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S05.E09: A Touch Of Style

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OMG I want what "Mrs. Mizrahi" is smoking!  That dress of Sam's was ridiculous and Alyssa was so on the money saying that he didn't care to follow the rules and just did what he likes.  If they didn't have Layana I'm wondering if he would have gone.  They kind of telegraphed Ken going but when I saw her on the bottom I knew that was the end of her.


I'm so happy for Kini!!  I loved his coat.  Dom's dress was nice but not for a sporting event and Asha's was way too young.

  • Love 21

How was Ken able to have a hissy fit and leave and aloud to return the next day? I thought they had to stay wherever they stay during the whole competition? I call B.S. He should have been kicked off the show.

Shut up Mrs. Mizrahi!

I thought for sure this was the week Sam got the boot. Yeah, I don't like him but honestly that dress was all kinds of fugly. I could have made that and I suck at sewing.

I liked the original top Layana made. The second one got her sent home. I'm glad Kini finally won although I wasn't a big fan of his design.

What was Alyssa wearing at the runway show? It looked like a t-shirt with a sort of medieval leather and stud chainmail over it. At least her hair, make up and earrings looked pretty good this week.

Edited by Straycat80
  • Love 3

Emily's was my favorite. I'm never on the same page as the judges. Dom's was wonderful and would have photographed well. Kini is seeming one note to me. I guess it's his denim but his jacket was awesome. I also liked Ken's design but it was not executed well. Ilana's was awkward. I think Asha's looked better on paper than on the runway. Sam, please just go now. I cannot believe he's still there.

  • Love 8

I'm thoroughly sick of this season already. They keep keeping Sam strictly for the drama. It's insulting. He should've gotten booted three or four challenges ago, but when they finally get him to the "this stinks so bad we can't even pretend" stage? They (always) keep both. I'm so over it. And him. And this fake-ass feud they keep shoving down our throats.

I miss the kids. They were there to work and work they did. They supported and encouraged each other and didn't bitch moan OR complain when challenges got challenging. What does it say about a show when the Juniors are more mature and level headed than the supposed adults?

Every week they find some stupid reason to keep Sam.

Why don't they just make him and Kini the final two and let them fight to the death already?

  • Love 12

How was Ken able to have a hissy fit and leave and aloud to return the next day? I thought they had to stay wherever they stay during the whole competition? I call B.S. He should have been kicked off the show.


Admittedly, I did wonder about this. It reminded me of Keith the Thief during Jeffrey's season, who stole patterns from books he brought in, left the show for a night, et cetera. I'm guessing maybe Ken had some sort of anxiety attack or breakdown and the show is doing the dignified thing (for once) and not showing it, but that's just an unsubstantiated guess.

  • Love 11

I don't know fashion lingo nor do I speak sports, but hearing AM repeat nonsensical, words in a blender speak like "atheleisure" and "fly my team colors" made me yell out loud at my tv, "Just because you keep saying it doesn't make them real words!". And what is up with her breathy manner of speech? Girl can't finish a sentence without running out of air! Did her OB leave an extra baby up in her rib cage? Is her stylist stuffing her into six sizes too small Spanx? Maybe she has a degenerative diaphragm disease? At least her hair looked good...

Sam is getting more precious every week and Isaac is all.over.that. Just slip the kid the spare key to your apartment and get on with it. Sam will make a wonderful pet. He should be very glad that Nina Garcia isn't judging this go round. I can see her coolly looking down her nose and telling Sam, "I question your level of taste."

Kini was a favorite of mine on his season, but the ego & smugness factors have just gone off the charts for me now. But his coat was the best thing up there. Bye Layana....I will not miss your giggling runway descriptions of "your girl". Was anyone else disappointed Ken's two seconds of drama wasn't more explosive?

  • Love 17

Emily's was my favorite. I'm never on the same page as the judges. Dom's was wonderful and would have photographed well. Kini is seeming one note to me. I guess it's his denim but his jacket was awesome. I also liked Ken's design but it was not executed well. Ilana's was awkward. I think Asha's looked better on paper than on the runway. Sam, please just go now. I cannot believe he's still there.


I agree - I thought that Emily's should have been in the top, and Asha's the safe one.  


Sam's - WTF?  How did that dress have anything to do with athleisure??   Actually, except for Emily's and Leyana's, I was wondering that about all of the outfits on the runway.   


