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S32.E09: It's Psychological Warfare

Tara Ariano

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There are few things more sickening to watch on Survivor than the people you hate putting on a smug performance at tribal like Scot and Jason did last night.  Those two douchebags are pure trash.


And I agree with Eolivet's sentiment upthread - I wish they would have eaten that damn chicken right in Tai's face.  Screw you, pal.

  • Love 13

She kind of reminds me of Mike who was always on the losing side of the votes and had to constantly scramble to survive.  She may not be making great choices but in a season of duds I hope she stays around a while.


I hope the goons make the mistake of preparing a celebratory chicken dinner and that turns Tai to the girls.

I don't think they trusted Julia to vote for a guy.  It's fine to say it's worth the risk to lose one of the girls, unless you are the girl that is targeted.  They were probably going to lose a girl anyway so they decided whom they could best afford to lose.

That is a very good point.  The whole Julia defection would not have happened.  Still I'm bummed out she didn't sit down and refuse to move.  That would have been great tv.


I think I'm rooting for Mike the chicken at this point.

Mark the chicken ;-)

  • Love 5
Jeff specifically said they could forego the schoolyard pick only if they were willing to split up right away, so someone had to do it; and actually it was super-stupid of the majority to allow this meddling from Jeff--



I could be wrong but I was thinking that if they did a schoolyard pick, that Scot would end up last on one team and Jason last on the other.


I could totally see those 2 pricks laying on the ground and not participating so I think they felt they had no choice.

  • Love 1
If Scot and Jason are smart, they'll snag Joe to their side -- he must be royally pissed with the women for booting Debbie.


I don't think they'll get Joe. He's a total stick in the mud. He may be upset about Debbie, but he was upset about Doc Peter too, and he still stuck with Aubry. I think once Joe is with someone/some plan, that's it. No changing. 


This domino challenge is fricken mind-blowing. One of the best ones they've had for immunity.


I agree. I loved it. They've done domino challenges before, but the frame thing they had to step through added a whole other level that made it super tricky. Plus, doing it on a flat surface, instead of hills and valleys, meant you couldn't rely as much on momentum to keep the dominoes falling. 

  • Love 4

Tai is lucky that the girls don't know about the 'badge of honor' fire putting out by Tai or maybe they would have started a nice pot of chicken soup in retaliation.


I was so irritated with Tai, I was half-hoping they would cook the chicken and eat it in front of him. You want psychological warfare...I got your psychological warfare right here!

There's a secret scene right after the boys+Julia won the RC where Debbie suggests eating the chicken. Cydney, Joe, Aubry, Julia, and Michele all agree to it but Tai ends up hearing them and that's why he took the chicken with him to the reward meal.


I bet Cydney is really second-guessing tipping off the douche-bros when Alecia found the idol clue, huh?


LMAO! Really though. I am shocked at how quickly the Cydney/Scot/Jason alliance went to utter shit. I wonder if Cydney was never into it and just biding her time or if she just got really pissed that they tried to replace her with Nick.


Damn. That sucked. I wonder if the Brotherhood Of The Ugly Tattoos jerked off after their grandstanding play, or if they did that to each other. Then I realized . . . there probably aren't any tweezers available at camp.


Thank you for this!


If any of these yahoos makes it to FTC, they're gonna get eaten alive for this.  Somebody please explain the 'logic' behind their assholery.


There isn't any logic to it from them, but I don't think that necessarily means Production told them to do it. They're just assholes and idiots.


Cydney's eye rolls during the dumb as hell display Scot/Jason/Tai made at TC were amazing. And her, "Spelled my name wrong," was perfection.

I don't know if I can keep watching. I have watched all of every season, even both Russell ones!, but I just don't know if I can keep watching Scot/Jason/Tai. They're just so insufferable. And there's not really anyone else for me to really like and root for this season like there was in the Russell seasons. I mean I like Michele, I'm growing fond of Cyndey, and I like aspects of Aubry, but I don't know if it's enough for me to keep watching that Triangle of Dicks. Especially since I'm now pretty convinced Tai is going to win and I'm not about that at all. I'm thinking maybe I'll read spoilers and then decide if I wanna stick with it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

This domino challenge is fricken mind-blowing. One of the best ones they've had for immunity.


Agreed.  That was a great challenge.


So disappoint in Tai. He's a hypocrite in my book. Loves trees, plants and chickens but then decides to treat people like crap making them suffer with no fire or food.


