riley702 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Never mind. Edited April 21, 2016 by riley702 Link to comment
Popular Post ihartcoffee April 21, 2016 Popular Post Share April 21, 2016 Is it my imagination or is Scot out just because they wanted to make a big play? They knew they were going to have to use the Super Idol, which used both idols. Why not just have both of them play the idol they had when Jeff called for idols pre tally? They got distracted by that super idol business it seems. It only saves one person though. If they had both played the idols Aubrey would have gone home. I love how their arrogance and stupidity cost them in the end. Jason can be next. 30 Link to comment
LanceM April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Tai didn't have a chance either way. He was going to get voted out on the re-vote tonight. And if he did somehow manage to survive that, Scot/Jason were not going to keep him around. They wouldn't have any use for him after his idol was played. They'd use him for the numbers if they needed him, then cut him loose. Tai probably can't win now, though I think he'll get booted more because he helped make a big move and is back to being one of the more likable people there. He isn't a challenge beast, unless he's been holding out, so his time is probably limited. And I fully believe Jason/Julia will be gunning for him. Right now, the only 3 I think have any legit shot at winning would be Aubry, Michele, or Cydney. There never would have been a revote though had he voted for Aubry. He would have just given Scot the idol and Aubry would have went home. 6 Link to comment
wallflower75 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Tai didn't have a chance either way. He was going to get voted out on the re-vote tonight. And if he did somehow manage to survive that, Scot/Jason were not going to keep him around. They wouldn't have any use for him after his idol was played. They'd use him for the numbers if they needed him, then cut him loose. Tai probably can't win now, though I think he'll get booted more because he helped make a big move and is back to being one of the more likable people there. He isn't a challenge beast, unless he's been holding out, so his time is probably limited. And I fully believe Jason/Julia will be gunning for him. Right now, the only 3 I think have any legit shot at winning would be Aubry, Michele, or Cydney. I tend to agree about Tai not having a shot at winning. If he's smart, he'll play his idol next week, but then he's got to become an immunity challenge beast to make it any farther. The perception we're getting from his edit is that he's likeable. It's why Jason and Scot were going to jettison him over Julia, and why the others will do much the same now that he's helped them out. However, I do have to disagree about how he would've been gone in a re-vote, because if he sticks with the douchebags and votes for Aubry, it would've been 3 votes Aubry, 3 votes Scot, 2 votes Tai. Scot plays the Super Idol, and Aubry goes home. Instead, Tai votes for Scot because he knows he's not giving him the idol. 5 Link to comment
Alapaki April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Well, Tai brought the awesome to Tribal Council. What did you guys bring? Scot goes home, Jason loses both the numbers and his HII. Awesome. Now I'll just wait to see Probst shit all over Tai's move on EW tomorrow because it hurt too of his man-crushes. 12 Link to comment
Turtle April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Completely agree! I really hope this ep was setting up her winners arc. Also, what a week for Jason and the cast to being having their SM monitored so they don't give spoilers away, like Jason's been doing all season. Now he can't even pout and spoil it for everyone. I haven't been paying much attention- fill me in on the deal with them spoiling things/ having their social media monitored? Thanks!So happy to see Scot leave, but I would have preferred Jason's ridiculous smug, "aren't I great?" face headed to Ponderosa. Next week maybe. For now, I'm trying to think how the alliances shake up next week. Do Julia and Michelle (who?) try to work their way back in with the others, abandoning Jason? Or do they stick with Jason and try to keep Tai (as mentioned, he would have gone on a re-vote if he gave Scot how idol and they might understand that), or try to reel in someone else? Could depend on who wins immunity but it might be interesting to watch. ETA: excellent point, LanceM. It didn't seem like Jason and team realized that Tai voted for Scot while at tribal, but they should after they have a chance to think about the votes. There aren't that many other candidates, after all. Maybe Michelle, but that's about it. Edited April 21, 2016 by Turtle 1 Link to comment
