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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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I don't know what to make of this.  It could mean something and it could mean absolutely nothing.  The Inquisitr is reporting that Jill unfollowed Jessa on Twitter, though she's still following other family members and friends.  


I kid you not, this is from Facebook: Christmas is coming...

Check out our Store page for Duggar-approved gift ideas!



Duggar-approved?  I guess it's like the Good Housekeeping seal of approval, only it isn't.  

Mine says no such page. Do you think they took it down?

I would love to see the Duggars on Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen, like that would really happen.

Could you imagine? I can just picture Boob stammering over his answers. Hopefully Andy would ask more "in-depth" questions than the usual ones asked on GMA or Today. They may even draw more viewers than than Tre & Juicy Guidice.

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Buzzfeed wrote a summary of the Duggars' controversial comments over the years. 


Josh: "Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty made some anatomical comparisons that were crude, but that isn’t the real controversy here. The real issue is religious intolerance, and it shouldn’t be tolerated."


Bless Josh for getting through to the REAL ISSUE here. 


Michelle: "Anyone can fix him lunch, but only one person can meet that physical need of love that he has, and you always need to be available when he calls."


Oh, vomit. 

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Other possible interviewers: Anderson Cooper, Howard Stern, the View cast (all seasons combined), Bill O'Reilly, etc. etc..

A couples therapy show with Dr Phil moderating, and other couples such as the Giudice's.

I'm still laughing about the couples therapy. Maybe you could send that suggestion to Dr Phil. I can just picture Boob & MEchelle in their matching color shirts & jean skirt & clodhopper shoes for her & Boob with his jeans & Velcro tenners. Or there is the Xmas tree MOB dress from Jill's wedding if MEchelle wanted to glam it up. Compared to Tre in one of her glitzy strapless numbers with the girls popping out & stilettos. Joe could wear one of his smoking jackets. Maybe they could even include the kids. I can see Gia in her hot pant shorts & Milania being Milania. The Duggar boys will be on Nike overload. Maybe Caroline & Al Manzo and Lisa Vanderpump & Ken could attend since they've all been married about the same number of years. Let's throw in Amber & Jim Marchese for fun. What would Duggars say about Lisa & Ken's adopted son Max? Joe & Boob could compare how they each made their millions. MEchelle & Tre could discuss their favorite prayers. Too bad it won't happen soon since the Giudices are headed to the Big House. I could go on & on. Just imagining this has made my day.
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Any thoughts on the spoof article The New Yorker ran? Clearly they could have done better, but I wonder if we'll see an official response. 

Funny stuff.  Definitely could have been better, but still funny.  I doubt there will be any sort of response from the Duggars regarding this spoof about their sex lives.  


For those who would like to read it, here's the link: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/12/08/duggar-family-kama-sutra 

Edited by DamWrite

the New Yorker Link again, the previous one didn't work for me.

 ( if this doesn't work just search the site for duggar...



it's pretty funny, but I think you guys are funnier!

Ha! Cute, but it gives them credit for a lot more actual work than they ever seem to do. All that gardening and making fresh salads?

FYI: It’s again legal to fire, deny housing and refuse service to LGBT people in Fayetteville:




"Voters in Fayetteville, Ark., on Tuesday repealed a controversial LGBT-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance approved by the city council in August.

...Opposition to the ordinance gained national attention due in part to the efforts of the Duggar family of TLC’s reality series '19 Kids and Counting.'

In August, Duggar matriarch Michelle Duggar recorded a robocall urging residents to pressure council members to oppose the measure, claiming it would lead to women going topless at public swimming pools, men using women’s restrooms, and allow pedophiles and sexual predators to abuse people.

As of October 31, the Duggars had donated $10,000 toward the city council campaigns of the ordinance’s three most outspoken critics, two of whom were listed as contacts on a press release for the repeal effort.

With Tuesday’s vote, it is once again legal to fire, deny housing and refuse service to LGBT people in Fayetteville..."

Once again, sex offenders and/or pedophiles are not gays or lesbians.


