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S03.E15: 6 Months Later

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  On 3/8/2016 at 9:33 AM, ctbabe said:

My dream of today's episode would go like this.

1. Neil and Sam would still be together

2. Vanessa and Tres would be happily in love

3. David would say he is happy getting out

4. Ashley would accept her part in the failed marriage and apologize.

I doubt if my dream would be true.

I'll agree with it, except for #1. I hope Neil shows up with his ex, who has a nice big diamond on her finger, and they tell Sam they're getting married as soon as the MAFS divorce is final.


I'd like to see Vanessa and Tres happily together but somehow I doubt it.


David, yes, but he's going to floundering for a long, long time if he doesn't learn some mad dating skillz. David, here's a tip: Try worrying about what makes your date happy instead of what makes YOU happy and what YOU want. That's 99% of it right there. 


Would love to see that the guy Ashley was waiting for dumped her. For Sam. Or for Dr. Levkoff. Or anyone. 


However, I will speculate here that Sam & Neill got back together due to heavy pressure and a fat contract from the show to do MAFS: First Year, because Tres and Vanessa broke up and the show had to have somebody after Season Two's triple fail. Not a spoiler; just a prediction on my part. But I really, really hope that Neil didn't fall for it.

  • Love 3

Here are my predictions for tonight's episode:

1. Sam plays up the "poor me" image. When she leans in to hug Neil a voodoo doll of him with pins in it falls out of her purse.

2. Ashley is no longer able to pack on enough makeup to cover up the fact that she really is a zombie.

4. David comes on stage with a sexy sweet lil' southern thang that worships his every word.

5. Vanessa finally got Tres to wear a dog collar.

6. Neil is whisked away into the witness protection program.

7. The experts congratulate themselves on another successful season.

*sigh*. I just can't take this show seriously anymore.

Edited by Paddywagon
  • Love 21

Definitely don't want Neil and Sam together. Relationships should be mutually beneficial. I see no benefit for Neil if he's with Sam. At all.

Ashley's not going to admit fault. Or if she does, she's going to frame it as "but he cheated! That's totally worse!" Said before, say again: she LOVES that this asking-out thing happened because she gets to be the victim. She's never giving that up.

  • Love 11
  On 3/8/2016 at 3:30 PM, Paddywagon said:

Here are my predictions for tonight's episode:

1. Sam plays up the "poor me" image. When she leans in to hug Neil a voodoo doll of him with pins in it falls out of her purse.

2. Ashley is no longer able to pack on enough makeup to cover up the fact that she really is a zombie.

4. David comes on stage with a sexy sweet lil' southern thang that worships his every word.

5. Vanessa finally got Tres to wear a dog collar.

6. Neil is whisked away into the witness protection program.

7. The experts congratulate themselves on another successful season.

*sigh*. I just can't take this show seriously anymore.

Excellent predictions, Paddywagon!

I'd ammend #4 to say that David falls in love with the voodoo doll and they end up happily ever after :)

  • Love 4
  On 3/8/2016 at 4:52 PM, sleekandchic said:

Paddywagon, so clever. Love!

JaggedLilPill, FYI has been promoting Bride and Prejudice, and ptv has a forum for it.

Looks like there will be lots to discuss. Premieres Tuesday, March 15 @ 9p ET





I did see the previews, but it looks even more cringe worthy than watching Ashley and David....haha. So, of course I'll probably end up watching LOL.


I wouldn't be surprised if Tres and Vanessa aren't together anymore, leaving the score for this season at zero.

  • Love 2

I think there's a chance Tres and Vanessa could still be together, and there is a chance Neil and Sam could have caved and given the relationship another chance believing they could 'learn from the mistakes' that have happened, I think it's unlikely but not impossible. I still find it plausible that a relationship lasting longer than 6 weeks or 6 months could come from this show, just as it would be plausible a relationship could form from people voting on matching Match.com profiles. FYI keeps pimping out a new show during MAFS commercial breaks where couples are going to get married supposedly against their families approval and I find that concept more unbelievable than MAFS because I just do not believe that someone truly ashamed of having a guy son, as the commercial shows, is willing to go on a reality show with said gay son his boyfriend they are saying they'll cut off contact with, the claim negates the idea of being on a show together. Even if these MAFS couples stay together in hopes of getting a season/paycheck of First Year, that does mean a correct match was made putting fameseekers together!

