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S32.E08: The Jocks vs. The Pretty People

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Thinking thinking.  How about this move.  Obviously great for Aubry and Debbie (and Joe), but how about the other three women?  It's hard to say because the women's alliance didn't sound very solid at any point--I think they might have mentioned it, but nothing quite as direct as James asking Parvati who she was taking to the end and her saying, matter of fact, "Girls."  But if the idea was a woman's alliance, it sounds pretty OK for Cydney to me.  There's two Brain Women, Aubry and Debbie.  There's two Beauty Women, Julia and Michele.  There's one Brawn Woman, Cydney.  This makes Cydney the swing vote in that five, pretty good spot to get into the Final 3 (and she can choose which pair she wants to take, for winning FTC purposes.)


Now that's assuming everyone's too dumb to make a move before 5; Cydney's in good shape there.  When you consider the remaining men it's a bit more complicated though.  Aubry and Debbie have Joe on lock and I think we can assume they will be trying to keep him.  Tai is a wild card, but his weird vote (whether or not Nick's narrative is accurate) indicates he's not with the big boys in any case.  It seemed like he and Cydney bonded a bit over the challenge and maybe she could get him; on the other hand he might go with Julia since they have that NuGondol history.  Cupcake and the Benchwarmer, though, are both the most pissed/betrayed, and probably will be maddest at Cydney specifically, and have an idol.  That's not so good.


I think I'm gonna call it a risky play but one which certainly opens a path to the end for Cydney, taking out a definitely scary challenge threat (I would never have picked Nick to win the balancing-balls challenge before he did it, and he quite plainly stepped down from this one on purpose so who knows how long he could have gone; plus he's pretty big and strong.  He had never been to tribal in 22 days, a good indication that he's a strong challenge guy), and avoiding the necessity of going to the end with a pair of sob stories she was worried about.  I like a risky proactive play VS a passive one with no real path to the win; I don't know if I'd call Cydney's previous position that but her course and position was becoming unclear in the merge situation.


For Michele and Julia?  Also not sure, especially since the Brains Tribe is obviously still a thing but the Beauty tribe is not.  I think Julia keeping a relationship going with the Brawns is very smart, no matter how much people would rather she piss away her own game to spite them.  Perhaps they can try to split the vote so the idol bounce takes out Joe, weakening the Brains, then get rid of now-idolless Cupcake, and use Scot and/or Tai to oust Aubry and Debbie and Cydney?  Honestly I'm not sure who you'd want to be sitting next to at FTC at this point; seems like everyone would have some kind of case to make except Joe, and I don't see any way for Julia or Michele to take Joe.  Really I don't know if Julia and Michele would want to take each other to the end--seems like they'd be hard to distinguish, opening the door for whoever is the 3rd member to say "I'm not like them!  Vote for me!"


Well it's just hard for me to say.  It will be really interesting to see where this goes from here.


JudyObscure, on 07 Apr 2016 - 1:25 PM, said:

It also bothered me when he said he was "naïve," about autism until his daughter got it.  It's been talked about so much in recent years, that he must really be the type who  doesn't care about anything unless it effects him personally.


I give him a pass on this one.  Naive seems like a good word (in contrast to "popular" which, y'know, I still knew what he meant.)  I think pretty much all of us are naive to the true costs and trials of conditions/diseases/whatever is the right word for autism until we see it for ourselves.  Even if it's in the papers a lot.  He might have read a lot about it and still not really understood until it happened to his family.  idk, he is the worst but I didn't think he really said anything wrong in this sequence.


I wonder if Scot is not strong enough to do the James Maneuver of simply picking up pole, Parvati, and all, and walking them straight to the platform, or if this was specifically outlawed.  It was a total gamebreaker in Micronesia and I don't remember seeing this challenge since?

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She was upset because she leaves in a canoe for five minutes and the guys are immediately freaking that she's jumped ship to a "girls' alliance". Then they don't even talk to her about it but obviously pull another girl to the side to ask. Shows how much they trust her and yes, I'm sure Nick becoming their new bestest bud in her place didn't help.

Also I was thinking "Lactose intolerant, anyone?". Even if your body usually handles it fine, I could see the physical stress and fatigue leading them to a very uncomfortable night.

