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S15.E21: Top 3 Perform

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Week after week, each finalist has done their best to win the hearts of America. Find out who must say goodbye and who has earned a spot in the coveted Top 3.

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The one moment I loved most of all tonight was LaPorcha's "Heck no, I hated that song!" post-performance talk and how angry it made Scott Borchetta. LOL!


All the stuff about it being the last show, the last critique on that stage, Ryan mentioning the moving trucks...it all got to me. Sob.

Edited by LexieLily
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Mackenzie: Why is Mackenzie wearing a shirt with mistletoe on it? I love the taped part where he has trepidation at shooting a basketball. Because that's normal. And dude, his pediatrician's name is Dr. Emenim (M&M)! That's kinda awesome. More breathy bitchassness from Mackenzie. "Hallelujah" is one of the main songs he can sing. And I'm sorry, but Mackenzie hasn't grown a lot. I mean, maybe he's a bit less scared to be on stage, but when has Mackenzie hit a note that surprised you? Please.


Hey Sonika!


Dalton: Dalton reminds me of that dude on that episode of Buffy who wore that jacket that made women go crazy for him. Dalton looks like Adam Lambert mixed with Aaron Paul. Aaand he's crying again. Ever since Tristan left, Dalton's been a pain-bow. But you know, I can't really talk shit about him after the ketchup/grape jelly meatballs. That shit is the business. That performance was poop emoji, though. Maybe even two.


If my baby gets cold, and it needs a blanket, it's alright because i have it, and if my baby needs a pacifier, it's alright because I have three of them.


Trent: I believe Trent is more savvy than he lets on. Sometimes he acts like he's never touched a booby, but other times he has a sly look like a Southern gigolo. Did he play Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat? And Trent is handling himself very well for his Hometown Hero Welcome. Mackenzie and Dalton were balls of nerves and emotions. Trent looks in control. Like I said, the boy is savvy. The kid's a star. This performance...kinda proves it. He kinda needs to win. La'Porsha's a talented singer and sweet girl, but she's not a star.


You guys! What do you think is up with Trent and his dad?! There was a long, warm embrace between him and his mom. His dad came out and put his hands in his pockets, then gave him a quick, formal hug, then put his hands back in his pockets. And Trent patted him on the head, like a little brother. Either his mom remarried after he got grown or his dad...doesn't approve. I don't know, but it's some bullshit going on, y'all.


La'Porsha: La'Porsha's a pretty girl. Like, up close. And her pastor saying "humble" with a silent "h" makes me irrationally angry. She looks like Shemekia Copeland with the dreads, though. La'Porsha can do runs, but someone needs to tell her to use them sparingly. Overusing them at the end of every third phrase looks basic. It might work for contemporary gospel songs, but historically singers who were reared in church have had to learn to not be too "church-y". Very good choice of song, too. I like that she said her hometown should come together over issues like racism if they can come together over her. Good point.


Mackenzie don't break my heart. Aww. "I'll do it for you". AI was kinda fucked up for that. If Dalton's ass made it, y'all could've called him up last. I don't like liking people when they're about to go home. Dammit. Mackenzie, I wish you well. Hopefully you get on a indie label and just tour forever. Maybe that "Roses" song will get on the radio because it's kind of a hit. Damn.


Scott Borchetta looks like if Donny Osmond tried to be a bad boy.


Dalton: Meh. It sucked and didn't suck. In other words: it's another Dalton performance. This is why Idol is going off the air. It's a singing competition. Not every good singer needs to be able to sing a Celine Dion ballad, but you have to be able to sing. Dalton can turn in some interesting performances, if I'm being charitable, but dude can't deliver the goods when it counts, which is all the time, because it's a singing competition. It's funny that Dalton is the male equivalent of Jax.


La'Porsha: It was bawdy and impassioned, but the arrangement was kinda off. And it seemed like she was kinda under the key. I love her honesty, though. She was real when she said she wasn't going to beg a man to stay with her. That was some real shit. It was...insincere, but La'Porsha needs to realize she'll have to sing bullshit if she gets signed to a major label.


