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S12.E13: All Eyez On Me

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Meredith, Bailey, Jackson, Callie and Jo travel to a military hospital to perform an extraordinary and extremely risky surgery on a veteran with an advanced tumor. Meanwhile back at Grey Sloan, Andrew is tired of being Maggie's worst kept secret; Ben makes an impulsive surgical decision; and a team of cheerleaders wreak havoc in the ER.


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Was there a reason the show spelled eyes wrong in the episode title?


How is that guy supposed to walk with one leg in the center of his lower body?


I don't want to see Meredith flirting with / giving her number to / dating guys.

Edited by LexieLily
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So DeLuca is all "I don't want to be secret...." and now he's all shady?

how are you walking with a leg between your body? I was with army guy. can't these ppl do normal surgeries?


Why.... exactly were they mad at Warren? 

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The cheerleaders were annoying; the story reminded me of the bus crash a few seasons back when Callie treated the cheer captain with the broken tailbone. I didn't enjoy that storyline, and the only thing that made this slightly more enjoyable was that it gave Alex plenty of screen time.


Still hate hate hate Penny. I dislike the character, but I don't think the actress does a great job either. She's just so flat, in appearance, in the way she says the lines, everything.


And Maggie is a world-class surgeon. Is she incapable of having a conversation about non-medical things where she doesn't come across as a blithering idiot?


I was not paying close attention during the Dream Team stuff, but the doctor who flirted with Meredith is pretty hot. He may not be McDreamy, but he's not bad!


I also didn't get why Ben was in so much trouble. It seemed to me that he saved the guy's life under very difficult circumstances. I'm glad that he pointed out that while he's still a resident, he's been a doctor for a long time. I feel like that gets ignored most of the time. I like his character a lot, but a lot of the time he gets stuffed in with the other residents and doesn't have much to do other than be Bailey's husband.


So to sum up, apparently there wasn't much I enjoyed about this episode. I did like Edwards talking to the cheerleaders in their own language; that was a nice moment.

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I also didn't get why Ben was in so much trouble. It seemed to me that he saved the guy's life under very difficult circumstances. I'm glad that he pointed out that while he's still a resident, he's been a doctor for a long time. I feel like that gets ignored most of the time. I like his character a lot, but a lot of the time he gets stuffed in with the other residents and doesn't have much to do other than be Bailey's husband.

As someone who has worked in hospitals, the psych ward would have a ER call button that alerts of the area so the right team comes in to treat the patient if they are coding. Because you know, that does really happen, people under observation in hospitals can also have medical problems that cause them to have heart attacks, strokes, ect. The ward doctor acted like a complete idiot: "Oh you won't find a knife in here or anything." "What are you doing?" "Just let him die." I'm like what? I also agree, Ben has been a doctor for years and I get that he wasn't an attending, but the rule is, if you are a doctor and you do know what you are doing, you have to act not stand around waiting for mommy or daddy to show up. Remember kids, shut off your brains and take your stupid pills because that's how every plot worked tonight. 

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I really liked this one tonight.  This felt "old school" with out a million unnecessary flashbacks and recycled music.  I liked the "suspense" of the surgery.  Obviously they were going to pull it off but still it felt suspenseful.  I even liked the ER cheerleaders and Ben's crazy surgery.  Felt very early Grey's to me.


I feel stupid, but how is this guy supposed to walk again with one leg in the center of his body?  


Also, how did Meredith leave at the last minute for this surgery....hello 3 kids anyone??  I guess Alex just watched them, of course.   


Although I hate that Alex had to be the one talking to Maggie about her love life (again) I did like his words of wisdom.  I also really liked the Meredith & Callie scene outside the OR.  I know some people feel like friendship is forced but I've always liked them in scenes together.  


Annoying stuff- Meredith is still shitting on Jo

(but i guess that will finally stop next week)

.  WTF was that Jo is only coming because she practiced or something stupid like that.  Silly me thought Jo was going to earn her spot there by doing something like a contest or skills lab like the old days.  Plus Jo literally said 5 words and that was only in the Jo/Jackson scene.  And suddenly Meredith wants Penny there?  what?