I told my husband wait till lactose intolerance kicks in!

Ice cream does seem an odd reward to me.

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I wonder if Scot is not strong enough to do the James Maneuver of simply picking up pole, Parvati, and all, and walking them straight to the platform, or if this was specifically outlawed.  It was a total gamebreaker in Micronesia and I don't remember seeing this challenge since?


Julia tweeted last night that they were told they had to use both poles, No doubt in response to what James did in Micronesia.

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That was a delicious blindside.

I really like Debbie's speaking voice. Looks like Cydney initiated the blindside. Good for her. But why do I feel she will work again with Scott and Jason soon.

Tai's chants worked!

I feel that way about Cydney, too. The thing is, voting Nick out equalized the tribes. She can say to Scott and Cupcake: "I pretended to ally with the girls but I really wanted to get a Beauty out. Now they don't have the majority." She can also celebrate with the women who now have a 5-4 majority. Smart of her to be able to play both sides.  I've also noticed how pretty she is. I wonder if she gained extra weight before coming on the show. Since she's a pro body builder, she must be aware of nutrition, etc. 

Such a satisfying boot,  Nick was such an arrogant tool.  At least he recognised in his parting words that he was arrogant.


I am confused as to why Tai voted for Kyle.  He was supposedly "in" with the Brawn, and clearly nobody told him about the move to get Nick out.  If they find out it was him, he is in trouble as he is not in the women's alliance and he won't be with Scot/Kyle anymore either.


I think they were afraid of another idol, they knew that Neal supposedly had one and weren't sure if he gave it away before he left.  So they had a 7 to 3 numbers advantage and were splitting the vote.  I'm assuming that 4 were to vote for one and 3 were to vote for the other.

4 votes were to go to Debby and 3 to Aubry.

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Is it possible that Julia dropped out pre-food on purpose? Jeff made it very clear that anyone who dropped out to eat was signaling confidence that they were completely safe. Maybe she didn't want to look like she was that confident but knew she wasn't going to be able to last very long either.

There's a confessional from Julia on the website where she says she just couldn't do it anymore. She was in a lot of pain.


So do we even know if Kyle and Tai know about each other's idols at this point?  I know Scott know about both.  I don't watch that closely.  Kyle looked kind of shocked Tai mentioned it.  Scott not so much but I think Scott just has a good poker face.  He also didn't react facially much to Nick going home.


We haven't been shown Tai being told about Jason's idol, but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know. I think his talk about the SuperIdol might suggest he does know about it. I also noticed that Scot was not showing anything on his face, no shock at Tai bringing up the SuperIdol or at the blindside. I thought it was interesting. Maybe he does just have a great poker face.


Well it's just hard for me to say.  It will be really interesting to see where this goes from here.

Definitely! I'm actually really excited to see how it shakes out because there are certainly a lot of possibilities.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I am horrible with names - I am surprised that, for the remaining nine players, I can rattle off the former Brawns and the former Brains, but not surprised that I only remember Michele and Julia because I just read their names in these posts.  However, when I was discussing Survivor with dinner companions last night I realized I was doing pretty good this season.  According to my friends, the people on Survivor this season are the little guy, the old guy, the tall guy, the guy with the tattoos who isn't the tall guy, the woman with the muscles, Debbie, and the three other girls.

It's interesting that Debbie is the one name they remember! Whether or not you like her, she is unique! She bugs me but I like her, but I wouldn't want her for my cubicle neighbor.

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I liked how quickly Debbie was able to take Tai's "Super Idol" flub and turn it into a "Well Beautiful Girls, if you didn't know that info, you're on the bottom" sales pitch.

Quick on her feet, that one.

Well, Debbie was an Assistant White House Press Secretary, so she should have learned how to quickly respond to comments. She also trained at Le Cordon Bleu, which is probably why whatever they were cooking looked so much tastier than on past seasons.
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So do we even know if Kyle and Tai know about each other's idols at this point?  I know Scott know about both.  I don't watch that closely.  Kyle looked kind of shocked Tai mentioned it. 


Jason knows about Tai's (there was a scene last week where Scot told Jason and, for some reason, Nick), but there's no indication whether Tai knows about Jason's.

