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S15.E02: Sierra

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That was seriously the most intense episode ever. My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time. I tried not to laugh at some of the stuff she said, but from the safety of my home, it was kind of tough. ("You like dieting? Well I like weekends!")

If I was right next to her, however, I'd be absolutely terrified. I'm glad that Intervention was able to expose how awful the deep end of addiction can be.

Edited by Setlist
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That was insane... I could not for the life of me understand how a psych unit was not her first stop rather than two trips to jail. At first I thought she just seemed manic but, man, after she left jail the first time her psychosis was full-blown. I would really like to hear more about why they put the intervention goals before psychiatric needs... she couldn't consent to treatment as long as she was psychotic anyways, and Donna herself knew it she could be in this state for weeks. Did we even see her using any drugs? Another example of a molester getting his dues in court and the young victim still suffering. I wonder if Sierra got any counseling after the molestation. I hope she does well... she's only 19!

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I'll be honest, I had to turn off this ep slightly more than halfway through. My Dad had severe drug and alcohol induced personality changes when I was a teen and Sierra's meth psychosis hit too close to home. Glad to read that she is doing okay. Even the embrace of a sober and educated support system does not guarantee safety from this disease. Finally: couch. Ew!

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  On 3/11/2016 at 3:44 PM, Tara Ariano said:

A promising student whose life fell apart after her mother married a double-dealing artistgets help.

(Emphasis mine)

(I realize this is really trite after that episode, but I think I'm still trying to process the rest of it, so...)

Interesting that that was the description you got, because MY cable told me that she got addicted after "her mother's girlfriend gambled away their house"! So, first, I assumed Mom's being bi or a lesbian wasn't going to be an issue--just that she had a partner who was an ass, as many of these addicts' parents so--but then, after EVERY time there was a focus on, "And then I thought this (male) partner seemed great, but...," I kept waiting for the mom to be all, "and then I finally figured out I prefer chicks (and fell in love with a woman, but she fucked us over, too)." [And then, I started worrying about whether Sierra was going to have been hurt about the loss of another person/parental unit--and, apparently, the house itself--, or if she was gonna have had issues with her Mom's being with women ('cause, as awful as Sierra was in so many ways, I still found myself liking her and rooting for her, so--even though I know it's understandable for a kid to have a tough time with it, just on an adjustment level, I also know I'd still hate her for it). Because, obviously, it's completely rational on my part to like a psychotic, irrational meth addict who spews venomous things to all of these people Who Love Her Like Crazy (and whom I don't know except on my TV for twenty minutes), but hate her if she even potentially holds some socially conditioned homophobia as a young teen about her Mom. Who, it turns out, as far as we know, is straight].

In an episode half-filled with lines like,

  On 3/14/2016 at 3:16 AM, Setlist said:

"You like dieting? Well I like weekends!"

, I think that, thanks to stupid U-Verse's red herring, figuring out that the BOYfriend (husband?) that lost the tattoo shop really was the "partner" who "gambled away" the house, and there would be no Mom Coming Out drama was what confused me the most! Well, at least they didn't use their favorite (and my now-most-loathed) phrase for episode descriptions: "A look is taken."
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It's an ink stain on the chair people not mold (ick)! the bright lights made it look worse and my furniture wasn't my priority that day! I'm strictly hetero and where we live it's impossible to get psych care small town in far northern Ca..she did long detox before treatment and really is a bright amazing young woman . And Amanda went to see her on follow up..!!

  • Love 18

Holy crap.  I just caught up on my DVR and...Holy crap. I kept trying to follow what Sierra was saying, don't ask me why.  If there was ever a PSA that might work on kids about not doing drugs, this episode could qualify.  At no point do drugs look even a little enticing.  I only hope that Sierra's brain isn't permanently fried.


Color me blown away, as many of you have stated, that she ended up in rehab.  I sadly would have bet against that.  She sure looked fantastic and I hope she can hang on.  It has to be a tough road.


veronica29, if that's really you (and it's always a challenge to know for sure), it must be beyond a relief to have Sierra in a place where you know she is safe and protected.  I can only hope for you all that this is successful.

