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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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"We watched him, like, all the time. I took him to work with me . . .. Nothing ever happened like that again in the girls' bedrooms after that." In the end, as the Post reports, they concluded that Josh "was 'not at all' a threat to their daughters." Jim Bob said, "Looking back, we did the best we could under the circumstances."


Earth to Jim Bob: No, you didn't.

[From the Steve Benson article linked above]



  • Love 1

You're exactly right, GEML, that a whole bunch of the negativity comes from people who've never watched the show, or at least never been dedicated to watching it. I wasn't a regular watcher - oh, all right, I wasn't a watcher at all - but I'm not sure they'd lose viewership if they keep going. I would guess viewership will go UP for a little bit.

For me, personally, having not been a watcher before, if they do continue (and, like you, I think a special will be the weather balloon) I'll WATCH it. I'll probably record it and watch it again for nuances. Then I'll read the blogs and watch it a 3rd time to compare notes. I'm not sure they can MAINTAIN viewership, but I think people will watch it with enthusiasm for awhile. (They may not admit it at Christmas parties, but they'll watch!)

I have been DVRing and watching most episodes since 17 Kids and Counting.  I didn't love them or agree with many of their beliefs but I was interested in the way they lived and it sparked discussions with my kids on a wide range of issues.  I don't think I'm going to be able to watch anymore.  I couldn't even watch the Jill and Jessa interview.  I'm too angry and sick about everything -- Josh, the parents, their cult, and their fans.  Not just what happened to these girls but the message being sent to other girls in their shoes.  I think that the bump in interest will be temporary and they have lost a significant portion of their long-time viewers, those who aren't blind defenders.  Even my MIL, who loves the show and has previously defended Michelle as a wonderful mother, has not said a word about the Duggars to us since the story broke and I would not be surprised if she never acknowledged their existence again. 

  • Love 3

From Steve Benson's written commentary:

Welcome to the final chapter of the Duggars' soon-to-be dead, reality-denying cable TV carny act: "You've Got to be Kidding Me --and Counting."

LOL -- TV carny act!! That sums it up for me.


City of Springdale responds to the complaint filed with the city on behalf of the Duggars (by a former city alderman) questioning the release of the police report. Surprising no one, they defend the action. Local video and a writeup herein: 




eta: Posted ONLY so people could keep up with the actual proceedings, not as an opinion piece up for discussion of right or wrong/legal or illegal. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 7

A previous poster observed the questionable and often salacious content on TLC and that got me wondering whether the Duggars are even aware of the company they keep. Of course we all once knew TLC as The Learning Channel. Is it possible that the Duggars, snug in their bubble, still believe their show airs on an educational channel? Do they know that they might well have been snuggled up to the 132-pound scrotum and Sex Sent Me To The ER? And would such knowledge offend them at all or are they only interested in the paycheck?

Don't forget Long Island Medium. Occult practices! The witch of Endor!

  • Love 2

We were a season behind in Australia, so hadn't seen Jessa's wedding or Iz's birth. I only just realised today that the repeat shows have been pulled off the TLC line up here as well. I was checking my pay TV monthly programme guide when I realised that the show was listed. So I checked the on TV guide andsW it had been replaced. I also realised that I don't watch anything on this channel now. I am now TLC free.

  • Love 5

I haven't been able to bring myself to watch TLC since this broke, and I can't imagine what the remaining, decent people who have shows on this network (there are some, right?) must be thinking and if they're second-guessing their association with the network.



I haven't either. And I don't think I will. For me now they'll always be associated with two shows involving sexual abuse. Its hard to buy that they didn't know about either one. Especially after the canceled Oprah interview and now I can't stop wondering about the other shows they put on. Its entirely possible the rest of their shows are fine. But for me the network and their shows are tainted. And I really don't think TLC should be let off the hook. They can put on any weird show they want but we should be able expect that no one on any of their shows sexually abused anyone, abused anyone or covered it up.


