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S07.E01: Here We Go Again

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Janelle needs to clean the shit out of her ears. Nipples didnt say he was going to have her charged with a felony. He said she can't get a job because she has felonies. What an idiot.

Leah is a mess. Why does she move into a house that is 45 minutes away from the girlses school, but wans to have primary custody?

Jo still isn't working? Sigh.

Adumb is tryng to compete with nips for the most roided up body.

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

The editors and the camera people who know what they are filming are the unsung hero of these shows. They know exactly what they are doing and god damn, I want to go and hang out with them and get drinks. Because they probably have some stories to tell and I know, they probably aren't allowed to share but I swear I would not tell a soul, I would keep the stories to myself but hell.. I wish I knew them in real life. 

  • Love 15

Adalynn just downed a packet of sweet and low, and my night has been made. Welcome back, girlses.

And oh look. Leah texting and driving. While high on pillses.

And telling Leah I don't trust you. That's not exactly normal coming from a six year old.

Janelle....."If I have this charge, I don't think I'm ever gonna have a job."

...It took you 16 mugshots to realize that? Geesh.

Edited by ClassyCourtHeels
  • Love 19

The girls were on point with Leah, they don't have lunch? And I love that in order to fix the fact that Miranda and Corey make breakfast, she was all, 'I'm sure they do, ON THE WEEKENDS but today is a school day!'. As if Miranda and Corey can't wake up early enough to make breakfast. 


I actually like Kail this episode. Javi, not so much.

  • Love 11

Leah high and texting while driving with her children in the car. Gracie reaming her for being a shitty parent. Addy eating a packet of sugar while Leah says she got up at 5am even though we all saw that wasn't true. Par the course.

Javi being an insecure asshole and demanding Lincoln was ridiculous.

Jenelle being Jenelle. Nathan's new piece is so happy to be on camera.

Chelsea was boring. Par the course.

  • Love 7

I hate to defend Leah, but I wonder if Gracie overheard Cory or Miranda say they didn't trust Leah and she just appropriated the phrase. That's not a normal thing for a six year-old to say.

Addie downing sugar packets and Sweet and Low? I just can't.

Vee and Miranda are really cute pregnant girls. I love Aubree's new haircut and I'm obsessed with Pete.

I'm not sure what's going on with Javi having such a huge stick up his ass. Kail really didn't need to involve Isaac in her personal drama.

It's good to see nothing has changed with Jenelle. Jace spilling a little juice sent her over the edge. Yeah, she'll do great working in the medical field. I can't stand her friend Tori. She's like the poster child for white trash.

  • Love 6

Don't worry Javi, when you you and Kail inevitably divorce, her new husband won't want anything to do with you either!

Has anyone ever called DHS on Leah?

Did Jenelle's even take Der Kaiser's temperature or did she forget to because she just wanted him to stay in his crib so she could ignore him like she usually does?

A pig in the house...on the couch!!!!!

  • Love 7

I hate to defend Leah, but I wonder if Gracie overheard Cory or Miranda say they didn't trust Leah and she just appropriated the phrase. That's not a normal thing for a six year-old to say.

Addie downing sugar packets and Sweet and Low? I just can't.

Vee and Miranda are really cute pregnant girls. I love Aubree's new haircut and I'm obsessed with Pete.

I'm not sure what's going on with Javi having such a huge stick up his ass. Kail really didn't need to involve Isaac in her personal drama.

It's good to see nothing has changed with Jenelle. Jace spilling a little juice sent her over the edge. Yeah, she'll do great working in the medical field. I can't stand her friend Tori. She's like the poster child for white trash.

I totally believe Leah has been late picking up Gracie and Ali which went with it, but I agree, she likely heard the "I don't trust you."

Leah terrifies me.

Kail and Javi are a mess. Isaac didn't need to hear that discussion about Javi though.

  • Love 4

I cannot with Leah and her shitty parenting!!  Gracie saying, "I'm cold and I have nothing to eat!", broke my heart.  Apparently, Leah believes that it's too much for a parent to have to get up early AND make breakfast for their kids on a weekday.  My husband travels a lot for work and there have been a few times where I was sick as a dog and would've loved to stay in bed, but I got my butt up and made my son breakfast and drove him to school - on time!  It's what you do as a parent - your kids are supposed to come first!  Does she realize there are moms who actually have to work full-time and parent?  She's such a lazy piece of crap.


Could Nathan's girlfriend be any more aware of the cameras?


Also, Javi is an asshole.

