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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I would think that TLC would have to make a decision regarding the Duggars, sometime soon. Wouldn't they need to start filming something else to fill the prime time slots that were slated for the Duggars? They could replace reruns with reruns from their other shows, but I think first run show replacement would require filming.

Don't they have a season already filmed? I think TLC is still feeling out the public as well as advertisers. I can see TLC having a hard time giving up their biggest $$$$$ maker.

  • Love 3

I don't know if TLC will cancel, but, food for thought. The Duggar's are out there. They are being talked about and debated about. They are news. They are polarizing. Just look at this forum. There are posts every few seconds. If it were a physical button, my "mark as read" key would have worn off by now. I don't believe that TLC cares one whit about the Duggars, Josh, Anna or the "victims". It is ratings. It is free publicity. They may renew. Most likely not for very long, but they will find sponsors. Having people mention a products name, even if it is to urge others not to buy, is a mention of a product name, for free. I feel the Duggars are basically pieces of shit. No reflection on anyone here, but I feel dirty just looking at these forums. I have lost interest in whether Josh will work again, Jessa and Jill's marriages, and the day to day bullshit that passes for "life" that the rest of this ungodly, (yes, ungodly, no supreme being worth his salt can possibly encourage or want what these fools believe), passel of idiots engage in. I believe that the only weapon we have is disinterest. Stop watching, discussing, googling, clicking on links, etc. Only when there is a measurable level of disinterest will they be gone.

  • Love 12

I don't know if TLC will cancel, but, food for thought. The Duggar's are out there. They are being talked about and debated about. They are news. They are polarizing. Just look at this forum. There are posts every few seconds. If it were a physical button, my "mark as read" key would have worn off by now. I don't believe that TLC cares one whit about the Duggars, Josh, Anna or the "victims". It is ratings. It is free publicity. They may renew. Most likely not for very long, but they will find sponsors. Having people mention a products name, even if it is to urge others not to buy, is a mention of a product name, for free. I feel the Duggars are basically pieces of shit. No reflection on anyone here, but I feel dirty just looking at these forums. I have lost interest in whether Josh will work again, Jessa and Jill's marriages, and the day to day bullshit that passes for "life" that the rest of this ungodly, (yes, ungodly, no supreme being worth his salt can possibly encourage or want what these fools believe), passel of idiots engage in. I believe that the only weapon we have is disinterest. Stop watching, discussing, googling, clicking on links, etc. Only when there is a measurable level of disinterest will they be gone.

I have boycotted TLC in its entirety since the scandal. Last season I stopped watching 600 lb. Life and The Little Couple.  Pre scandal, I am against people who use their children to make a living.   And, yes I believe a majority or 100 % of income is from the shows.   All the children have absolutely no power to say I don't want to do this.   

 Yes, I feel cleaner too.    Each person does make a difference.

I've only seen this in radar online and the inquisitor so far, so take it for what it's worth, but they're reporting a spin-off isn't going to happen due to lack of content.


I would agree with lack of content.

             The younger children have a little bit of personality because the parents still have some work left on killing their spirits.  The older kids, the married ones....I can't recall one spontaneous smile, a laugh, nothing.  They have been so programmed, so limited.

      All they do is drink Starbucks and take pregnancy tests.     

  • Love 15

I've only seen this in radar online and the inquisitor so far, so take it for what it's worth, but they're reporting a spin-off isn't going to happen due to lack of content.


Only the first episode woudl get ratings, for the trainwreck factor. After that? Watch Jessa do her nails, while Jill drinks contaminated Nepalese water and gets diarrhea? No thanks.

  • Love 14

I don't know if TLC will cancel, but, food for thought. The Duggar's are out there. They are being talked about and debated about. They are news. They are polarizing. Just look at this forum. There are posts every few seconds. If it were a physical button, my "mark as read" key would have worn off by now. I don't believe that TLC cares one whit about the Duggars, Josh, Anna or the "victims". It is ratings. It is free publicity. They may renew. Most likely not for very long, but they will find sponsors. Having people mention a products name, even if it is to urge others not to buy, is a mention of a product name, for free. I feel the Duggars are basically pieces of shit. No reflection on anyone here, but I feel dirty just looking at these forums. I have lost interest in whether Josh will work again, Jessa and Jill's marriages, and the day to day bullshit that passes for "life" that the rest of this ungodly, (yes, ungodly, no supreme being worth his salt can possibly encourage or want what these fools believe), passel of idiots engage in. I believe that the only weapon we have is disinterest. Stop watching, discussing, googling, clicking on links, etc. Only when there is a measurable level of disinterest will they be gone.

