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S06.E16: Hearing Is Believing

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I don't know about you, but I like to have all my long, involved, serious conversations in tiny luggage stores. Great scenery choice, producers.

Rinna really needs to stop reading definitions off her phone. That just goes nowhere good.

And I'm officially over Eileen. Her ham-fisted handling of the LVP conversations is just... Bleh. And it's not as though she doesn't make any good points; she just *comes across* like, "Wah, LVP." YMMV.

I felt a kind of melancholy while watching Yo's scenes. Wait... Did a... Pig just fly by?

  • Love 17

Oh God, I don't want to hear about people torturing and then eating dogs!  GAWD! 


Props to Lisa for that though.


Please bring on Dubai, I can't take these women anymore on home turf.  I'm sure they will ruin that too, but at least we will hopefully get some scenery out of it.


I tried to pay attention, I really did, but honestly, this is what I heard, and I am really not kidding.  This is what it turned into for me in several places.  What did they actually say?  No clue.  Don't care either, I'm sure it was all bullshit.  I'll probably try to catch it next week, it's the People vs OJ tonight.


It's all turning into pointless and repetitive bickering that is turning into a indistinguishable blur to me now.  Put a fork in this show, without major overhauls, and at least a touch of "real" in this "reality" show, I don't know if I'll bother with next season.  Honestly, I'm only going to stick this one out for Dubai, and to know what they all bicker about on the reunion.  Thank God NY is coming soon, I need a palate cleanser.

  • Love 15

Wait is this going to be a real thing. Lisa Rinna is enraged because Yolanda was having lunch with Kim and Brandi? No seriously! So the fuck what, who the fuck cares? Who the fuck is lisa Rinna to even be on this ridiculous crusade and to top it all off it was between Erika and Yolanda anyway. Fuck me! That women is just batshit crazy is u ask me. No sense what's so ever. SMH!

  • Love 17

Wait is this going to be a real thing. Lisa Rinna is enraged because Yolanda was having lunch with Kim and Brandi? No seriously! So the fuck what, who the fuck cares? Who the fuck is lisa Rinna to even be on this ridiculous crusade and to top it all off it was between Erika and Yolanda anyway. Fuck me! That women is just batshit crazy is u ask me. No sense what's so ever. SMH!

Either Rinna is doing this for screen time or she's got some big issues!
  • Love 11

My sister had untreatable profound hearing loss stemming back to when she was a kid ( late 1960's- 70's), she is now in her early 50's . Like Kathryn , a hearing aid was developed to benefit her type of hearing loss. She had it in for about a week and stopped using it. Apparently the world was a lot noisier and frantic then she ever realized and she didn't like it.

ETA this episode was ridiculous .

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 17

Eileen may not stick to anyone else's script but she sure expects everyone to adhere to hers. So questions about the origins of one's marriage require not one, not two, not three, but a minimum of four groveling mea culpas while disparaging an ostensible friend behind their back just necessitates a shrug and a dismissive, "I don't think I'm reinventing the wheel here. " Then this was insane: "Why are Lisa and Kyle trying to point out that Rinna had her own agency when she elected to tell Kim that she loved her? How dare they! Don't they know this is about painting a bullseye on Lisa?" Likewise, Kyle is horrible because she describes Rinna a follower. But Eileen is free to criticize Rinna as all bark and no bite as well as a people pleaser . . . because she's not compliant enough to please Eileen. Watching the dialogue between Eileen and Rinna in the luggage store in which Eileen was literally feeding verbiage to her whipping girl-cum-lap-dog was vaguely reminiscent of an abusive relationship dynamic. I'm not sure if this is intentional on the part of editing or not, but I did chuckle at the banner noting that the egregious offense Lisa perpetrated occurred more than two months prior as well as the talking head clip of Eileen's witchlike cackling over Kathryn.

  • Love 21

It was funny when Eileen was trying to make it some crazy magic trick that they were talking about LVP being manipulative and then suddenly it was on LisaR for being a follower. But...that was the obvious point. LisaR herself was defending everything she said by saying that Lisa put these things in her head. She can’t really claim it’s Lisa’s fault and also not admit she’s malleable as silly putty.


The Kim/Brandi stuff turned out to be even less than it seemed. As far as I could tell nobody was accusing Yolanda of lying about staying in bed all day, LisaR was just saying Yolanda’s not allowed to use up her spoons on Kim and Brandi, which is none of her business. That just gave Yolanda an excuse to going into her ridiculous “they’ve supported me more than you all!” stuff.