Mods, if this post is against the guidelines let me know and I'll delete it.

  • Love 4

You're exactly right, GEML, that a whole bunch of the negativity comes from people who've never watched the show, or at least never been dedicated to watching it. I wasn't a regular watcher - oh, all right, I wasn't a watcher at all - but I'm not sure they'd lose viewership if they keep going. I would guess viewership will go UP for a little bit.

For me, personally, having not been a watcher before, if they do continue (and, like you, I think a special will be the weather balloon) I'll WATCH it. I'll probably record it and watch it again for nuances. Then I'll read the blogs and watch it a 3rd time to compare notes. I'm not sure they can MAINTAIN viewership, but I think people will watch it with enthusiasm for awhile. (They may not admit it at Christmas parties, but they'll watch!)


I'm not sure there would be that huge a spike in interest, especially months from now. I think people who wanted to watch to see the fallout watched the Megyn Kelly interviews. What they'll be left with is creepy, attention-seeking parents and vacant children, dancing around the truth.


The Duck Dynasty group were a national brand, and while they were likely fading out anyway, no amount of playing the victim and rallying the true believers to watch out of spite of the heathens was able to stop them from having a huge ratings crash and slow fade into irrelevance. They still have side projects that likely bring in money. I'm sure the Duggars can find washing machines, or bedroom locks, or go on the speaking circuit with the Palins telling everyone the liberal media hates them so come listen to them talk about it or the America-haters will win.

  • Love 11


can't speak for everyone but in my generation 20-25 most of my generation doesn't look into it that much. I actually don't know anyone except for my mom who still watches commercials. And I can't tell you how long it's been since I've seen a commercial.


Hulu?  Channels on Demand on TimeWarner?  Amazon Prime? You can't fast forward through them.  Even Netflix is planning to add commercials. 

  • Love 3

Discussion Guidelines

Don't be a jerk. That's really it but to be specific on some past pain points there are these guidelines (which have been serving us well so far) and we appeal to your better angels to continue to follow them:


  • Don't be gross, there are real people involved. Be respectful of the victims and mindful of fact vs conjecture. Don't speculate about identities or additional abuse. Please don't speculate about whether Josh will self harm.
  • Don't lecture, scold, or snark on your fellow posters.


Posts that are either not following these guidelines or any that may be inflammatory or problematic will be removed.

  • Love 9

Question - other than the product placements that the Duggars put into the shows themselves, did anyone here honestly remember any of the ads that were broadcast during the show? That doesn't mean they weren't effective, but we do know that during commercials we fast forward, pick up a tablet, get up for snack, etc. Even our habits have changed.

  • Love 5

Jim Bob can sue all he wants, and waste a lot of now-scarce money on lawyers, but I think in the end he'll be the one paying out the settlements.

  • Love 12

Ok, in one paragraph of this article it says the family was notified of the inquiry and the releasing of the information. So, they knew beforehand.

       So, Jill had to have known beforehand that an article was going to be published.    I am referring to her crying to her husband statement which did convey that she was upset and didn't know beforehand.

         I had a feeling they knew.      

                  They were probably also offered a chance to be interviewed by the magazine too.

  • Love 9

Call Jim Bob "Stumpy" as he ain't got a leg to stand on with his "case".


As for Jill, I can totally see Jim Bob just not informing her or Derrick that the FIOA was being answered by releasing a redacted report.  I can see "Daddy Duggar" soft-pedaling this just like he'd probably soft-pedaled the entire situtation from March 2002 on.  Daddy Duggar told he he was going to take care of it.  It's unfortunate for her and the rest of the family that he's so incredibly inept.  Josh might have caused the initial trauma with his behavior, but Jim Bob's continued ineptitude in caring for his family is becoming more and more apparent each day.

  • Love 11

Jim Bob can sue all he wants, and waste a lot of now-scarce money on lawyers, but I think in the end he'll be the one paying out the settlements.


