bosawks April 27, 2016 Share April 27, 2016 What's with all the gesticulating this year with Thomas? He looks like he's trying to land a plane. 8 Link to comment
Neurochick April 27, 2016 Share April 27, 2016 I have to agree with Patricia. I think Kathryn and Thomas are both morons who deserve each other. Hopefully their children will have more sense than their idiot parents. Shep is NOT attractive. I think he needs to grow up before even thinking about having a relationship. 11 Link to comment
glowlights April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 20 hours ago, bosawks said: What's with all the gesticulating this year with Thomas? He looks like he's trying to land a plane. I noticed in his TH he seemed to be doing that cheesy public speaker thing with his hands. Must be left over from his life in politics. Maybe "Sandy Duncan From Hell" told him to do that. The scene with Cameran having to defend why she doesn't want kids was just terrible. It's 2016 and it's still not socially acceptable for a woman to say she's not interested or not trying and leave it at that. At least her friend didn't tell Cameran to have kids even if she doesn't want them so she'll have free servants when she's elderly. (Yes, I've heard that.) I hope Landon was saying the thing about "being put together means you're a good person" is the attitude she grew up around, not necessarily something she believes, because NOPE. Nope, nope, nope. 8 Link to comment
Babyfoot April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 Poor man's Truman Capote is the greatest burn to date, which should solidify Patricia as the very best charmer this season. Speaking of rankings, who's doing the recapping for PTV, Kathryn's mother or Jennifer Snowden? I've never disagreed with a recapper more. 7 Link to comment
Vivigirl10 April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 Quote I noticed that when Thomas walked over to Jennifer at the flamingo party and asked if he could talk to her she looked up with a sweet smile and said, "sure Thomas", almost flirtatious. She still has the hots for him and would be with him in a heartbeat. But since he is rejecting her, she is going against him with Kathryn. Except she's not really a good friend to Kathryn either, always stirring things up. Jennifer is suspect. I'll take it ten-steps further.....Jennifer is constantly stirring shit up with Kathryn to keep her faaaaaar away from Thomas because she wants him for herself! Eleven steps further? Do we yet know who the father of Jennifer's baby is? Hmmmmmmm? I can't stand Landon just like everybody else but I got her eye-rolling over the hysterics of "Kathryn could have DIED"! It's very teenage girl, attention seeking gossip. Granted, it was Jennifer who said it, not Kathryn. I don't think Craig would be at the top of the phone chain like he was if she truly had been in a life or death situation. When Patricia moves it looks to me like she's a 100 hundred year old woman. So stiff and slow! 7 Link to comment
TheFinalRose April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 I kind of liked the party. The gardens are pretty and any party theme is just that--a manufactured theme--so it was fine by me. Thomas is gross, a felon with a drinking problem, but still, rich. All these young women circling around him must think he is going to break at some point and take a wife (heck, even George Clooney wed someone) so it is just a matter of making yourself available for a test drive to see if you are the one that sticks. There is a lot of ego involved in imagining yourself as the one woman that even avowed bachelor Thomas Ravenal could not resist. And if you are that woman you are set for life financially (they imagine). Kathryn tried, but she failed. Even two babies couldn't win him. Landon is wondering if she could be the one. Jennifer too. They probably already imagine how nice they are going to be to poor Kathyrn Dennis and her two bastard children when they become Mrs. Ravenal. Danni at least had some self-respect and physically recoiled from Thomas. That girl at least has some hope. 5 Link to comment
Primetimer April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 And other dispatches from the 144 Flamingo Experience. View the full article 1 Link to comment
trimthatfat April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 I get that Landon does not like Katheryn and the 'she could have died' was a little over-the-top, but I thought Landon was a tad insensitive. If I were her, I wouldn't have commented at all. 4 Link to comment
