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Season 6 Discussion


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Good episode until Frank's coverup of the attempted bombings. I HATE when he has that "Men in Black" keep them in the dark, they can't handle the truth, paternalistic attitude towards the "children" of NYC.

I also thought Erin's talk with Frank was absurd. They had way more than enough for a search warrant.


IMHO they've gone too far with Erin's strict "by the book" stance.


I actually don't mind the "keep them in the dark" episodes because I believe that it happens all the time and we're probably better off not knowing the threats we may face on a day to day basis.   It's important for law enforcement to avoid panic.   

IMHO they've gone too far with Erin's strict "by the book" stance.

I actually don't mind the "keep them in the dark" episodes because I believe that it happens all the time and we're probably better off not knowing the threats we may face on a day to day basis. It's important for law enforcement to avoid panic.

It is one thing not to cause a panic, but lying to the public about 3 officer involved shooting is not only wrong, it is nearly impossible and probably illegal.

  • Love 2

Good episode until Frank's coverup of the attempted bombings. I HATE when he has that "Men in Black" keep them in the dark, they can't handle the truth, paternalistic attitude towards the "children" of NYC.

I also thought Erin's talk with Frank was absurd. They had way more than enough for a search warrant.

I'm wondering if that's for an epi or story arc to be used later The epi was basically cliche in Blue Bloods fashion with only 4 cops that seem to be able to get the job done. Selleck looked tired and angry this epi. I'm wondering if his ranch troubles early this summer dragged on him during filming.


bro read the room LOL

  • Love 2

I don't mind focusing on them, but for goodness sake, who needs the rest of the NYPD when all you need to stop an internationally coordinated terrorism ring are the Regan boys single handedly defeating the bad guys? (Don't they have a joint task force in NYC with several Homeland Security agencies and the NYPD? Why bother contacting them?)

What thanks did the Arab-speaking man who brought the crime to their attention in the first place and the Arab looking professor/translator get? None, but they were yelled at by Danny as if they were suspects. He also mocked Muslim religion several times. (Of course, they also were disrespectful of the lap dancer who called the police to warn them, because "she was a drinker.")

  • Love 7

I hate Danny - always have; such a dick.


Hated the way he spoke to the guy who was trying to tell him about the bombs.  I know they have to be suspicious initially to ferret out whether they are being played or not  but he's so disrespectful in such a bombastic vile way.  He's disgraceful with all this huffing and puffing and bullying.  Can't believe he's still be on the job if his father wasn't who he is.


I'm also not a fan that this is the first episode of the season just days after 9/11.  

  • Love 9

I hate Danny - always have; such a dick.


Hated the way he spoke to the guy who was trying to tell him about the bombs.  I know they have to be suspicious initially to ferret out whether they are being played or not  but he's so disrespectful in such a bombastic vile way.  He's disgraceful with all this huffing and puffing and bullying.  Can't believe he's still be on the job if his father wasn't who he is.


I'm also not a fan that this is the first episode of the season just days after 9/11.  


Maybe it was me, but I felt like the show was purposely trying to stir up anti-Muslim sentiments among the viewing public. A planned bombing by extremist Muslim terrorists in NYC, right after the 9/11 anniversary? It just came across as very crass and ugly. It honestly left me feeling uncomfortable. 


How does Danny not have half a dozen police brutality lawsuits against him? He abuses suspects and witnesses on a regular basis and literally plowed down how many random people who had the misfortune of walking down a public sidewalk. 

  • Love 7

This is a TV drama for god sake, its not supposed to be real life.  If they didn't give the Reagan boys something every time, you wouldn't have a show. That's the same as in the old TV show Murder She Wrote.  Does anyone actually think that in a small New England town, that there was a murder every week and that on woman writer solved it??? It was just to make stories.


  • Love 8

It was really kind of boring. I know terrorist attacks are very popular tv theme to latch on, and Blue Bloods did a fair share of those already. But this time it was done in definitely very OTT way.


Danny was insufferable this episode, and I usually like Danny a lot. He was not only bullying the witness but pushed some poor guy on the street that got in his way. WTF, Danny? On the other hand, Janko was even worse. I wanted to smack her upside the head when she started to condescend to the stripper.


