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S03.E01: HashtagNewCraig

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Thomas with a black eye. The fact he'd let them film that tells me all I want to know.

Kathryn, getting knocked up was how you got married in the 60s. Not now. SC laws, whatever, you'll be living with Mummy and Diddy for the rest of your life, with them babysitting while you go out partying.

Craig... beautiful rich girlfriend.... Shep, Whitney... see ya later, bye!

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Thomas with a black eye. The fact he'd let them film that tells me all I want to know.

Kathryn, getting knocked up was how you got married in the 60s. Not now. SC laws, whatever, you'll be living with Mummy and Diddy for the rest of your life, with them babysitting while you go out partying.

Craig... beautiful rich girlfriend.... Shep, Whitney... see ya later, bye!


To be fair to her...broken down or not, it's still not a bad place to be living at.


Coming from a smaller state though it just seems insane to me that anyone could have 800 acres of land and be cash poor. Where I'm from, something that size would have developers in mud fights to try and develop it into shopping centers and housing developments. I get that it's got to be a pretty isolated area, though.


I loved Cameran for calling Craig out about how much hair product he uses. Seriously, he really is so much more attractive without that wannabee Gordon Gecko look.

Edited by methodwriter85
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 Cameron was right about the price!!  And OMG the leopard print bedroom with a BAR in it????  The rest of the house looks so tasteful!! 

Hahaha, yeah that is a ridiculous room. I like how the bedroom-bar also has a microwave... So you can heat up a hot pocket to eat on the glow-in-the-dark table, I guess? Didn't fit with the rest of the house, for sure... though I noticed the dining room chairs also had some leopard print going on! Regardless, it is a beautiful house! 

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Guess the Dennis family didn't want to farm it and must not have sons who want to farm it either.


But these days, farm land values are so high, they should be able to sell it, unless there are problems with the land like lack of irrigation, bad soil, no drainage, etc.

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Southern Charm useless trivia: Remember Season One when Thomas was trying to "seduce" Danni with polo and wine at his plantation? After Thomas finished ogling Danni on the field, they're inside talking about the decor. There is a throw on a piece of furniture and Thomas says that his decorator picked it out. Danni says that the color is PERIWINKLE. Boom. Mic drop.

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I bet a lot of Kathryn's parents' land is wetlands.  That type of property would have been perfect for growing rice, which was one of the crops she mentioned, but it would be incredibly difficult and expensive to develop for commercial use today.  It's almost certainly in a floodplain and a lot of municipalities won't allow flood zones to be developed unless there are flood risk reduction projects in place.  My family had a lot of farmland in central Illinois, which was sold after my great-grandfather died and is now covered with McMansions and shopping centers.  But in an ecologically-sensitive area like coastal South Carolina, about all you can do is hold onto the land or turn it into a nature preserve.  No one is growing rice there anymore.

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I love this show. This season's start was one of the most amusing things I've ever seen on a reality show. That dinner party where everyone was invited basically to be abused by Thomas, it seems, was classic. I can't wait to see how we get back there.


T-Rav is a disaster and I'm glad he's no longer deluding himself that he has a future in public office. He's a drunken letch and who knows what other substances are involved. I think he and Kathryn are so involved in the drama of their "reality" that they will be like this forever. Seeing him go on and on and on about Kathryn and her "physicality" last season was so slimy but it said all I needed to know. He likes nailing her as he thinks she's hot. That's it.


 And she takes care of his babies and he can do what he wants. He's an overgrown man-child with too much money. But he makes great TV. If anyone didn't see his drunken, naked romp where he kicks someone out of his house, it's hysterical.  I don't know the link but it's must see.


He is truly a trainwreck. And he's so unlikable, I'm loving watching it. I can't stop laughing. It's true entertainment to me. He's like a character from a Tennessee Williams play. I expect to hear him call his father "BIg Daddy" as he drinks himself to death and lives down to everyone's expectations. I thought this was all just offensive stereotypes but I am thinking that T-Rav is the exception that makes the rule.

