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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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They are like any other TV family who's show was cancelled.  Kate Gosselin did basically the same thing.  The kids will miss the crew, the public will miss the family, I need a scheme to make money blah, blah, blah.  I don't know why this bugs me so much.  Life changes in the blink of an eye and you just need to deal.  Why do these people think they are so different than the rest of us.  Never mind.  I know the answer to my own question.  $$$$


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This quote from 'Lara' in the comments section of the above story says it all:


A mistake is hitting your siblings, calling them names, fighting, even biting when kids are toddlers. These are part of normal siblings growing up together. To think molestation is normal, part of growing up and happens in other families too is ridiculous.

As for being christian, conservative and liberals demonizing them, get over it. People are gleefully pointing fingers because they set themselves apart as a role model, holier than thou family. Josh was a smug guy both on the show and in the organization he was a part of. They condemned and condemned and condemned. When the door opened and their skeletons tumbled out, the tidal wave of condemnation from not just liberals, but conservative christians too opened up.

In many ways I am conservative too and christian. But the Duggars do not represent me. My parents did not expect me to parent my siblings, as a woman I was given equal opportunities in education. I went to college, held jobs, we were allowed to date and pick our own mate, not have daddy oversee them and none of us girls "gave our heart to daddy or have child after child putting our bodies at risk.

The Duggars are a cult, masquerading in the name of Christianity. Gothard is a molester himself so the Duggars as his followers would have found nothing wrong with it. But in the real world people are appalled.

As Zahdii said, this comment says it all.


For the sake of the girls I wish all the backlash and negative comments would just straight up slam the family for the BS they've spouted and leave the scandal out of it. The Duggars are snark worthy without the scandal and preseverating on it is hurtful to the survivors.

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Jim Bob's arrogance knows no bounds.  He's so out of touch with the real world, through his own choice, that he thinks if he says it's all good and taken care of that the world at large will go sure and overlook what lead to the molestation, the poor handling of it, and the aftermath.  I doubt he ever takes the blame for anything no matter what he may have said on TV.

  • Love 10

"Jessa, Jill, Jim Bob and Michelle have all publicly said they forgive Josh, now a married father of four, and "none of the Duggars think Josh is to blame" for the tremendous fallout, says the source. Instead, it is the officials who released the police records about Josh and his young victims who are the focus of the family's anger. "

[From the PEOPLE article]

And there you go - this pretty much explains why the Duggars can't pitch a show about molestation. Because IT'S NOT THEIR FAULT, friends. We need to accept that an move on. It wasn't Joshies mistakes that made this blow up, and it certainly wasn't the way they handled the mistakes. IT WAS THE OFFICIALS WHO LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG!!!

And I guess, by default, it's OUR fault for letting such a small thing get to us the way it did. Shame on us.

I nearly bit through my tongue just typing that out.

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 19

Jill and Jessa on People again. Hit the donate button folks while I take comped trips from El Salvador (or wherever they are sunning themselves on rocks) to the US and stay in nice hotels and get paid for magazine photos. Maybe take in a wedding. They aint nothing but gold duggers.

Yep. They're back on the cover of People. $$$$.
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Are they stupid? Do they think we're just going to forgive Josh, and let them be back on TV like nothing happened? WAKE UP DUGGARS! You may have forgiven Josh, and gone through some fake therapy, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be forgiven, much less rewarded with a TV show.

  • Love 3




"I didn't know about it," Amy tells PEOPLE exclusively in this week's issue. "It took me by surprise."

What was all that BS about 'all our friends and family knew' about it, and were fine with it. It was no secret, right? If Amy didn't know....then they're all liars.


From the Kelley interview:



SEEWALD: And I think all the people in our lives, our close friends, and that the people, the officials that helped us, walked alongside our family during this time and walked through some of our darkest days, they knew about this, it wasn't like it was a complete secret and it was just our family like, people knew they had walked us through this journey. And we felt like, it's a done deal, you know?



"I knew that he did go away for a little bit, but I didn't know why," she says of when Josh was sent away to receive therapy after his parents learned of the incidents.

Edited by JoanArc

With all of Michelle's "seasons of life" talk over the years, it seems to me that it is THE DUGGARS who are having a hard time accepting the Lord's "Season of Change" for THEM....Jim Bob then, outright lied when he said on camera that they are a busy family and would be ok with their show being cancelled...just another day for us impression given by him....but they are having convulsions over not being on TV anymore...it was just supposed to be "something for a time" that would end at any time, according to Michelle, and to only advertise their faith....I fail to see how they, once again, are standing behind their own words....

  • Love 12

The Duggars' narrative is wonky - full of lies and omissions. I like how People said Josh went away for therapy rather than to do construction for Gothard. Deanna probably knew and shielded Amy. Deanna may have had an ounce of sense or Jim Bob and Michelle left Deanna out of the circle of trust.


I was floored that Amy said she doesn't think about it if she has only known for a few months. I'm not saying she has to continually talk or think about it, but come on. To brush off her cousins' molestation like it is nothing is something else. 

  • Love 3

The Duggars' narrative is wonky - full of lies and omissions. I like how People said Josh went away for therapy rather than to do construction for Gothard. Deanna probably knew and shielded Amy. Deanna may have had an ounce of sense or Jim Bob and Michelle left Deanna out of the circle of trust.

I was floored that Amy said she doesn't think about it if she has only known for a few months. I'm not saying she has to continually talk or think about it, but come on. To brush off her cousins' molestation like it is nothing is something else.

Amy doesn't seem like she could keep a secret.