The Duggars have been shown to the public on television since 2008 and viewers watched for different reasons. Some believed they were genuine and were examples of the perfect family and respected and admired them. Some were disbelievers and watched guardedly, they were skeptical and curious as to the genuineness of the Duggars.. People studied the Duggars carefully expecting to see cracks appear because they were just 'too good to be believed'. It never happened, the cracks didn't appear, the show ran for 7 years. The Duggars made many people question themselves, if only briefly. "The Duggars are so religious, such great parents, could we be wrong by mainstreaming our children's education? Could we be wrong talking openly and honestly to our kids about sex and sexuality? Could we be wrong expecting our children to marry whomever they loved and have as many or as little children as they chose to have?"


It is a tremendous advantage having your own television show that allows you to postulate your own 'truths', values and principles. It's a one-sided presentation of course. The viewers may disagree, they may want to scream objections, but the viewing public doesn't have the advantage of sitting in front of a camera on National television presenting their side of the story. Of course people could join forums such as this to discuss their opinions of a family like the Duggars. Not all people that watch are fans of the Duggars, they are fans of revealing the real truths behind cults like the one the Duggars belong to. Cults do not work in a Democratic society, they just don't. Going back to the Abe Lincoln quote "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time". This really sums up TLC and Duggars. They are nothing but a long blip on the radar of pop culture that fooled a lot of people and in a few years nobody will care and most won't remember any of them.


That's exactly what TLC is waiting for. They're sitting back, giving it time until all the flurry of press and interest begins to recede. Once they're confident it has, that's the time they'll announce either a spinoff with Jessa and Jill or a firm commitment to cancelling all future programs that include any of the Duggars. I for one, have never been a fan of any reality show that capitalizes on people that are different or unusual in any way. And, you are correct. If people outright rejected watching this type of programming, then there wouldn't be any reality shows like this. But, it's a free country and I don't have any right to tell others what to watch or not watch. If that's what they want it's fine with me.



  • Love 5

I think capitalizing on things that make people different is the definition of reality TV. but you're right, we can choose whether we watch it or not.

My argument about the pettiness (or not) of Barnfield going after the Duggars with her kissy picture was pretty impassioned last night, I apologize That I typed out my unwillingness to budge for all to see. .

Mods, please allow this comment (or not...): I didn't mean to imply at all that the Duggars are able to sway non-like minded people to their viewpoint. I agree: they only carry weight with people who already believe what they do. The only advantage to having had the Duggars on a team would be the ability to motivate people like them to get out and vote.

Sorry for the return to forbidden water - several people commented on the fact that the Duggs aren't really converting anyone over to their belief system and I agree.

I wanted to end this post with, NO, I STRENUOUSLY OBJECT, but can't think of a way to insert it. I got nothing.

  • Love 1

Lack of content is a given for me with those two couples.  Aside from baby Seewald and watching Izzy crawl, there is not much if anything left.  Since this has dragged on so long with no cancellation notice, I'm beginning to suspect that TLC will air the already filmed episodes.  They may be used as schedule spackle or at 7 pm instead of primetime depending on if the scandal dies off or not. 

  • Love 5

I've only seen this in radar online and the inquisitor so far, so take it for what it's worth, but they're reporting a spin-off isn't going to happen due to lack of content.



Lack of content was already a problem IMO; Jill and Jessa aren't very interesting to me, and while others might want to watch them, I'm not surprised that TLC has (supposedly) come to this conclusion.


Lack of content is a given for me with those two couples.  Aside from baby Seewald and watching Izzy crawl, there is not much if anything left.  Since this has dragged on so long with no cancellation notice, I'm beginning to suspect that TLC will air the already filmed episodes.  They may be used as schedule spackle or at 7 pm instead of primetime depending on if the scandal dies off or not. 


I don't think we'll see the Duggars on TV again. There are some things people don't forget, and the Josh Duggar child molestation scandal is going to be one of them IMO.

  • Love 12


"This Society persists in believing that children participating in the media are a protected Class; that a portion of their income is protected, that their work hours are limited, and their education is provided by their employers. It’s just not true.