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Kathryn is simply made for reality tv. She´s ridiculously pretty (with makeup on), a fiery redhead who´s crazy, born into an old gentle family, immature, reckless etc. She´s also so young, that it gives her a pass on a lot of stuff, and her relationship with TRav is without equal on reality and regular television I think. I love her as part of the show, I love this show, but I´m always a little worried about the people on reality tv, often their lives seem so sad and they dream of having a family, talk about having kids well into their 40´s but end up sad, constantly drunk and alone. At least Kathryn will have those beautiful kids, if not more, even though she makes herself look ridiculous for our amusement. 


TRav used to be somewhat fanciable, now he´s just ridiculous. I think it might have pushed him over the edge to lose the election, he should have realized that it was crazy to think he stood a chance.


I don´t care about Landon, Shep is getting a little sad, Whitney and his mom I like. Patricia always seems to me like someone who has earned her place (I don´t mean by working hard, but other stuff) and now she just wants to lounge around in her "style". Whitney looks so much younger than he really is, it´s a bit confusing sometimes. I feel like he´ll just end up alone and weird, snarling and judgemental.

Edited by halkatla
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Well he we are and Southern Charm is back again. I will admit it...I am so excited! I thought this episode was a great start and am excited for the season. A BIG part of what makes it so special is everyone here! I LOVE coming here and reading and commenting after episodes.

I agree with the people here commenting on Shep's recent bitterness. He seems to really loathe the fact that Craig is younger than him and was popular last season in Charleston's bar scene. The auction where no one would bid on him seemed to really set him off the deep end. He saw Craig being cocky about the singer bidding on him and was blushing and laughing about it and you could just feel Shep seething through the television. I feel like Shep is the type who REALLY does believe that he is better than other people, so he thinks that everyone else should see it and respect that too. While Craig was being really annoying about his partying last season, you could see that it was about a lot more than that for Shep. I think Shep was probably much happier with Craig when he felt like the alpha dog to Craig, and as soon as Craig had stuff going on his own and was not following Shep around like a little brother, Shep got jealous and angry.

I was under the impression that all of Shep's money came from his parents, and now that money they gave him is earning him money. It is certainly not the same in my eyes as earning all of your money yourself. The fact is, though, that none of us know Shep's finances. We only.know that he seems to be doing fine with whatever money he does have coming in...and he doesn't seem to be an asshole with his money (check out the 10 or 12 year old Grand Cherokee he was driving). If lounging and relaxing all day is what he likes to do, God bless him! He should do it. I sure would if I could afford it. I would be travelling all over the place. The way he was treating Craig, though, was not a good look on him at all (at least based on the little stuff Craig did that we saw that sent Shep off the deep end). I hope he can find peace with it and be cordial at least to Craig during filming. I don't think they will ever be equal friends, at least not in Shep's eyes. He will always think he is better than Craig, and he will try to make sure that Craig feels the same way. If he can't make Craig feel that way, then he will be mean to him.

Regardless, it makes for an interesting dynamic on the show. I am glad the show is back and looking forward to reading here every week after it airs!

Edited by bblancobrnx
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"I have no interest in an inferior martini"

Oh Drunkie-O, I have missed you!

And I have no interest in an inferior reality tv show!

Actually, wait, I totally have interest in an inferior reality tv show. The inferior the better!

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Well he we are and Southern Charm is back again. I will admit it...I am so excited! I thought this episode was a great start and am excited for the season. A BIG part of what makes it so special is everyone here! I LOVE coming here and reading and commenting after episodes.

