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S07.E03: Breaking Apart

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PS Kail - Mr Lovesnark left this morning for a golf trip and I'm digging being home alone. It's 11:00am and I'm still in my jammies and slippers. I have to go to the store sometime today and I'll throw on some jeans. But, my flannel jammie pants will go right back on after I get home and I don't plan on getting dressed tomorrow. Suck on that, you judgmental cow.


Yesterday my son wanted to stay in his jammie top all day. It has robots on it and he liked it better than the shirt I picked out. So I let him. The horror! Now, granted, we homeschool, so maybe Kail wouldn't shame me as badly. But I was still worried she would show up at my door with her sloth radar beeping away, detecting that we were not all fully dressed in here. 


I don't think Nathan will  care anymore than Jenelle does.  Right now, Kaiser is just someone/something for Nathan and Jenelle to 1)fight about and use against each other  and 2) use as a prop to attract dates.   Neither one of those two morons have any idea how to take care of a baby.


Nathan isn't a good guy, but I think there is some affection there. When they were still very much a couple and Kaiser was a newborn, I remember scenes of Nathan being the one to feed him and cuddle him. He seemed happy to be with his baby. Jenelle, on the other hand, always had such a dead look in her eyes. When she would smile or say something nice, it appeared like she was phoning it in. 

  • Love 9

Yesterday my son wanted to stay in his jammie top all day. It has robots on it and he liked it better than the shirt I picked out. So I let him. The horror! Now, granted, we homeschool, so maybe Kail wouldn't shame me as badly. But I was still worried she would show up at my door with her sloth radar beeping away, detecting that we were not all fully dressed in here. 





Nathan isn't a good guy, but I think there is some affection there. When they were still very much a couple and Kaiser was a newborn, I remember scenes of Nathan being the one to feed him and cuddle him. He seemed happy to be with his baby. Jenelle, on the other hand, always had such a dead look in her eyes. When she would smile or say something nice, it appeared like she was phoning it in. 

Nathan seemed to genuinely like the baby and taking care of him. He'd talk to him and interact the way a normal parent does with their baby. Jenelle has never done that with either of the children she incubated. Remember when Jace was born? She sort of looked at him, then said 'Hey, bud'. That was it. I'd bet the farm that right after that, she told the nurse she was fucking exhausted, so stressed and needed to sleep, so take the baby away. She can't fake having even remotely maternal feelings no matter how hard she tries.

  • Love 5

I totally agree with EVERYTHING you just said. Doesn't mean he's not still a lazy ass that needs to get a goddamn job.

What makes him lazy exactly? Is one who is home tending to a newborn baby, lazy? Mothers and fathers have been allowed to do this very thing for quite some time. Mothers moreso than fathers, but it is the norm. My husband took six weeks off to do just that with our last child.

Did Jo lose his job due to downsizing or lack of work? If so, that is not being lazy.

Did the company Jo worked for close down? If so, that is not being lazy.

I can list a few other possible reasons, but I won't. My point is, if any of the above possible reasons occurred, Jo may have decided to put off getting a new job so he could be around for the birth of his child and spend some quality time with her. Kail had that opprtunity as well as the rest of the mothers on this show.

I am not clear of the shooting schedule of the last two seasons. It seems the two seasons were filmed in a short period of time. The time period right now shows it to be October 2015. Isn't that when Baby Velisse was born? Didn't Jo move to Delaware just two months before? The show timeline is not current. We do not know if Jo is currently working. Unless you have info from a legit source, then I guess all of this is moot and Jo is just lounging around in sweats and living off the earnings from this show. You know, the same earnings Kail and the other cast members receive.

I truly believe Kail dumped the whole CS issue because she found out Jo would be entitled to more visitation time. We know Kail would have a cow over such a thing happening. I also believe Javi is the one who pushed Kail into going after Jo for more moola ($$$) because he is jealous and insecure. That is what happens when one marries a cheater. Javi wanted to stick it to Jo.

Seems to me that is why Kail blew up like the Hindenburgh in the last episode. Javi is the instigator. Javi and his labia lips are better suited on any of the Real Housewives shows where he can stir the pot.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

She's been claiming 'the truth would come out' for about 4 years now - haha!


 Aubrey's hissy fit when she came home brought back memories. I hated the re-entry period after the kids spent the weekend with grandma. It would take days for everything to get back to normal. So much that I made a rule that they could only go to either set of grandparents every other weekend. Sometimes my folks would want them for the weekend and my inlaws would want them the next weekend. I had to stop that because it created an endless cycle of re-entry craziness.


Hot damn, I'd be ecstatic if my parents and in laws always asked me to take the kids for the weekend!  LOL.