  On 3/14/2016 at 12:39 PM, cynicat said:

Holy crap. I just caught up on my DVR and...Holy crap. I kept trying to follow what Sierra was saying, don't ask me why. If there was ever a PSA that might work on kids about not doing drugs, this episode could qualify. At no point do drugs look even a little enticing. I only hope that Sierra's brain isn't permanently fried.

I'd guess there's permanent damage. Sierra started using at 15 - her brain wasn't even fully developed yet. It still isn't, at 19. I'd guess Donna has some damage too. I remember an early episode of True Life about ecstasy and they did a scan of a former user's brain. There were actual holes in it - she was horrified. She was functioning, but the damage was done. Meth strikes me as more caustic than ecstasy. It may be that she can function - Donna obviously can - but I bet there's damage.
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  On 3/14/2016 at 10:24 AM, veronica29 said:

It's an ink stain on the chair people not mold (ick)! the bright lights made it look worse and my furniture wasn't my priority that day! I'm strictly hetero and where we live it's impossible to get psych care small town in far northern Ca..she did long detox before treatment and really is a bright amazing young woman . And Amanda went to see her on follow up..!!

Thanks for the update and welcome to the forum Veronica!

What. The F@ck. Was that.

Wow. Just, wow.

I was actually surprised that her mom called the cops - I think my first inclination would have been to call the paramedics and get her taken to a hospital to be evaluated. I realize that she was kept in custody because of a prior warrant, but honestly I wouldn't think the jail would be equipped to handle that.

I was actually glad that they showed this side of meth, and not just the "manic" side of it. The closest episode that compares to this I can think of would be Cristy (the girl on meth who liked getting naked, and her songwriter father let her live in (and trash) one of his rental properties.

  • Love 3
  On 3/14/2016 at 5:31 PM, LymieLisa said:

What. The F@ck. Was that.

Wow. Just, wow.

I was actually surprised that her mom called the cops - I think my first inclination would have been to call the paramedics and get her taken to a hospital to be evaluated. I realize that she was kept in custody because of a prior warrant, but honestly I wouldn't think the jail would be equipped to handle that.

I was actually glad that they showed this side of meth, and not just the "manic" side of it. The closest episode that compares to this I can think of would be Cristy (the girl on meth who liked getting naked, and her songwriter father let her live in (and trash) one of his rental properties.

Also the huffers hada  little crazy going on- She reminded me like a super insane Allison ( walking on sunshine) or that scary guy ( Matt? ) from last season

This episode was total insanity. I am SO glad she got help. I hope she doesn't have long term brain damage. 

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This episode sucked the life out of me. I cried thru the entire thing. My family is going thru this same thing with my sister. Because of long term meth use, she now has a severe untreated mental illness, has had a total personality change, lost a great job, hangs out with the scum of the earth, neglects her family, and is awaiting a court date to find out if she has to go to prison. This drug is the spawn of Satan. The losers who make it and sell it deserve life without parole.

  • Love 5

The shot of Keith crying was the one that slayed me. So glad that she's doing better, but she has a long road ahead of her. I do wonder about comorbidity with some psych issues like bipolar or schizophrenia, but I'm guessing that she'll need to be clean for awhile before they can clearly figure those out.

Veronica: I'm glad that she's surrounded by people in recovery who seem to get it. We've all seen too many episodes where that wasn't the case.

And DAMN, Sars. Why would your mother tell you that story and why would you pass it on? I had to take a damned klonopin to keep the panic attack that that mental image triggered down to a dull roar.