  • Love 19

Leah should be absolutely mortified and ashamed that her daughter completely called her lazy ass out on national television, but her ass kisser Mom and delusional fans continue to rave about what a great Mom she is. She has NO job and nowhere to be except for that elementary school parking lot, and, according to her, getting them anywhere on time is "exhausting and not easy."


Also, BULLSHIT at you waking up at 5am, Leah. Those girls were not given breakfast, no lunch was made, hair wasn't brushed, and there's no way they were out of that door before 7:45. What the hell did she do between 5 until then? NOTHING was done. Corey works, and has a newborn, yet he has plenty of time to get the kids some breakfast and never complains about how hard it is to get them to school on time. How can ANYONE excuse her behavior? She, literally, has all the time in the world to get her shit done, but all we see is shit piled up to the ceiling in her car and garage, and her girls complaining about getting no food.

  • Love 13

Watching that scene of Leah driving those girl, high out of her mind, barely able to keep her eyes open, while texting, was terrifying. She should not be allowed to be with those kids alone, much less drive them.

I had such anxiety watching that scene, yikes. I am loving how much the editors hate her though, they were throwing her some major shade which I enjoyed.

  • Love 9

The editors and the camera people who know what they are filming are the unsung hero of these shows. They know exactly what they are doing and god damn, I want to go and hang out with them and get drinks. Because they probably have some stories to tell and I know, they probably aren't allowed to share but I swear I would not tell a soul, I would keep the stories to myself but hell.. I wish I knew them in real life.

Do you watch Teen Mom OG? The MTV crew posed next to a port-o-potty at Farrah's house, all wearing big, fake, red lipstick (imitating Farrah) and posted it on the reunion or Aftershow. Cool people indeed. Like the editors, they know how to get their point across.

God, who is this girl hosting the live aftershow? She is horrible at interviewing.

She's a fan girl, always blowing smoke up their ass instead of interviewing them. How could anyone watch that episode and praise Leah's parenting, but that's exactly what she did.

  • Love 10

Also, Jenelle has Jace 4 days a month (every other weekend according to her, which I call BS on her seeing him even that often), and she pawns Kai off whenever she can, but when he was crying and Jace accidentally spilled something on the couch, she had the nerve to say she needed a break. When do you NOT get a break, dipshit?!

  • Love 9

Uh oh sad news about Ali? Noooo!

That's not new news for them. They have probably been trying to avoid thinking about it but her prognosis has never been good. Why did they let the wheelchair stay broken for 2 months. They don't seem to understand that alli is not going to stay strong because she's walking. She's going to fall a lot and be in constant pain. Listen to the doctor!

  • Love 8

Anus lip Javi needs to grow the fuck up and Jenelle needs to shut the fuck up.

Leah needs to go back to "depression and anxiety" rehab because it's clear to anybody with eyes that she's still using "anxiety and depression" and is taking "anxiety and depression", getting high as hell and driving 3 innocent kids. I don't know where she's getting her "anxiety and depression" but I bet she's blowing all of her money on it.

  • Love 21

Watching the girlses in Leah's care is so sad. I can't imagine what Cory must feel watching that. Both Kail and Chelsea managed to get their kids up, dressed, clean and ready for school with full bellies. Also, where the heck were the kids sleeping when Leah woke them up? They looked like they were just strewn about the living room like they were up partying the night before and just passed out wherever they could. Why weren't they in their beds?!? The mind boggles at Leag could have any custody rights at this point.

  • Love 17

I'm surprised to not have seen anyone mention this yet, but Jenelle had a massive... surgery scar? mole? on her chin in her first scene. All of this after she claimed to not get any plastic surgery, despite going in for a chin consultation. I did check her individual thread but didn't see a mention of this - apologies if I missed it!




  • Love 4

I totally agree that watching Leah driving those girls and texting while barely awake was terrifying. Terrifying.


As a mom, hearing that you need to do Make A Wish now rather than later made me teary. I felt for Leah then, but I want her to get her shit together. She is so far from having her shit together right now.


And her incredulity that the girlsies should actually get BREAKFAST before school? OMFG. Just because you can't fathom it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I feel so bad for them. I really have to keep reminding myself that those girls are not on WIC or SNAP because Leah probably gets 100k a year...and I'm betting most of that goes for pillsies.


Finally, WTF is going on with Kailyn and Chelsea's hair on the after show? They look like...I don't know...someone left the curlers in? 

