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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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Could the weave be part of the wig line, or is it a separate business? Maybe she'll take the weave off for the reveal of her new (?) wig line. 


I'm waiting with bated breath to see Jenny try on white wedding dresses. I know it's a silly old custom, but would a white gown be appropriate? (Also, I usually love to see celebrity wedding dresses, it's a guilty pleasure of mine. Jessica Simpson's was gorgeous. Somehow I imagine Jenny's will be the height of tackiness.)

Hey, if Kim Kartrashian can wear white wedding gowns for her 2nd AND 3rd over the top weddings, what's stopping Jenny?

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I'm wracking my brain trying to think what kind of party or event Jenny would open doors for that a Wahlberg couldn't open for himself.


Donnie kept his personal life low key: he had an on and off girlfriend for a few years after his divorce.  Some fans didn't like her much, but since he didn't bring her up in interviews, people respected his privacy (which is all the more jarring that he's ok with Jenny publicly discussing their sex life in large detail.)  He wasn't the type to go events that were not directly tied to Blue Bloods.  Since he started dating her, he's showing up at a lot more events that he wouldn't have gone to previously (Howard Stern's birthday party for one.) 

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I believe that both Wahlburg guys could get into anything they wanted w/o the aid of miss jenny.


Conversely, I don't think she has the same overall access - due to her persona I think her invites would be a bit more limited.  Donny is a step up for her just as the comic was - sorry his name escapes me, but he is the tall gangly manic one.

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I believe that both Wahlburg guys could get into anything they wanted w/o the aid of miss jenny.


Conversely, I don't think she has the same overall access - due to her persona I think her invites would be a bit more limited.  Donny is a step up for her just as the comic was - sorry his name escapes me, but he is the tall gangly manic one.

Just sticking my nose in here.....


I dont think they meant that Wahlburg didnt have the chops to get invited to these events..... but they didnt have the desire to bother with them..... but with Jenny in the picture.... they go to more events because Jenny wants to shine in the limelight

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Not sure how long Jenny and Donnie have been dating....I think about the end of last summer.


Now they are getting married, it was a long distant relationship. Especially with Jenny going to Chicago every weekend to be with Evan. Oh, wait.


Seems to me some people gett out of their element when dating and falling in love - well, give it more time and see how that works. Especially since this is not their usual lifestyle...Donnie going to events (?) with Jenny he couldn't have on his own....what, Howard Stern? Or her being a groupie on Donnie's tour this summer?


Oh, wait, Evan now in NYC.....at camp, and Jenny taking care of Evan and 2/3 "adopted" kids this summer.


I miss Joy......she was real.

Edited by maggiemae
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Sippy Cupp doesn't seem to have many opinions on the topics discussed she just tosses out her Right wing talking points and is pretty much quiet before and after. Sunny Hostin tried to derail the marijuana discussion again by harping about the kids.... It would still be illegal for kids to access marijuana even if they legalize it.

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In my eyes, it's looking more likely that Cupp and Hostin will be part of the new View. I'm really hoping I'm wrong. I worry for Whoopi's blood pressure if they do. The three of them alone were so loud Jenny and Sherri barely spoke, which is hard to believe...


I definitely think a man should try never to hit a woman unless he's being assaulted, but I also agree with Whoopi that women don't have the right to hit men either.

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I agree with what Whoopi was saying in regards to hitting, but she was being a total bitch about the whole thing and not letting anyone else talk. She is such a know it all. 

Whoopi wasn't able to make her point without being interrupted and told she was wrong..... it was odd.... the Hostin never did say it was no ok for a woman to hit a man


Whoopi wasn't able to make her point without being interrupted and told she was wrong..... it was odd.... the Hostin never did say it was no ok for a woman to hit a man


At first, and then she went off like a loon.  She was also rude to Jenny during the Tim McGraw discussion. Love her acting, can't stand her on this show. I really hate the double standard when it comes to hitting. I was raised that if I put my hands on someone, I better be fully ready to have someone put their hands right back onto me. 

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Wow. Whoopi totally dominated the conversation today. And if one dared disagreed with her, she talked louder and over them. Gave me a headache.

I don't think anyone disagrees that no one should hit anyone else.

But fuck, this is a FOOTBALL PLAYER. This is a MAN. This is someone who's strength is not equal to the woman. I'd have more respect for him if he had walked away. If he felt assaulted by her he should have called the cops, not retaliated with a massive blow to the face.