....Here’s the rub. In Arkansas where the Duggar Family is produced there are Laws on the books that might have prevented the filming of this highly suspect family. But the Laws were ignored and went unenforced to this day. ....Where are the work permits, because they’re required? What are the terms of employment and what official reviewed them?

"...This is official neglect.

If the minimal protections we imagine are extended to the most visible children in our culture had been present in the real Arkansas world then even a cursory background check of the Duggar family would have revealed the tawdry truth about this holier-than-thou example of reality television’s unceasing need to focus on the 'unusual, the freakish, the abnormal.'

"Did we learn nothing from the deliberately fabricated broadcasts of “John & Kate + 8?” How many times do we have to witness the unraveling of a famous television family before we demand common-sense action?

"...The First Amendment was not crafted to protect the parent and producers involved in collaborative products that utilize minors. A novelist, a painter, a sculptor or a pamphleteer is, as an individual, by definition protected in his or her right to free expression. Not so the parent who sells their off-spring into the maw of popular entertainment. Not so the people involved in the wide-spread dissemination of the culturally-biased portrayal of childhood.

"...Children in reality television deserve more protections than their counterparts in professionally- produced entertainment product, and as we’ve proven beyond any reasonably doubt, professional children are deliberately, woefully, dangerously under-protected."

This explained everything so clearly regarding salary and how children are forced to work for free but most importantly without ANYONE looking after their interests. The State of Arkansas and every state should enforce the rules they have in place for children. However, more regulations need to be developed to make sure that children who are filmed get some of the salary so they aren't used as cash cows for their parents. Plus they should only be allowed in front of the cameras for a certain number of hours a week and they get to decide if they want to be filmed.

Edited by NoThyme
  • Love 5

I think we see them. But the response won't be as positive as TLC hopes. What was once, for many of us, a sort of fun or guilty pleasure now has a definable darker side that goes way beyond, "Well, they just have different religious beliefs." Suddenly there are double entendres, and weird sentence and the very language of a show gets messed up after something like this. There' no more innocent "men's showers" comments. It's all too icky.

  • Love 9

I would be able to watch the older girls without seeing everything through the lens of the what happened. I am able to separate what is said by the survivors and others who weren't involved, from what Josh and JB & M said. Looking back however, and reflecting on the things that Josh, JB, & M have said, the ICK factor does glare.

  • Love 1

I may get a lot of flack for this but my problem with the couple who "outed" the Duggars and Josh`s crimes and cover-up absolutely, imo, revictimized the girls. There were only 5 girls alive at the time of the incidences, it's really not hard to do the math. Ms. Barnfield says she meant no malice towards anyone. Honestly, I'm not sure I believe her. Under any circumstances these poor girls are the collateral damage and nobody was thinking about them. Not the person who released the info, not the person who wanted it released, not the media, not even their own family. And that's the real shame of all this.

  • Love 7

I have boycotted TLC in its entirety since the scandal. Last season I stopped watching 600 lb. Life and The Little Couple.  Pre scandal, I am against people who use their children to make a living.   And, yes I believe a majority or 100 % of income is from the shows.   All the children have absolutely no power to say I don't want to do this.   

 Yes, I feel cleaner too.    Each person does make a difference.

I would agree with lack of content.

             The younger children have a little bit of personality because the parents still have some work left on killing their spirits.  The older kids, the married ones....I can't recall one spontaneous smile, a laugh, nothing.  They have been so programmed, so limited.

      All they do is drink Starbucks and take pregnancy tests.     

I'm in Canada, so I can't vote except by not watching TLC. I remember when TLC meant "The Learning Channel" and was not "Freak of the Week" stuff. I'm saddened by how it's gone from my favorite station to one I rarely now watch. But I did watch the Duggars if only for interest sake, more out of curiosity. Then the scandal broke and I immediately voted with the only thing I could- my email to TLC stating they lose me as a customer and viewer until they cancel that show.  It's morally wrong to hold yourself up as some type of wildly godly ideal family when there are huge skeletons in your closet. I'm not Godly, not at all but I have NOTHING in my background like that, I'm beyond amazed that TLC has stayed silent. While I'm only one person, I'm gone. 

