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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Thanks, guys.  Until 3 seconds ago, I didn't know the whole secret world of "dark internet" even existed.  That just sounds bad, you know?  There's a search engine besides Google?  WHO KNEW???  I love all the detail about how to get there, too - it seems as though you are explaining so I can go find my husband.  Nope.  He's less internet savvy than me, and that's saying something!!! 


But now, thanks to you, I can go there myself!  HA!!!!!!!


And still, I don't understand the premise I guess.  If I went on a dating site such as (whatever.com - that's so sad, I can't think of a single one!) MATCH.com (yay!), I'd be looking for someone in my neighborhood.  Right?  I mean, wouldn't you put that in your "match" profile?  So how does this uh, thing, work?  I guess (CofCinci, you said this) that if they swap emails then they identify where they are?)  This is truly bizarre.  I hope whoever found Josh's name also searched for some of the other reps from FRC - because I agree, Josh IS stupid.  SOMEBODY had to tell him about this. 


Sorry, I'm sounding like that irritating dumb kid in the class that keeps raising his hand after everybody else has moved on.  Just trying to understand.

You can search email addresses found in the data dump here or here.

Aaaaaaaaaaah.  I do know some people I bet I bet I bet would be in there.  This could be a fun day after all!!!

  • Love 4

So, hypothetically, Josh's information could have been salted into the data which was released by one of the people out there who are disgusted by him and/or his family, or possibly by someone who's trying to sideline some or all of the candidates he was cozying up to. I don't know how likely that is, but it is possible, and there may be no way of finding out. If the Duggar family tries to spin this, I suspect that'll be how.

I suspect that's exactly how they'll spin.  They've been spinning so long, they ought to all be seasick by now.  But if someone "salted" his name and info in there, they'd have to salt on the fly so that the dates would match.  Correct?  In other words, if someone is out to "get" him, they would have had to be ON him already while he was still in Arkansas.  And then start a different account after he moved to DC.  I mean, it's possible - but does anyone really CARE about Josh Duggar enough to do all that?


And anyway, apparently, Josh is out to get himself, with no help.  All we have to do is watch the fireworks. 


Anyone want to put a guess on the time of the Duggar return volley?

  • Love 5

"Fox and Friends" (the Fox News morning show) just did a story on the Ashley Madison hacking scandal. They did not mention Josh's name once.

I haven't seen his name mentioned in the "legitimate" media yet...or any names for that matter. Even TMZ is quiet.

So either every single media owner/executive is an AM customer and is burying this thing or it's the calm before the storm.

  • Love 1

The Today Show covered the data dump this morning without naming any names, including Josh, for the reasons cited by other posters here.  They did comment that many of the email addies were based at government agencies, the military and large corporations; but that it was obvious that many of them were either fictitious (ie, nobody thinks President Obama was on the site nor that he'd use a White House addy even thought there is a President @WhiteHouse  there).  In addition, multiple people have come forward and claimed their email address was hacked and they weren't members despite their email being on the list (including a female member of the British Parliament who has apparently already provided evidence of the hack). 


It's going to take a while to sort it all out and the legit news outlets aren't going to go after Josh until they've got more proof that he really did join the site and was an active member.  However, it looks like, if he did use the site, it is going to be verified shortly.  For now, he can probably lie low, or, knowing the Duggars, claim that he was hacked and it's a liberal atheist plot against him.  I personally think he is that combination of ignorant, arrogant and sleazy to think he could use Ashley Madison and never get caught. 

Edited by doodlebug

You guys... you know how sometimes someone says something and EVERYBODY just rolls over laughing (and you laugh too...) but you really have no clue what's so funny???  I've been reading off and on all night (while working) and I need some clarification because I'm not sure I got the joke.  So Josh signed up on this cheating site - I got that much - and apparently used his own address in Arkansas for the details.  Because he thought it was safe, right?  And used his own credit card information out of his own pocket, apparently.  No one knows why he would use his own address, or why he would use a card in his own pocket instead of a throw away one, correct?  (Well, I mean, other than he's just stupid or thought he was invisible). 


