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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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It's Wednesday, so another release of information from InTouch


They (the Duggars) are (and have been since late May) under investigation by DHS. And aren't cooperating, apparently.

Depending on the situation, JimChelle better be careful here.

  • Love 3

"The minor"/"the child", not the minors or children? So not just a general check-up on the whole family caused by the no doubt numerous calls they've recieved in the past weeks, but something specific about just one of the kids?

The article says they filtered out the non-credible calls, so I guess they have a genuine concern about one child. They better not test any of the kids educational level, or get one that goes off-script from whatever JB&M want to put out there. I do hope there's been no further abuse of any kind, and it's just the general Duggar lackadaisical attitude toward child rearing that's got them concerned.

I'm assuming the check-up was with the minor child (that remains a minor), that was involved in the Josh mess.  I could be making a mistake about folks and merely "assume"-ing - (ass/me/you, we all know the joke)..I don't want to hear about more damage to more children from this family..


Without speculating on who or what was going on, that's the most logical explanation.


Think about this from outside the filter of "ZOMG CONSPIRACY TO TAKE DOWN THE DUGGZ"-someone at DHS is no doubt worried heads will roll if they don't prove they're still doing their job. 

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I highly doubt this call had anything to do with the events that have been in the news. Their statue of limitations have long since run out. To start an investigation, they would need new information/new cause.


It wouldn't surprise me if DHS frequently receives calls on the Duggars. I know people at TWOP were often saying they would call based on the show (no idea if anyone did...) How often they are serious enough to investigate might be vary, and possibly the recent negative publicity means DHS will act on calls they might have ignored in the past.

Hulu? Channels on Demand on TimeWarner? Amazon Prime? You can't fast forward through them. Even Netflix is planning to add commercials.

I personally do tent watch on any of these I watch through directv and dvr everything I watch that way I can skip commercials I even dvr my news so I can skip the stuff I don't want to watch and commercials

Snide and sneaky Duggar/TLC reference in Salon Game of Thrones review: 'The reason it’s unnecessary is because we exist in that world already and the genre the show exists in is called “fantasy” not “reality.” If I wanted to see the continual abuse and devaluation of women within modern patriarchal contexts, I would watch TLC.'



  • Love 15

Read it at the supermarket.

We really don't know what DHS was going to the home to investigate. It might be unrelated to the previous events.

TBH, my first thought was that it has to do with Josie, ie. not getting care for whatever ails her. I know the Duggars and TLC are trying to portray her as "all better now," but is that really the case? Just a thought...

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In all honesty, for someone who is supposed to be so brand savvy, Michelle and Jim Bob have royally flubbed this whole crisis. Do they (or at least their PR team) have zero comprehension as to how FIOA works? Why in the middle of this hurricane of negative publicity, they would refuse to cooperate with DHS (yet again) and fail to see how this move would be scrutinized by the media, both print and social?

Also, this is my first post, so hi!

  • Love 16

So, the Duggars think they can refuse a DHS visit? Good luck with that.

Depending on the State, you can. I'm a psychotherapist now but back when I was a social worker, this happened often. If there wasn't cooperation, we'd have to go to court and get a search warrant, then go back to the house with a police officer. Sometimes, we wouldn't get the warrant and the case would be closed. Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 5

I can't pretend to know everything Duggar, there are many people who shock me every day with a tidbit I didn't know. I don't think we could absolutely know this without having the date the original request was made. According to the mayor though, there were many steps taken before the release happened.

The police chief contacted the city attorney, who had to then research opinion regarding the release before giving the nod. Likely there was discussion with the city attorney about which local and state agencies to contact. Requests were made, but then the various agencies were working concurrently consulting THEIR respective advisors. Time is ticking, right? (One of the state agencies apparently never did answer).

One of the To-Do's on the list was to notify the Duggs, and further, to keep them apprised of what was happening with the request. Something about THAT STATEMENT makes me feel like time was going by. I just mean to point out that it may have taken a week or more with a bunch of people hunkering around a bunch tables in bunch of different places before they decided to release the report.

And THEN, the mayor says it went through several rounds of redact before release. I imagine the magazine people were standing on the porch waiting, looking at their watches, waiting some more. This was a BIG DEAL; Everybody involved had a pretty good idea the tsunami it was going to cause. I don't really know how long all this took - but having spent some time in the corporate world tiptoeing around legal issues - I'm saying they didn't care HOW long the magazine camped out waiting, from the police chief up, they all were probably slow-walking as much as possible to make sure every possible scenario was considered ahead of time.

You're probably right, the episode was filmed before they knew, but it was pretty close, IMO. Many people gave examples at the time about how weird that episode was. (And I agree, it was odd). The craziest thing in that epi was Jill. She seemed so out of place and disjointed. Just popping in for that segment and disappearing after. There was no warm and fuzzy about that segment at all.