She was the one that was hit, to the point of being knocked out. He then DRAGGED her across the floor onto an elevator.

But yeah, that's what she gets for "provoking" him.


This was after discussing the JayZ incident in the elevator. Notice something? JayZ did not hit Solange even though she was whaling on him repeatedly.

He may be "hood" as Sunny weirdly suggested, but he did not hit her. He walked away. To me, that showed greater strength. THAT I can respect.


The QVC-like segment bored me.

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When they discussed the Ray Rice incident did they bring up the fact that the NFL only suspended him for two games?  Players who have tested positive for marijuana have gotten longer suspensions.  There is something wrong in the sport of football when drug use is considered more of an offense than knocking a woman unconscious.


I am curious what Elisabeth's take on this would have been.  I mean after all her husband once "played" for the NFL.

  • Love 4

Stacee, thank you for saying that about Whoopi's behavior. She does this every time this topic comes up. I posted this on the Whoopi thread , but I will post here as well because it speaks to how this show handle's women's issues overall:


I am not certain of what transpired between Ray Rice and Janay in the casino on the night of their arrest. There is casino footage , but I have not seen it on the internet. There were rumors (Deadspin) that Janay spit on Ray before he punched her so hard that he knocked her out. I have seen the video of him dragging her unconscious body out of the elevator and it is disturbing. What is more disturbing to me is that a show that is for women has so little understanding of the issues that women face. Every time there is an incident like this (see Chris Brown/Rhianna) Whoopi HAS to get her point in about women hitting men. Yes, Whoopi, we know-sometimes women hit men and a lot of times men beat the shit out of women for no good reason at all. Ray Rice is a professional athlete and I suspect he is much more powerful than his fiancée both physically and socio-economically (see the video of him dragging her unconscious body around for evidence of who has the most power in the relationship). If she did hit or spit on him, punching her so hard that she was knocked unconscious is not an appropriate reaction.   I guess I wouldn't have as much of a problem with Whoopi's stance if she did not bring it up every damn time the subject is brought up. (I always figure the person in the discussion who is yelling the loudest is wrong and that is often Whoopi)  Then Sherri has to point out while clucking her tongue that Janay married Rice (implying in my opinion that she deserves whatever she gets for doing that after he hit her). Anyone who has the slightest knowledge of domestic abuse would understand why women do this. I wish they would hire someone on this panel who has at least a college degree because the stereotype perpetration is non-stop on this show. I had softened on Whoopi a bit and now I am back to barely tolerating her.

  • Love 7

It's days like today that make me wish Whoopi was leaving with everyone else and that The View was starting completely fresh in September. I'm with you @GiveMeSpace on softening to Whoopi lately but going back to barely tolerating her when she goes on like she did today. There's no excuse for the way that football player physically assaulted his wife even if she did put her hands on him first. He could have grabbed her arms or something until she calmed down or just walked away from her as soon as the elevator got to the floor they were going to. It shouldn't matter if the woman was his wife, girlfriend, acquaintance or even a stranger because he shouldn't be punching and then dragging anyone across the room be it female or male.

Edited by Jaded
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It shouldn't matter if the woman was his wife, girlfriend, acquaintance or even a stranger because he shouldn't be punching and then dragging anyone across the room be it female or male.


If he had done that to a stranger, he would probably be charged with assault.  Whoopi drives me crazy on this subject.  We know that people shouldn't be hitting people.  Most domestic violence is men against women.  Even if a woman weighs the same as a man, he still has more muscle mass and more strength.  He could have restrained her or walked away.  


I thought Whoopi was very insulting to Jennie.  Saying you don't know what it is like being a celebrity/a star and dealing with the public.  She can seem to be so humble (I now think it is an act), but this is not the first time that she has let them know that she is a movie star.  I believe if you have it, you don't have to show it.  If you are it (movie star), you don't have to tell anyone.  I know they were all talking over her and she was frustrated, but her tone was obnoxious and grating and bullying.

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There were so many 'talking points' being yelled today while masquerading as factual discussion my head was spinning.  Geesch!


Women have no more right to hit men first than vice versa , however, any time anyone is knocked unconscious and dragged around that signals  far more is wrong here and he was completely wrong in the rage he exhibited.