Dawn16 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Tai didn't have a chance either way. He was going to get voted out on the re-vote tonight. And if he did somehow manage to survive that, Scot/Jason were not going to keep him around. They wouldn't have any use for him after his idol was played. They'd use him for the numbers if they needed him, then cut him loose. They would not have needed a re-vote if Tai had voted for Aubry instead of Scot. She would have been gone with three votes. Scot should have seen the writing on the wall when the votes were counted and Aubry only had two. Clearly, Tai didn't vote for himself and must have voted for Scot, but Scot couldn't grasp that when the fourth vote for him was read. The best part really was that ALL Scot needed to do was play Jason's idol before the votes were read and tell Tai to do the same, but he and Jason were either too blinded by the Super Idol to realize that or too excited about the rush of playing the Super Idol after the silly girls thought they'd won the vote. As for Tai, I'm not sure whether it was better to be the goat who helped the bullies get to the end (if they didn't cut him loose in favor of Julia) or make a big move and preserve his own idol. But, honestly, I don't care because that moment was gold. Scot richly deserved it after his excuses for his behavior and then his "soft" bullying of Aubry when he promised not to be mean if she just did exactly what he wanted. 16 Link to comment
Primetimer April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 As another rule-bending advantage enters the game, the final eight Survivors ponder flipping on their various alliances. Read the story 1 Link to comment
Jobiska April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 And why was she telling Tai to play his idol? If he played it they couldn't do a super idol at the end. I think this is proof that nobody but the three guys knew exactly how the super idol worked or if it really even existed. Julia should realize they didn't have her in the loop. I think when the three guys were whispering at the end, the group knew something was up, but didn't necessarily know exactly what it mean (or were figuring it out on the spot) rather than all having been up on it beforehand. 7 Link to comment
yamashinaryu April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 The Tai we all love is back. 13 Link to comment
RockShrimp April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 So Aubry and Cyndy basically set it up so they fed double agent Julia bad info (that Tai was getting the girls' votes), demonstrated to Tai that they don't give a shit about Michelle and Julia (by not letting them in on the Scott vote plan) and ensured Tai couldn't play the SuperIdol because he was tied with Aubry after the first vote. And they gave Scott/Jason a false sense of security that even if Julie voted against them, it would be Tai going home, so Jason felt no hesitation about giving his idol to Scott (even though he could have held onto it himself and would still have it after Tai didn't play his). Tai goes into the next phase of the game with the only idol, an extra vote, credit from everyone who hates Jason/Scott for sucker punching them, and with one of the three major physical threats left (Jason, Scott, Aubry) gone. And he now has tarnish on his perfect persona, so someone might take him to the end without fear that he'll automatically win (which wasn't happening before tonight). Of course, Michelle now knows she's also on the lowest end of their alliance. And Jason/Julia could exploit that if they're not morons. And I still barely remember Joe is even there. 19 Link to comment
LadyChatts April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I haven't been paying much attention- fill me in on the deal with them spoiling things/ having their social media monitored? Thanks! So happy to see Scot leave, but I would have preferred Jason's ridiculous smug, "aren't I great?" face headed to Ponderosa. Next week maybe. For now, I'm trying to think how the alliances shake up next week. Do Julia and Michelle (who?) try to work their way back in with the others, abandoning Jason? Or do they stick with Jason and try to keep Tai (as mentioned, he would have gone on a re-vote if he gave Scot how idol and they might understand that), or try to reel in someone else? Could depend on who wins immunity but it might be interesting to watch. ETA: excellent point, LanceM. It didn't seem like Jason and team realized that Tai voted for Scot while at tribal, but they should after they have a chance to think about the votes. There aren't that many other candidates, after all. Maybe Michelle, but that's about it. I don't know if it's been the entire cast or just Jason, but he's been making remarks that have turned out to be spoilers. He said something to Alecia about the number of days she spent with him, indicating she was a pre-merge boot; when asked by a fan about what he had in store with his idol when he first found it, he made some remark that indicated he went far in the game (he also made remarks to the haters online that they were stuck with him-and these comments came early in the game, like around the 2nd and 3rd episode), last week he mentioned the TC being the best in history (also indicating he probably survived), and he told fans online after last week's ep that he gave that Tai gave him his idol back, something that wasn't shown yet. I guess it's just been some things that were thinly veiled spoilers. People were calling Probst out on his own twitter last week to put an end to it. Edited April 21, 2016 by LadyChatts 9 Link to comment
