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S05.E08: Once Upon A Runway

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This could've been a fun challenge if, say, they had more than one day to do it.  


Dom should've won this hands down. No question.  I would've put Emily in the top, made Asha safe and sent Layana home.  I was embarrassed for her when she was telling the judges about her girl.  A polo match in Argentina? Good grief.  If I had Belle I would have made her into a "beast."  Maybe some leather and/or faux fur.


I've seen Brad Goreski in glasses just like the one's Sam was sporting at the runway show.  His wearing those was not a coincidence.   

  • Love 12

When I was little in kindergarten, we had an art project that involved gluing fabric scraps to an aluminum can and then covering it with Mod Podge or something (presumably to make it smooth and glossy, which is often beyond the skill set of six-year-olds). I love blues and greens, so those are the fabric colors I used, all shoddily cut with baby scissors and drippily glued on all willy-nilly. My mom still has that can (I'm in my 40s now), or so I thought...


until I saw Sam's model wearing it last night.


Thank you!!!  I am now laughing and wiping my spewed morning tea from my laptop screen!!  Perfect description of Sam's outfit!!  :-)

  • Love 7

Dom's was just cool but I couldn't really see Tinkerbell. I guess Disney's Tinkerbell is too stuck in my mind.


But that's what I loved about Dom's. In the book, Tinkerbell is a fairy who lives with a pack of homeless London street urchins. There's no real reason outside the Disney universe why she would be dressed in green gauze or why fairy dust would sparkle. If she wore a dress at all - and not all faerie did - it would probably be made of scraps. Which didn't actually occur to me until I saw Dom's outfit, which is what made it kind of genius, I thought. The one I thought was really off-story was Rapunzel, whose story was all about being hidden.

  • Love 16

ROBBED!!!  That darling, busy little flirty--essence of Tinkerbell--look was flat out robbed. Come ON, you stupid judges.  How much more creativity do you need than negative space wings?  And Isaac just sneers about "Juniors"  and then goes orgasmic about Rapunzel wearing flats.  I'm outraged.  Even the hair was totally updated Tink--she still had her traditional bagel on top, but with chic French braiding in the back.


Eouf, I can't even.


I didn't get that either....I mean, while the styling of their models is important to the overall look, isn't this a fashion design challenge show?  Not a stylist challenge show?


And, personally, I agreed with Brad about the flats - flats are fine, but something more sparkly would evoke more of a "princess" look.  My feeling on that is that the length of Asha's jumpsuit was too short for heels, so she subsituted flats at the very last minute, and those black sandals were the only ones left on the Chinese Laundry shoe wall that would fit her model.

  • Love 6

I didn't get that either....I mean, while the styling of their models is important to the overall look, isn't this a fashion design challenge show?  Not a stylist challenge show?


And, personally, I agreed with Brad about the flats - flats are fine, but something more sparkly would evoke more of a "princess" look.  My feeling on that is that the length of Asha's jumpsuit was too short for heels, so she subsituted flats at the very last minute, and those black sandals were the only ones left on the Chinese Laundry shoe wall that would fit her model.

Maybe someone at Chinese Laundry complained about not getting enough promotion for their sponsorship money and so they had to point out some shoes.  For my money I thought those flats were fugly, but I don't think I'm their target customer.

  • Love 4

Thank you!!!  I am now laughing and wiping my spewed morning tea from my laptop screen!!  Perfect description of Sam's outfit!!  :-)

If I could, I'd supply a photo of my sorry old kindergarten project! The resemblance is uncanny (< haha, that pun was NOT even on purpose)!


But that's what I loved about Dom's. In the book, Tinkerbell is a fairy who lives with a pack of homeless London street urchins. There's no real reason outside the Disney universe why she would be dressed in green gauze or why fairy dust would sparkle. If she wore a dress at all - and not all faerie did - it would probably be made of scraps. Which didn't actually occur to me until I saw Dom's outfit, which is what made it kind of genius, I thought.


Agree. OK, maybe she could have accessorized with something that evoked a wand, or used shoes with a whimsical wood-spritey thing going on, or did something with the hair or used sparkly makeup...I don't know. But that London streets story worked for me.

Also, I am surprised no one asked to see Alexander's model's shoes. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

For that dress to be Cinderella, she would have had to have grown up, become disillusioned with her prince, and started drinking hard liquor and chasing the pool boy.

I figure anyone who waits around for a prince to save her instead of getting out of the ashes and dong it herself probably ends up that way. (I much prefer the "Ever After" Cinderella who does a lot of the saving herself.)