RHJunkie April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 Thomas and Katheryn are both quite the pair. One uses her child and pregnancy to manipulate while the other thinks that the silver lining to the state not allowing him custody is that the mother of his child is not entitled to any kind of money. It's hard to pick a side because they both come across as self absorbed assholes. Jennifer proved Thomas' point the moment she ran to the corner to call Katheryn. Thomas approached her about an issue he had with her. He didn't complain about Katheryn or say anything about her that would justify calling her to give her a low down of the conversation - in the heat of the moment no less. What person with a fraction of sense would call their pregnant friend who just had a hospital scare to gossip about someone they know their friend has strong emotional reactions to? She is not a friend. It seems like Jennifer is more trying to keep herself as a wedge between Katheryn and Thomas than she is about being an actual friend. 8 Link to comment
Zizzlezazzle April 28, 2016 Share April 28, 2016 5 hours ago, glowlights said: I noticed in his TH he seemed to be doing that cheesy public speaker thing with his hands. Must be left over from his life in politics. Maybe "Sandy Duncan From Hell" told him to do that. The scene with Cameran having to defend why she doesn't want kids was just terrible. It's 2016 and it's still not socially acceptable for a woman to say she's not interested or not trying and leave it at that. At least her friend didn't tell Cameran to have kids even if she doesn't want them so she'll have free servants when she's elderly. (Yes, I've heard that.) I hope Landon was saying the thing about "being put together means you're a good person" is the attitude she grew up around, not necessarily something she believes, because NOPE. Nope, nope, nope. Right, I wish more attention was given to the kids/no kids story line for exactly the reasons you stated. I think many women struggle with this issue and pressure from friends and family to conceive. It's not that her brunette friend was bullying her about it, per se, but like you I suspect that Cameron would have liked to reply, when asked why she wasn't also on the baby train, "because I'm not sure I want kids. Haven't made up my mind yet, and even if I do want a baby, I don't want to be rushed." She sort of danced around it instead. It's okay to think you aren't responsible enough for parenthood yet! It's okay to be a little freaked out by labor! All perfectly valid feelings. Stay strong, Cameron! 8 Link to comment
izabella April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Quote It's not that her brunette friend was bullying her about it, You're right it wasn't bullying, but she sure did apply that "family and social pressure" ! It wasn't as bad as it could have been - there are a lot of words people use to describe women who aren't interested in motherhood like, unnatural and abnormal, selfish, unfeminine and the ever popular, "what's wrong (with you)? why don't you want kids?" But that friend was very direct and very loud about it. Cameron should be able to say kids aren't her priority without having to explain, just like no one expects other people to explain why they do want kids or why they want two or however many they want. 4 Link to comment
breezy424 April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Wow. Just watched WWHL with Gloria Vanderbilt and Anderson Cooper. Patricia's 'voice' and intonations sounds so much like Gloria's. I think Patricia 'studied' her. No. Really. 4 Link to comment
MyAimIsTrue April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 14 hours ago, izabella said: You're right it wasn't bullying, but she sure did apply that "family and social pressure" ! It wasn't as bad as it could have been - there are a lot of words people use to describe women who aren't interested in motherhood like, unnatural and abnormal, selfish, unfeminine and the ever popular, "what's wrong (with you)? why don't you want kids?" But that friend was very direct and very loud about it. As a female who is childless by choice I've heard all of those words and it's insulting. During that scene I was cringing for Cameran. 10 Link to comment
njbchlover April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 On 4/27/2016 at 2:47 PM, Neurochick said: I get the sense that Landon has the hots for Thomas, why I don't know; he looks like an old drunk. I get the sense that Landon has the hots for anyone who has a big bank account and will give her a second look. ;-) 10 Link to comment
Neurochick April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 I felt for Cameran in that scene with her friends. One thing I have learned in life is not everybody should have children; I don't believe that being a mother is instinctual for all women. Some people shouldn't drive cars, some people shouldn't fly planes, and some people shouldn't have children. 12 Link to comment
glowlights April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 Speaking of being childless (me)... can anyone enlighten me as to which pregnancy risk would cause one to bleed out of their ears and eyeballs, as Kathryn claimed? It sounds like a horror movie. 3 Link to comment
izabella April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 glowlights, the only one I can think of is Ebola. 6 Link to comment