  • Love 3

What makes him lazy exactly? Is one who is home tending to a newborn baby, lazy? Mothers and fathers have been allowed to do this very thing for quite some time. Mothers moreso than fathers, but it is the norm. My husband took six weeks off to do just that with our last child.

Did Jo lose his job due to downsizing or lack of work? If so, that is not being lazy.

Did the company Jo worked for close down? If so, that is not being lazy.

I can list a few other possible reasons, but I won't. My point is, if any of the above possible reasons occurred, Jo may have decided to put off getting a new job so he could be around for the birth of his child and spend some quality time with her. Kail had that opprtunity as well as the rest of the mothers on this show.

I am not clear of the shooting schedule of the last two seasons. It seems the two seasons were filmed in a short period of time. The time period right now shows it to be October 2015. Isn't that when Baby Velisse was born? Didn't Jo move to Delaware just two months before? The show timeline is not current. We do not know if Jo is currently working. Unless you have info from a legit source, then I guess all of this is moot and Jo is just lounging around in sweats and living off the earnings from this show. You know, the same earnings Kail and the other cast members receive.

I truly believe Kail dumped the whole CS issue because she found out Jo would be entitled to more visitation time. We know Kail would have a cow over such a thing happening. I also believe Javi is the one who pushed Kail into going after Jo for more moola ($$$) because he is jealous and insecure. That is what happens when one marries a cheater. Javi wanted to stick it to Jo.

Seems to me that is why Kail blew up like the Hindenburgh in the last episode. Javi is the instigator. Javi and his labia lips are better suited on any of the Real Housewives shows where he can stir the pot.

We always go round and round about this exact issue.  I think Jo is a lazy sack.  You don't.  I've listed my reasons ad nauseum.  So have you.  We're just going to have to agree to disagree.  I agree with everything else in your post, tho.  :)

Edited by lezlers
  • Love 2
Nathan seemed to genuinely like the baby and taking care of him. He'd talk to him and interact the way a normal parent does with their baby. Jenelle has never done that with either of the children she incubated. Remember when Jace was born? She sort of looked at him, then said 'Hey, bud'. That was it. I'd bet the farm that right after that, she told the nurse she was fucking exhausted, so stressed and needed to sleep, so take the baby away. She can't fake having even remotely maternal feelings no matter how hard she tries.


Exactly!  I mentioned that scene at Jace's birth in the thread for the previous episode, it was odd and very non-maternal.  

Also agree re Nathan having some feelings for his son, we don't know what would happen if he had to care for him full time but I'd like to think it would be much better for that poor baby.

 And he looks just like Nathan, all the more reason for Jenelle to ignore him.

  • Love 3

I was equally shocked Kailyn fell for what Javi was dishing out. How did she not see right through that phony act? Why she didn't raise a fist to him is just as shocking.

There is definitely something going on there between Javi and Kail. They ceased going to counseling. I am guessing at this point of the show she may already be in the throes of dick hopping (thanks to whomever came up with that LOL) or is close to cheating. Javi is on her last nerve. But, rather than taking it out on him, she is taking it out on Jo. She has to keep things on the down low.

  • Love 4

Naw. A six year old is perfectly capable of brushing their teeth. Hell, my 15 month old can brush her teeth by herself! It's not like she was demanding Aubrey cook herself up some mac and cheese while she lounged on the couch with Cole. For all we know, she's been working on Aubrey's independence and trying to get her into a nightly routine. I know with my son, the minute you start doing stuff for him, it'll take a good couple of weeks before he'll do it on his own again (it's a major point of contention between my husband and I. Apparently I "baby" him.) Lots of armchair quarterbacking about that scene, with minimal information.

This entire forum is basically armchair quarterbacking the scenes. Lol.

And nope I don't give Chelsea the benefit of the doubt. She's lazy and even though her kid just came home she refused to help her with something that takes two minutes. she probably missed Chelsea but Chelsea wanted to hang out with Cole and probably was about to get on her phone to tell daddy what Aubree said about only seeing Adam once.

The kid just started kindergarten, Chelsea should be checking to seeing her teeth are brushed properly and doing a bedtime routine. Regardless , I hope some asshole bully doesn't decide to count at Aubree and harass her over that whole scene now that all of her peers can see a tantrum that could so easily have been avoided on tv.

  • Love 6

Hot damn, I'd be ecstatic if my parents and in laws always asked me to take the kids for the weekend!  LOL.

We were very fortunate in that department. Especially with my inlaws. I produced their first grandchild, which elevated me to sainthood, LOL! They were so thrilled to be grandparents, they would have taken the kids every weekend if they could have.


I'm wondering how child support works when the mothers are potentially making hundreds of thousands per year from this show. If the dads make a much smaller amount from the show, it seems that even if they do have a job (like Adumb's training), their income wouldn't come close to the mothers.