Especially since the challenge that Alyssa read from the cue cards at the bookstore specifically said that they were supposed to use the original fairy tales as their inspiration, not just the pop culture (aka Disney) versions that we're all familiar with.

They would have to give them time to read the original stories, I bet. Most of them are probably most familiar with Disney -- and it sounded like the judges were too.

  • Love 4

I figure anyone who waits around for a prince to save her instead of getting out of the ashes and dong it herself probably ends up that way. (I much prefer the "Ever After" Cinderella who does a lot of the saving herself.)


They would have to give them time to read the original stories, I bet. Most of them are probably most familiar with Disney -- and it sounded like the judges were too.

Apparently not, because I don't remember Rapunzel having a mom that made her take pictures and then sent her back upstairs.  I also don't remember Belle getting spirited off to a polo match in Argentina.  Perhaps those are in the original fairy tales?

  • Love 6

I would just about jump for joy if the challenge was to represent the subtext in fairy tales, man. Whooo, my inner goth/questionable side would scowl and glare in the happiest way possible. 


....and flats.....don't forget the flats.


Maybe a Demonia FLATform, embellished with buckles and spiky whickety-whack?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3

To me, Alexander's was worse then Layana's simply because he was asked to create an updated look for Cinderella and he made her look like the Evil Queen while Layana's dress at least looked like something a young girl would wear.  And I don't quite think she knows how to deal with adversity because she kept saying "Thanks" while getting told off.  A better response would be "I understand" or "Thanks for the feedback."


And I understand why Kini keeps going after Sam--Sam is badly in need of someone bursting his little bubble of delusional entitlement and Kini is ready to be that person.  Sam is so full of himself that he hears what he wants to hear and believes what he wants to believe.  I don't think that type of delusion goes away without professional help.

  • Love 5

I actually thought Asha should have said the flats were because they are much more practical for climbing down the tower and escaping. Can you imagine doing that in heels?

A couple years ago, I was outside a bar smoking (I know, I know...) when I realized that, right above me, was a designated screened-in smoking area. I had a cigarette in one hand, a beer in the other, and heels on. Instead of walking back inside and going to that area, I climbed the wall. My friend told me it was the creepiest yet most impressive thing he's ever seen me do.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 8

Oh, Sam. A PENCIL SKIRT and a CROP TOP... and not done anywhere near as well as the baby designers on PRJ, but they were still told enough already with the pencil skirts and crop tops. Sam's design talent is definitely showing and it is one note, imho. Of course, even though it was by far the worst sewn and the ugliest, he gets to stay AGAIN. And, take note! Next week they're doing an athletic wear challenge and it looks like they may HAVE to work with mesh???? Hmm, I wonder what inspired the mesh? This will, of course, be the 3rd time Sam has worked with mesh, and the first two were voluntary. I've accepted that he's in it to the bitter end because Georgina, and especially Isaac, have hard ons for him, but I don't have to LIKE that he's in for the long haul, based on drama, certainly not talent.


I also didn't get the praise for Asha's nor the win. It was poorly constructed and while the flats were cute, they were all wrong for that ensemble. A flat could have worked but not a terry cloth flip floppy thing. They looked so incongruous with her design, I thought Isaac was kidding when he said that shoe was everything.


Dom so clearly should have won. My only hope is that, since I'm SURE it will be Dom, Sam and Asha in the finale, they are holding back rewarding her wins and praising her so her win at the end can be uber satisfying??  I'm still holding out slim hope for Dom/Kini/Ken (wow I can't believe I just said that) as the final 3 but I'm thinking that Sam is going to be the ultimate bitchfest victor over Kini. I think Leyana is the next out, followed by Emily, then possibly Kini. If there's a final four, it will be Dom, KEN, Sam and Asha. Regardless, this show is about the furthest thing from "all star" I can imagine, yet I can't tear myself away, totally. I do wait to see if Sam won before I watch, though.


Finally, KINI!!! Stop lowering yourself to Sam's sub-basement level. He's already inside your head and I don't know if you can do anything about that, but at least stop making yourself look just as bad on camera as he does. Show some restraint and maturity. Sam's not capable of that, but you are.

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 7

What even WAS this episode? HOW DID DOM NOT WIN? This season is simply inexplicable to me, from start to finish. The judging is incoherent. Two non-elimination episodes. This is episode 8 of "all stars" and never has that name seemed less appropriate. Cut the dead weight already, folks, we've got places to be. 


Who they really should have sent home was Zanna. What the fuck was that? 


