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S04.E07: Travel Agents

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And we're back!  Thank you Admins!

All through the episode, I was thinking about how it must really suck to be Martha now.   Going to a foreign country that you know very little about, alone, afraid, no friends, language barrier - and not really knowing what they're going to do to her once she gets there.  Or...turn yourself into the FBI and even if you manage to stay out of prison, you're ruined. 

Another excellent episode  - and I thought for a moment that Elizabeth actually killed her.

  • Love 6

This was a very tense episode. Poor Martha, running around with no idea of how much danger she was in. Sure, she knew that she was about to be arrested by the FBI, and have her life destroyed. But she had no idea how much danger she was in from her "husband" and "sister in law," until "Elizabeth literally punched that info into her gut. At least Phillip was honest with her.

But I won't really believe she is safe until she gets on to that plane.

  • Love 5

Pet Peeve: Borsht is not always served cold. Hot borsht is amazing and I wish someone would finally show it. Although either way, it does in fact taste better the next day. I was intrigued by the ginger because I thought it must be a regional marker for the phone center lady, but apparently ginger isn't a common borsht ingredient in any part of the former USSR, so I suppose it's just the lady's personal touch. I liked her, btw, and hope to see her again.

Borsht is kosher for Passover, now I think about it. I need to go peel about twenty potatoes. (It's amazing what your mind will focus on when you can't have cupcakes.)

The whole Martha storyline has been masterful, and I'm sure everyone else will be able to articulate why. I'll just say that I loved the scene between Philip and Elizabeth, where Elizabeth basically gave him permission to leave her -- I thought both acted the hell out of that scene, especially Matthew Rhys. He really got across the genuine shock at the idea that he would choose Martha over Elizabeth.

I also loved the kids/beer scene, but I'm not sure why.

  • Love 12

Great episode.  I've really enjoyed these past two episodes and it built up a strong conclusion for the Martha storyline.  Consider me surprised that she survived though I suspected as much once they mentioned the plane, which we saw in an earlier season trailer.  Though I had really thought that Elizabeth had stabbed Martha.  Fantastic performances by Allison Wright, Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell and I'd also throw in Richard Thomas as Gaad. 

I liked the scene with Joan the phone operator.

Some really great scenery, particularly that bridge scene.

I was annoyed when they cut away to the kids that the main characters are all neglecting but was amused at all the underage drinking.  So that scene worked too.

Despite some bad decision-making, I really felt sorry for Martha too and her very uncertain future.  I do hope this isn't the last we see of her...it would be fascinating to see her down the line.  I understand Philip didn't want to lie to her at the end but I think he should have just told her that he would join her and then he could have the Centre come up with a story that he had been killed.

  • Love 8

Fantastic episode, though the inexplicable power of the KGB communications network continues to strain my suspension of disbelief. So now we learn that the phone people aren't just American agents of the Centre, they're actually Russian illegals? And the current phone lady wasn't even, like, an illegal working on the West Coast who was shipped over to Washington when George died; she actually just got to the States and was able to immediately establish both a cover identity and a new communications network?

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Dev F said:

Fantastic episode, though the inexplicable power of the KGB communications network continues to strain my suspension of disbelief. So now we learn that the phone people aren't just American agents of the Centre, they're actually Russian illegals? And the current phone lady wasn't even, like, an illegal working on the West Coast who was shipped over to Washington when George died; she actually just got to the States and was able to immediately establish both a cover identity and a new communications network?

True, that does strain credulity. I liked the woman and her reactions to Philip. She seemed awed by him, respectful I guess. And yet I suppose she's very lonely there so was pleased to have someone to talk to, and also empathize about his difficult situation.

When Philip was in the park yelling "Martha! Martha!" I was sure Stan or Aderholt would be around to hear him and they would close in. Nice diversion. I sort of wish Martha had decided to turn herself in and called Gaad.

  • Love 5
34 minutes ago, Maire said:

I'm not so sure they won't push her out over the Atlantic or make her carry the rat jar in her lap. Talk about a no win situation. I thought the episode focused on one story would be boring but it was really well done. I was riveted.

I thought the same. I was kind of wondering though how Elizabeth made it from the city to Martha quicker than Stan who was probably already in eyesight of that location. At first I thought Elizabeth shot or stabbed Martha and was going to with hold first aid unless she came with her. Still wondering how a women in a rain coat/bulking clothing can punch another women in bulky clothing/over coat and leave that much damage.