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We haven't been shown Tai being told about Jason's idol, but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know. I think his talk about the SuperIdol might suggest he does know about it. I also noticed that Scot was not showing anything on his face, no shock at Tai bringing up the SuperIdol or at the blindside. I thought it was interesting. Maybe he does just have a great poker face.


Tai would know about the superidol from the parchment that came with the idol he found.  


Why he would think that everyone would know about it? I have no clue.  


I do think that if Tai knew that Jason has an idol, we would have been shown the scene where he was told.  I don't think you can always trust that the expressions/reactions we see really happened when we are shown them to happen, and I know we don't see all (probably not even most) of the strategy talk, but it seems that they have don't keep viewers in the dark about who knows about who has an idol.  They don't always share what the players are thinking, but they do let us know what the players know.  

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I don't think Tai is any mastermind, far from it.  He exposed that he had an idol which, if he sees this clearly, it means he has to stick with the women and Joe. I think he always has been aligned with them.  Trusting Scot with his idol was not smart.   And yes, he knew about the super idol because he read it on his parchment.


We saw that the men are shunning the women by stealing some tools.   Sigh, how stupid.  Surely the women have to see that they are being forced to stay together.  The men are never going to trust Cydney or Julia to all of a sudden align with them.  If they don't see this  I will be stunned.  And that has happened before!  


I think we are going to see them stick together and split their vote.  The question is, do they realize Jason has one or will they just automatically include him in the vote because that was their original plan anyway.  


A lot is riding on Cydney next week. 

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I think we are going to see them stick together and split their vote.  The question is, do they realize Jason has one or will they just automatically include him in the vote because that was their original plan anyway.  


A lot is riding on Cydney next week.

Would be really funny if the women decided to split votes between Bounty and Tai.

Cyd knows about Bounty's HII, but AFAIK she has no knowledge of Tai's.

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Would be really funny if the women decided to split votes between Bounty and Tai.

Cyd knows about Bounty's HII, but AFAIK she has no knowledge of Tai's.



What is AFAIK?  I don't do letters well.  Tai is on the women's side, they will keep him around.  The men will force him to spend his idol. 

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Cydney made the "big move" of getting rid of a loose ally of Scot and Kyle. I would have been impressed by an actual move against those two. This? Whatever.

Debbie has always been arrogant, so I don't think we have to wait to see her become so.

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Nick in Entertainment Weekly, Why Tai voted for Jason:



    On Tai’s mystery vote for Jason at Tribal Council:


    “So this is where Tai melted down, and hopefully he bounces back at the next vote. The thing was, Julia and Michele, they wanted to vote out Jason. So they go to the Brains and they go to Cydney and say ‘Let’s vote out Jason instead of Nick.” And sure enough, they’re open to it. Aubry’s okay with voting out Jason, and Debbie says, ‘No, we can’t vote out Jason because Joe is already locked in on Nick. Joe won’t remember who to vote for so we cant do that now.’ So Tai was in on that talk, thinking they were going to vote for Jason and he just didn’t hear that ‘No, we’re sticking with Nick.’ So he thought the group was voting for Jason, yet it was me in the end.”


Thanks for the explanation.   So Joe is dumb and can't remember diddly so we can't switch and Tai misunderstood the last minute conversation about same.  Occam's Razor it is yet again.


Also nice to know for sure that Tai "knew" about the plans so was "in" with the power group even if he misunderstood the last minute conversation.


And the Beauty Girls are the ones gunning for Jason big time.  Also good to know.

Edited by green
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Would be really funny if the women decided to split votes between Bounty and Tai.

Cyd knows about Bounty's HII, but AFAIK she has no knowledge of Tai's.


Tai gave it away during TC.  If Cyd did not pick up on that someone surely told her.   Tai is with the women and Joe, I think that was clear from his vote, though it was a mistake he clearly showed whose side he was on.  

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.. but it seems that they have don't keep viewers in the dark about who knows about who has an idol.  They don't always share what the players are thinking, but they do let us know what the players know.  


I am pretty sure I've read that basically everyone knew BRob had an idol in RI but we were never shown that, so no they don't always show us everything the players know.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Hubby and I were discussing Scot's sob story about how his mother needed to go into assisted living and he hinted that he helps to support all of his (apparently Mormon) siblings because they chose marriage and religion, but he chose the NBA.  