  • Love 6

Okay, there was already a mod note asking not to go off topic and discuss the Duggars in relation to media and TLC related activities. This is not the lets debate certain issues until the cows come home, lets debate until we all are blue in the face, lets try to get everyone to see my point of view, or lets debate certain social injustice issues instead of the many media and TLC Duggar related issues at hand thread.


I am sure there are other forums in the big, big internet universe where posters can debate and discuss the rights of gays and lesbians, law enforcement going after black citizens, and other non-Duggar related issues coming down the turnpike. Instead of bringing the issues on here and possibly stirring the pot, the mods suggest finding other forums to find people who will be glad to debate with you.


Non topic posts will be edited or hidden at the discretion of the mods. Any questions or concerns, please feel free to send a PM to a mod. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.




I think Jill and Jessa's high rated episodes surrounded finding out who they were courting and marriage. Viewers were curious about who would marry into the Duggar family and lots of people love watching weddings. I bet birth episodes would do well and maybe a follow up meeting the baby, viewers also love babies but what else do these two daughters have to put on the air? They can't bring up too much religion, so trips to conferences and churches are out. They can't film them doing anything that includes Josh and not very much Jim Bob and Michelle if any. What else is left, the couple meeting up for dinner? Jill giving Jessa baby tips?

I would think Viewers would want to meet Marjorie and watch Josiah courtship and wedding more but it would be very hard to exclude the rest of the family with that storyline.

If you look at the high rated Duggar episodes they are around courtship/wedding, births, accidents/illness and big trips. The episodes about day to day life dipped very low. I bet only the loyal supporters enjoy watching Jim Bob collect rent, Grandma do laundry and Jessa organize.

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 9

I personally would still watch them, yes they made a mistake for the world to see but we all have issues. Reality TV is just that reality and in reality crap happens. The duggars are a good Godly family who live by the bible and to a lot of people that's what matters. Being a Christian doesn't mean your perfect it means that God forgives us and we are allowed to live a life. If they do get cancled I will not watch tlc anymore period

Edited by MrsMommy
  • Love 4

Okay, there was already a mod note asking not to go off topic and discuss the Duggars in relation to media and TLC related activities. This is not the lets debate certain issues until the cows come home, lets debate until we all are blue in the face, lets try to get everyone to see my point of view, or lets debate certain social injustice issues instead of the many media and TLC Duggar related issues at hand thread.


I am sure there are other forums in the big, big internet universe where posters can debate and discuss the rights of gays and lesbians, law enforcement going after black citizens, and other non-Duggar related issues coming down the turnpike. Instead of bringing the issues on here and possibly stirring the pot, the mods suggest finding other forums to find people who will be glad to debate with you.


Non topic posts will be edited or hidden at the discretion of the mods. Any questions or concerns, please feel free to send a PM to a mod. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

My apologies if I have done anything wrong, I think we may have posted around the same time.


I personally would still watch them, yes they made a mistake for the world to see but we all have issues. Reality TV is just that reality and in reality crap happens. The duggars are a good Godly family who live by the bible and to a lot of people that's what matters. Being a Christian doesn't mean your perfect it means that God forgives us and we are allowed to live a life. If they do get cancled I will not watch tlc anymore period

I wouldn't be able to watch them, even a spin-off that didn't involve Josh or the parents. It's just too, too wrong to me. If they really were a Godly family, as in they led their lives as close to their interpretation of Biblical truth possible, I could respect that just as I respect anyone who strives to lead a good and positive life (The Bates family, for example, has always given me more of this vibe than the Duggars. While their beliefs seem extreme to me, I just don't see them as driven by fame as the Duggars; it always seemed more of a forced plot point in the show so that the Duggars would have some pals to hang out with.) It just seems to me that a lot of the major decisions being made by the family in the last ten years have revolved around money, fame, greed, false pretences, hatred toward entire groups of people who have done nothing to them, exploiting their children and celebrating themselves. None of these things are terribly Godly, at least not amongst all the Lutherans I was raised around. 

Edited by Aja
  • Love 14

Clarification: please do not announce reasons why or why not people should watch the show. This topic is the Duggars and the Media/TLC. It's circling quickly back to the whether it's right or not that they should have a TV show. It's been discussed, it's gotten personal and a little mean. Please stop. If TLC needs to find their audience, they can use Nielsen. 


This is the third note in here today. It is the last note for today. Next option is to lock the topic. 

  • Love 2

They do have a season already filmed. That's my question. If they are not going to use the Duggar footage, don't they need to start filming something new soon?

