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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Didn't Megyn leave FAUX News? Would they even allow Smuggar to be interviewed by a woman? 

Megyn's at NBC now. More visibility. She'll need plenty of publicity to get her new daytime show off the ground. The trainwreck factor might make Joshley Madison and Anna worth a segment.

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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Yup. Ain't happening. If they show him at all, he'll be glued to Anna's side and likely won't even speak. They already have this season's footage in the can, so it has to be something they can easily edit out if his sizzle reel doesn't go well. We should all bombard TLC's FB page to ensure his Q rating remains rock bottom.

It's a webisode, so it technically doesn't air. I'm technically correct, the best kind of correct!

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Right, it's another TLCme 30 second blurb like they've done with all of the other kidults to promote the past couple of seasons (although they didn't air the Dullards until after they'd announced their pregnancy after the season was over!). They kind of sprinkled the promos before and throughout the season. I imagine they will float up the Smuggar trial balloon before 6/12, though. Jessa's won't air until she gives birth on air, same with Joy and her engagement. And I suppose Joe and Kendra as well. TLC kind of tacked them on as an afterthought in their promo. 

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TLC is losing its audience for this show, as evidenced by Jinger's new Instagram account.  She has 352,000 followers.  I figure that these are the remaining, diehard Duggar followers.

From back in the heyday, Jill has 1,600,000 and Jessa has 1,900,000.

Much, much less interest in husbands:

Ben: 881,000; Derick: 808,000; Jeremy: 198,000.

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2 hours ago, Mollie said:

TLC is losing its audience for this show, as evidenced by Jinger's new Instagram account.  She has 352,000 followers.  I figure that these are the remaining, diehard Duggar followers.

From back in the heyday, Jill has 1,600,000 and Jessa has 1,900,000.

Much, much less interest in husbands:

Ben: 881,000; Derick: 808,000; Jeremy: 198,000.

Well, no offense to Jer and JInger, since they're certainly no worse than the other bozos. But YAYYYYYY!!!!!

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3 hours ago, Mollie said:

TLC is losing its audience for this show, as evidenced by Jinger's new Instagram account.  She has 352,000 followers.  I figure that these are the remaining, diehard Duggar followers.

From back in the heyday, Jill has 1,600,000 and Jessa has 1,900,000.

Much, much less interest in husbands:

Ben: 881,000; Derick: 808,000; Jeremy: 198,000.

There are still 100k people who think a fake "official" Jinger account is real. I've reported the account to IG so Jinger can garner that group of tween girls on her real account. And let's face it; the girls have more followers because unless you're a male celeb of some kind, Instagram seems to lean highly majority female. And tween/teen. IOW, girls who idolize Jill and Jessa, but haven't found Jinger yet. l am curious to see what kind of following Joy will have, simply because she's so much closer to the typical Duggar IG groupie in age. Joe and Kenra? Fuggaboutit. Nothing new there; Joe has no career prospects other than doing construction for Pere Duggar on his flips, and Kendra will have 2 kids before she's 20. 

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23 hours ago, Mollie said:

TLC is losing its audience for this show, as evidenced by Jinger's new Instagram account.  She has 352,000 followers. 


I'm wondering when it's going to start affecting the Duggars financially; there are still celebrities being paid for IG posts.

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Ben: 881,000; Derick: 808,000; Jeremy: 198,000.

No wonder he had to leave the state! Derrick just needs every one of his followers to donate a dollar and he's set.

Edited by JoanArc
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That doesn't seem like a good idea if Josh is trying to get back into good graces with the public &  back on TV again.

Edited by ariel
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Actually, I feel the opposite; this is the Duggars' united stand against the evil police and media. To me, it shows that they (or Boob in absentia) have forgiven and are backing Smuggar, setting the stage for his eventual return. 

I hated typing that. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Just read some of the comments and agree with the people that said this is gonna backfire. This lawsuit just puts Josh and the molestation to light again and create more news stories.

There are so many leghumpers out there who have never read the report and just believe only what was presented on the Megyn Kelly interview. They don't know how much of a sicko Josh is and and hopefully the truth will get exposed to more people.

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I'm sure plenty of people cached the police report. It will definitely resurface again. 

I hope you guys are right. I was just stating what I think are the DUGGARS' motives for suing. The timing is far enough out from the season debut, and he's rumored to make an appearance this season. Maybe Nancy at TLC will see THIS and change her mind. 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Actually, I feel the opposite; this is the Duggars' united stand against the evil police and media. To me, it shows that they (or Boob in absentia) have forgiven and are backing Smuggar, setting the stage for his eventual return. 


That's the feeling I got too. There are rumors about Josh coming back for a webisode. Why didn't they sue sooner? This is like, "We're going against the big, bad people who dared to make this public. We've moved on. Why haven't you?" I don't know if this suit has any standing, but they're just shooting the messenger. Josh still did it. 

