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  1. ita. with all of this. well said. i think neil collects female friends b/c he struggles w/intimacy and expression. hopefully sam can grow enough to realize she's wasting her time on this one. they can both find more suitable matches.
  2. i wonder how many of you guys would have a very different opinion of Ashley is you knew she was like this with all men and not just David. we have no proof that this was done just b/c David was ugly to her. this could be her actual way of interacting w/all men in general and could indicate why she's single and having issues. if you're mute you can't really talk to a man easily.
  3. i think she meant she was going to have to plan the wedding in under 2 weeks, not that she was planning it, but that she would have to do that... get just 2 weeks to put a wedding together if matched. i didn't read it that she was matched, but a finalist. maybe like with sam/neil.. they had a couple bail at the last minute this last season too... allegedly.
  4. i really did think in the 1st season promos that this show would be different, and i was sad when i learned that out of XX,000 contestants in the first season they picked Jamie, who was a former bachelorette contestant. once i found out about that, i immediately realized i was watching a reality tv program ... total let-down. now i just watch for fun, knowing i'm being conned the whole time, lol
  5. does anyone on here actually believe they are watching something real?? it's a reality show, scripted to some degree and edited for our entertainment. if it was truly real, or if the experts truly wanted matches, this show be a documentary and far more boring and precise. i am amazed people think they are watching or signing up to participate in 'real' stuff. i suppose these shows do well b/c so many people are gullible. good for her she walked away. thanks for sharing!
  6. she signed up, but she didn't pick herself. the 'experts' went w/her and it'd be a hard thing to prove she wasn't like that in their presence. remember that first and foremost these are entertainment shows and people are cast as characters so we can become invested. they need a villain, a good girl, a socialite, etc. she had a role that she was cast for and they edited it to enhance that. it's all fake, and any couple who can actually navigate and find one another is darn lucky!
  7. why would she need to tell him tastefully on day one that there was no hope? if she'd told him that day 1, then she could easily be accused of checking out before it even started. but i don't think she - at any point - needed to say how she was feeling. a guy would need to a total blockhead not to get that she wasn't attracted. like how was that a shock to him?! i'll assume you're female... if you've ever gone on a blind date and seriously not liked a guy from the start, do you get all excited and interested and talkative or do you retreat from the conversation and show disinterest? she was just showing what a lot of women do when they meet a guy they don't like - they retreat completely and the more you try to draw them out, the worse it gets. i don't care a smidge about any of these people tbh, but she shouldn't be faulted for just not liking someone. vaughn and monet in season 1 were done w/the marriage halfway through and so was davina. lots of people check out early and have to continue on b/c of the contract.
  8. ITA with all of this. i see it this way as well. at least you cannot fault her for giving mixed signals. i also think the slightest encouragement would have made him think she was interested, so it was best for her to show zero interest to make it clear it wouldn't go anywhere. a guy like david, from how he was presented, doesn't need much encouragement to go for it. even with no interest he was still claiming to love her and want a chance, so imagine what would have happened if she demonstrated any affection, yikes, i could see him pouncing on 'my beautiful wife.'
  9. davina and sean were both 35, monet was like 34, and most of them have been very close to 30. it makes sense the show picks mid-30s/low-40s people, not for experience necessarily, but b/c they are more likely to have been looking for a partner for longer and more willing to marry as their pool of potential dates begins to dwindle.
  10. was this posted already? it might help us to figure out how it'll go down next season. link personally, i think they both walk very sexy and i adore how they both dress.
  11. it's not her fault she was ultimately picked, that's on the 'experts' or whomever has the final casting say-so. surely they would have seen her mute-ness during some portion of interviews w/her. maybe she was cast for the exact reason she's getting so much attention .. because they need a villain and someone we will all be talking about and wondering over until the next group comes up. marriage isn't their goal in these programs, it's entertaining us and evoking emotion from us, which is has, obviously :-)
  12. or maybe they recruited in both cities at the same time? like a married @ first sight casting tour a la american idol and etc.
  13. maybe? if you look at Levkoff's twitter she says thanks for the past 3 seasons everyone. as though she's done.
  14. well, if Miami was already cast/shot and now they are casting for Chiacgo, that would mean at least 2 more seasons. i guess the show must be doing well in ratings?
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