We live in an area with a large population of Mormons.  The majority of them are hard-working people who live in very nice homes.  And they are well-known for supporting each other in business.  Example:  If you need to buy insurance or a car, you're more likely to buy it from another LDS member.  There's nothing wrong with that - most of us DO choose to do business with those with whom we have other relationships or familiarity.


IMO, his was a made-up sob story - he's full of hogwash and his family members are doing fine.  YMMV.

I live in Utah and there are plenty of Mormons living hand to mouth and trying to raise a large number of children too. Of course, Scott might be lying through his teeth. I wouldn't be surprised. But I know first hand that there are many poor struggling Mormon families with many mouths to feed.

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I live in Utah and there are plenty of Mormons living hand to mouth and trying to raise a large number of children too. Of course, Scott might be lying through his teeth. I wouldn't be surprised. But I know first hand that there are many poor struggling Mormon families with many mouths to feed.


No question that you're right.  I just took exception to his inference that you could be rich or religious - he chose rich, but they chose religious, so he has to bail them out.  

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When I first saw the scene with Scot talking about his past, I had convinced myself that he was trying to get the same sympathy feels Jason had gotten.


Jason: My daughter is autistic

Everyone: Awwww that's rough

Scot: Well.... I'm Mormon

Everyone: Awwww that's rough


Upon further review, I think that might have been the third hard root beer I'd been drinking 


I am waffling on whether Cydney made a good move (or, rather, whether she made it at the right time). I think it all depends on the next episode -- if this new bloc (!!!) sticks together enough to bounce Scot and/or Jason, then it was a good move. If it flies apart immediately, then she might be on the wrong side of the risk/reward equation.


The slowly melting expression on the NickBot's face made it worth it for me though

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“So this is where Tai melted down, and hopefully he bounces back at the next vote. The thing was, Julia and Michele, they wanted to vote out Jason. So they go to the Brains and they go to Cydney and say ‘Let’s vote out Jason instead of Nick.” And sure enough, they’re open to it. Aubry’s okay with voting out Jason, and Debbie says, ‘No, we can’t vote out Jason because Joe is already locked in on Nick. Joe won’t remember who to vote for so we cant do that now.’ So Tai was in on that talk, thinking they were going to vote for Jason and he just didn’t hear that ‘No, we’re sticking with Nick.’ So he thought the group was voting for Jason, yet it was me in the end.”


Thanks for that because I forgot that part and have been wondering about why they voted Nick out when Jason is both a huge threat because he seems to dominate his alliance and also is just a butthead to have around.  I don't understand why they couldn't get to Joe in time to tell him to switch though.  Frankly Cyndy's plan to go for Nick first makes me wonder about her game.  People are thinking she's some sort of strategic mastermind but I don't see her being able to sell that blindside to Jason and Scott.  She went totally rogue on her alliance and I don't think there is a story that I would trust.  Nick irritated her and that's who she went for.  Now poor Tai is twisting in the wind!  They screwed him!  


Still hoping Debbie goes long, I like her.  Of course it would be sort of funny if she was next to Ponderosa and it was just her and Nick.  


As for Jason and his daughter.  He seems like a good father, I'll give him that.  And there is no way I would presuppose to know anything about the severity or cost of his daughter's condition.  He said autism which is more severe than asperger's.  Its a big spectrum from very very severe to not so much.  I googled just to see and found articles about how expensive it can be, especially if one spouse has to stay home.  Detroit and Roseville don't exactly have high average household income.  I think about what would sway me on the jury.  Game play and camp work for sure.  If it came down to two otherwise more or less equals, then occupation/money would probably make a difference.  Jason doesn't seem to have that first two so I don't think Cyndy needs to worry about it.  


Worried that chicken is going to be one of the several things that seem to point at a Tai downfall. 

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People are thinking she's some sort of strategic mastermind but I don't see her being able to sell that blindside to Jason and Scott.  She went totally rogue on her alliance and I don't think there is a story that I would trust.  Nick irritated her and that's who she went for. 

