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S06.E01: The Red Woman

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Episode Synopsis:

Jon Snow is dead. Daenerys meets a strong man. Cersei sees her daughter again.

Reminder: There is open air book talk here. If you are just watching the TV show and you don't want to stumble into a potential spoiler you should leave now. Book Talk assumes you have read all the books to date. Any information from unpublished books, such as preview chapters should be in spoiler tags.

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Glad to finally have Mel is really the crone confirmed.

Corpse!Jon is still so, so pretty.

Davos is amazing.

I have nothing to say about Dorne. Except that I truly think if they wanted to include Oberyn in the show and send Myrcella there to die they should have just had her die in a shipwreck on the way there. It would have saved the frustration of that entire BS arc, and the waste of Alexander Siddig.

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1. Dorne

Wow, they managed to make it worse.  That takes talent.  Prior to this season the writers were claiming that they hadn’t changed one word in response to the controversies around Season 5, which seemed to be mainly about the Winterfell arc at the time, but maybe they really meant that after the audience (even those who enthusiastically praise the show) tended to dislike Dorne, and Ellaria and the Sand Snakes in particular, they were going to double down on Ellaria and the Sand Snakes and kill the only actor in the whole storyline who was any good.  What a waste of what initially looked like a dream casting in Alexander Siddig.  And the ladies of Dorne have certainly not gotten any less cartoonish between seasons, even the usually reliable Indira Varma (the contrast between Ellaria in Season 4 and in Seasons 5-6 is so vast it doesn’t even feel like the same character).


And while most people saw this coming last year, let’s keep in mind:  Myrcella died when the boat was like fifty yards from the dock, if that.  And in response to this, instead of stopping to arrest the people who murdered her, Jaime and Trystane sailed on to King’s Landing, a journey of weeks, and then sent a letter to Doran.  In a rational world, this would merely have allowed Ellaria and the Snakes to escape.  In the bonkers world of this show, they somehow managed to mount a coup against Dorne’s thousand-year-old ruling dynasty.  Further, in a season where I expect we’re going to see the Starks struggle to rally Northern support against the oathbreaking, guest right-violating, nobleman-flaying Boltons, I have no doubt that Ellaria will have no problem getting all of Dorne behind her despite being a bastard nobody and having rendered House Martell extinct.


And the most annoying thing of all, the rest of this episode was solid.


2. The North


Nice enough fight scene, great scenery.  As expected, we’re just going to be asked to forget about all those horsemen who were around Winterfell when Sansa and Theon jumped, seeing as it should have been utterly impossible for them to get anywhere.  That aside, let’s hope this season has better things for the characters, and Brienne's joy at finally finding a Stark to serve was palpable (I could have done without Sansa needing an assist with the middle of the oath -- it's wholly understandable that she's frazzled, in isolation, but this character has gotten so little respect in the show for her usually-ignored mastery of courtly etiquette that it's irritating to see her struggle at a rare moment where it's actually allowed to be useful).


3. Castle Black


Okay, so we’re going to be playing Jon’s return more slowly, then.  At this pace, episode 2 seems unlikely – could this stretch all the way to episode 4, which is usually constructed as a mini-climax for the first leg of the season?  Davos was the man, as usual.  Also, I bet some people regret all that fantasizing about Melisandre.


4. Meereen

Ramsay must have loaned out his twenty good men to the Sons of the Harpy (which would also explain why they didn’t recapture Sansa and Theon immediately for him).  Jokes aside, that’s a fine enough opener, and, if I’m not mistaken, the writers are now creating an opening for the Greyjoys to enter this plot.  I think this must be the least screentime Peter Dinklage has ever gotten in a season premiere, though.


5. Dothraki Sea


I generally like how this story is shaping up so far, to be more about Dany as a person than it feels like her last few years’ worth have been (too much focus on the queenly façade, I think).


6. Braavos

It was there.


7. King’s Landing

Hey, Marge, long time, no see!  Why is your brother not demanding a trial by combat to settle all this, again?