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

Ashley was catatonic in her responses. Pounds of makeup. Ice Queen of The Artic. Of course she's happy, her bills were paid, she got to live for free in a nice house while finishing school. Free from clingy David. All the benefits, no compromises. The surgery she had in her youth must have damaged her emotional cortex. She's like a zombie. And enough with the 'asking another woman out', she will beat that horse to death. Revive it and beat it to death again. No man is good enough for her. She is just so uncompromising....ugh. True example of beauty being only skin deep.

David looked good. Lost weight, tanned, looking fresh and healthy. Ditching Ashley has helped his confidence a lot. Hope he's dating and will soon find Mrs. Norton. Still think Ashley set him up with that Facebook thing---totally smells like a catfish. One of her 'friends'....yeah right. She doesn't want to talk to him because he finally called her out on her shit and she can't take the heat.

So Tres & Vanessa's relationship burned hot then fizzled. It was based on attraction and sex, take that off the table and they had nothing. They should have tried couples counseling....not with the experts...with real professionals. Surprised they broke up.

What idiot is going to sign up for this experiment in failure next season? So far they are leaving more broken hearts than happy marriages. Did the experts really ditch them after the show stopped filming.. .?

Edited by Spiderella2
  • Love 15

I am glad Sam and Neil aren't dating. I think he should hold her at arms length and maybe they can be friends. Good for them if it works I guess? Ashley is a stone cold dead fish. She truly has dead eyes and all that caked on makeup can't hide that. Bless David's little heart haha, he is always the optimist. Vanessa and Tres. So he told her he didn't have romantic feelings for her? So I guess he never did then? I kinda felt the whole time that his actions and words were very "produced". Vanessa had some issues with trust and communication but I don't think she deserved how it all played out at all. I felt bad for her especially when she cried. Vanessa will find someone; tres can go back to schmoozing, selling cars and partying; she is better off without him.

  • Love 15

In all honesty, I didn't believe that Vanessa and Tres would live happily ever after, but I was hoping they'd be together for a good long while.   I have a feeling the reason he wasn't being intimate with her was because he was being intimate with someone else. 


True to form, Ashley was a bitch to the bitter end.


For the second season in a row, this show is 0-3; perhaps it's time to close shop. 

  • Love 13
  On 3/8/2016 at 6:04 PM, okerry said:

Yes, as above, Bride & Prejudice for sure. And I'm waiting for another season of 90-Day Fiancee - anybody know when it starts? Now, that would be the show for David!

Yay! I'm also a huge fan of 90 Day Fiancé, those wacky kids! Send David to the Phillipines or somewhere for a month, he might find love there.

  • Love 8
I think the idea of this show is interesting, but I don't think it will work most of the time.   I used to work with a woman who said the reason people have problems finding "the one" is because, "there's too many people."  I think what she meant is that today people have too many options.  There was a time when there weren't that many appropriate people for a person to date and marry.  There was a time people didn't marry outside their race, religion, geographical area, age range.  A lot of that has been thrown out of the window today; I also think that people believe there are SO many choices, SO many people out there, why settle?

I have a friend who's married and both she and her husband are pretty satisfied.  She told me it’s because both of them believe that the other is the best each of them will ever get.  She has health problems and he’s okay with that; he’s not as educated as she and she made his life better than it was before.  Now, it may not be 100% that they are the best for each other, but they believe that they are.  I don’t know if I’m making any sense except to say that if you feel that “this is it” you might be more inclined to try to make it work, than if you think “there’s something better for me out there,” whereas you might decide to leave.



I wrote this post on the "Final Decision Part 2" board, maybe this is true of someone like Tres.  Maybe he did feel something for Vanessa, but then thought, "I can do better than Vanessa."