Penny, Stephanie and Ben really annoy me as a group.  I don't feel like touching Meredith and Will Thorpe with a 5,000 ft pole right now (but I still think he's hot).

Edited by Greysaddict
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I also didn't get why Ben was in so much trouble. It seemed to me that he saved the guy's life under very difficult circumstances. I'm glad that he pointed out that while he's still a resident, he's been a doctor for a long time. I feel like that gets ignored most of the time. I like his character a lot, but a lot of the time he gets stuffed in with the other residents and doesn't have much to do other than be Bailey's husband.


I believe it comes down to the fact that Ben is still a surgical resident. While he was a doctor before -- wasn't he an anesthesiologist or a GI specialist? -- as a resident, he needs to have an attending around or present when performing a surgery.  Especially such a risky complex surgery like a triple A repair. A rupturing AAA needs multiple surgeons and hands and extra blood -- just digging in by himself is not a great plan.


If the patient died with Ben's hands in his chest, the hospital and the attending surgeons would be liable for that. They did something like this the first season of ER where Benton performed a surgery without a attending present -- he got reamed by the powers that be.


However, I do understand why Bailey wanted details because it was a bad-ass story. She can't condone it but it would definitely become a medical war story.

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I was offended for Jo when Meredith said that she'd rather take Penny. Jo is the better surgeon(character), who rarely is given the chance(screen time) to flourish. But I chalk that moment up to being one more heavy handed way to use Meredith to prop Penny, because her wet mop personality is not winning most viewers over. 

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Was there a reason the show spelled eyes wrong in the episode title?

Yes. Grey's episodes are almost always named after a song. "All Eyez on Me" is a Tupac song from the album of the same name.

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I also didn't get why Ben was in so much trouble. It seemed to me that he saved the guy's life under very difficult circumstances. I'm glad that he pointed out that while he's still a resident, he's been a doctor for a long time. I feel like that gets ignored most of the time. I like his character a lot, but a lot of the time he gets stuffed in with the other residents and doesn't have much to do other than be Bailey's husband.


I thought it was an interesting contrast that the doctor at the military hospital accused Callie of being reckless about the surgery she planned and not practicing enough. Everyone acted like that was him being a dick, and of course our regular doctors are miracle workers who are in the right. But when Ben did a risky move he was supposed to be in the wrong? I thought they were both just lucky the patients lived.


I believe it comes down to the fact that Ben is still a surgical resident. While he was a doctor before -- wasn't he an anesthesiologist or a GI specialist? -- as a resident, he needs to have an attending around or present when performing a surgery.  Especially such a risky complex surgery like a triple A repair. A rupturing AAA needs multiple surgeons and hands and extra blood -- just digging in by himself is not a great plan.


Isn't he a 4th or 5th year resident at this point? I think Meredith, Alex, and Christina all did surgeries by themselves at that point. I have no idea what the actual regulations are for doctors/residents, but in show logic it seems like it should have been okay.

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Was there a reason the show spelled eyes wrong in the episode title?

Grey's uses song titles as episode names and its "Eyez" in the song title.

I also didn't get why Ben was in so much trouble. It seemed to me that he saved the guy's life under very difficult circumstances. I'm glad that he pointed out that while he's still a resident, he's been a doctor for a long time.

I think its because as a surgical resident he isn't authorized to perform a procedure like that without an attending, its protocol. Which IMO is a joke considering what we've witnessed the staff of SGM do over the years. 

I feel stupid, but how is this guy supposed to walk again with one leg in the center of his body?


And suddenly Meredith wants Penny there?  what?

Agree. And why would Meredith even be the person who selects the residents on the surgery? It seemed like Callie was the lead surgeon and Bailey is COS. I didn't even get why Meredith was there other than it being set up for her to date.


Jackson seemed to have a grasp on what he was doing but other than that the dream team all was a mess. I wonder if we will see the patient again to know whether or not they surgery was successful long term.