  • Love 1

Yes it is most certainly me :)! Who else would own that funky chair ( but it was a gift after surgery two years ago and is soooo comfy, I swear i set a cup of inky water on it and well disaster ensued..) As to anyone who is asking about psych holds ..Where I live and sadly in many places you can only get a hold put on someone who Is threatening suicide/homicide in front of the cops, they are afraid of the liability of "taking someones civil rights" away , you can be as crazy as you want but until it reaches a point where you are not capable of remembering to eat bathe etc..the chances of getting help are hard even then as you see it is difficult, law enforcement even is frustrated by that,mental health/drug issues clog up their call logs and take away from actual crime as well as overwhelm the ER..usually a person is released from a 5150 ( initial 72 hour hold) as soon as they can tell ER staff." I'm Fine"..and the jail, well as you see they would have had to release her due to overcrowding (Thank You Jerry Brown for prop 47) it is a sad thing all the way around The county I live in has twice the 5150 holds of the state and same with suicide attempts,virtually no clinical detox and no psych facility except an emergency 20 bed.There are some officers who deeply care but even they are limited that first day with her the hospital would have essentially released her and if you watch the show she actually had been on a 10 month hold that ended last year which was preceded by a long meth/possibly bath salt psychosis ..It only takes once ..I was really a little afraid before the show came out, But I have to say I appreciate the positive reactions  and truly hope that our story can help even one person find the way to health..and Parents really  really need to start being aware that the drugs formerly delegated to "older ,low income,biker, hood , ghetto etc " are now available virtually everywhere to every aged  kid in every socioeconomic status , and heroin is now trendy meth they can google recipes for online..anyhow thanks for letting me clear up any questions :) Thank you for fixing Amanda/Ilena reversal !!

  • Love 6

It's really sad to me how little help there is within the public health care system for people with addictions and mental health issues.  My heart broke watching Sierra, seeing her desperately in need of help, and seeing that there was nothing anyone could do for her.  I'm glad that she seemed to be doing well at the end of the episode and I really hope that continues.

  • Love 1

I think we have a new contender for the " holy shit! Just holy shit!" Award. There is a show on Freeform (formally known as ABC Family called Revovery Road that deals with drug recovery and one of the characters had a meth induced psychotic break. There were plenty of people who didn't get the implication but me who watches intervention.....still watching it happen live to a real person. Holy shit!

Recovery Road is a very cute show..I wish that addiction looked like it does on there..so easily accessed and everyone looks pretty healthy...It is like the Fosters which I also think is a really sweet show and watch because it does touch some serious issues..but I know Foster care and yeah I wish it looked like it does on that show..can the moderator please find better photo of my friend Ilena that doesn't include that godawful inkstain please???



It's really sad to me how little help there is within the public health care system for people with addictions and mental health issues.

My mentally ill family member cycled in and out of a severe psychotic break for a year. The culprit? Chantix (non-smoking drug). I recognized some familiar symptoms in Sierra, especially the agitation and the "word salad" - the brain puts together sentences and phrases using real words, but as strung together they make no sense. Here was my family member seeing strange people and animals, hearing voices, wandering the streets at 2am....and he "wasn't a danger to himself or others." Never mind that he was in terrified agony. It is unconscionable that a person has to commit physical violence before anyone will even take a phone call to help him or her.  My family member actually had insurance and still no go everywhere we called. It's a national disgrace.


Sierra is beautiful, bright and talented. I really hope she makes it, as it's clear she was suffering. She's got the resources to help lift her up. I found it interesting that except for when she was advancing on her mother in the parking lot, she didn't appear to be physically threatening any one. She willingly let her family and friends kind of motor her around by the arm. That surprised me - maybe an indication of how fractured her thinking and motor skills were.


Good to "see" you farmgal4. *waves* Always glad to read your posts.

  • Love 3

What a disturbing episode. I literally cringed when the police officers grabbed Sierra and yanked her off the porch by her arm and threw her to the ground. I realize that under the circumstances, that's what they had to do and I was relieved to see that she wasn't seriously injured.


This episode really shocked and hit home to me because many years ago I was dating a guy and at least one of his friends would go off into incoherent rants like that and was extremely paranoid. (He also had an alcohol problem and often carried around loaded firearms.) They lived in one of the "meth capitals" of the nation and my boyfriend had kind of hinted around about it at times. It all makes sense now and I am so grateful that I broke off that relationship (fortunately he wasn't a meth user) when I did.


Anyway, back to the show ... I am so happy that Sierra is getting help. A thank-you to Veronica (and Sierra) for the courage to put all of that out there on TV. I hope that you and your family and friends heal and I also hope that even one person saw the program and either got help for themselves or reached out to somebody in trouble.


Good luck!