My theory is that in her youth Zanna did something terrible to a pile of ugly fabric remnants and trimmings, and was cursed by an evil queen to WEAR THEM FOREVERMORE!!!!! [Ken fairytale cackle]


A triple elimination would have been a mercy to both the viewers and the three designers.


From your lips to the producers' ears, friend. 

  • Love 9

A big thank you to the editors for not forcing us to listen to every character description read by the boring, sing-songy British lady.  


I had to laugh that Project Runway's idea of "women from literature" is the Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland, Rapunzel, etc.  I guess they couldn't count on the designers being well-read so they had to go with childish commercial characters that even the most dim-witted among them would recognize (and want to send to a polo match in Argentina).

  • Love 12

I feel like Georgina is to blame for Sam. I get the feeling she really likes him and yes I've noticed that Alyssa is not a big fan.


See, I blame Alyssa.  She's the one who began the Myth of Sam when she told him his design (the one Kini made) is her favorite thing she's ever seen on Project Runway (or something to that effect).   After that, Sam was, in the judges' eyes, the de facto resident genius.   When Alyssa says now, "Sam is phoning it in," I hear the unspoken words "and I don't understand why because he's so good at this."

Edited by millennium
  • Love 4

The only thing about that hot mess that really cheesed me off was that, while Sam was (rightly) in the bottom, the judges mitigated his loss by giving him a pat on the back by telling him he was safe, leaving the other two bottom dwellers to twist in the wind. His 'dress' was a second or third rate piece of crap (okay, IMO) and showed just how limited he is. This is, yet again him trying to have the fabric pull his nuts out of the fire. Even Alyssa commented that he'd phoned it in this week. It was another standard garment with sheer or sheerish fabric he made TV ready by using paste-ons to cover the naughty bits. Again.

I'm getting the feeling that Alyssa has completely had it with Sam, but that for some reason Isaac and Georgina want to keep him.  I'm still going with Sam having some weird pull with them, whether it be prior relationship, family or industry connections, compromising photos - something!  You can see him put on his "I'm so adorable" face, the one that makes me want to punch puppies, and for whatever reason, they seem to buy it.  Also, was he trying to appeal to Brad by mimicking his look for the runway show?  The weird glasses and hairdo were new, right?  And resembled Brad's look?  Ugh, just cannot stand Sam. 

The only thing about that hot mess that really cheesed me off was that, while Sam was (rightly) in the bottom, the judges mitigated his loss by giving him a pat on the back by telling him he was safe, leaving the other two bottom dwellers to twist in the wind. His 'dress' was a second or third rate piece of crap (okay, IMO) and showed just how limited he is. This is, yet again him trying to have the fabric pull his nuts out of the fire. Even Alyssa commented that he'd phoned it in this week. It was another standard garment with sheer or sheerish fabric he made TV ready by using paste-ons to cover the naughty bits. Again.

I'm getting the feeling that Alyssa has completely had it with Sam, but that for some reason Isaac and Georgina want to keep him.  I'm still going with Sam having some weird pull with them, whether it be prior relationship, family or industry connections, compromising photos - something!  You can see him put on his "I'm so adorable" face, the one that makes me want to punch puppies, and for whatever reason, they seem to buy it.  Also, was he trying to appeal to Brad by mimicking his look for the runway show?  The weird glasses and hairdo were new, right?  And resembled Brad's look?  Ugh, just cannot stand Sam. 


Sorry for double post - either my computer is being weird or I outran my technological competence, can't get rid of the second one.

Edited by Calamity Jane
  • Love 3

Just wanted to say that Kesha had the worst hair I think I've ever seen. WTF could she have been thinking when she chose to dye it that color?! And the woman who is the Tim Gunn equivalent and comes in to mentor them halfway thru the show? She needs a full-body makeover, starting with the hair and working downward. Then there's Alyssa and some of the shit they dress her in... Isn't this supposed to be a fashion show, for fuck's sake?

  • Love 6

This episode reconfirmed my opinion that the producers don't care one bit about fashion-just ratings. Kesha as a judge? Judge of what? She may have given Sam top points as his look is eerily similar to some of her looks. Asha? If I recall correctly, almost everything she made on Under the Gunn was a peplum. I can't believe she won-unless, of course, the judges want to justify the three that end up in their top three based on how many 'wins' they had prior to the finale. Sam seemed to prove an observation that I had last week which was due to the praise he got for the lace dress using lace patches to protect his model's private parts (which was Dom's suggestion) he is going to keep mimicing that look as the judges loved it. I think that's what he would have done with the blue lace from last week, and that seems to be what he was trying to do this week. Now that Ken knows the truth about the blouse that Kini made and Sam took all credit for, maybe he'll blurt that out during judging one week when he is in the bottom (I can only hope...). What a mockery of a competition...and yet, I'll keep watching...