bosawks April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 1 hour ago, glowlights said: Speaking of being childless (me)... can anyone enlighten me as to which pregnancy risk would cause one to bleed out of their ears and eyeballs, as Kathryn claimed? It sounds like a horror movie. Spending time with Thomas sober? 8 Link to comment
eurekagirl mOo April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 I find it hard to say but...JD really pissed me off...I know, I know.......but just because YOUR wife didn't start to bleed and have to go to the hospital does not mean that's true for everyone. Geez. Kathryn is making a HUMAN BEING in her body. She is responsible for that human being. She didn't feel well and she went to the ER. They admitted her. There were no cameras there and it wasn't done for drama.....she was worried about her child and well she should be. Hospitals don't admit you unless there is a medical reason. And Landon? STFU....Take your dolphin cracking voice and go make noises somewhere else. And call me when you get pregnant. I doubt your be so snotty when it's YOUR child in danger. Cameron-You don't want to have kids then don't have them! You don't owe anybody any's your body, your life, your choice. 12 Link to comment
trimthatfat April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 7 hours ago, Neurochick said: I felt for Cameran in that scene with her friends. One thing I have learned in life is not everybody should have children; I don't believe that being a mother is instinctual for all women. Some people shouldn't drive cars, some people shouldn't fly planes, and some people shouldn't have children. I totally agree. I imagine in her area, people marry and have kids asap, but honestly, not everyone wants to be a parent and that's okay. I'd rather someone own that than bring children into the world. I read a story last year about a woman who felt pressured to have children when she married and she said she never liked the kids. She pretty much tolerated them. 2 Link to comment
Buck Henry April 29, 2016 Share April 29, 2016 On 4/28/2016 at 2:45 PM, Kiki620 said: I'll take it ten-steps further.....Jennifer is constantly stirring shit up with Kathryn to keep her faaaaaar away from Thomas because she wants him for herself! Eleven steps further? Do we yet know who the father of Jennifer's baby is? Hmmmmmmm? I can't stand Landon just like everybody else but I got her eye-rolling over the hysterics of "Kathryn could have DIED"! It's very teenage girl, attention seeking gossip. Granted, it was Jennifer who said it, not Kathryn. I don't think Craig would be at the top of the phone chain like he was if she truly had been in a life or death situation. When Patricia moves it looks to me like she's a 100 hundred year old woman. So stiff and slow! I looked into Jennifers baby daddy, she isn't married and she hasn't mentioned who it is. Also the baby has genetic issues. Sounds like she tricked one of her fuck daddies that pay for things to get her pregnant. It could be Trav, if it is next season is going to be crazy. 3 Link to comment
HunterHunted April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 5 hours ago, eurekagirl mOo said: I find it hard to say but...JD really pissed me off...I know, I know.......but just because YOUR wife didn't start to bleed and have to go to the hospital does not mean that's true for everyone. Geez. Kathryn is making a HUMAN BEING in her body. She is responsible for that human being. She didn't feel well and she went to the ER. They admitted her. There were no cameras there and it wasn't done for drama.....she was worried about her child and well she should be. Hospitals don't admit you unless there is a medical reason. And Landon? STFU....Take your dolphin cracking voice and go make noises somewhere else. And call me when you get pregnant. I doubt your be so snotty when it's YOUR child in danger. Cameron-You don't want to have kids then don't have them! You don't owe anybody any's your body, your life, your choice. I don't know why they act like Kathryn is some sort of bruha or sex witch who uses her vagina to ensnare men. She didn't make herself unwell so that she could get admitted to a hospital and later get Thomas to cosign on her lease. Even implying this is ludicrous. If Kathryn is a sex witch who uses her sex magic to trap and manipulate Thomas, then Patricia is a sex sorceress who managed to get several rich to marry her while only bearing one child. 9 Link to comment
breezy424 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 If Cam doesn't want to have children, hey that's ok. However her husband does and she's said this a number of times. Could be a problem....just sayin. I still believe that there was something going on with Kathryn's health before they went to 'family' outing. Kathryn and Jennifer were the only two with those green wristbands on at the polo match. And they didn't have them on when they were going there. Then Kathryn ends up in the hospital. I wouldn't doubt for a moment that the 'editors' kept things out to make it seem that Kathryn was manipulating TRav by being admitted to the hospital. I'm not buying it. I really don't get why Landon 'hates' Kathryn so much.....well....except if she has a thing for TRav. 5 Link to comment