I'm quite certain that Jessa and Ben had their ultrasound appointment filmed, even if it was by Jason, to be shown (they hope) during a VSE baby event. Jessa posted a selfie about an hour ago (link on the Benessa thread) of her 20-week pregnant body. Apparently, despite what they say about being at peace if the show is over, she's not going down without a fight. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

I personally would still watch them, yes they made a mistake for the world to see but we all have issues. Reality TV is just that reality and in reality crap happens. The duggars are a good Godly family who live by the bible and to a lot of people that's what matters. Being a Christian doesn't mean your perfect it means that God forgives us and we are allowed to live a life. If they do get cancled I will not watch tlc anymore period


I totally agree. I emailed TLC several times to that effect. 

  • Love 2

I think that the way this was handled by the family has really hurt their chances to get at least a spinoff show. Jill and her husband seem to be sweet enough people, and Ben and Jessa strike me as mean little creatures but they're pretty looking, and people have been given shows with a lot less going for them.


If the family had said


  • hey, we were shocked and terrified, and we handled this really badly
  • and we're never going to be able to make it up to the girls or to Josh for the extra suffering that our poor handling of the situation visited on them
  • but it's really helped us understand an area of life we were naive about
  • and made us recognize that love and forgiveness are as important as judgment
  • and we've since reached out and had the younger children educated about setting boundaries and protecting themselves
  • and we've encouraged others in our faith community to do the same

I seriously doubt we'd even be discussing whether Jessa and Jill would get another show, because there's lots there to identify with.


Instead, they went with It wasn't a big deal, and we handled it appropriately, and lots of people we know (and we only know people who follow our chosen beliefs) do way worse stuff to their kids, which we also thought it was appropriate not to report, and boys will be boys. So Fox has pretty much painted TLC into a corner here, because until the Duggars opened their mouths, TLC could have said pretty much what Huckabee did - that the Duggars are flawed people who did bad things but try to do better, and that's good enough for them.


Now if they give the family a show, they're going to be perceived by some as signing off on the no big deal theory, and I suspect the idea that sexual misconduct is no big deal is a big part of what the TLC modesty bloc audience is there to get away from. In the end, this is all about selling soap to social conservative families who avoid most forms of mass media. If those people stay away, there's nobody to sell soap to. And I'll bet TLC is polling hard right now.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 13

I may get a lot of flack for this but my problem with the couple who "outed" the Duggars and Josh`s crimes and cover-up absolutely, imo, revictimized the girls. There were only 5 girls alive at the time of the incidences, it's really not hard to do the math. Ms. Barnfield says she meant no malice towards anyone. Honestly, I'm not sure I believe her. Under any circumstances these poor girls are the collateral damage and nobody was thinking about them. Not the person who released the info, not the person who wanted it released, not the media, not even their own family. And that's the real shame of all this.

I agree. My concern through all of this has been the girls, and in my opinion, all of this DID re-victimize them, and frankly, the glee in which some parties in the media have done so disgusts me.

Edited by starving artist
  • Love 3

I'm sorry we have to lock this topic, but we have asked multiple times to keep the discussion to the Duggars in the Media. While we would have liked to be able to talk about whether TLC should keep airing the show, sadly, the conversation would turn personal and there would be sniping. There have been too many reports about this and we're going to give this topic a beak overnight.

Please take the time to remember that people are allowed to have different views. If you disagree, don't make it personal. People are allowed to want the show to continue. People are allowed to not want the show to air again. Both are valid opinions.

Take a breath. Enjoy a lazy Sunday and forget about the Duggars for a while.

  • Love 7

Please keep in mind the general rule of the site: Don't Be A Dick or DBAD. This includes berating those for their opinion, demanding they defend their opinion and deliberately baiting others into an argument. This is not a debate club, no one needs to cite their sources or write a dissertation to convince anyone. No one "wins" here. Disagree and explain why but scolding and lecturing of others is not acceptable. 

  • Love 5

I'm not convinced that TLC is finished with some aspect of the Duggars. I still think they have a plan in the works for a spinoff. I'd bet good money they have the girls and their spouses in a holding pattern and they're just waiting for public opinion to rebound. Of course, it won't ever get to the point that it was pre-molestation scandal and I'm personally not in favor of it but I don't think the spinoff is dead in the water either. I take the ROL article with a grain of salt. It might be true at the moment, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your pov) I don't see this as permanent, imo.