  • Love 8

I'm surprised to not have seen anyone mention this yet, but Jenelle had a massive... surgery scar? mole? on her chin in her first scene. All of this after she claimed to not get any plastic surgery, despite going in for a chin consultation. I did check her individual thread but didn't see a mention of this - apologies if I missed it!



Good eye, I didn't notice the stitches at first! Jenelle fell and cut her chin open back in October. I used Radar online because they had graphic photos!

Edited by ebkitty
  • Love 1

Does adumb ask for custody every season to ensure an MTV paycheck? I'm beginning to think so.

What is up javi's ass with being around Jo? Ibseriously don't get it. I missed most of the aftershow but I caught a few moments with Javi phoning in. Is he deployed? That ought to do wonders for his jealously NOT! How can he check her cell and act like a baby when she talks to a guy?

I too thought the girlses were sleeping on the sofas. Awaiting the entree of Delta Dawn to tell Leah she's just fine. And where's the guy that she was with during filming ?

The Roll is a very appropriate name. That kid is quite the bruiser. I noticed Jenelle was late to the aftershow. I just that was after she got medical attention for being sick lol.

Edited by poeticlicensed

I applaud everything that has already been said.  I just want to add that every time I see Leah's girls just swigging full bottles of soda it makes me sad.  And the babies (of many of the teen moms--not all) thrown in a crib with a huge bottle full of juice.


Sugary drinks are just awful for kids, and it would be one thing if they were just now starting to have some soda, but Leah's girls grow up with it.  


And I agree with the whole sentiment about how sad it was watching the girls beg for a lunch, and then say they were cold and wanted breakfast.  She is so awful.  As someone that gets up in the 5 oclock hour every day for work and to get my child ready to go to school, I hate that she acts like she is doing the impossible.  But yet she acts like she deserves full custody of them.

  • Love 11

I feel so bad for these girls, they do everything right but everybody else is against them.

Jenelle is the perfect mom but those damn kids have the nerve to cry and spill stuff and be kids and the poor thing never gets a break. Damn kids. And if not for Nathan's girlfriend daring to sit in a truck, making Jenelle throw shit at her she would be setting the medical world on fire. Now even though she has a perfect record otherwise, because this bitch dared to sit in a truck, Jenelle's life is ruined through no fault of her own.

Poor, poor Leah. She's also the perfect mother, it's just that mean Corey and bitch Miranda expect her to feed them and get them to school and stuff and its just not fair. If not for all of these mean people Leah would have the perfect life and be the perfect mother.

Like I said. I feel so bad for them.

I know this is sarcasm, but sadly enough, there are people who actually say this shit and MEAN IT. Scary world out there.


The editors and the camera people who know what they are filming are the unsung hero of these shows. They know exactly what they are doing and god damn, I want to go and hang out with them and get drinks. Because they probably have some stories to tell and I know, they probably aren't allowed to share but I swear I would not tell a soul, I would keep the stories to myself but hell.. I wish I knew them in real life. 


You know what though? As nosy as I am in general, I am not sure we really want to know what goes on that doesn't make the editing cut. That camera guy that posted on Reddit said he couldn't sleep at night sometimes, and was actually brought to tears while filming. I am guessing there's a lot more neglect than we could imagine and a lot of hurtful words that have been lobbed at toddlers because their parents are assholes who can't censor themselves at all.

  • Love 8

Here we go again is right! Why do I subject myself to such blood pressure raising shows? (Oh well, I have low BP anyhow)



Let's just get Jenelle out of the way, because I really need to freaking vent about this broad. She is the dictionary definition of delusional. She thinks the judge will find the charges against her to be "stupid", because it was on her property. Okay, let's not even talk about how you're probably renting. Yes, if a robber or murderer comes on your property and you DEFEND yourself, you're justified. If your baby daddy's next girl pulls up in his truck, to pick up your kid, you're not justified in throwing a glass at her! Obviously the cameras weren't there, so we'll never know if it's like Jenelle says (girl was coming at her) or Nathan's side (she stayed in the truck), but we've seen Jenelle get violent before, so how is this any different? I just wonder where Kaiser was at when all this was happening? 


And she can really quit whining about not being able to get a job in the "medical field" if her charges aren't dropped. Yea, that would be the only thing stopping upstanding doctor's offices from hiring the girl who's record is a mile long and goes back way before Nathan and his current gym rat girlfriend. No one was EVER going to hire you! And if someone did, you'd last all of five minutes because apparently just saying, "Hi, how ya doing?" is starting an argument, and you'd probably get fired for throwing a stethoscope at a patient! 