I wonder whether those bribery accusations they threw around on national television were sanctioned by their PR advisor or whether they were freelancing. Seems like a particularly stupid thing to freelance about ...

  • Love 16

I wonder whether those bribery accusations they threw around on national television were sanctioned by their PR advisor or whether they were freelancing. Seems like a particularly stupid thing to freelance about ...

I think the way they said it, especially Michelle says it all.  Her voice changed and got creepy and they both seemed authentic for the only time during the interview.

   So, while they were instructed or advised, neither one could hold back with their agenda and wacko beliefs.

  • Love 12

I think the way they said it, especially Michelle says it all.  Her voice changed and got creepy and they both seemed authentic for the only time during the interview.

   So, while they were instructed or advised, neither one could hold back with their agenda and wacko beliefs.


I didn't watch it, so thanks for the alarming description. Very interesting. Wow.

Here is Steve Benson's written commentary: http://www.azcentral...eeper/28542051/


This is fabulous and made me tear up all over again. Those poor girls. Especially the other two Duggar girls we're not naming ... thinking of the younger of those girls in particular, and how she was so bereft when Jill left home, breaks my heart.


Thanks for sharing this.

  • Love 1

Ok, in one paragraph of this article it says the family was notified of the inquiry and the releasing of the information. So, they knew beforehand.

       So, Jill had to have known beforehand that an article was going to be published.    I am referring to her crying to her husband statement which did convey that she was upset and didn't know beforehand.

         I had a feeling they knew.      

                  They were probably also offered a chance to be interviewed by the magazine too.


This brings the whole "series finale" vibe of the recent crew spotlight and family recap episodes into perspective. It felt like loose ends were being tied up because they knew what was coming down the pipes. There is no doubt in my mind that Boob & MeMe knew what was up and, other than Precious Joshy, the family was kept in the dark. Typical JB know it all, untouchable stance. TLC definitely knew, which is why those episodes had the "time to say goodbye" tone. 

  • Love 11
I wonder how this affects the reputation of the Duggars within their local community and their relationship with law enforcement. Didn't Jim Bob say that he knows a lot of the local cops? To have the mayor all but call the Duggars lying-liars-who-lie has to cause some sort of rift. I wonder if Constable Duggar has had any flack for this? Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 11

I know there are many of you who know EVERYTHING, so I have a specific question.


 Was that last episode filmed before or after The Duggars being notified of the inquiry?


         I know there were some faces and behavior mentioned in a thread about that show before the scandal hit, but it would be interesting if we knew the timeline to put that stuff into perspective.

  • Love 1


God damn it, I want someone to sit Michelle down in front of the video of herself saying, "When we stir up desires in others that cannot be righteously fulfilled, we are responsible," and then ask her to explain how she applies this position in her home.

Sadly, I think we all pretty much know what the freak would say.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 4


Question - other than the product placements that the Duggars put into the shows themselves, did anyone here honestly remember any of the ads that were broadcast during the show? That doesn't mean they weren't effective, but we do know that during commercials we fast forward, pick up a tablet, get up for snack, etc. Even our habits have changed.


You're right about people ignoring TV commercials so it wouldn't be a big deal if the show's sponsors simply find another show to support. And they are certainly thinking about the possibility of more revelations.  This may only be the tip of the iceberg. 

  • Love 2

It NEVER ceases to amaze me in terms of the stupidity of the Smuggars. Like they did not think the police department would respond to such accusations, and provide proof the police report was released legally. Just another example of dumb ass JB thinking he knows everything.


Unless the department goes after them legally, there's no real loss for them in spinning this story. They get to seem like victims and martyrs. And those who believe they are martyrs will continue to believe them, and think anything said to the contrary is a vast coverup and conspiracy.

  • Love 2

The thing about the law is that nothing is proven until a court decides it's proven. You can point to thousands of police reports that have been redacted exactly like the ones the Duggars have, but if no one has ever taken the issue to court, there's no saying what is legal. I've not heard anyone talk about case law here - I've only heard some statues. Statues fall in courtrooms every single day.