Many studies have shown that marijuana is not a gate way drug - that in fact the prescription drugs in the family medicine cabinets are the new real danger.  Either way, of course it would be regulated so underage people could not use it.  And no this is not a states rights issue, as the feds have all kinds of laws on the books that they can use to prosecute anyone regardless of the state law - at least that is my understanding.


I think the video clearly shows that singer was startled when the fan pulled on him - in fact to me it looked like he almost lost his balance.  His reaction seemed more instinctual rather than retaliation.  The fan was absolutely wrong in my opinion  - she's looking for 'easy' money.  Stupid all the way around on her part.


Can no one in that damn studio talk to one another?


If either of those two guest co hosts are hired, I would hope that Rosie can help take care of business.  Maybe when Rosie gets on Whoopi won't feel the entire burden of dealing with 'talking points' and 'word salad'.

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Then Sherri has to point out while clucking her tongue that Janay married Rice (implying in my opinion that she deserves whatever she gets for doing that after he hit her). Anyone who has the slightest knowledge of domestic abuse would understand why women do this. I wish they would hire someone on this panel who has at least a college degree because the stereotype perpetration is non-stop on this show.

You'll have to explain it to me, because I was shocked when I found out that the young woman seen being dragged around on the floor married her abuser. (And yes, I have a college degree.) Why would she do this? If he'll beat his fiancee, imagine what he'll do to his wife. 

  • Love 4

You'll have to explain it to me, because I was shocked when I found out that the young woman seen being dragged around on the floor married her abuser. (And yes, I have a college degree.) Why would she do this? If he'll beat his fiancee, imagine what he'll do to his wife.

It's the same reason many women who are abused go back to their husbands if they have the courage to leave him in the first place. Women in these situations may be so psychologically damaged (for lack of a better term) that they may feel that they deserved to be hit, that they did something to provoke, that they only did it because they love them. A lot of abused women (not all) make up reasons as to why their husband/boyfriend/fiance hit them. It gets to a point where women feel like they have no choice but to stay with man and they feel like they have no where else to go. If this is something that the woman grew up seeing, then she may very well believe that that is a how man is supposed to act.

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I'm sure his multi-million $ football contract had a lot to do with her staying with him and marrying him. Honestly I didn't really follow the story.... but I did hear the outrage other places.... If this were a stranger he would probably be able to claim self defense if she hit him and spit on him. When my ex-wife threw a stool at me I went for a walk. Since there was supposed to be a video, and there were no charges filed.... I really don't see the issue.  Although, I didn't follow the story

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Still bored-you pretty much summed it up.

"Since there was supposed to be a video, and there were no charges filed.... I really don't see the issue.  Although, I didn't follow the story"

Really, Roger? You don't see the issue of a professional ball player hitting his fiancée so hard that it knocked her unconscious? Surely you don't mean that.  I watched my drunk father unload a 22 pistol gun into the front of my mother's car while she was in it. I called the police and she refused to press charges.  We were very poor. If she had pressed charges, it would have cost the family money that we did not have. My mother knew she couldn't afford to pay rent for us to live somewhere else. Having him arrested would have just punished her financially.

"I'm sure his multi-million $ football contract had a lot to do with her staying with him and marrying him"

You are right. Socioeconomic factors play a big role in women staying with their abusers. In this case the guy has a lot money, but this scenario happens with garbage men, too. As long as women don't have equal rights in this country, women will forced to endure these kind of situations in order to feed their children. The majority of people in this country living in poverty are women and children. The outlook is bleak for an uneducated woman with children.

 BTW, my mother still defends my father's actions by saying he was only trying to get her to stop the car. I tell her, "Mom, you do know most people just wave and yell if they want someone to stop, right?" She believes that she provoked him by disagreeing with him. She did not hit him. She just refused to do what he said (I don't know what it was, but surely it didn't justify being shot)  Anyway-his actions were not appropriate to the situation. I have trouble understanding what would warrant a man hitting a woman so hard that she was knocked out. It is like shooting at someone to get them to stop a car. It makes no damn sense and is an extreme reaction, in my opinion.