  • Love 1
  On 3/15/2016 at 2:55 AM, pasdetrois said:

My mentally ill family member cycled in and out of a severe psychotic break for a year. The culprit? Chantix (non-smoking drug). I recognized some familiar symptoms in Sierra, especially the agitation and the "word salad" - the brain puts together sentences and phrases using real words, but as strung together they make no sense. Here was my family member seeing strange people and animals, hearing voices, wandering the streets at 2am....and he "wasn't a danger to himself or others." Never mind that he was in terrified agony. It is unconscionable that a person has to commit physical violence before anyone will even take a phone call to help him or her.  My family member actually had insurance and still no go everywhere we called. It's a national disgrace.


Sierra is beautiful, bright and talented. I really hope she makes it, as it's clear she was suffering. She's got the resources to help lift her up. I found it interesting that except for when she was advancing on her mother in the parking lot, she didn't appear to be physically threatening any one. She willingly let her family and friends kind of motor her around by the arm. That surprised me - maybe an indication of how fractured her thinking and motor skills were.


Good to "see" you farmgal4. *waves* Always glad to read your posts.

Thanks so much. Glad to be back!

Sierra's psychosis was absolutely terrifying. I felt so sorry for the people around her because it all seems so random and unpredictable, what she'll say or do. How does her tiny body survive all that abuse? The psychosis must be exhausting. And I think I finally figured out part of Breaking Bad from this. After Jane died, Jesse had all those druggies staying in his house and this one guy kept on talking and talking in a very paranoid way. It must have been the same thing. So scary.

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I'm going to fry for this, but I was expecting some snark worthy moments*** but this was the most disturbing episode I've ever seen;  she was worse than Christy or Allison, because at least they had some moments of lucidity, but Sierra was far gone almost the entire time she was featured. I was actually shocked that she accepted treatment.  Donna's story was encouraging, though.


She looked amazing afterwards, and I would love another update on how she's doing. She has VERY strong support system of family and friends, so I think she'll be okay.  Her story will stay with me for a long time.


***Addiction is NOT meant to be humorous, but hopefully, fans of show know where I'm coming from.

Edited by sereion1
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I often try to predict at the beginning of the show whether the person will have a successful intervention and recovery. Within the first few minutes of this, I knew somehow that Sierra was going to make it, because during one of her lucid interviews, when she described how she got into drugs, her eyes welled up with tears and she said something about not liking real life. She wasn't one of those addicts that just loves their drug of choice; she hated the life she was living. I knew then that if she was given a good chance at real help, she would take it and drag herself from the pit.

I rarely comment, but this episode was unbelievably heartbreaking. " You like old friends? I love old friends.". Gutted, simply gutted.

Thank God for parrots and cell phones or I'd have been comatose with grief. I'm thanking whatever higher power may exist that I never tried that poison, and I now have a new ultimate fear for what my children could someday get mixed up in.

That poor woman and her family are going to be in my prayers for a long time; I'll never forget them and wish every happiness in the world for them all.

  • Love 6
  On 3/16/2016 at 12:42 PM, sereion1 said:

I'm going to fry for this, but I was expecting some snark worthy moments*** but this was the most disturbing episode I've ever seen;  she was worse than Christy or Allison, because at least they had some moments of lucidity, but Sierra was far gone almost the entire time she was featured. I was actually shocked that she accepted treatment.  Donna's story was encouraging, though.


She looked amazing afterwards, and I would love another update on how she's doing. She has VERY strong support system of family and friends, so I think she'll be okay.  Her story will stay with me for a long time.


***Addiction is NOT meant to be humorous, but hopefully, fans of show know where I'm coming from.


I wonder she was shown this footage ?  It would probably be a real eye opener.

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Like others, I often feel that certain episodes of Intervention should be required viewing for 8th grade/high school classes.   This is one of  them.  I never knew what meth induced psychosis was until I saw this episode. 


Veronica - please keep your chin up, and remember to take care of yourself.  I was very impressed with your knowledge and how well you spoke during this episode.  I pray that everything works out well for Sierra, and that she gets up every time she falls and tries again. As you know, it sometimes takes several tries. 

  • Love 3

This was the most intense episode I have ever seen. I was in tears for that poor tiny lost girl in her bare feet :( Really felt the love and support for her in her mom and friends. As a mother, it terrified me to watch. I had an addicted family member but not a child. I cannot imagine the strength and love of her mother. I always want to hug the moms..that unconditional love.