There's something else I noticed. Someone pointed out that they had to have known it was coming, couldn't have been a surprise. The poster (I'm sorry, I forgot who) pointed out how Jill said she was shocked, that she called her husband at work and was in tears... But that registers for me as well. JB gets a call from the police saying InTouch has contacted them for the report they made when Joshie was a juvenile. JB gets off the phone, has one of his puppet-on-a-string convos with Mama. Y'all know how he is, he had meetings with the older ones and told them what was going on - but He assured them that NOTHING was going to happen, it's going to be all right, let's just pray real quick....

So then it's sort of bothersome, sort of hanging over their heads. And then the police call back in a few days and tells them they HAVE to release.(nothing SAYS this, but probably the Duggs were given a copy of the redacted report just before the magazine was. JB makes another round of calls to the older kids and THATS when Jill referred to calling Derrick in tears at work.


Public bodies have 24 hours to determine eligibility of a FOIA request.  If the records are unavailable, the department has three business days to assemble them, as per the state FOIA Law.  

  • Love 3

Public bodies have 24 hours to determine eligibility of a FOIA request. If the records are unavailable, the department has three business days to assemble them, as per the state FOIA Law.

At the same time, records are always delayed. I've done quite a few records requests as an attorney and they never are processed in the amount of time they should be.

  • Love 3

Folks, you've all been exemplary and understanding about the landmines of language with this issue. We'd also like to add rape and incest to that. Please be very, very careful when you use those term as they mean something specific. It would be best to use molest. It describes perfectly what we (so far) know has occurred. Thank you.

That's helpful information, Lemur, even if it blows my lengthy summation out of the water. Three days seems very short to me, but they'd have to have a pretty stiff deadline to be shooting for,more records never would be released.

STARVING ARTIST!!! On one of these threads last week, someone asked a question and said, "is there a lawyer out there who can tell us this?" I KNEW someone had self identified before but couldn't remember. Next time, I'll remember to refer them to you!

Depending on the State, you can. I'm a psychotherapist now but back when I was a social worker, this happened often. If there wasn't cooperation, we'd have to go to court and get a search warrant, then go back to the house with a police officer. Sometimes, we wouldn't get the warrant and the case would be closed.

I've heard that in the state where I live.  If it's social workers only step out front or stand in the door and talk but keep the view into the house blocked.  If they come into the house they may find something trivial but make it into something more, but if all they have is the unsubstantiated claim (if it is) then the matter will drop.  I had a ticked off pre-school teacher make repeated ridiculous claims against me.  They all dropped and I never let anyone into my house.  The Duggars may have thought that they had the same ability.  You would think from their previous experience that they would know whether they could refuse entrance or not. 

It's Wednesday, so another release of information from InTouch


They (the Duggars) are (and have been since late May) under investigation by DHS. And aren't cooperating, apparently.


This is really making those spin off possibilities look dim. 


I'm assuming the check-up was with the minor child (that remains a minor), that was involved in the Josh mess.  I could be making a mistake about folks and merely "assume"-ing - (ass/me/you, we all know the joke)..I don't want to hear about more damage to more children from this family..


Speaking as someone who works very closely with CPS in a state not inhabited by Duggars, I can shut that theory down and save us a few posts. CPS/DCFS is not going to do a wellness check on a child that isn't involved in an open case. A wellness check isn't going to be authorized by the department just because someone requested a years old police report that involved a minor(s). The fact that police were called when the parents didn't comply solidifies the fact that this visit was official and there is an active investigation going on.


My guess is that something completely separate happened and someone anonymously called it in. That's how 97% of the cases I've been involved with during my years of service have started. It's just a coincidence that this is going on at the same time InTouch is about to release the krakken. The reason why it hasn't popped up on anyone's radar as an open case until now is because it's still in the initial investigation stages. Should the investigating social worker determine that there is abuse going on (if it's not evident as soon as he/she walked into the house/saw the kid), it will officially become a case and the DA/judges/hearings/court orders/possible removal of the child(ren) come into play. 

  • Love 23

That's helpful information, Lemur, even if it blows my lengthy summation out of the water. Three days seems very short to me, but they'd have to have a pretty stiff deadline to be shooting for,more records never would be released.

STARVING ARTIST!!! On one of these threads last week, someone asked a question and said, "is there a lawyer out there who can tell us this?" I KNEW someone had self identified before but couldn't remember. Next time, I'll remember to refer them to you!

I'd be happy to help but I make no promises about having the right info! If it's the thread I'm thinking of, it had to do with trusts/payment in one sum, which isn't my field. I handle criminal law, so I can speak to doing a bunch of records requests in another state, none of which were ever timely.

  • Love 1
Fame is a drug.