That's an excellent point about having Martha transport the rat(how ironic). They kept showing it so it's part of the story somehow. I don't know if Martha has been written out of the show to Russia just yet. If they are going to Cuba via a drug smugglers route they could get intercepted. Think about the consequences they get a wanted spy and evidence that there is a mole in a bio lab.

I'm not quite sure about what to think of the band of merry juvenile delinquents yet. Nothing but more friction between Stan and Philip.

Edited by misstwpherecool
  • Love 2

In the preview Martha is in the KGB plane waving goodbye to Phillip.

If the FBI gets her now, they will have to know the ex-fil plan and intercept at some point...maybe the boat?

However, if the FBI gets her there's a problem with the show going on for much longer, unless Martha lies or refuses to say anything. Otherwise if she is interrogated and spills her guts, she'll describe the real Clark with dark curly hair. Dumb Phillip has also told her his name is Phillip. Combine those and Stan knows it's his neighbor. Where do they go from there? Where does the show go once everyone knows who Phillip and Elizabeth really are?

Or maybe only Phillip is brought in. Can you imagine the show with Phillip being a double agent without Elizabeth knowing? So many ways to go.
Do they bring them both in as double agents? Does "The Americans" continue with E and P spying for the US? Hmm.
Or maybe they go the Nina route and be completely realistic and true to the times and Martha dies.

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Dev F said:

Fantastic episode, though the inexplicable power of the KGB communications network continues to strain my suspension of disbelief. So now we learn that the phone people aren't just American agents of the Centre, they're actually Russian illegals? And the current phone lady wasn't even, like, an illegal working on the West Coast who was shipped over to Washington when George died; she actually just got to the States and was able to immediately establish both a cover identity and a new communications network?

I think she took the place of the guy killed by the rogue agent/Navy Seal guy. She talked about how she felt something bad happened when she got ordered there.

  • Love 2

I thought the story about the mysterious female agent at the Rez getting a pilot at the last minute was nothing but b.s.; figured they'd simply put Martha out of her misery before even getting to the airport.  After all, she "saw" Philip and she'd always be a wild card.

To me, it seems like Paige is dying a slow death, what with knowing her parents' secret and having to cover up for them.  It's a tough place for a 15 yo to be.

  • Love 2

I had a really good post that got errored out.  I will see how much I remember.


Gaads reaction through everything was spot on and really sad.  He knows his career is all but over.  The pen,. Gene and then Martha.  One of them is enough to get him fired all three make him look at best incompitant at worst culpable.  

My God these last two episodes Alison Wright has been amazing.  If she doesn't at least get a nomination for an Emmy there is no justice.  The scenes on the phone where enough; filled with such sadness regret and hopelessness.

The scenes between Elizabeth and Philip were both sad and electric.  It almost broke my heart when she asked him if things were different would he want to go with Martha.

Also giving me a nice gut punch was when Philip laid it all out there for Martha.  There was no going back for her.  There was no going back for any of them.

Edited by Chaos Theory
Spelling errors
  • Love 11
3 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I thought the story about the mysterious female agent at the Rez getting a pilot at the last minute was nothing but b.s.; figured they'd simply put Martha out of her misery before even getting to the airport.  After all, she "saw" Philip and she'd always be a wild card.

To me, it seems like Paige is dying a slow death, what with knowing her parents' secret and having to cover up for them.  It's a tough place for a 15 yo to be.

I think there will be a surprise defection this year. She is either there to prevent it OR maybe she's the one that wants to defect. Also if the plane/"her" pilot fails this opens the door to another direction/story with consequences to be paid.

1 hour ago, PinkRibbons said:

I also loved the kids/beer scene, but I'm not sure why.

I loved it too, it reminded me of The Ice Storm.

The KGB taking in Martha reminds of the storyline about a fellow agent of P&E who had a Hispanic girlfriend who got pregnant, after the agents death Claudia promised the woman that her and her baby would enjoy a life in Cuba.  Of course, that didn't happen.  I don't think Martha's future is certain, who's to say she's not going to wind up as an assistant to Nina's scientist friend?

  • Love 3

So much gravity in these last two episodes! Seeing Gaad, the man, watching his life and career spinning out, like a miniature version of Martha's drama. I love how the writers have portrayed the rippling effects of human drama - like a pebble dropped in a pond. One's actions change not only one's life, but others as well.

It's definitely still not clear if Martha is actually going to Russia or not.

Also, the woman at the Rezidentura has some mysterious stuff going on, too. What is she up to exactly? I think there's more than just confidential files that Oleg can't be privy to going on there.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Jodithgrace said:

This was a very tense episode. Poor Martha, running around with no idea of how much danger she was in. Sure, she knew that she was about to be arrested by the FBI, and have her life destroyed. But she had no idea how much danger she was in from her "husband" and "sister in law," until "Elizabeth literally punched that info into her gut. At least Phillip was honest with her.

