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S07.E05: No Access

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I think Kail just said the whole "No Baby Now" thing as a way to shut down the discussion and/or speculation while they were trying or still in the first few days of the pregnancy. She said she had planned on announcing it on their Christmas cards, so it looked as if she was trying to keep the whole thing secret until then.

In other words, she and Javi knew that the conversation was just an act, but it served to keep the crew/audience in the dark until she was ready to announce.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 6

...I'm glad Cory is trying to be an attentive, purposeful dad, but he's no saint. No canonization coming from me. I'm glad Randy continues to support Chelsea, but it's always been my opinion that his indulgence of his daughter and inability to ever say No to her, contributed to the mess she was and is today. Sure, comparatively, Chelsea looks much more evenkeeled than the other TMs. But she's not. Cole will be disappointing her soon enough and BOOM! home to Daddy.

Aubree will be searching for Daddy-Adam substitutes all her life. Why didn't daddy ever really love me; ever pay attention to me? Why is mommy so dependent on a man's attention to prove her worth?

Dependant on a man to prove her worth? If that was the case, it wouldn't have taken her so long to have a boyfriend, if it was true, any man would have done and we'd have seen her with guy after guy like the others.

We've also seen Randy say no to Chelsea many times. People seem to think Randy being a loving, supportive dad is a bad thing.

Sometimes I really think I'm watching a different show than everybody else is watching because I read things here that I sure as hell never saw on the show.

  • Love 17

I think Kail just said the whole "No Baby Now" thing as a way to shut down the discussion and/or speculation while they were trying or still in the first few days of the pregnancy. She said she had planned on announcing it on their Christmas cards, so it looked as if she was trying to keep the whole thing secret until then.

In other words, she and Javi knew that the conversation was just an act, but it served to keep the crew/audience in the dark until she was ready to announce.

It seems like it would be easier to just not have any conversation about more children on camera. Instead of a forced fake one, just don't have one at all.

  • Love 1

From Jeffs twitter

There are many words to describe Aliannah Hope, none of them are "liar." #sweet #intelligent #beautiful #inspiring #honest #blessing #lovin

Normally he is diplomatic about Leah but it looks like insulting Ali was a step too far for him, he has also responded about texting and driving being illegal in WV


Good for him!!  Thanks for posting this.

  • Love 5

Chelsea-Congrats to her on finding her baby voiced match in life! Lol seriously though, I hope it works out for them. She just needs to work on not overly pushing Cole into Adams place. He can be a step father but he will never be her father. God forbid she gets her kid super attached and it doesn't work out. Just let it happen organically.

I don't know if it was this thread or another one where their educational differences were discussed, but I agree with the people who said a degree doesn't equal intelligence. I've graduated with and met some pretty basic matriculates (I have a Bachelors and Masters). Chelsea and Cole seem equally yoked conversation wise with their baby talk and giggling. To me, an undergraduate degree just shows how well a person can do in following curriculum, completing work and being knowledgeable in a certain subject matter. It's a worthy accomplishment of course.

Jenelle-That poor Kaiser. I feel like I'm watching a live documentary on how reactive attachment disorder manifests. She is a worthless person. Her reaction to the lawyer was hilarious. I think the lawyer was trying to say: "I deal with criminals LIKE YOU all day long and Jessica's not like that". Hahaha. Jenelle sounds dumb in the sneak peak, saying she doesn't want to "use her son"...bitch!!! You've been using your son to piss off Nathan for months. Pissing of Nathan and filming Teen Mom are the only reasons she has Kaiser and I can tell by the way she is constantly overwhelmed by the most normal, petty parenting situations. How much time would it take for her lazy ass to try and soothe her baby before bed or work on transitioning him TO bed instead of just dropping him in the crib and closing the door?! I bet he is miserable.

Kail-Who knows whats real. I wouldn't put it past her to be a cheater, she is a selfish person. Sad story though. Her marriage seems crappy.