  • Love 4

“Josh Duggar works under direct orders from Warren Jeffs,” Uber asserts, before rambling, “Josh Duggar molested the Slenderman girls in Wisconsin … Josh Duggar threw Baby Jessica in my well. Josh Duggar hurt Chandra Levy. Josh Duggar was pen pals with Elizabeth Smart. … Josh Duggar knows what happened to Jon Benet Ramsey.”

Suddenly I'm not so worried about this. There's no way a Duggar would follow an FLDS leader.

  • Love 1

I hate that my first reaction is to almost laugh at the article. I'm a bit sad for our penal system because Mr. Uber obviously needs psychiatric treatment. I'm also really pissed off with radar for using such a click bait title for the article.

Agree. This is a lawsuit Josh could file, I would 5hink.

I can't believe people would take this seriously.

  • Love 1

My prediction is: TLC will continue to say nothing about the future of the Duggars.  They will put together and show an "update" show in the fall, after Jessa has her baby and (presumably) Jill is pregnant again, and monitor what the fan reaction is to that.  If it's positive (or the ratings are good), then the Duggars will be back in some shape or form--probably the girl's spin-off, since certainly Josh and probably JimBob and Michelle will still be toxic (in large doses--wild horses won't keep the proud grandparents from horning their way into the special/show in some way), or perhaps some sort of "every kid gets a season when they are courting and marry"--that would drag things out quite a while.

  • Love 2

This was particularly interesting...

"Since TLC pulled 19 Kids, the network's average prime-time ratings have actually gone up."

I suspect that fact will have the most impact on whether the show returns or not.

I just don't know what they could talk about. Anything about their purity/modesty standards is just sad, now that we know a big part of the reason for them. Anything with the parents' wink wink kissy grabass stuff is now even creepier. As for JimBob/Michelle's sanctimonious comments about how to raise children...how did that work out for them?

Just not seeing it. They were hard-pressed to fill an episode as it was.

Edited by Oldernowiser
  • Love 12

Anyway, it turns out Judge Zimmerman (the one who ordered the destruction of the records) had an addendum to her order that started no further FOIA requests regarding the Duggars we to be honored. However, that addendum didn't make it to the police department in time to block the release of the records regarding the 911 call. The debate now is the legality of that order. Can she do that?


  • Love 8

I will say that "no good Christian shows on TV" as a church lament goes back to at least the early 1970's, when I was a child sitting and hearing it. And that was when we had LITTLE HOUSE and THE WALTON'S.

We now have more Christian programming than we ever had in history, but the Duggars are all that's out there? I'm sorry, but I didn't buy the argument when I was five, and I'm not buying it 40 years later. There's actually some excellent television produced shown everywhere from PBS to BBC to Disney to reruns on Hallmark that provides my own child (I'm very strict about what she watches) excellent portrays of Christians. They aren't stick figure Christians, but they aren't as one dimensional as the Duggars were either.

Look, I get it. A lot of people were invested in the Duggars. I was. I've seen every single episode. But they covered up something really major in their lives and whitewashed it. Jesus himself had a phrase for that. Maybe some people are still interested in watching how the Duggars "come back" from such a huge lie by omission in their lives, but I think the Duggars have done Christians something of an injustice here. Not because they wear clothes or don't kiss until their wedding day or have 19 kids. Not even because they had a terrible thing happen to their family. But because they decided to pretend it never existed and can't, even now, really admit that they, as parents, did anything wrong. The very heart of their theology requires that, and they can't. That means they are trying to be something that they aren't. Thats what politicians do. That's their right, but I don't have to watch that. Because we left the Christian issues aside a long time ago.

  • Love 21

I think TLC are, at the very least, going to air a retooled version of the show because it would be harder to launch a replacement show than it will be to salvage an existing show. Rating may be lower on a retooled show, but they would decline from relatively high existing ratings. Shows with less than half the amount of viewers are good enough to be repeated ad nauseum on TLC.

Josh is definitely going to be erased soviet style from the existing episodes.

  • Love 1

Anyway, here's more from Mama June. Her picture side-by-side with Michelle's made me giggle, I don't know why.


Wow, well, if TLC coached the Duggars for that interview, they did a really terrible job.

  • Love 2

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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