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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I would think, if you really want the show off the air, the best way to do it, instead of having thousands of people signing a petition, have thousands of people writing to the companies that advertise during 19 kids & TLC, saying that as long as they advertise during a show that showcases bigotry, their products will not be bought, and follow through. Petitions are everywhere these days, for just about everything, so signatures don't mean as much as potential loss of money.

  • Love 7

Whoever does these petitions should start them tied into being not just a stand but a promise to withhold financial investment in those companies who advertise as you point out kalamac.  Make it part of the petition, listing the companies that advertise and then send letters with the link to the petition site.  Because I suspect most people signing would sign if it called for a boycott.  And just 78,000 signatures will give the likes of Proctor & Gamble pause.  More effective even if it takes more to actually get something done.

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I doubt the petition will do anything. Boob and J'Chelle speak without thinking that they're coming off as insensitive, uneducated morons. 


Of course they don't think that.  We're the morons!  Didn't you know that?  We are over sensitive, not realizing that we're being silly little pansies by not taking the Godly line on rights issues.  We've been overeducated to the point that we question things that shouldn't be questioned. 


I still don't know how they reconcile their stupid beliefs with the fact that highly educated men and women saved both Michelle's and Josie's lives, and I won't even go into the strange dichotomy of how they abhor advanced education but they allowed Josie to be delivered early, thus saving both.  I guess God spoke to JB. 


These people are a living example of hypocrisy, but they're smiling smugly all the way to the bank while doing it.


Where the hell is that blasted petition to take these people off the air?  Anyone got a link?

Edited by Zahdii
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Thank you.  I signed it.  However, I think going after the advertisers will also need to be done.  Not a problem for me, as I often boycott advertisers and I'm not shy about letting them and anyone else know what I'm doing and why.


I'm not sure why I'm so invested to get these people off the air.  I've always thought they were idiots.  I think it's because although they're suddenly getting more attention in the media, their grown offspring that are married are getting more obnoxious, and I've reached my tipping point on smug a--holes fame and money for being smug a--holes.  At least the Kardashians don't bring God into it, but I've never liked them, either.

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Just finished watching TFDW's "meet my daughter" video, and a few things jump out at me:


  • Much as it pains me to look at the guy, he's got some guns. He must have climbed quite a few rock walls at the Alert Academy... also, it's going to make me seriously sad for Priscilla when we read about the airport-bathroom scandal he finds himself embroiled in one of these days.
  • Davia (I'd prefer it pronounced DAY-vee-uh, but whatever) looks like MacKynzie. They both, IMO, look like a not-creepy, cuter version of Pa Keller.
  • Yes, Priscilla is a little dim, but I'll say this for those Keller girls -- they obviously were raised in a nurturing environment. They're both seem to be naturally affectionate, loving mothers.
Edited by Literata
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Although I don't agree with the Duggars' or Robertson's politics, I don't see their beliefs as a reason to cancel their shows. It's a little Draconian to say "if you don't think the way we want we're going to have you yanked off the air and mess with your income." If a show offends me I don't watch it.

I don't like the Duggars because they pay money to spew their hate

  • Love 5

I don't want the show yanked because I think it's a huge, lit sign pointing to the fact that people like the Duggars exist. Pulling the anti-gay off the air doesn't make it disappear. The attitudes and straw man arguments they spew haven't made the majority of people go, "oh, the Duggars know their shit." What I've seen are sites like this one where, with their bullshit views front-and-center, people see who they really are and debate them. I say put the homophobes on display and let them deal with the flack. If you pull them off the air for this, you make them martyrs!

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I don't want the show taken off the air, but I do want a true picture of the family.  The two biggest things in the family's life are omitted from the show: politics and religion.  

Right now, I just sort of laugh at the family and their "ways."  Occasionally, I actually enjoy them, or who I think they are.  However, when I read articles about what Ben and Jessa are tweeting, I get angry.  I assumed they didn't support the gay community, but I didn't know they take an active stance against them.  That ticks me off.  


They are entitled to do as they please.  I would like to see what they're doing.  Apparently, building go-carts isn't their only activity.   

  • Love 3
I don't want the show taken off the air, but I do want a true picture of the family.  The two biggest things in the family's life are omitted from the show: politics and religion.  

Well if you think about the source of most family fights, it is in no particular order: religion, politics, money, sex and in-laws.

Politics and religion...well, I always feel like the fish between two snarling cats. Religion, up it to three cats. LOL.

But yeah, bring it on.