Edited to add: From The New Yorker

"While Rice has not been found guilty of a crime—charged with third-degree aggravated assault, he avoided going to trial by enrolling in an intervention program"

I am going to post this story that sheds some light on his two game suspension. http://deadspin.com/why-roger-goodells-meeting-with-ray-rice-and-his-wife-w-1611087864/+dodai


Edited by GiveMeSpace
  • Love 7

I'm sure his multi-million $ football contract had a lot to do with her staying with him and marrying him. Honestly I didn't really follow the story.... but I did hear the outrage other places.... If this were a stranger he would probably be able to claim self defense if she hit him and spit on him. When my ex-wife threw a stool at me I went for a walk. Since there was supposed to be a video, and there were no charges filed.... I really don't see the issue.  Although, I didn't follow the story

This is his wife and the mother of his child who he drags out of the elevator and drops to the ground like she's a rag doll twice. Even if it was a stranger who he was supposedly using self defense against he'd still come under fire for the way he manhandled her after the fact and that she was completely knocked out. I hadn't realized this happened 5 months ago and was being brought up again because of the comments made by the guy on ESPN.

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I think the video clearly shows that singer was startled when the fan pulled on him - in fact to me it looked like he almost lost his balance.  His reaction seemed more instinctual rather than retaliation.  The fan was absolutely wrong in my opinion  - she's looking for 'easy' money.  Stupid all the way around on her part.


I agree, Kaygeeret.  He was probably just swatting at something/anything that was grabbing him.  It's her fault she pushed herself into HIS space.  If she sues him, I think I should sue her.  

He may be "hood" as Sunny weirdly suggested, but he did not hit her. 



I guess I should care enough to research just how "hood" Sunny is.  She seems to claim it often. She may be trying to appeal to Sherri's audience...I notice she dances or gyrates (just a little) when she walks out with the rest of the crew.  I don't like her and hope she doesn't get the job.  I wonder if Rosie has input...and what she thinks of these so-called candidates.  Surely she wants someone she can work well with, even if opinions will differ.

I was raised that if I put my hands on someone, I better be fully ready to have someone put their hands right back onto me.



Boots, that's my story too.  I thought I taught that to my kids (now men in mid-40s), but one time I learned that in third grade, a girl beat up my son because he "broke up" with her.  She pushed him up against a brick wall and banged his head against it until someone called a teacher.  In those days neither kid got in trouble.  I asked him why he didn't hit her and he said, "Boys can't hit girls."  I told him that's not true.  "If anyone hits you, you're allowed to hit them back."     My sisters and I were three little rough-and-tumble girls in a neighborhood of mostly boys.  We hit and got hit a lot (never punched).  If some boy was bigger, we got help.

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I agree that if you hit someone and you're a woman, you should expect retaliation, but the man always has other options. He could choose to restrain the woman or walk away. If a much weaker and smaller person hit me, I 'd like to think I wouldn't slug them back. The football player's actions in this case were over the top, IMO, and speak to his lack of character.

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Does anyone believe this is the first time Ray Rice hit this woman?  So what if she hit him or spit on him?  Does that deserve to be knocked unconscious?  What if this whole thing was about just some average man and wife?  Would people still be saying what they are saying?  It seems to me people make excuses when it's a celebrity who hits a woman. 

  • Love 7

This is his wife and the mother of his child who he drags out of the elevator and drops to the ground like she's a rag doll twice.

Indeed. From the body language of him dragging her out of the elevator, I just sense a cold, detached manner in the way he is handling her. I also note he's not comforting her at all. Maybe he did after the video cut off but in the seconds shown you'd think at one point he would have hugged, kissed, held her closer - something. At the end, it seems like he's scared of what this is doing to HIM. Again, no concern seems to be given for her lying in a heap in the elevator door.  I've seen strangers treated better by bystanders after an accident

In the face-saving press conference he held after this incident was made public, he expressed sorrow to everyone - the NFL commissioner, coaches, his fans. But not her.

Fine, whateves. She forgives him and that's ultimately what matters in their home.

But man, he comes off as a fucking ass.

I sure hope he treats her better than what I've seen. Because, damn.

Edited by Stacee
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At the end, it seems like he's scared of what this is doing to HIM. Again, no concern seems to be given for her lying in a heap in the elevator door.




Isn't that the abusers response?  "Look what you made me do."  He is an ass but so is the NFL commissioner Roger Godell and the Baltimore Ravens general manager and head coach. They all have acted like this is no big deal.  OK fine, lets see if it happens again.  And what scares me is it will probably happen again but this time it will be behind closed doors without any cameras.

