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S07.E01: Here We Go Again

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Yes. It's the same house. I remember them sitting on the back porch of it and the woodwork is the same. They sold that house she and Jeremy originally had because of the "stairs" and now she's back in one with stairs. That just don't make no sense! Ha


I imagine she didn't stay in that one story house because of the deer cam (and ex-in-laws) right next door. Unless I'm mixing up houses again, she moves so often it's hard to keep track. 


In that scene where she was carrying Ali downstairs like a sack of potatoes I think they were at a hotel/motel near the doctor's office, so I was trying to figure out the stair situation at the house. If they're in a two story house where Ali is either stuck downstairs or has to be carried by her high and mostly sleeping 'mom' that really bothers me. Poor Ali.


The Kindergarten classes near me (in California) start anywhere from 7:00 to 8:30 as far as I know. I don't have kids, so that's just coming from teacher friends. I know there was a big push awhile ago to start all the schools later, but I'm not sure what happened with it.

Edited by NikSac
  • Love 1

Maybe this has already been discussed, but is it normal for an elementary school in the south to start at 7:15? I'm a teacher in the North East and our school begins at 8, which is almost an hour earlier than all the local public elementary schools. Was she up super early to get them to school early to eat there? If she is too stressed to get up early and out the door, serve breakfast at home. Or maybe it is a normal start time for schools in WV?

I'm in the South and it is 8:15 for my kids.


I tell you what - Leah is in desperate shape. She needs to go back to an inpatient facility because she just can't take care of her kids. I was thinking about when I had 3 who were in kindergarten and younger.  When my husband was out of town for work (which could be often), it was just me and it was difficult. Realize you have no bread at 11 pm so what do you do?  Dragging all 3 kids out of the house to go get stuff is a terrible option but so is not having their lunches all of the time. (My kids plenty of times have had to have a hot lunch because I was in a bind but that's over years!  Not all of the time.)


But I had nobody to help. Leah has plenty of family to help her. If I was her mother, I swear I'd move in and at least make sure the kids had the basic necessities and I wouldn't fight Corey on the custody thing, either. I do think Leah loves her kids. But for whatever reason, she's incapable of taking care of her kids right now. She hasn't always been that way. I think when the girls were infants, she was a pretty present mother. But she is not cut out for single motherhood, at the very least. Those girls looked so tired getting up that early. And, yes. Going to a school 45 minutes away when you have the resources to live anywhere is crazy. If Corey is the one more settled with a home he's bought, then Leah should work around his residence when finding hers. That's a ridiculous commute for 6 year olds when they don't have to do that.


Javi is just a punk. He has the maturity of a possessive 16 year old boyfriend.

  • Love 9

Was Gracie crying in the car for breakfast or for a lunchable? I thought she was telling Leah to stop and get them lunchables at a gas station so she didn't have to have the school lunch, was I hearing that wrong?

Gracie was crying for lunch, but then Leah said "eating breakfast at school" and Gracie brought up how Miranda and Corey make breakfast for them before school and Leah awesomely shouted "well first of all, I am not Miranda and Daddy!"..which obviously, Leah. But Gracie did say she was hungry, so she didn't get breakfast and she didn't have lunch. And I believe she also said something about not liking the hot lunch at school. 

  • Love 3

I have pets. If my life were televised and it was shown that I neglected to feed those pets, and one of them got out and was found near the road where cars could have run it over and it took the police or animal control to bring it home because I failed to notice it had left my care, which should not have happened since I am home and it is my job and responsibility to make sure my pets are being cared for properly, would I get sympathy? If I was an addict and I cared more for my boyfriend than my pets, would I be seen as a victim? If one of my pets was ill and needed special care, but I declined to give it the proper care and failed to give it its medicine for three months because my money for my addiction was more important, would people understand that instead of seeing that I am failing my beloved pet? Would people understand because it is a stressful situation and I should be given pity? After all, I love them. If my pet sought my attention and I handed him a sugar packet to chew on, would that be OK? I still love him! What if I brought in two more pets to care for? Remember, I love them!!

Adam has mentioned he loves Aubree. Amber has mentioned she loves Leah. Matt has said he adores Leah. Jenelle has said she loves Jace and Kaiser. Farrah has said she loves Sophia. Tyler has said he loves Cate. And yet, their actions and behavior tell us otherwise. What is my point? The idea that Leah Messer gets pity or sympathy because she "loves her kids" and she has a special needs child. Excuse me but, it is not enough to say "I love my kids." Should Adam get sympathy? I mean surely he loves Aubree.

Just like Chelsea apparently should not be commended for being a parent and having made steps to be where she is at in life, she has only accomplished what she should be doing as a young parent, Leah is no different. Special needs child or not, Leah should be working her ass off taking care of her kids and ensuring they have a stable and healthy home life. And because she has a special needs child, Leah should work even harder to ensure the quality of her disabled daughter's life is the best it can be especially when that child's mother pulls in at least $300k a year. Many parents with sick children would love to have that kind of money if only to ensure they can give their children everything they need without worry. Leah's kids did not ask for this shit. If this is the definition of loving one's children, I pity society because it seems the standard and defintion of loving one's children has changed for the worst.