I did like Ken's, and I agreed with Kristen Cavalleri.  I think lots of women would buy and wear that (well, maybe only if the front pocket was not in black).  


I still don't understand how Isaac Mizrahi can criticize anyone's designs as being too mainstream, or whatever he said, when he is selling ugly stuff like this on QVC:



  • Love 15

It is a good thing I live alone, because every time someone said 'athleisure' I wanted to punch somebody in the face.


I am sooo over that term, as well!  I mean, just because suburban moms starting doing food shopping, running errands and meeting for coffee/lunch after their workouts at the gym or yoga studio, while still wearing their workout clothes, it became a thing.  


I love my yoga pants and hoodies, but don't term them as anything but what they are!  

Mizrahi on Ken's: "It's just giving her exactly what she wants and I'm not a fan of that." Fuck you with a side of fries, you QVC and Target shilling motherfucker. While I kinda sorta understand what he was trying to say, what a fucking hypocrite. To borrow from John Oliver, "How Is [He] Still A Thing?"


Not only "how is still a thing?"...but, according to his ridiculous intro every week he's "iconic"!!  


Hearing that every week is just as bad as in past seasons of All-stars hearing Alyssa say "the gorgeous Georgina Chapman".

  • Love 12

I still don't understand how Isaac Mizrahi can criticize anyone's designs as being too mainstream, or whatever he said, when he is selling ugly stuff like this on QVC:





Mizrahi on Ken's: "It's just giving her exactly what she wants and I'm not a fan of that." Fuck you with a side of fries, you QVC and Target shilling motherfucker. While I kinda sorta understand what he was trying to say, what a fucking hypocrite. To borrow from John Oliver, "How Is [He] Still A Thing?"


Before I forget: knitter update! JoAnn's or Michael's or Hancock Fabrics (going out of business, crafty people! Get the discounts while they're hot) had Isaac Mizrahi yarn on sale for $3.49 a skein this week (though I forget which it was, since I saw it online). Given my disdain for his 'tude about "sale racks" last episode, I laughed and laughed.


Keep in mind, an equivalent quantity of even the cheapest wool (Knitpicks, let's say) would be $6.00 easily. He is selling the Big Macs of the knitting world, and sneering at Five Guys and Smashburger-level quality.

Edited by Kate the Great
  • Love 6

The whole Ken situation was so strange. I think if you walk off then you should automatically be disqualified. I assume he was in contact with the producers the entire time and they were kissing his ass as usual.

Anyway, his outfit sucked! He cracked me up when he said his girl couldn't afford court side seats. She did look like a cheap hood rat.

The only outfit I liked tonight was Emily's and even it wasn't that fabulous. Kini's was ok but the jeans did look like Kmart pants to me and I would know because I'm poor and I shop there. Kini's attitude and ego have gotten way too big. I'm over him and his Kmart denim.

I knew Layana would be the one to leave when she kept going on and on about how awesome her pants were. I was disappointed that she didn't have some ridiculous story to tell the judges about her magic pants. Maybe her girl needs comfortable pants because her fiancee is a professional soccer player and she travels all over the world to watch him play and she chose blue to represent the sky which was blue the day he proposed. It's really a great story in her head. Bye Layana!

Lastly, what the holy hell was Alyssa wearing at the baseball filed? It looked like a half jumpsuit half skirt combo. Does she pick these crazy outfits herself? If not, whoever she is paying, really hates her.

  • Love 5

Before I forget: knitter update! JoAnn's or Michael's or Hancock Fabrics (going out of business, crafty people! Get the discounts while they're hot) had Isaac Mizrahi yarn on sale for $3.49 a skein this week (though I forget which it was, since I saw it online). Given my disdain for his 'tude about "sale racks" last episode, I laughed and laughed.


Keep in mind, an equivalent quantity of even the cheapest wool (Knitpicks, let's say) would be $6.00 easily. He is selling the Big Macs of the knitting world, and sneering at Five Guys and Smashburger-level quality.


Ha-ha!!  My sister is a huge knitter, and she told me that his yarn is such crap she wouldn't ever use it, for anything.  


Don't get me wrong - I have no problem with a designer who makes an affordable brand to mass market, whether it be through a mid to low end department store, or on a TV shopping channel.  I do have a problem when that seems to be ALL that designer is doing, (or not doing and licensing his name to it and shilling it), and holds himself up as an aribiter of high fashion.  Especially when the clothing he is shilling is really not very fashionable.