I'm wondering the same thing. My friend's ex just initiated a child support review asking for a modification. They use a worksheet that calculates what percentage  of financial support each parent is responsible for based on their income. In my friend's case, she's responsible for 68% because she makes  more money than her ex. The fact that her ex is married to a woman that brings in over $150k a year and pays all the household bills is not a factor. If Delaware is the same as Washington state, Javi's income would not be factored into the calculation of how much support Jo pays. But, if Kail makes significantly more than Jo for being on the show, plus any income she may get from books, speaking engagements, etc, she would be responsible for a larger percentage of what it costs to raise Issac.

  • Love 6

Exactly!  I mentioned that scene at Jace's birth in the thread for the previous episode, it was odd and very non-maternal.  

Also agree re Nathan having some feelings for his son, we don't know what would happen if he had to care for him full time but I'd like to think it would be much better for that poor baby.

 And he looks just like Nathan, all the more reason for Jenelle to ignore him.

The scene in last week's episode with Nathan and his new squeeze helps me believe he's better suited to be a parent to Kaiser. Remember when Jenelle was in charge of the dogs? They were locked in too small crates in the hot garage. When they got out, she chased them around cursing and threatened to get rid of them. While Nathan and girlfriend were sitting at the counter eating, his dog was not only in the house, he was calmly laying on the floor. I know it's not parent of the year material but, it at least shows me that Nathan understands that living things deserve to be treated with respect and not locked in a cage or a crib. And, like I said before, I believe Nathan cares about Kaiser. Unlike the thing that gave birth to him.

  • Love 10

I'm a little late- but I just haven't had time to get on here.

I take notes when the show is on- I'm a dork. If I don't, I'll forget what happened. Now if only I can read them....


I never have much to say about her. She got her shit together & is doing great. I think she would've done the same either way, but I think it helped that she's had such a great support system in her parents. It made things easier for her.

Adumb dum dum dum was being is dumb self- as usual. He just does shit without giving what he's doing a single thought. don't know what to think about him. He definitely is a better Dad than he was before- but he's got a LONG way to go.

Did anyone else Cole's face when Aubree was having her little tantrum? He looked like he was wondering what he got himself into.


Is it just me or has she gotten a little.....snobby? Javi acts the same way. I expect Javi to make his little comments about Jo- because Javi doesn't like him. But Kail? Unless he's hurting Isaac in some way, it's none of her business what Jo does or doesn't do.


Well, it happened. She lost custody. I hope that Leah takes this time to get off of whatever meds she's on & if she is buying pills off the street, she needs to get back to rehab. I just don't think she is though. There are ways to tell- her nodding out is just one. I. hope she doesn't dig herself into a deeper hole. If she does, she's going to lose Addie too.

Last & definitely least. Jenelle.

Could she be anymore disgusting? I'm getting to the point where I can't even stand the sight of her. I try to give everyone a second, sometimes a third chance. Hell, I've defended Leah several times. Not because I like her, but because it's clear to me that she has problems & she's suffering & I don't like to see anyone suffer. But Jenelle??? I don't want to see her die- but other than that, I don't give a shit about her or what happens to her. Someone should've made her get her tubes tied after she had Jace. (Before she had Jace would've been better.) She's the most selfish bitch & she doesn't appreciate anything at all. When she was with her new boyfriend, she was telling him how her Mom makes the situation with Jace a competition. Then she said, "I know she raised him or whatever. But..blah blah." That's is bitch, SHE RAISED HIM!!!!! I've never wanted to grab someone and shake the shit out of them so bad! Then she puts Jace in the middle again??? Barb needs to document everything Jenelle does & take it to her lawyer & try to keep Jenelle the hell away from her. Nathan needs to do the same with Kaiser. Is Jenelle that stupid? Or is it that she just doesn't care?? She can't keep asking Jace where he wants to go & what he wants to do. He's a kid. He's gonna tell whoever he's with what they want to hear. Jace was fucked before he was even born, he didn't have a chance. I feel bad because he's going to have so many issues when he gets older. He's going to end up in Juvenile & probably prison if someone doesn't get Jenelle away from him. Or (and I pray this doesn't happen) one of Jenelle's boyfriends are going to hurt him in some way. She doesn't deserve children. Ok, my rant is over. I don't let people I know in real life make me this angry- but I just can't help it with her.

  • Love 5
Hell, I've defended Leah several times. Not because I like her, but because it's clear to me that she has problems & she's suffering & I don't like to see anyone suffer.


You've got a point here, I really hadn't thought of it this way.  I hate seeing what Leah's choices are doing to her kids, but she does love them I believe. She really needs help and all snark aside, I truly hope she gets it.

There IS no help for Jenelle, I don't think.  I don't even play an internet doctor, so I won't speculate about her diagnosis, but I don't think there's medicine for what ails her.