Edited by SeanC
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Really good episode.

Everything at the Wall and in the North was made of win.  Loved Ser Davos and Edd stepping up big time for Jon.  I still think they missed an opportunity for One-Man Edd...Edd vs the entire Night's Watch. ;)

Owen Teale still continues to kill it as Thorne.

So we get the first of the post book revelations about Melisandre's true form.

Speaking of killing it, Lena Headey was excellent.

Loved Brienne and Pod riding to the rescue and so happy that Sansa and Theon are with them.

Only downside was Dorne.  Oof.  They managed to make a bad storyline even worse and I didn't think that was possible.  What a waste of Alexander Siddig.

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Oops. I forgot to comment on KL, Dany, and WF. Again, Lena Headey owns in one scene: when she saw Myrcella covered in the shroud. Ahhh. So good.

Still not okay with the mess of Jaime and her.

Septa Unella needs to get laid, or something.

Dany's story was tolerable. So THIS is what it looks like when there's a budget for a khalasar.

And honestly, I got a little teared up when Brienne swore to Sansa...that was a powerful, fantastic bit.

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Wow, I loved all the episode. I tend to only care about stuff happening at The Wall, but I was keen on all stories as shown tonight. Even Dany's and Arya's story kept me interested instead of mentally zoning out. The closest I got to zoning out was with Tyrion and Varys talking. I think I was hooked because there is no magical wiki page I an go to to see how things progress in the book.


After Sansa walked through the cold water I was a bit disappointed her dress wasn't frozen solid like Anna's from Frozen. LOL

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I absolutely loved Brienne of Tarth riding to the rescue and finally getting to lay Oath-Keeper at Sansa's feet.  And I loved Podrick having to coach Sansa in the formalities of accepting the oath.  Sansa's going to die shortly from exposure of course (because she's still soaking wet) but, at least we got to see that scene.

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Hooboy. An excellent premiere in a lot of ways, restoring a lot of the political nuance that got ripped away during season 5's drunken rush toward its end. But, man, the Dorne stuff gets more and more offensively stupid with each new surprising!plot!twist!


I care as little about remaining faithful to the books than any fan of the books possibly could. But I do care about presenting a believable, lived-in world and not a mush of implausible shortcuts and soap opera nonsense. What, exactly, is the political situation in Dorne supposed to be now? Does the kingdom have some special custom by which if you kill the ruler, you get to be the ruler? And every Dornish lord is just gonna roll over and take orders from the mistress of the dead prince's dead brother?


And this isn't just me wanting more nuanced world-building for its own sake. The show cheats distances and fudges the passage of time constantly, and I'm only mildly annoyed. But this is political fudgery in a show that is about politics and the tricky nuances of succession. It's the one thing the writers really, really need to get right, and where Dorne is concerned, they've gotten it about as wrong as they possibly could.


If the rest of the show were as dumb about succession as this storyline, it would be a series about King Jaime, who became the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms when he was just a young man, because he murdered the last king, and I guess that makes him the king, I dunno. Stupid, stupid, stupid.


Good God, yes.  Even if you can by the every single one of the Martells bannermen hating them, can you really by them supporting the lover of his dead brother's as the ruler of Dorne?  I agree with Mya Stone.  This reeks of D&D trying to go "Yay, girl power!" and failing miserably.


The women are legitimately rising in this episode by the Dorne storyline is already an epic failure.  Again.

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(I could have done without Sansa needing an assist with the middle of the oath -- it's wholly understandable that she's frazzled, in isolation, but this character has gotten so little respect in the show for her usually-ignored mastery of courtly etiquette that it's irritating to see her struggle at a rare moment where it's actually allowed to be useful).

ITA. Yes, I get Sansa’s not one for sword fighting, but even at oath-taking, did they really have to have Pod cue her through it? Damn it, she’s not THAT inertial in the books...she knows her way around court ceremony.