  • Love 4

Isaac Mizrahi deserves to never sell another piece of clothing and to go out of business. Isn't giving people something they want the point of a business? How are you going to make a profit if you only design things people don't want? Shouldn't you try to give people exactly what they want, whether or not they know exactly what they want?


This is why I generally only buy clothes when my old ones have worn out and it's buy something -- anything -- or be naked (which I understand is frowned upon in the workplace -- at least my workplace). I know exactly what I want, no one makes it, I can't sew myself, and I can't afford to pay someone to make something to my specifications. I've never bought anything with Isaac's name on it before, and I'm certainly not going to now, even if I can afford it.

  • Love 7

Isaac Mizrahi deserves to never sell another piece of clothing and to go out of business. Isn't giving people something they want the point of a business? How are you going to make a profit if you only design things people don't want? Shouldn't you try to give people exactly what they want, whether or not they know exactly what they want?


This is why I generally only buy clothes when my old ones have worn out and it's buy something -- anything -- or be naked (which I understand is frowned upon in the workplace -- at least my workplace). I know exactly what I want, no one makes it, I can't sew myself, and I can't afford to pay someone to make something to my specifications. I've never bought anything with Isaac's name on it before, and I'm certainly not going to now, even if I can afford it.



This is another example of Isaac's work - if this is any indication, no wonder he's not crazy about "giving the client exactly what they want" - this is pretty hideous, imo:



  • Love 3

So many thoughts pinging around in my brain.


Alyssa gave her spiel about how she was looking for something to wear to represent her team, but she couldn't find anything, so she created her Touch line to fill that niche with something fresh and new. Ok great. But then the camera pans across the models...and they're wearing basic cotton t-shirts. What? She couldn't find cotton shirts before that? Was the fashion world looking for someone to reinvent the plain tank top?


And why is it called Touch? And why is there a butterfly? What does any of this have to do with professional sports?


So Touch manufactures Kini's jacket, Alyssa makes money off of it, and Kini gets...what?


I swear, the whole thing about her company just confused me on every level.


I think some of the designers forgot that their garment needs to look like it's going to the same place as Alyssa's cotton shirts. Dom's dress, with the gimmicky, unflattering bottom, wasn't going to a baseball game any more than Sam's was. I usually like Dom's stuff, but not this week. I do think Emily hit athleisure on the head, though I didn't love her thing.


I'm glad Kini won finally. Now I hope we can all move on from the Sam and Kini show because I'm heartily sick of those two.


I didn't know whether to roll my eyes or feel sad at the end when Layana said being on All-Stars means you're an amazing designer. Or some crap like that. Did she ever win a challenge on her season? And how many times was she in the bottom on all-stars? Being invited to all-stars doesn't mean you're amazing. It means you're alumni. Alumni who desperately needs a career boost. The real all stars only show up on PR as judges.


Ken's "That is basic b!tch sh!t" was a hoot. He's such a little instigator. Last week I actually bought it when he claimed he didn't know Kini made Sam's top for that one challenge. But that long look between Ken and Kini when they were sitting on the couch spoke volumes.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 9

So many thoughts pinging around in my brain.


Alyssa gave her spiel about how she was looking for something to wear to represent her team, but she couldn't find anything, so she created her Touch line to fill that niche with something fresh and new. Ok great. But then the camera pans across the models...and they're wearing basic cotton t-shirts. What? She couldn't find cotton shirts before that? Was the fashion world looking for someone to reinvent the plain tank top?


And why is it called Touch? And why is there a butterfly? What does any of this have to do with professional sports?

I've ordered a lot of St. Louis Cardinals shirts for my mom. I don't recall if I've bought Alyssa's (which are pretty cute), but I stick with the women's style. There used to be mostly unisex shirts and jersies, and they tend to be very unflattering to women. Alyssa's, and other's, are cut in a more flattering way. They tend to be more fitted and have scoop or v-necks. She usually models her stuff as well.


njbch! stop it!! You're killing me! But hoo boy, that shit from Isaac's QVC collection is some of the worst shit I have ever seen. I'm appalled now that he IS a judge on this show. And I used to actually enjoy some of his comments; thought he was more honest than some of the other PRASS judges. But oh my gods, that stripe thing with the giant cartoon flowers superimposed is laughable. I did appreciate that it's marked down from 45.00 to 39.00 though. I mean 39.00 for an ICONIC Isaac Mizrahi t-shirt is not half bad. Or maybe it is.