I had great parents. They each worked hard and gave my siblings and I such a blessed life. They truly loved us. They were never too tired to feed us or care for us. They ensured our safety and day-to-day care. My mother ensured we had our clothes washed on a daily basis. She made sure we looked our best. She never fed us crappy canned food. She made us our lunches. She got up early without ever complaining. She volunteered at our schools. She did it all. My parents loved us and showed it. Just knowing Leah is even called a parent makes me wanna puke.

Leah is not a parent. No addict can be a proper parent. I have yet to see any addict be a proper parent.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 21

I have pets. If my life were televised and it was shown that I neglected to feed those pets, and one of them got out and was found near the road where cars could have run it over and it took the police or animal control to bring it home because I failed to notice it had left my care, which should not have happened since I am home and it is my job and responsibility to make sure my pets are being cared for properly, would I get sympathy? If I was an addict and I cared more for my boyfriend than my pets, would I be seen as a victim? If one of my pets was ill and needed special care, but I declined to give it the proper care and failed to give it its medicine for three months because my money for my addiction was more important, would people understand that instead of seeing that I am failing my beloved pet? Would people understand because it is a stressful situation and I should be given pity? After all, I love them. If my pet sought my attention and I handed him a sugar packet to chew on, would that be OK? I still love him! What if I brought in two more pets to care for? Remember, I love them!!

Adam has mentioned he loves Aubree. Amber has mentioned she loves Leah. Matt has said he adores Leah. Jenelle has said she loves Jace and Kaiser. Farrah has said she loves Sophia. Tyler has said he loves Cate. And yet, their actions and behavior tell us otherwise. What is my point? The idea that Leah Messer gets pity or sympathy because she "loves her kids" and she has a special needs child. Excuse me but, it is not enough to say "I love my kids." Should Adam get sympathy? I mean surely he loves Aubree.

Just like Chelsea apparently should not be commended for being a parent and having made steps to be where she is at in life, she has only accomplished what she should be doing as a young parent, Leah is no different. Special needs child or not, Leah should be working her ass off taking care of her kids and ensuring they have a stable and healthy home life. And because she has a special needs child, Leah should work even harder to ensure the quality of her disabled daughter's life is the best it can be especially when that child's mother pulls in at least $300k a year. Many parents with sick children would love to have that kind of money if only to ensure they can give their children everything they need without worry. Leah's kids did not ask for this shit. If this is the definition of loving one's children, I pity society because it seems the standard and defintion of loving one's children has changed for the worst.

I had great parents. They each worked hard and gave my siblings and I such a blessed life. They truly loved us. They were never too tired to feed us or care for us. They ensured our safety and day-to-day care. My mother ensured we had our clothes washed on a daily basis. She made sure we looked our best. She never fed us crappy canned food. She made us our lunches. She got up early without ever complaining. She volunteered at our schools. She did it all. My parents loved us and showed it. Just knowing Leah is even called a parent makes me wanna puke.

Leah is not a parent. No addict can be a proper parent. I have yet to see any addict be a proper parent.

You're right..an addict in active addiction can't be a proper parent. I should know as I am a recovering addict and have been down that road. During my early recovery sessions, My therapist told me "you loved your kids but you were not a good mother when you were using". It was hard to hear but she was right. Your placing so much emphasis on yourself when you use that your children's basic needs are thrown out the window.

If Leah acknowledges her problem and actually gets help then maybe she can overcome the odds and be a mother to those girls. If she keeps going at the rate she is, then she may end up never seeing the girls again.

  • Love 11

My kids hated the hot lunch at school so I did what any normal mother would do and made sure I always had plenty of lunch fixins in the house. I would get everything in their lunch boxes except sandwiches the night before and I made their sandwiches while they ate breakfast. I was a young early 20s widow who worked while the kids were in school and I had no help at all but I managed to do it every damn day. If you have a brain and a few organizational skills it's not hard to do.

Leah really pisses me off, her kids are begging her and telling her exactly what they need and she still isn't doing it.

  • Love 14

Maybe this has already been discussed, but is it normal for an elementary school in the south to start at 7:15? I'm a teacher in the North East and our school begins at 8, which is almost an hour earlier than all the local public elementary schools. Was she up super early to get them to school early to eat there? If she is too stressed to get up early and out the door, serve breakfast at home. Or maybe it is a normal start time for schools in WV?


I'm an NJ native in GA and the school system baffled me when I moved down here, lol. The closest elementary school starts the day at 7:30 and ends at 2:10 and it blew my mind because that was my high school schedule. They also start the year in late July, end in late May and have week long fall (October), winter (February) and spring (April) breaks in addition to the week long Thanksgiving break and two week long holiday break.