So both sides can be acting justifiably. That's what the law and the courts are for.


I know there are many of you who know EVERYTHING, so I have a specific question.


 Was that last episode filmed before or after The Duggars being notified of the inquiry?


         I know there were some faces and behavior mentioned in a thread about that show before the scandal hit, but it would be interesting if we knew the timeline to put that stuff into perspective.

The Digging In episode was filmed when Izzy was 4 weeks old, which was 15 days before the first InTouch article on 5/19. I don't think the Duggars had THAT much lead time in being aware that InTouch had applied for the police records. The records were released to InTouch on the 19th and published online on the 21st. I don't think it took two weeks for InTouch to get those documents. I think the Duggars were informed before the 19th, but no way they knew two weeks out. 

Edited by Sew Sumi

Question - other than the product placements that the Duggars put into the shows themselves, did anyone here honestly remember any of the ads that were broadcast during the show? That doesn't mean they weren't effective, but we do know that during commercials we fast forward, pick up a tablet, get up for snack, etc. Even our habits have changed.

The ads I remember most are the local ads, just because on TLC they seem to run a lot of local ads and  our local ads are kind of low budget and cheesy. If you wrte to a local advertiser , they have almost all responded personally and will not continue support. Honestly I don't think our local sporting goods store or bank had any idea they were advertising on 19 kids. they just bought some ads.


I would think the Hulu ads were viewed the most.

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 1

The Digging In episode was filmed when Izzy was 4 weeks old, which was 15 days before the first InTouch article on 5/19. I don't think the Duggars had THAT much lead time in being aware that InTouch had applied for the police records. The records were released to InTouch on the 19th and published online on the 21st. I don't think it took two weeks for InTouch to get those documents. I think the Duggars were informed before the 19th, but no way they knew two weeks out. 

Thanks for the info!     I agree, they didn't know that long.


So, what about American Dolls? Precious Josie the Miracle Child has several. 

Those aren't as deadly, but they give you a nasty yeast infection.    :)

I was reading that article. Some long explanation about semen causing cancer too?

           How does a SANE person believe any of this?

 Crack is wack, but so is anyone who believes this shit.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 10

People had some article up about how friends of the Duggars speak out (which was an awkward mish-mash of people in their hometown, some of whom talked about what good people they were, some of whom just said, "We're tired of this go away," and some of whom said they were bothered by the "publicity," implying this was all the media and nothing to do with the family's choices). CNN had some video up that I couldn't play asking if Josh's actions were in the past and explaining how the family is moving on.


I guess the media has gotten bored and are readily moving toward, "Duggar comeback!" stage, to keep that cash rolling in. I imagine PEOPLE brass are in the fetal position terrified of how much money they will lose otherwise.

People had some article up about how friends of the Duggars speak out (which was an awkward mish-mash of people in their hometown, some of whom talked about what good people they were, some of whom just said, "We're tired of this go away," and some of whom said they were bothered by the "publicity," implying this was all the media and nothing to do with the family's choices). CNN had some video up that I couldn't play asking if Josh's actions were in the past and explaining how the family is moving on.


I guess the media has gotten bored and are readily moving toward, "Duggar comeback!" stage, to keep that cash rolling in. I imagine PEOPLE brass are in the fetal position terrified of how much money they will lose otherwise.


The Royal Baby's christening is coming up. People will be fine. 

  • Love 12

I guess the media has gotten bored and are readily moving toward, "Duggar comeback!" stage, to keep that cash rolling in. I imagine PEOPLE brass are in the fetal position terrified of how much money they will lose otherwise.


I used to work at People magazine, and I guarantee you that no one at People is batting an eye over the Duggars. People Magazine simply mints money -- it's an unbelievable cash-cow, and always has been. Even in this day and age when print magazines are on their way out, I guarantee that they are still making money -- a lot of it. People is in a completely different league from TLC -- they do not need the Duggars to sell magazines.