Sam, Sam, Sam. I wish you and Isaac would just get a room, do each other's toenails and fingernails, braid each other's hair and have a pillowfight. Whoever passes out first can freeze the other's bra and then you can make prank phone calls. PLEASE just leave us out of it.


I've actually decided Sam may win this whole thing, because apparently Isaac is the one with all the power.


I really don't have much to say about the "fashion" this week. I have to watch the entire show because I missed huge chunks of it because my sister needed to talk about her son getting married. I can't understand why she thinks my nephew's wedding is more important than PRAS, but there it is. I'll have more to say when I've watched the thing in it's entirety, which I can now safely do since Sam didn't win.


**You know, when I proofread, I was going to edit to correct PRASS in my first graph, but then decided it actually fits. So what the hell? I left it.**

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 13

I so much feel they hated Sam's until they realized it was his.  Then it was a "beautiful" cocktail dress, not a simplistic, poorly made piece of garbage that did not meet the challenge.


I thought Ken's was cute; he ran out of time to finish it well.  If I wore sleeveless, I would wear that.  When they criticize a skirt length like they did with his, I wonder if the judges ever look at the skirts most women wear.  They only seem to like mid calf or so short your personal grooming is on display. 

  • Love 18

How was Ken able to have a hissy fit and leave and aloud to return the next day? I thought they had to stay wherever they stay during the whole competition? I call B.S. He should have been kicked off the show.


I am assuming that when Ken left, he went back to the residence, not "away" or "home". I'm glad he didn't end up getting auf'ed for knowing when to remove himself from the pressure cooker and having his work suffer as a result. I'd rather he turn out a sub-par look than have a meltdown. I'm shocked to realize that Ken is my favorite of the remaining contestants. Not always his designs, but his personal growth. I am rooting for him!


Neoprene and mesh need to be banned from this show! It's like the molecular gastronomy of fashion- everybody thinks they're being daring and original by using it, but everybody's using it!


I keep remembering Elena asking Dmitri "Is that Skoooobah"? And Dmitri responding totally without any inflection or emotion. "No, it's Neoprene". (and then shaking his head and sighing "Elena..." in his all talking heads.) Maybe there's a difference, but either way, it was "new and fresh" that many seasons ago, and now it's on clearance racks at Marshall's, so how is it still a go-to solution for these "designers"?


And why don't Elena and Dmitri have their own "Austin and Santino" show yet? The two of them together crack me up!



Kini was a favorite of mine on his season, but the ego & smugness factors have just gone off the charts for me now. 


I wanted to smack Kini during his "It was so great that even their criticism was about how it was really great except for this nitpick" spiel. I was right there with Sam rolling my eyes. As impossible as it sounds, Sam almost comes off looking better in this whole rivalry! I was never a huge Kini fan, but I gave him props for his magically fast and exquisite sewing abilities, but damn if I don't find him completely insufferable this season.


Alyssa gave her spiel about how she was looking for something to wear to represent her team, but she couldn't find anything, so she created her Touch line to fill that niche with something fresh and new. Ok great. But then the camera pans across the models...and they're wearing basic cotton t-shirts. What? She couldn't find cotton shirts before that? Was the fashion world looking for someone to reinvent the plain tank top?


THANK YOU! I was like W.T.Heck? How is any of that stuff new or even mildly interesting?


Won't miss Layana. I knew she was doomed from the 1st moment she started overworking those leggings. Even if the judges liked them, she totally forgot that part of the prize (and therefore one of the unspoken challenge parameters) was that the look would be MASS PRODUCED for inclusion in Alyssa Milano's line. There was no way, Alyssa would have a challenge winner's garment totally upstage her own items by having such a high price point that it would have to be sold as couture. And without all that pleating/seaming, they were just blue leggings.


I can't figure out why, but Dom annoys the crap out of me in her TH's too. This whole season is full of annoying people. I can't believe I'm finding KEN to be the most worthy of cheerleading.

Edited by slothgirl
  • Love 6

Why was Alyssa wearing Cleopatra eye makeup with casual athleisure wear?


I wish someone would tell Ken that the word is “frustrated” not “fustrated”, but the fact that he left the room because he didn’t want to take it out on anyone else really shows that he has changed a ton since last time.


As for the clothes, I liked Emily & Kini's, hated Sam, Layana, & Dom's, & was meh about Ken & Asha. All the work Layana put into those leggings & I thought they looked horrible. Also, I would really be interested in what Kini's outfit looks like after Alyssa "worked" with him on it.