  • Love 3

I have pets. If my life were televised and it was shown that I neglected to feed those pets, and one of them got out and was found near the road where cars could have run it over and it took the police or animal control to bring it home because I failed to notice it had left my care, which should not have happened since I am home and it is my job and responsibility to make sure my pets are being cared for properly, would I get sympathy? If I was an addict and I cared more for my boyfriend than my pets, would I be seen as a victim? If one of my pets was ill and needed special care, but I declined to give it the proper care and failed to give it its medicine for three months because my money for my addiction was more important, would people understand that instead of seeing that I am failing my beloved pet? Would people understand because it is a stressful situation and I should be given pity? After all, I love them. If my pet sought my attention and I handed him a sugar packet to chew on, would that be OK? I still love him! What if I brought in two more pets to care for? Remember, I love them!!



After reading some of Leah's Twitter feed, yes, yes you would receive sympathy, especially if you could make Corey the bad guy. 

  • Love 2

After reading some of Leah's Twitter feed, yes, yes you would receive sympathy, especially if you could make Corey the bad guy.

You would also be called the bestest pet mama in the world, it's everybody else's fault.

I had to stop reading her Twitter. I just can't believe some of the comments on there, I was getting angry and about to get into an argument with somebody then I checked myself. I'm not stooping to that level of shit. I don't check their profiles or anything because I don't give a shit but most of the girls saying what a great mom she is all look to be young. It makes me sad.

  • Love 5

Regarding Jo and Javi getting along last season, it is a moot point. Javi is emotionally abusive and it is just a means of control that he can exert over Kail. The same way he used his son as a control when he demanded to see him. That is the essence of abuse. There is no rational thought processes to a person who abuses in this manner. We can look at it and see things clearly but I guarantee, Javi does not view it that way. He sees himself as the victim.

I don't care for Kail either as she can be manipulative and puts the boys in the middle of adult problems but she doesn't deserve the abuse. I don't have much hope for that marriage. People that have abuse issues are not likely to change without A LOT of therapy if even then.

  • Love 6

Jo is looking really slovenly these days (I'm trying to think of a nice word to use), I don't remember him looking so sloppy in previous seasons.

His hair was resembling Bob's Big Boy in a few scenes too, and just like the other men on this show, why doesn't he have a job?

I just don't understand a man not wanting to work. I come from a long line of hard working men, my husband hasn't been out of work longer than a week since he was 14 and worked with his grandpa doing construction. My son turned 30 last December, he got his first job at 15 (waving a sign at Little Ceasers) and has been working steady ever since.

He's been at his current job for 9 years and has steadily moved up in the company.

The men I know equate working and taking care of their families with being men and they're proud of it.

I just don't understand the guys on this show. Do any of them besides Corey have steady, secure non MTV jobs?

  • Love 13

Jenelle is EXACTLY THE SAME as she was on 16 and Pregnant. It's like a soap opera - you can go in and out of watching, as I go with this show (I already regret watching this ep, it was fucking depressing) and then pick it up and nothing has changed. The only difference is the charge and the dude in her life. She's the same fuck-up now as she was then. Disgusting.

She's stayed the same, but my feelings for her have actually dropped.

  • Love 21

I just took it as Jenelle being a lazy parent. Barb suggested the child was in pain, which he probably was. As many posters have speculated, Kaiser probably was either teething or had an ear infection. Those are the main causes of an inconsolable child around that age. But Jenelle didn't seem to want to be bothered trying to figure out what was wrong. Had she given him any medicine? Was she trying a teething ring? No. And I believe it was TORI who suggested taking him to the doc, and Jenelle did one of those vacant "yea"s, where you know she's really dreaming about a Ke$ha concert, not thinking about her child. She just wanted to assume he was crying because he was tired and fighting sleep. She WANTED him to just take a damn nap and leave her alone. She probably never considered that if his ears are bothering him, laying down is ten times worse. No. Also, she sticks him in the crib with a sippy full of a bright red liquid, probably juice, and wonders why he can't sleep? She's a freaking nightmare.

Exactly. Jenelle said something on the after show about not allowing the Roll to go to Nathan's until he has the proper baby care items - crib, high chair, etc. But we all know Jenelle would be perfectly fine if her child was sleeping in a dresser drawer, as long as Nathan wasn't boning some other broad.

Why did Jenelle get pregnant again? Please Jenelle use a condom and birth control every time. We don't need you to have more kids.

  • Love 4

There was a great ep of Intervention where a grandmother, herself an addict who got clean after her own intervention, looked her addict granddaughter square in the eye and said "You love your son but you're not a good mother, baby." That's the case for many of these folks (except Jenelle, I don't even think she loves her kids). Loving your kids isn't enough if you don't provide for them. If your kid tells you she doesn't trust you and calls you out for not feeding her, you are not a good mother.

What is Jo living on? What does he do all day?

  • Love 8
If leah wasn't on tv cps would be called. And it's hard to think about Ali dying. She's so freaking young. Leahy should spend as much time with her as possible.


If Leah wasn't on TV, people might not even know about her horrible neglect of those children. Not people who care anyhow. Her family is a pack of enablers, and Cory probably finds out about most of these issues from watching MTV on Monday nights. 