Here's what I don't think I understand.  The hackers weren't trying to hog tie Josh (again), right?  They were aiming at destroying the SITE because they disagreed with some of their practices (like not deleting information after people paid to have it deleted).  Did Josh pay that money too, to have his information deleted?  Do we know?  [if he did, then there's his "out" - he was curious and he signed up out of curiosity, but then had a change of heart and paid the money to have his information deleted].  If he DID pay to have it deleted, did he sign up AGAIN once he got to DC? 


So... WHO went through that process to discover than Josh was indeed a paying member of the site?


And one of the headlines (and several posters) has indicated that it's going to be a really bad day for millions of Americans tomorrow.  How would the average computer impaired human (like me, for example) know that their spouse was on this site?  Or for how long?  Or when?  (I'm not worried about MY spouse - he's WAY too lazy for that kind of adventure).  I'm just asking.  How did someone find out Josh was on there and when and for how long, and how would anybody else know about their spouse?  I mean, truthfully, the random John Brown who did this will never be found out because his wife (like me) couldn't begin to figure out how to look.  Am I reading that right?


And what, exactly, does this site accomplish?  Are the people who run it finding potential hookups, or does someone like Josh look at a list and pick his own potential hookup?  I'm really curious.  I never even HEARD of such a thing - and the articles say there are as many as 38,000,000 members.  Seriously???  That's the craziest thing I ever heard of!  (It's really almost as funny as farmersonly.com - which I TOTALLY thought was a joke for the longest time!)  WHO would hook up with somebody on a cheater site?  Is that crazy or is it just me?   I guess you'd really have to identify your location - otherwise, you might chase a rabbit who is clear across the country.  There you go, friends - my list of questions.  Help me out.


SomeP, I was so hoping you'd come back for this occasion.  I miss you when you don't post :(


Here's an account of how Ashley Madison works. It's pretty much the same as any other dating site, except that it's supposed to be restricted to married people looking for other married people:   http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/sex/11542100/Everything-you-need-to-know-about-Ashley-Madison.html


The currently exposed data is on what's called the dark web. So initially you could only look at it if you use a web browser called Tor, which disguises your IP address. So only techies could really look at it in the early going. But if you used a Tor browser, you could just to in and search the list for names you were interested in, just as you'd do with any other list online.


Among users of the dark web are some reporters, since it's a place where leakers and whistleblowers and such can communicate without having their whereabouts and identities easily traced. So I assume that some reporter went in and searched for names that would be fun to find on the list -- and, not surprisingly, "Josh Duggar" was among the names the person searched for. (I know I would.)


There are certainly names that would show up in that search when people hadn't actually used the site because a lot of people certainly signed up with aliases, including aliases belonging to famous people. But the hackers have also exposed the credit-card information. I'm sure a lot of people paid with pre-paid cards that you can't really trace, but if somebody used credit cards that are actually traceable to them, then it's highly likely that, yeah, they did use the site. Josh D seems to fall into that category, using cards that are traceable to not one but two of his actual addresses. It seems unlikely that somebody trying to entrap him or perpetrate a hoax would or could manufacture that much payment information that ties directly back to his addresses just on the off chance that someday someone actually would reveal the Ashley Madison data, which the company certainly did try to keep secret. So there doesn't seem to be much doubt that he actually was on the site. (Incidentally, making him one of the dumber and more arrogant people on the site -- just as usual for him.)

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12

The ability to just search for Josh Duggar pretty much confirms that he was on the site for real - because it's associated with his credit card information and addresses.  I'm not sure why the hackers that created the torrents would have thrown Josh under the bus.  I also don't know if there is a look up developed on the dark web, from what I read all that was made available by the hackers themselves were the torrents.


HFC, I would imagine that just like all dating sites that location is something that you would have in your profile.  In Josh's OK Cupid profile he had Alexandria, VA.


The dark web is full of good and bad, lots of hackers, selling of stolen personal data (for identify theft along with credit card numbers, passwords, etc) from hacking but also a place where whistle-blowers can communicate.

It'll be credit card info, not email addresses that catch Josh out for good, if it is him (which I think it is). Which brings up a whole other thing: if they're supposed to be living debt free, why does Josh have a credit card? Unless it was just like a Visa debit card, where you're actually using your own money, not a line of credit.

  • Love 1
 Easiest way to check if your husband or wife used the service would be to see if it's on a credit card bill.



