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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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Okay, I am no longer conflicted! Sherri acting this way? She's probably thinking, I will do what I want,  say what I want...what are they gonna do, fire me?


That's all I got. Unless someone else can explain why she suddenly went off the rails today? Not that she  doesn't normally act like a nimrodic maroon...

  • Love 5

Okay, I am no longer conflicted! Sherri acting this way? She's probably thinking, I will do what I want,  say what I want...what are they gonna do, fire me?


That's all I got. Unless someone else can explain why she suddenly went off the rails today? Not that she  doesn't normally act like a nimrodic maroon...

I will ask her on twitter..... Im sure she will respond to me if I ask nicely.... Ill let you know how it turns out


This is what I sent  *fingers crossed* 


@SherriEShepherd There has been a lot of speculation about your reactions on The View. You dont seem to be yourself. are you alright??












Edited by RogerFromOhio
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Milkeyedmender--so true about the irony of Jenny asking for research to support a statement.  Sherri--true to form that no research is needed due to time--true to her idiocy.  If only Sherri could state her comments in the polite way they do at the Talk.


Perhaps Jenny has learned a very hard lesson and is now going with her newfound knowledge.

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Maddow threw some shade at The View last night on Watch What Happens.  When asked about if that was a venue she would ever be interested in, she said when she was a guest she felt like she was a hen who got into the pig pen and everyone was talking without any idea how to deal with each other or having any idea what was going on or supposed to be going on and after a bit she was just excited to leave.  So she pretty much has their number.

I don't get it. How did Rachel see today's show last night? 


If Rosie is coming back, I now want Sherri to stay! Can you imagine the epic slapdowns? 

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Her facial expressions were full of rage and she was screaming like a banshee while flailing her arms around. All the while "let me challenge you to think another way."



That was hilarious to watch...real performance art.  Eyes bugged out, anger spread across her face and "facts" spewing out of her mouth.  I wonder how many times Jeffrey has seen that act...and Mr. Sherri Nos. 1 and 2.   "Let me challenge you to think another way," is probably something that has been said to HER innumerable times over her 47 years by various counselors, pastors, friends, and attorneys--maybe even Whoopi and Barbara.  As for being ticked that someone called her, "Ma'am," generally a term of respect--or something an employer requires of his/her employees, hear this:  Sherri, ma'am...it's so funny, but you're no longer a twenty-something.  From now on be grateful that someone is giving you at least a small degree of respect.  If it's upsetting, just consider it another cross to bear and walk on with a smile (you know that one you've pasted perfectly on your fact through so many, many difficult times).


I can picture that bugged-out face spewing out who-knows-what to some innocent person at the Too-Tight Pleather and Moi dress shoppe Sherri frequents.

Edited by Former Nun
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I don't get it. How did Rachel see today's show last night?


Rachel Maddow was on Andy Cohen's "Watch What Happens Live" show when she made her comments about The View and her experience there as a guest host. She was not impressed in the least.


Edit: I've removed the video clip because the video RogerFromOhio posted is better.



Tuesday on "Watch What Happens: Live," Rachel Maddow told Andy Cohen about her day as a guest host on "The View," and it's safe to say that she didn't have a good time. In a scathing review of the experience, Maddow said she "felt like a chicken that ended up in the pig sty." But that was only the beginning as she claimed, "Nobody knew what to say," and described it as a "weird environment."

Edited by Jiggle Billy

Rachel Maddow was on Andy Cohen's "Watch What Happens Live" show when she made her comments about The View and her experience there as a guest host. She was not impressed in the least.


I can't find the video clip without the annoying commentator; so the clip below will have to do.  :)


Here's the video

I found a clip without that annoying commentator


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Damn, my dvr decided to exhibit some good taste today and didn't record the show so I missed Sherri acting all crazypants.  I wanted to compare it to her over the top behavior in March (in that cooking segment with the guys from The Chew.)    I think Sherri's entire world is unraveling right now and apparently she isn't even a good enough actress to ACT professional for ONE hour.  


I'm tempted to tweet her to 'get a grip' but instead I'm going to hope that one of those "good girlfriends" she's always talking about will tell her to do that.  Maybe her great sister friend Elisabeth Hasselbeck?  On nevermind, I see in the Media Thread,  Bits has put on her own crazypants and become a little more rabid too.   Yikes. 

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"Let me challenge you to think another way," is probably something that has been said to HER innumerable times over her 47 years by various counselors, pastors, friends, and attorneys--maybe even Whoopi and Barbara


Maybe -   but I wonder if Sherri has been in therapy.  Or marriage counseling.  Because that sounds like therapist-speak. 


Edited by backformore
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(Note to self: never skip reading this forum for three days because it sucks when you run out of "likes" before you're done getting caught up.)


I'm still shocked that The View had Sherri and Jenny back on the air after it became public that they were fired. It's kind of ridiculous how they both blatantly lied and pretended it was their choice to leave the show. As if either one would walk away from this easy, part-time, highly paid gig. 


The show is such a mess with just one co-host left that's it's hard to figure out why ABC didn't just end its run and replace it with a brand new show. I guess they still think The View "brand" is powerful enough that they'd have a better shot at retaining the ratings than starting fresh with a new show. I wish they would just let the show, and Geddie, go and start over.

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"Let me challenge you to think another way," is probably something that has been said to HER innumerable times over her 47 years by various counselors, pastors, friends, and attorneys--maybe even Whoopi and Barbara

LOL, Would someone "save" me from watching the whole show to find where Sherri flips out??? What is the time where she says: " "Let me challenge you to think another way,""


Thank you!!

