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S06.E15: Objection, Your Honor

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I loved LisaR in this episode. She spoke the truth about Yolanda. And I can totally see her, Kyle and LVP talking off camera about Yolanda and her being encouraged to bring up the M word. That explains the look on her face when Kyle and LVP didn't chime in on camera. They were supposed to out Yo and the other two didn't play along. This is finally getting good.

  • Love 22

I agree with the Tom/Erika comments.

He just wants her to shut up and look pretty.

FYI , my wealthy ex once told me (and it only took 1 time) "my friends came here to talk to me, not you" and my response was "well, then you can talk to them all you want to for the rest of your life, bye (end of that relationship!).


Good for you. While I don't like how Tom likes to cut Erika off, I do think he sees her as more than a "trophy wife." I'm assuming he funds her singing career--paying for videos, trips, studio sessions, etc. So it does seem like he wants her to have her own life apart from just being his wife.

  • Love 4

The best part about this episode is that there was very little Yolanda.  Of course her one scene is focused on her habitual condescension.


Yeah, Lisar is all over the place with her opinions but.....what she said about Yo was pure gold.  Thank you for that!


Now I know why Erika needs her alter ego, Erika Jane.  Her marriage is not one of a partnership or equality.  This is her choice.  Their relationship reveals more about Erika than anything else we've seen.  There's a reason why she doesn't have women friends and it's not about trust.  She's not the strong woman she's trying to portray.


Enough with the cobwebs LVP.  It got old very quickly but I do enjoy Kyle and Lisa together.


Shut up Kathryn.  You're not articulate and you're not making any points so just stop trying to dominate  a conversation.  You're just making a fool of yourself.


Shut up Eileen.  I really like you but....


I thought it was a fast moving episode and was pretty good. 

  • Love 17

Good for you. While I don't like how Tom likes to cut Erika off, I do think he sees her as more than a "trophy wife." I'm assuming he funds her singing career--paying for videos, trips, studio sessions, etc. So it does seem like he wants her to have her own life apart from just being his wife.

What he really wants is for other men to envy him for his younger, hot wife. She will understand this in her own time.

  • Love 11

I loved everything LisaR said about Yo at the beach. I agreed with her, especially when she somewhat said that no one will really question Yo, because of said illness. I cracked up at her whipping out the picture of Yo having lunch with Brandi and Kim, when she supposedly was resting all day so she could go to Erika's dinner.


It could have been editing, but the reactions of some of the ladies when Tom scolded Erika was funny to me. Was it LisaR that said something in her TH that Erika acts all independent and such, but is basically a shrinking violet when around Tom?


No, it was Kyle who said that about Erika.

  • Love 4

If this is true, Eileen's talking head comments were very disingenuous - big eyed in shock, whispery voice - "Wow!  That's inflammatory".  That has the makings of a set-up, followed by a throw under the bus.  I wonder if Eileen, at the time that TH was taped, had distanced herself from Rinna.  Makes me think they'll be on separate couches.

But I think she was only big eyed when Lisar told her that Kyle and LVP were sending pictures back and forth. The reason she had the conversation on the beach with Lisar is because she knew that Lisar found LVP to be manipulative because of their prior conversations. They are sending "I love you" tweets back and forth on Twitter right now, so they are good.

  • Love 6

Yolanda probably immediately felt better once she was off the hook hanging out at Erika's house. Erika's life seems very complicated. Tom's legal staff are probably petrified of him. Tom definitely seemed to think the whole thing was incredibly dumb and maybe he was mad at Erika for wanting to do the housewives. 


At the charity thing, everyone seemed to be acting ridiculous. Erika def has a right to be mad, but I also think she needs to realize that SHE did say that and it was not in a nice way, and she was a little foolish to confide in someone she didn't know. Confiding in Yolanda, sure, you can tell your thoughts to a good friend (yeah, they prob don't know each other that well,  I know) but it's pretty risky with someone you don't know. Erika was gambling with getting Kathryn to turn against LisaV and now she's eating it. 