Frank looked tired as hell, and like he's decades older than his Pops. (I know Tom Selleck and Len Cariou has 6 years of age difference, so it was even more weird). Frank (secretly) asking Jamie to do what is basically his job anyway was absolutely bizarre. I think it was done just to show Selleck and Will Estes in the room together.


I actually didn't have issues with Frank withholding the information about the terrorist plot from the general public. I'd hand-wave it as a joined effort from FBI, the Mayor and other government officials.


Erin was useless and preachy for no reason I could think of. They had a suspicion about a terrorist attack from two different sources. Pretty sure it's not required as  much hand-wringing as Erin did this episode.


The translator was unfairly beautiful and charismatic. I want more of him on this show.

  • Love 9

I think Erin's point was that Frank needs to stop acting as if he IS the law in NYC.  They did have enough evidence for a warrant, and they could literally have gotten one in the time it took her to visit his office.  So, the question she was posing was "Why not get a warrant?"  Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and that's what Frank seems to desire.


By the same token, it should not have been his decision and his alone to determine whether the community was informed about the foiled attack.  He did not simply withhold information or refuse to comment.  He actively lied to the citizens of the community.


The Danny apple certainly does not fall too far from the Frank tree.  He has exactly the same attitude.  Erin and Jamie must take after their mother.

  • Love 4

For those posters who got a good laugh out of the comment about gluten free being a fad and the Jennifer Esposito connection, Esposito isn't gluten free as a fad. She has a disease - celiac disease. People with that disease have their symptoms eased by eating a gluten free diet.

You may find the show's dig at Esposito funny. I don't.

  • Love 4

Good episode until Frank's coverup of the attempted bombings. I HATE when he has that "Men in Black" keep them in the dark, they can't handle the truth, paternalistic attitude towards the "children" of NYC.

I also thought Erin's talk with Frank was absurd. They had way more than enough for a search warrant.


Agreed. But it wouldn't be Blue Bloods without St. Frank doing what is right and showing his staff who want to acknowledge civil rights or the existence of an independent news media or the reality of a wider world outside the NYPD the error of their ways. Or without letting us know that that other show is full of crap about that other group representing the people and being "equally important"!


I don't mind focusing on them, but for goodness sake, who needs the rest of the NYPD when all you need to stop an internationally coordinated terrorism ring are the Regan boys single handedly defeating the bad guys? (Don't they have a joint task force in NYC with several Homeland Security agencies and the NYPD? Why bother contacting them?)

What thanks did the Arab-speaking man who brought the crime to their attention in the first place and the Arab looking professor/translator get? None, but they were yelled at by Danny as if they were suspects. He also mocked Muslim religion several times. (Of course, they also were disrespectful of the lap dancer who called the police to warn them, because "she was a drinker.")


Again this is Blue Bloods. This is actually more collaborative than usual as Jamie did play a pretty big role in a major case. Usually Danny would have cracked this completely on his own.

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 1

For those posters who got a good laugh out of the comment about gluten free being a fad and the Jennifer Esposito connection, Esposito isn't gluten free as a fad. She has a disease - celiac disease. People with that disease have their symptoms eased by eating a gluten free diet.

You may find the show's dig at Esposito funny. I don't.

Agreed.  When I saw this scene, I thought, "Oh no they di'n't!"  If it was meant to be a dig at people who latch on to every restrictive diet as a new foodie fad, regardless of whether they have the condition that requires the diet, then it was kind of funny.  But considering that they fired Jennifer Esposito because she asked for a schedule that could accommodate her condition ~ bad taste (no pun intended).

  • Love 3

Agreed.  When I saw this scene, I thought, "Oh no they di'n't!"  If it was meant to be a dig at people who latch on to every restrictive diet as a new foodie fad, regardless of whether they have the condition that requires the diet, then it was kind of funny.  But considering that they fired Jennifer Esposito because she asked for a schedule that could accommodate her condition ~ bad taste (no pun intended).