  • Love 5

If I never hear the word JOURNEY again, I will be a happy person! Can you get seasick from hearing a word ad nauseam? Dramamine, I need you!

I honestly think Neil is afraid of Sam. Like, you know, if you got a weirdass brown paper box in the mail from " T Kaczynski"-scared. Sam can blow at any minute, imo. Did you see the side eye Neil gave her when she pulled out her gift of the homemade plaque? "Earned...not given..." Hilarious.

And, sorry, Neil's gift to Sam did not speak of romance or future encounters. His bracelet with a leaf charm to celebrate Sam's "turning over a new leaf...," and his note commending her for her "growth," and how "proud" he is of her? Ha! He can't stand her.

So is Tres now saying that he NEVER had romantic feelings for Vanessa?

  • Love 9

Hey everyone, there is a little 5 minute segment at the end where Neil/Sam & Tres/Vanessa go on dates. I almost missed it cos I thought the Bride & Prejudice preview signaled the end of the show. Epilogue bookend for them was sweet. So surprised Tres and Vanessa broke up. Still don't understand what happened. The bloom is off the rose I guess.

That's why this show doesn't make sense. The premise and format is all wrong for sustaining a true marriage. I've been married for 10 years and have had the privilege to see true marriages in my parents (40+) and other extended family members.

Marriage is not just about the honeymoon bubbly phase, the Romance, the events, trips, vacations, and flowers---it's about commitment. There are fights, ups, and downs, challenges and curveballs that life throws your way. Peaks and valleys--it's cyclical, but you work through it together. Love grows deeper and richer over time. Attraction can be instant, but fades away in the first year. 6 weeks is not enough time to know the true person, because you are still in the honeymoon phase anyway.

I hope people learn their lesson and stay far, far away from this show and the Experts matchmaking. You would have better luck swiping right on Tinder than turning your life upside down to be on tv. The only relationship they got right seems to be a fluke (Jason & Courtney), and each installment keeps showing us that the Experts don't know what they are doing. [Doug & Jamie have an expiration date of when the cameras go away and the checks stop coming. ]

  • Love 9

Ashley, man, I am ready to say she's the true narcissist of the season.  Holding herself all fake and posing with piles of makeup on - She's hiding big insecurity and defending it to the max.  Too bad the more she tries to defend herself, the more she reveals how fucked up she is to the public.  I noticed that when she got up after talking with Dr. Pepper she was the ONLY participant not to give her a hug.  She is a stone cold narcissist bitch.  If nothing's in it for her, she could give a flying rat's ass.  The only thing that gets a rise out of her is her public image.  Thankfully most of the public has her number so she is getting her just reward.  And David?  David is an idiot over-optimist who would fall in love with a statue, but even so he deserved a TON more respect than Ashley ever gave him.  The worst one could say about him is he needed a 2x4 upside the head to knock some sense into him but even dense people deserve more respect than Ashley is capable of giving anyone.


I feel sorry for Vanessa.  I don't care what kind of insecurity issues she had going into this, she was matched with a guy who was obviously not ready for marriage and it only made her feel more insecure.  I predicted that they would stay together past the 6 weeks but not last 6 months.  Tres knows all the right things to say to the camera to look like he's so perfect but I saw through all that.  If he really cared about Vanessa he would have convinced her that he was for real.  Vanessa wanted to be convinced and I don't think it would have taken all that much to convince her.  All of what he did was go through the motions but she sensed a lack of sincerity which is what made her react negatively.  And I don't blame her, because I felt it too.  I don't even think Tres knows how not ready for marriage he is.  I don't think Vanessa wanted to wait around for Tres to grow up and be ready to settle down, and that was the cause of the friction between them.  You can't marry someone before you're ready to settle down or it will never work.  But I don't even think that she would have wanted to wait around for him even if they were just dating.  I think he would have strung her along forever and never would have wanted to tie the knot, then suddenly announce that he doesn't have "feelings" for her.  So I definitely think Vanessa was screwed in this situation, and I feel sorry for her.  She deserves a man who is ready NOW and who is that into her that she would not feel so insecure.  I am sure that there are many men out there who could fit that bill for her and I don't buy that she pushed Tres away with her insecurity, sorry.  All women are insecure with guys that are giving them signs of not being into them.  In fact, they should be in that case.  There's nothing wrong with being insecure if you have good reason to be, because you're responding to reality.  It's when it's misplaced that it becomes pathological.  And in this case I think Vanessa had every good reason to feel insecure with Tres.  He doesn't know what he wants - It's not that he's a player who is trying to use women, it's that he's just a kid inside and not an adult so he will hurt people unintentionally.