Leah-She's just all over the place. Pitiful. She's really unraveling. Her time management is horrible. I think she gets so embarrassed fucking up around Corey. I get second hand embarrassment from just watching her. She waits until the very last minute to do everything and then is pissed it takes longer than 10 minutes to do 20 tasks. Jesus be an organizational planner. Watching her crazy life is the most entertaining part of the series.

Edited by Bluethcs24
  • Love 6

It seems like it would be easier to just not have any conversation about more children on camera. Instead of a forced fake one, just don't have one at all.


Maybe they pushed it because of Isaac's comments about "baby fever" (I think that's what he said?).  I'm sure they wanted to show that because it was pretty cute, and maybe the producers felt the need to force a conversation to explain it better?

  • Love 3

I think Kail just said the whole "No Baby Now" thing as a way to shut down the discussion and/or speculation while they were trying or still in the first few days of the pregnancy. She said she had planned on announcing it on their Christmas cards, so it looked as if she was trying to keep the whole thing secret until then.

In other words, she and Javi knew that the conversation was just an act, but it served to keep the crew/audience in the dark until she was ready to announce.

That's very true and may be the most plausible explanation in my book, they may have been pushed to discuss it and so wanting to keep the secret just said no, I hadn't thought of that. I really meant it when I said they don't owe me any explanation, but I just can't figure out the editing so I'm willing to drop it in my mind with that explanation, whether it's true or not. I guess unless something else comes of it.

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Does Kail do her health care at a Military Treatment Facility (MTF)? Back when I was in the Navy, like Kail, I suffered a miscarriage and went to the clinic on base. I required an emergency D&C and spent a few days in the hospital receiving antibiotics and fluids. Anyways, everyone knows everyone on a base. MTFs are virtually absent of HIPAA laws. My convalescent leave paper work simply stated "Spontaneous abortion and D+C - 30 days of convalescent leave effective (date)." When I returned from leave everyone and their sea daddy knew I had an "abortion". Spontaneous abortion is the clinical term/billing code for a miscarriage. People who don't understand that and gossip can make the loss even more difficult to process. If Kail receives her care on base, I can easily see military health care "professionals" gossiping. It's difficult to have privacy as a service member and as a dependent.

  • Love 10

Back when Javi tweeted that comment about it being a bad day, linked above, several sites posted it. On one of them, and I don't remember which one I read, a commenter posted that she/he saw Javi and Kail at the hospital, and asked Javi if she was okay. I don't remember exactly what she posted, but is seems like it was that Kail had food poisoning, because someone had responded that you don't go to the hospital for that, you lay on the bathroom floor and pray for death, and a few posts followed about that subject.


A day or two later it seems, Crazy Days and Nights posted a "blind item" which is a "guess who" about a Teen Mom who had an abortion and told her husband it was a miscarriage, because he wasn't the father. Later it was "revealed" that the answer was Kailyn. CDaN is notorious for posting revealing blinds that the "facts" don't match, but it also has industry insiders of C and D listed celebrities send in tips. I don't know how they would know if she had a miscarriage or an abortion, unless one of their close friends or family :ahemSuzyahem: sent it in.


The allegation of her cheating on campus has been around since, at least, the episode where Javi was insisting on the password to her phone last season. I remember seeing the man's name mentioned online, and one of the rags was trying to get a response from him, but he shut down his social media accounts. I don't follow any of these people on social media, and only read about it online when it's linked here or I happen across it while reading something else, but I'm sure it's wasn't the Teen Mom FB pages because I find FB tedious and never go there.

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She says they didn't talk about it with anyone so I can see it happening. Perhaps they didn't want to discuss it out loud in front of the camera man. We planned our daughter and getting off my birth control, knowing what days I was more likely to get pregnant, and took a test that showed positive at 3 weeks along.

Edit: I was totally replying to a post and it didn't carry over. Sorry.

I really don't think that is the first time Kail told Sterling either. My impression from rereading those tweets at that time was that the people close to them (including Sterling who sent flowers) knew. I'm sure once again they needed a conversation about why Kail and Javi were going on seperate vacations.

Next up should be Kails surgery, right? That was December/January.

Edited by Mkay
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peskipiksi, on 12 Apr 2016 - 1:55 PM, said:

Ugh.  I am usually just a lurker but I can't stay quiet for this one.