I think that's an interesting point.  Could Cydney have made the right move (turning on the brawns) for the wrong reason (because Nick bugged her)? The results might end up being the same, but if she only got engaged in this plan because of Nick's smug face, that doesn't speak well towards her game's longevity

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Thinking about the preview, and Scot and WhateverHisNameIs going rogue against everyone else.  Yep, that's a great strategy.  Because the victims of bullies are real likely to vote to give them $1,000,000.


Or maybe not.

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When I first saw the scene with Scot talking about his past, I had convinced myself that he was trying to get the same sympathy feels Jason had gotten.


Jason: My daughter is autistic

Everyone: Awwww that's rough

Scot: Well.... I'm Mormon

Everyone: Awwww that's rough


Upon further review, I think that might have been the third hard root beer I'd been drinking 


Well, I was only drinking water (although, judging by the lime scale deposits on my shower doors, it is hard water), but I saw it the same way - "Hey, don't feel sorry for him, I got a huge family to support!"  


I thought it was funny that Scot was so bad at trying to get sympathy that he mentioned his NBA career when he was talking about needed the money (like the boss who told his staff that money was so tight this year that there would be no year-end bonus, and, to prove his point, he explained that he was hoping to take his family to Europe, but now they had to settle for Hawaii).  

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I think that's an interesting point.  Could Cydney have made the right move (turning on the brawns) for the wrong reason (because Nick bugged her)? The results might end up being the same, but if she only got engaged in this plan because of Nick's smug face, that doesn't speak well towards her game's longevity

I mentioned earlier that it came off to me like that was 100% the reason Cydney did it. It felt very much like a petty move to me. She was just mad Nick was possibly replacing her as Scot/Jason's third. 

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I don't get how it's petty at all.  You think that you're 3rd in an alliance and you're worried you've been bumped for 4th or 5th.  You would value not looking petty over possibly improving your game?  Instead of Cydney being 3rd in a Brawn alliance, now Scot and Jason are isolated from everyone else and who knows what will happen next.  Cydney now is able to work with 2 Beauties and 3 Brains (not sure about Tai so I left him out of this).  That looks good for Cydney to me.  She doesn't know about all the idols.  She doesn't know exactly who has what.  She felt threatened that suddenly Nick seemed to have so much power around camp.  So she did this.  


If Scot and Jason come after Cydney for this, what are they going to say?  "Hey, we decided to make an alliance with Nick over you, and you got rid of him, how could you"?  I would like to see that. 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Could Cydney have made the right move (turning on the brawns) for the wrong reason (because Nick bugged her)?

This was Khaleesi's train of thought also. She thinks Cydney will try to make nice with Laurel & Hardy next week.

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Wow! I just finished watching and haven't read any of the comments yet, but WOW! That was sweet! I love a good blindside, especially when the bootee goes from a smug smirk to a WTF face in 1.2 seconds. Brilliant.

Ok, now having read the comments, it never occured to me that Tai was being strategic about mentioning the super idol. To me he sounded as if he slipped up and then did a poor job of back pedaling to divert attention. All those heads that whipped around now know there are more idols around camp. I agree however that Debbie was masterful at seizing the opportunity and pointing out how being out of the loop = low status.

I wish the Girl Alliance would stick together. They represent brains, brawn, and beauty very well.

Edited by Haleth
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Joe won’t remember who to vote for so we cant do that now.


I wonder if Joe is really incapable of remembering a name or if this is just more of the ageism we've seen so much of this season. On the other hand,  I can see a situation where Joe's poor hearing might have  caused him to miss something that everyone else heard, so that he went to tribal with the wrong name.  I wish we knew more about him.

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I wonder if Joe is really incapable of remembering a name or if this is just more of the ageism we've seen so much of this season. On the other hand,  I can see a situation where Joe's poor hearing might have  caused him to miss something that everyone else heard, so that he went to tribal with the wrong name.  I wish we knew more about him.


If Nick's explanation of how things went is accurate, the person who thought Joe wouldn't be able to remember if they changed the plan was Debbie, so I don't think it was the ageism thing. I think it was probably more of a "Joe is inflexible," thing anyway.

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Yes, I think Aubry complained about the inflexibility thing, too, but that's pretty different from, "can't remember," which sounds almost senile. With Debbie being 49 to Joe's 72, I wouldn't be surprised if she sees him as a doddering old codger while seeing herself as a hot young model and Tree Ballerina.