But I won't really believe she is safe until she gets on to that plane.

I won't believe it until she is actually in Russia. I was just about to blurt out some info from the preview of next week's episode but luckily, I stopped to think maybe that would be considered a spoiler. In fact, I'm guessing it must be.

Oh gosh, I tried to see if I could put some info in a spoiler box. On other forums I use the word "spoiler" enclosed in square brackets. But I can't see any option here for "Preview Post". Also, for some reason, all the tags for things like "multi quote posts" appear to be in a language like Chinese or Japanese. I will try to search the site to try to find out what is happening.

Oops. My mistake. They are not in a different language. They are just shown with little icons to indicate what they are. Unfortunately, I can see the English description for those icons when I hold my mouse over them. But only for about half of them. I'm guessing this may just be some "growing pains" for the new release?

It seemed to me there was something going on with Tatiana getting that pilot that was hidden from the audience. There were several dramatic glances going on between Oleg & Tatiana about this. Does anyone have any guess as to what that could be about? Or would it be wrong to post that in this thread because it could be considered "speculation"? (Sorry - I'm very new to this forum).

When Paige went to Agent Beeman's home, I got the idea that the reason she did that was to try and protect her family and prevent Henry from saying anything that could cause Matthew to become suspicious and maybe cause him to say something to his father. I took that as an indication that Paige has finally decided to side with her family and she won't be saying or doing anything more with Pastor Tim that can bring harm to her family.

Edited by AliShibaz

I think Martha's gun actually did fulfill the Checkovian(?) rule in that while it didn't go off, it caused just about as much damage. She ran from the safehouse not only because Clark wasn't there, but also because her gun was inexplicably missing. I don't know that she would have run if she'd still had the reassurance of the gun.

Meanwhile for some reason I have this feeling it will end up in Paige's hands.

  • Love 4

I don't know how many of you are old enough to remember the wonderful 1970s French spy comedy thriller THE TALL BLOND MAN WITH ONE BLACK SHOE (which had a terrible remake with Tom Hanks in the US), but if you do you will understand why I burst into peals of hysterical laughter while they were searching Martha's apartment and oh-so-seriously melting her ice cubes and unrolling her tampons.

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

I had a really good post that got errored out.  I will see how much I remember.


Gaads reaction through everything was spot on and really sad.  He knows his career is all but over.  The pen,. Gene and then Martha.  One of them is enough to get him fired all three make him look at best incompitant at worst culpable.  

My God these last two episodes Alisin Wright has been amazing.  If she doesn't at least get a nomination for an Emmy there is no justice.  The scenes on the phone where enough; chilled with such sadness regret and hopelessness.

The scenes between Elizabeth and Philip were both sad and electric.  It almost broke my heart when she asked him if things were different would he want to go with Martha.

Also giving me a nice gut punch was when Philip paid it all out there for Martha.  There was no going back for her.  There was no going back for any of them.

I liked your post. Gaad's performance had to be the highlight of this episode. But I don't think they would fire him. That would be too dangerous. He could get angry and retaliate somehow. I think they would just move him to a nice office and give him a fairly meaningless job.

When you said "a nice gut punch", it reminded me of the way Elizabeth chose to handle Martha and settle her down. After all the efforts made by Gabriel to get Martha back in the house, if only he would have known that "a nice gut punch" would have done it.

Speaking of Gabriel, I had a thought about him. I usually don't quibble about realisim. But I have to ask whether Gabriel drives a car and if not, how did he get to the house? Because if he drove a car, wouldn't he have followed Martha (at a discreet distance of course) so that he would know where she is going? I have to wonder just how else would he travel between his home and the safe house?

  • Love 3
22 minutes ago, Darren said:

Also, the woman at the Rezidentura has some mysterious stuff going on, too. What is she up to exactly? I think there's more than just confidential files that Oleg can't be privy to going on there.

Yeah, what is up with her? When she dictated the message about the "sample" to transport, she paused. The communications guy asked: "Anything else?" She said "Send it". Hmmm. I expected the anything else to be mention of a passenger (Martha) also being transported, but no. I suppose there's no reason to assume they would be traveling together or mentioned in the same communique, but my first reaction was the omission might mean she has no intention of delivering Martha.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, benteen said:

Despite some bad decision-making, I really felt sorry for Martha too and her very uncertain future.  I do hope this isn't the last we see of her...it would be fascinating to see her down the line.  I understand Philip didn't want to lie to her at the end but I think he should have just told her that he would join her and then he could have the Centre come up with a story that he had been killed.