Leah.  You twat.  That whole "I'm going to ask your Dad if you can stay with me, etc." scene just made me sick.  There was no reason for her to tell the girlses it was even a possibility until she had gotten an answer from Corey.  The way she did it...all she did was get their hopes up only to be dashed, and then to foster resentment in them against their father (her true intent, I'm sure.)  I know it would never count for anything in the eyes of DHS or a judge (maybe under the terms of parental alienation), but to me that is nothing less than mental ABUSE. Depression, anxiety, addiction...none of them are any kind of excuse for that kind of behavior.



Leah makes me livid with the way she is trying to make Corey the bad guy to the girls. Just like how she told the twins that Corey or Miranda should have called the girls immediately after their baby was born. Geez Leah, you selfish witch, the baby was 2 months premature, give them some time instead of insinuating to the girls that they had done something wrong.

  • Love 10

Does Cole remind anyone else of George McFly when Marty went back to the 1950s?

OMG Yes! Get your damned hands off her, Biff. He does look like Crispin Glover.

I really couldn't care less about anybody on this episode except that poor cat. I did not enjoy seeing the poor thing being dragged out and manhandled by that child. And she nearly fell on the cat when she tripped over all the trash and shit Leah had piled up in the car. And when did Leah get an Escalade? Did she have that last season?

Jenelle's new man seems really dim-witted. Like a violent Forrest Gump.

  • Love 6

Leah makes me livid with the way she is trying to make Corey the bad guy to the girls. Just like how she told the twins that Corey or Miranda should have called the girls immediately after their baby was born. Geez Leah, you selfish witch, the baby was 2 months premature, give them some time instead of insinuating to the girls that they had done something wrong.

Yes!! It makes me so mad to see Leah spinning it to the kids that it's all Corey and Miranda's fault, especially when we were shown scenes (I don't remember which episode specifically) where Corey tried to diplomatically explain the change by saying it was simply because he lived closer to their school, and then she throws him under the bus every chance she gets. What really worries me if she really thinks this is true. In the last episode when she was talking to her brothers baby mama, and she was saying how the girls asked questions about the change and corey said its not my fault (but he also said that without implying it was completely Leah's fault, even though it was) and she said she told Gracie it was completely Corey and Miranda's fault, I wanted to throw things at her so hard...All of this came from HER bad decisions, all the way down to her divorcing Corey... Sure they may have divorced anyway, but SHE is the one who cheated, which was the catalyst for the divorce as far as we know. If she hadn't cheated, her and Corey may not be dealing with custody at all.

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In the car on the way to school (or maybe to Cory's), Leah is pulling out of the driveway not use looking at a phone but full on typing on something like an iPad?! And then one of the twins dares say something about being late to school and she yells at them that "it's none of their business when they need to be at school ?!" Just that they need to be there and she and cote will get them there. WTF?! Did she ever go to school? Does she realize that some teachers punish for lateness or take away privileges and yes - it's the students bearing punishment not parents?? Even if their school doesn't do that, does she get that kids don't sit in school doing nothing so if you're 30 min late the class is doing work that you've now missed and need to quickly catch up and being that they're little kids, the teacher likely has to stop what she's doing to help them catch up?! How is this none of their business??

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I also felt very bad for the girls during that exchange. It was not fair to them. They have the right to not be happy if they are tardy.  Even if they don't get in trouble (and I hope they don't at their age), they know they are creating a disturbance and missing stuff by coming into the classroom late. It probably makes them feel bad and embarrassed. And if they get there so late that they are tardy to class, that probably means they had no breakfast.  Leah is so thoughtless and incompetent as a mother.

  • Love 9

I get why Leah has to take the girlses to school. She decided to move 45 minutes away. But, why is Corey having to drive them to school, too? Do they not have school buses in WV? I know Ali would have trouble boarding a regular bus, the stairs are steep. But, they don't have handicap accessible buses in WV? When our kids were little, they took the bus to school until they were in high school. One of the neighbor kids used a wheelchair and she rode the handicap accessible bus and they let her brother ride with her. When I drive by the local elementary school, I try to time it to avoid drop off and pick up time because there is a giant traffic jam of parents all trying to squeeze into the pick up area at the same time. Don't kids ride the bus anymore?