I still don't know how they reconcile their stupid beliefs with the fact that highly educated men and women saved both Michelle's and Josie's lives, and I won't even go into the strange dichotomy of how they abhor advanced education but they allowed Josie to be delivered early, thus saving both.  I guess God spoke to JB. 


These people are a living example of hypocrisy, but they're smiling smugly all the way to the bank while doing it.


Exactly. These idiots don't value higher education for themselves, their children or any of their Fundie friends. Yet they're involved on a daily basis with accountants, lawyers, health care professionals etc who needed that advanced education in order to be useful to the Duggars. In some cases, for minor little matters like life or death. If TLC really wanted to have an interesting show about the Duggars - with some serious ratings as well - they'd be asking the controversial questions. "Why is it that you don't value higher ed for your kids, yet take advantage of others with higher ed all the time? You ought to be thanking God that most people don't believe what you do in this regard, or Michelle and Josie would not be here right now..." Etc etc.  Ask them to explain all the views they hold that seem to be at variance with their actions. Of course, Boob and Mechelle don't want to be confronted with these kind of questions though, so it could be a rather short run.

Edited by NausetGirl
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Dueling petitions.  This article quotes from the robo call Michelle made.  She tells a lie, which really ticks me off.  http://deadline.com/2014/11/duggar-family-petition-cancel-19-kids-and-counting-change-org-tlc-1201291771/


It seems Michelle, or whoever runs her FB page, is aware of the petitions.  She posted a pro-Duggar petition on her page.  I don't know if TLC is taking this seriously, but it seems the Duggars are.  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/michelle-duggar-shares-counter-petition-to-save-19-kids-and-counting-20142111

Although I don't agree with the Duggars' or Robertson's politics, I don't see their beliefs as a reason to cancel their shows. It's a little Draconian to say "if you don't think the way we want we're going to have you yanked off the air and mess with your income." If a show offends me I don't watch it.


I agree that their show should not be cancelled just because the Duggars believe differently than we do. The difference with the Duggars is that they conceal so much of what they really believe. They want us to believe they are basically like the rest of us in many ways, when they definitely aren't. They portray themselves as a large, close, homeschooling, thrifty family whose children are well-behaved, don't fight with each other etc. They don't show us how the children have been "trained" into such high levels of submission. They portray themselves as having built their own 7000 square-foot home debt-free and by themselves. They didn't - they only started the house. They don't show how it would still be an icy cement slab on a hill in Arkansas without the generosity of TLC and other sponsors. They say they don't believe higher education is important - that they have "made it" without any higher ed at all. Yet the fact that both Mechelle and Josie are breathing today is directly due to higher education. And that they have been monumentally lucky because they have a TV show, raking in God knows how much $$ each week. They are an anomaly in their world. They don't show how most Fundie families who believe as they do live at or near the poverty level, with few chances to climb out without higher ed. 

  • Love 4

I doubt their show will end but I am glad to see that their awfulness is being brought to people's attention. I'd love them to actually answer some tough questions for once. To me they are just the different side of the same coin as the Kardashians. Both families exploit their sex lives, or lack thereof for money. Modesty my ass.

  • Love 7

The Ed Show on MSNBC is reporting on the petition to get 19 kids off the air. So far 130,000 people have signed the petition. This is big because once a story like this is reported on one MSNBC show it will get covered on other MSNBC shows.

John Fugelsang is on the show to talk about it. He is a liberal who says that the show shouldn't be taken off the air because of the crew members who will lose their jobs. Also, he said their presence in the media highlights how prevalent anti-LGBT comments and actions are across the country and how much more work progressives have to do to combat this line of thinking.

  • Love 5

The Ed Show on MSNBC is reporting on the petition to get 19 kids off the air. So far 130,000 people have signed the petition. This is big because once a story like this is reported on one MSNBC show it will get covered on other MSNBC shows.


Just watched that.  Ed's guest had the best quote ever!!!   Referring to Michelle - "If dumb were hair, she would be a wookie".  Awesome Star Wars reference.

  • Love 5

John Fugelsang is on the show to talk about it. He is a liberal who says that the show shouldn't be taken off the air because of the crew members who will lose their jobs. Also, he said their presence in the media highlights how prevalent anti-LGBT comments and actions are across the country and how much more work progressives have to do to combat this line of thinking.

Fugelsang is right, but unless and until TLC shows us the true Duggars, their show doesn't represent their LGBT sentiments.  One can easily deduce what their feelings are based on their religious devotion, but I want to SEE and HEAR it.  Why not film the rally where Josh spoke?  