I agree with the people here commenting on Shep's recent bitterness. He seems to really loathe the fact that Craig is younger than him and was popular last season in Charleston's bar scene. The auction where no one would bid on him seemed to really set him off the deep end. He saw Craig being cocky about the singer bidding on him and was blushing and laughing about it and you could just feel Shep seething through the television. I feel like Shep is the type who REALLY does believe that he is better than other people, so he thinks that everyone else should see it and respect that too. While Craig was being really annoying about his partying last season, you could see that it was about a lot more than that for Shep. I think Shep was probably much happier with Craig when he felt like the alpha dog to Craig, and as soon as Craig had stuff going on his own and was not following Shep around like a little brother, Shep got jealous and angry.

I was under the impression that all of Shep's money came from his parents, and now that money they gave him is earning him money. It is certainly not the same in my eyes as earning all of your money yourself. The fact is, though, that none of us know Shep's finances. We only.know that he seems to be doing fine with whatever money he does have coming in...and he doesn't seem to be an asshole with his money (check out the 10 or 12 year old Grand Cherokee he was driving). If lounging and relaxing all day is what he likes to do, God bless him! He should do it. I sure would if I could afford it. I would be travelling all over the place. The way he was treating Craig, though, was not a good look on him at all (at least based on the little stuff Craig did that we saw that sent Shep off the deep end). I hope he can find peace with it and be cordial at least to Craig during filming. I don't think they will ever be equal friends, at least not in Shep's eyes. He will always think he is better than Craig, and he will try to make sure that Craig feels the same way. If he can't make Craig feel that way, then he will be mean to him.

Regardless, it makes for an interesting dynamic on the show. I am glad the show is back and looking forward to reading here every week after it airs!


I agree with this assessment of Shep's attitude toward Craig. You really could feel Shep seething after that auction! Then there's the thing about Craig and money. Shep mentioned a couple of times last season how when they were out together Craig would run up a bar tab (including buying drinks for girls) and then "realize" he'd left his wallet at home. I am guessing that later Craig would also forget to offer to pay Shep back or to pick up both tabs the next time. There are certain people who act like they can get away with whatever they want with you, and after too many times it can really get under your skin. Shep throws around that he's wealthy and doesn't have to work, and that Craig does. Craig may have seen letting Shep get the tab all the time as a sort of retaliation against Shep constantly telling him that.


They also have this "who scores more with the ladies" stupid rivalry between them. Shep acts like it's just a big joke, until Craig challenges him and then Shep gets pissed again. I get the impression that Shep, at what 36?, doesn't have many bar buddies his own age, because most of them are married, married with kids, or at least working 9 to 5 jobs and aren't able to party on work nights, or stay up late on weekends week after week. Shep knew he could count on Craig to party with him, then made Craig feel bad by criticizing him and even outing him to his parents for partying too much. Which way do you want it, Shep? 

Edited by RedHawk
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Hellloooooo fellow Charmers! Oh, how I've missed you, and missed this show, even though this season seems to be far more about producer-driven bullshit. In no particular order:


- I guffawed when Whitney mentioned his home in LA and then caught himself and hurriedly let us know it's in Bel Air; that's how I imagine conversations go with him, he is desperate to let you know his shoes are Gucci and his car is a Mercedes and his mother's caftans are not all the same thing as Mrs. Roper's muumuus


- I howled when Kathryn turned on the window a/c unit and said "so ghetto"; honey, you are living at your parents' home with your TWO unwanted, unplanned, illegitimate babies - if the a/c your parents are providing isn't fancy enough maybe you should find an occupation (other than having rich men's kids) so you can afford your own place, SHEESH!!!


- what on earth does Cameran do to keep her tiny figure???


- Naomi is welcome to stay so long as we get more scenes featuring that pretty wetland behind her parents' house


edited because I don't know what got into me with "low rent" since that is the very reason I hate it when people say "ghetto" - can I blame it on the vicodin? and how frustrated I am with Kathryn?

Edited by glowlights
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- I guffawed when Whitney mentioned his home in LA and then caught himself and hurriedly let us know it's in Bel Air; that's how I imagine conversations go with him, he is desperate to let you know his shoes are Gucci and his car is a Mercedes and his mother's caftans are not all the same thing as Mrs. Roper's muumuus


I got the impression that he had to quickly add that his home is in Bel Air because he was worried everyone would assume it's in West Hollywood. 