  • Love 3

I get why Leah has to take the girlses to school. She decided to move 45 minutes away. But, why is Corey having to drive them to school, too? Do they not have school buses in WV? I know Ali would have trouble boarding a regular bus, the stairs are steep. But, they don't have handicap accessible buses in WV? When our kids were little, they took the bus to school until they were in high school. One of the neighbor kids used a wheelchair and she rode the handicap accessible bus and they let her brother ride with her. When I drive by the local elementary school, I try to time it to avoid drop off and pick up time because there is a giant traffic jam of parents all trying to squeeze into the pick up area at the same time. Don't kids ride the bus anymore?

The Girlses might be assigned to seperate buses (handicap bus and regular bus) with seperate bus stops and pick up times. Might make life easier to just drive them.

We live less than 2 miles from my daughter's school. The school day begins at 7:45am. If she takes the bus from our home, the pick up time is 6:07am (+/- 5 minutes). That's ridiculous. It's easier to just drive her.

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Re Kail and the miscarriage. I remember commenting about her "worst day" tweet. One cannot write something like that without having people speculate what event transpired to make it the "worst day." The most devasting events in my life have not been shared cryptically with the world. There is something off with this story and Javi's reaction to it.

  • Love 5

Re Kail and the miscarriage. I remember commenting about her "worst day" tweet. One cannot write something like that without having people speculate what event transpired to make it the "worst day." The most devasting events in my life have not been shared cryptically with the world. There is something off with this story and Javi's reaction to it.


Sadly it is quite typical these days....and I'll sound real old right now...amongst the youngsters.  They write cryptic debbie downer drama tweets or FB statuses....to get attention.  I see it on my FB wall all the damn time.  Blergh.  

I get why Leah has to take the girlses to school. She decided to move 45 minutes away. But, why is Corey having to drive them to school, too? Do they not have school buses in WV? I know Ali would have trouble boarding a regular bus, the stairs are steep. But, they don't have handicap accessible buses in WV? When our kids were little, they took the bus to school until they were in high school. One of the neighbor kids used a wheelchair and she rode the handicap accessible bus and they let her brother ride with her. When I drive by the local elementary school, I try to time it to avoid drop off and pick up time because there is a giant traffic jam of parents all trying to squeeze into the pick up area at the same time. Don't kids ride the bus anymore?


That got me thinking....no one in the Teen Mom fam has their kids take the bus to school...that we see.  They all get driven and dropped off.  Is that because production likes the drop offs?  Or because if they were bringing them to the bus stop area that there would be more issues with access and other kids...  I know that all the schools don't allow filming at the school, so maybe the same would be within a certain distance of the bus stop area, etc.  

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I've only driven through WV a few times but the drive was very curvy. They were roads you had to pay attention to so you don't drive off a cliff. How on earth does Leah maneuver through all these hollers high, texting and yelling at her kids?

We are two episodes into the "truth" Leah told us that we would see --- that would absolve her of all the criticism. But I've only see evidence that makes my low opinion of her drop even more. Get it together, Leah! She has resources that most single mothers in WV could only dream of and she wasting all the gifts (her children, comfort, money) she's been given. Get your shit together, Leah -- because soon your daughter's will hit an age where they can state their preference -- and it won't be you.

In regards to the comments that Corey looked upset about not being the one to tell the girls about the baby....how about calling them before posting a picture on social media? I can't imagine posting a picture for all the world to see without informing my other kids first.

I think Leah was creeping on either Corey or Miranda's family member's feed. Edited by CofCinci
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I feel like I'm watching a live documentary on how reactive attachment disorder manifests


I feel the same.  In this latest episode, Jenelle shows more affection to the cute little dog than we've ever seen her show her own baby.  she actually picked up and held the dog!

It makes me sick to watch her treatment of Kaiser.  Dumping him in his crib screaming, night after night. Nobody to love him or comfort him.