Major Bigtime April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 I really want to know what the green bracelets were for. It's usually indicative of an event of some type that one attends after paying a fee for admission. 2 Link to comment
imjagain April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 (edited) This is going to sound harsh but JD and the rest know what a drama queen Kathryn is and with all the rumors I've read about her smoking and drinking while pregnant. I'd be over her too. Yes, going to the hospital is serious, but we don't even know what the outcome was. Was she really bleeding? Or are we just to take Kathryn's word. I'm sorry but I have seen it happen. My brother's first wife went to the hospital all the time claiming pains, spotting. Of course the hospital took her seriously, after all she was pregnant and you don't want to take a chance on an unborn baby. We all knew it was her way to control a situation. I'm not saying Kathryn wasn't bleeding, I'm just seeing it from everyone else's point of view. Edited April 30, 2016 by imjagain 3 Link to comment
biakbiak April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Kathryn clarified on twitter that she wasn't bleeding that she had high blood pressure, though she went on to say they told her she could have started bleeding from her eyeballs if she hadn't come in. 2 Link to comment
imjagain April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 21 minutes ago, biakbiak said: Kathryn clarified on twitter that she wasn't bleeding that she had high blood pressure, though she went on to say they told her she could have started bleeding from her eyeballs if she hadn't come in. From her eyeballs? Lol, l sorry that just cracked me up. Is that a real thing? 3 Link to comment
njbchlover April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 (edited) Quote 41 minutes ago, imjagain said: From her eyeballs? Lol, l sorry that just cracked me up. Is that a real thing? Well,to be honest, something like this did happen to my brother (although he wasn't pregnant at the time, LOL!!). His blood pressure spiked really, really high and he developed broken blood vessels behind one of his eyes, so his eyeball was all blood shot and red. It wasn't as if blood was dripping out of his eyes, like someone from a horror movie or something. He said his doctor told him that it is pretty common with a rapid spike in blood pressure. He did spend several hours in the hospital until they could get his blood pressure back down to a normal range. Edited April 30, 2016 by njbchlover 7 Link to comment
imjagain April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 3 minutes ago, njbchlover said: Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that could happen. Ok, now I feel like an ass. 2 Link to comment
njbchlover April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 16 minutes ago, imjagain said: Omg I'm so sorry! I didn't realize that could happen. Ok, now I feel like an ass. Oh, no worries!! He's fine. :-) 2 Link to comment
JenE4 April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Late to the (flamingo) party and didn't read the comments yet--just watching now. JD walked out of his house, past a detached garage, and into a different house? Wonder whether that's a guest house or his house is so big that it's easier to get to his kitchen by walking around the house. Though that looked like a back door when he was scooting his kids back inside to get ready for tennis. I need blueprints of their compound. This was all very confusing. Shep needs to witness that Craig drops his Bar Exam application off at the "mailing center," but good thing or Craig would be velcroing a photograph to paper. They don't have online applications in this day and age?! Cameran's friend wants to eat Cam's placenta?! Talk about a close friend! Is this the new spin on blood brothers?! Oh, Damn, Craig already pulled out the flamingo pink outfit for HIS party! Who ever would have anticipated there would actually be an appropriate venue for that outfit! What a shame that he already debuted it to this gang. Landon is throwing serious shade at Kathryn's medical emergency. I'm taking this as evidence that Landon totally "peri-ed" T'Rav's "winkle"! That is some moustache and pony tail on T-Rav's friend, Josh. But at least he didn't get quotation marks like Shep's "friend" Brittany. Hmm. Bailey didn't get quotation marks as Shep's friend, so I presume he hasn't slept with her...yet. Craig actually has a DIFFERENT hot pink checked shirt and also a pink and white check bow tie?! Well, now I've seen everything! People, this means that there are either two different designers pushing this look or one designer has an entire line of various pink check men's shirts! Nothing wrong with men wearing pink; I grew up in the 80s. These patterns, though! I think I like this one better than the last one. Shep, party foul at Patricia's soirée. Oh, Landon wants to peri Shep's winkle! Keeping an eye on