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Since this version of events is coming from Nick, who wasn't there, maybe even if it's 100% true he misinterpreted that they were saying it was because Joe wouldn't remember and it was really the inflexible thing. Because it really doesn't make sense for anyone to worry Joe wouldn't remember to vote out Jason, but it does track if they were worried he would be inflexible to the change. But, as someone pointed out above, they didn't actually need Joe to do it anyway. I guess maybe they didn't wanna unnecessarily alienate him though.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Since this version of events is coming from Nick, who wasn't there, maybe even if it's 100% true he misinterpreted that they were saying it was because Joe wouldn't remember and it was really the inflexible thing. Because it really doesn't make sense for anyone to worry Joe wouldn't remember to vote out Jason, but it does track if they were worried he would be inflexible to the change. But, as someone pointed out above, they didn't actually need Joe to do it anyway. I guess maybe they didn't wanna unnecessarily alienate him though.


Exactly. This version of events is coming from Nick. God knows what spin he put on whatever it was whoever told him when they arrived in Ponderosa to soften the blow of hey I voted you out!


I very much doubt it had anything at all to do with Joe, or Joe's memory. I found Nick very self-serving, so I'm not surprised he's come up by whatever means with some way he was voted out that made a buffoon out of someone else, rather than him.

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I am getting my idols confused.  Here is how I think the idols can be played, but I am pretty sure it is wrong ---


regular idol (recent seasons) - played after votes cast, but before the votes are read.

super idol (created by joining two regular idols) - played after the votes are cast and after they are read

Tyler Perry idol - played after the votes are cast and after they are read

Original regular idol (like the one Yul had) - played after the votes are cast and after they are read


In my mind, there is no difference between how the super idol, the TP idol, and the original idol were played, but that can't be right. 


Somebody, please set me straight

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In my mind, there is no difference between how the super idol, the TP idol, and the original idol were played, but that can't be right. 


You're right. The only difference is that the SuperIdol requires two idols and the others only require one.

What happened to the thread for discussing Ponderosa?  Are we supposed to use the individual players' threads to talk about their Ponderosa videos?


I've been wondering about this, too. I'll pm a mod about it.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I am so out of the loop?

Who is Cupcake? Who is Kahlesee?


Kahleesi is the delightfully astute and intelligent 9-year-old daughter of one of the posters, Drogo.  Drogo posts Kahleesi's thoughts and comments about the episode.  


When Kyle Jason (known as Jason on the show, but called by his first name, Kyle, by many here) continually referred to another castaway as Blondie, Kahleesi commented on his rudeness and gave him the nickname Cupcake.


So, the shorter, too-tattooed, former Brawn guy, who sported double man buns and spoke of his autistic daughter last episode, is also known here as Jason, Kyle, and Cupcake.   


Edited to change some prepositions around, because I didn't mean to imply that Jason's daughter had double man buns.

Edited by needschocolate
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When Cyndey was questioning the three guys they looked SO scared. It was hilarious! Scot in particular looked sacred shitless.



I loved how all three of them started to simultaneously scratch themselves, like monkeys in a cage.


Speaking of which, we spent some time trying to figure out the left blob on his back tat and finally settled on a pug riding an octopus, bareback.


Makes perfect sense.  And I think he's got "Son of Poison" or something similar tattooed at the bottom.  So clearly it's a poisonous pug.


I wouldn't be surprised if she sees him as a doddering old codger while seeing herself as a hot young model and Tree Ballerina.

"Tree Ballerina" is my new favorite phrase to use around the house.  As in, "I'm going to go all Tree Ballerina on you guys if you don't clean your rooms!"  That'll freak my kids out but good.

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Bounty as well :D


How could I forget the best bounty hunter in Southeastern Michigan, between Schaefer Road and Miller Road, every other Tuesday when the other bounty hunter visits his mother in Ann Arbor?

Edited by needschocolate
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Every time I hear the name "Bounty/Cupcake/Kyle" in conjunction with "Michigan," my heart is sad.


I kept trying to give him the benefit of the doubt... But after multiple episodes of bad behavior and the Trump ballot post, I am right there with you.

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