  • Love 5

All Jeremy said was he had a few things to discuss with her and she instantly gets all flirty and smiley and asks what he wants to talk about.

Wasn't she living with another man during that time? If she was, why would she get so excited about Jeremy wanting to "talk?".


I think Leah has a really serious case of "grass is always greener".  When she's with Person A, she thinks she can do better and thus hooks up with Person B.  When Person B turns out to not be perfect, she "remembers" Person A as being much better and hopes to reunite with them.  If Person A says "no", she then looks for Person C.


I mean, she was boinking Robbie, then wound up with Corey.  When things with Corey weren't perfect she went back to Robbie, who said yes to boinkage but no to anything else, and Leah needed to be supported in the manner to which she wanted to become accustomed.  So she found Germy, who had money.  When she still wasn't perfectly content, she wanted to go back to Corey who had at least (in her own mind--he did seem to care for her) supported her, and he smartly said "no" (although he still got a "farewell" boink, apparently--I hope he used protection).  Since she couldn't have Corey she went back to "Is that a Deer Cam above your door or are you just happy to see me?" Robbie for "comfort".  When Germy left her, she hooked up almost immediately with TRDues, but since I'm sure he's also not perfect she'd be perfectly willing to get back with Germy, who she remembers as so much better than him!


I wonder if she's gone back to Robbie?  He doesn't seem to type to turn down no-strings-attached boinkage, and neither is she if it's him.  Whoever has the relative across the street needs to be watching!  If she's really dropped TR, I'm sure we'll be seeing someone else any time now.


Jenelle however is just how she's been described here: someone validates her, tells her that she's right and everyone else is wrong, and they are rewarded with free room and board plus a car and media attention and (presumably) boinkage.  Just watch out for Mason jars.

Edited by Fosca
  • Love 7
I've read from one of the girls interviews that they are filmed one week every month. So it's likely a month may have passed between the conversation about pregnancy and the miscarriage. It's possible. Going by that same timeline last season, one week every month seemed to fit and by the time they were done with the season it was June (or July) on screen and we were on the last episode in August.


That makes a lot of sense, and what I was basically getting at with my former post. In Sunday night's episode, we saw Lincoln's birthday party. In Monday's episode we saw Isaac's. Now I know parties don't have to occur right on the day, but Lincoln was born in Nov and Isaac in Jan. Leah lost the girls in Sept, and we're seeing lots of Christmas stuff right now. So I just think it's plausible that there is enough time for Kail to go from not really wanting another baby, to trying to have one. Who knows, maybe they sat down and had a conversation and Javi made some points she really agreed with, and ended up changing her mind? 



It is ridiculously outdated.  Women can ask men to move in with them, to have babies with them, but can't propose?  To be fair, many women do propose, but the women is still the one with the ring on.  And I can't get started with how I feel about the stupidity of diamonds.


But what if a woman realizes she has all these options, but still WANTS to stick with tradition and let the man propose? What if it's not because she thinks that's the way it has to be, but because she actually wants it that way? It's quite possible Chelsea and Cole had had conversations about marriage and knew they were both on board, and the proposal was more symbolic than anything. 


I agree about diamonds, though. 


Leah is clearly all dolled up ready for a reconciliation, and I think the conversation will be about Jeremy getting custody, Corey-style.


LOL, I can't wait for this. In the preview she was all giggling and batting her eyes at the prospect of meeting up with him, and he just walked away all swiftly, like business was handled. 


From Jeffs twitter

There are many words to describe Aliannah Hope, none of them are "liar." #sweet #intelligent #beautiful #inspiring #honest #blessing #lovin

Normally he is diplomatic about Leah but it looks like insulting Ali was a step too far for him, he has also responded about texting and driving being illegal in WV


You go, Papa Jeff! Get all Grandpa-Bear on her!

  • Love 3

In regards to the children not taking buses that we know of, I think it's harder these days to ride a bus, districts cut corners by having fewer buses. I have no clue in Leah's case but I would speculate that it could be a combination of things, when they are at Leah's house she probably lives out of the district so the bus probably doesn't go that far. For Corey I would guess it's may just be easier to drop off, I know even with the long police up lines the majority of my friends drop off themselves. It's also probably better to keep it consistent, I feel like if a child their age did car somedays and bus others that's asking for a mix up of if any given day is a car day or bus day. I have no clue what the actual reason it's all just my speculation.