I don't think it's over until we actually see her in Russia, and maybe not even then (they could surprise us by keeping her part of the story like they did with Nina). I'm still having a hard time believing she's actually going to make it out; it just strains credulity too far. 

1 hour ago, misstwpherecool said:

I thought the same. I was kind of wondering though how Elizabeth made it from the city to Martha quicker than Stan who was probably already in eyesight of that location.

I didn't catch this at first, but Martha made calls from two different parks. When she called Phillip, she was in Rock Creek Park, while Stan was looking for her in Woodley Park. He didn't have any reason to know she had gone to a completely different place. 

37 minutes ago, benteen said:

I realized last night that Martha's gun never ended up being used.

And this is part of why I don't think her story is really over. That's going to come back around in some way. 

  • Love 2

The last two episodes have been far and away the best two of the entire series, and this season the best season. This show had one best premises ever for heavily serialized drama, and now they really are executing it well, fully taking advantage of terrific actors. Hope they keep it up for the balance of the season.

It really wouldn't be credible to kill off Martha, now that she has agreed to leave, absent imminent capture. The KGB would be too anxious to fully drain her of operational knowledge of the FBI. I really didn't like the preview; it either tips off the major development in next week's episode, or it is some kind of giant red herring, which I tend to dislike.

Edited by Bannon
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, PinkRibbons said:

I also loved the kids/beer scene, but I'm not sure why.

Yeah, that was great. The sense of inevitable doom looming over what was otherwise a fun and lighthearted scene makes it even more compelling. Also loved the line about Stan finding out when the beer pool's running too low. He might not notice his neighbor spying for the KGB, but not enough beer - that won't slip by him.

2 hours ago, Maire said:

I'm not so sure they won't push her out over the Atlantic or make her carry the rat jar in her lap.

That would make for some fine irony, on dead rat carrying another.

I'm really curious where that whole thing is going. I can see plenty of plausible scenarios:
- Martha will simply live out her life in Russia, never to be heard of again.
- Martha will be squeezed for some info about the agency and then get Nina-ed because she knows too much
- Someone drops the jar with the rat and the whole plane will get infected. Please not!
- A CIA agent in Russia will somehow find out about Martha and find her - or she contacts someone on her own - and she'll spill the beans about Philip.
And I'm sure I missed the one we'll be actually getting.

1 hour ago, Ina123 said:

Or maybe only Phillip is brought in. Can you imagine the show with Phillip being a double agent without Elizabeth knowing?

Wow, as much as it would suck and make things even worse for everyone, it sure would make for great TV.

40 minutes ago, PinkRibbons said:

I think Martha's gun actually did fulfill the Checkovian(?) rule in that while it didn't go off, it caused just about as much damage. She ran from the safehouse not only because Clark wasn't there, but also because her gun was inexplicably missing. I don't know that she would have run if she'd still had the reassurance of the gun.

Meanwhile for some reason I have this feeling it will end up in Paige's hands.

I don't think it was about reassurance, it was that she was sure she was about to be executed and that was the reason someone took the gun away from her. She thought Philip screwed her over, which is why she was so surprised when he answered the phone and skeptical at first. Philip really screwed up here, he never should've taken the gun or leave her alone with who had to look like a seasoned hit man to her without telling Martha.


Overall, best episode of the season so far. Btw, the script was written by a playwright, Tanya Barfield, and it really shows. It gives the episode and especially those final scenes between Martha, Philip and Elizabeth a chamber play feel and a very claustrophobic atmosphere. Martha, despite being about to be transported to the largest country in the world, is trapped and alone again.

Edited by Conan Troutman
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Chaos Theory said:

Gaads reaction through everything was spot on and really sad.  He knows his career is all but over.  The pen,. Gene and then Martha.  One of them is enough to get him fired all three make him look at best incompitant at worst culpable.  

The three things are really just one and the same, but I suppose the FBI may not know it yet. 

I liked how Gabriel took a look at the jar with the rat, then kind of shrugged and stuck it into the freezer. Next to the ice. Margaritas, anyone?

Did they use to require blood tests to get a marriage license? 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, misstwpherecool said:

I think she took the place of the guy killed by the rogue agent/Navy Seal guy. She talked about how she felt something bad happened when she got ordered there.

She did -- that's the George I mentioned who died. It still seems bizarre that the Centre can ship over a new Directorate S agent at a moment's notice to reconstitute their entire phone system.