  • Love 4

You've got a point here, I really hadn't thought of it this way.  I hate seeing what Leah's choices are doing to her kids, but she does love them I believe. She really needs help and all snark aside, I truly hope she gets it.

There IS no help for Jenelle, I don't think.  I don't even play an internet doctor, so I won't speculate about her diagnosis, but I don't think there's medicine for what ails her.

I also believe Leah loves her kids. I think a huge part of her problem is that she's never had to take responsibility for anything her entire life. Well, that was fine while she was a cheerleader trotting around acting like the queen of the holler. But, she never made the change from popular high school girl to parent and has made some horrible mistakes because she still behaves like she's 16. Nothing's ever her fault and she's had a whole bunch of people agreeing with her and chiming in to blame everyone else for the messes she creates. Unfortunately, there are three children that are suffering because of her irresponsibility. Leah can get sober, grow up, take responsibility for her actions and learn to be a decent parent. Jenelle, no chance. She'll never give a shit about anything but herself, her dick of the month and making other people miserable.

  • Love 7

I'm wondering how child support works when the mothers are potentially making hundreds of thousands per year from this show. If the dads make a much smaller amount from the show, it seems that even if they do have a job (like Adumb's training), their income wouldn't come close to the mothers.


That's what I was thinking. In most cases it seems like the moms would owe the dads child support, depending on how much time they each have the kids.

  • Love 2

I think it's mean to predict a life of juvenile delinquency or emotional instability for Jace. He is just six years old. Barb may at some point find him a Big Brother or some other sort of mentor who will be a great support system and guide. He may as he gets older realize that his mother is a piece of shit and her behavior is no reflection on him and not let her and her bullshit affect his behavior. Barb said he's behaving well at school, so that's a start.

  • Love 5

That's what I was thinking. In most cases it seems like the moms would owe the dads child support, depending on how much time they each have the kids.


I think it would just mean the dads would have to pay less, but that they would still be required to pay something.


I know support varies state by state, so I looked up Delaware and here is a link to some info:





I know someone else will remember....doesn't jeremy pay Leah something ridic like 1700 a month for child support?  

  • Love 2

I think it would just mean the dads would have to pay less, but that they would still be required to pay something.


I know support varies state by state, so I looked up Delaware and here is a link to some info:





I know someone else will remember....doesn't jeremy pay Leah something ridic like 1700 a month for child support?  

Yes. When Leah came out after getting her final divorce papers she told Dawn that Germy would pay 1700+ a month for Addy. That seems insane for one kid. 


Thanks for the links. It looks like Delaware uses a very similar system as Washington state. Depending on each parent's income, they're each responsible for a percentage of the cost of raising the child. I bet once Kail discovered that because she makes more than Jo, she's expected to be responsible for a bigger percentage of the cost of raising Issac she decided to just go with what Jo is paying her.  She thought she could bully him into paying more and was shocked when he asked to see everything in black and white. Sorry Kail. Designer clothes and private schools aren't mandatory items a kid's dad has to fork out for.

  • Love 7

I think it would just mean the dads would have to pay less, but that they would still be required to pay something.


I know support varies state by state, so I looked up Delaware and here is a link to some info:





I know someone else will remember....doesn't jeremy pay Leah something ridic like 1700 a month for child support?

It has been posted before, but allow me to repost the info.

Jeremy pays that amount because he also has to pay a portion towards Addy's housing needs. Addy is entitled to have what she had before her daddy left her mother. The house Leah and Addy lived in was given to Jeremy in the divorce because it is on his parents' property. Leah was given a supplement in her child support that is supposed to cover their housing needs.

When Jeremy walked into Leah and TR's house in that one scene, did he even acknowledge Ali and Grace?

  • Love 4

It has been posted before, but allow me to repost the info.

Jeremy pays that amount because he also has to pay a portion towards Addy's housing needs. Addy is entitled to have what she had before her daddy left her mother. The house Leah and Addy lived in was given to Jeremy in the divorce because it is on his parents' property. Leah was given a supplement in her child support that is supposed to cover their housing needs.

When Jeremy walked into Leah and TR's house in that one scene, did he even acknowledge Ali and Grace?

I thought the house belonged to Germy's parents and they were renting it from them? It looked like a manufactured home, maybe they bought it after they sold the first house to move into the apartment and Germy's folks let them put it on their property. I didn't see him acknowledge Ali or Grace but he may have and they edited it out. He did seem like he couldn't get out of there fast enough.

  • Love 1

I thought the house belonged to Germy's parents and they were renting it from them? It looked like a manufactured home, maybe they bought it after they sold the first house to move into the apartment and Germy's folks let them put it on their property. I didn't see him acknowledge Ali or Grace but he may have and they edited it out. He did seem like he couldn't get out of there fast enough.