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I got the impression that he had to quickly add that his home is in Bel Air because he was worried everyone would assume it's in West Hollywood.


ETA - whoever mentioned Dani being scary thin earlier in this thread, I am rewatching season 2 and she was frighteningly skinny there too. When she is chasing Katheryn on the docks, her legs look like 2 toothpicks. It's a darn shame because she is so beautiful, but sooooo darn skinny. I feel like she might just have a super skinny body type. I noticed at some events she did have a plate full of food (and not like some dry greens either...real food) so she might be the type with a crazy fast metabolism or something

Edited by bblancobrnx
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I still don't know what to make of the season premiere.

Craig -- still immature…Shep -- still immature, and it's not wearing well.

Landon, Cameron -- I can take or leave.

Whitney and his mom, who's name I can't recall, are pompous asses. And don't sit well with me. I'd tell them what I thought of them in a second.

T-Rav and Kathryn -- she IS a dumb girl trying to land a rich guy. And didn't know how to reel him in. And is still trying. But we said that last season. T-Rave is r rich arse hole, what else is new.

I like -- what's his name is it Connor? -- the red-headed designer-guy who wears period suits and hosts the galas. I like thn the best. Oh and JT, is it. who smokes cigars and owns the restaurant. Their reaction shots are great.


Speaking of restaurants what's up with the guy who's partnering with Whitney on the new restaurant. Is he crazy. SURELY Whitney is not the only person in Charleston he could have partnered with to do this deal. Imagine seeing and hearing you partner say you don't really care about what could be close to a million dollar investment…what the hell?


Personally I should also stop eating late at night…I had a dream that my mom -- who's not even still living -- married a 70-year-old T-Rav. Made me think damn will he never change. These rich guys are an interesting personality type. They have all the money they need, so they don't HAVE to change or mature. I can see thomas being a rich arse hole his entire life. He's already over 50, if he hasn't matured yet when will he. Unlike Shep who I still think the RIGHT girl, COULD, maybe get him to straighten up….I don't see that happening with T-Rav. And now that I think of it about Shep I don't know -- do I EVER see him being the settled-down, responsible father, devoted husband, may still flirt but really not serious at all, because he does love his wife type…..I don't know.


These people really are NOT likable this year…so far. I don't know what the point of the show and their interactions is anymore. Just to be filmed hanging out and backstabbing and talking about each other? UGH.

Edited by selhars
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what on earth does Cameran do to keep her tiny figure???


She's one of those rare natural size 0's who can eat all she wants and stays tiny. I still remember her devouring a brownie sundae on the show once, and talking about her love for Wendy's chicken nuggets and fries. Usually I call bullshit to that, but with her, I totally believe it.



Kathryn is simply made for reality tv. She´s ridiculously pretty (with makeup on), a fiery redhead who´s crazy, born into an old gentle family, immature, reckless etc. She´s also so young, that it gives her a pass on a lot of stuff, and her relationship with TRav is without equal on reality and regular television I think. I love her as part of the show, I love this show, but I´m always a little worried about the people on reality tv, often their lives seem so sad and they dream of having a family, talk about having kids well into their 40´s but end up sad, constantly drunk and alone. At least Kathryn will have those beautiful kids, if not more, even though she makes herself look ridiculous for our amusement.


Craig and Shep had an interview where they pretty much admitted that this show wouldn't have lasted past season 1 without the "gift from god" storyline with Kathryn and Thomas. I do think they're right- it's pretty funny how she pretty much went from being a very background side character in the first few episodes to suddenly being one of the main stars.


I'm re-watching season 2, and I will say her talking heads have gotten a LOT better than they were in season 2.