  • Love 5

I love Kini, but I really wish he would just ignore Sam and focus on his own work instead of feuding with Sam. He's a great designer, but he's coming off as petty this season.

I thought that Dom's Tinkerbell inspired design should've won. I loved her use of prints and how cool it looked. I also liked Kini's because it was whimsical and reminded me a lot of Alice. Asha's was nice, but not winner worthy to me.

  • Love 4


I had to laugh that Project Runway's idea of "women from literature" is the Little Mermaid, Alice in Wonderland, Rapunzel, etc.  I guess they couldn't count on the designers being well-read so they had to go with childish commercial characters that even the most dim-witted among them would recognize (and want to send to a polo match in Argentina).


They needed a tie-in so they could plug Finding Neverland, Harvey Weinstein's (Georgina's husband) production. As if Harvey Weinstein needs any free promotion; he's among the most powerful people in show business.


Maybe it's because I'm super short and even in my thinner days was never anything less than curvy, but every time those 10 foot tall, (mostly) straight up and down models come marching in, all dressed in black, I feel like it's an invasion of some sort of alien species.


How Dom didn't win this challenge is beyond me. Her use of patterns was masterful and the design itself -- from the split front to the re-imagined "wings" -- was very creative. We've seen Asha's a million times from other designers. If only Dom had grabbed those hideous shoes first...

  • Love 4

See, I blame Alyssa.  She's the one who began the Myth of Sam when she told him his design (the one Kini made) is her favorite thing she's ever seen on Project Runway (or something to that effect).   After that, Sam was, in the judges' eyes, the de facto resident genius.   When Alyssa says now, "Sam is phoning it in," I hear the unspoken words "and I don't understand why because he's so good at this."

Agree, she was the first one to simper over him like a fool.  She can live with the monster she created.

  • Love 5

This episode just highlighted how boring the Sam/Kini conflict is because neither one of them really brings it as either the villain or the hero. Kini is more whiny than anything and him still harping on that earlier challenge seems like someone who likes to play victim instead of actually actively engaging in trying to right a wrong.


And Sam is not that spectacular of a villain because he doesn't really give amazing fashions or quotes to justify him. He is just your ordinary, run-of-the-mill guy who has gotten this far probably because he had the good fortune of being young, in the distant suburbs of competent and not ugly. So basically just described a contingency of guys you'd bump into at Hamburger Mary's on a Tuesday night.

Edited by BloggerAloud
  • Love 8

Clearly, part of Kini's problem is that he's frustrated with himself for not speaking up when Sam took credit for his top. Yeah, he thought he took the high road at the time but there are diplomatic ways to call someone out on their crap and still come out looking professional. That said, it isn't Sam's fault that Kini let him get away with it. Now, Kini just looks petty, because he knows it's too late to say something to the judges. He needs to let it go and focus on his own work, because it's making me dislike him (not as much as I dislike Sam, though, because he needs to STOP ALREADY. With EVERYTHING.)


Alexander should have kept his design in a blue color scheme, but with a modern silhouette that was lighter and airier. More mature doesn't have to mean dowdy or heavy. That burgundy thing looked like something out of a 90's nightmare--she just needed pseudo black lipstick and chunky heels to complete the effect.

Edited by Nutjob
  • Love 4

Dom should have won, hands down.  Alexander could have done so much more with Cinderella.  She was a servant whose dream of marrying a prince came true.  Todays equivalent could have been a girl working at in fast food who becomes the head of her own company in NYC. A modern dream come true.  A really awesome, creative power outfit could have been gorgeous.  And maybe a simple black velvet ribbon with a jewel in the middle tied around her neck to evoke Cinderella's gown.


Sam sucked.

  • Love 7

Dom wuz robbed. Loved her look. I will not think of the Disney Tink again. They've bastardized so much.

Alexanders's design was not as bad as whoever's it was who got sent home.

And Kesha? When you're talking? unless? you're asking a question? Don't uptalk. I hate that more than vocal fry. At least with vocal fry I can pretend the speaker has a medical issue.

  • Love 2

And Kesha? When you're talking? unless? you're asking a question? Don't uptalk. I hate that more than vocal fry. At least with vocal fry I can pretend the speaker has a medical issue.


I think? The idea? Is to suggest that while you may have an opinion, you crave the validation of having the other (generally male) person agree with you?


I mean, who the hell knows. I think it's ridiculous, but I don't have a jillion dollars and seventyhundredandninetyfour followers on Twitter.