Don't even get me started on her meltdown when Kaiser was sick. Welcome to motherhood, Jenelle. I have 3 kids ages 4-7. Imagine when they're all sick at the same time! And I don't have a Tori to order around and help me. Is Tori living there? Anyhow, maybe if she didn't give Jace freaking Kool-aid and allow it in the living room, it wouldn't have spilled. Kids spill. That's why you put them at the table. Maybe with a nice cup of water? And then after losing her shit, she goes and sits outside? Leaving sick Kaiser alone in there with Jace? Nice. On second thought, that's probably safer. 


I thought it was interesting that as soon as Barb shows up and asks how Kaiser is, she remarks that he's probably in pain. I agreed. I wonder if Jenelle even tried to give him any medicine? It seemed to me like she just wanted him to go to sleep and leave her alone. And apparently Barb can't even ask about her grandson without Jenelle deciding "them's fighting words" and making Barb out to be this big argumentative bitch. I just can't with Jenelle. I can't. 




Leah was equally frustrating this week. I now get why Cory stays on the show. She is doing her best to besmirch him up, down, left, and right. I think he wants to show people what's actually going on and basically be able to defend himself. Cory absolutely did not go to the medical appointment to "cause drama". He went because he cares about his freaking daughter! We've never seen him any other way, but than a devoted dad who is very concerned about his daughter's health. I bet he wanted to hear exactly what the doc said, not Leah's version of it. I hope they give him the wheelchair once it's fixed, so it doesn't get broken again by Leah allowing it to become Gracie's jungle gym. 


I also bet if Ali was riding around with Cory and Miranda her seatbelt would be properly placed across her body. Gah, I just can't with these car scenes, they give me extreme anxiety! Leah is always on the phone, and no one is safely fastened in. 


How awesome was Gracie calling her mom out on not caring if they're fed or picked up/dropped off on time? "Daddy and Miranda feed us breakfast!" "Well, I'm not Daddy and Miranda. I offer burnt Spaghettios in a can, cooked while in a drug induced stupor". I don't know if Leah is actually staying clean out of rehab, but there is no excuse for being that tired, that she's complaining about falling asleep driving. If you have to get up at 5, go to bed at 9. Get everyone in a regular bedtime routine, starting at 7. Baths, stories, bed. Then get to bed yourself. Do your housework during the day, and you'll have no excuses. And make your kids some freaking breakfast and lunch! You have nothing else to do!!! I was actually concerned that the girls weren't even going to have breakfast. She said they could eat at school. But if they're running that late, that SHE couldn't make it, wouldn't they have to go straight to class when they arrive? Ugh, I so can't wait until they're with their daddy and can be properly cared for. 


How sad was the news that Ali is going to start to go downhill around 7? I cried. I adore that spunky little girl, I hope she beats the odds somehow. 




Aubrey was equally adorable tonight. I love her new haircut and she was so cute after school - "We didn't get to learn to read today". Haha, maybe tomorrow, honey. 


I don't have much else to say. Chelsea is a good mom. Cole is sweet. Adam is still a posturing douchebag. Let's move on. 




Javi, damn you for making me side with Kail. Why is he being such an immature brat??? Why is he so threatened by Kail having a good relationship with her son's father? I know Javi is very jealous, but Jo isn't even single. And have you seen him lately? Simmer down, Javi. I couldn't believe he wouldn't even be in the family photos. What a jerk. 


I wonder if there is more going on between him and Kail that we're not hearing about. Or is this all about Jo? If so, I'd be excited for him to deploy too. What a joy to come home to. He's clearly not thinking about Isaac, and how nice it is for him to have all of his parents get along. 

  • Love 14
Adalynn just downed a packet of sweet and low, and my night has been made. Welcome back, girlses


With Gracie, the toast maker, now in school, that's probably the best meal she'll get all week. \


It's nice to see that Leah continues to be worthless. That bitch is going to kill herself and/or the girlses one day by texting and driving while high.


Who is she texting that early in the morning anyhow? It's not like she's friends with the other school moms. 


She's a fan girl, always blowing smoke up their ass instead of interviewing them. How could anyone watch that episode and praise Leah's parenting, but that's exactly what she did.


And the fans even voted that SHE (Leah) had the hardest co-parenting situation. My ass. What's so hard about having a loving, involved dad who brushes their hair and feeds them real food? Maybe they meant it was hardest for Cory? But somehow I doubt it....