Kathryn seems very unfiltered, whereas you can tell that a lot of these people are holding back at least a little about themselves.

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....if you feel he is NOT all of that and a lot more ALREADY, i hate to think how bad he WILL end up !


Lol he is like that already, but I see it getting way worse and way out of control when he´s an old man. I should have put bitter somewhere in there too, because that´s a quality I predict as being a big part of his future IF he actually wants to have it otherwise, maybe he´s happy to end up alone.

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I think Whitney is just Mother's little boy to a T. Drunkie-O isn't the picture of happy-go-lucky, sunny optimism now is she? Whitney has her personality mixed with his sense of entitlement along with too much money. Why work when you can phone everything in? Why try to be a decent human being when nobody demands it of you, least of all your mother.

And he gets it all when she dies so he patiently waits. Unless the animals get it all. I'd worry if I was him.

Edited by Chicklet
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I'm pretty certain that Whitney and Drunkie-O have been going to Motherboy for the past 45 years.

I don't know why Whitless would be so quick to clarify that he lives in Bel Air. He should be announcing how close he lives to West Hollywood. He's an old average looking spendthrift snob with entitlement issues. He has no useful skills and no talents. There are precious few wealthy women who will keep him in the style he's accustomed to. He might get some guy to take care of him, but even still there are younger more eager less entitled pieces of ass out there than Whitney.

I have my doubts about Drunkie-O leaving everything to him. As a society matron, I'm sure she's got charities that she supports that would be getting decent gifts when she dies. She's got her pets who bring her joy and companionship everyday. She's got her butler who makes her perfect martinis everyday. And there is her son, Whitney, who has never accomplished anything, given her no grandchildren, and has only succeeded in portraying himself as a smirking buffoon.

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Landon's constant smile irritates the hell out of me.

I'm Shep's age and having a glass of wine right now. And it's daylight out. And if I had a ton of money, no way I'd be going to my job tomorrow. I'm single too and would be probably doing exactly what he does. I can't knock him when I want to switch places.

I don't think he's jealous of Craig- just irritated that Craig has the Midas touch and isn't old money. Craig comes out looking (and he's loads better looking than Shep on a surface level) better in that duel. Its like when you think an idiot (whether they are or not) at work gets a promotion you wish you could scream "But you do know I'm better than you, right!? But you don't because you are an adult. You just internally steam. Shep can't. He has to let you know he's the upper. That's not a good quality.

Edited by KnoxForPres
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I wanted to strangle Landon with her necklace when she was flirting (albeit in-artfully) with chucklehead Ravenel. Her habit of ending every sentence with a laugh is driving me up a wall.

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Interesting what Kathryn said on WWHL - that it doesn't matter what color Kensie's room is at her father's house because he sees the kids in the guest house. Wonder if that's so Kathryn doesn't get into the house.

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I've been sick and thus on a TV bender.  Kathryn has her problems but Thomas, Whitney and Patricia, the queen of the old-school nosejob (I wonder if she married before or after her final surgeries, because nastiness and breathing through her nose are the only skills she has ever had) are total human garbage.  I'd fully believe Whitney and Thomas have, to use Whoopi Goldberg's parlance, rape-raped young women before.  They are predatory scumbags and Thomas has had now with 2 babies the chance to be less of a soaked loser after a slap on the wrist prison stint where a less-privileged man would still be wearing orange.  But nope, nothing takes, and it never will because muffucah is old, old, old.  And an alcoholic who stalks women, some of whom are likely underage.  Yet people take up for him!  And act like the early 20something woman bedeviled him, like 30 years of sex left him not knowing how condoms work, despite the fact that K. has pretty obvious emotional problems and a fuckton of pre and post and partum-partum hormones while on this show is at fault for 'ruining him.'  No ma'am!  And that 'ma'am' is not for Patricia - Mario Buatta can decorate her houses on her dead spouse's scratch but she is nothing and raised a son with the charm of a burst-open air sickness bag and has all the ladylike charm of my dog when he's having big GI issues.