  • Love 2

In regards to the comments that Corey looked upset about not being the one to tell the girls about the baby....how about calling them before posting a picture on social media? I can't imagine posting a picture for all the world to see without informing my other kids first.


Yes, this. Now, I don't believe it was Corey who posted the news/pics, but someone in the family did, and, well, we're in the era of social media. If you want to be the first to tell someone something, you literally have to call the instant it happens or someone else will put the news out there for you. I'm sure Corey wanted to be the one to surprise the girls with the news of their new sister's arrival, but it was already online. And Leah saw it, or someone else saw it and told her about it and then she saw it, and she told the girls. How was she supposed to know that she shouldn't have told them before Corey did? I doubt any of those posts included a "Don't tell the girlses yet - Corey wants to surprise them!" tag. If he wanted to tell them first, he should have called before his relatives put it all over the internet. Or taken the time to instruct said relatives not to put it on the internet at all. Either way, silly.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 2

Unfortunately even if there are buses, they are not always accessible. My husband is a quadriplegic and as soon as you deal with the reality of accessibility in this country you realize what a daily struggle it is and how many people are deeply ignorant about it. That's one reason I can't get fully on the Corey praise train. He has been so in denial of her disability to the point of insisting that she will walk down the aisle on her wedding day, people are making a big deal out of nothing, he "knows" she will walk, and that she isn't really disabled. Not only is that dangerous for her medical care, but it's offensive. You don't have to walk to live a worthwhile life. Plenty of people work full time, buy homes, fall in love, marry, have children, make art, and get graduate degrees with disabilities and he acts like that's not possible. Walking is really not the be-all end-all of life. If accessibility was improved, if would help things a lot more than just pushing people with muscular dystrophy to walk (I remember the episode where he said Leah let Ali be "lazy" by not walking all the time and using the wheelchair while he made her walk...eyeroll).

Luckily at the last doctor's appointment he seemed to have evolved. Hopefully he will continue to do so. Maybe he has educated himself more.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 5

It's probable that Corey didn't even know Jeff posted the pic. The pic was of the baby in an isolette in the nursery. I think it's reasonable to think Corey was with Miranda and Jeff was at the nursery/NICU waiting to see his granddaughter for the first time. When he got to see her, he took her pic and posted it. I really doubt that with having a premie and being worried sick, they had a family meeting to discuss the social media angle. Jeff probably felt bad after he learned Leah saw his post and told the girlses before Corey had a chance to call them.

  • Love 6

Re: buses...yeah, schools just don't provide as many these days.  For example, my kids don't have the option to ride the bus because we supposedly live too close to the school.  Well, yeah...as the crow flies, it's maybe a quarter-mile.  But you can't get there as the crow flies because fences and a big old water reservoir.  So to walk you'd have to go around by the road, which would take a minimum 30 minutes.  And there are no sidewalks.  And it's a busy street.  No way in hell I'm letting my 2nd grader and kindergartner do that, especially during the freezing winter months.  I'd much rather have the extra 30 minutes every morning and drive them myself, since it takes less than 5 minutes to drive it and I can get them there safely and warmly.  But according to the (relatively wealthy) school district, my kids are classified as walkers.


I don't know if that's what's going on with the girlses and other kids, but it's a real possibility, especially in poor rural Kentucky or wherever they are.

  • Love 3

Yes, this. Now, I don't believe it was Corey who posted the news/pics, but someone in the family did, and, well, we're in the era of social media. If you want to be the first to tell someone something, you literally have to call the instant it happens or someone else will put the news out there for you. I'm sure Corey wanted to be the one to surprise the girls with the news of their new sister's arrival, but it was already online. And Leah saw it, or someone else saw it and told her about it and then she saw it, and she told the girls. How was she supposed to know that she shouldn't have told them before Corey did? I doubt any of those posts included a "Don't tell the girlses yet - Corey wants to surprise them!" tag. If he wanted to tell them first, he should have called before his relatives put it all over the internet. Or taken the time to instruct said relatives not to put it on the internet at all. Either way, silly.