you, Landon; potential to be the new Kathryn. Ooh. Cooper, calling Patricia and her golddigging ways out! Frenemies! Is Jennifer back reading this board and fielding our questions like last season? Apparently she did not heed any of our advice that no good will come out of getting embroiled in TV drama. If she was already upset about what people were saying about her last year, she decided to amp it up to villainous sidekick simply by taking Kathryn's side and stirring up drama. Everything she is saying about T-rav might be accurate, but Kathryn is so over-the-top that it's a tough sell to back 100%. A real good friend would tell their friend when they're in the wrong. Jennifer comes off as pandering to Kathyrn just to be on TV. But to be fair, home wrecker?! T-Rav, you and Kathryn wrecked your own homes--and brought down the property values of the whole damn neighborhood! 3 Link to comment
Teddybear April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 Poor Danni, she gets invited to every party/lunch/get together, but I believe she's said 3 words. It's perfectly fine that Cameron doesn't want kids but hopefully that's something she discussed with her husband. 5 Link to comment
edra April 30, 2016 Share April 30, 2016 (edited) dp Edited May 1, 2016 by medra 1 Link to comment
bravofan27 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 (edited) I thought this episode was a tad boring. Cameron has a great energy about her, and it's sweet how she is friends with Shep and Craig, and her husband is a-okay with it. That is a very nice, mature hubby. The bracelets that were causing a conundrum (the green ones at the polo match) were actually given to them when they arrived at the polo match. If you look at pictures from other polo matches you see a lot of people wearing colored bands (I checked it out on google). They can be purchased by anyone for any reason, and they are cheap. It's an entrance thing. I guess at the polo match you either need to pay or prove you belong there. At steeplechase horse races they give you the same type of bracelet. This is just one example... This one is actually dudes FILMING at the polo match that we saw kathryn and Thomas in. Note the green bracelets. Edited May 1, 2016 by bravofan27 3 Link to comment
breezy424 May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 3 hours ago, bravofan27 said: I thought this episode was a tad boring. Cameron has a great energy about her, and it's sweet how she is friends with Shep and Craig, and her husband is a-okay with it. That is a very nice, mature hubby. The bracelets that were causing a conundrum (the green ones at the polo match) were actually given to them when they arrived at the polo match. If you look at pictures from other polo matches you see a lot of people wearing colored bands (I checked it out on google). They can be purchased by anyone for any reason, and they are cheap. It's an entrance thing. I guess at the polo match you either need to pay or prove you belong there. At steeplechase horse races they give you the same type of bracelet. This is just one example... This one is actually dudes FILMING at the polo match that we saw kathryn and Thomas in. Note the green bracelets. Weird. Because neither JD or his wife were wearing them nor was the nanny .....which caused the confusion. 1 Link to comment
bblancobrnx May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 I assumed the others showed up to the match with Thomas, so they didn't have to pay/get a wrist band. I could be wrong though. 16 hours ago, JenE4 said: That is some moustache and pony tail on T-Rav's friend, Josh. But at least he didn't get quotation marks like Shep's "friend" Brittany. Hmm. Bailey didn't get quotation marks as Shep's friend, so I presume he hasn't slept with her...yet. Well, the "friends" with quotes just made me suspect it was a paid escort that was there with Shep. Link to comment
TheFinalRose May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 Uh, they should add that camera man (pictured above) to the cast. ;) 8 Link to comment
Sun-Bun May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 On April 29, 2016 at 3:47 PM, eurekagirl mOo said: I find it hard to say but...JD really pissed me off...I know, I know.......but just because YOUR wife didn't start to bleed and have to go to the hospital does not mean that's true for everyone. Geez. Kathryn is making a HUMAN BEING in her body. She is responsible for that human being. She didn't feel well and she went to the ER. They admitted her. There were no cameras there and it wasn't done for drama.....she was worried about her child and well she should be. Hospitals don't admit you unless there is a medical reason. And Landon? STFU....Take your dolphin cracking voice and go make noises somewhere else. And call me when you get pregnant. I doubt your be so snotty when it's YOUR child in danger. Cameron-You don't want to have kids then don't have them! You don't owe anybody any's your body, your life, your choice. 1 Link to comment