The system needs to change. I remember my brother asking me to commit him cus he was killing himself..that lack of control must be terrifying.

I hope for everything good for little Sierra and wanted to add she has stunning eyes!

  • Love 1
  On 3/14/2016 at 10:22 PM, veronica29 said:

Yes it is most certainly me :)! Who else would own that funky chair ( but it was a gift after surgery two years ago and is soooo comfy, I swear i set a cup of inky water on it and well disaster ensued..) As to anyone who is asking about psych holds ..Where I live and sadly in many places you can only get a hold put on someone who Is threatening suicide/homicide in front of the cops, they are afraid of the liability of "taking someones civil rights" away , you can be as crazy as you want but until it reaches a point where you are not capable of remembering to eat bathe etc..the chances of getting help are hard even then as you see it is difficult, law enforcement even is frustrated by that,mental health/drug issues clog up their call logs and take away from actual crime as well as overwhelm the ER..usually a person is released from a 5150 ( initial 72 hour hold) as soon as they can tell ER staff." I'm Fine"..and the jail, well as you see they would have had to release her due to overcrowding (Thank You Jerry Brown for prop 47) it is a sad thing all the way around The county I live in has twice the 5150 holds of the state and same with suicide attempts,virtually no clinical detox and no psych facility except an emergency 20 bed.There are some officers who deeply care but even they are limited that first day with her the hospital would have essentially released her and if you watch the show she actually had been on a 10 month hold that ended last year which was preceded by a long meth/possibly bath salt psychosis ..It only takes once ..I was really a little afraid before the show came out, But I have to say I appreciate the positive reactions  and truly hope that our story can help even one person find the way to health..and Parents really  really need to start being aware that the drugs formerly delegated to "older ,low income,biker, hood , ghetto etc " are now available virtually everywhere to every aged  kid in every socioeconomic status , and heroin is now trendy meth they can google recipes for online..anyhow thanks for letting me clear up any questions :) Thank you for fixing Amanda/Ilena reversal !!. 

My daughter works in  mental health in a jail setting, and she would back up everything you're saying, even though she lives in a pretty affluent county.  The mental health system is broken, the jails are broken, bombarded with inmates, some of them the ones who would have been in prison before Prop 47, and many, many of them are addicted.  And apart from that, she confirms that meth is the worst of the worst of the worst of all the drugs.  My heart just broke for you and all you have been through.  So hope Sierra will recover and be able to live to her obviously fantastic potential.  

  • Love 1

That was so freaking CRAZY!  And I agree with others, that needs to be THE episode shown to any teenagers and hopefully it would scare the crap out of them.  Most likely not cause they would likely all just laugh at the crazy things she was saying but maybe it would deter some. 


That episodes goes far and beyond the Allison (canned air) episode.  


So glad she got help, I had my doubts since she wasn't really in the right state of mind to agree to anything.

This episode is intense!! I have a similar background story to Sierra...I was abused at 4 yrs old, started drugs at 15 with starting off with Meth...I have experienced the psychosis that comes with being up for days on end, I am now sober off of meth, but unfortunately made a stupid decision to try heroin 5 yrs ago and am in a methadone program, but I am currently struggling still with sobriety.<br />Veronica29: I am so happy that your daughter, Sierra chose treatment. I have a question, I am an addict and have 2 kids of my own, watching what you went through seeing your child going through a horrible addiction, makes me wonder, how did you get through it? I hope my kids never turn to drugs. Sierra has an amazing support team, and I hope she does well in recovery...this was a very heartbreaking episode to watch, I cried throughout and was crying tears of happiness when she got sober. Sierra is a very beautiful girl and you can really see her glowing and how healthy she looked after she had been clean for 2 months :)

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Here and there, Sierra's word salad would include a vivid word or phrase that made you feel like the hurt she experienced from her abuse was trying to emerge. I can't remember specifics now but I think she referenced "the little ones" or something like that. It was terribly sad; I really felt Veronica's pain  that took a lot of courage!

and on a shallow note, Sierra's speech patterns and non sequiturs reminded me a bit of Cecily Strong's Girl at a Party from SNL  

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