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1 hour ago, babyhouseman said:


"Four of Josh Duggar's sisters are suing city and police officials, as well as In Touch magazine, for releasing investigative reports which detailed Josh's now admitted molestation of his siblings."

Dumb-asses. Hope it backfires like nobody's business. 

"Daddy" is wrong as usual, you dumb bitches. Hope you learn that some day. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Now we know how they hope to fund missioncations well into the future...sonce the DONATE button isn't working, might as well sue the people who brought down the mighty Duggar empire!  

Please, oh please, let them lose.  But seeing as Josh was underage at the time of the report and the records should've been destroyed once he came of age, they may have a case.  IMHO this all smelled like a setup.  Someone wanted this out.  

Edited by Lady Edith
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I'm surprised they've publicly confirmed the two younger victims. It's disgusting regardless of who Josh molested, but Joy was a pre-schooler at the time and the general public assumed it was the four oldest girls. 

Wasn't it the Duggar family who initially identified the four sisters as victims (Jessa and Jill by name)? While it was obvious if you read the report, media wasn't saying who the minor girls were.

It's weird that they filed it so close to the two yr anniversary of the joshgate 1.  

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This has desperate money grab written all over it. If they thought they had a real shot at burying Joshie's Ebil Past and going back to milking TLC full time with a redemption arc, there would be zero reason to dredge this back up. 

All it does is remind everyone that Josh molested his sisters and nothing was done about it and they kept on smugging and proselytizing their magical perfect Godly family the whole time.

Unless the shit's about to hit the fan with some other revelation, this makes no sense, PR-wise. Either JimBlob went rogue and did this solo or TLC needs a new PR firm ASAP.

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36 minutes ago, birkenstock said:

I'm surprised they've publicly confirmed the two younger victims. It's disgusting regardless of who Josh molested, but Joy was a pre-schooler at the time and the general public assumed it was the four oldest girls. 

Wasn't it the Duggar family who initially identified the four sisters as victims (Jessa and Jill by name)? While it was obvious if you read the report, media wasn't saying who the minor girls were.

It's weird that they filed it so close to the two yr anniversary of the joshgate 1.  

The police report stated that one of the victims, the one who sat on Smuggar's lap as he read to her, was 5 years old. This was widely publicized at the time. A leghumper had to be living under a rock or in the river Denial to have missed those not-so-vague clues. There was also identifying information that proved that Jana was NOT one of the four sisters molesteted. 

The Duggars didn't go to the police until the statutes had run. Then they covered up the crimes when TLC came knocking. TLC was likely already negotiating with the Duggars when Smuggar was away building a training center for Gothard around March 2003. These shows don't happen overnight, and 14 Kids was taping when Mechelle was 5 months pregnant with Jackson, which would have been very early 2004. We know TLC had their eyes on them since that infamous election picture in 2002, so one has to assume that TLC knew something and greenlighted the special anyway. If so, they are as culpable as the Duggars in this entire mess. 

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Good for the Duggar girls. They were outed as sexual abuse victims by a shitty tabloid. Their own statements to police were published by a shitty tabloid. Purely for magazine sales. It was obvious which individual Duggar victims made which particular statement. Jinger was assaulted in the laundry room and broke into tears in her police interview.

1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

Dumb-asses. Hope it backfires like nobody's business. 

"Daddy" is wrong as usual, you dumb bitches. Hope you learn that some day. 

Jesus fucking Christ. They're the bitches!?

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As for the timing, the two year anniversary of the initial breaking of Joshgate is tomorrow (still Thursday here), 5/19. InTouch posted the police report two days later. There must have been a two year window to file. What I  *do* question is what took them so long? They were so upset and went hard at the ebil librul media at first in the Megyn Kelly interviews. Why not pursue something then? Okay, he was forgiven, but once Smugs went off to Jesus Jail, why not THEN? 

Joy had already applied to have the records destroyed almost a second after she turned 18. Where was the Duggars' timing with this lawsuit? 

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Something is fishy about this, but I really can't figure out what the patriarch has up his sleeve.  Is this to deflect from Josh's AM affairs? To show that even though the girls were victims (when it's convenient to call them that) they were all able to find husbands (now that the youngest is soon to be married)? Is it to deflect attention from another skeleton or newly created scandal? Is it to show that all has been forgiven by all parties and Joshy-boy is redeemed?  Something is up with this and I'm itching to find out what it is.  

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Either the daughters want this, and good on them, or Boob wants a pile of cash and I'll have to start believing in hell so I know he won't get away with exploiting his daughters. Exploiting his daughters for money isn't new but this is a new low if it was his idea.

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They think they can make the scandal just go away and continue on with their television ministry forever. The hubris. Something something before a  great fall. 