piequinn35 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I didnt scream, I laughed hard at that moment when Scot was asking for the SI so funny. When Aubry planned for them to vote Scot I knew Tai will not play his idol for him. Good for you Tai, about time to step up your game and not be played by these 2 idiots. So what if Tai voted Aubry then tie between Scot and Aubry, revote who will they vote? I guess Julia will flip and vote Aubry and Aubry goes home. Great episode. :) 3 Link to comment
North of Eden April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Wow indeed. I didn't even realize until Scott's post boot at the credits clip that he went home with JASON'S IDOL! I have to say Tai not only breaking up the pair but purging Jason's idol at the same time has got to be in the top five SURVIVOR Hall of Fame for the OUTWIT part of the motto! Elsewhere something I picked up on tonight was when Julia, Michelle and Aubry were saying the alternative was that the boys would vote out Cydney....not one of them really seemed concerned to me. That tells me that Cyndey is really pretty much alone in this game and it doesn't bode well for her long term prospects. Too bad as she's my favorite player. Meanwhile I also noticed that SURVIVOR has made an art of ignoring Cydney and Joe when it comes to confessionals. Have either of them had ANY in the last three for four episodes? Seeing Debbie cheerfull on the jury made me think she is a good sport and won't be a bitter jury member. I have to believe the producers were even happy when Scott got the axe because if Scott and Jason had made it to the final two they would have to know how unpopular it would be with viewers. As it is they buried the season by a whole cycle...probably in part because they knew it was a swing and a miss when it came to their cast. 10 Link to comment
RockShrimp April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I wonder if Julia knew, but wanted Aubry out and thought that Scott/Jason wouldn't play the SuperIdol to save Tai because they wanted him out more. I think this is proof that nobody but the three guys knew exactly how the super idol worked or if it really even existed. Julia should realize they didn't have her in the loop. I think when the three guys were whispering at the end, the group knew something was up, but didn't necessarily know exactly what it mean (or were figuring it out on the spot) rather than all having been up on it beforehand. 2 Link to comment
Jersey Guy 87 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Scot didn't want to be the "Russell Hantz" but he did it to prove a point?? And he has the balls to call Cydney a small, brooding, petty person??? I didn't see her hiding machetes or putting out fires when things weren't going her way, Jerk. Yeah, I caught that too. After acting like a small, brooding petty person he's upset that someone else is acting like a small, brooding petty person. Loser. You are correct. Each of them had immunity for that tribal; they didn't need to activate the SI. Hubris. Except that Tai voted for Scot, so he wasn't in with them anyway. Whlle it was great tv it was a stupid move for Tai. I don't think he has a chance of winning now. Tai lost his chance of winning last week when he went with the tattoo brothers. He's flipped and flopped and not been true to anyone. That's rarely a winning strategy. And, as he pointed out himself, he wasn't calling the shots at any time. So this move probably helped his chances of winning - he can point to voting for Scot and denying him the SI as big moves, before he was a follower. 11 Link to comment
bunnyface April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I haven't been paying much attention- fill me in on the deal with them spoiling things/ having their social media monitored? Thanks! Yeah, I'm wondering about that too. I don't like any of them enough to follow their Twitter or anything. If they ARE posting spoilers, what can TPTB do to them, if anything? If they lost and are still pouting a year later, what can "Survivor" really do to them, if anything? ETA: Part of this was answered above that I didn't see, about what had been said. But still wondering what can be done about it. They're still jerks. Edited April 21, 2016 by bunnyface Link to comment
LanceM April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I think the two people I am rooting for the most to win at this point are Aubry and Julia because I feel those two are really playing the game hard and that is what I like to see in Survivor players. I like aggressive players and I like to see players rewarded for that in the end. I do find it interesting how this has kind of in a way turned into the Aubry-Julia show in that they seemed to have been gunning for each other since the swap. In the end though I do think Aubry is going to win out. After these two I would probably put Cydney, Tai and Michele as players I would like to see win, then Joe and finally Jason who has no shot to win anyway. Edited April 21, 2016 by LanceM 7 Link to comment