I did like that Brandi and Kim didn’t come to her big show either, but she didn’t find that suspicious the way she did with LVP. Yet again she’s lecturing about how people have to earn her friendship and trust and nobody ever asks if there’s a point where Yolanda cares about anyone else.


So it looks like she really is pushing the “chronic Lyme” diagnosis? that diagnosis that the medical establishment doesn’t recognize at all?

  • Love 24

My sister had untreatable profound hearing loss stemming back to when she was a kid ( late 1960's- 70's), she is now in her early 50's . Like Kathryn , a hearing aid was developed to benefit her type of hearing loss. She had it in for about a week and stopped using it. Apparently the world was a lot noisier and frantic then she ever realized and she didn't like it.

ETA this episode was ridiculous .


But what if David Foster was playing the piano?  Would she wear it then?

  • Love 11

I was so annoyed with three people tonight: Lemonlymes, Lipsa, and Ashley Abbott.


Good lord, Yolanda, once again is talking about her brain function is causing her not knowing how to write a speech.  Who believes for a second she writes anything?  I sure as hell don't.


Camille looked fabulous as usual.  I did like Yolanda's hair cut.  Funny in this episode we see so much of her this episode compared to the whole season.


The tension between Lisar and Yo was obvious but there was no need to be fake neither.  I'm also so done with Lisar being a victim after she runs her mouth and plays active messenger.  The flashbacks put her on blast tonight that LVP isn't always the puppetmaster but it is Lisar herself who loves to snitch when people confides in her.  I did like when Yo and Lisa were being extra fake, LVP/Kyle acted as the Greek chorus and then called out the fakeness between Lisar and Yo at the table.  Lisar seemed shocked that Kyle called her out on bs.  I don't know why it's true.  Even Eileen said later in the episode there is two sides to Lisar "all bark no bite."  Then we have Yo putting Brandi/Kim on a pedestal before Eileen/Erika who have also defended her throughout most of the season.  So what do you have to say now Eileen and Erika, this is your friend, who's saying Brandi/Kim cares more about her than you two.  


We then get this suitcase shopping scene with Eileen and Lisar.  I need for Eileen's inner Kristen Dimera to come out soon.  She's letting Lisar rat her out and then she still bent out of shape about LVP bringing up her marriage.  Either she finally brings it to the table or she need to drop it and move forward.  I'm over this passive aggressiveness, she even was PV when she didn't want to attend the dog match LVP put together.  


Then the last part of the episode kind of wasn't as interesting besides David and this Tom guy were talking.  It was definitely hinting that trouble was on the horizon for Yo and David's relationship as Yo claims her illness is bringing their marriage down.  Well considering how David's response was when Yo took out her fake boobs several episodes ago he doesn't seem interested in having a sick wife.  Then he makes the comment tonight that she's been in the same robe for months and it needed to be burned.

  • Love 21


No Yolanda, not everyone uses their disease as an all purpose excuse and for attention whoring.


I'm sure she was sick for real at some point. But now? I am positive all of this alleged journey and illness is in her head. Or created by the millions of stupid idiotic treatments she's put her body through.


When I was in the Army, my boss decided to retire. For the next year he went to the clinic every single day. If someone coughed, he thought he had a cold. If someone else had cancer, suddenly he did too and so forth. I think his medical folder tripled in size. So a friend of mine worked in the x-ray department and he was in for his daily whatever whinng getting something x-rayed and my friend brought the pictures to the doctor. The doctor said you shot the wrong thing. My friend said no he needed an x-ray of XXX (whatever it was at the time). The doctor said nope what he needs examined is that thing on top of his shoulders.


That's what I feel about Yo right now. She's nuts and needs her head examined more than any other thing.



Yet again she’s lecturing about how people have to earn her friendship and trust and nobody ever asks if there’s a point where Yolanda cares about anyone else.


I want her off this show next season as badly as I wanted Brandi gone for this season.

  • Love 21

So Lisa Rinna feels that she's "being directed" by LVP to be upset about the bi-polar comment. Does this mean that Rinna is trying to "direct" Erika to be upset with Yolanda over the stupid dinner cancellation?

Eileen can take off after this season; however she understands that soaps are on their last breath so she's gotta stick with this show.

Yolanda's blog is beyond offensive this week to LVP.

  • Love 18

It was fascinating watching Eileen and Lisa R in the luggage shop. The irony of Eileen championing the narrative that LVP is the ultimate manipulator while trying her best to do the same thing.