Are Maggie & DeLuca heading to HR to complete their forms now that they've announced to the hospital they are dating? Alex had to. I did like Riggs' expression and "who cares" attitude when Maggie was blathering on about she and DeLuca.


Overall, I didn't hate it but I found it one of the more boring episodes this season.

Edited by windsprints
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Penny is still the worst! Hated how she excluded herself from the dating her way to better surgeries. Jo wasn't working with Alex so I don't know how dating Alex helped get her picked and I say this as someone who really can't stand the way Jo whines normally. 


I liked the way the entire cast interacted in this episode, everyone had something to do, if not a storyline. Riggs reaction to Maggie is basically my reaction every time she speaks. Maggie, nobody cares about your love life as much as you do, in fact, nobody cares at all! Arizona was good with April and funny with Maggie, they might be barely using her but they are using her well.


I'm not ready for Meredith to move on but at least I know it won't last. As far as Meredith's kids I think in season 11 she was interviewing nannies, I always assumed she went ahead and hired one, especially with being a single mom. That also helps explain why they are missing from the carpool scenes, nanny takes them to school after mom leaves. Even if it wasn't explained it makes it more enjoyable to just imagine that and move on.


Overall I liked the episode, it felt like some of the earlier seasons with the focus on the whole cast, resident drama, and actual cases.

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Isn't he a 4th or 5th year resident at this point? I think Meredith, Alex, and Christina all did surgeries by themselves at that point.

He's not authorized to perform a AAA repair in a room that was not an OR by himself. A ruptured AAA repair is one of the most frenetic surgeries I have every participated in. Starting it alone would not be OK as a resident.



I think its because as a surgical resident he isn't authorized to perform a procedure like that without an attending, its protocol.


Basically. I am sure that everyone has danced pretty close to the protocol line but Ben's was pretty far over it.

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I was offended for Jo when Meredith said that she'd rather take Penny. Jo is the better surgeon(character), who rarely is given the chance(screen time) to flourish. But I chalk that moment up to being one more heavy handed way to use Meredith to prop Penny, because her wet mop personality is not winning most viewers over.

I was hoping for Jo to have some success but Meredith wanted Penny, Jo did nothing besides point out flirting and ended up with less screen time than Penny and Steph.

None of the cases grabbed me. Alex was stuck with Maggie, unfortunately, but at least he said what I was thinking about Maggie/DeLuca.

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I was hoping for Jo to have some success but Meredith wanted Penny, Jo did nothing besides point out flirting and ended up with less screen time than Penny and Steph.

And that's my point. The writers aren't giving Jo the chance that they are giving brand new guest star Penny Blake. Penny is everywhere all the time and shown getting to learn from The Sun herself. Jo, who has been around since season 9, gets choppy storylines revolving around her relationship with Alex; a couple who gets less focus than new pair Maggie and Andrew. 

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I think the guy with one leg will have to use crutches to walk. I think the reason they moved the leg to the center, was there was so much damage to the pelvis from the tumor, that if they left the leg on the right side, that the pelvis would not have been able to support his weight. Of course, this was not explained in the show.

I loved Stephanie's handling of the cheerleaders. Nice callback to the episode were Mousey died and Steph told the others that she went to college on a cheerleading scholarship.

And I think DeLuca was talking to one of his family members when Maggie did her awkward "we are dating...each other...together" or whatever speech. Just speculation on the way he was talking to the stranger, and the embarrassed look back at those same people during the hug.

Didn't care about Ben's surgery or Penny.

Edited by craziness
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I really enjoyed this week again. I liked that almost everyone was given something to do. I also liked the cases, and I thought it was generally pretty well written and paced. I'm glad to see Meredith taking baby steps and it was definitely nice to see them throw Ben a bone and give the dude something to do. I hope he and Bailey get an actual storyline as the season progresses. 