Although I doubt my husband would do something like this- I like to think he would be smart enough to not use a credit card I have access too (or even one with his name on it).  The idea of my husband as a cheater is horrible, him as an idiot might be even worse.


38 million subscribers? Are all of them married, or do they sign up people looking to sleep with married people too?

It'll be credit card info, not email addresses that catch Josh out for good, if it is him (which I think it is). Which brings up a whole other thing: if they're supposed to be living debt free, why does Josh have a credit card? Unless it was just like a Visa debit card, where you're actually using your own money, not a line of credit.

Although Dave Ramsey is against all credit cards, if they pay it off each billing cycle that really isn't any more "in debt" than not paying for your food until the bill is presented at the restaurant at the end of the meal.  Yes, you are "in debt" for the purchases during the month; but you are "in debt" for the consumed food until you pay for it too.

  • Love 2

What's the difference between Ashley Madison and Ok Cupid?  Did Josh have and account at OK Cupid too?  How do we know that?  Sorry, I've been reading these boards since last night, and did see mention of Ok Cupid, but didn't see the story behind it.  If someone could fill me in......... 

OK Cupid is just a regular dating site. Ashley Madison is a site specifically for extra marital affairs.


The OK Cupid account has the same username as Josh's Ashley Madison account, and sure sounds a lot like him, but it has not been confirmed it is actually his.  I think OK Cupid accounts are free (you can pay to upgrade?), so there may be nothing to trace to him.

  • Love 1

Although I doubt my husband would do something like this- I like to think he would be smart enough to not use a credit card I have access too (or even one with his name on it). The idea of my husband as a cheater is horrible, him as an idiot might be even worse.

38 million subscribers? Are all of them married, or do they sign up people looking to sleep with married people too?

Although Dave Ramsey is against all credit cards, if they pay it off each billing cycle that really isn't any more "in debt" than not paying for your food until the bill is presented at the restaurant at the end of the meal. Yes, you are "in debt" for the purchases during the month; but you are "in debt" for the consumed food until you pay for it too.

I think there's a significant chance that people who are smart enough to use an untraceable credit card are also smart enough to see through the scammy nature of "Ashley Madison".
  • Love 2

Why two accounts? So he could be a wingman to himself?

I posted this on the Josh thread:

Why two accounts? I have two theories. 1)Anna learned about the first account. There is a gap between the two accounts, so he worked hard to be a faithful husband during that time. Eventually his craving for vagina (the boy likes to go to ChowTown!) caught up to him and he made the second account incase Anna ever logged into the first one to check up on him. 2)The second account was made because he realized he was dangerously dumb using his first name in his ID (JOSH_THE_MAN).

Maybe a combination of the two ideas expressed above.

  • Love 3

And still, I don't understand the premise I guess.  If I went on a dating site such as (whatever.com - that's so sad, I can't think of a single one!) MATCH.com (yay!), I'd be looking for someone in my neighborhood.  Right?  I mean, wouldn't you put that in your "match" profile?  So how does this uh, thing, work?  I guess (CofCinci, you said this) that if they swap emails then they identify where they are?)  This is truly bizarre.  I hope whoever found Josh's name also searched for some of the other reps from FRC - because I agree, Josh IS stupid.  SOMEBODY had to tell him about this. 


Well, maybe you travel for work. If you wanted to cheat- you wouldn't want to do it in small town, rural state- you'd probably look for someone in D.C. or New York, or Kansas City, or something.  I DON'T think most people are going to want to cheat with someone in their neighborhood.   Josh lived in DC though- so the pool of people available to him is probably a lot larger than if he was still in Tonitown, where there are probably only 2 or 3 other people signed up on AM.

I've never done online dating, much less online cheating- but from friends, I've heard it is a heck of a lot easier if you are in a large urban area to find a "match" than it is if you are in even a small urban area.


As for how Josh found out about AM. I'm almost certain I've seen commercials for their website on TV. And I don't have cable. I guess the Maxwells were right about not letting your family watch even Wheel of Fortune or the evening news for the risk of being exposed to something inappropriate.