Wait, what? They fired her for a medical condition? I didn't know that. I thought it was just a storyline thing, Danny was a pain and yet again no one wanted to be his partner, that kinda thing. As for the celiacs line, I thought they were being snarky about everyone and their brother suddenly being gluten free… especially young hipsters. I could totally see Nikki being all about it for a guy. 

  • Love 1

Wait, what? They fired her for a medical condition? I didn't know that. I thought it was just a storyline thing, Danny was a pain and yet again no one wanted to be his partner, that kinda thing. As for the celiacs line, I thought they were being snarky about everyone and their brother suddenly being gluten free… especially young hipsters. I could totally see Nikki being all about it for a guy. 



Allegedly she needed time off for treatment and putting herself on a regimen, and CBS wouldn't allow it. 

I just watched the episode and before this episode I was a huge fan of Blue Bloods, but after the first episode the show has left a bad taste in my mouth. I know it is not the actors, but the writers and producers, but it is actually disgusting how they represent NYPD officers and how they portray the treatment of NYC citizens. Danny actually shoved a man so he can get to a guy yelling at a meter-maid, are you kidding me???? And after the man who is trying to help by coming forward (in a state of emergency), trying to prevent a catastrophic event, instead of running to the scene calling the appropriate people, he proceeds to berate the guy and call him a terrorist to his face?? Poor police work and makes the NYPD look like a bunch of thugs.


Where is the DOD, NSA, CIA, FBI, why isn't the White House involved? 


And Jenko calling the stripper a drunk and then abuse her for working in a strip club, after the woman thinks she over heard a terrorist??


De Blasio should ban this show from using our city, they make our officers/department look like a bunch of hoodlums. I for one will no longer be watching this show.

Edited by hats
  • Love 10
The translator was unfairly beautiful and charismatic. I want more of him on this show.


I applaud any efforts to get Ramin Karimloo on my TV screen. That man can say more with a change of facial expressions than some actors can do with a 3 minute monologue. And seeing his shirtless as Jean Valjean will be a fond memory that I can keep for a lifetime.

  • Love 2

I really disliked this episode.  Frank needs to get that billy stick out of his rear.  I loathe the way Frank talks to Garrett.


Glad Jamie had more of a part in this caper,but his partner needs to graduate from junior high and start growing up.  I missed Linda in this episode.  You'd think she's be shown worrying about her husband but was reduced to 3 lines (I counted) all in reference to her children.  Erin just keeps getting more holier-than-thou with each episode. I'm surprised the Pope didn't stop by for Sunday dinner to canonize her.


I like Danny most of the time.  This wasn't even close to being  one of the times. His behavior towards the Muslim man trying to help everyone was disgusting.  Maybe I could understand his attitude at first, but he should have been kissing the man's feet once he realized what the man was trying to do, the courage it took for him to do it, even in the face of major-dick Danny. Would it have killed his to have said "I'm sorry," or "Thank you"?  Detective Reagan likes to pretend he's one of the good guys--well I am so glad the interpreter called for help when Danny threatened to pull the plug.


This episode just made cops looks horrific.  Most of us would never be able to do the job they do daily, and I have the utmost respect for those who put themselves on the line to keep us safe.  This show did no service to the men in blue this episode.


ETA: Thanks to the writers for not having Grandpa utter the words "In my day".

Edited by CookieBud
  • Love 9

The one thing I hated in this episode was towards the end when Danny was in the shoot-out at the restaurant and fell into tons of glass all over the floor - he looked like he was on the brink of death and in fact they shot the scene in slow motion without sound. Figured they would cart him off to the hospital or at least show his family concerned. But nope, the very next scene was the family dinner with nary a scratch on him (ok a minor cut on his forehead),


Also, could not stand Jenko (Janko, whatever) in this episode. I usually just tolerate her but yeah she needs to grow the f up.   And the actress lightened her hair which IMO did her no favors. All in all, she is awful.  Poor Jamie.

Edited by SiouxB


absurd that a guy with a record as good as this guy can't get a promotion from beat cop.

But you wouldn't want St. Frank to be accused by the media, who he has disdain for and ignores anyway, of playing favorites for his son, who has saved the city on numerous occasions and is more than deserving of a promotion.  Wouldn't want Jamie infringing on Danny's job of being the only cop (with his partner) protecting the entire city from everything.  Would be cool if Jamie partnered with Danny, thus giving Jamie more to do.