  • Love 14

Eileen lost me tonight with her declaration that “Erika is the most intelligent (girl/woman?) here.  WTF?  Erika is certainly more intelligent than Eileen now and that’s not saying much.  Erika can probably hold onto her dignity when her husband’s friends and business associates are around (as she implied) but she has literally shown her ass and her pussy to these co-workers so what the hell does she expect?  Why should they respect her as a social maven with excellent manners?  Ken should be as respected as Erika’s husband, but the women still talk shit in front of him about his wife.
Eileen, bye.  You are drinking the Yoohoo Hadid Koolaid.  This is NOT a soap opera, in which universe it might make sense but it doesn’t in REAL LIFE.  You are enabling Yolanda like Brandi enables Kim.  Yeah, she’s sick, but she made herself sick.  Yolanda needs to be on Intervention.  I would fucking LOVE to see that!  Bravo, let’s get an Intervention-type show with Yoolanda, Kim, Brandy, Taylor.


(quote) Sai
I so loved when Erika was telling Kyle that her husband was angry at her and then it showed Kyle's TH saying Mauricio would never tell her what she can and can't say..."trust me".  She took the words right of my mouth because I was thinking the same thing that very moment about my husband.  Let him ever try to shush me or tell me what I can or can't say and how I should or shouldn't act.  That would NEVER happen!  Lol (end quote)


What about that lunch with Kyle and Mauricio when she revealed she pissed off one of his biggest clients…..CAMILLE!   He made her apologize.  So, she’s full of shit.

Edited by Happycatisfine
  • Love 12

I'm sure Camille would say it wasn't whoever told her about Kelsie's cheating that destroyed her marriage.  It was Kelsie's cheating that destroyed her marriage. 


Erika needs to remember that - she was the one talking behind LVP's back in an effort to get Kathryn to be wary of her.  That's really why she can't have a relationship with Lisa.  She was already working against her.

  • Love 17


The best part about this episode is that there was very little Yolanda.  Of course her one scene is focused on her habitual condescension.

She irritates me even in the small amount she was shown tonight. Of course Yo and Daisy had to point out that Yo was wearing LIME green. Get it? Lime and Lyme! That Yo, so hilarious.


Tomorrow, I am going to bail on having dinner with my friend by saying I am sick. I will tell her this while Face-timing about an hour beforehand. I will make sure while I FaceTime to be in a white robe in bed, with no make-up, looking all feeble. I hope she does not see the pictures I plan on taking and putting on social media with my friends at lunch. Don't worry my lunch friends do not like alcohol at all.

  • Love 24

She irritates me even in the small amount she was shown tonight. Of course Yo and Daisy had to point out that Yo was wearing LIME green. Get it? Lime and Lyme! That Yo, so hilarious.


Tomorrow, I am going to bail on having dinner with my friend by saying I am sick. I will tell her this while Face-timing about an hour beforehand. I will make sure while I FaceTime to be in a white robe in bed, with no make-up, looking all feeble. I hope she does not see the pictures I plan on taking and putting on social media with my friends at lunch. Don't worry my lunch friends do not like alcohol at all.


Just the sight of her in the white bathrobe at the beginning of one of her scenes pissed me off, lol.  

  • Love 19

She irritates me even in the small amount she was shown tonight. Of course Yo and Daisy had to point out that Yo was wearing LIME green. Get it? Lime and Lyme! That Yo, so hilarious.


Tomorrow, I am going to bail on having dinner with my friend by saying I am sick. I will tell her this while Face-timing about an hour beforehand. I will make sure while I FaceTime to be in a white robe in bed, with no make-up, looking all feeble. I hope she does not see the pictures I plan on taking and putting on social media with my friends at lunch. Don't worry my lunch friends do not like alcohol at all.


 Wasn't Yo supposed to have had a swollen head or swollen face or something?

  • Love 8

So Erika has a dinner party with the running theme she basically doesn't like women and isn't sure about being friends and then proceeds to talk about others' manners.


Kathryn was an ass with Faye and nothing has changed.  The only thing she changes in people's minds in a debate is they probably originally thought they likes her but after about two minutes she confirms she is an asshole.  Arguing for sport takes two willing participants.


What is all this about making a bad impression for the first time with Tom?  Tom is kind of an ass all on his own.