Sam and Neil - I stand by my earlier posts that Neil is incapable of more closeness and intimacy with a woman than friendship and he got what he wanted from Sam when she became willing to be just his friend and no more.  I feel sorry for Sam because I think she is genuine and not a narcissist to the degree that some thought she was - And I said that too last week.  She may have narcissistic tendencies but what I saw tonight was someone that was sincerely sorry and willing to admit their mistakes because they cared that much about someone else and didn't want to lose them.  And that's the opposite of narcissism as far as I know the definition of the term.  I can only hope for Sam's sake that one day Neil grows to be able to find some genuine romantic love for Sam, because if not I fear that she may become negative and down on herself, which can only send her into a path of self destruction.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 12
  On 3/9/2016 at 3:47 AM, Snarklepuss said:


Sam and Neil - I stand by my earlier posts that Neil is incapable of more closeness and intimacy with a woman than friendship and he got what he wanted from Sam when she became willing to be just his friend and no more.  I feel sorry for Sam because I think she is genuine and not a narcissist to the degree that some thought she was - And I said that too last week.  She may have narcissistic tendencies but what I saw tonight was someone that was sincerely sorry and willing to admit their mistakes because they cared that much about someone else and didn't want to lose them.  And that's the opposite of narcissism as far as I know the definition of the term.  I can only hope for Sam's sake that one day Neil grows to be able to find some genuine romantic love for Sam, because if not I fear that she may become negative and down on herself, which can only send her into a path of self destruction.

ita. with all of this. well said. i think neil collects female friends b/c he struggles w/intimacy and expression. hopefully sam can grow enough to realize she's wasting her time on this one. they can both find more suitable matches.

  • Love 7

I feel like I wasted my time watching this show again. I had a feeling after the first episode that none of these couples would make it. They didn't.

I was surprised Tres and Vanessa didn't make it. Guess when the cameras left real life kicked them in the teeth. Sounded like Tres went back to his partying ways. Vanessa seems hard to get along with though.

I'm glad Neil and Sam are still friends.

Ashley looked like a two dollar hooker with the ten pounds of makeup on. David is better off without that ice queen. I like that David is so positive, I hope he finds his happily ever after.

I wondered why Tres/Vanessa and Neil/Sam are not divorced yet? Dr. Pepper mentioned it several times.

And they are casting for more MAFS in Chicago and I think I heard Miami. Don't know if I'll watching this anymore.

  • Love 9
  On 3/9/2016 at 3:53 AM, tvwatcher104 said:

ita. with all of this. well said. i think neil collects female friends b/c he struggles w/intimacy and expression. hopefully sam can grow enough to realize she's wasting her time on this one. they can both find more suitable matches.


I know!  After a season of chanting "Run, Neil, Run", I now almost want to say, "Run, Sam, Run".  I think she's headed for a broken heart.  She's sticking with it thinking he may have a change of heart and learn to trust her.  I can't help but feel sorry for her because I think she is genuinely sorry for getting off on the wrong foot with him.  But I think she's blaming herself unnecessarily because I don't think it ever could have worked out anyway because of Neil's issues with intimacy and expressing himself.  I also hope that they can find more suitable matches.  Perhaps Neil can find a woman who is like himself and won't need any more from him than platonic friendship.  I've actually seen that work before.....