  • Love 12

Watching the girlses in Leah's care is so sad. I can't imagine what Cory must feel watching that. Both Kail and Chelsea managed to get their kids up, dressed, clean and ready for school with full bellies. Also, where the heck were the kids sleeping when Leah woke them up? They looked like they were just strewn about the living room like they were up partying the night before and just passed out wherever they could. Why weren't they in their beds?!? The mind boggles at Leag could have any custody rights at this point.

They probably do fall asleep wherever when they come off their sugar high. Ali might not be able to get to her room if it's upstairs. Why a two-story house, Leah?
  • Love 7

Here we go again indeed! The show I love to hate watch!

I really hope Cory gets custody of the girlses. Leah driving half asleep, high and texting was terrifying to watch. And Gracie crying about being cold and hungry broke my heart. Then there was Addy eating the Sweet 'n' Low sugar packets in the restaurant . Oy!

Jenelle is a POS and always will be in my book. I hate the way she treats Barb. I hope she goes to jail, but I know that won't happen. I feel bad for her boys. If she has a meltdown because Jace spilled a little juice and Roll got sick, well, that's being a Mom, suck it up, I hope she never gets custody of Jace. Poor Roll doesn't have a chance with having two parents who are both idiots.

Kail isn't bugging me....yet. Chelsea, not so interesting but she's the only one who is a good Mom and has a job. I just wish she'd stop with the baby voice.

I see MTV has hired a friend for Jenelle. Adam's paid homeless looking friend is back. And Nathan's new girlfriend loves being on camera, she even got hair extensions.

  • Love 6

Will somebody get Ali her damned lunchables? The juxtaposition of how the girlses get ready for school and how Aubree gets ready for school was obvious and really sad. And even if Chelsea had three kids, I don't think she'd send them off to school like that. Cold, hungry and disheveled.

I'd rather Ali be the after show host. She's like the narrator of the girlses sad little lives. "Is my hair brushed?...No." "Did they buy my lunchables? No." Then tag the blonde twin in to host the reunion show. Man she had Leah's number.

  • Love 19

my whole post went poof....


Just saw the "This season on Teen Mom 2 scenes" and it really just feels like the same old, same old. We keep hearing so much about what's going to happen and then watch and it feels like nothing much ever happens. If all the cliffhanger stuff is going to happen in the last couple of episodes, this is going to be a boring season of the same crap: Leah denying she has a problem, Jenelle talking about court, Chelsea talking like an immature baby, and Kail being.... well Kail.

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 1

That was some enthralling dinner conversation Nathan and his gf were having, while eating standing up or weirdly crouched on stools too short for the counter. I wanna go back to the gym, me too! And then Mtv mandated discussion of the Jenelle incident. Ok, clearly that brief scene really bugged me because one more - Nathan had a huge steak on his plate and was the gf just eating vegetables?!

Jenelle just makes me stabby. As ghoulina noted, she and her friend just leave the 2 kids including 1 screaming sick baby in the house alone because she needs a minute? Nice.

Aubrey is adorable. She looked so cute, ponytailed, wearing clean clothes (and even fed lol) going off to school. Take note Leah. It can be done.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 7

I find the random comments about Chelsea being boring quite humorous.  I love that she has a "boring" storyline.  It gives me a chance to relax after watching the rest of the loonies on the show.  And I am glad that there is someone from this franchise that is doing things right, and not all about the drama.  I especially love the contrast (as others have noted) between Leah getting the girls ready for school versus Chelsea.  Priceless.

  • Love 20
Will somebody get Ali her damned lunchables?


And then she's begging her mom to stop at the freaking gas station to get them lunch food. Gas station lunch! I don't know what's more depressing - the girlses having to beg to be fed or the fact that they find gas station food acceptable and normal for lunch. It's like they know that Leah isn't going to cut up fresh fruit and make them a nice PBJ sandwich. So they're just begging that she at least stop at the local Kum and Go and get them SOMETHING, ANYTHING to eat. 


How that girl still has fans is beyond me. 


I find the random comments about Chelsea being boring quite humorous.  I love that she has a "boring" storyline.  It gives me a chance to relax after watching the rest of the loonies on the show.  And I am glad that there is someone from this franchise that is doing things right, and not all about the drama.  I especially love the contrast (as others have noted) between Leah getting the girls ready for school versus Chelsea.  Priceless.


Totally agree. After the other three making me ten kinds of stabby (Javi instead of Kail), it was refreshing to have raspy-voiced Aubrey and Pete the Pig scenes!

  • Love 14

And then she's begging her mom to stop at the freaking gas station to get them lunch food. Gas station lunch!