Harry Hamlin encouraged law school enrollment with his LA Law persona.  Tom Girardi will be causing  law schools doors to close with his RHOBH persona.

  • Love 14

But I think she was only big eyed when Lisar told her that Kyle and LVP were sending pictures back and forth. The reason she had the conversation on the beach with Lisar is because she knew that Lisar found LVP to be manipulative because of their prior conversations. They are sending "I love you" tweets back and forth on Twitter right now, so they are good.

Who is sending the "I love you" tweets back and forth?  I read Kyle's and she disputes Rinna's tale of events.  Sorry I am a bit dense tonight.

  • Love 1

Wow, I never took Erika for a pearl clutcher! If she thinks that was bad, she has definitely missed the more epic battles. What a buildup for a not so terrible "eviction." I have to confess, I was relieved. I'm really not a fan of the battles, although I get drawn in. I have more fun when they get along.


Of course, she was correct about proper behavior, but that is a foreign language on this show.


Erika is not "allowed" to have certain things occur in her home. And, here come the judge, he shut her down again. Maybe Erika Jayne is her FU to him. Doesn't have much punch since he doesn't seem to care, LOL.


So Kathryn was a tattetale, whatever, Erika blaming her whole lack of  potential relationship with LVP on Kathryn is ridiculous. If she valued that at all, she wouldn't have made those statements in the first place. Besides which, she doesn't seem interested in a relationship with LisaV. Didn't she say words to that effect just last week?

Edited by renatae
  • Love 8

Random observations on re-watch:


I had to laugh at the cattiness of Kathryn saying something about talking about putting on false lashes or make up to have something to talk to Erika about----that is pure SHADE (she watched RHoBH and RHoA)


LOL @ Tom's WTF look and saying "do you guys do this all the time". He did not watch prior RHoBH shows.


LOL @ Ken telling Tom "your acting like a judge but your ONLY a lawyer"....humorous shade


So Erika is ok with starting shit with guest but not with guests starting shit (remember Erika screaming at Rinna on behalf of Yo at her BBQ carnival)


Eileen had a smirk when Rinna said that Yo used her "sickness" for pity. IMO Eileen totally agrees but is choosing to take Yo's side rather than LVP's side.  I think Eileen is full of shit or a total moron for believing Yo (or maybe she just couldn't discuss the 10 months in bed claim because it doesn't support her side but I really think she knows Yo is lying)


Daisy the nurse, health care advocate and latte maker...probably does the photos, blogs and I wouldn't be surprised if she wrote the book Yo is talking about writing.


Is Yo's speech to the global lyme alliance the speech that was posted in Yo's threat a while back?


Yo when speaking to Kyle about Rinna:  "....I'm not going to focus on some crazy woman calling me names in public...". Umm, Yo, you are a crazy woman who called her crazy in public and also implied she was bipolar


Erika is trying to spin the conversation and outcome by essentially saying that she is going to have problems having a friendship with LVP because of Kathryn. NO ERIKA, IT IS BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SAID on camera to a person who is practically a stranger. Plus you have no reason to think that of LVP unless that seed was planted by Yo or Eileen. I'm glad LVP knows the gist of what was said so that she can keep her guard up because I know Erika would have tried to find something to use against LVP. 


Did Erika ever apologize for lying which led to Rinna being thrown under the bus a while back? Did she ever apologize for yelling at Rinna at her BBQ for not revealing who initially told her the Munchausen comment (hair stylist)


I still don't like Kathryn and Erika but they are still better than bg and kim...so far

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 15

I don't know about that. Maybe I'm a horrible person, but I've said things behind someone's back to someone I trust when I am still trying to figure people out. I don't think this is that unusual. When I first moved to Michigan and hosted a neighborhood holiday party, afterwards, I chatted with a gal I had known longer about several of the people who I was just getting to know, and some of my comments were harsh (I think he is a sexist, what is with her hair, does that chick always drink so much, etc). Many of the people I chatted about have become close friends over a dozen years as I got to know them. Some of my initial impressions proved correct, some of them did not. The reality is, Erika's words were filmed and LVP was going to see them. However, had they been allowed to get to know each other and develop a friendship, LVP probably wouldn't have felt the same way when she saw it later. As it stands, Kathryn got in the way of that.