  • Love 6

Oh damn. 0 for the 3. The chemistry that had existed between Tres and Vanessa was so apparently dead tonight. I wonder at what point they stopped living together or if they had been living like a dating couple soon after cameras left since they still had their places? I think a part of why Doug puts up with Jamie is because he doesn't really have confidence that he can do better, mixed with possibly needing the money of the show, which don't seem to be issues for Tres making him less tolerant of Vanessa. Now I do think his actions could have contradicted his words more than maybe he realizes or will admit to so he did probably did have behaviors to curb but I think Vanessa was probably really hard on any missteps especially once cameras were away. I still think they're both probably nice people and hopefully they can learn from this going forward in relationships. For Vanessa the show did show her flaws more than Tres and maybe that could follow her a bit in relationships going forward but she didn't show herself to be embarrassing or too disrespectful (leaving Tres after that fight a few episodes back wasn't a great move but, again, flawed, and eventually it was handled maturely.) Its going to work in her favor going forward in relationships if she doesn't end up harping on this ending.

Neil and Sam won't last if that stuff at the end was really genuine and not put on for the show to save slight face. I just can't blame Neil for not getting past the first two weeks. That should be when you're on you're best behavior and I don't even think that was Sam at her worst. Even if they're friends, Pepper, yes the experiment failed anyway.

Good for those two couples keeping things good on Social Media even though it ended as it did. Please keep it up!

At the very end everyone had a diary cam moment except for Ashley. Maybe she was removing the paint from her face.

I kind of wonder what could have come from a Vanessa/David match?

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 6

Vanessa and Tres: First, it seemed to me as though the couples received less support from the "experts" this season than did the couples from both of the previous seasons. I also didn't get the sense that the couples got much, if any, help after the fact, from either the "experts" from the show or otherwise. This makes me sad for V and T, because I think they might've had a chance had they gotten real counseling from a real counselor. I truly find that to be unfortunate.

As far as whether Tres ever had romantic feelings for Vanessa...neither of them clarified, so it's impossible to be sure. However, trying to piece together what they both said and what we saw this season, my theory is that Tres was beginning to develop those kinds of feelings for Vanessa, but that her repeated reiteration to Tres that he wasn't living up to her standards eventually killed whatever feelings were initially there. Once Tres started to resent Vanessa for her criticism and lukewarm attitude towards him, he no longer wanted to be sexually intimate with her. As we've said all season, sexual attraction can grow - or diminish - dramatically based on someone's personality, completely independent of outside beauty. And once Tres stopped wanting physical intimacy with Vanessa, her insecurities, doubts, and suspicions must have spiraled out of control, causing Tres to withdraw from her even more, and so on. At that point, I think they would've needed some serious intervention to get their relationship back on the rails, and again, it appears they got nothing.

In summary, I honestly don't think either of them is a bad person or had insincere motives for being on the show. While Tres might not have been actively pursuing marriage at the time the show recruited him, I really do believe that he was open to falling for Vanessa and staying married. After everything we've seen/heard, still Team Tres here.

Sam and David: Not real thoughts about either one. Eh, whatevs on these two.

Neil: So happy for him that he managed not to get sucked back in by Sam. I would have been very disappointed for him if they were together as a couple. I also thought it was interesting that Sam was throwing around the "L" word to Dr. Pepper, but Neil told Dr. Pepper that he was hearing the word "love" for the first time when Dr. Pepper asked him the question.

Ashley: Not only was she the super bitch from hell tonight, she also had some serious attitude going. She acted so damn smug the whole time she was talking to Dr. Pepper, but I can't for the life of me figure out what she thinks she has about which to be smug. Was so weird to me.

The "Experts": Goodbye and good riddance to Dr. Joseph and everyone's favorite sexologist. I would kill to know if they left voluntarily or if the show let them go. I've always thought Dr. Pepper to be the most sensible and helpful of any of them, in addition to being the only one who truly seems to give a damn about any of the participants.

  • Love 15

Lots of other comments here have captured most of my thoughts. The main thing I was thinking when this episode was over was "Ashley is one stone cold bitch."  (even before I read that here!)  She really is.