RockShrimp April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I think most of these contracts have penalty clauses in them - On top of withholding winnings, you can be fined for revealing secrets. Yeah, I'm wondering about that too. I don't like any of them enough to follow their Twitter or anything. If they ARE posting spoilers, what can TPTB do to them, if anything? If they lost and are still pouting a year later, what can "Survivor" really do to them, if anything? ETA: Part of this was answered above that I didn't see, about what had been said. But still wondering what can be done about it. They're still jerks. 9 Link to comment
Popular Post riverheightsnancy April 21, 2016 Popular Post Share April 21, 2016 I know that viewers are rooting for Aubry and Julia for playing hard, but I also think that Tai has been playing hard as well. He just blew up his alliance, he found an Idol, he won at least one challenge, he provides food. I think that he could win. 27 Link to comment
cuphead April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Ugh...Julia is using a Connect Four strategy while everyone else is trying to play Survivor. Come back after you get your degree and a couple of life experience notches on your belt. 6 Link to comment
Wandering Snark April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Tai always does what is best for Tai. No difference here. "I love all living things" . . . but as for trees? I'll rip those suckers out of the ground if I think they have an idol buried underneath them! This was just self-preservation not some grande big move. He's still a major hypocrite in my book. I love it because it went against Scot but this move doesn't make Tai an angel, just a self-serving flip-flopper. Keep all the power for himself. Also, has there ever been a worse challenge performer than Joe? And while I know he said 'Okay I'm voting for Scot.' all I heard was 'JIM!!!' 12 Link to comment
PerfidiousAmber April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Yeah, I'm wondering about that too. I don't like any of them enough to follow their Twitter or anything. If they ARE posting spoilers, what can TPTB do to them, if anything? If they lost and are still pouting a year later, what can "Survivor" really do to them, if anything? ETA: Part of this was answered above that I didn't see, about what had been said. But still wondering what can be done about it. They're still jerks. According to a couple of other boards, CBS has officially banned Jason from tweeting anything Survivor-related. He will be in big trouble if he doesn't comply. 13 Link to comment
KaveDweller April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Aubrey convincing Tai to turn on Scott and Jason has me rooting for her to win. That was pretty awesome. I loved the look on Scott's face when he found out Tai wasn't giving him the idol. I guess everyone else does understand the super idol, and that's why they didn't all just start smiling when Scott was voted out? They were waiting to see what happened with the idol? 10 Link to comment
Lamb18 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Tai, I love you! Ha ha ha ha Scot and Cupcake!!!!!!!!!! 6 Link to comment
ForeverAlone April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I am glad asshat Scot is out of the game due to blind arrogance. This was basically like the Three Amigos tribal council in Caramoan, only this time, nobody played an idol, so Scot went home. It was juicy, juicy that Scot had the means to save himself, but he got so blinded by the Super Idol, that he was voted out with Kyle's idol in his pocket. I liked this move for Aubry, because she was the one who made the masterful pitch to Tai and played on his conflicting emotions to convince him to flip. I still don't think she will win though, and I tend to think she will just just fall short of FTC. But out of the remaining players, she and Cydney are the only two I am rooting to win. I think Aubry has shown the best all around game. She has showed that she has a good feel for strategy, she has a good social to entice Tai to flip (the only way the Super Idol could be neutralized), and she has been good in challenges since the beginning. But while an Aubry win would be satisfying for me, I tend to doubt it will actually happen. As for Tai, I was basically over him as a player before this, and this move didn't do anything to change my mind. His move made for great TV and a nice feel good ending with Scot being voted out, but in the end, I don't think this move will actually help him. It's not like I think he is on the top of the alliance he flipped to, and I think he will be viewed as expendable soon enough or a jury threat and voted out. I don't think this move improved his position in the game. Again, like the Three Amigos tribal in Caramoan, most were cheering when they all played their idols and Phillip was sent home. And then Malcolm was promptly sent home the next tribal. The difference is that Tai still has an idol, but everybody knows it, so I can see them either trying to blindside him or flushing it and then voting him out. Either case, I think he would have to win out on challenges to get to the end. 9 Link to comment