58 minutes ago, Darren said:

Also, the woman at the Rezidentura has some mysterious stuff going on, too. What is she up to exactly? I think there's more than just confidential files that Oleg can't be privy to going on there.

The implication in earlier episodes was that she's involved with the KGB's bioweapons operations, yes? I assume smuggling the dead rat out of the country was the other operation she mentioned needing a pilot for.

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, Dev F said:

The implication in earlier episodes was that she's involved with the KGB's bioweapons operations, yes? I assume smuggling the dead rat out of the country was the other operation she mentioned needing a pilot for.

Yes, I know about that aspect. I'm saying I think there's something else going on with her, beyond that. For instance, as someone else pointed out, why didn't she let the Centre know that the plane would be delivering Martha as well? She paused. The telex guy asked her if there was anything else, then she said "send it" - without saying anything about it. Something strange happening there.

Edited by Darren
  • Love 3

If the FBI gets her now, they will have to know the ex-fil plan and intercept at some point...maybe the boat?

No reason to assume they would get her, is there?



I think she took the place of the guy killed by the rogue agent/Navy Seal guy. She talked about how she felt something bad happened when she got ordered there.

But she couldn't take his identity is I think their point.


The KGB taking in Martha reminds of the storyline about a fellow agent of P&E who had a Hispanic girlfriend who got pregnant, after the agents death Claudia promised the woman that her and her baby would enjoy a life in Cuba.  Of course, that didn't happen.  

They didn't arrange for any flights for that woman either, though. We know they're at least planning to get Martha out. Whether or not that happens is still up in the air.



Also, the woman at the Rezidentura has some mysterious stuff going on, too. What is she up to exactly? I think there's more than just confidential files that Oleg can't be privy to going on there.

She works the bioweapons stuff. I assume that's the main thing. She was transporting the rat.


Or maybe only Phillip is brought in. Can you imagine the show with Phillip being a double agent without Elizabeth knowing?


Wow, as much as it would suck and make things even worse for everyone, it sure would make for great TV.

I think it would actually make for terrible TV. The heart of the show is in scenes like the one between Philip and Elizabeth this week. That's utterly destroyed by Philip becoming the enemy to his wife.

Personally, I find myself nervous about that necklace they were looking at, the one Elizabeth gave Philip to give to Martha in a fit of pique over him being mad about her snitching to the KGB. Is it just there to remind us of their past, or will Stan be seeing a picture of Elizabeth wearing it in the future or something? Maybe right after Henry says his dad used to be out 2 nights a week until around the time Martha went away....

Re: the scene with the kids, I did think it was significant when Paige said she wasn't checking IDs and asked for a beer because that's pretty much *exactly* what she would have thought she should do under Pastor Tim's guidance, right? I didn't think she was throwing herself into debauchery or anything, but she did seem like a teenager who was trying out something different. She's stuck with the church for a while and liked it because of its black and white rules, but she's maybe seeing that doesn't work now. It was also one of the first times in forever that she treated Henry like another human being instead of someone to scold or mother to show her maturity...which made her look more mature. 

Funny that Philip told Martha his name was Mikhail but "everyone called him" Mischa as if this was some special nickname of his instead of pretty much every Mikhail being Mischa at home. 

Loved Elizabeth taking charge with just the right amount of brutality (but not killing Martha, at least party for Philip's sake) and then trying to be all brave about telling him he can run away with Martha. To which Philip had my answer: Are you crazy?

Gaad and Stan can start a support group when Stan finds out how much he was fooled.

Philip's face when Elizabeth said "She's seen your face" was amazing. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, stagmania said:

I don't think it's over until we actually see her in Russia, and maybe not even then (they could surprise us by keeping her part of the story like they did with Nina). I'm still having a hard time believing she's actually going to make it out; it just strains credulity too far. 

I didn't catch this at first, but Martha made calls from two different parks. When she called Phillip, she was in Rock Creek Park, while Stan was looking for her in Woodley Park. He didn't have any reason to know she had gone to a completely different place. 

And this is part of why I don't think her story is really over. That's going to come back around in some way. 

Woodley Park isn't really a "park", it's a neighborhood that borders on Rock Creek Park, so plausibly Martha was walking from Woodley Park (where she could have gotten by Metro) into a nearby section of Rock Creek Park. Not sure why "Woodley Park" had to be mentioned when they could have stuck with Rock Creek Park (it's huge) all along.

  • Love 1

I keep wondering where Martha's wedding ring is. Maybe she has it in her purse/wallet. I thought they would find it in her apartment and that would lead to some reveal about the marriage. I'm surprised that the marriage license actually did get filed; thought Clark took it to "file" so he could hide it and there would be no record. 