Keep in mind this is a baby born 2 months early in an emergency situation, and is in the NICU. Leah also has the girls on Saturday and Sunday only. The baby was BORN on a Sunday, so it's not like days have passed.

With a baby in the NICU, Corey didn't have time to sit down his Dad and explain what he wants released, and how he is going to spread the news. I'm sorry, but common decency means Leah should know to keep her mouth shut and let the girls' Dad tell them himself. I would be pissed, and wouldn't have handled it as well as Corey did.

  • Love 6

It's probable that Corey didn't even know Jeff posted the pic. The pic was of the baby in an isolette in the nursery. I think it's reasonable to think Corey was with Miranda and Jeff was at the nursery/NICU waiting to see his granddaughter for the first time. When he got to see her, he took her pic and posted it. I really doubt that with having a premie and being worried sick, they had a family meeting to discuss the social media angle. Jeff probably felt bad after he learned Leah saw his post and told the girlses before Corey had a chance to call them.

He might not have known, I don't know. I didn't think he looked all that disappointed. I'm guessing he knew that the girls knew when Leah offered her help. In any case, with the baby being premature, I can understand why he didn't call.
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I really want to know what happened to the wheelchair that Leah was all up in Corey's business to get.  She made such a big deal about bashing Corey for not harassing the insurance company to get it then when it arrives, the thing is out of commission more often than it's being used.  The dr. mentioned getting it fixed, but we haven't seen it since.  Poor thing NEEDS it and it's either not very reliable or being abused to the breaking point. 


Interesting that Jenelle was MIA at the after show, and it was never mentioned.  If she had a legitimate excuse they would have mentioned it.  Of course, if she was too high they could have just said she "wasn't feeling well".  Anyone know if she was incarcerated at the time?  I LOVED hearing her attorney give her the smackdown on the phone, and no surprise that Jenelle promptly had a tantrum. 


Did anyone else pick up on the fact that the producers were upset about missing Chelsea's proposal and gave her a little lecture about it?  She was trying to be all diplomatic about the fact that the wedding was not going to be filmed.  This girl has a good head on her shoulders and is refreshingly normal. 

  • Love 2

Keep in mind this is a baby born 2 months early in an emergency situation, and is in the NICU. Leah also has the girls on Saturday and Sunday only. The baby was BORN on a Sunday, so it's not like days have passed.

With a baby in the NICU, Corey didn't have time to sit down his Dad and explain what he wants released, and how he is going to spread the news. I'm sorry, but common decency means Leah should know to keep her mouth shut and let the girls' Dad tell them himself. I would be pissed, and wouldn't have handled it as well as Corey did.


Of course Corey's not going to sit his family down and explain what they can or can't post online. That's my point. That's really the only way to make sure news doesn't get out, or get to someone in particular, before you want it to, but that's not realistic. It got out, and it got to Leah. Maybe Leah shouldn't have mentioned it to the girlses, but I also don't think she should have thought not to tell them. And Jeff maybe shouldn't have posted the pictures online but it likely didn't occur to him not to do that either. Just a bunch of people doing things that they had no reason not to do but didn't realize they probably ought to have thought twice anyway. No one's fault.

  • Love 4

Wheelchairs do need fixing or upkeep quite often if they're being used. But I assume Leah isn't responsible enough to bring it in every time in a timely fashion. Of course, Corey could insist on that as well. It's not like Leah owns the wheelchair. My only fear about Corey and custody is that he will try to ignore Ali's disability or make her not use the wheelchair so HE isn't in pain about it.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 2

Did Chelsea's friend seem annoyed with her to anyone else? When they were talking about buying a house together she really seemed to think it wasn't a good idea. She just seemed kind of over it. She's engaged so she can't think Chelsea is too young and I think a year of dating is fair before an engagement. Just seemed odd.