I don't totally agree.  I think Erika pretty much soiled her chances with LisaV when she questioned in a very bitchlike manor why LisaV wanted to know how long Erika and Yolanda knew each other.  She didn't behave like someone trying to forge a friendship so I think her trying to blame it on Kathryn is totally bogus.  Add to that the way Erika ran back to Yolanda to tell her that LisaV and Kyle were questioning the non-Gigi's illnesses, I don't think there was a snowball's chance in hell that LisaV and Erika were going to be friends, even if Kathryn hadn't told Lisa what Erika said.  I think Yolanda had already had too much of an influence on Erika's  opinion of LisaV for them to ever be more than just coworkers who do lunch.

  • Love 15

On second watch, I think Tom actually has watched past seasons, as when Rinna said "Watch it! I have glassware!" and someone else said, "Give her the sippy cup!" he was laughing with utter delight. It was kind of cute.


I also don't believe Erika never told him about the Kathryn tattletale incident, since, when he greeted her, he said, "Oh, I know you, I've heard a lot about you!"

  • Love 11

Oh geez, I'll be honest, there were no cute animals in this one so I was only marginally interested. 


I have to say I love that Yo pointed out in her blog that Kyle never replied to her email. Yet, Kyle shows up with flowers and has a sit down to discuss the email. Is she supposed to also respond and remind her of the conversation? 


Kathryn still bores me to tears. Do we need to see her visit the ear doctor? No thanks. It's just further proof that she has no business on the show and only interacts with her husband or sisters when she's not needed for the drama. 


The rest of it was more "she said" bullshit but I would be lying if I said I didn't laugh at the spider web jokes. That along with Ken's good lawyer/judge dig puts the VdP squarely on top this episode. Next week, cna we please bring back the ponies?

  • Love 12
Lisar seems to say that she told LVP she would make her own decisions about everyone, but she clearly feels like she was used to an extent by LVP. She takes 100% responsibility for the "m" comment in her blog.



She keeps saying she takes full responsibility, but if she truly did, she wouldn't have gone on and on on the beach acting as though LVP held a gun to her head and forced her to bring it up. She made it sound like she had no choice, and then when you weigh her actual words, "LVP encouraged me to express it" it leaves me wondering what sort of things she must do when people insist she do something! I'm sorry, such "encouragement" is no big deal. Keep your mouth shut if you don't like the suggestion!

Edited by renatae
  • Love 14

BIB---OMG, this is why I watch the show. Yolanda exposed (at least a tiny bit exposed....bring out the 2014 Lyme Timeline from reddit). I adore Rinna...she called out Kim and she called out Yolanda (and bg). I need to re-watch this episode...I got so high off of Rinna saying Yo is manipulative and uses her illness that I just couldn't process everything. She knows Yo is sick...sick in the head as in crazy or insane in the membrane...or she had a migraine and later turned it into Munchausen/Factitious Disorder.

LisaR be like on Lemonlymes


  • Love 9

What he really wants is for other men to envy him for his younger, hot wife. She will understand this in her own time.


Most of her fans are gay men, though. And according to Erika, her and Tom don't even spend much time together for him to parade her around like a piece of meat. He's mainly at work. I think that is why he probably likes her having in interest in performing. She won't get bored or lonely from the absence of her much older husband.

  • Love 3

At the tale end of the episode we see Yolanda telling the others that Kim and Brandi are better friends than all of the rest combined????????????  Just how much had Kim been there for her in the previous year and I do mean year?  Kim was either drunk, in rehab, getting arrested or in Mexico. Geez between Kim and Yolanda they have developed their own time keeping system.

Kim and Brandi..... both drunk most of the time, they will "yes ma'am" everything Yo says so that's why they are such good friends. They agree with everything she says.

  • Love 11

She keeps saying she takes full responsibility, but if she truly did, she wouldn't have gone on and on on the beach acting as though LVP held a gun to her head and forced her to bring it up. She made it sound like she had no choice, and then when you weigh her actual words, "LVP encouraged me to express it" it leaves me wondering what sort of things she must do when people insist she do something! I'm sorry, such "encouragement" is no big deal. Keep your mouth shut if you don't like the suggestion!