Trent: Another song about liquor. Wow, Trent sounds eerily like JT. This wasn't a great performance, but it's not a great song. It was interesting and like J. Pez said, that's singing to win. Trent ain't playing with y'all.


Oooh I wanna play a guitar with two of those handles on it. #dumbassthoughts This sounds like the main track from the soundtrack of a summer chick flick.


My name is Victoria, and I'm 15 years old, and I don't care what m'mama says I'm gonna have a baby!


Dalton: Well, Dalton. You had a good run. Singing things in their original key is for good singers who have range. Not cutie-patooties who can carry a tune.


Burger King? I wont be eating fucking Satan's Whopper. Just like I wasn't fucking with those black Darth Vader buns.


La'Porsha: It was a good song by a good singer, but that's all. And like I said, La'Porsha's inability to sing straight vocal lines makes her sound amateur. I love "Hello" (even though it's overdone), but there's a way to sing a song like that without sounding amateur.


If I was on AI, and they came to my hometown, they would have to go to the several street corners I used to work. And I don't know if they would want me to turn a trick like on camera. But I could. Trust me on that.


Trent: See, this is why Trent is a star and La'Porsha's not. Trent has good technique, but he knows how to wring out emotion, seduction, and drama without feeling diminished by playing a character or singing a song he doesn't directly relate to.

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Well, no tour for this year. That really sucks because I would have gone to this one. I went to the first year plus years 7 and 8. Hoping that Dalton goes on tour or does some local shows so I can see him. Also sucks they can't get any money from the tour.




I was shown during Dalton's homecoming at the School of Rock section, with my hand waving towards the back of the crowd! WAHOO!! Now, I need to find the video and pause it to see it again. LOL


I wish Mac all the best. His Hallelujah was really beautiful. I really felt for him when he was up there with LaPorsha and was saying "I can tell you right now..." Aww.


Dalton really came alive during Calling You! I'm so glad they all got to go home and get a refresher. It helped all of their performances.

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We may all have different favorite contestants but can we all take a moment to agree that Scott Borchetta is the creepiest creeper who ever did creep? He seemed extra creepy and try-hard to me tonight. He makes my skin crawl. Ew.

My favorite moment by far was LaPorsha laying it down about why she hated the song Scott picked for her. Tell him, LaPorsha.

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Trent: See, this is why Trent is a star and La'Porsha's not. Trent has good technique, but he knows how to wring out emotion, seduction, and drama without feeling diminished by playing a character or singing a song he doesn't directly relate to.


Exactly. LaPorsha showed where she falls short: a really great singer can make you feel the song even if they're not feeling it -- and even established recording artists don't always have control over every song they record. She wasn't feeling it and the performance fell flat. While she has an excellent voice, it's not in any way unique, where Trent's voice could easily become recognizable after a couple of songs. He also conveys the meaning behind each song as if he believes and feels it. I never thought I'd want him for the win at the beginning of the competition, but he's really grown throughout. Trent for the win (but I don't care enough to vote!)

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Trent did play Joseph in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat when a student at Amory High School.  This was such a great production that The Orpheum in Memphis asked them to come put on the musical there,

That is his father, parents still married and together.

Edited by thiskiss
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It was really heartbreaking when Mack was like, "I'll do it.  I'll do it."  and LaPorsha was like "Stop, stop, stop."  And I am really glad Mack was 4th, but still, wow he broke my heart with that reaction.   And LaPorsha too, so gracious.  And Ryan was so gracious about it when he saw Mack's weird reaction.


La'Porsha saying Fuck You to Scott.  She is so amazing, I have gained a whole new respect for her.


[Grassy Knoll] so they cooed all over LaPorsha's admittedly BEAUTIFUL child and gave her like the MOST popular song of all time.  They gave Dalton a 1980s song that I personally love but that the youth of today probably DON'T.  I doubt they watched the Dennis fucking Miller show.  Then they shit alllllll over his performance.  


No matter what happens, I never remember that Trent is there.  Dalton versus La'Porsha please.  Trent winning is the most anti-climactic idea of all time.   I don't understand how someone could stay Trent is a star and La'Porsha is not.  Week after week, I never remember that Trent exists.  