There's still no reason for Penny to be there, I just don't get it. I think Meredith's line about wanting her over Jo was the writers just dropping a hint about the confrontation next week. I was happy that we got minimal Amelia scenes tonight, though. At this point the Maggie / DeLuca stuff is getting on my nerves a bit - the pacing of it all is odd and I just don't know much about him or really care. I feel like every time we see him he's leaving an on-call room. Let's give the guy some depth. I did love Arizona telling Maggie how painful her little speech to Riggs was. I feel ya, Arizona. 


Overall, though, I really did like the episode tonight. It was light and entertaining and it had some fun character interactions. 

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I am horrified at the way the mental health unit was portrayed like a 1940's snake pit. I work in a Mental health unit in a hospital. We have well stocked crash cart and surgery. It is locked. We also call a code and the team attends in minutes. Our clients do not get poor general health care.

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It SHOULD be ridiculous that these adult characters are about as mature as the high school cheerleaders in the ER but at this point, I've come to expect it.


First we have Maggie and Deluca disagreeing about whether to keep their relationship a secret. Didn't the hospital create some sort of policy where employees had to notify the administration if they were dating? I remember that being some sort of issue with Jackson and April because they were going to have to declare it or quit dating or something and instead they announced that they had been secretly married for however long.


I also hated Maggie's assumption that Deluca wanting to be open about their relationship meant they had to hold hands in the hallway. First of all, that's just unprofessional at work (although to be fair, when have any of these people ever been concerned about being professional at work?). But secondly, why does she have to reduce "people know we're seeing each other" to "we must hold hands at work"? It's not middle school, Maggie.


In contrast, then we had Amelia getting all excited about going on a date with Owen. Wow, what a concept! And as two adults, this has been an option the entire time you two have been fucking yet neither of you chose to do it until now? The one interesting thing she brought up was making out without having sex. It's one of those things that happens in relationships once you've had sex. Before you have sex with each other, you can make out all you want. After you have sex with each other, making out usually leads to sex. Not that there's anything wrong with having sex, but it does bring up the idea that making out is a means to an end. I still remember Sharon telling Angela on My So-Called Life, "After [the first time we had sex], having sex was like expected because you can't go back. It kind of stopped mattering if I wanted to." For the record, I am not saying that Amelia and Owen are in any way pressuring each other to have sex because it's obvious that they both want to. It's just interesting to note that making out used to be the last stop and then it becomes a station on the way to the new last stop.


As for Deluca, I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to sneak around and feel like you're somebody's dirty secret. I was really glad when Alex told Maggie that she was acting like a dumb high school kid because someone needed to and obviously Amelia was too busy daydreaming about having a chocolate malted with Owen at the diner after the sock hop to do it.


When the cheerleader was begging Maggie and Stephanie not to tell the cheer captain that she's sick because she didn't want to get kicked off the squad, I just rolled my eyes. I realize that no one at Seattle Grace Death gives a rat's ass about HIPAA but technically none of the doctors could legally tell the other cheerleaders about her heart condition.


When the dream team (seriously?) came out of surgery and then Bailey got a bunch of texts and said she had to go, I was like wait, didn't they call come together on a rented bus? Don't they all need to go back to Seattle Grace together? And how much does the hospital spend on those matching jackets they wear on field trips like this?


To be honest, whenever a resident gets in trouble for doing something, I ask myself, "But is this worse than cutting LVAD wires?" The answer is always no.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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To be honest, whenever a resident gets in trouble for doing something, I ask myself, "But is this worse than cutting LVAD wires?" The answer is always no.



loooool. right?  but that's different because it was twu wuv

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Blah, I really don't care for superhero episodes. There wasn't a shadow of a doubt how it would all go: they'd come in all big-mouthed and confident, then something would go wrong and they'd be lost at what to do, but of course they'd eventually come up with a miraculous solution in the last moment. It was basically a carbon copy of Dr Herman's surgery. While the other doctor sure did act like an asshole, he was also perfectly right - the patient was a guinea-pig.

Ben's storyline was equally predictable. And yes, all realism flew right out of window with the cut LVAD wires and that was ages and ages ago, so they can all stop pretending to be so outraged. 


Maggie is just so awkward. I miss Lexie. 