Popular Post raidergirl3 April 21, 2016 Popular Post Share April 21, 2016 I was hoping to see 'Debbie - jury member' onscreen when they first showed the jury. 49 Link to comment
sally-can-wait April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Meanwhile I also noticed that SURVIVOR has made an art of ignoring Cydney and Joe when it comes to confessionals. Have either of them had ANY in the last three for four episodes? I can honestly say that I forgot Joe was even in the game until I read this post. He is so invisible. 10 Link to comment
princelina April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 So Aubry and Cyndy basically set it up so they fed double agent Julia bad info (that Tai was getting the girls' votes), demonstrated to Tai that they don't give a shit about Michelle and Julia (by not letting them in on the Scott vote plan) and ensured Tai couldn't play the SuperIdol because he was tied with Aubry after the first vote. And they gave Scott/Jason a false sense of security that even if Julie voted against them, it would be Tai going home, so Jason felt no hesitation about giving his idol to Scott (even though he could have held onto it himself and would still have it after Tai didn't play his). Tai goes into the next phase of the game with the only idol, an extra vote, credit from everyone who hates Jason/Scott for sucker punching them, and with one of the three major physical threats left (Jason, Scott, Aubry) gone. And he now has tarnish on his perfect persona, so someone might take him to the end without fear that he'll automatically win (which wasn't happening before tonight). Of course, Michelle now knows she's also on the lowest end of their alliance. And Jason/Julia could exploit that if they're not morons. And I still barely remember Joe is even there. Change the bolded words to "don't trust" and I agree with you. They know Julia's playing her game and Michelle's not getting it. But after Julia's stupid hissing at Tai to play his idol, they should be able to prove it to Michelle. I don't think Julia knew what the super idol did - she was just telling Tai to play his in the traditional way, which would have ended up getting one of the girl alliance booted. Point that out to Michelle and hopefully she can see what they mean about her original "beauty alliance" friend. Ugh...Julia is using a Connect Four strategy while everyone else is trying to play Survivor. Come back after you get your degree and a couple of life experience notches on your belt. Bingo! She's just young and I think it's showing in her strategy. 11 Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I haven't been paying much attention- fill me in on the deal with them spoiling things/ having their social media monitored? Thanks! Kyle Jason tweeted that Tai gave him his idol after the TC in last week's show. That was a spoiler. CBS slapped him for that. The Tai we all love is back. Loved. I still dislike him for selling his soul. Why are the survivors playing for their loved ones, instead of playing for themselves? I always hate the loved one slavering. Geez, Joe, you're crap. Jesus, Scot and Jason are disgusting people. Jason kicked Mark the Chicken. Animal cruelty on top of just being not-people. Man, Scot, the "athlete", was sure out of that IC early. Julia tells the douchebags that the girls are going to vote for Tai, yet she's the one pushing that vote. Damn, I need a cigarette. Tai would have been crazy to give his idol to Scot, it would have made him a target to get voted out. And now Jason will be rampaging through the camp and destroying things, and targeting Tai. Bye, Felicia. haha, voted out with an idol in his pocket. :P 9 Link to comment
dkb April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I don't think someone voted out could hand the idol back to another person. That was played perfectly. So Michele voted for Tai. Do Aubry and Cyd not trust her? Michelle doesn't think Julia is working with Scot and Jason. They tried talking to her last episode and she said no way, Julia is with us. Michelle seems entirely too trusting of Julia when it is so obvious to the others that she's in with the guys. I was hoping to see 'Debbie - jury member' onscreen when they first showed the jury. This is the best! LOL My hand was twitching again to smack Scot and Jason. Just looking at the smugness at Tribal was grossing me out. Are we allowed to talk about the "Next time on Survivor" in the episode thread or do I have to go over to the previews thread? Edited April 21, 2016 by dkb 4 Link to comment
Wandering Snark April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 haha, voted out with an idol in his pocket. :P Even better, voted out with Kyle's idol in his pocket ;-) 7 Link to comment