  • Love 4

Although I don't agree with the Duggars' or Robertson's politics, I don't see their beliefs as a reason to cancel their shows. It's a little Draconian to say "if you don't think the way we want we're going to have you yanked off the air and mess with your income." If a show offends me I don't watch it.


Well said!

  • Love 1
I don't see their beliefs as a reason to cancel their shows.

The problem with the Duggars in particular is that they’re not content to just spout their beliefs as a personal opinion, but that they’re using the show’s fame as a platform to advocate legislation to impose their beliefs upon the rest of us. Without 19 Kids, Josh wouldn’t have anything to stand on because who would give a shit about him? He certainly didn’t get to where he is due to his sparkling wit and personality. Thus, you could argue that the show is indirectly supporting his anti-gay efforts. It’s not an issue of simple thoughtcrime or anything.


And no one’s forcing anyone to sign the petition or compelling TLC to do anything. If enough people sign it and TLC takes it as a sign that it’s turning off viewers then TLC will yank the show. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. You drive away viewers who are supposed to be the consumers of your product, then why not discontinue the product?


I don’t think they’ll take the petition that seriously, personally, but I’m pretty cynical about the efficacy of most online petitions; they’ll probably pay more attention to advertising dollars and Nielsen ratings. And I don’t think the high number of people signing the petition will necessarily correlate with a drop in viewers; I imagine that most of the people who signed don’t watch the show to begin with and only keep up with the Duggars via their presence in popular media. But maybe I’m just projecting because that’s basically me, lol.


Plus... you know... I just don't like Josh's face. Clearly that's the most important reason here.


That said, I do see wanderwoman’s point. People like the Duggars have definitely taught me that I can’t afford to be complacent when it comes to these issues. And hell, maybe it’s good that Josh is a spokesman for the FRC due to his fame, because it keeps the FRC from getting someone who’s actually handsome and charming and articulate. Silver lining?

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 12

Dueling petitions.  This article quotes from the robo call Michelle made.  She tells a lie, which really ticks me off.  http://deadline.com/2014/11/duggar-family-petition-cancel-19-kids-and-counting-change-org-tlc-1201291771/


It seems Michelle, or whoever runs her FB page, is aware of the petitions.  She posted a pro-Duggar petition on her page.  I don't know if TLC is taking this seriously, but it seems the Duggars are.  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/michelle-duggar-shares-counter-petition-to-save-19-kids-and-counting-20142111

So many counter-attack petitions being created.  Here's one that was posted in the comments section of the Duggar Family Blog.  86K and counting.



So many counter-attack petitions being created.  Here's one that was posted in the comments section of the Duggar Family Blog.  86K and counting.



The text of the petition is ... you decide.


"To: The Learning Channel

I 100% support the right of the Duggars to express their traditional family values, which they have always done with love and compassion, and which simply reflect the beliefs of the majority of Americans.

I demand that you ignore the ongoing campaign by a minority of liberal extremists to silence the Duggars, and stand with the family against this absurd attack."

(Bold is mine)


I think the majority of Americans support gay marriage, thus the increasing number of states that permit same sex marriage.


This is getting very interesting.  Again, I don't think the show will be cancelled, but these petitions have legs.  I expect TLC will have to do something at some point.  At the very least, issue some sort of statement.  

Edited by DamWrite
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I don't particular want the show to go off the air. And I don't even care particularly about their personal beliefs on any subject, distasteful as I find MANY of them to be. I think they will get to a point where they need to choose - do they want to have a show (and it could be argued, a "ministry") or do they want to go into politics, which is taking those beliefs and trying to make at least some of them the law of the land?

I've always thought politics would be JB's downfall because he wants it too much. All the money and TV don't come close to the power a politician can have. He's lousy at it (thankfully) but he wants it, badly.

Edited by GEML
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Yeah. I think signing that petition to remove them from the air is going to backfire. If I were gay, I would think having the Duggars spout their homophobic rhetoric would serve as an example of how homophobic bigotry was/is still a problem. A lot of people, especially in more liberal areas, don't see this sort of nonsensical hatred towards homosexuals. Just like some of us have a cringe when someone says the N word: the Duggars remind us of the here this country would go if we let the far right take control.

Let the Duggars show their ignorance and bigotry. Let them show that they hold to a prehistoric worldview and an unconstitutional bias towards theocratic rule. It's one of those, "know thine enemy" things. Because, as we're seeing already, martyrs gain momentum when we try to silence them... If they're openly spouting their ridiculous beliefs on camera, for the record, then they serve as an example of why minority groups need protection.