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Is that what happens when you don't have GRRM's writing to guide you?  Some of the dialogue was truly horrible in that characters kept repeating what their scene partner would say or just give us a wordy recap of what happened in last year's season finale.  


Of course Davos was made of win, but why are they guarding Jon's body, just to prevent it from being burned? Davos doesn't know that somehow Jon could be brought back to life, does he?  Just in case?  


The Wall and the North are good, but I really don't care about the Meereen, Dany, Tyrion and his rich walk, or his incesty siblings.  Whatever, die.  Dorne did.  


I know it sort of had to be done, but can't stand these Tour of The World episodes.  

Edited by sunflower
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Sigh, I wish I could be remotely interested in Arya.  Despite my best wishes, I have know doubt that she'll matter in the end, I just can never bring myself to care if she's not directly interacting with a character I am interested in.   


House Martell:


Very surprised and also now very curious about what their ultimate fate in the story is.  While there was a sign of division within House Martell in the novels, I never thought it would escalate beyond where it did.    I now assume neither Doran or Trystane will survive to the end of the series but I don't doubt the circumstances will be different or will they?  If GRRM ever finishes I've always questioned how he is going to wrap up SO many storylines within the span of only 2 books.   


Interested to see if the two Sand Snakes stay in Kings Landing.


I could not possible feel any less empathy for Jaimie and Cersei.  After all the death and destruction both of these monsters have caused, they deserve whatever pain comes their way.    House Lannister's involvement with the fate of Elia Martell hasn't just stuck in the craw of Oberyn all these years.   The masses apparently spit nails and to see House Lannister rewarded with the Iron Throne must have really been a F-U as far as they were concerned.  From a character perspective I am not surprised that Myrcella was regarded as fair game.


Good to see Margaery hanging in there.   Septa Unella and the High Sparrow.  Neither seems like overly pleasant company.   And it speaks well of her that she's so concerned with Loras.


Enjoyed Theon and Sansa's scenes.  They made me feel weary just looking at them.   I kept thinking "Don't shut your eyes" when Sansa was falling asleep on Theon's shoulder.  And liked that Sansa didn't know the words for swearing a Knight into her service.    Shudder to think of the results if Ramsay gets his hands on them again.

But it doesn't look like Castle Black is going to be a popular vacation spot either.


Melisandre........ick.  So Gross.  The Lord of Light religious faction is becoming more prominent in the story and based on the subtitles, they are pro-Danerys.  Hmmm.


Not a bad season opener for me.

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I love Davos. 


 The whole Dorne story line remains an absolute disgrace.


I wonder how some of those teen boys jerking off to Melisandre's boobs feel now.


Dany's captors - Monty Python want their dialogue back.

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gain, Lena Headey owns in one scene: when she saw Myrcella covered in the shroud. Ahhh. So good.


She was fantastic, but her monologue about how a dead body decomposes took me out of the scene because, not to be too gross, Myrcella was probably pretty ripe already.  Also, how did WhipSnake and SpearSnake get onto the boat with Trystane?  When last seen, they were on the dock with Ellaria watching that boat sail off.

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Sigh, I wish I could be remotely interested in Arya. Despite my best wishes, I have know doubt that she'll matter in the end, I just can never bring myself to care if she's not directly interacting with a character I am interested in.

House Martell:

Very surprised and also now very curious about what their ultimate fate in the story is. While there was a sign of division within House Martell in the novels, I never thought it would escalate beyond where it did. I now assume neither Doran or Trystane will survive to the end of the series but I don't doubt the circumstances will be different or will they? If GRRM ever finishes I've always questioned how he is going to wrap up SO many storylines within the span of only 2 books.

Interested to see if the two Sand Snakes stay in Kings Landing.

I could not possible feel any less empathy for Jaimie and Cersei. After all the death and destruction both of these monsters have caused, they deserve whatever pain comes their way. House Lannister's involvement with the fate of Elia Martell hasn't just stuck in the craw of Oberyn all these years. The masses apparently spit nails and to see House Lannister rewarded with the Iron Throne must have really been a F-U as far as they were concerned. From a character perspective I am not surprised that Myrcella was regarded as fair game.