Sun-Bun May 1, 2016 Share May 1, 2016 Amen to all of this!! I hate the way Cameron's ambivalence over becoming a mother is being pushed so hardcore on this show. I sincerely hope for the sake of her older husband that they both talked very openly and honestly about parenting and that she didn't promise him motherhood just to ensure a marriage. I've seen way too many marriages implode because one spouse wasn't 100% sure or honest with the other spouse about his/her feelings on potentially having children. As a proudly ChildFree Southern wife though, I do find the attitudes down here to be so archaic in that respect; the deeper South you get, the harder the pro-natal agenda is pushed. I think Cameron should chill out and just enjoy a ChildFree, low-stress marriage if her husband is equally cool with that. Something seems so off with the way Landon seems so smitten with Thomas suddenly and is now seemingly ready to become some pampered rich housewife pursuing rich lady vanity gigs. That's totally against her whole storyline last season of being the proud new divorcee living on her own on a boat and enjoying her newfound independence. I thought she was so unhappy in her first marriage because she was married to a rich guy who was never around enough and she was always alone? Sounds to me like he slept around on her or maybe he was just over her and ditched her and she's using the whole "abandoned/bored rich housewife who needed more attention" story as an easy excuse to save face. 2 Link to comment
bravofan27 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) My thoughts on the Cameron and no kid thing. Do we ever see her husband? No. Why not? Because he doesn't want to be a part of it. Well, maybe she's scared he is going to pick and choose when he wants to be involved in his child's life, just like he picks and chooses when to be involved in his wife's life. I think that Cameron does not want to have a child WITH HIM, because their marriage she is not happy in. Probably they will be divorced soon. Also, super weird that JJ and Elizabeth have 4 kids but none were there on family day, yet Kenzie was there. Why wouldn't JJ and Elizabeth have their kids there? That was very strange. I would be pissed of too, if I was told that it was a family event and everyone there left their kids at home and was drinking, yet here I am with a baby. Edited May 2, 2016 by bravofan27 Link to comment
breezy424 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I think Cam's husband supports her being on the show but as a professional who deals with people/patients everyday, does not want to be associated with it. OK, heck he doesn't have to be a professional to feel this way. I totally get it. I also have the feeling that there are going to be problems for these two if Cam decides she doesn't want to have children. Cam has said on a number occasions that her husband wants them. If you don't want kids, that's up to you but you better get that straightened out before you walk down the aisle. I also can understand that it was weird that JD's kids weren't there for 'family day', given that they were allowed to be filmed when TRav visited JD. Maybe if they were, Kathryn wouldn't have been as suspicious of it all. Or....TRav just called it family day to get Kathryn and Kensie there and never said a word to JD about the 'concept' he came up with. Link to comment
biakbiak May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Jason just doesn't want to be a TV personality, seems a fairly sane decision. On the show that she hosted the dinner party he was heard on the phone and on more than one episode they have shown pictures of him not only at their wedding but with other cast members at varilus functions. There is also not a large age difference between the two. Cameron sometimes has take Jason's best friend and fellow doctor the very handsome African-American gentlemen to different functions, most prominentally Coopers ball. TRav just called it family day to get Kathryn and Kensie there and never said a word to JD about the 'concept' he came up with. Thomas never said it was a family day. He said "Ihave a Polo match on Sunday, you and Kensie should come and the next day we can go to the beach" The idea that she thought the polo match was family day made no sense, not to mention she brought Jennifer. Thomas is playing in the match, he is a part of a team, they are playing another team of course there were going to be lots of people and spectators. I think JD and Elizabeth are just good parents and realized keeping four kids who aren't toddlers entertained at a Polo match would be impossible. Kensie could toddle around, be doted on, marvel at horses from a distance and sleep. It shoukd also be noted that when Thomas tried o bitch about Kathryn taking Kensie away, Elizabeth shut him down, and reminded she was stressed and emotional. Edited May 2, 2016 by biakbiak 9 Link to comment