I also defend their right to hang themselves. The constitution gives us the right to free speech- even if the speech is hateful, idiotic rhetoric. They have a right to say homosexuality is against their beliefs. Pulling them off the air seems unconstitutional, in a way. Now, all of that noted, WE have a right to tell them and everyone else how ill informed and wrong they are. We can boycott a show, a channel, products, or simply point out their stupidity. But, they don't need to be martyred!

  • Love 7

Yeah. I think signing that petition to remove them from the air is going to backfire. If I were gay, I would think having the Duggars spout their homophobic rhetoric would serve as an example of how homophobic bigotry was/is still a problem. A lot of people, especially in more liberal areas, don't see this sort of nonsensical hatred towards homosexuals. Just like some of us have a cringe when someone says the N word: the Duggars remind us of the here this country would go if we let the far right take control.

Let the Duggars show their ignorance and bigotry. Let them show that they hold to a prehistoric worldview and an unconstitutional bias towards theocratic rule. It's one of those, "know thine enemy" things. Because, as we're seeing already, martyrs gain momentum when we try to silence them... If they're openly spouting their ridiculous beliefs on camera, for the record, then they serve as an example of why minority groups need protection.

I also defend their right to hang themselves. The constitution gives us the right to free speech- even if the speech is hateful, idiotic rhetoric. They have a right to say homosexuality is against their beliefs. Pulling them off the air seems unconstitutional, in a way. Now, all of that noted, WE have a right to tell them and everyone else how ill informed and wrong they are. We can boycott a show, a channel, products, or simply point out their stupidity. But, they don't need to be martyred!

The duggars have freedom of speech but tlc has the freedom to yank their show. Freedom of speech refers to the government not a network. If the Duggars or another tlc star talks shit gets negative attention then that's tlcs right to cancel. And I agree let the Duggars hang themselves. Let them keep talking so they can show who they are. It's pretty cool to see the two petitions

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What's the saying? You have freedom of speech, but I also have the freedom to think you're an idiot.


The Duggars can say and believe whatever they want, but that doesn't absolve them from the social ramifications of their opinions. If TLC thinks that their opinions or actions no long fall in line with the brand or if the ratings fall enough for advertisers to not be willing to pay for trips to Japan and quickie weddings and gender reveals parties, that's what will get the show canceled. Not a petition signed by anonymous people on the internet.


That said, 19KaC might be a bunch of crap, but I'd much rather have this show on over shows whose main goal is to kill as many people as they can in the most gruesome way possible. Or even compared to the Kardashians, I'll take the Duggars. (But if I could really vote I'd say do away with personal reality shows and get some good, scripted shows back on the air. Or educational shows. Can we convince Bill Nye to restart the Science Guy or something?)

  • Love 1

Yeah. I think signing that petition to remove them from the air is going to backfire. If I were gay, I would think having the Duggars spout their homophobic rhetoric would serve as an example of how homophobic bigotry was/is still a problem. A lot of people, especially in more liberal areas, don't see this sort of nonsensical hatred towards homosexuals. Just like some of us have a cringe when someone says the N word: the Duggars remind us of the here this country would go if we let the far right take control.

Let the Duggars show their ignorance and bigotry. Let them show that they hold to a prehistoric worldview and an unconstitutional bias towards theocratic rule. It's one of those, "know thine enemy" things. Because, as we're seeing already, martyrs gain momentum when we try to silence them... If they're openly spouting their ridiculous beliefs on camera, for the record, then they serve as an example of why minority groups need protection.

I also defend their right to hang themselves. The constitution gives us the right to free speech- even if the speech is hateful, idiotic rhetoric. They have a right to say homosexuality is against their beliefs. Pulling them off the air seems unconstitutional, in a way. Now, all of that noted, WE have a right to tell them and everyone else how ill informed and wrong they are. We can boycott a show, a channel, products, or simply point out their stupidity. But, they don't need to be martyred!


As much as I'd love to see the show go off the air, I do think that the Duggars will manage to do that themselves in time. As wanderwoman said, it's good to know one's enemies - and it's good for the complacent people in the country to see that there are truly hateful, bigoted, second-century thinkers out there. For me, the single worst thing about them being on TV is the extent to which they've hoodwinked viewers into believing they've achieved the American family dream. People see a long line of obedient children who sing "Amazing Grace" and play the violin and don't argue with each other - and they want that for themselves. But the fans don't see - and maybe aren't even curious about - how this odd sausage was made. If they knew I think most would be more than a little shocked. Boob and Mechelle have their fans believing that they're Ward and June, only with 17 more kids. And they are most definitely not.