  • Love 7

Only speaking for myself but saying I have some extra compassion for Leah is not the same thing as excusing her behavior. I don't think anyone's done that. It simply means that I can watch her fail her kids and get all judge-y but ... damn ... I just would not want anyone to be in the same position as her and have to listen to the doctor say your daughter's life is about to steadily decline until she probably dies at a young age. My heart just goes out to her. Notice I didn't say my heart goes out to her and yeah, she doesn't have to get the girls to school on time fed and ready for the day. It is just, as a mother, I have compassion for her dealing with that. I honestly cannot wrap my head around how difficult that would be to hear.  Does that mean she should not get them food?  Of course not.  But I think she desperately needs help and I can imagine how dealing with something like that can either cause or compound all sorts of emotional issues and problems. And yes, it primarily affects Ali. But I can't imagine how much it hurts those who love Ali.

  • Love 9

It's weird though that she knows her daughter's quality of life is going to decline and who knows how long she will live, so instead of choosing to spend every free moment giving that girl a wonderful life, she chooses to be a piece of shit. She doesn't work so why can't their days be filled with fun activities and memory making instead of sitting in the other room on the phone yelling at someone or browsing the Internet or passing them off to someone else so she can get her nails done. Seems like a weird choice to make if you know your time with your child is limited.

  • Love 15

It's weird though that she knows her daughter's quality of life is going to decline and who knows how long she will live, so instead of choosing to spend every free moment giving that girl a wonderful life, she chooses to be a piece of shit. She doesn't work so why can't their days be filled with fun activities and memory making instead of sitting in the other room on the phone yelling at someone or browsing the Internet or passing them off to someone else so she can get her nails done. Seems like a weird choice to make if you know your time with your child is limited.

I think mostly because she's an addict.


She's always been immature and needy emotionally. But I don't remember her like this when the girls were babies. She was more on top of it than Corey was with regard to Ali's disabilities and her not meeting her milestones, etc. I do think he was in denial some (understandable) when she wasn't.


All of them need to get off TV, though. All of them. There's no way it is a healthy way for even the healthiest families to live. But for the ones prone to problems?  It's terrible. The last thing an addict or someone struggling with mental illness needs is a world full of internet "fans" enabling and supporting their poor choices. They need to start being completely private people and get healthy.

  • Love 4


What is Jo living on? What does he do all day?

Not trying to defend Jo here because he's really turned into a slob but why are the dads called out for not working but the moms aren't? He has a job. The same one that Kail has, Janelle has, Adam has and Leah has. He's on TM2. If they are being paid $100,000 a year that is WAY more than he would be making working any job he's qualified to do. I support two kids on less (after taxes) than $30,000 a year (I have health insurance thru my employer) so if you handed me $100,000 I'd be taking it easy for a few years too! I think all of these kids (male and female) should be gaining skills they can use to secure stable employment in the future. Janelle has absolutely no skills, her medical certificate doesn't count since she won't get hired anywhere due to her record (and her personality!) Kail is going to school for something but not sure how in demand that career is and it doesn't look like her and Javi's marriage is going to last long so that girl better get ready to start working once TM2 is over for good. Leah will end up on welfare because she's totally useless. If the TM paycheck disappeared overnight and no magazine was willing to pay for stories etc these people would all be SOL. Being on this show makes them all (with the exception of Cory and maybe Chelsea) extremely lazy.

  • Love 9
I don't have much hope for that marriage


No way that marriage is going to last.  But I have to say, Kail has some adorable children, and they are both well-behaved. Kail's never going to be Miss Congeniality, but she's a good mother to her sons as far as I can see.

I think Kail needs to sit Javi down for a come-to-Jesus moment.  Either get on board the fucking adult train here, or we're over.  You can miss me with that BS of calling and demanding your son be brought home!

I wish so much Barb would cave and get custody of Kaiser too.  That poor darling baby is doomed with that cold snake mother of his. I found myself hoping that one of the camera crew might have gone over and comforted him, after Jenelle tossed him in his crib with a bottle.  

Leah, do you really think we don't SEE you texting and driving? I wonder if this stupid woman doesn't realize that if something were to happen, God forbid, and the twins were hurt or killed?  She'd be facing criminal charges and likely go to prison.   She desperately needs someone to  take ALL her children away until she's sober, which she clearly isn't.  I don't know the real-time status of their custody situation but I hope Corey still has them most of the time.  Poor Addie, I know her father can't take custody because of his job, she's another one that's screwed.

Little Aubrey is adorable and I think it's great that Chelsea seems to have matured a lot.

  • Love 3

I'm not so sure this Teen Mom gravy train is going to ever go away. At least not for a while. We've all been saying for years "Once it stops they'll be SOL" and now here the kids are 6 and probably almost 7 and they're still milking it for all its worth.


I think it has made them all lazy, too. Yeah....I know. This is their "job" and they have to travel some for it.  But what kind of sense of accomplishment do they get from this livelihood? Maybe I'm just not very ambitious but I am perfectly content with having a more modest income and lifestyle than they supposedly enjoy but there is no way I'd ever put my family on display in that way. No amount of money would be worth it to me. I think Chelsea's probably the best mom of the bunch (TM and TM2) but even she's sacrificed her child's privacy for some money.  Aubree had no say in whether she had to grow up in front of the world. So while I don't get them not wanting to achieve things, especially when this opportunity makes it easier for them than most people, I just don't get them in general. lol  I cannot relate to mentality of anyone who chooses this.