Yes, some states used to require blood tests for STDs prior to marriage. Virginia doesn't now but they may have in the early '80s.

  • Love 1

As Martha's world was unraveling I kept seeing parallels to what she must have gone though when she realized she was pregnant and then got dumped by her fiance. Being "in trouble", a situation she can't reveal to her parents, finding out she can't trust the man she thought was her partner, having to face a difficult journey all alone, all those feelings must have come back to her. Seriously, poor Martha.

As for Elizabeth, I didn't care a whit that she felt jealous and insecure about Martha and Philip. When Philip rushed to reassure her that he loved her and NOT Martha, I began to hate him, and so far even when he's killed innocents like Gene, I have not hated him. He owed it to Martha to tell her the truth about never seeing her again, and I hope what he's done to her continues to make him feel like shit, all the time. 

Because I"m having such negative reactions to both Elizabeth (hated her for punching Martha) and Philip, I"m not sure how I'm going to react to them in the future as their marriage is further tested. I used to see Philip as a man who was allowing his conscience to speak to him and one who might be redeemed through doing the right things. Now I just see them both as reprehensible people. But I'm still IN and eager to see where this goes.

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

As Martha's world was unraveling I kept seeing parallels to what she must have gone though when she realized she was pregnant and then got dumped by her fiance. Being "in trouble", a situation she can't reveal to her parents, finding out she can't trust the man she thought was her partner, having to face a difficult journey all alone, all those feelings must have come back to her. Seriously, poor Martha.

As for Elizabeth, I didn't care a whit that she felt jealous and insecure about Martha and Philip. When Philip rushed to reassure her that he loved her and NOT Martha, I began to hate him, and so far even when he's killed innocents like Gene, I have not hated him. He owed it to Martha to tell her the truth about never seeing her again, and I hope what he's done to her continues to make him feel like shit, all the time. 

Because I"m having such negative reactions to both Elizabeth (hated her for punching Martha) and Philip, I"m not sure how I'm going to react to them in the future as their marriage is further tested. I used to see Philip as a man who was allowing his conscience to speak to him and one who might be redeemed through doing the right things. Now I just see them both as reprehensible people. But I'm still IN and eager to see where this goes.

But Philip did tell Martha the truth about her going to Russia, and - most importantly - about him not going with her - ever, not even for visits. To me that was his EST training coming through. As an agent, he probably shouldn't have told her everything he did. But as a human being, he needed to. I get that this is fairly small beans compared to all the other deception. But it's a beginning.

Also, Martha was getting really emotional in the park, and other than tazing her - which wasn't a thing in the 80s, right?! - Elizabeth had to do something to snap Martha out of it. Kind of cold? Yes. But completely in character for Elizabeth. And at least she didn't shoot Martha and claim she tried to run, right? Right?

Edited by Darren
  • Love 13
3 hours ago, Dev F said:

Fantastic episode, though the inexplicable power of the KGB communications network continues to strain my suspension of disbelief. So now we learn that the phone people aren't just American agents of the Centre, they're actually Russian illegals? And the current phone lady wasn't even, like, an illegal working on the West Coast who was shipped over to Washington when George died; she actually just got to the States and was able to immediately establish both a cover identity and a new communications network?

I think she would already have an identity in place before she even left Russia, documents, passport, driver's license, back story, etc.  She could have just moved to DC from the Midwest, etc.  Perhaps this is her first job there for a reason, so she can become comfortable living naturally in the USA before she starts doing Philip and Elizabeth type stuff.  I don't have a problem imagining the KGB could establish a communications center though.  What am I missing?

2 hours ago, Darren said:

So much gravity in these last two episodes! Seeing Gaad, the man, watching his life and career spinning out, like a miniature version of Martha's drama. I love how the writers have portrayed the rippling effects of human drama - like a pebble dropped in a pond. One's actions change not only one's life, but others as well.

It's definitely still not clear if Martha is actually going to Russia or not.

Also, the woman at the Rezidentura has some mysterious stuff going on, too. What is she up to exactly? I think there's more than just confidential files that Oleg can't be privy to going on there.

Yeah, the Gaad story is getting more interesting by the moment, all of the FBI stuff was so good last night, and I'm happy to see their stories begin to gel and take their turn on this stage. 

The plan is definitely to send Martha to Russia.  Things could go wrong, and probably will, but still, I hope she gets there.  I want my Martha does Moscow story! 

I thought the tension was more because Oleg's in charge of transportation, and that woman arranged it herself for her mysterious needs.  He naturally wonders what she's doing.  I'm liking this story more and more, and also Stan's reveal that he's doing a long game on Oleg.