I will now go back to the my home away from home aka the heathen prayer closet. Please make sure I can leave by noon on Saturday for the live shooter event I am participating in. Yes Duggars, I am going to be around male law enforcement officers and some male police department volunteers without my husband keeping an eye on me. I hope my hussy defrauding ways does not cause any of the men to leave their wives. *GASP*

Michelle cuddles with her children.


The pill caused her to abort her baby.


Jim Bob was dispatched to be her spiritual guide.


Funny their fearless leader came to power after his brother had affairs with secretaries. They think they have the right to judge and decide what is right for others when the person behind their beliefs was accused of sexually harassing innocent young girls.


Which Duggar will be allowed to use the brain they share amongst each other today. Brainwashing at its finest. Duggar Land aka Ignorance is Blessful Land.

Imo, the Duggars have the right to express their opinions, but I do not agree with the majority of what they say. A sex offender is not gay or a lesbian. I have a major problem with Jim Bob and Michelle following the beliefs of a man who never married or has kids, and the fact they blindly follow what the man tells them to do with their own children. Do they really believe what they stand for or do they blindly follow what Gothard states because they do not know any better.

Nothing shocking here with the Duggars shunning Anna's single parent sister.  What's creepy is the last line: “[Jim Bob] has his radar up for any hint of rebellion.”  These kids/adults will never have a life of their own making based on their own choices.  JB controls it all, it seems.  Behind his creepy smile is an even creepier man. 


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Oy, the Duggar clan (I don't know how many of them) is headed to El Salvador to distribute toys and clothes to people in need.  Why do I think a JB-sermon comes with each distribution?  http://www.people.com/article/josie-duggar-birthday-photos  Oh, and as we know, Josie celebrated her 5th b-day.  Jordyn got screwed out of a party for herself.  They took the kids to McDonald's, supposedly Josie's fave food.  I hope Jordyn liked fries with that.  

Another media mention concerning their terrifying political agenda. http://observer.com/2014/12/the-duggars-politics/



Articles like this drive me crazy and represent for me things I hate about both the Duggars and the media. I wish articles would stop lumping Duggars extreme beliefs in with people who have what I consider to be mainstream conservative beliefs. If you are going to write an article using words like cult, nonsense, terrifying, draconian  etc - please focus on their thoughts about men controlling women, calling all transgender people sex offenders, following of Gothard, refusal to allow girls to be educated etc.  I believe that God created the universe and am pro-life but I am not anti-science, a crackpot, part of a cult, or any of the things this author attributes to people who believe that. Her portrayal is just as offensive and narrow-minded as the Duggars. 


This kind of media portrayal drives me batty because it continues to promote the stereotype that the Duggars represent all Christians. This is also why the Duggars make me crazy too. They claim to represent all Christians but they absolutely don't. They don't even represent a reasonable percentage of them. 

Nothing shocking here with the Duggars shunning Anna's single parent sister.  What's creepy is the last line: “[Jim Bob] has his radar up for any hint of rebellion.”  These kids/adults will never have a life of their own making based on their own choices.  JB controls it all, it seems.  Behind his creepy smile is an even creepier man. 


I agree... I just read that article and that line sent chills up and down my spine. He is a creepy, creepy man.

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Her portrayal is just as offensive and narrow-minded as the Duggars.

I read that particular article and I don't think she was making sweeping generalizations about all conservatives. She mentions CPAC, but only to talk about how Michelle Duggar was popular there. That's a fair enough observation (assuming her recollections are accurate). And she was saying that Tennessee's abortion restrictions are draconian; you can disagree with her wording, but how is that an unfair stereotype about conservatives when she's talking about laws and mandates that are actually on the books? It's not like she's saying that ALL conservatives believe this. The closest she gets is when she slams the Christian Patriarchy movement, and she's not lumping all conservatives and Christians in that category. 