People is a "feel good" magazine, it's not a scandal rag. They printed stories about the weddings and the babies because they were "feel good" stories about people who were perceived to be wholesome and nice (not that they only cover wholesome and nice people). The Duggar scandal really isn't their sort of thing, and I would be surprised if they covered it extensively.

  • Love 17

I know there are many of you who know EVERYTHING, so I have a specific question.

 Was that last episode filmed before or after The Duggars being notified of the inquiry?

 I know there were some faces and behavior mentioned in a thread about that show before the scandal hit, but it would be interesting if we knew the timeline to put that stuff into perspective.

I can't pretend to know everything Duggar, there are many people who shock me every day with a tidbit I didn't know. I don't think we could absolutely know this without having the date the original request was made. According to the mayor though, there were many steps taken before the release happened.

The police chief contacted the city attorney, who had to then research opinion regarding the release before giving the nod. Likely there was discussion with the city attorney about which local and state agencies to contact. Requests were made, but then the various agencies were working concurrently consulting THEIR respective advisors. Time is ticking, right? (One of the state agencies apparently never did answer).

One of the To-Do's on the list was to notify the Duggs, and further, to keep them apprised of what was happening with the request. Something about THAT STATEMENT makes me feel like time was going by. I just mean to point out that it may have taken a week or more with a bunch of people hunkering around a bunch tables in bunch of different places before they decided to release the report.

And THEN, the mayor says it went through several rounds of redact before release. I imagine the magazine people were standing on the porch waiting, looking at their watches, waiting some more. This was a BIG DEAL; Everybody involved had a pretty good idea the tsunami it was going to cause. I don't really know how long all this took - but having spent some time in the corporate world tiptoeing around legal issues - I'm saying they didn't care HOW long the magazine camped out waiting, from the police chief up, they all were probably slow-walking as much as possible to make sure every possible scenario was considered ahead of time.

You're probably right, the episode was filmed before they knew, but it was pretty close, IMO. Many people gave examples at the time about how weird that episode was. (And I agree, it was odd). The craziest thing in that epi was Jill. She seemed so out of place and disjointed. Just popping in for that segment and disappearing after. There was no warm and fuzzy about that segment at all.

There's something else I noticed. Someone pointed out that they had to have known it was coming, couldn't have been a surprise. The poster (I'm sorry, I forgot who) pointed out how Jill said she was shocked, that she called her husband at work and was in tears... But that registers for me as well. JB gets a call from the police saying InTouch has contacted them for the report they made when Joshie was a juvenile. JB gets off the phone, has one of his puppet-on-a-string convos with Mama. Y'all know how he is, he had meetings with the older ones and told them what was going on - but He assured them that NOTHING was going to happen, it's going to be all right, let's just pray real quick....

So then it's sort of bothersome, sort of hanging over their heads. And then the police call back in a few days and tells them they HAVE to release.(nothing SAYS this, but probably the Duggs were given a copy of the redacted report just before the magazine was. JB makes another round of calls to the older kids and THATS when Jill referred to calling Derrick in tears at work.

  • Love 6

I used to work at People magazine, and I guarantee you that no one at People is batting an eye over the Duggars. People Magazine simply mints money -- it's an unbelievable cash-cow, and always has been. Even in this day and age when print magazines are on their way out, I guarantee that they are still making money -- a lot of it. People is in a completely different league from TLC -- they do not need the Duggars to sell magazines.


People is a "feel good" magazine, it's not a scandal rag. They printed stories about the weddings and the babies because they were "feel good" stories about people who were perceived to be wholesome and nice (not that they only cover wholesome and nice people). The Duggar scandal really isn't their sort of thing, and I would be surprised if they covered it extensively.


It's not that I doubt your word, but I've seen so much Duggar cover story and coverage from them over the years (especially as they, and the market, have shifted more and more to tabloid style coverage) that I tend to wonder. Some of the articles on their site since this started have made me pause.


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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