And then Leah tells her that she'll bring them their lunch later. That's when the blonde twin let her have it and was like, "Nah, I don't trust you!" Clearly that's a story Leah has told them before. These children are likely going without breakfast, lunch, baths and sleep. I feel sorry for their teachers. Leah said the school was 45 minutes away so she's probably late picking them up too.

I mean, yes, I felt that Leah was slacking but the verbiage of the 6 year old sounded too much of an adult she overheard...either by Corey and Miranda or Leah and her enterouge of fan family.

True, but then I remembered this is a six year old who also blow dries her own hair and makes toast for her and her siblings.

I seem to remember Leah posting a picture of the girlses asleep on a brown sofa with some other kids. I think they were TR Dues' boyses.

Edited by charmed1
  • Love 4

A post I was about to quote somehow vanished but the OP mentioned Aubre sounding like Quinn Cummings from "Goodbye Girl," thank you! I've been trying to pin who she reminded me of and I think my 1 year old is developing that cute, raspy, punky Brewster voice--love it!!

Please nobody here make a thread for Nathan's girlfriend (I don't even want to Type her name) as she's clearly for the cameras. Her face was irritating me to the point that I envisioned throwing a mason jar full of sticky oil at her head full of extensions and I'M NOT A VIOLENT PERSON lol. So scripted.

Poor Ali eating the sweet n' low.

My parents sent me off to school without breakfast as the school offered free breakfast and I thought it was awesome because I got several choices versus "cereal is ready" or "toast and eggs" as at school there were fun varieties and I ate with friends.

I just wondered if the kids got to school with enough time to eat their school breakfast because it seemed like she almost barely got them there on time FOR CLASS YET ALONE BREAKFAST.

I don't understand the lunch thing. It was the first day of school...that's usually the day when EVERYTHING IS PREPARED. Brand new school clothes are laid out with new lunch boxes and back packs. The school lunch should have been planned ahead and made the night before "I forgot we have no bread left" or Ali upset about "they didn't buy any lunchables" is no excuse.

Poor kids. Also don't text and drive. Period. Especially don't when you're admitting that you're sleepy driving. Sleepy driving while texting is synonymous for drunk driving while texting--sortove. I always wait for a red light to check my phone.

Adumb always files for custody each season to stay relevant to the show because he won't have storyline.

Jenelle annoyed me with Kai. Comfort him when he's sick. Also something really looked fill different about her face but I can't put my finger on it.

Javi was being a tool...yes! However, can't kailyn keep her convo with Javi to themselves? She's just making it more awkward for Javi to Try and be friendly by telling Jo and Vee everything he says. Ugh. I dunno. Vee looks fantastic pregnant but those leggings just didn't jive with me lol.

Graci was on fire with her mom in the car. That kid is a brat but I do see her side if she was hungry and cold but the whole dramatic "I don't trust you dad and Miranda feed us breakfast and you don't..." Not verbatim seem odd for a 6 year old, no?

I mean, yes, I felt that Leah was slacking but the verbiage of the 6 year old sounded too much of an adult she overheard...either by Corey and Miranda or Leah and her enterouge of fan family.

Leah, I totally understand the difficulties getting THREE kids ready in the morning that early (I have three ages 1,3,8) and holy crap my mornings are crazy no matter how organized I am and pack food the night before with kids clothes laid out. It's tough with little ones that need you for everything and you're only one person but your organization skills need some adjusting. Corey has Miranda's help (I kind of think Miranda solely does most of the work she's always filmed preparing the kids meals and cleaning so Corey has a lot of help if he was by himself things would NOT be so cookie coated in his scenes).

Leah please STEP IT UP for those pretty girls.

I don't want to bad mouth her as I'm more concerned about the kids growing up with a healthy mom. Leah is clearly NOT HEALTHY or still taking "anxiety and depression" meds.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 4

I find the random comments about Chelsea being boring quite humorous.  I love that she has a "boring" storyline.  It gives me a chance to relax after watching the rest of the loonies on the show.  And I am glad that there is someone from this franchise that is doing things right, and not all about the drama.  I especially love the contrast (as others have noted) between Leah getting the girls ready for school versus Chelsea.  Priceless.

As boring as Chelsea is, her scenes are a welcome relief from the crazy. I want a happy ending for one TM from one franchise. Ironically Chelsea is the only one of all the TMs who didn't immediately jump into one or more relationships and pop out more babies. I want to see her have a career and a family and  married to a good guy who isn't a deadbeat famewhore. Glad its a pig and not a baby!

  • Love 9

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