  • Love 10

Emily was easily the winner for me. If someone they liked made it, it'd probably be in contention for best outfit.


Glad Ken stayed. Credit to him for knowing he needed to get out of the pressure cooker and not take his frustration out on anyone else. I like his sense of humour, too. His outfit would definitely sell, like what Kristen said. Wasn't my taste, though, and I never cared for Layana so am glad she's finally gone. I'd much rather Alexander Pope outlasted her.

  • Love 4

At the risk of sounding like an old lady, I loathe that the word athleisure even exists. When Asha described athleisure as leather jogging pants that you can wear with heels to a nice dinner, I felt like that old lady asking, "Is that what the kids are wearing these days?"


Alyssa's description of athleisure as "something you can wear on the runway, to a game, or to dinner," made me wonder why we need one outfit that can do all three things. As far as I'm concerned, anything that you would wear to a baseball/football/basketball game is not something you should wear to a nice dinner. And I say that as someone who loves comfortable clothes. I think it's totally normal and acceptable to wear a t-shirt with a team logo to a baseball game. But if you're going to a nice dinner, no.


The fact that Alyssa Milano is considered a fashion designer just because she's a C level celebrity who "designs" t-shirts with sports team logos for women makes me roll my eyes so far back that I can see my own brain. WTF was she wearing for the runway show this week? A leather basket weave over a t-shirt?


I was actually thinking that Alyssa being called a designer for her t-shirt line was along the lines of Kristin Cavallari's sports jersey dresses (which are also NOT high fashion) so I was totally cracking up when Alyssa announced that she was the guest judge.


Heh, I guess that athleisure week means that Isaac gets to wear a hoodie for the runway show.


Before I make any comments about this week's designs, I have to preface them by saying I still don't get high end athleisure so take my opinions with a huge grain of salt.


I agreed with Emily's description of her design - the long white shirt and blue pants looked casual but still dressy. It looked very comfortable, easy, and non-fussy. On a practical note, I would never wear a long white tunic type shirt to an outdoor game because you never know what's already on those seats (ahem, bird poop). I rarely agree with Zanna's useless non-advice, but she was right to tell Emily the cowl neck wasn't working.


Kini's jacket was a much better use of mesh than Sam's ridiculously bad Little Mermaid outfit last week. The jacket was a dressier take on a baseball jacket.


Sam can STFU. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black when he said that Ken is a drama queen who would be flipping his hair if he had any. Sam's mesh and lace dress is something that I can't picture anyone wearing to a sporting event. And if I saw someone wearing that dress at a baseball game, I would be giving her major side eye. This is what you want to wear while eating a hot dog or sitting on a plastic seat in the sun? But on top of that, it was really unflattering on his model which is the opposite of what A-line dresses are known for. It looked like she had a thick waist because the top just went straight down to the skirt.


I didn't think I would like Ken's design from the way he initially described it, but I ended up thinking it was cute. The pockets were a good last minute addition. I think it was the most "high end athleisure" (barf at even typing that phrase) look. It looked like something that wouldn't look out of place at a game or at a mid-range (but still not fancy dinner. The piping was definitely a good decision.


The problem with Layana's pants is that she spent so much time on the seaming but that from more than a few feet away, it wasn't obvious and they just looked like blue pants. I think the effect looked great at close range though. I wasn't crazy about the top but I think it was better than just the original white top she had. That said, I didn't like the top with the pants. I totally laughed when Layana said that she was worried when Ken left because she wanted to use the white leather he said she could have and then she added, "And I hope he's okay."


Dom's dress was not athleisure to me at all. All I saw was a shapeless sack dress in the front and baseball pinstripes with red dots in the back. I also hated the turtleneck and the headband. The snap off longer skirt was not brilliant. To me, that's a very home ec 101 project.


I get what Asha was doing with the baseball jersey inspired skirt with the buttons down the front but I think it was a better idea in theory than in practice. It looked more like a novelty than something that women would actually want to wear.


I totally cracked up when Sam was bragging about the praise he got and then Ken turned to Kini and just gave him a "can you believe this fucker?" look.


I was not a Kristin fan back in the Laguna Hills days but she was a good guest judge. She wasn't afraid to disagree with Isaac and Georgina, which I respect. And I liked that she pointed out the mass market appeal of Ken's outfit and that Kini's had plenty of space to add logos.