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I think that the petition is counter-productive.


People on the far right are well aware that they are losing the culture war on LGBT rights. They also have convinced themselves that they are somehow an oppressed minority -- canceling the Duggar's show over J'chelle's robo-calls is exactly the sort of "oppression" that fuels this belief.


I also feel that there is more than a little hypocrisy at play here -- support for gay marriage only recently topped 50%. While support for LGBT individuals is very high among the young (even evangelicals), it's much lower among older Americans. It wouldn't surprise me to discover that more than a few of the signers of this petition have "evolved" on the subject of gay marriage over the last few years.


The fact that a family who think that "courting" is a good idea, birth control = infanticide, and women should be under the "protection" of a man at all times is uncomfortable with LGBT rights is hardly news. The Duggars -- and their 19th century beliefs -- will fade from our television screens soon enough, I don't see any advantage in giving them more media exposure.

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Fugelsang is right, but unless and until TLC shows us the true Duggars, their show doesn't represent their LGBT sentiments.  One can easily deduce what their feelings are based on their religious devotion, but I want to SEE and HEAR it.  Why not film the rally where Josh spoke?  

Either Smuggar or TLC stated almost immediately after he landed the FRC gig that TLC would not touch his "professional" life. For all the uneducated viewer knows, he works in an office with a lot of toy cars on top of his desk. That was the extent of showing him at "work."

Funny how they keep referring it as The Learning Channel, they dropped that years ago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TLC_%28TV_network%29 what started out as a true learning channel (The channel was founded in 1972 by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and NASA as the Appalachian Community Service Network,[3][4] and was an informative and instructional network focused on providing real education through the medium of television; it was distributed at no cost by NASA satellite.).....is now a joke

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I would love to watch that! The Duggers spend some time in a Muslin country - no dating , modest dressing - some of it they could deal with, some they couldn't. Then The Duggers spend some time with the Amish,  ( who think they dress like shameless hussies!).  Then the Duggers go stay with some Orthodox Jews, who don't believe in men and women touching unless they are married.  Honestly that would make for some really interesting tv. The Duggers think they are so conservative, how would they handle being around people who are more conservative than them?  I would watch that! So much more interesting than taking the RV to Chicago!


In real life, I wonder if Michelle will be doing  blog post about her Gay sister soon? That's my bet....

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Live and let live, I say. What a couple does in and with their personal hearts and lives is their business and their understanding of a higher power, who we call God. Having said that, why is anyone so shocked and/or offended that this severe family has deleted photos of people that they don't approve of in the first place? This family has eradicated the television set, and females in pants and shorts out of their lives, haven't they? If they don't approve of MOST of the TV shows, why didn't they simply limit TV viewing and TV selections in their household and not make it a focus of their family dynamics? Why didn't Michelle purchase tasteful girls' slacks and shorts for her daughters but say "no" to daisy duke shorts or immodestly tight suggestive jeans? I'll tell you why, IMO, they simply erase those disapproving things right out of their existence completely, so it doesn't exist in their world. They are unnecessarily severe in all that they do and in all that they don't do; I have said that about them from the beginning. They simply should have worded their "request" for married kissing photos more carefully, but they didn't. So, they got jus what they asked for..if it's something not in their belief system, they simply cut it out altogether...they walk life with blinders on...they don't believe in sex outside of marriage, what do they do? Invent this restrictive courting ritual so the couple can't even touch each other and they aren't alone for one second, even when in a public restaurant in broad daylight enjoying a lunch together alone at a table. See where I'm going with this, fellow posters? 

Edited by maraleia
removed first sentence due to terminology
  • Love 7

Here's yet another thought on the Duggar kissing request: I'm sure they received photos of heterosexual couples who were NOT married by any clergy, but only civilly married by judges, clerks offices, etc. I'm sure, too that they may have received photos from re-married catholics, who are not recognized as married by the catholic church, but living in sin...so what do the Duggars believe about couples not married in a religious ceremony? Are those heterosexual couples "ok" with them? See, where does it end, Duggars. Jim Bob and Michelle should have put out the call for "all properly Christian married, heterosexual couples" to go ahead and post their photos.