Of course I love this show.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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I'm pretty certain that Whitney and Drunkie-O have been going to Motherboy for the past 45 years.

I don't know why Whitless would be so quick to clarify that he lives in Bel Air. He should be announcing how close he lives to West Hollywood. He's an old average looking spendthrift snob with entitlement issues. He has no useful skills and no talents. There are precious few wealthy women who will keep him in the style he's accustomed to. He might get some guy to take care of him, but even still there are younger more eager less entitled pieces of ass out there than Whitney.

I have my doubts about Drunkie-O leaving everything to him. As a society matron, I'm sure she's got charities that she supports that would be getting decent gifts when she dies. She's got her pets who bring her joy and companionship everyday. She's got her butler who makes her perfect martinis everyday. And there is her son, Whitney, who has never accomplished anything, given her no grandchildren, and has only succeeded in portraying himself as a smirking buffoon.


Whitney reminds me of a 50-year old guy I knew who talked about Greenwhich Village like it was still a hip place. It's pretty funny- does anybody even care about Bel Air anymore? That's so 90's. West Hollywood does seem like the hottest neighborhood in Los Angeles right now.

Yeah, I don't think Patricia's going to leave Whitney much, although I'm guessing Whitney has been preparing for that, hence his little investments here and there.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I'm pretty certain that Whitney and Drunkie-O have been going to Motherboy for the past 45 years.




I'm pretty sure Whitney is trying to style himself after David Duchovny's character on Californication. Unfortunately, all I see is an unholy union between Eddie Munster and Pee Wee Herman. But then, Kathryn reminds me of Krystal on Squidbillies. Everytime they show an exterior shot of the Calhoun manse I expect to see a sign on the lawn saying "P-Nuts & Hairdoos".


methodwriter, now that you mention it I'm pretty sure I recall a conversation between Cameran and a college friend and they joked about how Cameran eats gas station food *sigh* Life's not fair. At least I haven't had to pee off the side of a boat lately...


This show has made me sad the way the Real Housewives do, and that's a shame because it started off as innocent fun. I'd love it a lot more if the Kathryn/Thomas thing had never happened and the Craig/Shep nonsense was canned. But then no one would watch, I guess. :(

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an unholy union between Eddie Munster and Pee Wee Herman

THAT'S IT! I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of, I just didn't mash together anyone living with an undead character. 

I too have been under the weather due to dental surgery and other crap and this show has been keeping me afloat.

Edited by Chicklet
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QuoteHellloooooo fellow Charmers! Oh, how I've missed you, and missed this show, even though this season seems to be far more about producer-driven bullshit. In no particular order:


- I guffawed when Whitney mentioned his home in LA and then caught himself and hurriedly let us know it's in Bel Air; that's how I imagine conversations go with him, he is desperate to let you know his shoes are Gucci and his car is a Mercedes and his mother's caftans are not all the same thing as Mrs. Roper's muumuus


- I howled when Kathryn turned on the window a/c unit and said "so ghetto"; honey, you are living at your parents' home with your TWO unwanted, unplanned, illegitimate babies - if the a/c your parents are providing isn't fancy enough maybe you should find an occupation (other than having rich men's kids) so you can afford your own place, SHEESH!!!


- what on earth does Cameran do to keep her tiny figure???


- Naomi is welcome to stay so long as we get more scenes featuring that pretty wetland behind her parents' house


edited because I don't know what got into me with "low rent" since that is the very reason I hate it when people say "ghetto" - can I blame it on the vicodin? and how frustrated I am with Kathryn?



 I agree with your entire post, with the tiny exception of the bolded: I believe Kensie was planned.

Stinger97, on 09 Apr 2016 - 3:10 PM, said:

I got the impression that he had to quickly add that his home is in Bel Air because he was worried everyone would assume it's in West Hollywood.


BWAH!  Too good.  And too true. 