Loved when Alyssa pointed out that Sam barely bothered to pay attention to the parameters of the challenge and just did what he wanted to do.


Sam's golf clap when Kini won was HILARIOUS. Thanks for making the bare minimum of effort to act like a gracious loser.


I'm not surprised that Layana was finally eliminated. She was in the bottom, what? Four weeks in a row?


I agree that Ken has definitely grown and matured if he left to avoid having a meltdown in the workroom or screaming at the other designers. Who woulda thunk that Ken of The Hot Iron Incident would be capable of walking away instead of having a hissyfit? As for why he was allowed to come back the next day, in the past when contestants have left PR voluntarily the producers made them talk to Tim Gunn first. Usually people left for really important reasons (illness, death, etc) but they weren't allowed to just get on a plane and leave immediately. My guess is that the producers knew Alyssa didn't have the old Tim Gunn touch so they sent someone else to talk to Ken to see what was going on. They probably told him that he'd already made most of the garment so he might as well finish up and go to the runway show the next day and after a hot shower and a good night's sleep, Ken calmed down, regrouped, and got back to work.


I keep remembering Elena asking Dmitri "Is that Skoooobah"? And Dmitri responding totally without any inflection or emotion. "No, it's Neoprene". (and then shaking his head and sighing "Elena..." in his all talking heads.) Maybe there's a difference, but either way, it was "new and fresh" that many seasons ago, and now it's on clearance racks at Marshall's, so how is it still a go-to solution for these "designers"?


And why don't Elena and Dmitri have their own "Austin and Santino" show yet? The two of them together crack me up!

Ha, I totally miss Dmitri's droll comments, especially in the face of Elena's hysterics. I would totally watch a show of them just hanging out or watching PR and commenting on the runway shows.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 20

This was probably one of the dumbest challenges.  I don't mind "athleisurewear," but its been done, and beyond a very simple dress I don't see what else there is to do.  Do you really want to wear the same thing to a baseball game that you're going to wear to dinner?  Of course not.  Its like trying to design lingerie that you're going to wear to work.....the purpose of lingerie and your work outfit are different so you aren't going to want to wear the same thing.  I get annoyed at HK for pushing her fashion lines on regular PR, and its even worse with Alyssa Milano.


I also thought this was one of the worst runways.  Probably because I thought the challenge was dumb.  I didn't get to see the final part, so I'm glad Ken didn't go home.  I thought Emily should have been in the top instead of Sam's "basic bitch" dress.  Which is exactly what it was.  The silhouette was absolutely unflattering.....it made the model look bigger than she was because the skirt seemed to be misplaced.  Issac is rapidly losing any credibility he has as a judge, because I thought Sam's dress was fugly.  I also thought Asha's outfit was fugly, that skirt was the worst, it looked all sorts of cheap to me....it was just so literal...just...."hey, this is a baseball jersey, but its really a skirt!"  I know Ken's was unfinished, but I thought his was okay.  I wasn't a fan of Dom's but I got what she was going for.  I sort of liked Kini's jacket, but I didn't think it was going to set the world on fire.


I'm proud of Ken for just leaving and not going off on another designer.  I believe that you can't really control your emotions, but you can control your behavior.  And Ken did just that, he felt himself getting upset and he left....good for him.

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 9

This is another example of Isaac's work - if this is any indication, no wonder he's not crazy about "giving the client exactly what they want" - this is pretty hideous, imo:




That's just bad decoupage on a T-shirt.

  • Love 3

I've developed this irrational hatred for Georgina this season. I don't even know why, I usually like her. Although anyone married to Harvey Weinstein cannot be a good person.

She's coming across as so pompous, high handed and elitist. The whole wearing a cocktail dress to a baseball game and saying why shouldn't you. Is she really so judgemental? She's always given that vibe. Unless you are wearing one of her dresses or dresses she likes you deserve to be on the worst dressed. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are as long you are wearing something Georgina approves of.

I'm no fashion plate whatsoever and I don't care. But if I swear if I met Georgina she would give me the dirtiest look and flat out ignore me because guess what, I would just be wearing some jeans and t shirt. As I would at a game. Now how does she go about her day when she sees people not caked in make up and jewels and gowns everyday of her life but wearing simple clothes. Does she go have a shower to clean herself of the filth she just witnessed. She has a problem with how people dress at baseball games now and of course she thinks wearing cocktails dresses would be the way to go.