Restoring Josh's image is all about having Michelle and Jim Bob's image restored to, so they can reappear on the TV show, get the speaking gigs back, etc. Parents of the century!


This could drive victim 5 out of hiding, too, except I think Boob paid her a ton of hush money years ago.


Im still of the opinion that there's a scandal bigger than all Josh's shit that hasn't dropped yet, probably about Boob.

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10 hours ago, babyhouseman said:


"Four of Josh Duggar's sisters are suing city and police officials, as well as In Touch magazine, for releasing investigative reports which detailed Josh's now admitted molestation of his siblings."

These four Duggar sisters have had their 'privacy' violated since their parents first forced them to appear on reality TV in 2004. 

Two weeks after the scandal began in 2015, Jill and Jessa publicly identified themselves as two of Josh's victims, a revelation most people wouldn't have known if the two hadn't voluntarily come forward.

Jill, Jessa, Michelle and Jim Bob agreed to a highly-promoted, televised interview with Megyn Kelly on Fox News.  That's not what people do when they are protecting their 'privacy.'  

In the interview, Megyn asked "Why did you launch a reality television show given your family's past?"  Jim Bob said, "We had nothing to hide. We had taken care of all that years before."  Nothing to hide?  Then why were they so upset when the factual police report was revealed?

Instead of suing the city of Springdale and Washington County, Arkansas – a suit that will be defended with money from taxpayers who are their friends and neighbors – the Duggar sisters should be suing their brother Josh for sexually molesting them and suing their parents under the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Act (§ 12-18-103) for "Failure or refusal to prevent the abuse of the child when the person knows or should know the child is or has been abused" and “Failure to take reasonable action to protect the child from sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, neglect, or parental unfitness when the existence of the condition was known or should have been known.”

The sisters' attorney is trying to make this court case about the privacy rights of minor children, but I think it is all about money.  If the case actually goes to trial, there will be no 'privacy' because the four Duggarites will have to take the stand and publicly recount all of the events, knowing their statements will all become tabloid fodder.


0 0 1 girls.jpg

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6 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Good for the Duggar girls. They were outed as sexual abuse victims by a shitty tabloid. Their own statements to police were published by a shitty tabloid. Purely for magazine sales. It was obvious which individual Duggar victims made which particular statement. Jinger was assaulted in the laundry room and broke into tears in her police interview.


Whether the family is hateful or not, I didn't like the way a sexual abuse victim was treated. If the records are private, then they should be private, no matter what their last name is.  

As for WHY they are filing this lawsuit NOW?  I can't figure that out.  I would think they want this mess to be forgotten.  

Unless it has something to do with all four girls being married? 

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These girls are brainwashed and would not oppose to anything Daddy wants to do, but they are also married women with families of their own and still can't make decisions for themselves.

I doubt any of them agreed to this lawsuit, but Boob is out for another money grab and their husbands are such pushovers that they'll go along with their wives humiliation because they don't have the balls to say no. They're all famewhores too so perhaps they're out to get a bit of money out of it.

Edited by Lunera
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I think they should sue their parents for child endangerment  or whatever charge sticks for knowingly exposing the girls after the first time It happened. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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If the girls were to sue their parents and/or Josh, I'd have a LOT of respect for them as adult women. It'd be great to see them take a stand against those who truly did them wrong. It would show that they aren't blindly following their father's "leadership" anymore, do not agree to be under his thumb, and have realized their own lives are forever effected by Josh and the lack of action their parents took.  Two years ago, I posted on another board that although Josh was the one who did the molesting, I actually place more blame on the parents who knowingly allowed this to happen to at least five children and only finally did something about it when the non-family victim was abused (and likely threatened to sue and go to the press). 

Instead though, the Duggar girls just keep buying the BS their parents and religion feeds them: the media are out to destroy God's people. They just can't see the truth, and for that I feel very sorry for them. But I also can't stand those who don't help themselves, so I have mixed feelings; the girls annoy me and piss me off, but then I pity them other times. 

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They're damaged goods because they were molested? But...but...it was over their clothes! #sarcasm

If Mr. and Mrs. Duggar senior thought their daughters' marital prospects were somehow diminished because they were fondled by their Speshil Snowflake brother and now that they're all sold off like livestock they can drag all this out again looking for a payoff...there really isn a circle of hell low enough for them.

I hope it explodes in their faces and even TLC dumps them once and for all.

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Ok, maybe I'm misremembering things, but wasn't the police report officially filed after Joshley turned 18?  If so, then he was not a minor and the report would have been accessible under the Freedom of Information Act.  The girls' names were redacted, as to protect Joy's (who was a minor at the time the report was released) and the other girls' identities.  If I'm correct, the only name that should've been protected was Joy's and redactinb the others' identities was out of courtesy.  There is nothing illegal here.  In Touch did not acquire the report illegally, nor did the police department release protected information.  