Edited by Skittl1321

The Today Show reporter talked about how tough it was to access the 'dark web' as most firewalls, including those at NBC, prevent it.  He also said that, once the files are transferred to the regular web, which is already happening, it will be possible to not only access email addresses and credit card numbers, but messages sent between members will also be out there.  In other words, someone looking to set up Precious Joshie would've not only had to plant his addy and correct credit card info, they'd also have to construct multiple messages between Josh and other users of the site.  They'd probably have to construct accounts for multiple other fake users to make it plausible and then get actual people to pretend to have been in contact with Josh when the media came calling.  As one of the first names outed at AM, Josh is going to be one of the first to have his messages searched.  We'll get proof he was there and was lookin' for a sidepiece soon enough.

  • Love 4

Yes, quite frankly, with 38 million users, I think the media would be in search of much bigger names than Josh Duggar. For the most part, the mainstream media had moved on from the scandal, only recently reporting when TLC finally canceled the show. He was pretty much already sunk so there'd be no need for some liberal plot to set him up to sink him further.


I will be shocked...SHOCKED if he is the only recognizable name to come out of this. I think there are many, many outlets delving into the lists to see who else they can find, or will be as soon as they make their way onto the regular ol' Internet. Josh may be lucky he was the first one outed if there's anyone else of significance on there, because people will forget him more quickly.

Edited by Buggin
  • Love 2

The Today Show reporter talked about how tough it was to access the 'dark web' as most firewalls, including those at NBC, prevent it. He also said that, once the files are transferred to the regular web, which is already happening, it will be possible to not only access email addresses and credit card numbers, but messages sent between members will also be out there. In other words, someone looking to set up Precious Joshie would've not only had to plant his addy and correct credit card info, they'd also have to construct multiple messages between Josh and other users of the site. They'd probably have to construct accounts for multiple other fake users to make it plausible and then get actual people to pretend to have been in contact with Josh when the media came calling. As one of the first names outed at AM, Josh is going to be one of the first to have his messages searched. We'll get proof he was there and was lookin' for a sidepiece soon enough.

Publishing Josh's private AM messages could be a potential goldmine for the coder who figures it out first and quickly makes a site with ads. $$$$$$. Hopefully the possible bonanza makes the developers work faster. I'd like to be able to read his messages during lunch today. Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 6

It'll be credit card info, not email addresses that catch Josh out for good, if it is him (which I think it is). Which brings up a whole other thing: if they're supposed to be living debt free, why does Josh have a credit card? Unless it was just like a Visa debit card, where you're actually using your own money, not a line of credit.


That brings up another can of worms, because there's one credit card that Josh would pretty definitely have had. He did a lot of traveling as an executive of the FRC. They would almost certainly have given him a corporate credit card to pay for travel expenses. Which makes me wonder, if this turns out to actually be Josh: was the Family Research Council paying for his attempted adultery?

Edited by Julia
  • Love 5

That brings up another can of worms, because there's one credit card that Josh would pretty definitely have had. He did a lot of traveling as an executive of the FRC. They would almost certainly have given him a corporate credit card to pay for travel expenses. Which makes me wonder, if this turns out to actually be Josh: was the Family Research Council paying for his attempted adultery?


BINGO!  That would match up with the closing of the second account, Julia, you're a genius!

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Wasn't expecting that one.  I'm surprised, but not surprised.  I'm guessing this will be one of the featured stories on all of the morning shows tomorrow morning.


Between this and the molestation scandal, I'm wondering who will play Josh, Anna, JB, and Michelle when they eventually make the ripped from the headlines version of the story on L&O SVU.


L&O?  I'm waiting for Lifetime's Unauthorized True Story.  (Actually, I'm not.  Even I have my limits.)

Josh seems to have managed to pay for the "service" in his pre FRC Fayetteville days. He's turned out to be dumber than I thought, but I doubt he would change what was working for him before. Maybe he finally realized "Josh the man" was a strikingly juvenile username for the circumstances.

Info on Gawker suggests it might show up as "ADL Media", innocuous sounding, but the admin staff at FRC would still require an explanation from him on what they are paying for.

Edited by Kokapetl

Yes, quite frankly, with 38 million users, I think the media would be in search of much bigger names than Josh Duggar. For the most part, the mainstream media had moved on from the scandal, only recently reporting when TLC finally canceled the show. He was pretty much already sunk so there'd be no need for some liberal plot to set him up to sink him further.