Frank has to call Jamie on the carpet to tell him....something he could of, and should have, told him on the phone.  Hey, let's scare Jamie into thinking he is in trouble by calling him down to One PP. Fun will be had by all.  Of course he should be doing his actual job and having him travel to be told something when time is of the essence makes lots of sense.


About the warrant thing.  Erin was actually telling Frank that he had the authority to get an emergency warrant, and she could help him do it, which would seem to fit this situation perfectly.  But, even without a warrant, if the evidence obtained is later tossed, you might lose the arrest, but you stopped a bomb from destroying the city!  Seems like a fair trade-off.  The show was trying to act like the police have their hands tied by silly stuff like warrants and would not act if not for Frank's wise leadership.


Considering the possibility that a bomb was going to go off, nobody seemed all that tense about the situation.

Edited by Bazinga
  • Love 3

The treatment of people coming forward was horrible. Good job Danny and Janko, let's make it harder for

people to come forward with info about terrorist plots.  I was really confused as to why Janko was annoyed

about the drinking. I figured after calling 911 she poured herself a large drink, who wouldn't need one

after hearing that kind of suspicious talk?  Danny was just horrible. If the man is talking let him talk, stop

giving him reasons to stop talking.


I like to think the FBI, CIA, NSA, and White House decided long ago to ignore the Reagons when

ever they need to do anything in New York. It makes it easier to get things done when you don't

have the four of them around.  

  • Love 1

I don't quite understand the Jenko-hate. Like Erin, I hardly noticed her.


I was disappointed that there wasn't even a few moments allotted for Danny to thank the witness. It was bad enough that he rudely pushed aside an innocent passerby. But this guy and the interpreter deserved better treatment. I was hoping that Danny would really get his ass kicked and his partner would be the one to fire the fatal shots.


At least, there was my favorite part of the show: the family dinner. Here was the show's best line: "Read the room, bro" (not "Bro read the room"). Best line I've heard in a long time, coming from the baby of the family, who is no longer a little kid. Hard to realize that Sean is old enough to be attending parties where anyone is drinking beer. I guess he's out of grammar school....

 Since the show has been going on for so long, can they please just promote Jamie? It is getting kind of absurd that a guy with a record as good as this guy can't get a promotion from beat cop. 


Yeah. I don't understand why they don't have him take the Sergeant's exam - it keeps him on the street and in uniform and provides all sorts of potential new storylines (consulting with family members about the burdens of command, implementing an unpopular policy Frank has put in place, the evil media insinuating favoritism even though the promotion was based on exam scores and Frank Reagan would never ever allow anybody in his department to even think of such a thing) without really closing any off except why he can't be a detective like his hero brothers.

Wow, that was surprisingly good (considering the season premier)! Danny was Danny, and I liked how he used his indoor voice and was really attentive with the first victim and another victim's mother. Direction of the Danny subplot was very well done, I thought. The director really got into serial killer movie mode here.


I actually don't know if Danny was dumb for going alone into the serial killer's lair, or smart. He saved this poor girl, after all. (But Linda was really pissed about him being hurt. I hope they'll expand on it more). And the omnipotent killer got away (because of course he did!). This serial killer also looks like porn star, but noone could identify or catch him, for some reason! That's quite a coincidence, if you ask me!


Ooh, I like The Blue Bloods' political shenanigans! Tag of war between Frank, the Mayor and the new Mayoral candidate was awesome! The Mayoral candidate is a cool lady. I liked Garrett and Frank clashing, I liked the Mayor and Frank clashing, I liked the glimpses how Frank's decisions affect Erin and his other kids.


The Janko and her dad crap was kind of annoying, and the writers forgot Janko did visit her father in prison. Oh, whatever. I don't care about her.


The Reagan family dinner and the Regan family interactions at the hospital were cute, as usual.

  • Love 1


(But Linda was really pissed about him being hurt. I hope they'll expand on it more).