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I DVR'd this episode and although I missed the explanation for putting the patient's leg in the middle of his body, I couldn't be bothered to rewind and hear the explanation. So, even though I'm lazy, can someone offer the background? Why did they want or have to save the remaining leg? It seems it won't be of much use. What if he'd instead become a double amputee? Not fabulous, but he'd still be alive, right? Is it that there would have been no way to for him to bear two prosthetic legs? I guess it's not even the point...the point was to show Callie have a crisis of confidence, and then realizing that it takes a village sometimes to come up with the solution to a problem - it's not always feasible to go off on one's own to handle difficult situations - sometimes brainstorming and support work better, as Meredith is now learning. So, OK, who cares about the leg?? I answered my own question!


Loved DeLuca's look when Maggie "outed" their relationship and hugged him in front of everyone. UH OH! Be careful what you wish for, buddy. Good luck!


The cheerleaders were exaggeratedly annoying. Why were they all still there well after Maxine's surgery? Wouldn't their parents have already come by to fetch them? Did they really hang out to support Maxine just because Stephanie spoke to them in their own language? And wait a moment - wasn't Stephanie sick a lot as a child? Guess she made a great recovery in order to partake in a very physical and strenuous activity. I'm probably not remembering her story correctly, though.

Edited by Biggie B
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yes, all realism flew right out of window with the cut LVAD wires and that was ages and ages ago, so they can all stop pretending to be so outraged.

The only outrage I was okay with this week was Bailey's because what Ben did put her in the awkward position of having to professionally discipline him. I don't care how solid your personal relationship is - it's just going to be weird to have to give your spouse a work reprimand, especially since so many people knew what happened. It's not like she saw him litter when no one else was around.


I would have been semi-okay with Maggie wanting to keep her relationship with Deluca a secret if she had told him (not Alex) that she was trying to be professional since technically as an attending, she should not be dating an intern. Instead she just told him "but we're keeping it a secret, tee hee!" When Alex started listing all the other intern/attending relationships that no one cared about, I expected him to have a five minute monologue since just about every relationship on this show has been inappropriate in one way or another, so I was surprised when he stopped at only three. Then I remembered that Maggie is new so she wouldn't know about/care about relationships like Mark/Lexie, Burke/Cristina, etc.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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I am horrified at the way the mental health unit was portrayed like a 1940's snake pit. I work in a Mental health unit in a hospital. We have well stocked crash cart and surgery. It is locked. We also call a code and the team attends in minutes. Our clients do not get poor general health care.

I think that is what pissed me off the most because it was horrible. I get why Ben was in trouble with what he was doing. What I can't get past is the entire Mental Health doctor and the set up for Grey Sloan. There would have been a locked cart with code in a part of the wing. There would have been a pull or tag button and as I said before. The doctor in the Mental Health unit acted like this happened on a regular basis and that they should just let the guy die. Forget Ben being held liable if anything happened (which he would) but the entire hospital would be sued over that kind of set up. Plus, not everyone in a Mental Health Ward looks like they should be locked up in Arkham Asylum. I know we saw a whopping 3 patients when Ben and his moron 1st year resident were in the ward, but you think these people were going to break out and eat people's faces when they passed by. As I've said too, people in Mental Health range from depressed to possibly hurting themselves. However, you will see those who are shooting pool or drawing pictures. The doctor there was: "No sharp object." Really, then what were you writing with on the clip board moron?

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Overall, I didn't hate it but I found it one of the more boring episodes this season.


That pretty much sums it up for me as well.  In theory, there were lots of things that I liked:  the doctors being doctors, new character interactions and Ben and Stephanie getting something to do.  But because it comes in the middle of a season where storylines are going at a snail's pace and don't make sense given what we have seen before, even just episodes ago, I didn't end up liking it.  There was no movement on any storyline except Meredith's and Maggie's (of course half the cast doesn't have a storyline so there's that), and waaaaayyyyyy  too much Penny.  Why is she still here, why is Meredith championing her and why is Meredith back to being unprofessional and bitchy toward Jo?  Why?  It doesn't make sense.  Are we going to find out at the end of the season that episodes were shot and shown out of order?  Because it seems that way to me.  Jo is sleeping with Alex to get surgeries even though literally 5 episodes she was a hospital pariah? Jackson prays before surgeries because...April?  Ben knows nothing about the psych ward even though he worked there as an anesthesiologist for years?  As mentioned above, Stephanie was a sick child AND captain of the Cheer Squad?  Meredith dislikes Jo again?  Why did she dislike her before?  