Richness April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *wipes tears* Someone pass me a cigarette so I can start smoking, because that was so satisfying. For the record, Jason, Aubrey just schooled you on how to wage "psychological warfare". While your method was that of a petulant bully throwing a tantrum and completely destructive, her's was a masterclass of how to win someone over in a caring, constructive manner. That is right up there will the all time greats (Boston Rob, Kimi, and Parvati among several others). And Scot, you need to work on your definitions of mature. Throwing a tantrum and hiding the communal tools like they're your own personal toys is not acting mature. So glad to see one of the jerks leave the game, and with an idol no less. Perfect! Until tonight, I wasn't a fan of Aubrey. In earlier episodes, she'd sometimes get an expression on her face that made me think she was the love child of a younger Neville Longbottom and Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter. That's unfortunate, because she seems to be the best player of the season. Her skillful persuasion of Tai was incredible. And when she copied Jason's nasty spitting during the challenge, I busted out laughing. She's earned my respect if not my vote to win. Plus, I loved her spitting llama joke at TC. She's obviously a nerdy fan, but isn't annoying about it like Cockrun was. Despite Tai sticking it to Scott, he's still not back in my good graces after dowsing the fire last week. I'm still creeped out by his early obsession with the big burly men, but maybe this betrayal means he's finally over them and their horrible behavior. Therefore, I guess Tai is starting over with a clean slate with me. We'll see what he does next. 23 Link to comment
LanceM April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Change the bolded words to "don't trust" and I agree with you. They know Julia's playing her game and Michelle's not getting it. But after Julia's stupid hissing at Tai to play his idol, they should be able to prove it to Michelle. I don't think Julia knew what the super idol did - she was just telling Tai to play his in the traditional way, which would have ended up getting one of the girl alliance booted. Point that out to Michelle and hopefully she can see what they mean about her original "beauty alliance" friend. Bingo! She's just young and I think it's showing in her strategy. I am not sure what her age has to do with anything. Playing in the middle of multiple alliances has been a strategy employed by many players of all ages, including a several winners. The trick is you need to be subtle about it. Julia obviously was not and that is where she failed. Her strategy though was completely sound. I have no doubt had she been able to get to the final 3 with those two she wins the game. The execution tonight wasn't the greatest but it still would have worked if not for a great game move by Aubry in getting to Tai. As far as Michele goes she and Julia are really really tight out there. Michele has named her as her number one ally in the game in a secret scene last week. I am not surprised Aubry didn't fill her in on the plan because of that. Edited April 21, 2016 by LanceM 9 Link to comment
thejuicer April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 This will go down as one of my favorite tribal councils of all time. The smugness of Jason and Scot while clearly not picking up on body language cues of just how uncomfortable Tai was. The masterful ways of Aubry saying Jason, Scot, AND Tai was like a "brick wall" setting up false security in the two knuckleheads. Little Miss Julia with her goading Tai to "Play it, play it". Guess the blonde hair and boobs don't work on everyone honey. Then the best part, when Scot gets the most votes and Tai looks at him stone faced for ten seconds then shakes his head no and says "Sorry". Perfect in every way. Bravo. 21 Link to comment
PaperTree April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I know that viewers are rooting for Aubry and Julia for playing hard, but I also think that Tai has been playing hard as well. He just blew up his alliance, he found an Idol, he won at least one challenge, he provides food. I think that he could win. With Scot out and Jason scrambling, it looks like a 3-way struggle between Julia-Aubrey-Tai. 5 Link to comment
LanceM April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 This will go down as one of my favorite tribal councils of all time. The smugness of Jason and Scot while clearly not picking up on body language cues of just how uncomfortable Tai was. The masterful ways of Aubry saying Jason, Scot, AND Tai was like a "brick wall" setting up false security in the two knuckleheads. Little Miss Julia with her goading Tai to "Play it, play it". Guess the blonde hair and boobs don't work on everyone honey. Then the best part, when Scot gets the most votes and Tai looks at him stone faced for ten seconds then shakes his head no and says "Sorry". Perfect in every way. Bravo. I must have missed the part where she was trying to use her boobs to get Tai to play his idol. shakes head. 14 Link to comment