wovenloaf May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) Yeah I don't really interpret his not appearing at random parties where filming is taking place (for the few months a year they film this show) as him picking and choosing when to be involved in her life. I assume he's just not a person who enjoys hamming it up for the camera at flamingo parties...which seems pretty normal to me. But I like to hope the whole "Oh no, Cam doesn't want kids but hubby does!" thing is just being blown up for purposes of the show...since it would be sad if they didn't honestly discuss that with each other before getting married. Unfortunately not uncommon, but sad nonetheless. Edited May 2, 2016 by wovenloaf Link to comment
glowlights May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 On 4/30/2016 at 7:23 AM, njbchlover said: That's makes a lot more sense! (Hope your brother is doing well, sorry it happened to him.) Although I do prefer to think that Thomas's rancid sperm gave Kathryn ebola... 5 Link to comment
Sage47 May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Cameran's husband is a doctor. The guy would have to be nuts to be on a kooky reality show which would certainly bring his professional reputation down quite a few notches. Would I want to go see a doctor who was featured on a reality show?? Hell no. Seems to me that Jason is quite intelligent. Jason wants kids. At first I thought Cameran just wanted to wait awhile but now it seems clear that she would be happy to never have children. Ru-roh. I had neighbors years ago and this issue caused their divorce. The wife was adamant about not having children (and I was glad she wouldn't be a mother as she recoiled around babies in the neighborhood, refused to hold them or even interact with them!) and the husband really wanted them. He divorced her and remarried and they have one child. He is happy as can be. So...Cam may end up divorced, it is a reality. She should have thought this through. 1 Link to comment
trimthatfat May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) 17 hours ago, bravofan27 said: My thoughts on the Cameron and no kid thing. Do we ever see her husband? No. Why not? Because he doesn't want to be a part of it. Well, maybe she's scared he is going to pick and choose when he wants to be involved in his child's life, just like he picks and chooses when to be involved in his wife's life. Her husband is a doctor who has no interest in reality television. Just because he has no interest in the show doesn't mean he'd be a flaky father or that he is an absentee husband. Edited May 2, 2016 by trimthatfat 7 Link to comment
FlyingEgret May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 (edited) On April 30, 2016 at 11:25 PM, breezy424 said: If Cam doesn't want to have children, hey that's ok. However her husband does and she's said this a number of times. Could be a problem....just sayin. I still believe that there was something going on with Kathryn's health before they went to 'family' outing. Kathryn and Jennifer were the only two with those green wristbands on at the polo match. And they didn't have them on when they were going there. Then Kathryn ends up in the hospital. I wouldn't doubt for a moment that the 'editors' kept things out to make it seem that Kathryn was manipulating TRav by being admitted to the hospital. I'm not buying it. I really don't get why Landon 'hates' Kathryn so much.....well....except if she has a thing for TRav. Thank you for your thoughts on the green bracelets. I have been thinking way too much about this (it really isn't worth my time) and came to the same conclusion that the editors were splicing events. But the friend-of a patient wouldn't be given a bracelet too, would she? And no one else at the polo match had a wristband (even the nanny who was parked close to the field). So they must have stopped at a chuck-e-cheese or someplace on the way up. I really wish Andy would get this clarified so I can get some sleep. Haha Never mind - just saw the camera guy photo; mystery solved I guess! Edited May 2, 2016 by FlyingEgret Catching up on other posts 1 Link to comment
scrb May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 She still has a few years left before it becomes more complicated to have children. This could be all for the show, to have a story for the sake of having a story. Maybe they decided she'd do the show for at least a few seasons and then have children. Why would she marry a guy who wanted children if she herself didn't want any? 2 Link to comment
Major Bigtime May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 I think Cameran does want a family, but having this type of storyline gives her something to do besides host fake dinner parties. 5 Link to comment
izabella May 2, 2016 Share May 2, 2016 Cameran might also just not be ready for such a big life change yet. As a newlywed, I imagine she might want to enjoy life with her new husband for a while before deciding she is ready to be a parent. Children are a full time responsibility, and nothing about your life is the same after. If she likes how things are now, she might want to just enjoy that for a while before changing things up. 1 Link to comment
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