I want someone to wipe the smug look of her face, it was extra in this episode. It probably burned her so much that it was a challenge that nothing to do with embellished over the tops gowns. I don't know why Kristen Cavallari was there but she did say she lived in Chicago and people would wear Kens outfit to a Bulls game. Did u see Georgina face at that moment? Kristen knew better.

Georgina has a daughter right and stepdaughters? I'd love it if one of them is rebelling against her and not wearing Marchesa. And going against everything she stands for.

  • Love 2


Dom's dress was not athleisure to me at all. All I saw was a shapeless sack dress in the front and baseball pinstripes with red dots in the back. I also hated the turtleneck and the headband. The snap off longer skirt was not brilliant. To me, that's a very home ec 101 project.







I laughed out loud when Georgina commented that Dom's snap-off bottom was "brilliant" or "fresh" or whatever she called it.


My sister had a winter coat that did that exact same thing back in the late 60's/early 70's.  If I remember correctly, the coat had two lower zip-off panels, so it could be worn as a mini, midi or maxi coat.  There were tons of coats like that back then - nothing new or fresh about it.  


And, while I wasn't overly crazy about it, I thought that Dom's looked better without that snap-off bottom panel.

  • Love 4

OF COURSE Georgina would wear a flirty cocktail dress with a cheerleader length circle skirt to a baseball game.  If Georgina ever attends a baseball game, she's actually AT a cocktail party, up in the skybox, sipping champagne. 


Try introducing your bare bethonged fanny to that plastic in Section 122, Row GG, George. 


And "we all believe in Sam"?  With a straight face?  You and Isaac's loins believe in Sam.  Alyssa, every guest judge, the other designers and all the rest of the us beg to differ.


The darts didn't even match, FFS.



This is perfect.  I go to many baseball games and if I ever saw a chick in Sam's dress there would be much mocking. 


I think it's funny how no one really knows if they're on the top or the bottom, based on the judges' wishy-washy, ambiguous critiques. Including me. Was Sam top or bottom three?

Sam was bottom.  


I would've put Emily, Ken and Kini in the top.  I actually liked Ken's with the exception of the stupid pockets.  This is something I could see women wearing to a sporting event, so Mrs. Mizrahi can fuck off.  Asha and Dom as safe.  Asha's was cute, but the jersey style skirt was a little too cute.  Sam & Layana in the basement with Sam getting the auf.  Lord help us, but he's going to make the finale isn't he? 

Edited by beaker73
  • Love 5

I bet the show wouldn't pay the leagues to use shirts from Alyssa's line (I will not type that made up descriptive word) with the actual logos, which is why we got shown stupid bare shirts in that fabric that makes me nuts because is it really see through or am I just officially old, and I feel like I need to wear a cami under it but then I have uniboob and also the shirt isn't really loose enough for that...sorry, got distracted.

I loved Kini's jacket, but everything underneath just seemed like something to put on his model so she wouldn't be naked. And, of course, to make sure she had on denim.

Yeah, Sam just needs to stfu about anyone being a diva. And he needs to go away.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 7

I bet the show wouldn't pay the leagues to use shirts from Alyssa's line (I will not type that made up descriptive word) with the actual logos, which is why we got shown stupid bare shirts in that fabric that makes me nuts because is it really see through or am I just officially old, and I feel like I need to wear a cami under it but then I have uniboob and also the shirt isn't really loose enough for that...sorry, got distracted.

I loved Kini's jacket, but everything underneath just seemed like something to put on his model so she wouldn't be naked. And, of course, to make sure she had on denim.

Yeah, Sam just needs to stfu about anyone being a diva. And he needs to go away.


I agree with you about that the material of t-shirts these days.  It's like a Kleenex tissue, doesn't hold it's shape and gets all stretched out in about five minutes!  (Maybe I'm old too, LOL!!)


I also agree about Kini's outfit underneath that jacket was kind of a throw-away, and while I appreciate that he made an actual pair of jeans, the denim looked cheap.  I thought he would have been better making a pair of high-waisted pants out of some type of stretch denim (maybe even pull-on, with no fly?).  I think that would have been more in keeping with the "athleisure" parameter of the challenge, and if the pants had a slight flare or boot cut to them, in a dark wash stretch denim, they would have looked more day to night,  or "game to dinner" (stupid description) and a little dressier.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 3
I don't know why Kristen Cavallari was there

A few years ago she showed a collaboration/collection at New York Fashion Week that was basically this week's challenge of high fashion athleisure.