vb68 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 And when she copied Jason's nasty spitting during the challenge, I busted out laughing. Oh, thank you for reminding me of that! That was hilarious. She's usually seemed quite glum (I guess is the word I want) and to see that had that level of snark in her was great. She easily became my favorite player of the season tonight. 10 Link to comment
thejuicer April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I must have missed the part where she was trying to use her boobs to get Tai to play his idol. shakes head. You must have missed the challenges where they've had to blur out her breasts falling out of her top. 2 Link to comment
Wings April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Thundering applause and standing ovation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best TC is a long time! Thank you Aubry. Edited April 21, 2016 by wings707 8 Link to comment
LanceM April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 You must have missed the challenges where they've had to blur out her breasts falling out of her top. Not sure what that has to do with tribal council tonight but ok. 6 Link to comment
PerfidiousAmber April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Ohmygodz, that was just too beautiful for words. I was yelling at that smug fuck Jason even before the main credits aired because of his bragging that their "psychological warfare" caused the women to turn on one of their own, rather than dissension in their ranks thanks to the duplicitous Julia. And then Scot and his patronizing little "soft threat" to Aubrey. I don't think I've ever been more satisfied with a tribal outcome. Aubrey kicked all sorts of ass tonight. She was awesome in those challenges! And her strategizing seemed to be sound, she got the outcome she wanted and was wise not to trust Julia. And I love her comments! I was laughing at her comparison to a spitting llama at the challenge. I want her to win. Speaking of Julia, I can't wait for her to go down as well. She proved to be just as smug and callous as the Neanderthal Twins, and even though she was only provisionally in their guy alliance, she was ready to torpedo Tai right away, and brought this right up to the guys, thinking she had the girls convinced on this. The guys were absolutely disgusting describing the way they would slit Tai's throat (figuratively) at the right moment. She obviously thought she was in the catbird's seat, but now I think she's doomed. Interesting that Michelle and Julia voted together for Tai, both being out of the Scot vote loop. Do Aubrey and Joe not trust Michelle either, or was Michelle wanting to bind her trust to Julia? There seems to be a lot of missing pieces of information regarding Michelle, she certainly seems like she's been doing absolutely nothing so far. Joe... where are you Joe... are you even on this show? 14 Link to comment
Wings April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Turned out to be the best tease Probst has ever given. He was right! 2 Link to comment
princelina April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I am not sure what her age has to do with anything. Playing in the middle of multiple alliances has been a strategy employed by many players of all ages, including a several winners. The trick is you need to be subtle about it. Julia obviously was not and that is where she failed. Her strategy though was completely sound. I have no doubt had she been able to get to the final 3 with those two she wins the game. The execution tonight wasn't the greatest but it still would have worked if not for a great game move by Aubry in getting to Tai. As far as Michele goes she and Julia are really really tight out there. Michele has named her as her number one ally in the game in a secret scene last week. I am not surprised Aubry didn't fill her in on the plan because of that. I agree 100%, and this is her big fail. Since she started last week, my comments come from that - she immediately jumps ship to the machete-hiding, fire-dousing douchebags, knowing that no one will ever vote for them to win, and thinks she's SO clever for doing it. While it's obvious to everyone with a working brain what she's doing. (I'll give Michelle a pass because she has a reason to trust her at this point, although she's wrong, and Debbie's just kind of a wacko so whatever.) This week she again outlines her goat strategy, once again seeming to think it's super new and clever. I totally think she was playing hard and I appreciated Aubrey for recognizing it, but she was too hard, too soon and lacked finesse. I was attributing it to her youth and still am. (otherwise she's just a self-absorbed dummy :) 13 Link to comment