You could be correct about the house. I don't remember all the details. If that was the case, it still left Leah needing to provide her child a home. The supporting parent is generally responsible for providing the needs of the child including the needs the child had before the dissolution of that child's parents' relationship. It is why so many athletes and other rich folk pony up the big bucks to their exes because the children in those relationships are entitled to continue to live the lifestyle they had prior to the break-up.

Jeremy also works out of town and does not have Addy in his care that often. Child support is also based on the percentage of time the child is with each parent. The more time Leah has Addy, the more money Jeremy has to pay.

  • Love 1

I don't see how Kailyn feels she can comment on how Jo is dressed inside his own home while there are pictures of her looking like...this...in public!! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3419976/Teen-Mom-2-star-Kailyn-Lowry-pictured-enjoying-french-fries-Miami-just-ONE-WEEK-undergoing-Brazilian-Butt-Lift.html

How does looking like that in public reflect on HER? Seriously, 99% of people, in Walmart, at 2am, are better put together. That hair "style"...? I get she just had surgery recently in these pics but there is no excuse for the nastiness of her hair here.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7

I think that when they moved into the apartment they were buying a mobile home and it was put on Jeremy's parents property, Along with one of the girlses therapy horse.  Wonder whatever happened to that poor thing.  Leah was caught on the deer cam having her man of the moment sneak in and that's when it all blew up.

That's they way I remember them winding up living there. Can you imagine the convo with Germy's folks when they checked the card in the camera?


"Hi son. I hope you had a decent week at work and can rest up while you're home. But, I have something I need to tell you before you get home. Ya'll know I set up a deer cam to see if there were any coming around before deer season opens next month. Well, I checked it the other day and I didn't see any deer but I did see a guy climbing out your bedroom window just as it was getting light out last Thursday."

  • Love 7

Barb raised Jenelle, and look how well that turned out.

If Barb was abusive or gave her kids a shitty childhood then yes that's her fault. However Jenelle isn't a kid. She's a grown ass adult. Barbara didn't get her pregnant. Barbara didn't put drugs in her system. Barbara didn't put her in jail. Jenelle did. Jenelle is responsible for her actions. A lot of adults had shitty childhoods but they don't act like Jenelle.

  • Love 10


I assure you I'm not making it up.  She actually does drag the stool, climbs up and grabs her toothbrush, putting it into her mouth.  I tried to post a picture in this response in case you think I'd care enough to make it up, but can't figure out how.


I believe you.  I'm just picturing her doing it like an adult and it's a funny picture.  The problem with kids around the kindergarten age is that they can do it, but they don't typically do it correctly or for the right amount of time.  They do need "coaching," maybe not every time but they aren't ready to be on their own.

  • Love 3

The thing that sh*ts me about Leah is that rules just don't apply to her.  She seems to think that if she doesn't agree with the custody order, it can't possibly be real.  Guess what Leah, the court system doesn't give a damn about your opinion if you have been proven to not provide a safe and stable home for your children.  YOU are at fault here.  It isn't mean old Corey abducting the girlses in the middle of the night, it is a legal professional deciding that YOU fucked up and that you shouldn't have primary custody.  

Leah has made a series of bad decisions, none of which are apparently her fault. Although no one held a gun to her head and forced her to cheat on either husband or have another baby or move 45mins away from school or shoved pills in her mouth or smoke/text/nod off while driving.  Leah isn't a teenage mother anymore and that sh*t about not having support just doesn't fly when everyone short of local dog groomer has watched her kids.  She is 23 and if she loves her girlses as much as she says she does, everything is going to have to change. 

  • Love 9

If Barb was abusive or gave her kids a shitty childhood then yes that's her fault. However Jenelle isn't a kid. She's a grown ass adult. Barbara didn't get her pregnant. Barbara didn't put drugs in her system. Barbara didn't put her in jail. Jenelle did. Jenelle is responsible for her actions. A lot of adults had shitty childhoods but they don't act like Jenelle.

My guess is Barbara was pretty close to Janelle. Not abusive in an overt sense, but neglectful, unstable, and very needy. Minus the cameras and the MTV money I think Janelle's childhood is pretty much what we see Jace and Kieser go through. I think that's one of the reasons Janelle hates Barbara so much and is so resentful of Barbara's relationship with Jace. Barbara is being the mom to Jace she wasn't with Janelle. Hey, I feel for Barbara. I really do. She's in a shitty situation, but Lord even in brief TV snippets I can see the never ending pit of emotional need she is. Has there ever been a scene when Barbara wasn't complaining or accusing someone of being mean to her? She is dealing with Janelle so lots of it is legit, but still... I couldn't deal with her. I can only imagine what she was like before old age mellowed her.