Are they stupid? Do they think we're just going to forgive Josh, and let them be back on TV like nothing happened? WAKE UP DUGGARS! You may have forgiven Josh, and gone through some fake therapy, but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be forgiven, much less rewarded with a TV show.

Not that I think this counseling show pitch is real, but I don't think Josh would expect to be part of any tv show, considering he killed the last one. Edited by Kokapetl

I was floored that Amy said she doesn't think about it if she has only known for a few months. I'm not saying she has to continually talk or think about it, but come on. To brush off her cousins' molestation like it is nothing is something else.

Amy is such a lair to say she doesn't think about it. She lost her wedding special, magazine covers and potential gifts. When fans failed to appear at Dillard's for wedding shower número uno, I'm sure she cursed Josh. Every unpurchsed cherry blossom plate on her registry reminds her of how Josh is responsible for the end of their grift.
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This family gets more desperate by the day.  I'm sure the cover of People paid them very well, but i have a feeling it's going to do them more harm than good in the long term.  It's a very personal matter for Josh's victims to decide whether to forgive or not.  I hope for their sake(s) they are able to find genuine peace and healing.  But every single person in this family seems to make the situation worse every time they open their mouths.  


Forgiveness has NOTHING to do with whether the public wants these people to continue on television.  Even without the Josh scandal their time in the spotlight was probably coming to a natural end in a year or two.  This just hastened that end and made the public sick of them a bit earlier than it would have happened anyway.  

Edited by MonicaM
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Why can't the Duggars accept this as part of God's plan? Surely they trust that the Lord will provide, right? RIGHT????

Let's take a look at this, shall we? Jim Boob and J-Chelle have lied about so many other things involving themselves and their family. I think they lie about money as well, and I think they've been doing so for a long time now. Why should "the Lord" provide when TLC and the leghumpers have been doing such a great job?


Jim Boob wants the viewing public to believe his family can live on the income generated from a cell tower, a few rental properties, and their savings. Really? If this feat was possible, why are they still fighting so hard to get back on television -- and that $40K a week check? I submit that Jim Boob could not afford his family to begin with, and the problems have increased as they got used to getting paid well for doing nothing more than sitting up and respirating. It's impossible for him to find a (legal) job that pays enough to support a household of 22 (or however many are really living at the TTH. We don't know, do we?)


When the Duggars first came to TLC's attention, he'd just blown a quarter of a million bucks on a failed political campaign. His family of 16 was living in a three bedroom, one bathroom house and eating rice three meals a day. They were receiving significant help from their church. We also know that he was most likely living in that house rent-free and they STILL couldn't afford to feed the kids. Allegedly. Since those glory days, he and his child bride have added five more children and moved to a much larger house, which wasn't completed until TLC paid for the construction crew. They bought a plane and a fleet of vehicles, which all have to be maintained and insured. They'll plow through Jim Boob's alleged $3.5 million in a couple of years as a result, because they've shown NO indication of cutting back on that expensive lifestyle.


The Duggars live pretty lavishly for people who claim they live "debt-free" and don't have credit cards. They claim the household food bill, for instance, is $3K a month. I think it's more like $5K, and that's an estimate. They've spent the past ten years having their lifestyle subsidized by TLC and the show's sponsors. They haven't paid for a thing since the first special aired, I'm guessing. It has to be a shock to find out how much the monthly cell phone bills for 10-15 adults are, for instance. I'm guessing they hadn't seen a bill before June of 2015. EVER.


The PR trial balloons have been more and more desperate over the past month or so; it'll be interesting to see if anyone in their lives has the guts to sit them down, look them in the face and say, "Your life on TV is over. It's time to get your finances in order and figure out how you're going to make $3.5 million last for the rest of your lives, or come up with a business that will throw off three-quarters of a million dollars a year to keep your household going."

  • Love 17

He is such a Gomer.

I have mixed feelings about any hack but when I heard today about who the hackers might be outing I thought, Hmm, I'd kinda' like to know if my tax dollars are going for this. And I'd kinda' like to know if they're screwing on the job.

Josh Duggar??

Huge bonus.

Loved some of the comments. Surprised his "wants" were so... ordinary? I mean, a bubble bath?

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 7

I can't decide if I want this to be true or not.  

That said, no one can claim that it is just the "evil liberal media" making it up because the details are actually online, courtesy of the hackers.  Josh had to have been shitting himself when he knew that Ashley Madison were going to have details released.  Guess he was one of the unlucky ones that got posted!

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Barbie, that was my thought too. I'd rather know he cheated on Anna than molest children. Then again there is nothing stopping him from doing both.

Also, potentially exposing your wife and children to diseases is not cool either.

Well, how will Duggar Fans react this time?

I think the fans will have a harder time with this. This can't be chalked up to childhood stupidity, curiosity or whatever. He is a grown ass adult now.

  • Love 6

Barrack Obama has over a dozen AM accounts. Looks like you can sign up with any name you want. I doubt it's real.

You can sign up with any name you want, with any email address you want. AM doesn't require email verification. What makes the Gawker link so damning is that they have credit card evidence. Which still doesn't necessarily mean that it's legit, but it'd have to be a very dedicated troll. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 18

Barrack Obama has over a dozen AM accounts. Looks like you can sign up with any name you want. I doubt it's real.


I'm not assuming that what was released was the unedited AM records, and they can't confirm or deny. But if this is really from their database, even if he signed up as Barack Obama, his credit card address(es) would have to match, wouldn't they?

Edited by Julia
  • Love 3

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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