I don't think David is too obsessed with being married. I think that his light is on and he is ready, and he got tripped up by being told he was with his perfect match. Her coldness caused him to doubt himself and rather than pull back, he doubled-down on trying to make a connection happen. I don't fault the guy. I think he'll be a great husband to the right woman - for a woman who wants marriage and kids, this is the type of guy you want- one who really, really, really wants that and takes commitment seriously. I am sure he will find someone after being on this show.


I did not like Dr. Pepper trying to pressure Neil and Sam to get back together. Sam showed some really horrible tendencies on this show, and I would lose respect for Neil if he went back to her.

  • Love 12

I found Sam to be the most disingenuous of ALL 18 participants over three seasons. I could never deal or keep my cool with a personality like hers, day in and day out. Her volatility and anger, fueled by a kind of self-loathing, are too draining for anybody to take. Whereas, Ashley is a whole other story. Just cross the street when you see her approaching.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 11
Ashley looked like a two dollar hooker with the ten pounds of makeup on.


And those horrible patterned hose with that leather(ette?) skirt?!  Was there no one to tell her she looked like a clown?


Body language was everything with Neil and Sam when talking to Dr. Pepper.  Neil sat feet and knees forward, hands together protecting his crotchal region.  Sam had her hands crossed and folded, and her legs crossed with her knees pointing away from Neil and toward Dr. Pepper.  She also had her shoulders and body turned away from Neil.  Nope, nothing good is going to happen there.


I also noticed when they played the clips of Neil and Sam's relationship, and they played the clip of Neil saying he wants a divorce - this time he said, "Well, I want to get a divorce" instead of what we heard last time, "I'm committed to...divorce." 

  • Love 14

I call "bullshit" on this "Marriage at First Sight". They should have a show "Love at First Sight". Now that has a good chance of working. I believe in attraction .. Not so much they will get to love each other after awhile, but that's just my opinion. Sam is a nut job. She didn't learn anything. If they got back together, she would eventually bully and berate him because it's just in her to be that way. Ashley was on for the money .. Period. David has to stop being self centered. I just felt from the beginning that Trei and Vanessa wouldn't last. I don't think she was enough for him. He's a carefree guy, and she was too serious and mistrusting. A nice "home" girl, but not for him. I'd be surprised if this show gets another season.

  • Love 3
  On 3/9/2016 at 3:02 AM, Adeejay said:

In all honesty, I didn't believe that Vanessa and Tres would live happily ever after, but I was hoping they'd be together for a good long while.   I have a feeling the reason he wasn't being intimate with her was because he was being intimate with someone else. 


True to form, Ashley was a bitch to the bitter end.


For the second season in a row, this show is 0-3; perhaps it's time to close shop. 

How many winners of the Bachelor or any dating show last?

How many American Idol of The Voice winners can the average person name off the top of their head?


Their failure does nothing to stop them from continuing on. The fact that they've actually had successful couples is all the justification all these people will need.

  • Love 5
  On 3/9/2016 at 4:24 AM, MommyToMyCats said:

As far as whether Tres ever had romantic feelings for Vanessa...neither of them clarified, so it's impossible to be sure. However, trying to piece together what they both said and what we saw this season, my theory is that Tres was beginning to develop those kinds of feelings for Vanessa, but that her repeated reiteration to Tres that he wasn't living up to her standards eventually killed whatever feelings were initially there. Once Tres started to resent Vanessa for her criticism and lukewarm attitude towards him, he no longer wanted to be sexually intimate with her. As we've said all season, sexual attraction can grow - or diminish - dramatically based on someone's personality, completely independent of outside beauty. And once Tres stopped wanting physical intimacy with Vanessa, her insecurities, doubts, and suspicions must have spiraled out of control, causing Tres to withdraw from her even more, and so on. At that point, I think they would've needed some serious intervention to get their relationship back on the rails, and again, it appears they got nothing.

In summary, I honestly don't think either of them is a bad person or had insincere motives for being on the show. While Tres might not have been actively pursuing marriage at the time the show recruited him, I really do believe that he was open to falling for Vanessa and staying married. After everything we've seen/heard, still Team Tres here.