  • Love 4

Regarding that trailer on Jeremy's parents' property. We saw Leah & Jeremy shopping for it at Clayton Homes. I know this from experience: when you buy a manufactured home (at least from there) the loan is secured on the property it's to sit on. We bought my husband's parents' house 12 years ago with the agreement they could put a 4bed/3bath MH further down on the land. They paid $77,000 for it and the deposit was our WHOLE property. Therefore, had they defaulted on the loan, we'd have lost our acreage and house. After about 5 years, they STILL owed $77,000 on it despite paying from the original monthly payment of $575 to an increase to $800+ per month. (Don't deal with Vanderbilt Mortgage or 21st Mortgage, their goal is to keep upping the monthly payments until you go into foreclosure and they take EVERYTHING. I'm not even exaggerating, google it) The in-laws decided to remortgage so we could have our bloody house we'd already paid them for free and clear and abstracted the property.
SO, my guess is, Jeremy was awarded the hefty payments on the mobile because he probably co-signed with his parents anyway and he'll be paying for it until it's just a frame flapping in the wind.
Sorry to go on. :(

  • Love 1

Does anyone know what the arrangement is as far as when Isaac is with Jo? Does Jo have Isaac every weekend (every other weekend?) and Kail during the week? I remember when Jo first moved near Kail, he didn't want to increase the time he had with Isaac. I can't recall his reasoning but I remember thinking it was a bit weird -- he move states to be nearer to Isaac but doesn't want more time. Then he has a child with Vee and has all the time in the world for her, 24/7, because he apparently has nothing else going on.

Edited by starfire
  • Love 2

A few comments- I too think Nathan seems a lot more balanced (yes a horrible temper but I have to say that Jenelle unfortunately seems to be quite the catalyst or shit stirrer). Kaiser is adorable.

The comment about Leah and Queen of the Holler is a stellar.

The scene with Chelsea and Aubrey - I too wonder how much editing went into that. I actually thought that Chelsea was quite composed, and firm. I sense it is a case of Aubrey acting out when she comes home and re-entering. I think Chelsea could have given in and been more cuddly and given but as a parent sometimes it just seems endless and at least she didn't get enraged. Aubrey was likely exhausted and if it wasnt one thing it would be another.

  • Love 3

It has been posted before, but allow me to repost the info.

Jeremy pays that amount because he also has to pay a portion towards Addy's housing needs. Addy is entitled to have what she had before her daddy left her mother. The house Leah and Addy lived in was given to Jeremy in the divorce because it is on his parents' property. Leah was given a supplement in her child support that is supposed to cover their housing needs.

When Jeremy walked into Leah and TR's house in that one scene, did he even acknowledge Ali and Grace?


I didn't know that, thanks for sharing. I'm surprised though that they would build a housing allowance into a support payment- when one spouse is awarded an asset like a house, don't they just usually pay a one time cash settlement to the spouse walking away? Given the short amount of time they had that house, there couldn't have been too much equity in it. That doesn't really seem fair to stick Jeremy with what is probably a hefty mortgage AND covering Leah's housing needs. Although why Jeremy even wanted to keep the house is weird to me.


I didn't see him interact with the other girls, but I am hoping it just wasn't shown. He seemed to have a decent relationship with them so I would think he would at least say hi. Then again, who knows what Leah has shared with her 5-6 year olds about him.



My guess is Barbara was pretty close to Janelle. Not abusive in an overt sense, but neglectful, unstable, and very needy. Minus the cameras and the MTV money I think Janelle's childhood is pretty much what we see Jace and Kieser go through. I think that's one of the reasons Janelle hates Barbara so much and is so resentful of Barbara's relationship with Jace. Barbara is being the mom to Jace she wasn't with Janelle. Hey, I feel for Barbara. I really do. She's in a shitty situation, but Lord even in brief TV snippets I can see the never ending pit of emotional need she is. Has there ever been a scene when Barbara wasn't complaining or accusing someone of being mean to her? She is dealing with Janelle so lots of it is legit, but still... I couldn't deal with her. I can only imagine what she was like before old age mellowed her.


I definitely think Barb has some major failings as a parent- lack of temper control, some issues with boundaries, not following through with consequences,making inappropriate threats to kids, etc. but I still see her way above Jenelle, and I am not even talking about Jace here. Even though she's frequently screaming at Jenelle or cursing her out, you can tell Barb still cares about Jenelle. She may be a shitty mother, but she does honestly not want to see Jenelle in pain and she does love her. I do not think Jenelle is capable of loving someone, particularly not a kid who requires far more than what they can give back. I have seen no indication that Jenelle feels anything for either of her kids other than what they can do for her. Jace is a pawn in a power struggle between her and her mom, and Kaiser is a pawn to use against Nathan. If Nathan and Barb both fell off the face of the earth tomorrow, I think Jenelle would leave both kids in a department store and never look back.