  • Love 11

I used to have sympathy for Leah. It's a shitty hand to be dealt in life. But you know who else it's shitty for? Corey and the Simms, and you don't see them acting this way. And ffs, let's not forget about Ali! This is impacting her time on earth, and this little girl isn't going to live to be 85. This is basically it for her. Leah needs to be savor ing every day.

  • Love 12

I didn't know the dads make as much as the moms - I didn't know they made anything. I don't and won't follow this franchise in real time or on social media, so there's stuff I'm sure I'm missing.

I do think that they should all be developing some kind of skill, because eventually the show will end and they'll need to support themselves. The kind of money they're making, while good, isn't "retire from life" money at all, particularly at their ages and with kids. At some point they'll need to make livings. They could use it to set themselves up for the future (no student loans, could start businesses, funds for the kids, emergency funds) but it's not going to last forever.

  • Love 3

Not trying to defend Jo here because he's really turned into a slob but why are the dads called out for not working but the moms aren't? He has a job. The same one that Kail has, Janelle has, Adam has and Leah has. He's on TM2. If they are being paid $100,000 a year that is WAY more than he would be making working any job he's qualified to do. I support two kids on less (after taxes) than $30,000 a year (I have health insurance thru my employer) so if you handed me $100,000 I'd be taking it easy for a few years too! I think all of these kids (male and female) should be gaining skills they can use to secure stable employment in the future. Janelle has absolutely no skills, her medical certificate doesn't count since she won't get hired anywhere due to her record (and her personality!) Kail is going to school for something but not sure how in demand that career is and it doesn't look like her and Javi's marriage is going to last long so that girl better get ready to start working once TM2 is over for good. Leah will end up on welfare because she's totally useless. If the TM paycheck disappeared overnight and no magazine was willing to pay for stories etc these people would all be SOL. Being on this show makes them all (with the exception of Cory and maybe Chelsea) extremely lazy.

I kind of see it both ways. It is technically a job and I don't blame anyone for taking advantage of being able to be with your kids but at the same time, they aren't filming ALL the time. Some of them don't even have their children full time so what are they doing with all this time on their hands? It just really comes off as lazy to me. At least get out and volunteer or something.

  • Love 4
She's always been immature and needy emotionally. But I don't remember her like this when the girls were babies. She was more on top of it than Corey was with regard to Ali's disabilities and her not meeting her milestones, etc. I do think he was in denial some (understandable) when she wasn't.


I disagree. I think Leah has always been a lazy, selfish piece of shit, she was just better at hiding it when she wasn't high. I think back to when the girlses were babies and they were never fully dressed. One would have a shirt and a diaper, the other would be in just pants. Now, I'm not some big stickler for kids having to be dressed in their own home. Some kids just love to run around in the nude, no biggie. But I don't think that's the case here. I think it's just Leah being a lazy ass, who won't do laundry. Which, Cory basically confirmed for us early on. 


Her house was always messy and there was that camera guy who posted on Reddit about dirty tampons on the floor and the kids eating Cheetos off of it. That was how she fed them. And this was years before the drug issues. 


She also left the girls alone a lot. I have the world's worst memory, but I remember scenes of her leaving them to crawl around under tables in their diapers while she would shut herself in her room and talk on the phone - to Germy when they were first dating. Again, long before the drugs. 


She has always put men first, and this is not likely to change. The biggest example was cheating on the father of her babies just days before the wedding. I'm not saying people should always and forever stay together for the kids. But....if you have kids together, you should at least give the relationship a fighting chance. I don't think Leah ever did that. She thought she could have this great father for her kids, who would support them - and go off and eat her cake too. When you cheat, IMO, you're cheating on your kids as well. Your decisions affect their lives. Leah doesn't think about that, I don't think she ever really has. 


I will admit Cory wasn't great about Ali's diagnosis in the beginning. But I think a lot of dads are like that. For whatever reason, they have a hard time coming to terms with something being "wrong" with their child. But I don't think Cory would ever deny Ali medical care. I saw it more as him believing in her and thinking she could beat the odds. A bit naive, sure, but I can't hate on him for that. 


I think Leah likes all the attention she gets for having a disabled child. There. I said it. If I go to hell, so be it. But that's what I think. All the appointments and struggles - huge part of her storyline, and makes some people give her a pass for her behavior. But if she really wanted to put Ali first and do the right thing by her, she wouldn't have let Gracie play on (and probably break) the wheelchair. She wouldn't keep moving the kid around to countless homes, some that are not wheelchair accessible. And didn't she have a vehicle with a chair lift in back and then got rid of it? I seem to recall Cory calling her out for that. She also was not taking Ali to all of her therapy appointments. So yea, I don't think Leah is all that great when it comes to managing Ali's needs either. 

  • Love 20

If Adumb wasn't lying then some of the original dads make close to what the moms do. If Jo leads a simple lifestyle, maybe he saves it. I dunno, just throwing it out there as a possibility.