I tend to think Vanessa had reasons to be critical of Tres' attitude.  He never impressed me as being especially into Vanessa just going on gut feelings.  He knew how to go through the motions to look like he was into her but I tend to doubt it.  He never came out and said he was that into her.  He said stuff like, "I can see myself in a relationship with Vanessa" or "I think I can see myself falling for Vanessa"  or "I can see myself being married", like it was something he thought might be nice "some day" but not something he really felt NOW.  I also don't think he took enough of a stand for Vanessa and came off to her as lukewarm towards her despite the producer induced gifts and romantic dates.   I don't know if I'd want to be married to someone who gave me that feeling.  If Vanessa were only dating him I'd say she should wait and see where things go but she wanted someone who's "light was on" and ready to settle down, sort of like David was.  People complain that David just wanted to be married, period and would try to make a relationship work with a stone.  Well, that's how it is when someone wants to get married.  They act like being married is something they really want to do and will try to settle down and make it work with the next person who comes along that looks like they might be marriage material.  Tres admitted that he wasn't really looking for marriage at the time the show approached him.  He didn't even seek out the show himself.  I don't think his attitude was right for the show from the get-go, if you ask me, and it continued to wear on Vanessa to the point of her not being able to live with it.   I can't say that I blame her one bit.  They say that meeting the right person to settle down with is not just a matter of finding the person, but finding them at the right time in their lives.  While I think that theoretically Tres and Vanessa might work out it would have to be at the right time in both of their lives.  I think it was the right time for Vanessa but not for Tres.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 6

In terms of this show as a whole. The issues that will haunt the show.


It's only six weeks.If you have famewhores out there just looking to get on tv, this isn't that big of a gamble for them. You have to stay married. No one can force you to live together or to even try to make the process work. It's two short of a commitment. Make these people do this for a year a see how little responses you get.


Get new professionals. There have to be better matchmakers out there. In fact, we all know they are. There are people that get paid to come up with programs and such for matching people up. Use those people.


Pay attention to the people you are screening. There is no way anyone should be able to meet Sam, Neil, Tres and Ashley and decide they are ready for something like this.


Better luck next time. People keep saying that this is show is dunzo but there or no guarantees here. It's a experiment. Experiments fail. A lot. They wont stop the show because of failure.

  • Love 6
  On 3/9/2016 at 5:07 AM, Racj82 said:

How many winners of the Bachelor or any dating show last?

How many American Idol of The Voice winners can the average person name off the top of their head?

Their failure does nothing to stop them from continuing on. The fact that they've actually had successful couples is all the justification all these people will need.

Yes, but if we, the audience, are still supposed to believe in MAFS's supposed raison d'etre, then it would serve the producers well to tweak SOMETHING, anything, about their methodology and instruments.

Now that Cilona and Levkoff are gone, the show has a perfect opportunity to get fresh perspectives. Of course, it's a reality show, and I doubt that truly-competent pros would be willing to bite, but who knows?

Otherwise, MAFS is just another dating show. If so, they should be honest about how they REALLY match (they look good together; they're both tall/short; they both have googly-eyes; there were only ten guys who didn't look like trolls) instead of pontificating on the great and noble, daring social experiment. It just doesn't wash after TWO seasons of 0 for 3.

People will still watch, wanting to see two strangers marry. But just stop with, they were matched for "a reason," implying something lofty. Be brutally honest.

Edited by sleekandchic
  • Love 9

Awww.....I thought Vanessa and Tres might be "dating", maybe more chill....pretty sad. Hey what about little Nola? She thought she had a Daddy?


Glad Neil is not caving in. I used to like Pepper but no more. I know this will be an unpopular opinion but I think Colona was the best this season

He got Ashley to admit she had zero attraction to David.....he tried to clue David on this...he apparently helped Neil gather his courage on the final decision show


Pepper seems to want a match..any match any way


David did look better. I am sure all 3 guys are getting a lot of action.....the women not so much. Unless a lucky "fluke" like Jason and Courtney the women can look pretty sad. The 3 from season 2 are still grasping for a bit of attention. All these women should put this behind them and move on. While many hate her I think Ashley was true  to herself....she would be best advised to leave social media and move along


Disappointed? Yup ...but I will watch the new show - 1st season always best "virgin" "unspoiled"....Bride and Prejudice


Will  I watch season 4 MAFS.....sure....bit of fast forward. Miami is sure to be some crazy fame ho's.....I fully expect to see a swimsuit model or  two - male or female or both.....I expect to see at least one  Latin story line - maybe Latin lover guy with a disapproving family?