Nothing anyone could ever do would be good enough for Yolanda. Love that David couldn't remember how many months she's been in her bathrobe. Oops. He must have Lyme brain too.

  • Love 21

Oh my. A clip from Eileen's blog:




Lisa V.’s support of the Stop Yulin Forever is wonderful. I was invited to the protest, but I couldn’t go. Obviously, it was because I’m a total sociopath who wants all dogs, even my own, to be tortured, then murdered, then eaten for my own entertainment. Or at least that’s what it seemed Lisa V. was insinuating at dinner. I’m not going to apologize for being a working mother of a twelve-year-old who made the decision to spend a day at home with her son. Should I have to?

I guess next week all of us, and our issues, are packing up and headed to Dubai. I wonder if there are any dogs there I can murder?


Wow. Is Eileen trying to manipulate my memory wrt tonight's episode? Cuz that's not how I remember it playing out. I could be jet-lagged, though.

Edited by Neeners
  • Love 22

Oh my. A clip from Eileen's blog:



Wow. Is Eileen trying to manipulate my memory wrt tonight's episode? Cuz that's not how I remember it playing out. I could be jet-lagged, though.

Eileen's blog was all sorts of bullshit. Rinna has her moments where her pot stirring is pretty on point, but Eileen has just come off as petty.

  • Love 22

Eileen's blog was all sorts of bullshit. Rinna has her moments where her pot stirring is pretty on point, but Eileen has just come off as petty.


Well, I thought Lisa VP was petty when she said Eileen didn't care about dogs because she declined Lisa VP's invite. Working on a soap opera is no joke. You have to remember several pages of dialogue a day and be on set for many hours. I don't blame Eileen for wanting to have a day off just to relax.

Once again, Erika mentioned how she isn't allowed to do something by Tom. I'm sure Erika loves the perks that come from Tom's money, but I have to wonder how happy can she really be being married to a man who keeps her on such a tight leash.

I had forgotten how beautiful Camille's home was until tonight. I actually miss Camille. I wonder if she would ever consider coming back to the show.

  • Love 20

Pretty boring episode.  Looking forward to Dubai Porn (hee, hee) I wonder if they'll ride camels like NY Ho'wives did in Morocco.  LVP can be Luann when hers was bucking her off and the Countess wasn't looking very Classy.  


I, too, am very over BH and ready for NY!!  I am really, really ready for season 4 of the Americans on Fx starting tomorrow!! It is some serious shit based on true events of Russian spies infiltrating the US and living regular American lives except for the spying, killing, and torturing for the Soviet Union. 


sistermagpie and Umbelina, I'll see you over at The Americans thread tomorrow!!    

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 5

God, if Yo is so sick and so wants to tell the world about invisible diseases and her journey,  please quit the show and ride off into the sunset where she can tell another group all about it.  But heck, we did get to view another part of Yo's imaginary world...with David and her love and David's conversation with his friend.


If Eileen and Lisar have a problem with someone, then either get your act together and stand up for yourself or move on.  Or take a cue from Yo and write Lisa and Yo an email.  You both suck at standing up to people and being articulate. 


Yo not showing up for Erika's party was not Lisar's fight.   If she wanted to go there, she should had said that she cares about Erika very much and she was 'feeling' for Erika when she saw the instagram of lunch.  Doing it that way doesn't give someone else ammunition to say it's none of her business.  And if they do that (of course Erika says nothing until her TH), then you play the victim and say it was out of caring for a friend and act all hurt.  But Lisar isn't that savvy.   


Loved seeing Camille's party.  Pure party porn.


I could have done without the dog march. 


I did enjoy Kathryn getting the hearing aids.  I actually learned something.  And that's all I have for Kathryn.  She's trying too hard to be a part of the group rather than be herself...who herself is I don't know.  She's team Lisa and then team Yo/Erika.  She seems to just want air time.


Mauricio gave a very sincere and gracious thank you. 

  • Love 16

Pretty boring episode.  Looking forward to Dubai Porn (hee, hee) I wonder if they'll ride camels like NY Ho'wives did in Morocco.  LVP can be Luann when hers was bucking her off and the Countess wasn't looking very Classy.  


I, too, am very over BH and ready for NY!!  I am really, really ready for season 4 of the Americans on Fx starting tomorrow!! It is some serious shit based on true events of Russian spies infiltrating the US and living regular American lives except for the spying, killing, and torturing for the Soviet Union. 


sistermagpie and Umbelina, I'll see you over at The Americans thread tomorrow!!    