I can see the dads making maybe 50-60k a season but I'm not sure I believe they make the same as the moms. Otherwise I don't think Jo and Adam would be having nervous breakdowns over child support increases.

In response to whomever made the comment about parenting standards going downhill, sadly that's true. If people think it's acceptable to throw a sick child in a crib and ignore him, or allow your children to go hungry because you're too lazy/high/preoccupied with dickses to go to the grocery store, then our society is truly in the gutter.

  • Love 4

I used to have sympathy for Leah. It's a shitty hand to be dealt in life. But you know who else it's shitty for? Corey and the Simms, and you don't see them acting this way. And ffs, let's not forget about Ali! This is impacting her time on earth, and this little girl isn't going to live to be 85. This is basically it for her. Leah needs to be savor ing every day.

No doubt it sucks for all of them, especially Ali but thankfully she doesn't have the maturity to really know how this could play out. I'll bet she knows things are more difficult for her than others and I hope that's all she knows right now. Gosh .... I've known of parents whose children were dying or could die and how do you lay that on them?  My daughter had a friend with CF in mid-to-late elementary school and she understood it could kill her but she was older than Ali and, even then, I don't think she really grasped the reality of it and I think that's a good thing. That's way too much for young kids to deal with. :-(

I can see the dads making maybe 50-60k a season but I'm not sure I believe they make the same as the moms. Otherwise I don't think Jo and Adam would be having nervous breakdowns over child support increases.

In response to whomever made the comment about parenting standards going downhill, sadly that's true. If people think it's acceptable to throw a sick child in a crib and ignore him, or allow your children to go hungry because you're too lazy/high/preoccupied with dickses to go to the grocery store, then our society is truly in the gutter.

To me the single dads (meaning not living with the mother) are the ones who seem to be living more modestly so I don't think they're getting the same, either.

  • Love 2

His hair was resembling Bob's Big Boy in a few scenes too, and just like the other men on this show, why doesn't he have a job?

Ha!!! I was going to say Dagwood Bumstead, but Bob's Big Boy is a more accurate description. I think Jo is balding up top and doing a weird comb over thing. He should stick with the buzz cut.

I meant to comment on this earlier, but Adam's friend looks even creepier than he did before. I didn't even think that was possible. Did he lose teeth?

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 1

I am very late to the party this week!


The only thing that I have to add is that Kaiser was so sad reaching his little Vienna Sausage arms out to his "mother" wanting to be picked up. He has had no choice in the matter as to who his mother is. Babies are always cute reaching like that but it was just pitiful because he has no real comfort.  My son (almost 12) had strep a couple weeks ago and I would have chopped off one of my fingers if it would have made him feel better.  Anything! Luckily I didn't need to resort to that, but my normal nurturing mode (which is insanely strong to begin with) instinctively went into overdrive. How could it not?! Jeezus. Seeing your kids sick/hurt/in pain is simply the worst, and how a parent cannot try and do everything within their power to help, or at least comfort, is always mind-boggling to me.

Edited by AhFillAck
  • Love 3

According to google Aubree's birthday is September 7th so I guess it makes sense she had to wait to start kindergarten. The current usual cutoff is usually to be 5 by 9/1 to start kindergarten, in my experience.

It's weird because 'back in the day' you could choose to enroll them or not that year if your kid had a September bday so my two best friends were born 9/5/82 and 9/16/83 so the one born 9/5 was over a year older than the one born 9/16 yet we were all in the same grade, starting kindergarten in 1988.

EDIT: Also, I don't understand why no bread equals no lunch? There are tons of other things that can be packed for a lunch! I used to love to bring cold chicken nuggets (and later soy nuggets when I stopped eating meat) or cold pizza. Hell, crackers and cheese. Or even just other components like fruit, veg, yogurt, whatever! A sandwich isn't needed! I feel like she must've had like NO food in that house to not have ANYTHING to give them for lunch and nothing to even grab for breakfast on the long car ride? Wtf? She couldn't microwave a hot pocket and have them eat it in the car? Not saying it's healthy but that's the kind of thing I assume she feeds them regularly. It really seems like either she was too cracked out to think of any of this or she had NO FOOD period. It's just bizarre but such is Leah..

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 5

Only speaking for myself but saying I have some extra compassion for Leah is not the same thing as excusing her behavior. I don't think anyone's done that. It simply means that I can watch her fail her kids and get all judge-y but ... damn ... I just would not want anyone to be in the same position as her and have to listen to the doctor say your daughter's life is about to steadily decline until she probably dies at a young age. My heart just goes out to her. Notice I didn't say my heart goes out to her and yeah, she doesn't have to get the girls to school on time fed and ready for the day. It is just, as a mother, I have compassion for her dealing with that. I honestly cannot wrap my head around how difficult that would be to hear. Does that mean she should not get them food? Of course not. But I think she desperately needs help and I can imagine how dealing with something like that can either cause or compound all sorts of emotional issues and problems. And yes, it primarily affects Ali. But I can't imagine how much it hurts those who love Ali.