I for one, thought La'Porsha KILLED that song she didn't want to sing.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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All those grannies gushing over Dalton was just the cutest thing ever.

Trent's puppy is so adorable, and I want it.

LaPorsha's baby is beautiful.

= Even playing field in the world of living and breathing props.


I'm so sad for the end of this show, but I do believe it ended years ago. This season seems so 'off'. I tried to drum up some interest with some people who used to love it, but got nowhere.

Edited by drafan
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I wonder why La’Porsha performed last in the first round, but Trent went last in the other two?


Mixed bag seeing MacKenzie go. On the one hand, he and Trent were the biggest threats for La'Porsha. On the other hand, if La’Porsha doesn’t win, I would rather have seen him take it than the other two, tbh. He was the only one of the guys I'd possibly have bought an album by. No way could I listen to Trent's try-hard high notes.


I thought "Glory" was La'Porsha's best performance, but I did like the other two. "Hello" just doesn't fit her, but she did okay. I like her new hair better than the broccoli, but at times she looks like the alien from Predator.

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La'Porsha was the frontrunner all season. It was really only last week that it became obvious Trent might snatch the crown from her. If Trent wins it won't be anti-climactic but rather one of those times where someone sneaks up from behind and pulls out the win kind of like how Nick did last year.  God knows it sure seems now like he has Scott backing him so it will be interesting to see the songs next week..that said..I think his song choice for Trent backfired.  The choice sounded good on paper (and a big deal that Timberlake granted the rights to one of his songs) but the performance ended up sort of a mess.


I continue to be amazed that Dalton is a vocal coach and I'll leave it at that.

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Though I think Mackenzie is a better singer than Dalton, I think Dalton has a far better stage presence to Mackenzie so I have no complaints about the results tonight. I liked Mackenzie a lot in the beginning but all his performances now run together for me and I can barely remember what he sang week to week. Either he or Dalton should have been the one going home tonight. It didn't really matter to me which of the two of them it was. He seemed like a nice kid though and I did really like that Roses song. Good luck to him.

I thought Dalton was way better this week than last week with the exception of that judges choice song tonight which was rough. I like Dalton enough when I actually watch his performance. He has an engaging stage presence that pulls you in. But last week I was showing someone else the performances on YouTube and after I started Dalton's God Only Knows I walked away and realized that when you are not watching him while he sings, the singing is not great and is barely good. Problematic. I am also pretty much over the emo/wild eyes he pulls out for almost every performance. Tonight was especially eye roll inducing for me. I totally get his appeal and think there is a real path for him to be successful but he is just not my cup of tea. He also seems like a nice kid though. His hometown visit was sweet.

As I said last week, I am all in for Trent. He is the only one of the remaining three who keeps me consistently engaged in his whole performance. I thought the JT song was a big miss for him but I can't tell if it was the song or his performance of it that I didn't like. But his other two performances were great. He pulls me in, I believe every performance, I would buy his CD, I would go see his show. He entertains me. My only concern with him is that while I want him to win, I don't want him saddled with a Scott Borchetta. Ugh. I'd actually be curious to see him collaborate with Harry on something. I am a huge Harry fan (his terrible performance from earlier in the season aside) and they both have a certain quirky, Southern vibe that I'd love to see working together. I know Harry's wheelhouse is jazz but he does a lot of other stuff too and I think Trent is similarly verasatile. I think they'd do something interesting. Trent also seems like a nice guy. Really, all the contestants this season have come across as nice, sincere, polite, cooperative people which has been enjoyable.

LaPorsha earned a couple of votes from me just for her public shade on Scott's song choice. Good for her for noting and feeling uncomfortable with the dichotomy between her last performance last week and that song. I thought her first two performances weremuch better than her rendition of Hello but she was good in all three. I think it should come down to LaPorsha and Trent in the final two. I also appreciated her comments about her hometown visit and her hopes that the community coming together for her could also come together for much larger issues. It was a nice observation and an acknowledgement of how silly the fame game can be. Kudos to her for seemingly having her head on straight.