  • Love 7

Isn't that the abusers response?  "Look what you made me do."  He is an ass but so is the NFL commissioner Roger Godell and the Baltimore Ravens general manager and head coach. They all have acted like this is no big deal.  OK fine, lets see if it happens again.  And what scares me is it will probably happen again but this time it will be behind closed doors without any cameras.

I'm not sure what exactly there responses were, but is it possible that he was a lot worse then those that do drugs because the ones that are doing drugs is directly affecting the game? I would assume that all of types of drugs are prohibited and therefore taking them goes directly against the contract they have signed. As opposed to assaulting someone, where (again, I assume) there is probably nothing in their contracts stating that they CAN'T do that (obviously they shouldn't do that) so therefore they aren't violating a specific rule of the game. Especially since it seems in this case there were no charges filed.

  • Love 1


She forgives him and that's ultimately what matters in their home.


Not necessarily.  Battered women often/usually say that they "forgive" those who beat them -- but they've been brainwashed by brutality & their "forgiveness" may not be the same thing that a woman with healthy self esteem might freely grant under less dire circumstances.


This story reminds me of Michael Vick's cruelty toward dogs.  Whoopi Goldberg defended him because she noted that he's from the south & might have grown up in a culture that accepted dog fighting.  I didn't agree with that approach then & I don't accept it now -- adults who've gotten out in the world should be able to recognize cruelty for what it is, period.   

  • Love 8

I'm not sure what exactly there responses were, but is it possible that he was a lot worse then those that do drugs because the ones that are doing drugs is directly affecting the game? I would assume that all of types of drugs are prohibited and therefore taking them goes directly against the contract they have signed. As opposed to assaulting someone, where (again, I assume) there is probably nothing in their contracts stating that they CAN'T do that (obviously they shouldn't do that) so therefore they aren't violating a specific rule of the game. Especially since it seems in this case there were no charges filed.




Oh so as long as an athlete's off-field behavior doesn't impact his on-field behavior then he can do whatever he wants without any repercussions?  I disagree.  Whether it's right or not athletes are looked at by children as role models. And when they see someone do a bad thing and get away with it I think that's a problem. 

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What could have been dealt with as a serious topic, turned in to the co-hosts grabbing each others breasts. What a clusterfuck this show is.

Holy Hell, Whoopi must not have had time for her morning bong hit today - she was really worked up and shouting all over the place!  Shouting to the point where Sherri raised her hand to speak (really!) and when that first grade gesture wasn't acknowledged she just started flipping through her blue cards, lol.  


Whoopi Goldberg, Movie Stah, seems to think she is the last word on any topic - including fans touching a singer on a catwalk designed to put the performer in the middle of frenzied fans.   I don't know or care if Tim McGraw slapped some woman's hand away while bent over encouraging contact but I do know that I laughed at Whoopi insisting she has been grabbed by fans more than Donny Wahlberg.  Oh Whoopi, call your weed supplier and calm down already. 


If Sunny "I'm from the hood" Hostin becomes one the new co-hosts then I pretty sure this show will still provide plenty of ridiculous snark material.  As far as S.E. goes however, I'm not sure I'd bother to tune in - despite Rosie's return. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Shouting to the point where Sherri raised her hand to speak (really!) and when that first grade gesture wasn't acknowledged she just started flipping through her blue cards, lol.



Also, CosmoCrush, I thought I saw her biting her nails...maybe chewing a cuticle or trying to remove nail polish--but it was odd.

  • Love 1

Horrendous.  All of it.  Ray Rice (?). Whoopi yelling to be right. Sherri (always).  My brother used to hit us 3 girls all the time. Mom said to avoid him. Ridiculous.  I hit back once and ran as fast as I could, but I knew he would get me back sometime.  At 13 I told my mom I "disinherited him"--no longer acknowledge him as part of my family. That was 40 years ago. Now we're friends, cuz I realize other issues were at play for him and he is kind and helpful now.


Also, in regard to the Solange/JayZ elevator incident, Sherri said that she would have defended her sister if he hit back. BUT I SWEAR, when this was first aired when it happened, SHerri said she would, and Beyonce should stand "up to someone hitting her man".  Ridiculous redoux. I Hate Sherri.

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