Edited by still hoping
  • Love 1

The truth about Tres finally comes out, like I've been saying from the beggining, but Vanessa is still being blamed for it? Ok.


He never had romantic feelings for her. Sounds about right. That's what came across from day one. he's lucky the production was kind enough to paint him as the prince charming of the season ala Basement Ryan.


Another 0-3. At least the drama is entertaining. 

  • Love 6

I don't know what it would take for Sam to convince some of you that she did change.  As for how they were sitting, often cameras determine how people sit on tv shows.  Had Sam been sitting to face Neil, she'd be facing away from Dr. Pepper.


I thought it noteworthy when they showed the clip of Trey responding to the word love.  He wasn't in love and I don't know that he fell in love.  He was on the rebound. I don't remember which episode but he admitted having recently broken up from a woman with whom he was deeply in love.  That makes a difference.  Also, Vanessa was not able to communicate and speak up when she got moody.  That's a killer.  She couldn't even really look at Trey during the last interview. She sat there looking down. She had done that before and Trey said he didn't like it.  She has to change or she will never find a really good relationship.


I think Neil should grab Sam.  It was like a taming of the Shrew except that Neil isn't the handsome, dashing lead in that Shakespearian play.


Ashey? Good riddance.

I don't know what it would take for Sam to convince some of you that she did change.  As for how they were sitting, often cameras determine how people sit on tv shows.  Had Sam been sitting to face Neil, she'd be facing away from Dr. Pepper.


I thought it noteworthy when they showed the clip of Trey responding to the word love.  He wasn't in love and I don't know that he fell in love.  He was on the rebound. I don't remember which episode but he admitted having recently broken up from a woman with whom he was deeply in love.  That makes a difference.  Also, Vanessa was not able to communicate and speak up when she got moody.  That's a killer.  She couldn't even really look at Trey during the last interview. She sat there looking down. She had done that before and Trey said he didn't like it.  She has to change or she will never find a really good relationship.


I think Neil should grab Sam.  It was like a taming of the Shrew except that Neil isn't the handsome, dashing lead in that Shakespearian play.


Ashey? Good riddance.

  • Love 4
  On 3/8/2016 at 4:52 PM, sleekandchic said:

JaggedLilPill, FYI has been promoting Bride and Prejudice, and ptv has a forum for it.

Looks like there will be lots to discuss. Premieres Tuesday, March 15 @ 9p ET


I saw the preview for Bride & prejudice too. After this janky season of MAFS I think I need a show where couples actually want to stay together. Even the magic happy dust Dr. Pepper was trying to blow all over the place couldn't put these couples in a good light. Gawd she was laying it on thick the whole show.

All I could think when I saw Vanessa was please don't cry...please don't cry....aww, then she was crying which started me crying in my Ben & Jerry's ice cream. Love that girl and love how she was the only one who really tried to make a home. She paid a high price and got hurt. It really was hard seeing her cry.

Tres is a playa. He wasn't ready for marriage. He was testing how it felt to play house but truly wasn't ready.

Sam said she still wears her ring but during their "friendship" brunch she wasn't wearing it. So yeah, it's all a big act. Ain't nothin' there between her and Neil but a very guarded acquaintance.

@Neil_mafs #callme. We can divide by zero together! I'm still crushing on him, haha. Too bad I'm way over in California. :(

Ashley was sooooo cold. Brrrrrr, icicles were forming on my TV. The sky darkened. I had to turn on my heater.

David was trying to stay with it but it was pretty obvious he's already so over this. It seemed at times he had to dig deep to even recall some of the stuff that went on during the show, lol.

Another 0/3 season. So sad.

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