No one was complaining about the nice kiss photos of Jessa and Ben after their wedding and the nice photo of them by that light colored brick wall on their honeymoon that featured nice "cheek kissing" pictures. It was the provocative photo that raised eyebrows here, don't their stupid parents know the difference?

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But where is the petition for people who hate everything the Duggars stand for, who knew about Josh working for FRC since he started and the robocall back in august, who spend entirely too much time lurking on boards like this and want the show on the air because of the snark??


I agree... anyone who is surprised that the Duggars do not support gay marriage hasn't been paying attention to them at all. They don't hide it. They didn't pretend to support it and then suddenly come out against it. It was very obvious from the beginning what they think about socio-political issues like this. So to get a petition together to get them off the air like they suddenly revealed something about themselves is pretty funny. I don't agree with their view at all but their views are not a surprise to TLC and shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has actually heard about them. 


Also - I haven't seen comments like this here but I have to say it just to cover this base... this situation is absolutely NOTHING like the Honey Boo Boo thing. Continuing to air a show about a family who does not support gay marriage (and hasn't since the beginning of their 10 year run) is not at all the same as continuing to air a show about a family in which the mother has recently resumed a relationship with the molester of her oldest child. Even if not one person in the general public had known or complained TLC would have yanked Honey Boo Boo anyway just to protect themselves legally.  

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 7

I think this has happened due to the kissing pic request on fb that the media picked up on. Not everyone knew about this family or the tv show. Most likely assumed they were just a quirky backwards christian family who lived a different life with all those kids. The show used to be about the logistics of the family size...not so much the belief system of the family. They were not viewed as "threatening" in the least. Cue MEchelles robocall with the hate spewing and ignorance of how LGBT people actually are, and suddenly people are all "whaaaaat?"More digging due to that brings up joshs job...JBoobs politics and a whole host of things the general public was not aware of. As far as Phil Robertson goes, I at least have a smidge of respect for that hillbilly as he admitted to the world his beliefs and stood by them, even at risk of losing the show. I don't agree with his beliefs but can respect that he owns them. The duggars piss me off because they slither around spewing their hate on the sly...collecting cheques and misrepresenting themselves. If there are that many people who have the same beliefs as them (and i believe there are many), just be honest about who the hell you are and what you believe in. They are disingenuous and sneaky... and i don't like that.

I will take myself to the prayer closet now.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 9


No one was complaining about the nice kiss photos of Jessa and Ben after their wedding and the nice photo of them by that light colored brick wall on their honeymoon that featured nice "cheek kissing" pictures. It was the provocative photo that raised eyebrows here, don't their stupid parents know the difference?


No, they don't. This is the issue with so much of what the Duggars do -- they have no sense of appropriateness or proportionality.


Sex between married people is good therefore we get JB and J'chelle dry humping at the putt putt range, and J'chelle's ovulation calendar on the refrigerator.


Some skimpy clothes are sexy and suggestive therefore we get the "no shorts" rule and J'chelle covering the shoulders of a four year old to protect her "modesty."


Children are a blessing from God therefore we have J'chelle pumping out as many as her uterus can gestate (an encouraging others to do the same) with no concern for what actually happens to those people once they are born.


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I've spent several years working in 6 different Muslim countries, it was challenging but I never had real problems, I followed this: keep a low profile and keep your mouth shut, something I don't think the Duggars could do. I spent close to 2 years in Yemen, they treated me great, I respected them and they in turn respected me.

Yeah right. They would try to spew their own beliefs and JB wouldn't be happy that he wouldn't have any control. These people don't know how to accept other faiths and belifs

Here's yet another thought on the Duggar kissing request: I'm sure they received photos of heterosexual couples who were NOT married by any clergy, but only civilly married by judges, clerks offices, etc. I'm sure, too that they may have received photos from re-married catholics, who are not recognized as married by the catholic church, but living in sin...so what do the Duggars believe about couples not married in a religious ceremony? Are those heterosexual couples "ok" with them? See, where does it end, Duggars. Jim Bob and Michelle should have put out the call for "all properly Christian married, heterosexual couples" to go ahead and post their photos.

No one was complaining about the nice kiss photos of Jessa and Ben after their wedding and the nice photo of them by that light colored brick wall on their honeymoon that featured nice "cheek kissing" pictures. It was the provocative photo that raised eyebrows here, don't their stupid parents know the difference?

It's okay god will repent them but homosexuality isn't a sin that's forgiven. I just want to know if they got rid of their apple products.

Sex between married people should be private

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As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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