I want to enjoy this season, I really do, because I normally like when the writers try new things and some of the newer characters are fresh and interesting, but I just don't know what they are doing anymore.

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Meredith backing up Penny made sense to me. Penny's been on her service for a while, they've made amends, it doesn't seem unbeliveable she'd want her to be there instead of Jo she doesn't have much professional connection with. I don't think it was necessarily a dig at Jo, but considering the huge confrontation that's due to happen next week, it probably was, and it really doesn't make much sense. I thought the reason they came up with Meredith's epiphany regarding Alex and Jo (no matter how stupid it was) is that they realized that Meredith's disdain for Jo never made sense to begin with so they wanted to somehow write a way out of it, but now it seems they're sticking with that storyline and it's so puzzling.


Maggie is starting to remind of that Bones character. The difference is that on that show they couldn't make up their minds on whether Bones is just slightly socially incompetent or has full blown Aspergers, here they can't seem to decide whether Maggie is just a bit ditzy or a bumbling idiot. 

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When the dream team (seriously?) came out of surgery and then Bailey got a bunch of texts and said she had to go, I was like wait, didn't they call come together on a rented bus? Don't they all need to go back to Seattle Grace together? And how much does the hospital spend on those matching jackets they wear on field trips like this?


I thought this originally too, but they were all showed on the van back to GSM so I guess it was Bailey's way of saying we have to leave right now.  



To be honest, whenever a resident gets in trouble for doing something, I ask myself, "But is this worse than cutting LVAD wires?" The answer is always no.


Yes, everyone on this show has pretty much done outrageous things in the hospital, but they are (usually) punished for them.  All of MAGIC were questioned and punished after the LVAD cutting and Izzy was suspended when she said it was her who did it.  So, I am ok with Ben being reprimanded for doing what he did. The incredulous-ness of it all when maybe a bit too much, but I found the consequences fair.  


I see a lot of people thinking this episode was boring but I think it was kind of nice to be boring.  For once it was just a medical soapy drama again, no big cliffhangers, no stunt "events", etc.  

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Meredith backing up Penny made sense to me. Penny's been on her service for a while, they've made amends, it doesn't seem unbeliveable she'd want her to be there instead of Jo she doesn't have much professional connection with. I don't think it was necessarily a dig at Jo, but considering the huge confrontation that's due to happen next week, it probably was, and it really doesn't make much sense. I thought the reason they came up with Meredith's epiphany regarding Alex and Jo (no matter how stupid it was) is that they realized that Meredith's disdain for Jo never made sense to begin with so they wanted to somehow write a way out of it, but now it seems they're sticking with that storyline and it's so puzzling.

Maggie is starting to remind of that Bones character. The difference is that on that show they couldn't make up their minds on whether Bones is just slightly socially incompetent or has full blown Aspergers, here they can't seem to decide whether Maggie is just a bit ditzy or a bumbling idiot.

I get why Mer is championing Penny, but for Meredith to denigrate Jo in the process and to a fellow resident no less, only makes sense in the "Meredith hates Jo for some reason" universe so I guess we'll just go with it. The fact that Meredith didn't blink an eye that Jo overheard was just...whatever I guess.

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Awful,so this is the guy Meredith dates?


This is her new romance after Derek???!!!!


A random guy who blinks eyes at her and asks for her number? What an annoying character and actor. Ugh.


OMG, I really thought writers were going for a mature well-written romance and second chances with Nathan. I was totally wrong. 

What a disappointment.


This show is sometimes really just a silly soap opera, not drama for a demanding viewer.