Except Leah is not the only parent dealing with Ali and there are many family members also dealing with this matter. Guess what? They are not addicts. Cory has the girls in his care more than Leah during this filming. She barely has them three days out of the week. Miranda gave up her career to be a SAHM for those girls. What has Leah given up? Dick? Boyfriends? Drugs? Nothing. Leah has not done a damn thing except blame Cory and seek out a new boyfriend. More effort for dick, not her child who may have a short life. Like I noted before, if this was Adumb or one of the other fathers, no one would have sympathy or compassion. They would he slammed left and right.

Cory, Miranda, and the rest of the family get my sympathy. Most of all, the kids get my sympathy and If I could, I would let them know how special they are and how lucky they are to have Cory and Miranda as parents.

Who cares if Jo does not work. Neither does Cate, Tyler, Amber, Leah or Jenelle. Jo might be going to trade school or something similar. Kail is in school. Whatever the case may be, Jo's job is the same as everyone else on this show. Funny how the dads get pointed out while the mothers are doing the same thing: nothing but getting paid by MTV. Another thing, Jo not only loves his child, he is involved in his son's life. There is no addiction or neglect there. Jo moved to be closer to his child. Jo and Kail are trying their best to co-parent. Jo is more involved with his child than Tyler. That is pretty sad considering Jo does not have Isaac full time. Jo would love to his child in his home full time, not shipping him off to a relative's home five days a week.

To the poster above who mentioned Leah was not always this way. Maybe you missed the article from the camera guy who pointed out Leah is the worst mother of the franchise. This article came out back during season two. That was five years ago. Not to mention back in the days Leah was just as lazy and dirty. She was the same person minus the drugs.

Seems Leah is good at convincing people she is a good mom and needs compassion.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 10

EDIT: Also, I don't understand why no bread equals no lunch? There are tons of other things that can be packed for a lunch! I used to love to bring cold chicken nuggets (and later soy nuggets when I stopped eating meat) or cold pizza. Hell, crackers and cheese. Or even just other components like fruit, veg, yogurt, whatever! A sandwich isn't needed! I feel like she must've had like NO food in that house to not have ANYTHING to give them for lunch and nothing to even grab for breakfast on the long car ride? Wtf? She couldn't microwave a hot pocket and have them eat it in the car? Not saying it's healthy but that's the kind of thing I assume she feeds them regularly. It really seems like either she was too cracked out to think of any of this or she had NO FOOD period. It's just bizarre but such is Leah..

Having no food in the house was my first thought as well. Good grief, put some fucking cheerios in a bag or something. It's pretty sad when you rate just above Jenelle and just below Amber on the good motherhood scale.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 5

Leah does the classic deadbeat parent move. Post pictures of them doing basic things with their children on social media to make themselves appear to be parents of the year. I can't imagine my mom snapping pictures of me every time she fed me a meal and then showed it to thousands of strangers. Who knows what time of day that sausage on a stick was microwaved. Could have been 5 p.m. on a Saturday.

  • Love 15

Having no food in the house was my first thought as well. Good grief, put some fucking cheerios in a bag or something. It's pretty sad when you rate just above Jenelle and just below Amber on the good motherhood scale.

Right?! Also, the fact that Leah "didn't know" she was out of bread lends more evidence to the fact TR and his kids live there...how could it be that the "only" adult living there doesn't know what food they have available? I know Gracie makes toast and such but if Leah was truly the only adult living there I would have to assume she would've known when the bread ran out... Except, obviously there is another adult there who could've finished the bread without Leah knowing that. Also, Ali saying "they" didn't get her lunchables blew up Leah's lie as well. What a loser she is.

I seriously hope her kids aren't stuck sleeping in the living room because there aren't enough rooms and TR's kids have the bedrooms. Or, even worse, all the bedrooms are upstairs so Ali is forced to sleep downstairs. I get the feeling we won't even see their bedrooms.... Maybe they share with TR's kids? The whole thing is fucked and mtv sucks for this charade of him not living there. Unless they're going to throw as much shade and evidence about it as they can since I assume he stays elsewhere during filming.

  • Love 9

I see today on Twitter she posted a picture of Addy with breakfast. So predictable. lol


A few months ago she was displaying photos of neatly packed lunches, with little notes in them. Now we all know why.

If she'd put that much effort into doing the shit in the first place, all this ass covering wouldn't be necessary. Oh well- at least the kids got a meal out of it.

  • Love 7

Except Leah is not the only parent dealing with Ali and there are many family members also dealing with this matter. Guess what? They are not addicts. Cory has the girls in his care more than Leah during this filming. She barely has them three days out of the week. Miranda gave up her career to be a SAHM for those girls. What has Leah given up? Dick? Boyfriends? Drugs? Nothing. Leah has not done a damn thing except blame Cory and seek out a new boyfriend. More effort for dick, not her child who may have a short life. Like I noted before, if this was Adumb or one of the other fathers, no one would have sympathy or compassion. They would he slammed left and right.

Cory, Miranda, and the rest of the family get my sympathy. Most of all, the kids get my sympathy and If I could, I would let them know how special they are and how lucky they are to have Cory and Miranda as parents.