2 hours ago, Bannon said:

The last two episodes have been far and away the best two of the entire series, and this season the best season. This show had one best premises ever for heavily serialized drama, and now they really are executing it well, fully taking advantage of terrific actors. Hope they keep it up for the balance of the season.

It really wouldn't be credible to kill off Martha, now that she has agreed to leave, absent imminent capture. The KGB would be too anxious to fully drain her of operational knowledge of the FBI. I really didn't like the preview; it either tips off the major development in next week's episode, or it is some kind of giant red herring, which I tend to dislike.

Yes, the KGB will drain everything from Martha, but I believe they will treat her well, or as well as anyone was treated while everything was in pretty dire straights there.  As far as "honoring" her?  I don't see it.  For what?  Being a dupe who fell for a honey trap?  Because the slightly rogue operations officer Philip fell a bit for his mark?  Things were tough for the average person in Russia at that time, Martha will be lucky to find aspirin, forget about her Valium.

Philip's been gone a LONG time.  I doubt he has a very clear picture of what Russia is like now.

2 hours ago, Conan Troutman said:

I'm really curious where that whole thing is going. I can see plenty of plausible scenarios:

- Martha will simply live out her life in Russia, never to be heard of again.
- Martha will be squeezed for some info about the agency and then get Nina-ed because she knows too much
- Someone drops the jar with the rat and the whole plane will get infected. Please not!
- A CIA agent in Russia will somehow find out about Martha and find her - or she contacts someone on her own - and she'll spill the beans about Philip.
And I'm sure I missed the one we'll be actually getting.


I hope we see glimpses of Martha in Russia, I really do.  I'd love to see them portray everyday life there.  All we saw of Nina was inside prison walls.

Why would they need to kill her?  It's not like she could tell anyone what she knows about the KGB from Russia.

The rat story, I agree, would be really stupid.  I can't see the show going there.

I can't see the CIA bothering about Martha once she's in Russia, the CIA didn't really have much free movement inside of Russia, it was difficult to impossible to meet with anyone, let alone kill them.  There are some good stories about being assigned to Moscow as CIA on that DVD commentary on the movie RED.  Full facial masks were used, switching wives for the evening, all kinds of tricks to even meet briefly with a contact.  Rushing out of the embassy and killing someone doesn't really seem likely.  Aside from that?  By the time Martha is anywhere in public, she will have told the KGB everything she knows anyway.

1 hour ago, Dev F said:

She did -- that's the George I mentioned who died. It still seems bizarre that the Centre can ship over a new Directorate S agent at a moment's notice to reconstitute their entire phone system.

The implication in earlier episodes was that she's involved with the KGB's bioweapons operations, yes? I assume smuggling the dead rat out of the country was the other operation she mentioned needing a pilot for.

Good catch, you and others, I should have known that about the bioweapons.  I can't remember the George story!  Anyone remember which episode it was so I can go read a recap?

1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:


Personally, I find myself nervous about that necklace they were looking at, the one Elizabeth gave Philip to give to Martha in a fit of pique over him being mad about her snitching to the KGB. Is it just there to remind us of their past, or will Stan be seeing a picture of Elizabeth wearing it in the future or something? Maybe right after Henry says his dad used to be out 2 nights a week until around the time Martha went away....

Oh good catch! 


Re: the scene with the kids, I did think it was significant when Paige said she wasn't checking IDs and asked for a beer because that's pretty much *exactly* what she would have thought she should do under Pastor Tim's guidance, right? I didn't think she was throwing herself into debauchery or anything, but she did seem like a teenager who was trying out something different. She's stuck with the church for a while and liked it because of its black and white rules, but she's maybe seeing that doesn't work now. It was also one of the first times in forever that she treated Henry like another human being instead of someone to scold or mother to show her maturity...which made her look more mature. 

I hope this means we are nearing the end of Paige's religious fad.  I wasn't sure what to make of that scene, other than all of them getting a bit closer, and the closer they get, the more likely one side slips up.



Funny that Philip told Martha his name was Mikhail but "everyone called him" Mischa as if this was some special nickname of his instead of pretty much every Mikhail being Mischa at home. 

Martha wouldn't know that though.  She speaks no Russian, it felt to me like her first little introduction to her new life.

1 hour ago, TimWil said:

That line Gaad had, something like "I might as well be dead," was definitely foreshadowing. In next week's episode I won't be surprised if he either ends up committing suicide or being the hapless victim in the crossfire as the Martha storyline reaches its inevitable climax.