I don't have a problem with this, I have more of a problem with people who think their actions in the game reflect on what type of person they are.  Making people you are not aligned with uncomfortable is part of the game of survivor.  Nobody was going to starve or have risk of injury or illness, they were just going to have to make another fire.


So ... the guys alliance has two idols.  They could play them one at a time or they could combine them for a super idol.  I think they'll wait and play them as a super idol.  Do the women realize how the super idol works?  Did anyone explain that they could wait until after the vote and then use two idols?


The super idol saves one guy (don't think they'll use it to save Julia) and uses two idols. Then what do they do the next tribal when there are no more idols?  


I think Cydney should know how the Super Idol works, right?  She was there when Kyle found it and read the information about the Super Idol out loud.  I don't know if she's shared any of this information with the others in her alliance, though.


I find Kyle and Scot to be loathsome individuals but I enjoyed the tribal council.  There was tons of side conversations, misdirection, etc.  And I've never liked Debbie so I'm not broken hearted that she's gone.

  • Love 6

I am rooting for Mark the chicken to win. Not sure why we haven't seen any eggs from her (no roosters needed for eggs). Chickens are amazing foragers and there should be plenty of greenery and tasty bugs around, and she appears to be untethered at least some of the time now.


Scot, you are a bad sportsmanship.


I will miss Debbie's antics and employment history, but not her bathing suit.

  • Love 9

"Girls" alliances never work because there is always one woman who would rather hang with the boys and bask in their admiration*.  I'm sorry but it's true.


The only one who pulled it off (correct me if I'm wrong) was the inimitable Kim Spradlin.


ETA:  * by which I mean lust

Edited by Special K
  • Love 6

Is this the dumbest group of players ever? I think it might be.


Epic post.


I also want to say that it would have been sweet justice if the Brotherhood of the Ugly Tattoos had themselves lost the machete and axe in the underbrush.  The way they were talking while hiding them, I really thought that was going to happen and their epic stupidity would come back to bite them in the ass.

  • Love 9
There isn't any logic to it from them, but I don't think that necessarily means Production told them to do it. They're just assholes and idiots.

I don't think it does either, but I do wonder if they have to get permission before doing things like hiding communal property.  My understanding is that they do before stealing from each other but communal property is a bit of a gray zone.  I mean it's everybody's, right?  I'm within my rights to use it, possibly this means I'm within my rights to toss it in the sea. 


Agreed though - it was just pointless bullshit, a poor man's 'big move'.  Can't say I'm happy that any of these asshats are gonna win anything.

  • Love 3

Why didn't Cydney tell Debbie that FOR SURE Jason had an idol? At least open her eyes to the probability. Debbie and Joe seemed convinced that there weren't any idols to be had - so even Aubrey could have said that they existed and that Neal had one. I don't understand the keeping of that particular secret at this point.

My frustration with hyperbole and poor similes is rising to an all time high. This is not WAR. It is a game. You do not want to KILL the other people, you want to get them VOTED OUT in such a way that they want you to win in the end. Same thing when people call others "a cancer". Or that politicians are Hitler. It's why our country is so divisive - people take a small thing and make it THE WORST THING. I blame Seinfeld.

  • Love 11

Plus Julia should know that she's at the bottom of the alliance if she goes with Scot and Kyle. The minute they don't need you is when you're out the door. The women and Joe really do need to stick together.



Actually, if she really was at the bottom of the girls alliance, than Julia's move was brilliant. She's far better off being at the bottom of an alliance in which the two people at the top have huge, huge targets on their back. Julia didn't have much of a chance making it to FTC with either alliance but at least now if she does make it she can point to the big move she made to get there.

  • Love 7

I nominate fishcakes' above post as the best post ever!


I don't think it does either, but I do wonder if they have to get permission before doing things like hiding communal property.  My understanding is that they do before stealing from each other but communal property is a bit of a gray zone.  I mean it's everybody's, right?  I'm within my rights to use it, possibly this means I'm within my rights to toss it in the sea. 


Oh yes I agree with you there. I wondered about that, too. I would have thought it against the rules to take communal property like that so I imagine they did get permission from Production.


Can't say I'm happy that any of these asshats are gonna win anything.


Ugh exactly. The fact that one or both of them might get 2nd/3rd place money is so disgusting to me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

Not for Khaleesi's ears, but Cupcake said that he and Scot would "RoShamBo" over who would get to play their shared idol, and RoShamBo is a sort of rock-paper-scissors game where two guys punch each other in the junk to see who wins.

You can imagine my disappointment when they didn't actually do this.