  • Love 3

I really want to know what happened to the wheelchair that Leah was all up in Corey's business to get.  She made such a big deal about bashing Corey for not harassing the insurance company to get it then when it arrives, the thing is out of commission more often than it's being used.  The dr. mentioned getting it fixed, but we haven't seen it since.  Poor thing NEEDS it and it's either not very reliable or being abused to the breaking point. 


Interesting that Jenelle was MIA at the after show, and it was never mentioned.  If she had a legitimate excuse they would have mentioned it.  Of course, if she was too high they could have just said she "wasn't feeling well".  Anyone know if she was incarcerated at the time?  I LOVED hearing her attorney give her the smackdown on the phone, and no surprise that Jenelle promptly had a tantrum. 


Did anyone else pick up on the fact that the producers were upset about missing Chelsea's proposal and gave her a little lecture about it?  She was trying to be all diplomatic about the fact that the wedding was not going to be filmed.  This girl has a good head on her shoulders and is refreshingly normal. 

On twitter, someone asked Jenelle why she wasn't on the after show and she replied 'ask mjfree or mtv'. mjfree is Morgan J Freeman, the executive producer of the show. She created a bunch of drama when they filmed the after show at the end of March and I'm thinking they're sick of her shit and told her to stay home.

  • Love 3

On twitter, someone asked Jenelle why she wasn't on the after show and she replied 'ask mjfree or mtv'. mjfree is Morgan J Freeman, the executive producer of the show. She created a bunch of drama when they filmed the after show at the end of March and I'm thinking they're sick of her shit and told her to stay home.


Why are they so meeeeeeeaaaaannnn to her? Why can't they just leave her aloooooone?

  • Love 12

On twitter, someone asked Jenelle why she wasn't on the after show and she replied 'ask mjfree or mtv'. mjfree is Morgan J Freeman, the executive producer of the show. She created a bunch of drama when they filmed the after show at the end of March and I'm thinking they're sick of her shit and told her to stay home.

I hope so! Jenelle could use some actual consequences to her poor behavior.

  • Love 8

In regards to the comments that Corey looked upset about not being the one to tell the girls about the baby....how about calling them before posting a picture on social media? I can't imagine posting a picture for all the world to see without informing my other kids first.

It was Papa Jeff who posted the picture, but I agree the girls should've been notified first. I understand Cory and Miranda were likely preoccupied, but somebody else could've sent a quick text to Leah. If you can post on social media, you can let the twins know their sister was born.

Did Chelsea's friend seem annoyed with her to anyone else? When they were talking about buying a house together she really seemed to think it wasn't a good idea. She just seemed kind of over it. She's engaged so she can't think Chelsea is too young and I think a year of dating is fair before an engagement. Just seemed odd.

I think Chelsea and Cole are one of those couples you can't be around for more than five minutes without wanting to stick a fork in your eye. Between the annoying baby talk and general dimness, I can see why Britnee was over it. Chelsea and Cole are good people, but they're very immature.

  • Love 3

It's sad how posting an update on social media is this generation's way of revealing important information. Like, it doesn't occur to anyone to call their cousin or their close friend to say that they got that new job -- they already mentioned it on Facebook.


I think Chelsea and Cole are one of those couples you can't be around for more than five minutes without wanting to stick a fork in your eye. Between the annoying baby talk and general dimness, I can see why Britnee was over it. Chelsea and Cole are good people, but they're very immature.


I don't know if this is the reason for Britnee's demeanor, but I know I couldn't listen to them squeaking all day. I think they're adorbs, and Cole seems like a great guy and great for Chelsea and I hope they'll be happy, and if they like each other's company then who cares if other people don't, but egads, man.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 6

Taylor responds to Adam's 50/50 claim.  Thanks to "Babs" for sharing it with us:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJW_wFwbD8/?taken-by=babsevanstagram


Taylor's twitter account

Taylor Halbur
50/50 custody? Yeah, if by 50/50 you mean 4 over nights a month. Is 'custody' a slang word for visitation? Might have the 2 terms confused.



And Chelsea liked it. hahaha https://twitter.com/thalbur89/status/719717493598650368

Edited by Mkay
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