As far as Nathan vs. Jenelle as parents- I do think Nathan has some genuine affection for Kaiser that Jenelle lacks. That said, he's extremely irresponsible and selfish, and affection alone isn't going to motivate him to put Kaiser's needs ahead of his own, ever.

  • Love 8
I think it's mean to predict a life of juvenile delinquency or emotional instability for Jace. He is just six years old. Barb may at some point find him a Big Brother or some other sort of mentor who will be a great support system and guide. He may as he gets older realize that his mother is a piece of shit and her behavior is no reflection on him and not let her and her bullshit affect his behavior. Barb said he's behaving well at school, so that's a start.


Regardless of what Barb does or doesn't do (and I think she could definitely be doing more NOW), Jace could still turn out fine. There are plenty of people who come from horrible backgrounds and rise it above it all and vow to do things differently, and become very successful in their own way. And I really hope that happens for Jace. But there are also plenty of people who get trapped in a cycle of abuse and violence and toxic relationships, and I don't think it's remiss for anyone to bring that up as a valid concern for Jace. 

  • Love 8

If Barb was abusive or gave her kids a shitty childhood then yes that's her fault. However Jenelle isn't a kid. She's a grown ass adult. Barbara didn't get her pregnant. Barbara didn't put drugs in her system. Barbara didn't put her in jail. Jenelle did. Jenelle is responsible for her actions. A lot of adults had shitty childhoods but they don't act like Jenelle.


I don't think that was the poster's point.  She was responding to someone who said that it's not fair to assume Jace will end up messed up because of Jenelle because he's being raised by Barb.  Yet, Barb is the one who raised Jenelle and look how she turned out.  That's not to say Jenelle isn't responsible for her own behavior, but to say that just because Jace isn't being raised by her doesn't mean he's out of the woods as far as having future problems goes.

I believe you.  I'm just picturing her doing it like an adult and it's a funny picture.  The problem with kids around the kindergarten age is that they can do it, but they don't typically do it correctly or for the right amount of time.  They do need "coaching," maybe not every time but they aren't ready to be on their own.


Sorry, I misunderstood.  It's definitely hilarious!  Especially since she can barely see over the sink.  :D

  • Love 2
I don't think that was the poster's point.  She was responding to someone who said that it's not fair to assume Jace will end up messed up because of Jenelle because he's being raised by Barb.  Yet, Barb is the one who raised Jenelle and look how she turned out.  That's not to say Jenelle isn't responsible for her own behavior, but to say that just because Jace isn't being raised by her doesn't mean he's out of the woods as far as having future problems goes.


And I think that's a very valid point. I've been saying it for years. Barb is a better choice than Jenelle, for a few reasons. One, she is present. She doesn't go around partying or chasing dudes. She is there, she makes sure his physical needs are met, and he's relatively safe. Also, I do think she at least shows him affection, whereas Jenelle is a soulless sociopath and has no feelings for anyone. 


That being said, Barb can definitely be a volatile person, and I have no doubt that being raised by her contributed somewhat to how Jenelle is now. So that makes me worry for Jace. Barb is a yeller. She can be verbally abusive. She has told Jace if he doesn't behave, he'll have to find somewhere else to live. You don't issue those kinds of threats to a child. I'm sure the woman has been overworked and stressed out her entire life, and that might explain her lazy way of parenting - let a lot of shit slide until she explodes. But at the end of the day, I'm most worried about the kids, who don't have ANY opportunities to change their situation. 

  • Love 6

That's they way I remember them winding up living there. Can you imagine the convo with Germy's folks when they checked the card in the camera?


"Hi son. I hope you had a decent week at work and can rest up while you're home. But, I have something I need to tell you before you get home. Ya'll know I set up a deer cam to see if there were any coming around before deer season opens next month. Well, I checked it the other day and I didn't see any deer but I did see a guy climbing out your bedroom window just as it was getting light out last Thursday."


  • Love 1

The point that I was trying to make about Barb, is that she raised three fuck-ups who've all ran afoul with the law. Honestly I don't think her parenting style is all that different with Jace than it was with her original set of kids. In one scene she told Jace he'd have to live elsewhere if he didn't behave better, and she constantly engages in arguments with Jenelle in Jace's presence. I believe she's trying her best, but she's a wreck herself. I certainly don't wish a life of delinquency on a six year-old, but the odds aren't exactly in his favor. No father, sociopath mother, emotionally damaged grandmother. If Jace breaks the cycle, it will be a miracle.