I've never heard that, I've always heard of Roshambo as simply another term for Rock Paper Scissors.  It's a very commonly used term.


It was very evident the whole "Roshambo" thing and Tai's "I sit down" thing was all an act and preplanned.  


I can't believe that none of the women considered the possibility of the Superidol that Tai mentioned at the last TC.  Cydney knows that Kyle has an idol.  I guess nobody else but the Terrible Two knew that Tai had one.  But wasn't Michelle one of the ones who caught Tai looking for an idol?  She could have suspected that he had one.  


These people are collectively the dumbest group of contestants ever.  I guess once Smartest Guy in the Room Peter and No I'm Smartest Nick left, they maybe have two collective brains between them.

  • Love 4

I don't have a problem with this, I have more of a problem with people who think their actions in the game reflect on what type of person they are.  Making people you are not aligned with uncomfortable is part of the game of survivor.  Nobody was going to starve or have risk of injury or illness, they were just going to have to make another fire.


True that they wouldn't starve with the missing axe and machete but they all need fire. They started their own fire again but Tai then decides to douse it out and then wake up the next morning and play dumb and ask who put it out knowing full well he did it and that the rest of the camp wouldn't know that he did it because he's so "loving". He did it for no real reason other than to fit in with the ass clowns. 



"Girls" alliances never work because there is always one woman who would rather hang with the boys and bask in their admiration*.  I'm sorry but it's true.


Don't apologize because unfortunately it's true. Women more than men turn on each other more, especially in Survivor. 

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 6

Now that the women understand the full power of the Super Idol, I can only see a few paths for them. They can choose to avoid it, by continuing to vote out their numbers (e.g. Joe next Tribal Council), but eventually that means they are in the minoriy. They could also try and flush the idol, but that means accepting that one of their stronger persons will be sacrificed, and I can't imagine anyone willing to sacrifice their game like that. Or they could try and entice Tai (and ideally Julia, for extra numbers) to their side, thus defusing the Super Idol and then they could split the votes and hopefully flush a normal idol. But I don't know if the women can entice Tai to their side. Right now he is third in the douchebag alliance, and he won't be in the women's alliance. The next tribal will be interesting. The women have a couple votes to turn the tide in their favor, but their window of opportunity is closing.

Edited by ForeverAlone
  • Love 6

Actually, if she really was at the bottom of the girls alliance, than Julia's move was brilliant. She's far better off being at the bottom of an alliance in which the two people at the top have huge, huge targets on their back. Julia didn't have much of a chance making it to FTC with either alliance but at least now if she does make it she can point to the big move she made to get there.

Well, except when the 'girls' alliance can't get at the 2 at the top (the jackholes) they will then go for #3 (Julia).

  • Love 2
Why didn't Cydney tell Debbie that FOR SURE Jason had an idol? At least open her eyes to the probability. Debbie and Joe seemed convinced that there weren't any idols to be had - so even Aubrey could have said that they existed and that Neal had one. I don't understand the keeping of that particular secret at this point.


I didn't get the impression Debbie and Joe were convinced there wasn't another idol. It seemed like for whatever reason, Debbie thought the super idol was maybe all three guys having idols, since she made the comment that there was no way all three of them had one. That said, we still saw a discussion about splitting the vote and I believe that was because of the threat of the super idol.


We saw Debbie discussing with the others the three votes for Jason and three for Scott and then stating that then if the super idol was played, they would just have re-vote because it would be a tie all around with Jason, Scott and Tai's three votes for whomever. And that would have been a solid plan. Where things fell apart was because of Julia who Cydney and Aubry rightly realized was playing both sides and not only would not vote for one of the guys but would also tell them the plan.


I can't believe that none of the women considered the possibility of the Superidol that Tai mentioned at the last TC.


Again, did they really not consider it or did I just misunderstand the editing? I think they were probably rightly skeptical in that they thought it might have been some bullshit to make them nervous. However, they were still going to split the votes to ward off whatever would have happened and again it would have worked. 


Because say you have 3 votes for Cydney from the asshole duo and the idiot, then 3 from the alliance of six for one asshole and the other 3 for the other asshole. Well they can only play the super idol for one person and that's assuming the other person with an idol agrees to give their idol. So they play it for asshole #1 but that still leaves asshole #2 and Cydney with three votes a piece. A re-vote happens and per the rules, only the people who didn't get votes, get to re-vote.


So that's Aubry, Joe, Debbie, Julia, Michelle and Tai and boom an asshole goes home anyway and the precious super idol is gone. Unfortunately, Julia did end up being a key factor and she decided that her path to success in the game lay with the assholes, so she wasn't going to vote for either of them and that's when things went to shit. 