Good to see Margaery hanging in there. Septa Unella and the High Sparrow. Neither seems like overly pleasant company. And it speaks well of her that she's so concerned with Loras.

Enjoyed Theon and Sansa's scenes. They made me feel weary just looking at them. I kept thinking "Don't shut your eyes" when Sansa was falling asleep on Theon's shoulder. And liked that Sansa didn't know the words for swearing a Knight into her service. Shudder to think of the results if Ramsay gets his hands on them again.

But it doesn't look like Castle Black is going to be a popular vacation spot either.

Melisandre........ick. So Gross. The Lord of Light religious faction is becoming more prominent in the story and based on the subtitles, they are pro-Danerys. Hmmm.

Not a bad season opener for me.

I actually think Tystane is going to survive in the books and rule Dorne. Arianne is going into the middle of a renewed war and Quentyn is dead while Tystane is safe in Dorne.

Now Doran I think will die but that's because I think all the rulers who ruled their regions in the beginning of AGOT will die. So I defiantly think Mance is on the chopping block to and by the end of the series new family members will be ruling the houses.

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The more I think about Dorne, the more I think that D&D are attempting to write a more, eh, feminist story...and failing miserably.



This, and the more I watch the more I want Niobe (sorry, Indira Varma will always be Lucius Vorenus' boring wife to me) and her Sand Snakes kids to just get the fuck out of my screen.


I totally want to see Jamie and Cersei unleashing the Lannister fury over those religious nutcases; if only because it would give both characters (more Jamie than Cersei) some... depth they sort of lacked last season. Herre waiting for Sept Unella to get her much deserved fall.


How come Olena Tyrell managed to KILL the king so her precious granddaughter wouldn't have to marry a sociopath, yet has done nothing to get Margaery and Loras out of that cell?


As always, Daenerys' plot is a bore. Season six is on and she still not even close to King's Landing and her story is still too isolated from everything else going on.


You better surprise me show, because I've read the books and blind Arya was meh.


Sansa is a lost cause: a bunch of soldiers and dogs hunting her and she can't cross a fucking river? 


Die, Ramsey, DIE.


Go, Brienne, GO.


Surprise, suprise, not only Melisandre was really an old witch, but she is willing to give up on that faaaab complexion to save Jon Snow - it was that, right? Melisandre giving her "life" so Jon can "live"?


Aaaaaaand, we still don't know where is Stannis. I see what you did here, show.

Edited by Raachel2008
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I need Septa Rachet to go down. I wonder how she'd like it if she were thrown into jail, subjected to corporal punishment, and denied things like water for not following the rules of Melisandre's faith or for doing something like not testifying against her own brother. 

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I really don't know what to make of the episode. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.


Ramsay and Roose are still too likable, why try and humanize them? Ramsay is supposed to be pure evil. Sophie Turner is stunning no matter how much they try and dirty her up. Alfie Allen might be the best actor on the show. Theon comforting Sansa was one of those great little moments that will get lost as the season goes on but it was really good.


Liam Cunningham was born to play Davos, I love him. Hey Ghost is around guess we wont see him again till Mel stabs him as a sacrifice. Speaking of Mel, book readers can't be shocked right? Now the only question will she be revealed to be Melony Seastar or Blackwood. Edd is pissed look out Nighstwatch but again why doesn't anyone mention the White Walkers?


Oh show what are you still doing to Jaime. I know were getting him in the Riverlands but man he should be seeing how toxic Cersei is not doubling down on his love for her. 


Nice to see they listened to the criticism about Dorne and doubled down on the worst part. And nice to see kinslaying is no big deal to the Dornish. What kind of logic went behind writing these scenes?. We'll have the Sand Snakes and Fake Ellaria avenge Elia and Oberyn by murdering their brother and nephew. My only hope is somehow they cast Sarella or Arianne and she ends up wiping out these horrible written characters.