  • Love 4

Do we know ANYTHING about Jenelle's dad? I guess I remember hearing he was abusive and they've obviously divorced at this point but anything else? Is he in Jenelle's life at all? If not when did he "leave"? Has he met Jace? Does he live in the area? Anything?



And while we're at it, where's magic Mike?  Certainly the fling w/the Hooters waitress has run its course.  Can't he beg his way back into Barb's life to

give Jace a male figure, even if he is a bit older.

  • Love 1

Does anyone know what the arrangement is as far as when Isaac is with Jo? Does Jo have Isaac every weekend (every other weekend?) and Kail during the week? I remember when Jo first moved near Kail, he didn't want to increase the time he had with Isaac. I can't recall his reasoning but I remember thinking it was a bit weird -- he move states to be nearer to Isaac but doesn't want more time. Then he has a child with Vee and has all the time in the world for her, 24/7, because he apparently has nothing else going on.

Let me help answer your question.

Jo said he did not want to disrupt Isaac's schedule. He said his son is comfortable with the routine set forth. Jo did ask Kail about being able to pick up Isaac to take him to school, pick him up, take him out once in a while to the park, ice cream, etc. Kail also made it clear she was not going to let Jo change the visitation schedule just because he is nearby. I

  • Love 4

I think it's totally possible Jace will end up just fine. I'm more concerned for Kaiser at this point. Not getting attention/bonding with caregivers at Kaiser's age can mess someone up for life. You can google stories about horrible Eastern European orphanages and the babies there who develop RAD or emotional attachment disorders that make their lives (and their adopted parents' lives) extremely difficult. Jace had Barb to care for him when he was a baby/toddler and bonded with her. You can tell he loves her and considers her his real mom. Poor Kaiser seems to only have Jenelle since Nathan & Jenelle split. I just hope he's getting some time with Nathan's mom or someone at daycare who he is bonding with. Right now, Kaiser's situation raises much more concern for me than Jace's. Barb is far from perfect but Jace knows she loves him. Poor Kaiser has Jenelle......

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 12

The comment about Leah and Queen of the Holler is a stellar.

The scene with Chelsea and Aubrey - I too wonder how much editing went into that. I actually thought that Chelsea was quite composed, and firm. I sense it is a case of Aubrey acting out when she comes home and re-entering. I think Chelsea could have given in and been more cuddly and given but as a parent sometimes it just seems endless and at least she didn't get enraged. Aubrey was likely exhausted and if it wasnt one thing it would be another.

Queen of the Holler is what I've always called Leah to myself! Great minds think alike!


Aubree and Chelsea--Chelsea says "go brush your teeth and I'll put your pj's on". So it was bedtime. Chelsea's routine must be pj's and brush teeth, then story and cuddle time. Aubree went from zero to sixty in a second, and I thought Chelsea did pretty well with following through and standing firm. Changing her mind was the last thing she should have done, imo. Its just like when you pick up your kid who's been a perfect angel all day at day care or school, and they throw a complete wobbler once you show up. They've been maintaining all day but feel safe enough to lose it once a parent is on the scene. Aubree had been with Adam (or his parents) all weekend, probably on her best behavior, and is finally free to let that tension go once she's home. Its weird but its true. For Chelsea to cave in and let Aubree have her way would not have been a good idea. mileage, varies, etc. 

  • Love 1

Let me help answer your question.

Jo said he did not want to disrupt Isaac's schedule. He said his son is comfortable with the routine set forth. Jo did ask Kail about being able to pick up Isaac to take him to school, pick him up, take him out once in a while to the park, ice cream, etc. Kail also made it clear she was not going to let Jo change the visitation schedule just because he is nearby. I

I agree. Plus Kail freaked the hell out when Jo & Vee moved into their neighborhood, even going as far as to buy another home & move into another neighborhood. Can you imagine the freak out and Hulk-smash session Kail would have had if Jo had dared to both move to Delaware and pursue a change in visitation? My guess is Jo figured one thing at a time and that he didn't want to get his head shaken by Kail (and then have her make a false report saying that he had attacked her, as she did previously).

I've seen lots of kids with older, more educated, & stricter parents have way worse/tantrums and meltdowns than what Aubree had. It happens, particularly when coming home from a weekend someplace where the rules are different. I imagine it happens more when the cameras are around too.  I would hate being on this show because I know my normally well-behaved child would likely have a meltdown when the cameras were rolling.  And really, that wasn't that bad of a tantrum.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 7

Aubree is going to be an absolute nightmare once Chelsea and Cole get married and another baby comes into the picture. To me, six is a little old to be pitching toddler style tantrums. I couldn't deal with that. I do sympathize with Chelsea because it's hard to discipline the way you really want to when the cameras are rolling. It sounds to me like Adam's parents should be dropping Aubree off earlier, that way she can ease back into her routine rather than getting home and going straight to bed.

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