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I inferred that they appeared in reverse order of the voting (4th--1st) to perform the first song, then they performed in the order they [show] want them to finish:  Dalto 3rd, La'Porsha 2nd, and Trent winning.  The song choices (Borchetta's  then judge's) were selected to:  expose Dalton's weak voice;  get La'Porsha out of her comfort zone, force the audience to compare her to Adele (La'P just not in Adele's class!), that state that La'P typically only signs in a limited range (comfort zone) in order to berate her;  then pick "tailor-made" songs in order for Trent to excel--and praise him excessively for his performances.  

Yes, I believe Trent "won" the night in all three areas--song choices, the actual singing, and the praise (tongue-bath) from the judges.  Dalton was crucified in all three areas--songs that were wrong for him, inferior performances, and then peed-on by the judges.  Trent is third of three!  La'Porsha had her crown removed by the show--and she is being set-up to finish 2nd.  Therefore, Trent is the new TCO.  

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MacKenzie's "Hallelujah" may have been his best performance of the season.


Why did that girl at Dalton's homecoming have a white face?


Trent is the best.


La'Porsha will probably wind up as a gospel singer.


Dalton looked surprised that he wasn't voted off.


I knew MacKenzie was going after last week.


Would somebody buy Borchetta some shampoo, please?


Dalton's "Dancing in the Dark" was pretty weak.


La'Porsha's second song wasn't that good.  She had no emotion. Having a problem singing a song is something she's going to have to deal with.  If she wins this she's going to have to put out a whole album of songs she isn't going to like.


Trent killed it.


I would love to see Trent win it, but I expect it's going to be La'Porsha.

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Why, when Dalton sings, does he try to sound like he's British?   That and his 80's guyliner + his inability to, you know, SING, makes me not like him so much.


Trent FTW just cuz he's not as derivative as the rest.


Porsche looked great in that Nordstrom dress, and she's an awesome backup singer.  Nothing wrong with that.


MacKenzie.  Dude, how you got as far as you did with your five-note whispery range mystifies me.   So good on you, I guess.

Edited by Hildegard802
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We've been saddled with a lot of judge/mentor people on American Idol I'd like to forget: Randy Johnson (incoherent), Kara DioGuardi (somehow catty and desperate at the same time), Nicki Minaj (uncouth), Uncle Clive (ice water in the veins). But Prosciutto is just the worst ever. Jimmy Iovine "played" a jerk. He had that brash New York straight-talker shtick going, and he indulged in audience-influencing hijinks, but I always thought he was substantive. Scotty just emanates shadiness from every pore, and I don't even think his career advice would be worth much, because he doesn't seem especially smart or clever. He's the kind of person you point to in order to warn people away from the music business. 


Dalton really had no clue what to do with that Tears for Fears song. I'm not sure there was a key to put it in that he could have managed easily. Either he'd never heard the song before this week or he was aware of it but had never really listened to it until he had to brush up on it. Either way, he felt no connection to it, and he quickly found out he couldn't sing it well, so he gave the kind of performance a "theatrical" person gives in such conditions. A lot of wandering around and faces and gestures he hoped would add up to something. It's kind of embarrassing when a judges' pick is so awful, because so often they say "I don't know if that was the right song for you" or "I wouldn't have picked that song for you."  

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I'm all in for Trent. While I recognize La Porsha's talent, were it not for Trent I would never have kept watching. At one point, I liked Avalon, but, it's been Trent from day one. He's the only one that's uniquely interesting to me.

Bruschetta reminds me of the character on Nashville, slimy. I still remember his Holiday Inn nastiness to Clark last year and believe that's the true him.

For some reason, he started following me on Twitter which confuses me as I never tweet about Idol.

Super cute baby and pup tonight. I think Ryan will miss the show.

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In the history of the show, with Simon at his absolute petulant/self-indulgent worse, there has never been an episode where the contestants were shown to be this unnecessary.  Ricky Mancuso was more important to 19E than Dalton!  


Poor Trent got the mix from hell on his second song.  All I could hear was a screaming lead guitar and the back-ups.  He was eaten alive.  Dalton was similarly overwhelmed on the Springsteen song, but it was entirely due to his weak voice.   I give credit to Minor and the gang for cranking out a hot beat, but man, that was a Stage 36 freeze out.  