And honestly, even if the article writer were making unfair generalizations, I still wouldn’t equate the two because they’re not operating on a level playing field to begin with. Christians and conservatives in the US are not persecuted/marginalized in the same way that GLBT people and women are. What's going to happen to conservatives thanks to people calling conservatives "crackpots"? Nothing. What's going to happen to gay people thanks to people calling gay people pedophiles? Possible beatings, maybe murder if the assailant is feeling spry. 


Plus, actually trying to take away rights is a lot worse than making generalizations, it's not like the Duggars are limiting themselves to "merely" calling transgender people child molesters. 

They claim to represent all Christians but they absolutely don't. They don't even represent a reasonable percentage of them.

I think it's more that they think they're better than all those ~lukewarm Christians out there. The mainstream denominations have lost their way in pandering to secular society and culture. (As though 19 Kids isn't guilty of that itself...) 

Edited by galax-arena
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Ugh, I hate defending the Duggars, but to be fair to JimBob, he wasn't quoted in that article about Susannah. Anytime I read something from an "inside source" I translate that to "someone from the magazine making up salacious gossip."


On a completely random note, how is it that two unattractive people like Mr. and Mrs. Keller managed to produce good-looking children? Anna, Susannah, Priscilla and Rebekah are really pretty girls, as are all the Keller granddaughters.

The other thing is, the Duggars are only minor celebrities at places like CPAC and the Values Voters summit. But they are often the name a media person knows, so they are mentioned. But many politicians find the Duggars problematic not necessarily for their beliefs per se, but because there is the feeling among many conservative Christians (as mentioned above!) that they are holier-than-thou and too insular and cult like.

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I think it's more that they think they're better than all those ~lukewarm Christians out there. The mainstream denominations have lost their way in pandering to secular society and culture. (As though 19 Kids isn't guilty of that itself...)

I agree. And, based on that the Duggars have their own church and seem to go by their own notions, I think they might think God has not only given them the TLC platform, but also now they are mouthpieces of God, so whatever they want is now "right." I personally think that anyone on a public platform should continually take time to reflect to make sure fame, etc. isn't going to their head. But, I don't know how much the Duggars do that. I would like to hear them talk more about this sort of thing. They have said they are blessed, but they rarely appear very thankful. As sweet as they try to come off, the "love aspect" just appears to be lacking.

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On a completely random note, how is it that two unattractive people like Mr. and Mrs. Keller managed to produce good-looking children? Anna, Susannah, Priscilla and Rebekah are really pretty girls, as are all the Keller granddaughters.


I think it's called hybrid vigor - LOL. Actually, after 30+ years of classroom observation, I'd say it's common for less physically-attractive parents to have beautiful children. And vice versa. I've been struck at how often really good-looking parents will produce plain little kids as well. Who never fail, by the way, to have the sweetest dispositions - and smiles - in the whole class too. One of the most important things I've learned in my life is that although people the world over seem to worship physical beauty, we really shouldn't. It has absolutely nothing to do with value and goodness.

Edited by NausetGirl
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Regarding the Kellers present appearance: I, surprisingly, have seen old family photos published of Anna's family, many years ago and Mr. and Mrs. Keller were quite attractive! Yes, Mrs. Keller actually fixed herself up some when she was young and Mr. Keller was quite slender and a good looking man. I understand that he has has some chronic health problems and has gained weight, but underneath there are some very nice genes that they have passed on to their kids. I'm so sorry to say that Anna's parents just don't seem to do anything to help themselves now; Anna's mom, although a nice woman who is so painfully shy, seems to downplay any good looks she has and Mr. Keller doesn't address the weight gain for some reason. I wish someone would give Suzette Keller and Michelle Duggar a "no holes barred", yet tasteful, complete and total makeover. Stacey, where are you? I think we would be pleasantly surprised at Mrs. Keller's results.

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Thanx, Sunflower. Interesting that this was on their website. Usually media avoids "taking sides" other than to present the facts (or made up facts).

You may now take ur seat in the prayer closet (if there's any room left).

I'm sure I can squeeze in somewhere. Be nice it's my first time being sent to the prayer closet. Edited by Sunflower77
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As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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