's husband wanted me to stay there during the game because he said it was good luck."  If she said that, then hopefully that would have shut Hannah up.

2 hours ago, Belowdeckchatter said:

I didn't really see her as being a baby. I saw a girl minding her own business and then being insulted.

The problem is that Tiffany isn't a girl, she's a grown woman. 

  • Love 3

Working on a boat or in a kitchen is exactly the same, regarding the rules and respect due to hierarchy / any form of authority : it's like being in the army. Same rules apply...

How can I know that ? Because, fortunately and/or unfortunately, my hubby is a Chef and I was a crew member on a sailing boat during races when I was a teenager. You need 100% trust in your Chef/leader/etc and the same is expected in the other way. If trust is lacking in any way, everybody is  wrecked ! The -perfect- first docking as a crew and the control of it was is very good illustration of that needed trust :))

Edited by Diane Mars
  • Love 1

Tiffany lost me because she has said more than once that she doesn't want to be a stew. No one forced her to take this job and it might not be a life long dream but do the job you were hired to do. 

Also, she does seem to move at a slow pace, she wasn't sitting with the guest until the end of the fourth quarter and making gin and tonics takes literally a minute. She could have moved the ingredients to the bar in the room where he was watching the game. She also could have set up the breakfast table while the game was on because its right off that room. She also could have nicely explained to the guest that she had work to do but would be as present as possible.

Based on how long it took her to find the expiration date on the yogurt I think she is just very slow.

  • Love 6
42 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Tiffany lost me because she has said more than once that she doesn't want to be a stew. No one forced her to take this job and it might not be a life long dream but do the job you were hired to do. 

Also, she does seem to move at a slow pace, she wasn't sitting with the guest until the end of the fourth quarter and making gin and tonics takes literally a minute. She could have moved the ingredients to the bar in the room where he was watching the game. She also could have set up the breakfast table while the game was on because its right off that room. She also could have nicely explained to the guest that she had work to do but would be as present as possible.

Based on how long it took her to find the expiration date on the yogurt I think she is just very slow.

Maybe Tiffany should join Aleks Taldykin's yacht crew of misfit toys.  I'm really tickled by the idea that there is a possibility of a shadow crew of fuckwits. If that's not deserving of at least a web series, I don't know what else is.

  • Love 7

I mean, I love the Steelers...but damn I was tired of that 2 hour saga about finding the game. That dude was an idiot. If he's got so much free time to travel the world but can't miss a game, why is he scheduling a vacation into, literally, the middle of the sea on gameday. And why did it take 2 hours worth of show for someone to come up with an HDMI cable? Asking random bars and cafes to open in the middle of the night is a better plan? That sure was some boring manufactured drama. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, wovenloaf said:

I mean, I love the Steelers...but damn I was tired of that 2 hour saga about finding the game. That dude was an idiot. If he's got so much free time to travel the world but can't miss a game, why is he scheduling a vacation into, literally, the middle of the sea on gameday. And why did it take 2 hours worth of show for someone to come up with an HDMI cable? Asking random bars and cafes to open in the middle of the night is a better plan? That sure was some boring manufactured drama. 

I kind of get not wanting to miss the game. As an avid Panthers fan I try not to miss any games and get a bit ticked off when people plan things around game time that I have to attend. That being said, I really hate the Steelers and most of their fans I've come in contact with have been assholes, not you of course WOVENLOAF , so it didn't bother me that he couldn't watch the game. 

And since I know nothing about international travel.....When I run into a scheduling conflict during a Panthers game I use the NFL mobile app on my phone to catch the game. Could the charter guest not do this?

Edited by Mountainair
On 5/11/2016 at 6:03 AM, eurekagirl mOo said:

Why can this poor show not get its own forum? It took me two weeks to find it buried under another below deck show. I don't get it. It's like putting every project runway under one topic even if it's all stars or juniors. Come on guys! We'd get more comments if people could find it.

I agree.  I never come here because it shows no new comments for Below Deck on my forums list.   It would be much better if it had its own forum. 

Tiffany said she wants to be a boat captain.  I would assume that she's just doing the show because it is TV, as I don't see being a stew as a real stop on her way to being captain. If she really believed that, she wouldn't be crying and complaining about having to be a stew when she wanted to be a deckhand. Also, she wimped out on a research trip because of a few days of storms.  That doesn't bode well for her sucking it up and doing a job regardless, which boat captains need to do.  Whining and wining instead of stating why she was unable to finish her job for the day doesn't show an example of mental fortitude she'd need to deal with, oh, let's say a crew with someone on it who is whining and wining instead of just working...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

  • Love 2

So Jen doesn't like foreign people, food, or buildings. She misses her Starbucks, cable, and dog. Why is she in the middle of the Mediterranean? She should be working day charters out of Florida. Jen is such an ugly American.

The only issue I'll slightly side with Jen about is that I've seen situations a lot like her bathroom issue where the male boss berated the woman about not being able to hold it when she really had to change her tampon. I once saw this happening with a friend and our male boss told her to hold it and she replied "I have to change my bloody tampon. What am I holding?" At the word tampon, our boss was like "go! Go go go go!"

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