I can't see Gaad committing suicide.  He'd almost certainly be downgraded though, probably shipped off to some much less important area, and job.  I think we will see a new boss at that office soon.  We'll probably keep the actor though, but in some other capacity.


All in all I found this show a bit less tense than they usually are, which was really odd, considering everything that was going on.  I think it's because so often the tension that I feel when watching is so "everyday."  That's what makes it resonate.  Last night, the tension was expected and built in, if that makes any sense.  I was supposed to be tense, so I was, but because I was supposed to, the effect was diminished.  That's not a criticism at all, simply an observation.

As for me, I really hope this simply plays out as I think it probably would.  Martha does get to Moscow, and we see that. 

Frankly, I'm more interested in how the KGB feels about Philip now.  I think he's in for a huge smack down.  Stan's story parallels his a bit, both "go off the reservation" of their agencies, both "talk back" or refuse orders or do things their way.  I'd like to see a comparison of how the FBI and the KGB react to something like that.  Both organizations are highly bureaucratic, rules are NOT made to be broken in either.  I dunno, it seems to be headed for something like that to me.  I think we'll get a new person in Gaad's job, and I think, at the same time, Gabe will be, if not replaced, given assistance from a heavier hitter as well.

Sooner or later, agents on both sides will have some music to face.  I think sooner.

Edited by Umbelina
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I really loved the Phillip and Elizabeth scene, and I don't think Phillip said he doesn't love Martha. The implication was that the feelings he has for her are different in nature than what he feels for Elizabeth, and he would never leave Elizabeth to run away with Martha. All of that felt very true to me, and in line with what we've been seeing from him all along. He cares about Martha a great deal, feels a lot of guilt for what he's done to her life, and seems to love her as well. But he doesn't want to live his life with her or throw over his family to run away with her, and it would make no sense to me if he suddenly did want those things.  

As for Elizabeth and Martha, I thought Elizabeth handled that situation with a lot of sensitivity. She was hurt and threatened by the connection she could see between Phillip and Martha, but she did not act on the opportunities she had to remove Martha from their lives. Obviously, they've destroyed Martha's life and none of their behavior towards her has been altruistic, but given the situation they're in, they've gone out of their way to get Martha out of this alive when it would have been a lot easier to just eliminate her. I'm wondering if Martha will really exit the story without finding out the truth about Phillip's marriage and family; that's a bomb I've been expecting to go off for years, and one that could potentially serve as the final blow that derails their plan to get her out.

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I guess I'm of a different mindset than many on the forum. I don't care for Elizabeth or Phillip. They are, after all,  Russian spies in my country. Though I do want the show to continue, I also want them caught. The best result for me is to have them turned. Otherwise, they can go by way of any other spy. I feel sorry for Martha but I think she knew but was in denial because of her loneliness. I guess I want her saved somehow but in the US. Serve her time here.

There is a podcast interview with Alison Wright here:


She's charming with a great accent.

Edited by Ina123
tried to fix link
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Good catch, you and others, I should have known that about the bioweapons.  I can't remember the George story!  Anyone remember which episode it was so I can go read a recap?

Can't remember the ep but he died in whatever episode Larrick tracked him down to find and kill Kate. So the one where Larrick snuck into that random family's home to follow the phone lines.


Martha wouldn't know that though.  She speaks no Russian, it felt to me like her first little introduction to her new life.

Oh yes, I just thought it was funny. It really is like an introduction. "My name is this, but people call me this...they're both my name!"

I thought it was interesting that while Elizabeth was in general great at everything she did in this ep, particularly with Martha, I thought she made a slightly bad choice in telling Martha that Clark wanted her to stay with her until he got there. The last thing Martha was Clark seeming to call Jennifer to get Martha.

3 hours ago, Maire said:

I'm not so sure they won't push her out over the Atlantic or make her carry the rat jar in her lap. Talk about a no win situation. I thought the episode focused on one story would be boring but it was really well done. I was riveted.

Carrying that rat may be the thing that keeps Martha alive, at least until the plane lands.  I recall a discussion, years ago, about defectors, both ours and theirs.  They were never trusted in their new countries, having proven that they would betray their old countries.  And Martha wouldn't be going out of any ideological fervor.  The best she might hope for is a quick "Nina".

15 minutes ago, Ina123 said:

I guess I'm of a different mindset than many on the forum. I don't care for Elizabeth or Phillip. They are, after all,  Russian spies in my country. Though I do want the show to continue, I also want them caught.

I think that's been my problem all along with the show.  Yes, it's well done, and they keep the tension high, but in the end, I don't want "the heroes" to win.

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