Kathryn seems very unfiltered, whereas you can tell that a lot of these people are holding back at least a little about themselves.





Good observation, and I totally agree.  And it makes her reality TV gold (gold, Jerry gold!).  I personally think this is rare in the "reality TV world" where so many are trying to be something they aren't or create a character of who they really want to be (as opposed to who they really are.) Shannon Bedor from Real Housewives of OC is one of the only other people that comes to mind who embrace their hot-mess-ness for the world to see.


I'm pretty certain that Whitney and Drunkie-O have been going to Motherboy for the past 45 years.


Alright, shut 'er down.  HunterHunted has won the Internet for the day.  Nay, the WEEK!

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I remember last season Cameran and Craig going through the McDonald's drive thru and Craig making Cameran pay at the window because he "forgot his wallet". She looked semi-disgusted which is how I felt and which I think is partially behind Shep's real distaste for him. Craig is a user and a social climber.


He also said he forgot his wallet out at the bar with Shep one night. Just because his friends are rich and Cameran married a doctor does not mean that they should have to pay for freeloading Craig, the guy who blows off the bar exam after spending thousands on law school. The guy is a loser. Now he's living off another person-rich Naomi. Ugh, and his droning voice.



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Did anyone catch the quick flash down to Kathryn's bare feet as she walked to turn the AC on? I see you, Southern Charm editors, with your barefoot and pregnant joke.


Also, I cringed when Kathryn just offhandedly said, "There's a slave cemetery over there," to Cooper. I know the South's complicated history, but it still took me aback.

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There have been a couple posts voicing sympathy for Kathryn, saying that she didn't plan to get pregnant either time. Um....yes, she sure did. In the first season she told her "granny" how she had a pregnancy "scare" and instead of it truly scaring her, she ran right back to have even more unprotected sex with Thomas. Both of them were talking that if she got pregnant he would marry her and take care of her. She got pregnant, he did not take care of her for long.


So....in desperation to try one last time to be taken care of by Thomas, she AGAIN slept with him with no birth control used by either. Bingo-another child. Yep. Both babies were indeed "planned", even if in a very warped way.


Thomas still didn't settle down with her and is out chasing women. How'd that work out for ya Kathryn? May be time to try for #3......


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There have been a couple posts voicing sympathy for Kathryn, saying that she didn't plan to get pregnant either time. Um....yes, she sure did. In the first season she told her "granny" how she had a pregnancy "scare" and instead of it truly scaring her, she ran right back to have even more unprotected sex with Thomas. Both of them were talking that if she got pregnant he would marry her and take care of her. She got pregnant, he did not take care of her for long.


Kathryn and Thomas were talking that way, or Kathryn and her grandmother?


Chicklet, I hope your surgery went well, sorry to hear you're under the weather.

Edited by glowlights
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I have to laugh at Thomas whining about how South Carolina laws give the unwed mother total control over her children. Boo-frickin'-hoo, T-Rav! You screwed her, she got pregnant, then you didn't want to marry her because both of you are 1) bat-shit crazy, and 2) morons. You knew the law or learned about it soon enough after Kensie's birth.


He could probably have gotten good legal advice to marry Kathryn with a solid pre-nup and trust-fund for Kensie, then divorce her after about 2 years, providing her with a nice home, car, few years of alimony, and specific child support, plus a court-mandated visitation schedule. But he couldn't even bother to do that, too worried about running for a political office he had no chance of winning. 


Either way, those poor kids (seriously, now there are two!) are going to be pawns between their parents for decades, just because T-Rav can't keep his hands of their mama due to her red hair and "physicality". 

Thomas is lying when he says he has no rights...or at least that he can't have rights.  Have these 2 idiots established paternity?  Because under SC law, once paternity is established, the father CAN sue for visitation/custody.  But let's see, he's 50+, a drunk, etc.etc.etc.  Kathryn is not much in the brains dept, but she at least lives with her family.  Yeah, she's getting custody.