I will be shocked...SHOCKED if he is the only recognizable name to come out of this. I think there are many, many outlets delving into the lists to see who else they can find, or will be as soon as they make their way onto the regular ol' Internet. Josh may be lucky he was the first one outed if there's anyone else of significance on there, because people will forget him more quickly.


I wouldn't be.  I'm sure more media-savvy "bigger names" are smart enough to have their persona assistants do the dirty work. Most sign an NDA that would cover it easily.

I get Vanity Fair emails with this and that from the magazine every day.  Today they had one called "Bad Day for Adulterers."  This was about the Ashley Madison hack.  I tried to copy and paste the link, but it didn't work.  I'm old.  That's my excuse.


ANYWAY, it said 95% of the people on the site were men trying to have an affair.  It seems to me Josh made a really poor cheating choice.  If you are trying to have an affair and the odds are stacked against you that way and you're Josh Duggar, well good luck with that.

Edited by toodles

OK I'm going to put out some unpopular theories (at least for most people on the this forum).  It looks bad for Josh...very, very bad.  But I have a real problem with the hackers.  They are apparently called the Impact Team and they claim that anyone outed with their information "does not deserve anonymity because they are cheating dirt-bags and deserve no such discretion".  Who made them the judge, jury, and executioners?  I think their remarks about AM not really deleting personal info for the $19 fee was just an excuse to reveal embarrassing and possibly harmful information across the web.   I find it more than a little distasteful and disturbing that people would paw through the information these hackers have posted to seek out specific names and to crow with delight when someone is outed.  It's a sad situation all around.  They (the Impact Team) chose not to do the same for AM's other site called Cougar Life, where the members are mostly women.

Josh was already outed over the molestation story.  Is it necessary to dig into every single horrible thing he has ever done in his life? I worry that this is a source of entertainment for so many. 

  • Love 2


Josh was already outed over the molestation story.  Is it necessary to dig into every single horrible thing he has ever done in his life?

Honestly, I'm glad it came out. Because the number of people who excused that molestation scandal as a "childish mistake" and "he has been forgiven" was apalling. 


I'm not gleeful, and I feel horrible for Anna and his children.  But not for Josh. Not at all. IMO, he deserves this exposure. He dug his own grave here.

  • Love 22


I will be shocked...SHOCKED if he is the only recognizable name to come out of this. I think there are many, many outlets delving into the lists to see who else they can find, or will be as soon as they make their way onto the regular ol' Internet. Josh may be lucky he was the first one outed if there's anyone else of significance on there, because people will forget him more quickly.

Lying low and making no public response for a LONG time might be the only way the Duggars elude media attention. I get the feeling that we'll all eventually be able to read his messages, the dirty talk, and all know the truth.

  • Love 3

The guy from the viral toilet pee test video (Sam and Nia on YouTube) who was just in People magazine crying about Christian persecution is on the list, too. Just name and e-mail address, no CC info to in fact confirm it is in fact him. But if it is, this is not a good week for obnoxious reality/Internet Christian "stars." Anna and Nia could have their own series.

Edited by Buggin
  • Love 6

That makes me a bit sad. Is he really a public figure?   (I don't know- maybe they fame whore it up and I haven't noticed.)


Amy may be a Duggar but she doesn't seem to be the crazy judgemental throwing stones at glass houses type- so this seems to be a line further; the sites just know anything related to a Duggar is going to get a hit.



Although- 2 DWIs? WTF is wrong with you?  DWI is a freaking serious offense.

The guy from the viral toilet pee test video (Sam and Nia on YouTube) who was just in People magazine crying about Christian persecution is on the list, too. Just name and e-mail address, no CC info to in fact confirm it is in fact him. But if it is, this is not a good week for obnoxious reality/Internet Christian "stars." Anna and Nia could have their own series.

Sam has been a fairly public Christian figure for awhile. Anyone with a sense of humor could have just used his name.  Without more confirmation, I find that as fake as Barack Obama.