I don't think Lisa R made Lisa VP sound like she coerced her at all. She simply said that she felt like Lisa VP manipulated her into bringing it up so Lisa VP and Kyle could sit back and play the innocents. I think that is the moment where she probably started viewing Lisa VP in a different light. What Lisa R said is actually quite similar to what Brandi said about Lisa VP two seasons ago--that Lisa VP likes to get people to do her dirty work for her. And even though I do like Lisa VP, after what Lisa R said tonight, I'm really starting to believe that. 

Kim and Brandi..... both drunk most of the time, they will "yes ma'am" everything Yo says so that's why they are such good friends. They agree with everything she says.


Kinda like how Brandi agreed with everything Lisa VP said at one point. And before Lisa VP, it was Adrienne who was her puppeteer. I have no idea why Kim is loyal to Yolanda, but Brandi has a history of attaching herself to wealthy women. 

  • Love 3

I don't totally agree.  I think Erika pretty much soiled her chances with LisaV when she questioned in a very bitchlike manor why LisaV wanted to know how long Erika and Yolanda knew each other.  She didn't behave like someone trying to forge a friendship so I think her trying to blame it on Kathryn is totally bogus.  Add to that the way Erika ran back to Yolanda to tell her that LisaV and Kyle were questioning the non-Gigi's illnesses, I don't think there was a snowball's chance in hell that LisaV and Erika were going to be friends, even if Kathryn hadn't told Lisa what Erika said.  I think Yolanda had already had too much of an influence on Erika's  opinion of LisaV for them to ever be more than just coworkers who do lunch.


I agree with all of this. But I remember Erika making a remark about how Lisa VP loved being the leader of the group and she was very protective of her position. I think what Erika was saying is true. Lisa knows that she is the breakout star of this show and is virtually untouchable. If I were Erika, I'd try to ingratiate myself with Lisa instead of leading a gang-up on because the last two "Housewives" who did ended up being dismissed from the show--Adrienne and Brandi.

  • Love 4

I have no idea why Kim is loyal to Yolanda, but Brandi has a history of attaching herself to wealthy women.



Kim is loyal to Yolanda because Brandi is loyal to Yolanda.  Outside of family Brandi is just about the only friend Kim has and she's holding onto her for dear life.  Brandi can do absolutely no wrong in Kim's eyes. 

  • Love 10

Kim is loyal to Yolanda because Brandi is loyal to Yolanda.  Outside of family Brandi is just about the only friend Kim has and she's holding onto her for dear life.  Brandi can do absolutely no wrong in Kim's eyes. 


...Which is ironic given the rocky star Kim and Brandi had--with Brandi calling Kim a methhead, and Kim calling her a slut pig (LoL that is still hilarious to me). I remember Kim even saying in an interview that she would never forgive Brandi for saying she smoked crystal meth. But yet a few years later, they are supposed besties.

  • Love 5

I dunno, I sort of think Rinna should thank Vanderpump. The m word controversy is her story, which secures her job and boosts her profile on the show. True it could make her the villain, but isn't that usually her role? Is it any worse than the Depends commercial?

Point is, Vanderpump's manipulations can be to the benefit of the alleged victim. Rinna should have rolled with it instead of going with a rehash of Brandi's storyline from a couple years ago.

  • Love 5

Tom Girardi likes LVP and Ken. He wasn't offended by Ken's comment. Tom was horrified to learn that his wife had been talking shit and/or misconstrued his private conversations about LVP ("it could have been a positive). Whether Tom thought LVP would have been a good influence on Erika, or he just likes her for professional or personal reasons, Erika, by talking shit has ruined her chances of being Tom-approved friends with LVP. Now Tom is pissed.

At the Habitat House Erika needed someone to blame for her indiscretions so she blamed Kathryn. She couldn't tell the ladies what's really going on at home so Kathyrn gets to be the bad guy.