Popular Post backformore April 21, 2016 Popular Post Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Aubrey convincing Tai to turn on Scott and Jason has me rooting for her to win. That was pretty awesome. I loved the look on Scott's face when he found out Tai wasn't giving him the idol. I guess everyone else does understand the super idol, and that's why they didn't all just start smiling when Scott was voted out? They were waiting to see what happened with the idol? Scott's thoughts: "Tai? What? Don't you remember the plan - the one where Big Guy manipulates Little Guy into doing what Big Guy wants? And Little Guy is too scared to do anything to piss off Big Guy, so he does what he's told? And then Big Guy wins! TAI! I am BIG GUY! You're supposed to do what I say!" Tai's thoughts: "I have an Idol AND a secret extra-vote advantage. I am Big Guy now! " Edited April 21, 2016 by backformore 38 Link to comment
legaleagle53 April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Little Miss Julia with her goading Tai to "Play it, play it". Guess the blonde hair and boobs don't work on everyone honey. Not on Tai, they wouldn't. He's gay, remember? And Julia knows that, so she wouldn't waste her time on that strategy with him. 2 Link to comment
laprin April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 Oh, Julia. I still hope you're next. 9 Link to comment
Dobian April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) Awesome blindside! Tai redeemed himself. Scot is gone. Perfect ending. Now this game is wide open. No more super idol. Julia is vulnerable now, the other women will gun for her, at least Cyd and Aubry. Edited April 24, 2016 by Dobian 8 Link to comment
MBJ April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 (edited) I'm still creeped out by his early obsession with the big burly men, but maybe this betrayal means he's finally over them and their horrible behavior. Look, it may have been real love for Caleb, but is it so out of the realm of possibility that Tai is somewhat manipulative? Yeah, he was so "obsessed" with Scot that he earned Scot's trust, cut him at the throat, and sent him home packing, screwing over his best ally in the process. He's black or white with people - either he likes or trusts your "energy" or he doesn't - and once you're in good with him he can charm you for the time being and use you for his own purposes. He might even act like it's "love" -- but in the end, it is just a game. thejuicer saying that Scot/Jason TOTALLY missed Tai's "uncomfortable" cues totally nailed it. The editors were watching it all episode -- that was a great scene of Tai petting his beloved chicken, sitting beside Scot droning on about God knows what as usual, and Tai not listening but rather looking off to the side, deep in thought. Rinse and repeat this type of scene 3 times. Julia pushing Tai to play his idol tonight left a bad taste in my mouth. I've never had much use for her since her Big Flip anyway - but wow @ telling Tai to play his idol and just expecting him to listen. Thank goodness he's not as dumb as everyone assumes. If I remember my OWN words that he's smart and manipulative, then I guess Julia's dumb plan shouldn't bother me so much. The camerapeople kept showing Scot's (covered) genitals in the most disgusting ways. I guess it's not really their "fault", but can't the editors scratch it out for me before they release the episode? One thing I really continue to enjoy is the Aubry-Cydney partnership. Aubry can float whatever idea and Cydney is always totally trusting and totally on board. This is what a good partnership (so far) makes. However, when Aubry was appealing to Tai I believe that the show was playing some fucked up mystical, borderline racist music. What the fuck was that? It was a really dull episode up until Tribal. Edited April 21, 2016 by Ms Blue Jay 8 Link to comment
LanceM April 21, 2016 Share April 21, 2016 I agree 100%, and this is her big fail. Since she started last week, my comments come from that - she immediately jumps ship to the machete-hiding, fire-dousing douchebags, knowing that no one will ever vote for them to win, and thinks she's SO clever for doing it. While it's obvious to everyone with a working brain what she's doing. (I'll give Michelle a pass because she has a reason to trust her at this point, although she's wrong, and Debbie's just kind of a wacko so whatever.) This week she again outlines her goat strategy, once again seeming to think it's super new and clever. I totally think she was playing hard and I appreciated Aubrey for recognizing it, but she was too hard, too soon and lacked finesse. I was attributing it to her youth and still am. (otherwise she's just a self-absorbed dummy :) Fair enough and thanks for clarifying that and I definitely agreed she lacked finesse and subtlety. Still though I appreciate the fact the fact that she played so aggressively. It seems like most of the young women they cast on the show are way too passive such as the Natalie Tenerrelli are content to just sit at the bottom of an alliance and do absolutely nothing proactive to try to win the game. Julia is definitely not passive and she was definitely playing to win. I can see why Jeff Probst speaks so highly of her and wouldn't be surprised if she is asked back to play again in a couple of years. Though I may be jumping the gun here since she is still very much in the game albeit in a very bad position. I am curious to see what she tries to do to claw back. 5 Link to comment
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