Keith's song wasn't turrible, but it was a poor hybrid of Bon Jovi and The Who.  What is unforgivable is that the banjo part, excepting the solo he performed, was tracked.  The one thing he is known for - picking strings?  We were cheated out of that.


HCJ, JLo and Sprinkles all were appropriately formal and cleaned up real good.  Keith?  Would it kill him to just once conform?


This is the only season evah that I pegged each launching in order.   I am trying to figure out why that is.  Scary karma, y'all.  Anyway, I'm going with Trent as the winner.  Southern.  Cute.  Whitebread.  Unthreatening.  That is a classic recipe for AI votes.  I would give it him on merit, by a skosh, over La'Porsha.

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La'Porsha & Trent deserve to be the final 2, that will be a great showdown..i don't think anything is solid when it comes to La'Porsha or Trent winning..but proved themselves once more tonight. Either one of them could take it.

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I'm all in for Trent at this point too. He's interesting even when he's not perfect. I loved his 2nd JT song. Bandzilla is outta control but he sang the crap out of it. Loved how invested he was in the performance. It was my favorite from him and favorite of the night.

La'Porsha is always good too. She's such a well-developed singer at her age. If we are comparing development, Porsha is ahead of Trent but Trent has so much raw talent it's insane. He will only go up from here.

Both are deserving winners but my personal preference is Trent.

I will be ok with any combi in the finale as long as it includes Trent. Dalton is not the strongest singer but I do see what his fans see in him and can appreciate it.

Edited by waving feather
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Sorry to see MacKenzie go because I liked his musical style the best.  He was the only contestant who'd put out music I might seek out and listen to.  Oh well, at least that means I don't have to bother with next week.

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Dalton is not the strongest singer but I do see what his fans see in him and can appreciate it.

Thank you. That is much appreciated by this Dalton fan.

I want Trent to win, because I do not want Dalton (or LaP) saddled with mushface Borchetta. Blergh. I think he wants Trent anyway, due to his country-ish overtones.

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I was really looking forward to Trent singing "Drink You Away," after seeing it performed by JT & CS at the CMA's, but he was drowned out by the band & back ups, especially in the beginning.  Also the cameraman kept focusing on random lights before refocusing on Trent. Loved the other two performances of his. Didn't know the judge's pick but Trent sang the crap out of it!


I know Trent was superstitious about his family coming before the finale, so I hope he's wrong and it doesn't jinx him or distract him, although I love watching him and his Mom together. I think the relationship with his father is good, but maybe it's old school and showing overt affection, especially on National TV, is embarrassing to an old fashioned Southern Dad.


Felt bad for Mac being in the bottom two with LaPorshia. Of course he knew he was toast. So sweet and humble. Surprised to see LaPorshia in the bottom two, BTW. Doesn't bode well for her, although she did a great job last night. It's anyone's bet who will make the top two. I think Trent will make it, but Dalton could overtake LaPortia if his fans rally.


Excited for next week! Hope we see Simon at the judge's table for a bit.


Disappointed that they have already cancelled the tour. I went once when David Cook won. Would have definitely gone for the final season. I think more people than expected would have.

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Trent and La'Porsha for the finale please!  Dalton is a weak singer period and his romper room on the stage is repetitive in every song.  I think his only appeal has been visual and that won't pan out on radio or other auditory mediums.  Mackenzie has always been boring, sweet but boring.  3 nights next week?? 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I want Trent to win, but I do fear that with Scott they're going to try and turn him into a country crooner, like a better looking Gary LeVox or Sam Hunt with more sass. Trent's style and voice can fit some of the rootsier country pop out there, but he's not a country singer.

Whoever said La'Porsha is a good background singer was spot on. She's like the heavyset chick at a concert when the main singer lets her background singers show their stuff.

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I just realized something about La'Porsha's performances. She always starts off magnificent, with power and precision and just nails it, but as we reach the chorus and the later verses, the song always end up sounding similar. Is it just me? I think it's because she always do her signature runs, which sounds similar in all her songs.


Trent's style and voice can fit some of the rootsier country pop out there, but he's not a country singer.