I do feel for the children.  There's some hope that Kathryn will wake up and become an adult, she's only in her early 20's.  But Thomas seems beyond the point of acting like an adult.  Those kids are going to be picking him up off the bar-room floor in 20 years.

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Thomas is lying when he says he has no rights...or at least that he can't have rights.  Have these 2 idiots established paternity?  Because under S

I do feel for the children.  There's some hope that Kathryn will wake up and become an adult, she's only in her early 20's.  But Thomas seems beyond the point of acting like an adult.  Those kids are going to be picking him up off the bar-room floor in 20 years.


I was going to say Thomas should probably be dead by then, but his dad is well into his 80's and it seems like Thomas might have one of those "can do whatever the hell I want even though I'm elderly" constitutions. I can totally see Thomas still hitting the bars in his 70's.

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Any chance Patricia is the investor in Whitney's restaurant? I'm mean she's delusional but not stupid, right?

The restaurant isn't happening- his partner backed out and the space has been leased to Ivy and Ink which is a concept of the Bottle Cap Group restaurant group. . 

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Aw thanks Glowlights, I bounced right back after living on mashed potatoes for 5 days which wasn't so terrible as I have an irrational love for instant potatoes.

Cameran could have probably made them for me. I'm sure she's never used a real potato lol. I like her though even though she acts kind of simple sometimes.


Why is it that all these housewives and the Charleston people argue at the drop of a hat in inappropriate places. Oh wait..

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Poor Craig.  This one was just flat-out embarassing.  He seems to have a hard time making the connection between hard work and the power, money and accolades that may result.  He's repeatedly showed that he wants to skip step 1 and go straight to reaping the benefits.  If only!

Apparently, he's NOT "smart as shit", as he said in his TH.  I hope he sees the light soon.  

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I think he hopes to use the show as a springboard to another "glamour" career such as modeling or acting or something equally unlikely. 

If he had a lick of sense he'd try to pass the bar while still recently out of law school. I mean, they only film a few months so he's got time to focus on studying. Since he had earned income in the form of Bravo pay checks and isn't broke (yet) Naomie might even support him so he wouldn't have to work before taking the exam.

From some of his tweets it also seems he's getting lots of free merchandise in hope he'll promote it, and he's getting paid to tweet about certain products. 

Pass the bar, Craig! Then go for whatever life you want.

Edited by RedHawk
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On 6/2/2016 at 0:08 PM, RedHawk said:

I think he hopes to use the show as a springboard to another "glamour" career such as modeling or acting or something equally unlikely. 

If he had a lick of sense he'd try to pass the bar while still recently out of law school. I mean, they only film a few months so he's got time to focus on studying. Since he had earned income in the form of Bravo pay checks and isn't broke (yet) Naomie might even support him so he wouldn't have to work before taking the exam.

From some of his tweets it also seems he's getting lots of free merchandise in hope he'll promote it, and he's getting paid to tweet about certain products. 

Pass the bar, Craig! Then go for whatever life you want.

The lure of reality TV fame is hard to resist. We managed to convince one of my law school classmates to do this:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Joe_Schmo_Show?wprov=sfla1. I can recall saying "you can always come back to school." As far as I can tell, he never did:h ttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Kennedy_Gould?wprov=sfla1. I wish Craig would just take the bar so that he could have that available to him when the reality TV opportunities dry up. I suspect that Craig knows that he needs BarBri and 3 months of intensive studies and right now he doesn't have that time available. 

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I'm a year behind you all, binge watching, and just dying to post. My daughter and her friends are all about Kathryn's age. I have a secret to tell you about her and her Dean's list friends.    They . Are . Idiots.

Nothing Kathryn does will surprise me.

If I turned on the tv tomorrow and saw that Bravo was filming at her college, I'd load my liquor cabinet, delete my facebook profile, cancel my phone service, and order my groceries delivered.

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