  • Love 14

I´m so disgusted by Yolanda in every way, I think I´m almost at the point of hating her more than BG... I never thought it would happen, but with BG, almost everyone saw through her and couldn´t stand her trashiness and lying. But with Yolanda, the women are still acting like she´s really sick (I don´t think she´s sick except in the head), they´re treating her nicely, and they allow her lies and disgusting personality to dominate. So now, I think I must throw up because just seeing her smirking, disgusting face has made me nauseous.

  • Love 16

Bravo sure does save a lot of time and money on prep for Yolanda since for 99% of her scenes involve;

Greasy, pulled back hair

White robe

White jeans

I was not disappointed when she called to say she couldn't come to Erika's.

LisaR is trying to keep herself in the spotlight, and relevant, by straddling the fence; "I'm on your side. No, I'm on you're side."

Kathryn is even more boring than Erika, and needs to go far, far away where all dismissed RH go.

By constantly going after LVP, these women are showing just how insecure they are, and how intimidated they are by LVP.

  • Love 4


What about that lunch with Kyle and Mauricio when she revealed she pissed off one of his biggest clients…..CAMILLE!   He made her apologize.  So, she’s full of shit.

This rumor persists to this day. Mauricio never asked or made Kyle apologize. He said that he would have to work hard to find a way to repair the relationship. Kyle felt incredibly guilty, and Mauricio was disappointed, but he supported her. 

  • Love 20

Lisar and Eileen. The original poster said she thought that perhaps they weren't friends any longer. 



This rumor persists to this day. Mauricio never asked or made Kyle apologize. He said that he would have to work hard to find a way to repair the relationship. Kyle felt incredibly guilty, and Mauricio was disappointed, but he supported her. 

Thanks for the clarification on both counts.

  • Love 4

I´m disappointed in Rinna for her breakdown at the beach, but overall I´m glad that Kyle and Lisa were possibly sending texts and pictures back and forth to make fun of Yolanda´s Munchausens. I wish they´d just come out with it if they were, who could blame them? A psychopath deserves a good take down, it´s never too late. No-one knew back then that she was so hardcore as to MbP her own kids. David got out, I´m glad he´s free.


Also, I gotta say that it´s weird seeing/hearing them talk about "a web" and being manipulated by Lisa V, since it´s so glaringly obvious who the only true manipulator is and which ones are the flies in her web!

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 4

I´m disappointed in Rinna for her breakdown at the beach, but overall I´m glad that Kyle and Lisa were possibly sending texts and pictures back and forth to make fun of Yolanda´s Munchausens. I wish they´d just come out with it if they were, who could blame them? A psychopath deserves a good take down, it´s never too late. No-one knew back then that she was so hardcore as to MbP her own kids. David got out, I´m glad he´s free.


Also, I gotta say that it´s weird seeing/hearing them talk about "a web" and being manipulated by Lisa V, since it´s so glaringly obvious who the only true manipulator is and which ones are the flies in her web!

Kyle said on Twitter that there were conversations about the "dramatic" pictures, but says that Lisar was the first one to mention the "m" word. 

  • Love 8

So funny at the beach - I was furious with Lisa Rinna for tossing LVP and Kyle under the bus (wimpy thing to do), but then when she booted Yolanda under there with them, I got delighted and cheered for her.  So I guess I don't mind throwing people under the bus as long as I want them under there?  This does not say good things about me! 



Come sit next to me, and probably a hight percentage of the awesome folks on this forum. We all do it to an extent. The best examples recently is of the situations where both Erika and Kathryn ran back to report on something that had been said. Depending on which HW a person likes, they could view each situation differently, despite the fact that both were on camera. The camera made a bigger difference to some with regard to Kathryn (as an excuse because LVP would see it later anyway so what difference did it make), where that defense wasn't used as much for Erika. I think it is part of the fun of it all. 

  • Love 9

I really cannot stand Kathryn. She is just an awful, rude woman. She has no manners. Brandi may be a lot more vulgar, but both of them have the same lack of respect for those around them. I am not a huge Erika fan, but she was absolutely right that this conversation was one that didn't need to be had when they're meeting her husband for the first time. But even if they could have just calmly discussed it, that would have been fine. Kathryn was the opposite of calm. She's been a strong one from the start, but last night she was louder and more aggressive than I've ever seen her. I almost wondered if she was on something. 