To me, he is not a country singer, but he sings country REALLY well. Well, blusey country anyway, not the Carrie Underwood type or the bro-country that is so popular these days. I hate the country singers who sing with affected twangs or breaks in their voices. Trent can do country soul. I actually think he sounds better doing blues/soul/country than Pop. Anyway, I just like the sound of his voice.

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We may all have different favorite contestants but can we all take a moment to agree that Scott Borchetta is the creepiest creeper who ever did creep?

Been saying it for a few years now (although he's turned the creep factor up this year a few degrees more).

I wonder if it's endemic to these music producers. Maybe Dr. Luke and Borchetta and a few of the other slimier ones have a chat room they're all in together, where they share tips about being creepy, controlling, and how to dress kind of like cut-rate pimps.

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I've been reading some threads here and wanted to comment on Dalton.

 While he is not someone I would listen to or buy a CD, I think his voice is good. It is not spectacular or booming obviously, but in my opinion it is harder to sing simple notes and stay on key like he does than someone who does vocal aerobics.   He can carry a tune. Jennifer Lopez is a good example of someone who can sing a bit, but would never ever be a singer without her looks and minimal dancing ability. Dalton has looks and his personality appeals to a large range of people.

                    Trent reminds me of a weaker watered down version of Sam Harris from the old show Star Search.  Personality wise, I can't figure it out, but there is an icky factor. Maybe its just that he does not seem to project much of a personality.

           La' Porscha has a nice voice.  Again, someone I would not seek out to listen to, unless the song had a killer melody.  I am still listening to Candace Glover who I think had one of the best voices to come out of Idol.

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Is it possible that La Porsha could be a better singer if she had some training or instruction on when to insert a run and how long to let it rip?  I like her, I think she is beautiful and she can sing, but I feel like her runs are contrived and not instinctual if that is a fair way to assess?  The fact that Harry hasn't said more on this baffles me.  I can't put my finger on it but I just can't fully say she is as wonderful as they make her out to be.  I feel like that is leading her on in a way and she will be crushed out there in the real world.   I can see her in a Vegas show or on a cruise ship entertaining though, totally, and what a great career that would be IMO. 


I feel like Mackenzie should have stayed over Dalton but I feel that in the end neither one of them should make the top two so if Dalton leaves next week then it is what it is.  I wonder if they will send the 3rd person home unceremoniously and behind a curtain like they did with Jax last year?  

I really wanted Dalton to win at the beginning, but as time went on I could see his limitations.  Again, I can see him at a theme park in one of those shows, and I think he would be great.  But not an Idol winner, it would be a farce if he was to beat out La Porshia and Trent.

I really like Trent but I would be happy with either LP or Trent winning this thing.

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Tears for Fears or whatever was FLAT and in the wrong key imo



Im sick of LP's baby. Just stop it.


SNORE overall.


One funny for me was the three had many folks welcome them home. The funny part -- I thought of McPhee when she stuck her head out of the limo. drove down her hometown street, opened her mouth (like she's biting an apple per her tips to "look fun" ) waved frantically out the window . and there was NO ONE THERE

effing hilarious.

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Scott Borchetta's picks clearly showed he has no clue what so ever with his artists.  Trent is a not Country singer.  He was obviously playing mind games with his pick for La'Porsha.  Props to her for giving an intelligent response.


The Final 2 should be La'Porsha and Trent.

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One funny for me was the three had many folks welcome them home. The funny part -- I thought of McPhee when she stuck her head out of the limo. drove down her hometown street, opened her mouth (like she's biting an apple per her tips to "look fun" ) waved frantically out the window . and there was NO ONE THERE

effing hilarious.

Video, please. This sounds hilarious.

Of all the homecoming videos, Mackenzie's was my favorite. If he hadn't been eliminated I would have thought they gave him a winner's edit. 2nd favorite is Trent, then Dalton, then La'Porsha.

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Video, please. This sounds hilarious.