Also, maybe it's just me but based on the editing, I disagree that Julia's move was the best because she was so clearly at the bottom of the other alliance. Julia is incredibly tight with Michelle from everything we've seen and tonight showed how for whatever reason, Debbie really, really liked her. I don't think there was any guarantee if they got rid of the three guys that Julia would be the obvious boot. On the flip-side though, I know she's damn sure not going to be in the assholes' duo F3. Which is why it is ridiculous she was talking about getting to the end with two people no one will vote for. Sure that's a sound plan but she needs to get to that F3 position and why is she so sure they'll take her over Tai?

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 8

They should have made Lurch and Bounty use the idols.  And I agree with those of you who have said Tai is a whimp.  Putting out the fire in secret?  Not bold enough.  Try and play both sides.  Rarely works.  Not sorry to see Debbie go but glad she got that awful looking sore on her shoulder covered up after the challenge.

  • Love 3

I could be wrong but I was thinking that if they did a schoolyard pick, that Scot would end up last on one team and Jason last on the other.


I could totally see those 2 pricks laying on the ground and not participating so I think they felt they had no choice.



Had it been a school yard pick the first person I would have chosen is Scot.  The final part of that challenge screamed we need brute strength to win that.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3



Talk me through your final Tribal Council from your perspective. It was a mind-melter, for sure.


It was explosive, because there were accusations flying back and forth. I don’t know how many people noticed that Scot was wearing Nick’s shorts. That’s because I stole Scot and Jason’s shorts in retaliation for them stealing the hatchet. People have to notice this: Scot is wearing another man’s dirty shorts. How hysterical is that?




Also, is she implying that Julia gave Jason and Scot false info?


My plan with Aubry was to vote two, two and two. We had six. Two for Scot, two for Jason, two for Tai. When Julia went back, she didn’t tell them we were voting two-two-two. She told them we were going to target Tai and Jason, trying to flush out an idol, which would have made sense

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 2

Now that the women understand the full power of the Super Idol, I can only see a few paths for them. They can choose to avoid it, by continuing to vote out their numbers (e.g. Joe next Tribal Council), but eventually that means they are in the minoriy. They could also try and flush the idol, but that means accepting that one of their stronger persons will be sacrificed, and I can't imagine anyone willing to sacrifice their game like that. Or they could try and entice Tai (and ideally Julia, for extra numbers) to their side, thus defusing the Super Idol and then they could split the votes and hopefully flush a normal idol. But I don't know if the women can entice Tai to their side. Right now he is third in the douchebag alliance, and he won't be in the women's alliance. The next tribal will be interesting. The women have a couple votes to turn the tide in their favor, but their window of opportunity is closing.

This is what they need to do and I hope it happens. It would be smart for Tai to keep his solo idol for himself. If he combines for a super idol it will only save one person...and that person might not be Tai, so he should save that idol for his own singular use. I hope Aubry really implants this idea on Tai next week. And it's honestly best for all of them to get rid of one of the heads of the ugly two headed tatted monster.

  • Love 2

Actually, you could argue that making people you are not aligned with comfortable is a much better way to play Survivor.  Especially post-merge, pissing off and antagonizing people who will become jury members seems pretty short-sighted.



That is the biggest WTF.  Oh, so you have an alliance separate from ours??!!!  You bitches, that is never done here  so screw any jury votes, no machete for you (said in the tone of the soup Nazi)!


ETA Seinfeld reference. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

Just my humble thoughts on the agreed despicable and childish behavior of the dudes.  It can't even be called sabotage, it is just a punk ass hissy fit on their parts.  Their behavior is wrong and inexcusable as far as I see it.


However, I don't think the dudes throwing water out, and  claiming they are not going to provide or help with food should in anyway affect the women.  That to me is an extremely sexist point of view that the women cannot take care of these things themselves.  If for some reason the women cannot do those things and rely on the men to do such things, then shame on them and they should not be in this game.


Lastly, Thai is a spineless piece of shit to me.  HIS behavior is troubling to me because he comes across as a weak willed member of the pack that in order to fit in would do harm to another just to be included.  Game situation or not, that to me is sociopathic behavior.  There should be some modicum of inherent good that stops a person in this situation from the bullying affect and he bought into it full bore.  There would be no redemption from me if I was one of the persons on the other side.