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Best part for me was Brienne rescuing Sansa then pledging to protect her. I might have gotten something in my eye just then.

Worst part was Dokrathi guys- hey wonder if her P@ssy hair is white? Nyuk Nyuk wink wink scene. Oy (yes even worse that the ridiculousness of Dorne).

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I'm really confused about Trystane. Wasn't he on the ship with Jaime and Myrcella? And if so, why did Jaime let him go? Wouldn't he take him to King's Landing to be held hostage?


I could not possible feel any less empathy for Jaimie and Cersei.  After all the death and destruction both of these monsters have caused, they deserve whatever pain comes their way.

Agreed! I feel bad for Myrcella, but I cackle with glee anytime Cersei is in pain. She deserves all this and more!


Also, I bet some people regret all that fantasizing about Melisandre.

I couldn't stop laughing at this scene, and went back to watch it again. Can't wait to watch it with my guy friends tomorrow night, during the UK primetime showing. They have been some of Melisandre's biggest fans!

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Is that what happens when you don't have GRRM's writing to guide you?  Some of the dialogue was truly horrible in that characters kept repeating what their scene partner would say or just give us a wordy recap of what happened in last year's season finale.  

Tyrion pointing out (for the audience) that Varys is a eunuch seemed like very clunky dialogue, and not something Tyrion would say.

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I feel like I'm the only one who didn't hate the Dorne parts. If memory serves, they don't penalize bastards in Dorne, do they? Ellaria wouldn't take over leadership, it would be Obara, I think, Oberyn's oldest. Unless they are going to somehow make a random character into Young Griff from the books and change the story line a bit? Actually I'd kind of like to see them do that to Pod. Heh.


Loved everything at the Wall, and I am developing a wee crush on Sir Davos. I say we just put him on the Iron Throne instead.


Overall I think this was the best season premiere yet.

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The more I think about Dorne, the more I think that D&D are attempting to write a more, eh, feminist story...and failing miserably.

Well, they thought Sansa being habitually raped was a great way to give her character development and it backfired. So I guess they figured that some women (who the audience hates) killing people would have to make the audience happy. Suffice to say that D&D will never do a consistently great job with handling any female storyline.

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Ramsay and Roose are still too likable, why try and humanize them? Ramsay is supposed to be pure evil. Sophie Turner is stunning no matter how much they try and dirty her up. Alfie Allen might be the best actor on the show. Theon comforting Sansa was one of those great little moments that will get lost as the season goes on but it was really good.

I hate the character of Ramsay with the fire of a thousand suns and I don't like the super!Ramsay stuff but I don't have a problem with the Boltons being 'humanized' if that's what's going on. It only makes them more complex instead of being one note villains. 


My problem with the Boltons is the lack of consistency. Like, why is Roose giving Ramsay the lecture about treating Sansa terribly now? Why didn't he tell him on the day of their wedding that he couldn't play his sick and twisted games with her? It's like Roose woke up all of a sudden when he would have had these opinions from the very beginning.


Ramsay's conversation with Myranda's body sounded very in character for me and I feel that Myranda deserved her fate so I didn't have any problems with that scene. She was awful from an early age just as Cersei was. 

I feel like I'm the only one who didn't hate the Dorne parts. If memory serves, they don't penalize bastards in Dorne, do they?


Bastards are treated with more respect but they certainly aren't expected to go around usurping the ruling family or killing their own family members. There are so many things about Dorne that suck but one thing that continually stands out to me is that Oberyn wouldn't have wanted any of the bullshit that Ellaria is engaging in. Oberyn wouldn't have wanted to have Myrcella killed because he saw them as being better than that. He acted like he was superior to the Lannisters saying that they don't kill little girls in Dorne. Nor do I believe for a second that he would have wanted his nephew killed. 


When I think of all of the things that they could have done with Dorne, it really is too bad that this is the best the showrunners can do. I most like nksarmi's suggestion that Trystane was Aegon/Faegon all along. 