IMHO this is a frivolous lawsuit and I want so badly to see them lose it.  

Edited by Lady Edith
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The problem with the report though is even with the names redacted, it was pretty easy to put two and two together and figure out who the victims were. Just personal opinion, but I think releasing the report was wrong and unfair to the victims. I'd be devastated if I was ever abused and some tabloid dug up the dirt and broadcasted it all over national media. The Duggars are shitty people, but the girls didn't deserve that. I don't think the suit is entirely without merit in that sense. Sure it's a money grab, but it's not like InTouch had altruistic intentions in exposing Josh. I just hope the victims receive the money and not the Bank of Boob.

Edited by BitterApple
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3 hours ago, Lunera said:

These girls are brainwashed and would not oppose to anything Daddy wants to do, but they are also married women with families of their own and still can't make decisions for themselves.

I doubt any of them agreed to this lawsuit, but Boob is out for another money grab and their husbands are such pushovers that they'll go along with their wives humiliation because they don't have the balls to say no. They're all famewhores too so perhaps they're out to get a bit of money out of it.

I have the inside story on this.

According to an interview John-David did with Good Morning America in March, 2016, the real blame for the released and published police files goes to someone other than the defendants named in the law suit. 

“The devil took his best shot. And he tried to take our whole family down, but God has really used this to -- instead of tearing us apart as a family, he's using it to draw us together ... We've forgiven, and we're moving on, and we're looking to the future,” he said.

So there you have it from an inside-the-house eyewitness:  the devil is to blame.  That's the same ol' devil who built a fortress in Josh's heart and caused him to sign up for adultery dating sites.  And, knowing the devil is to blame, John-David reported, "We've forgiven, and we're moving on."

 I hope John-David's testimony is used by the defense in this lawsuit, especially the part about "forgiven."  Really, can you forgive and then un-forgive?



0 0 1 devil.gif

Edited by Mollie
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21 minutes ago, Mollie said:

I have the inside story on this.

According to an interview John-David did with Good Morning America in March, 2016, the real blame for the released and published police files goes to someone other than the defendants named in the law suit. 

“The devil took his best shot. And he tried to take our whole family down, but God has really used this to -- instead of tearing us apart as a family, he's using it to draw us together ... We've forgiven, and we're moving on, and we're looking to the future,” he said.

So there you have it from an inside-the-house eyewitness:  the devil is to blame.  That's the same ol' devil who built a fortress in Josh's heart and caused him to sign up for adultery dating sites.  And, knowing the devil is to blame, John-David reported, "We've forgiven, and we're moving on."

 I hope John-David's testimony is used by the defense in this lawsuit, especially the part about "forgiven."  Really, can you forgive and then un-forgive?



0 0 1 devil.gif

It's easy they are the Duggars and no laws and rules apply to them.

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I wonder if they will get a Hulk Hogan type settlement.

It's incredible that this exposure is worse, to them, than having the perp at their weddings. I don't think this is about any shame they felt, I think it's about the $ lost from the television show. This is a horrible time to try to reintroduce Josh. 

Even though this cult is greedy and that may be their motive, no victim should have their story publicized without their consent whether it's legal or not.  

Edited by sometimesy
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48 minutes ago, MaryAnneSpier said:

I grew up in a very religious household (Assembly of God) and was raped by my boyfriend at 13 years old. Since I had been taught about modesty of clothing so as not to tempt my brothers in Christ and put myself in a situation to be raped, I blamed myself for it. I believed that I had been responsible for his actions because I wasn't covered up enough. Since I had had sex (and apparently was "asking for it" by wearing somewhat form-fitting clothes and sneaking out of the house to meet him) , I was impure and damaged goods. I thought for over a decade that no one would ever want to marry me because I was no longer a virgin. The fact that I did not choose to have sex with him was irrelevant to my mind. So yeah, that's the kind of long-lasting effect these strict Christian sects can have on girls who are victims of sexual assault.

I am so sorry that happned to 

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14 hours ago, birkenstock said:

It's weird that they filed it so close to the two yr anniversary of the joshgate 1.  

There's almost certainly a two year statute of limitations at play and that's why it's so close to the two year anniversary. JB had a plan: get all the unmarried victims married off or nearly married off within this two year statute of limitations, then file. Gross. 

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Give the way the headlines are running, looks like a lot of people agree with us that the so-to-be-pitied Duggar girls need to look past their current defendant list to find the root of their problems. And not to "Satan" either, John David you braindead brainwashed gullible wimp. Actually, if there were a Satan, I doubt he'd actually bother with your lame-ass family.

Huff Post, for example --

Duggar Sisters Are Suing Everyone Except Their Brother And Parents

Edited by Churchhoney
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