Edited by Meredithfan
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Eh, he's a little too pretty for my taste.

Yes, he is good-looking. One can say.  A model look.

Even his beard is styled. Awful. Every single hair has its spot.  Brgh.


Not an ounce of  manliness there, no charisma, no appeal. 


I really do not understand how Meredith could run back to him or even feel attracted to him. 

Edited by Meredithfan
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Awful,so this is the guy Meredith dates?


This is her new romance after Derek???!!!!


A random guy who blinks eyes at her and asks for her number? What an annoying character and actor. Ugh.


OMG, I really thought writers wre going for a mature well-written romance and second chances with Nathan. I was totally wrong. 

What a disappointment.


This show is sometimes really just a silly soap opera, not drama for a demanding viewer.


I hope they are not trying to set up a stupid triangle with two men vying for Meredith's romantic attention.  I don't really care about Derek, but I hate, hate, hate triangles.  Triangle plots just show lack of imagination on the part of the writers.  Please, just no. 


So no progress with April's baby, which is how she must think of it since she still hasn't told Jackson about his child.

Edited by izabella
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I never got the sense that Meredith would start a relationship with the Army doctor. I think she went back to give him her phone number just to push herself out of her "being alone" comfort zone. Maybe she'll go on a few dates with him off-camera, but I truly never thought twice about him other than as a device to show Meredith taking the first steps towards dating again, with the eventual possibility of having a long term, committed relationship again. I can't even recall his name - did we ever even hear it more than once?


I still feel as if something might happen with her and Nathan. After all, he is good-looking and works with Meredith - and heaven forbid any of these characters interact with someone outside their workplace.

Edited by Biggie B
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Maggie is starting to remind of that Bones character. The difference is that on that show they couldn't make up their minds on whether Bones is just slightly socially incompetent or has full blown Aspergers, here they can't seem to decide whether Maggie is just a bit ditzy or a bumbling idiot. 

An off-topic thank you for the clarification on Bones.  Every now and then I would tune in and there would be a jarring moment when it seemed the brilliant female lead might need some help operating a zipper.


I've been a Maggie supporter from the beginning, but they aren't making it any easier.  A nicely dovetailed dose of self-awareness should have reduced her foolishness factor, not the opposite.

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Awful,so this is the guy Meredith dates?


This is her new romance after Derek???!!!!


A random guy who blinks eyes at her and asks for her number? What an annoying character and actor. Ugh.


OMG, I really thought writers were going for a mature well-written romance and second chances with Nathan. I was totally wrong. 

What a disappointment.


This show is sometimes really just a silly soap opera, not drama for a demanding viewer.

Who say's it's going to be a romance? maybe she just wants to get laid.

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Also, how did Meredith leave at the last minute for this surgery....hello 3 kids anyone??  I guess Alex just watched them, of course.   


Although I hate that Alex had to be the one talking to Maggie about her love life (again) I did like his words of wisdom.  I also really liked the Meredith & Callie scene outside the OR.  I know some people feel like friendship is forced but I've always liked them in scenes together.  


Annoying stuff- Meredith is still shitting on Jo

(but i guess that will finally stop next week)

.  WTF was that Jo is only coming because she practiced or something stupid like that.  Silly me thought Jo was going to earn her spot there by doing something like a contest or skills lab like the old days.  Plus Jo literally said 5 words and that was only in the Jo/Jackson scene.  And suddenly Meredith wants Penny there?  what?




Wait. Mere has kids?


Alex was at hospital taking care of cheerleader girl. So if Mere does indeed have children -- Alex wasn't taking care of them.


I have no fucks to give for Jo. Sticking her with Alex is one of the reasons I can barely make it through an entire episode anymore. And who is the soulless redhead? Penny? The one who helped kill Derek. right? Why is she at the Mercy Death hospital again? Never mind -- I don't care enough to know.


Dream team? Miracle workers? Oy Vey


It was nice to see that Mere is ready to move on. Dude has "rebound" written all over him. he won't last

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Who say's it's going to be a romance? maybe she just wants to get laid.