It's been established that Linda isn't a fan of his "John Wayne" style of barging in without back up (the bank robbery standoff early season 2) so it wouldn't surprise me that she was upset due to that.  Hell they even had Baez say "Do not go in without back up" and...he still did.


I was mentally tuned out for most of it but I take it as a good sign that William Sadler did NOT die: I remember him seeing him on The Blacklist and Elementary where his characters died and they aired on the same week!

With each season, I like Danny less and less (if I ever liked him at all). At what point is the show going to address the fact that the police are NOT supposed to act like this? And I'm not talking about that ridiculous episode from a couple of seasons ago when a guy THREW HIMSELF out of a second floor window and blamed Danny for it (for which Danny was rightly vindicated). Still shaking my head over that one. There is nothing heroic, or anti-heroic, about this guy. Haven't we had enough real-life consequences of his type of policing to still show him as the "good guy"?

  • Love 4

I'm guessing that this was supposed to be the premiere setting up the season arcs as much as such things exist on this show (the serial killer, mayoral race, and the writers giving Jamie crappy stories). And it assures us that the show will continue to be well acted and technically well executed without ever bothering to try to match that quality in the writing. I was so hoping to see Danny facing disciplinary action or admitting that he screwed up. I know that the show doesn't work that way, but seriously - a serial killer escaped because you went in without backup or even surveying the scene? And let's not forget that this was to rescue a victim whose kidnapping was a response to his unauthorized comments to the media. At least we did get a line from Danny about how he probably shouldn't have done that. As far as the other main plot about St. Frank refusing to be corrupted by politics and reality they did seem to miss the obvious way out - that now that was an official record any release would harm both candidates as there would be allegations about the misuse of NYPD and all of the challenger's dirty laundry would become public. They even could have had Henry point it out and given Len Cariou something to do besides telling Frank that it's call. But I guess that's not self righteous enough.

  • Love 3

This episode episode did not bother me, since I usually categorize this show as a fluff procedural, even though it isn't trying to be fluffy. I was actually interested in all the storylines. Danny going in without backup...sigh. Seriously? Who did not see that coming? 


I will be at my table for one for liking Janko, so I did not mind her dad storyline, but as someone already mentioned there was an episode where she visited her dad. It was like the writers forgot that one.


Every time the mayor appears I get taken out of the scene wondering why Diggle is hanging out with Frank. 

  • Love 2

Strange episode. What happened to Erin's judgeship bid?  Why is Linda reduced to wallpaper? Didn't I watch an episode a year or so ago in which Eddie visited her father in prison?  Why did Frank tell Mayor-to-be about the affair?  It seems the antithesis of his so called morale compass.


I have a love/hate relationship with the current mayor.  He's always just on this side of shady, but there is something charming about him.


Jamie had the line of the day when hearing about Erin applying.  Something about her being so judgmental?  I had the same reaction.


I think Danny's gone off the rails.  I get he wanted to save the girl, but in his arrogance by not waiting for back up, he allowed a serial killer to escape and most likely kill  again.  I'm  sure we will be seeing this pop up from time to time.  And even with the tape on her mouth, you could see Ashley was trying to tell Danny the guy was behind him.  Some detective.


The show missed it's opportunity with Linda and Danny.  Amy is a great actress because you clearly got her point across in the 5.2 seconds she was allowed on screen.  I get the feeling that her lines are being sacrificed for "Erin".  I love the interaction between Linda and Danny and I'm missing it terribly.  It's the most real relationship on the show.


Thank you once again to the writers for not letting Grandpa utter the "In my day...." line and for keeping Nicky down to just Sunday dinners, where she continues to grate.

ETD double post.

Edited by CookieBud
  • Love 8


The show missed it's opportunity with Linda and Danny.  Amy is a great actress because you clearly got her point across in the 5.2 seconds she was allowed on screen.  I get the feeling that her lines are being sacrificed for "Erin".  I love the interaction between Linda and Danny and I'm missing it terribly.  It's the most real relationship on the show.she continues to grate.


        Amy Carlson (and her character) were reduced to recurring a few seasons back- I've never understood why. She was uniquely placed as a member of the sainted Regans by marriage as opposed to birth, and she seemed to be a nice counterweight to all the self-righteousness that goes on in that family.