One funny for me was the three Dalton, LP and Trent had many folks welcome them home. The funny part -- I thought of McPhee when she stuck her head out of the limo. drove down her hometown street, opened her mouth (like she's biting an apple per her tips to "look fun" ) waved frantically out the window . and there was NO ONE THERE

effing hilarious.



 my quotes are out of order there

Hee re: McPhee -  I don't want to derail this thread. If I can find the link I'll post it in... IDK small talk? Anyway, it was effing HILARIOUS. seriously  a must -see. It can be found -- Whatever her season  (5?),near the end with the home visits. and don't get me started on the helicopter BS etc. :-)

Edited by ari333
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One funny for me was the three had many folks welcome them home. The funny part -- I thought of McPhee when she stuck her head out of the limo. drove down her hometown street, opened her mouth (like she's biting an apple per her tips to "look fun" ) waved frantically out the window . and there was NO ONE THERE

effing hilarious.

I just have to jump in here and defend Kat McPhee...she's from Los Angeles, for God's sake!!!!! I honestly don't think anyone in LA is going to lose their shit over another aspiring star wanna-be. It's kinda not fair, because, historically, the Idols coming from the little podunk towns around the country are the biggest thing that ever happened there. I think Adam Lambert had the same reception (either LA or San Diego)...there certainly weren't any decked-out diners or granny salons.


JLo seat-jumping  and almost collapsing the springs in her chair during "Dancing in the Dark" was pitiful. Really.


Yeah, that Borcheeta guy is creepy, but so was Iovine. Maybe they know their stuff behind the scenes. Ya got me.


Dalton is reaching Constantine-levels of eye-fuckery. Trent is ....well, I just don't know.....I guess he can sing, just not my style at all. LaPorsha is boring me with all those runs. She's also heading for some serious health issues (not unlike the Velvet Teddy Bear, who ended up on Biggest Loser).


Please, show, have a decent parade of past Idols up your sleeve for next week.

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After having watched American Idol almost religiously from the very start (I doubt that I missed more than 10-12 shows over the entire series until this year), I find it all I can do to tune in aymore. I've missed a good half of this season, and only tuned in last night at the start of Dalton's second song, so I don't even have enough to go on for a real critique, but I will say that despite the fact that he really doesn't sing all that well, I do like the sound of Dalton's voice more than I do Trent's or La'Porsha's.  Which doesn't particularly mean I want him to win; the others are probably more deserving. But I wouldn't be disappointed to see him get it.


Trent has emerged as probably my second favorite, though I didn't like him at all at the start, but he seems to have toned down the goat-vibrato some, and has taken on a bit of other constructive criticism, which he gets points for. He's quite a good singer, but I just don't really enjoy the tone of his voice. I'd be OK with him winning, though.


I liked La'Porsha  a lot from the beginning despite the fact that I don't generally care for her run-laden style, but as someone mentioned upthread, she does have a way of sounding magnificent at the start of a song, then sort of devolving into a homogenized series of runs by the end. Still, I think she is very talented and probably deserves a win at least as much as anyone else.


I just really don't care.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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I'm still La'Porsha for the win.

But God, I'm not going to miss Harry telling women how to be. It's soft, but it's there and always has been. You can tell her you think she's lovely and graceful and leave it at that, Harry. But there's always something a little extra to it, and the men are never subjected to the same critiques. Mackenzie got away with original lyrics about giving a girl roses so she'd take off her clothes (or so it sounded), and not a word. Which I wouldn't even care about, if he wasn't so paternalistic with the women when they sing risqué lyrics. Be a father to your own girls, Harry. STFU when you are speaking to adult women. The image they choose is not up for your approval.

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Scott Borchetta's picks clearly showed he has no clue what so ever with his artists.  Trent is a not Country singer.  He was obviously playing mind games with his pick for La'Porsha.  Props to her for giving an intelligent response.


The Final 2 should be La'Porsha and Trent.

Oh, Borchetta knew exactly what he wanted from his song selections--to heavily favor (and promote) Trent, chop La'Porsha down a peg (or two), and make Jax (er Dalton) sound "lame".  He succeeded for all three.