  • Love 8

While I understand that other players in the past have done things like hiding food or messing with stuff at camp (and I thought it was shitty then too), what really bugged me about last night is that one, I already hated Scott and Jason to begin with so that just upped the annoyance but two, Scott especially is such a big guy, the whole thing felt very menacing and threatening to me and it made me very, very uncomfortable. Fair or not, I was almost worried for these women when they were like, "whatever, we'll still just do our thing" and good for them and he was sitting there getting more and more pissed off. Jason and Scott just come across as big bullies throwing their weight around and it is disgusting to watch.


Like yes, Jane threw water on the fire in her season when she knew she was getting voted off and I thought that was childish and petty of her but I didn't find Jane threatening. I do with those two assholes. Even dumb ass Tai said at the beginning that they take things too far and it even made him uncomfortable (of course not that that stopped his dumb ass from later joining in). I just hate those guys. Brandon Hantz was just fucking crazy and had no business being on the show in my opinion, but Jason and Scott are not crazy, they're just fucking bullies and assholes who get off on picking on people who they perceive are weaker than them.

Yeah, I'd hate to say that a wee lil' "girl" should be allowed to douse the fire with impunity while a Herman Munster type can't because it's more "threatening", but it definitely had that feel to me too. The juvenile yet aggressive stealing and water throwing last night left me super uncomfortable. Like, how far down the line can it go? I can only assume the players are not allowed to have unwanted physical contact. So say one of the "girls" (they can never be addressed as women on this show, huh?) picked up the ax and one of the douche bros grabbed its handle as well. We know who's going to win out physically, so is it allowed? If someone started making a fire with flint and coco husks, what if Scot hovered above with water to pour? There's something sickening about letting anyone get away with this destructive shit, but especially when it seems obvious who's going to win if it really just comes down to brawn.

Edited by Dewey Decimate
  • Love 3

That is the biggest WTF.  Oh, so you have an alliance separate from ours??!!!  You bitches, that is never done on Survivor so screw any jury votes, no machete for you!  


This is the most fascinating part of Survivor -- that the merge requires a pivot in strategy and attitude and really so few have the personality, awareness, and/or patience to manage it.   We see time and time again people who can excel at one part tripped up by the other part.


OTOH, the Brotherhood of the Ugly Tattoos (BofUT) actually have it all ass backwards.  They played a post-merge game  in the beginning (voting out people who could help win challenges because they were "threats" -- Darnell and Jen and kept Alecia), and they're playing a pre-merge game now (teaming up on and antagonizing the "other team.")


Such numbskulls.  That they may get to the end this way because of Jeff's stupid super-idol sticks in my craw.

  • Love 12
Oh yes I agree with you there. I wondered about that, too. I would have thought it against the rules to take communal property like that so I imagine they did get permission from Production.

Once we get to the point where we're asking production about 'moves', I kinda feel like we're well towards playing Survivor the Show and not Survivor the Game.  If that's true, is it too much of a leap to suggest that the players are now doing things they know'll get them airtime rather than votes?  I have to admit, this tends to be 'gameplay' I do not enjoy.


Agree with all about the domino challenge - that was damn clever.  Hard to make such a task both simple and visually appealing, but they sure did.  Bravo challenge designers.

  • Love 5

Is this the dumbest group of players ever? I think it might be.


Joe: I'm voting for Jim.

Aubrey: There is no Jim.



Aubrey: We have to vote for Julia. [repeat one million times]

Debbie: No.



Scot: I hid the machete and axe, but the women are not dead yet. How can this be?


Jason: Hurr durr durr!


Cydney: I want to vote against the two guys who have Alecia's HII, which I pretty much gave them. ... Anyway.


Michele: I trust Julia.

Debbie: I trust Julia too. She's so pretty.

Julia: I'm going to play both sides until I get voted out.


Tai: When Scot put out the fire, it made me feel bad about myself for being his friend. [puts out second fire]


Joe: JIM!


This is the best thing I've ever read on these forums. You seriously brought me out from my Cave of Lurkdom to give you props. 

  • Love 7


Worst season of Survivor ever. No wonder they skipped over it


I have seen this referenced in this thread a couple of times.  I am unclear what this means.  Did they actually delay airing this season?  If so, then wow, whoever won the season had to wait extra long to see who wins?  I would be extremely pissed.


I have seen this referenced in this thread a couple of times.  I am unclear what this means.  Did they actually delay airing this season?  If so, then wow, whoever won the season had to wait extra long to see who wins?  I would be extremely pissed.


Yes, this season was filmed BEFORE the Second Chance season, and put on the shelf.

  • Love 2

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