        That few seconds she was on screen this ep certainly points to some interesting times ahead for Linda and Danny. I hope she gets more screen time this season.

  • Love 1

SO, Danny goes to the serial killer's house without waiting for back up and breaks in, doesn't bother to untape the victim he finds, gets his ass kicked by said killer and the killer escapes. No wonder Linda is irritated; he puts himself in danger without even really having the heroic outcome he was trying for. I'm glad Ashley is alive, but they've already shown how the women who survive continue to feel the effects of the victimization because Mr. Crazypants is still at large.

  • Love 3

Frank's blatant favoritism towards Danny just flat out bugs me.  Had Erin or Jamie screwed up the way Danny did, they would have had an earful from Frank.  Danny is not a good police officer.  The simple fact is that in real life, if he were even still on the force, he would spend more time on administrative suspension than in the field.  I can understand why he went in to save the victim even if doing so breached protocol.  But letting the killer get the drop on him was about as stupid as stupid gets.  I mean seriously.  He should have been the one surprising the killer, not vice-versa.  He walked in the door with a gun.  He should never have been in the position of wrestling with the killer.


I was glad that at least Henry pointed out that Frank has no problems taking actions that hurt Erin.  Why should Frank assume that if Erin is appointed to the bench it's all about him?  Maybe she's good at her job?  Maybe people like her for reasons other than her status as Frank's daughter?  His comments to her were hurtful.  (And since he himself is a political appointee more than a bit hypocritical.)  I know some people are the board don't care for her, but I've always felt sorry for her.  She's often a voice crying in the wilderness in terms of expressing any respect at all for civil rights.


And then there's Jamie.  He has been highly effective as a police officer and for the most part respects the rules.  But he cannot receive a promotion because it might make Frank look bad.  Wouldn't Frank have been climbing through the ranks when Henry was commissioner?  (Again, hypocritical much?)

  • Love 6

Any cop who behaved like this in real life would have his head on a platter; had he waited the few minutes for backup, they might have caught the killer - in the minutes the killer was beating him up, back up could have been there to nab is ass and danny wouldn't have been beaten.  So much stupid in that whole scene and if I had been his partner when he came sauntering in the with his arm in a sling, I would have verbally pounced on him for being such a shit - 


What's a real drag is how this is really so much the "Danny" show when there are other interesting characters (some of whom are better actors) all so he can be the main character and, sorry, he does not have the acting chops to bring nuance and layers to a performance.  He stands around and huffs and puffs when he doesn't get answers right away, he barks at other people and then has to continually apologize (when he bothers to do so), assumes he is the only right one to do anything - he's like a neanderthal.  


He was only decent when talking with the past victim who made it out alive.  He didn't get irritated (for once) that she could not give him more details.


I much prefer some of the political tightrope stuff with Frank and the rest of the cronies and mayor, et al.  

  • Love 6


Amy Carlson (and her character) were reduced to recurring a few seasons back- I've never understood why. She was uniquely placed as a member of the sainted Regans by marriage as opposed to birth, and she seemed to be a nice counterweight to all the self-righteousness that goes on in that family.

I agree. I wonder how Linda infiltrated the Regans, when pretty much any other significant other isn't liked very much by the family.



And then there's Jamie.  He has been highly effective as a police officer and for the most part respects the rules.  But he cannot receive a promotion because it might make Frank look bad.  Wouldn't Frank have been climbing through the ranks when Henry was commissioner?  (Again, hypocritical much?)

I feel like Jamie should have gotten some sort of promotion by now. It doesn't have to be detective, but something. I would take anything at this point. 

  • Love 2

What I don't like is how Danny treats his partner, Maria.  For crying out loud, they're partners.  He doesn't get to make all the decisions on how the investigation is run.  Most of the time she stands around waiting for his next order.  He never seems to consult with her, he doesn't ask for her opinion, they don't discuss the case.  He just does his thing and she follows right along.   It's demeaning and sexist.


I've always called this show "The Danny Show" cause that's pretty much what it is.  And come on...Jamie and the rookie cop role is getting old.

  • Love 6

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