I work in PR and I can't applaud this comment enough.  Your whole post, really.  I remember way back in the day, when the Gosselins were in their first house and still kind of fun to watch, I wrote a post on TWOP with my predictions of what would happen next, starting with a crew member offering to get them coffee for the first time, leading to and ultimately getting private jet travel.  All in the name of them being THE TALENT, and therefore special and deserving in some way.  It's so, so gross and it happens all the time - legit actor, reality "star" or now, God help us, social media "stars."  As long as they make money for the Big Boys, they get what they think they deserve.  The Duggars don't seem to have gone as far down the rabbit hole as some, but they're pretty controlling about what they'll allow to be seen in the name of their Godly reputation.  For all we know, there's a GV jet in the garage and a butler that is never shown on camera.  I kid, I kid, but who the hell knows what else goes on behind those closed Tontitown doors?

  • Love 20

My guess is that something completely separate happened and someone anonymously called it in. That's how 97% of the cases I've been involved with during my years of service have started. It's just a coincidence that this is going on at the same time InTouch is about to release the krakken.

Hmm. I wonder if a tip related to this current issue is what led to discovery of the police report? Just because the police report was the first thing InTouch released doesn't mean it's the first thing they found. It's a much more interesting arc to release the old stuff first, let the Duggars deny it or say it's in the past, and *then* release the recent stuff to show they're lying liars who lie?

I never really considered myself a conspiracy theorist, but the Duggars might just do it.

  • Love 9

I used to work at People magazine, and I guarantee you that no one at People is batting an eye over the Duggars. People Magazine simply mints money -- it's an unbelievable cash-cow, and always has been. Even in this day and age when print magazines are on their way out, I guarantee that they are still making money -- a lot of it. People is in a completely different league from TLC -- they do not need the Duggars to sell magazines.


People is a "feel good" magazine, it's not a scandal rag. They printed stories about the weddings and the babies because they were "feel good" stories about people who were perceived to be wholesome and nice (not that they only cover wholesome and nice people). The Duggar scandal really isn't their sort of thing, and I would be surprised if they covered it extensively.


Yeah, I agree. I've read People for about  15 years now, and they really go in cycles when it comes to cash cows. In the 90s, it was Diana. Later on it was Britney. Then Angelina and Brad. These things really go in cycles when it comes to popularity. It's a matter of just putting feelers out and seeing what readers respond to most. The Duggars are their cash cow now, but they will have absolutely no problem finding a new one. The Duggars aren't the sacred cows they think themselves to be. Even TLC will find a new cash cow in time.  Celebrity is really disposable. I bet the Duggars feel steamrolled in how quickly they fell from grace.


It was rather interesting to see the whiplash in People's coverage. They know when to back off when a former cash cow is getting unpopular. I'm still bitter that my queen Lauren Bacall was relegated to a sidebar in favor of Jill and Derick.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 16

I so much hope there is nothing more. I hope that other than what's already out there, nothing more is uncovered. There are (how many? I lost count...) "x" number of children, still minors, in that home who's lives have been forever changed (regardless of fault). Nothing will ever be the same as it was on May 18, 2015 for them.

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Depending on the State, you can. I'm a psychotherapist now but back when I was a social worker, this happened often. If there wasn't cooperation, we'd have to go to court and get a search warrant, then go back to the house with a police officer. Sometimes, we wouldn't get the warrant and the case would be closed.

I'm thinking DHS went directly to court to get that warrant.


We live in Washington State. I'm not sure about the warrant stuff here, but there was a very tragic case a couple of years back re: a parent who wouldn't let the CPS worker into his home where his two young sons were and then blew up the house. Needless to say, CPS changed a few of their policies, IIRC.

  • Love 6

I'm thinking DHS went directly to court to get that warrant.


We live in Washington State. I'm not sure about the warrant stuff here, but there was a very tragic case a couple of years back re: a parent who wouldn't let the CPS worker into his home where his two young sons were and then blew up the house. Needless to say, CPS changed a few of their policies, IIRC.

I'm getting a sick feeling again; I hope this isn't the other shoe dropping...

I remember that story, Missy Vixen -- that was awful!

  • Love 2

Hmm. I wonder if a tip related to this current issue is what led to discovery of the police report? Just because the police report was the first thing InTouch released doesn't mean it's the first thing they found. It's a much more interesting arc to release the old stuff first, let the Duggars deny it or say it's in the past, and *then* release the recent stuff to show they're lying liars who lie?

I never really considered myself a conspiracy theorist, but the Duggars might just do it.

I'm with you on that. I don't doubt for a second that InTouch has enough dirt on them to release a new bombshell every week until Izz Khalifa's 1st birthday party. 

Edited by Marigny
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Could DFS be involved because of someone's concerns abt Josie?

That was my first guess. Maybe something else happened w/her seizure (s). Me-chelle not acknowledging that they are more dangerous than she believes could have medical personnel calling authorities. Esp if they've seen Josie numerous times and the parents aren't doing anything abt them.

  • Love 2

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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