Will she just sleep around with random docs? A mother of three little kids? How irresponsible is that? Just to please and satisfy her needs? What about her kids?


Sorry,but I find it disgusting. I mean she should think of her kids first.


Maybe Shonda will pull this guy out of nowhere and make him New Mcdreamy.  Everything  is possible. 

Edited by Meredithfan
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Oh no, a widowed mother of three some two years after her husband dies, sleeping with someone she doesn't intend to marry.  Maybe even more than one someone.  How scandalous!!:)

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I hope they are not trying to set up a stupid triangle with two men vying for Meredith's romantic attention.  I don't really care about Derek, but I hate, hate, hate triangles.  Triangle plots just show lack of imagination on the part of the writers.  Please, just no. 


Well, yes, they might do a stupid love triangle. It is their speciality.


I so agree with you,if they do this,so so lacking any kind of imagination.


Well, it is disputable and lacks imagination,too,they have quite  a talented actor Henderson who I believe is incomparable to that guy who plays Thorpe, they have two characters  - Meredith and Nathan with so compelling stories to play with in terms of the fate of their beloved partners and they rather pair Meredith with a random guy.   Beyond any creative logic to me. I do not honestly get the choices these writers make.

Edited by Meredithfan
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I think they still have Nathan (?) waiting in the wings for Meredith, particularly since he has MIA wife/Owen's sister for added grist.  Ai yi yi.


But   >[creak] oil can! [creak]<  Meredith's rusty.  It took Jackson to direct her attention to the burning trash can fire right in front of her.  I don't begrudge her if she wants to. . . regenerate a bit through a fling with the passionate Dr. McSmolder.


It's time for Meredith to have some love life stories.  Obviously Meredith Grey can't be giggling around in the on-call room, but they've set up one man who's just as passionate about his work as she is and another man who's as scarred and sensitive about the past as she is.  I think they're doing well by their main character.



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Will she just sleep around with random docs? A mother of three little kids? How irresponsible is that? Just to please and satisfy her needs? What about her kids?


Sorry,but I find it disgusting. I mean she should think of her kids first.

How does giving her number to one guy turn into sleeping around with random docs? How does her getting some turn into her being a bad parent? Moms need sex too. Sex is good.

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I was basically just board with this weeks episode.


I did like that they had the small focus on the fact that Stephanie was a cheerleader, which hearkened back to episode after Heather died where she mentioned that she went through collage on a cheerleader scholarship, and did a cheer.  I like her but she has had no major story in years, not since she was dating Jackson, which is why it was such a sour note when they had her complaining to Penny about Ben and Jo getting special favors for their relationship to attendings - for not only was Penny dating Callie, but Steph dated Jackson and he is the Chairman of the Board of the whole hospital (at least I assume he is still Chairman, but that is another story line they seem to be ignoring this year in hoping we will just forget, since it seems the fact of who owns the hospital has not been mentioned all season.)

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Could there perhaps be other anatomical reasons why a leg in the center of a man's body is not too practical??

I didn't care for this episode and really didn't need the scenes of cutting through bones.

Well I wondered how his genitals were affected.

I'm not liking Meredith's new love interest. First, his acting is weak. But also, we're back to Meredith the femme fatale. Every man wants her. She's a haggard-looking widowed mother of three in her forties. Yes she's still a sexual being, But maybe, just once, Meredith doesn't score the hottest guy in the room. I don't know how Meredwith has the time to date. She's never needed the pretense of a relationship to enjoy sex, and I would find it more realistic if she just picked up a guy and had sex.

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But also, we're back to Meredith the femme fatale. Every man wants her. She's a haggard-looking widowed mother of three in her forties. Yes she's still a sexual being, But maybe, just once, Meredith doesn't score the hottest guy in the room. 


This is largely my issue too... There is nothing wrong with Meredith enjoying sex again or dating, but let's not pretend that she's drop-dead-gorgeous and turning the heads of every man that sees her. Give her a new man, but be realistic about him. 

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