I just have to jump in here and defend Kat McPhee...she's from Los Angeles, for God's sake!!!!! I honestly don't think anyone in LA is going to lose their shit over another aspiring star wanna-be. It's kinda not fair, because, historically, the Idols coming from the little podunk towns around the country are the biggest thing that ever happened there. I think Adam Lambert had the same reception (either LA or San Diego)...there certainly weren't any decked-out diners or granny salons.


JLo seat-jumping  and almost collapsing the springs in her chair during "Dancing in the Dark" was pitiful. Really.


Yeah, that Borcheeta guy is creepy, but so was Iovine. Maybe they know their stuff behind the scenes. Ya got me.


Dalton is reaching Constantine-levels of eye-fuckery. Trent is ....well, I just don't know.....I guess he can sing, just not my style at all. LaPorsha is boring me with all those runs. She's also heading for some serious health issues (not unlike the Velvet Teddy Bear, who ended up on Biggest Loser).


Please, show, have a decent parade of past Idols up your sleeve for next week.

J-Lo:  for what she gets paid (and the constant deference to her) she should dance in a thong center-stage if the producer directs.


Eye-fuckery, Constantine, and Dalton--you stole my thoughts!  Without the camera close-ups he wouldn't have made Top Ten.

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From AI's website:


In addition to superstars Clarkson and Underwood, Thursday’s final episode will have all-star performances by former IDOLs, including Fantasia, Ruben Studdard, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze, Scotty McCreery, Candice Glover, Caleb Johnson, Nick Fradiani, Allison Iraheta, Amber Holcomb, Blake Lewis, Bo Bice, Bucky Covington, Brandon Rogers, Casey James, Carly Smithson, Chris Daughtry, Clark Beckham, Clay Aiken, Colton Dixon, Constantine Maroulis, Danny Gokey, Diana DeGarmo, Elliott Yamin, Ace Young, George Huff, James Durbin, Jessica Sanchez,  Joshua Ledet, Justin Guarini, Katharine McPhee, Kellie Pickler, Kimberley Locke, Kree Harrison, LaToya London, Lauren Alaina, Melinda Doolittle, Pia Toscano, Sanjaya, Skylar Lane, Tamyra Gray and more

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JLo seat-jumping  and almost collapsing the springs in her chair during "Dancing in the Dark" was pitiful. Really.


Dalton is reaching Constantine-levels of eye-fuckery.


Please, show, have a decent parade of past Idols up your sleeve for next week.


JLo looked positively ridiculous with the jumping. I don't know if she'd have jumped so much had Springsteen himself been up there performing.


In addition to his Princess Diana tilt head down and look up from under my lashes routine, did he drop the last word of his song (Everybody Wants to Rule the World) again or did I just lose interest by the end? Hmmm...those things aren't mutually exclusive.


I've pasted the reported lineup in the spoilers thread...edit...while Quoass was posting the very same thing above!

Edited by designing1
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The best moments of the show were LaPorsha being honest about herself and the songs, and then talking about how if people can come together for "little 'ol me" why can't they come together for other things?  She demnstrated a huge amount of integrity, humility, honesty, and charm.


MacKenzie's graceful exit and Ryan saying that he loved "that kid" was also one of my favorite moments.  For Ryan to depart from neutral territory says a lot.  MacKenzie is a great kid.  Plus, he is really the only artist who is at least a bit interesting to me.  He doesn't have the chops for a show like Idol, but he seems to have a knack for songwriting and I'm genuinely interested in what else he might do.

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Dalton is reaching Constantine-levels of eye-fuckery.


LOL!  The episode where they paired previous contestants with the aspiring contestants for duets, as soon as I heard that Constantine Maroulis was going to be one of the previous contestants, I screamed: "Oh my God!  They just have to put Constantine with Dalton!"   The thought of seeing the two of them singing together while trying to upstage each other with fake, smarmy eyefuckery would have been comedy gold.  Instead it was a missed opportunity and I resented being deprived of the spectacle.

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Hope we see Simon at the judge's table for a bit.

I'd love to see Simon at the table with these sadsack judges. If he'd been there this week, we might have got to see him eviscerate Dalton like he did Tim Urban. lol I kind of feel bad for Tim Urban; he could've waited one more year and had an easy ride with JLO as the head judge.

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