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Soooo... I know what's happening in the show may or may not indicate future book plotlines. Does this mean all the Dorne/FakeAegon stuff is nothing? Damn, Doran didn't even get to say "Vengeance. Justice. Fire and Blood." What a waste of a storyline. I was hoping Trystane would kill those two other sand snakes.

Glad for the Melissandre reveal. The Sansa/Brienne scene was nice. I didn't take it that Sansa didn't know the oath, but that she was flustered.

Still patiently waiting the fate of Jon Snow. 

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I couldn't stop laughing at this scene, and went back to watch it again. Can't wait to watch it with my guy friends tomorrow night, during the UK primetime showing. They have been some of Melisandre's biggest fans!

I said to my significant other, "gonna be some really angry thirteen year old boys tonight".

Edited by kieyra
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Surprise, suprise, not only Melisandre was really an old witch, but she is willing to give up on that faaaab complexion to save Jon Snow - it was that, right? Melisandre giving her "life" so Jon can "live"?


I got the feeling that they were eliminating Melisandre as a candidate to resurrect Jon.  Between Jon's body being secured by Davos, Mel saying she saying she saw him in flames, and the need to burn a body before it rises as a White Walker.  I'm thinking that the theory that they'll have Jon resurrect in fire is probably spot on along with all that implies.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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I feel like I'm the only one who didn't hate the Dorne parts. If memory serves, they don't penalize bastards in Dorne, do they? Ellaria wouldn't take over leadership, it would be Obara, I think, Oberyn's oldest.

While bastards do fare better in Dorne they still aren't in line to inherit unless legitimize. Hell, the reason Ellaria wasn't married to Oberyn is because being a bastard makes her too lowborn to marry a prince.   

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I feel like I'm the only one who didn't hate the Dorne parts. If memory serves, they don't penalize bastards in Dorne, do they? Ellaria wouldn't take over leadership, it would be Obara, I think, Oberyn's oldest. Unless they are going to somehow make a random character into Young Griff from the books and change the story line a bit? Actually I'd kind of like to see them do that to Pod. Heh.



I didn't hate it per se.  I don't know how to describe my feelings about it.   I'm very surprised about the turn it took.   And I guess I'm trying to figure out whom I see as being Ellaria's counterpart in the novels.  Her book version isn't presented as blood thirsty.   Arianna is out of Dorne,  Tyene and Lady Nym are on their way to Kings Landing.  Maybe Obara will end up killing Doran?


I actually think Tystane is going to survive in the books and rule Dorne. Arianne is going into the middle of a renewed war and Quentyn is dead while Tystane is safe in Dorne.

Now Doran I think will die but that's because I think all the rulers who ruled their regions in the beginning of AGOT will die. So I defiantly think Mance is on the chopping block to and by the end of the series new family members will be ruling the houses.



Seems to "tied with a bow" for me.  Hopefully GRRM will finish some day so we can see.


My problem with the Boltons is the lack of consistency. Like, why is Roose giving Ramsay the lecture about treating Sansa terribly now? Why didn't he tell him on the day of their wedding that he couldn't play his sick and twisted games with her? It's like Roose woke up all of a sudden when he would have had these opinions from the very beginning.



I think he didn't care how Sansa was treated as long as she remained in their custody and lived long enough to produce an heir with Stark blood.  I think he's vexed about how Sansa was treated because she's escaped.


The Bolton actors are really good and Ramsay's monologue to Myranda's corpse was SO him.

Edited by Advance35
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And I didn't see the scene but some people have mentioned that Mel took off her neckless in the bathtub scene but didn't turn into an old woman?

It's true.

She didn't wear it there. But she did sprinkle herself with some potion or something. I'm sure they can fanwank it. ;)

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Poor Trystane. One of the nicest princes to be arranged in a marriage to, and he winds up stabbed in the back of the head right after his girl gets murdered.

At least things are looking up for Sansa. And Dany is presumably safe from being a sex slave for now, but Drogon better come for her quick.

I want Ghost to start eating people YESTERDAY.

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