Who cares if Jo does not work. Neither does Cate, Tyler, Amber, Leah or Jenelle. Jo might be going to trade school or something similar. Kail is in school. Whatever the case may be, Jo's job is the same as everyone else on this show. Funny how the dads get pointed out while the mothers are doing the same thing: nothing but getting paid by MTV. Another thing, Jo not only loves his child, he is involved in his son's life. There is no addiction or neglect there. Jo moved to be closer to his child. Jo and Kail are trying their best to co-parent. Jo is more involved with his child than Tyler. That is pretty sad considering Jo does not have Isaac full time. Jo would love to his child in his home full time, not shipping him off to a relative's home five days a week.

To the poster above who mentioned Leah was not always this way. Maybe you missed the article from the camera guy who pointed out Leah is the worst mother of the franchise. This article came out back during season two. That was five years ago. Not to mention back in the days Leah was just as lazy and dirty. She was the same person minus the drugs.

Seems Leah is good at convincing people she is a good mom and needs compassion.

Good Lord. All I ever said was that I feel bad that Leah has to watch her child become crippled and possibly die at a young age. I will gladly own having compassion for a family in that circumstance. I expressly said I did not think it was an excuse for lousy parenting, which she exhibits. I don't get the rage over those things.

  • Love 6
Today. 12:24 pm

I see today on Twitter she posted a picture of Addy with breakfast. So predictable. lol



Yes, Addy "wanted pancake and sausage on a stick, yogurt, and strawberries for breakfast"......so Gracie made it for her. 


Also not shown? She's sitting on a pot, not a chair. Hey, those pots have to be put to use somehow.

  • Love 8

Except Leah is not the only parent dealing with Ali and there are many family members also dealing with this matter. Guess what? They are not addicts. Cory has the girls in his care more than Leah during this filming. She barely has them three days out of the week. Miranda gave up her career to be a SAHM for those girls. What has Leah given up? Dick? Boyfriends? Drugs? Nothing. Leah has not done a damn thing except blame Cory and seek out a new boyfriend. More effort for dick, not her child who may have a short life. Like I noted before, if this was Adumb or one of the other fathers, no one would have sympathy or compassion. They would he slammed left and right.

Cory, Miranda, and the rest of the family get my sympathy. Most of all, the kids get my sympathy and If I could, I would let them know how special they are and how lucky they are to have Cory and Miranda as parents.

That's basically what I said. Corey isn't using this as a reason to head to the bar every night. I'm sure it hurts him just as much as it hurts her.

And Ali herself- the poor little thing. Unless Leah's kids are on electronics 24/7, most kids are constant motion at that age. I have this image of sad little Ali not being able to do something in gym class or at recess, and coming home feeling sad about it. You know Leah is so preoccupied that she probably wouldn't be there for her. This kid needs strong role models who will be there for her as her abilities become more limited. I imagine it's not too fun to be five and different from everyone else, especially when the difference prevents you from doing a lot of the things kids do for fun and bond together with.

  • Love 6

Only speaking for myself but saying I have some extra compassion for Leah is not the same thing as excusing her behavior. I don't think anyone's done that. It simply means that I can watch her fail her kids and get all judge-y but ... damn ... I just would not want anyone to be in the same position as her and have to listen to the doctor say your daughter's life is about to steadily decline until she probably dies at a young age. My heart just goes out to her. Notice I didn't say my heart goes out to her and yeah, she doesn't have to get the girls to school on time fed and ready for the day. It is just, as a mother, I have compassion for her dealing with that. I honestly cannot wrap my head around how difficult that would be to hear. Does that mean she should not get them food? Of course not. But I think she desperately needs help and I can imagine how dealing with something like that can either cause or compound all sorts of emotional issues and problems. And yes, it primarily affects Ali. But I can't imagine how much it hurts those who love Ali.

I agree with you. I think that we have seen Leah be depressed and completely overwhelmed ever since the twins were born. I think she loves her kids but cannot function and she is self medicating with drugs because she just can't cope. Even when they were first born she was trying to do other things to make herself feel better, leaving the babies with Cory and running around with her old friends and Robbie. Then when Ali got her diagnosis it was all downhill from there. She strikes me as the type to do anything to keep her mind off of the life she has created, multiple marriages, cheating, another kid, moving constantly, Etc. the problem is that everything she is doing to make herself feel better just complicates things even more. It's like on the show rehab when they all sit down and discuss what Happened to people along the way. hearing that it all goes downhill for Ali around 7 and watching her fall all day must be horrifying and I do have compassion for her.
  • Love 2
hearing that it all goes downhill for Ali around 7 and watching her fall all day must be horrifying and I do have compassion for her.


This part just breaks my heart. I feel so bad for Ali. I can't stand it when she's falling and Leah yanks her up off the ground, though. That has to hurt! And if she were able to use her wheelchair she wouldn't be falling all the time. It's very hard watching predictions about Ali's future as viewers -  it must be horrible for Leah, Corey, and Miranda.

  • Love 5

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