Edited by Skittl1321

The guy from the viral toilet pee test video (Sam and Nia on YouTube) who was just in People magazine crying about Christian persecution is on the list, too. Just name and e-mail address, no CC info to in fact confirm it is in fact him. But if it is, this is not a good week for obnoxious reality/Internet Christian "stars." Anna and Nia could have their own series.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!  Oh, this santimonious asshat too?  Hot damn!  My horoscope said I was going to have a good week, but my irony cup runneth the f*ck over.  (These folks are widely believed to have faked a pregnancy and a miscarriage and routinely put their small daughter through existential hell for the sake of YouTube and Vine fame.)

  • Love 9


Josh was already outed over the molestation story.  Is it necessary to dig into every single horrible thing he has ever done in his life? I worry that this is a source of entertainment for so many.

Sexual molestation of multiple family members and a stranger, and a huge coverup couldn't make the Duggars go away. They were staging a media comeback. This is the stake through the heart and it's all unambiguous and self inflicted. The Duggars will go away forever now. A few of the kids may escape or have their minds opened. I'm fine with it.



  • Love 10

Ugh, Sam and Nia. Aside from that incredibly dubious miscarriage video, there was that one video where they were trying to goad their young daughter into saying that gay marriage is icky. When the daughter said that she thought that gay people should be able to marry each other if they wanted to, Sam and Nia were shocked and laughingly said that they had done something wrong and that they obviously had to teach their daughter better.

Sam has been a fairly public Christian figure for awhile.

I think he's a legend in his own mind. Dude got pissy when he and his family were denied free entrance into Legoland. He pulled the "do you know who I am?" card and everything. 


Back on topic, I still can't believe that Josh shelled out nearly $1k on AM. It feels so desperate. What, didn't he have the charm to start up an affair on his own? Snerk. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 4

OK I'm going to put out some unpopular theories (at least for most people on the this forum). It looks bad for Josh...very, very bad. But I have a real problem with the hackers. They are apparently called the Impact Team and they claim that anyone outed with their information "does not deserve anonymity because they are cheating dirt-bags and deserve no such discretion". Who made them the judge, jury, and executioners? I think their remarks about AM not really deleting personal info for the $19 fee was just an excuse to reveal embarrassing and possibly harmful information across the web. I find it more than a little distasteful and disturbing that people would paw through the information these hackers have posted to seek out specific names and to crow with delight when someone is outed. It's a sad situation all around. They (the Impact Team) chose not to do the same for AM's other site called Cougar Life, where the members are mostly women.

Josh was already outed over the molestation story. Is it necessary to dig into every single horrible thing he has ever done in his life? I worry that this is a source of entertainment for so many.

Well CougarLife doesn't seem to be about cheating, just implausible male MILF porn fantasies. Both are highly unlikely to actually happen. CougarLife portrays itself as being filled with women, but I bet they're as rare as on Ashley Madison, the ads I saw on TV are clearly selling CougarLife site to men. I don't agree with what the hackers have done information. This isn't wikileaks or the NSA files, it's boiled down to aggrieved ashleymadison customers using other ashleymadison customers as ammunition, it was unethical and illegal. I wonder if they removed their own personal records from the data released. I do consider this to be more relevant than what Josh did as a 14 year old. It could be argued there mitigating circumstances in 2002. 2014 Josh is clearly just selfish and greedy, he wants his sex life life to be like his plate at a buffet. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

Josh and his family made a career out of condemning, vilifying, and pointing fingers at everyone else.  He was paid $100,000+ per year to smear entire groups of innocent people and rob them of their rights.  Josh had no problem digging into the "horrible" things everyone else has done.  If he couldn't take it then he shouldn't have dished it out.  It entertained him so now that the tables are turned, I love that it's entertaining us.  I hope even more dirt comes out about this horrible family.

Did he ever actually mention specific people during his job at FRC or were his comment more general regarding the gay community?  I know he spoke forcefully against gay marriage, but I am unaware that he singled specific individuals out.  How is it he was 'entertained' by it?  I'm just not seeing it.  Whether you agreed with his fundamental stances or not, I think he was just expressing his opinion and that of the FRC, as was his constitutional right.  I see it as quite different from delighting in someone's fall from grace, so to speak. There are hypocrites everywhere. And I just cannot wish that more 'dirt' will come out.  To what end?  For other people's amusement?  IMO there is something wrong about rejoicing in another person's downfall or bad luck, or bad karma, or whatever you want to call it.  Again, just my opinion.

  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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