OF COURSE Georgina would wear a flirty cocktail dress with a cheerleader length circle skirt to a baseball game.  If Georgina ever attends a baseball game, she's actually AT a cocktail party, up in the skybox, sipping champagne.

Try introducing your bare bethonged fanny to that plastic in Section 122, Row GG, George.

Heh, Georgina's "I would wear a mesh and lace cocktail dress to a baseball game!" response made me think that she is the exact kind of person who would join the Yankees legends club and would hate that John Oliver "resold" premium seats for 25 cents each to people who dressed as unicorns, sharks, and Ninja Turtles:


  • Love 4
I get annoyed at HK for pushing her fashion lines on regular PR, and its even worse with Alyssa Milano.


I had the same reaction. As soon as she mentioned her line, I groaned out loud. "Aw man, not Alyssa too!" Are we now going to be treated to collections based on Alyssa's children's line, lingerie line, maternity line, and whatever the hell else?



which is why we got shown stupid bare shirts in that fabric that makes me nuts because is it really see through or am I just officially old

See, these days when a shirt is paper thin, it's not because it's cheap crap made from cheap materials in a sweatshop somewhere. It's because it's a "layering piece." You just don't understand fashion. (massive eye roll)

  • Love 6

Interesting article about Touch. Now that I look at her stuff, I really like it. There definitely is a niche for it. I recall the days of all pink fan wear. Whoever said upthread that they probably had plain t-shirts on the show because of licensing restrictions was doubtless right on the money.


I could live without knowing that Alyssa wrote a little poem that appears on the hang tags for her garments.
"To rally for each other
To play fair
To run with abandon
To dance with life
Is to Touch"

I still don't know what "Touch" has to do licensed fan wear. Is it because these are contact sports? Because the cotton is soft and touchable? What?


There's an interesting tidbit in the article about how Marchessa dipped its toes into that market a few years back. They made a couple shirts. Lots of sparkle (which I'd expect from Georgina.) Not a skater dress to be found, but there were plenty of inappropriate pairings with evening wear skirts.



Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 3

I love Ken.  I love Ken's sunglasses.  I love that Ken stayed, I love that he wasn't kicked out for his outfit, I love that he left the studio so as not to punch the other designers.  I love that he is constantly in Kini's corner, whether they're right, or wrong, or petty as hell (they are the third one.)  It is hilarious and fun to watch and I like it.  I don't even mind the way he makes up his own language - Gorment, Fustrated, Estettiks.  I. Love.  All. Of. It.  Bring him back for another season or two.  I love how he said he didn't know anything about sports, because that outfit was exactly a basketball to me.  Not only just a basketball outfit, but it looked like a basketball and it looked like basketball.  Pretty good for a guy who doesn't know sports.

Dom's voice and inflection annoys the shit out of me.  It's always 5 octaves higher than normal.  I kept analysing her early family life.  I think that her family doesn't let her speak, and she's constantly overcompensating by either speaking really fast (Kenit'scrazyhowfastyoujustdidthat) or constantly praising herself in the high-pitched squeak tones (while waving her arms) "I made three pieces!!!"    Good for her for being so successful at what she does, and amazing with prints, and very cute, and generally cool.  But that voice.  I think if she could surround herself by people who let her speak her voice and opinions at all times maybe this situation could improve.  (I read an article about how children who are raised in families where they are constantly interrupted -- like the youngest of a family -- constantly speak too fast to try to get their words in.)


I loved Kristin Cavallari as a judge, constantly shutting Isaac's nonsense down, being very strong with her opinion, and having her own voice.  Never much cared to learn who she was before, but I admired the way she handled herself.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 15

I'm not so quick to praise Ken for averting a "meltdown," just because I have no patience with that whole scenario where men break their hand bones because they HAVE TO PUNCH THE WALL.  I don't think it's asking too much to expect adults to control themselves before the point of violent physical outbursts.


BUT, for one of these contestants to recognize that he's exhausted and sleep deprived and he's ultimately going to be better off sacrificing two hours of work time for two hours of privacy and rest:  outstanding!  A++, Ken.


If that's truly an option, they should all go for it.  I hate that the show tries to increase the potential for drama by making sure their nerves are frayed from lack of sleep.  (And that's probably part of the reason the kids were so pleasant and supportive to each other--no torture tactics on the children.)

  • Love 11

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