  • Love 3

This could've been a fun challenge if, say, they had more than one day to do it.  


Dom should've won this hands down. No question.  I would've put Emily in the top, made Asha safe and sent Layana home.  I was embarrassed for her when she was telling the judges about her girl.  A polo match in Argentina? Good grief.  If I had Belle I would have made her into a "beast."  Maybe some leather and/or faux fur.


I've seen Brad Goreski in glasses just like the one's Sam was sporting at the runway show.  His wearing those was not a coincidence.   

That's frickin' genius, and way beyond what these people are able to come up with (though I give them a pass sometimes because of time constraints and whanot).


I wonder if they gave Asha a win in part because she's from UTG not PR and so they have to justify her participation.  Same with Sam, though they went way the hell overboard with him.  Winning here makes it seem like she belongs.  I spent the whole episode wondering why she was still around, and then on the runway focused on how awful her outfit looked (her own, not the one she made).


About the flats- I'm shallow.  I kept thinking that the model had really unattractive feet for a model.


This episode just highlighted how boring the Sam/Kini conflict is because neither one of them really brings it as either the villain or the hero.

Seriously.  Their lunchroom spat was the worst shade I've ever seen on reality TV.  I think I'm forced to appreciate the Housewives more.  And the people on lower-tier shows who can at least bring something in an argument.  Maybe...if PR is going to be about rivalry they should be getting them liquored up.  That would fix the problem, I think.  Kinda stupid of them to think they can get really great drama without the magical combination of isolation and liquor (with a dash of sleep deprivation for good measure).

I am definitely in the minority here, but I'll admit it, I like Kesha and was intrigued to see her as a judge. I've read some of her back story and also watched that MTV show that followed her on tour. She is a very unique and tenacious person. Do I like what she wears a lot of the time? No, and no way would I wear it, but I like that she's pretty edgy, tries out new looks all the time, etc. Oh and I'm pretty sure the hideous hair was a wig, since she wears them a lot (please tell me no one would voluntarily dye their hair that color!).

I thought she'd have more interesting commentary and was kind of disappointed that either she didn't or they didn't show it.

That said I could see her in the Tinkerbell look immediately and was surprised she didn't ask to have it made for her. I really thought she might have enough guest judge pull to get that one for the win.

  • Love 5

It's true that I have never been to a polo match in Argentina - which is Argentina's loss, let me tell you - but if I did go to a polo match in Argentina, I would not wear a Dress Barn Post-Easter Sale Special.

Whoever was responsible for not giving Dom the win deserves a kick right in the forks. I can only assume that outfit was too clever for them.

  • Love 11

Dom has really stepped her game up. My main issue with her work in S12 was that it felt unambitious--she pretty much stuck to basic dresses and let her prints do the heavy lifting.


Now, she's one of the few designers who consistently produces well made separates, and I love all the detail work she does. Isaac doesn't seem very fond of her (has he ever championed a female designer?), but I would be shocked if she didn't win in the end.


 I also loved Emily's look and thought she should have been in the top 3 over Kini, whose taste is just as bad as Layana's IMO. 

  • Love 3

I was sitting there trying to figure out who was blowing who between PR and Finding Neverland - this is the second tie-in - and then I realized that Harvey Weinstein is a lead producer of Neverland and mystery solved.


I think Layanna should have gone. She didn't seem to understand the challenge.  "Beast takes Belle to Argentina to see a polo match" - that has nothing to do with her character's backstory or a modern take on the character.  And as Isaac pointed out, I've seen Evita enough to know that this is not what a proper member of Buenos Aires society would wear. They try to out-English the English at those events.


Brad Goreski can go away. He cut his teeth on that Raisin Face (thank you Nicole Richie) reality show and now is on Fashion Police - so thoughtful comments don't win out over what he thinks passes as bons mots or zingers.  I wish Issac had thrown down.


Loved Dom's look, she was robbed. Not only was it beautifully constructed, it had a real cool take on the character. (I think she got the hardest character to sew for. Tinkerbell doesn't even talk!)

  • Love 3
Especially since the challenge that Alyssa read from the cue cards at the bookstore specifically said that they were supposed to use the original fairy tales as their inspiration, not just the pop culture (aka Disney) versions that we're all familiar with.
They would have to give them time to read the original stories, I bet. Most of them are probably most familiar with Disney -- and it sounded like the judges were too.

Most of the original fairy tales are only a few pages long so it wouldn't have taken very long for the designers to read them. I mean, I know every minute counts when you only have ONE DAY to do a challenge but still.

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