I can't WAIT for The Americans!  We need more people to watch, so the rest of you guys?  Mosey on over!


Dubai is more indoor snow slopes and less "camels."  Think completely obscene and OTT wealth, I hope they fly that ultra pampering luxury all the way special Dubai  flights.  Probably not.  Still, I'd fly all the time if I could fly like this.  Think, on board spas, and every amenity you can think of, makes private planes look sparse. 


  • Love 6

Asshole move of the night?

Telling people to go drink after your protest - at least promise to donate some of the proceeds to an animal charity?


Again, it's another cause where it's about the HW, not the topic?


Even David was at a loss for knowing exactly how long that he had to see that fucking robe. He probably wanted to burn her with the damn thing.

  • Love 7

Someone noted on TWOP years ago that Camille gives awesome hugs (well, at least they look like they feel awesome) and I was reminded of that tonight. She holds the huggee close in a warm embrace and it looks genuine.


That's 'cos she's from New Jersey....none of that stupid Hollywood/pseudo-European double air kiss bullshit for Camille!!  


She looked amazing and her Mom looked fantastic.  So glad they are both doing well!   :-)

  • Love 13

I am so jealous of the fabulous hotel suite they had in New York, gawd....that terrace and hot tub, to die for.


But I couldn't help but have such a creepy, awful feeling watching Yolanda and David together acting as though everything was all love and kisses and all the time they were in the midst of serious marital problems.

There was a few moments, that was quick and hard to pick up. It happened while Yolanda was outside on the terrace. Kyle was inside sitting on one side of a long couch primping herself, fixing her hair and adjusting her dress, not aware that the camera was on her. A minute later, Erika sat next to her, then Kathryn came and sat on the couch too. David had come with a glass of wine in his hand and sat at the opposite end of the couch with his friend Tom. Neither of them were in camera sight when they spoke, but the sound was picked up.


The brief interaction went like this:

David's friend, Tom: "how are you?"

David: "good"

Tom: "are you feeling better?"

David: "A little, yeah" "It's been a stretch"

Tom: "I want your life to go back to the way it was, when you first got together"

David:"How's that going to happen?"

Tom: "It's gonna happen"

David: "I don't know"


Yolanda: "David has lost his wing-man. He married a woman that was a social butterfly always out and doing and doing and then all of a sudden I got sick. I'm a shell of the woman I used to be."  So all of this toasting each other and 'love you' stuff they showed in front of their friends out on the terrace was all bullshit. David Foster didn't have the beautiful blonde on his arm to show off in public, that's why he wanted a divorce.


Next week, in Dubai..... I might just puke.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 12


I, too, am very over BH and ready for NY!!  I am really, really ready for season 4 of the Americans on Fx starting tomorrow!! It is some serious shit based on true events of Russian spies infiltrating the US and living regular American lives except for the spying, killing, and torturing for the Soviet Union. 


sistermagpie and Umbelina, I'll see you over at The Americans thread tomorrow!!    

I'll be there too. I love that show

  • Love 7

Asshole move of the night?

Telling people to go drink after your protest - at least promise to donate some of the proceeds to an animal charity?


Again, it's another cause where it's about the HW, not the topic?


Even David was at a loss for knowing exactly how long that he had to see that fucking robe. He probably wanted to burn her with the damn thing.


LVP said the drinks at Pump were on her which I took it to mean a free drink.


David's unintentional (or intentional) shading of Yo was hilarious! 9, 11, 10 months then Yolanda a sentence or two later says 11 months (whatever number but it was different then the one David settled on). I thought she was in bed for years.


Kyle & LVP joking around was hilarious: Yo and LisaR hug so Kyle says "Is Yo leaving" then the "slipping tongue" and "hand up skirt" were lol. They had other cute banter elsewhere in the episode. I could watch an episode of them just bantering back and forth


So Yo is so sick after 2 hours with Kim and Brandi that she can't go to Erika's that night but she can jet off to NYC for an entire weekend of events. Whatever


Nobody wants to hang with Yo. LVP & LisaR turn down the NYC trip as did bg and Kim (shady of Yo to say it was for the best that bg and Kim didn't come even if true)


LOL @ Erika saying NYC is the best city....so why did she run away from NYC to be a waitress in LA...


What kind of dog was in the front of the march? Big fluffy white dog~adorable.


Eileen is a manipulator and I wish she would STFU....she is so annoying!


WTF: Yo saying she hasn't had short hair ever or in forever....she has had short hair all season and prior to that she had nasty extensions

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 23

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