She either has no self awareness, or she simply doesn't care about other people. I tend to lean towards the latter. She even mentioned in her TH that she knows she's loud. I really cannot stand people that are like, "I know I'm a loud, nasty bitch, but that's just the way I've always been". Oh, so that means you have zero interest in self improvement. Okay then. 


And I'm really going to need her to stop talking about Rinna's eating habits. It's so gross. It's not like she's a close family member or friend, who's pulling her aside out of concern. No she's just loudly laughing to the catering staff, "Don't bother to offer a crab puff to this bitch, because she doesn't eat". So fucking tacky. Does Lisar restrict her food to a degree? Probably. But Kathryn doesn't know that for sure. She doesn't live with her. It's none of her business. It's not like she truly cares. She just wants to be right about something and make a joke out of it. It's really pissing me off. 


What pissed me off the most, though, was the fact that Tom Girardi was NOT kicking someone out, as we were led to believe. He was simply reiterating that Lisa and Ken needed to leave because they had another obligation. Boo hiss, Bravo. 


The conversation between Eileen and Lisar on the beach just made me cringe. I feel like they are both going off the rails, but in different directions. Does Eileen really have Yo blinders on? Does she really believe that St. Yolanda, anointed in lemon juice, can do no wrong? Its' not possible that she's truly sick, but exaggerating and fibbing and playing it up a bit? Or is this just the position she's taken, because she feels like it's some kind of stand against LVP, who she is clearly done with? I don't know, but it's annoying. 


And Lisar needs to calm the fuck down. Casting all this doubt on a sick person on national TV is not a good look. She needs to sit back and let people see the inconsistencies for themselves, because when she starts bringing all this stuff up it just makes her look petty and mean, no matter how much truth there may be to it. Oh, but is she really trying to blame LVP now for the fact that SHE (Rinna) brought up Munchaussen? LVP called Rinna and TOLD her to bring it up on air? Really? I mean, I guess it's not entirely that far fetched. But, again, you're not going to win. If there's no proof of this phone call, LisaV can deny it. And she'll deny it well. And then you'll just look like you're trying to pass the buck, for something you already apologized for, by the by. 


I'm just going to need all of them to stop. Stop trying to prove Lisa V is some big mastermind, because even if she is, you'll never prove it. And LVP, stop caring that people accuse you of being a mastermind and spinning a web. It's been said a million times, by many different people. Act like you don't care and move on. Erika, you need to stop acting like it was some big affront that your new friend, Kathryn didn't keep your televised conversation in confidence, when YOU were quick to run back to Yo with what everyone was saying about her. And Kathryn, quit acting like you want to be friends with people, when you admit that you're using their conversations as a way to get a reaction out of others. 


Lastly, ALL OF YOU, stop fighting with each other at a gosh damned charity building project, you inconsiderate fucks. 

  • Love 10
No, it was Kyle who said that about Erika.


Yes, Kyle was a bit taken aback when Erika mentioned that Tom was mad her, because she's "not allowed" to behave that way in their house. And Kyle was all, "Mauricio doesn't tell me how to act". 


Wasn't Yo supposed to have had a swollen head or swollen face or something?


Or swollen eyes. Something like that. I loved the look on Rinna's face, when they cut to a TH of her, right after showing Erika explain how "puffy" Yo looked while facetiming. It was a "Really???" kind of face and so hilarious. 


At the tajl end of the episode we see Yolanda telling the others that Kim and Brandi are better friends than all of the rest combined????????????  Just how much had Kim been there for her in the previous year and I do mean year?  Kim was either drunk, in rehab, getting arrested or in Mexico.


But she didn't "discredit her disease/journey of 3/4/5/700 years". So that alone makes her a better friend, dontcha know?

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I could almost feel sorry for Erika except.......there's the door sweetie.....If you are willing to be treated like a child for money that's on you...I don't feel sorry for her..Leave. Although I can see why she surrounds herself with gay men who fall all over her. 


YoYo spent the day with KR AND BG????? She probably had a hang over by dinner time! No wonder she couldn't go to dinner......

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