Oh boy.....


if they are ignorant of the facts they will provide an ignorant opinion....

No truer words have ever been written!


I'm still shocked that The View had Sherri and Jenny back on the air after it became public that they were fired. It's kind of ridiculous how they both blatantly lied and pretended it was their choice to leave the show. As if either one would walk away from this easy, part-time, highly paid gig.


Okay, I am no longer conflicted! Sherri acting this way? She's probably thinking, I will do what I want,  say what I want...what are they gonna do, fire me?

That is why most organizations don't let you back in at work or, worse yet, live on tv.  Good heavens both Jenny and Sherri are all over the map and screaming while they are at it.


  • Had "Too many abortions to count" and yet thinks a corporation should be able to override labor laws and allow said corps from not allowing contraceptives through their healthcare.
  • "We don't have enough resources here for our own kids we can't take those kids at the border"
  • and other crazy stuff!
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So Sherri, who had more abortions than she can count, thinks it's OK for corporations for tell women which contraceptives they can use based on the corporations owners religious beliefs?  Someone please yank this hypocritical lame-brained twit off our television screens now.


As much as I disliked Elisabeth Sherri is fast approaching that level with me.  There is never any rhyme or reason to any of her "beliefs" or opinions.  One day it's because she is a Christian, one day it's because she is a mother, one day it's because she is a comedienne. 


The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision has me so pissed.  As a woman I cannot understand how any woman can side with them.  Sherri's not understanding the ramifications of this ruling doesn't surprise me but I am still disappointed in her very caviler attitude about it.  I'm guessing it's because it doesn't affect her directly.   

  • Love 10

An observation about The View coffee mugs.   Past versions have had photos of all the hosts in the mug design.  I guess when the current design was put out, that should have been a giveaway that things were changing.  No photos, just pastel dots. 


I guess if I start my own corporation, i should just be a Christian Scientist, that way I don't have to provide health care, since I  can say I don't believe in medical intervention. 


edited to add -  Yes, SusieQ, this decision has set our view of women back a few decades.  There was a time when it was legal for an employer to ask married women what their plans were for having children, and even if they were using birth control.  THAT was determined to be discriminatory.  Now, since an employer can dictate what methods of "family planning"  you can use, we're going to be stepping back to a time when employers can discriminate against women because of the possibility of pregnancy. 

Edited by backformore
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Can't wait to see Sherri and Jenny gone. Sherri is a loud, obnoxious, harpy, who shrieks utter stupidity and nonsense and Jenny is a just a bad fit. A bimbo trying to come off as a Harvard professor. Maybe she got her degree at Hefner University.


By the way, WTF is Whoopi wearing today? She looks like Little Bo Peep on acid. I know she doesn't give a shit about hair, make-up, or anything vaguely close to fashion, but this?!!! It's hard to see a grown woman who goes out in public like that. But I like her. Seriously...I do. She is many times the voice of reason on this crapfest. I just wished she would care maybe a little more about her appearance.


My God, Sherri is grating!!!!

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They were talking about some couple getting ready to do a reality show .... I didnt catch who it was.... and BOTH Sherri and Jenny said....  WHY DONT THESE PEOPLE GET REAL JOBS!!!............... OMG!!! I wonder if they will be taking their own advice



Yeah - why don't THOSE  people get real jobs, so there's room for US to have our own reality shows?  That's what Sherri and jenny really meant.

  • Love 7

They were talking about some couple getting ready to do a reality show .... I didnt catch who it was.... and BOTH Sherri and Jenny said....  WHY DONT THESE PEOPLE GET REAL JOBS!!!............... OMG!!! I wonder if they will be taking their own advice



The people they were talking about were Kendra Wilkerson and her husband who supposedly cheated on her while pregnant with a transsexual woman he contacted online. They were comparing them to Tori and Dean and of course Jenny had to comment about how wholesome Donny's family's reality show is. Ugh!

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The Hobby Lobby Supreme Court decision has me so pissed.  As a woman I cannot understand how any woman can side with them.  Sherri's not understanding the ramifications of this ruling doesn't surprise me but I am still disappointed in her very caviler attitude about it.  I'm guessing it's because it doesn't affect her directly.   

That seems to be the case with her on any given subject--if it doesn't impact her, it doesn't matter.


I have to say the show has almost become must-watch for me since they came back after the firings for the hilarity. Sherri is as ridiculous as usual, but Jenny is out for blood. I was not looking forward to seeing Sunny Hostin on as a guest co-host for three days since I've seen her on other shows in more of a journalist setting and she made everything unprofessionally personal. Naturally, she was unbearable on this show, her shining moment being when she said parents shouldn't take pictures of their children with their shirts off because...you know...pedophiles. So I'm guessing women should always dress according to a rapist's viewpoint, too? Why didn't she just jump straight to the victim-shaming, "Don't be surprised if your child gets molested after posting pictures like that!!! What did you think would happen? He couldn't control himself!" Some of the things I hear on this show...

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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So I'm guessing women should always dress according to a rapist's viewpoint, too? Why didn't she just jump straight to the victim-shaming, "Don't be surprised if you're child gets molested after posting pictures like that!!! What did you think would happen? He couldn't control himself!" Some of the things I hear on this show...

To be fair to her, I don't think she was saying not to take pics of your children with no shirt on, it was more "don't put them on twitter/FB/instagram for the entire world to see". It also wasn't about molestation, it was more about the fact that the pedophiles could "enjoy" the pictures, and it's disgusting to think that some one is thinking about your child in that way.

I do agree that people shouldn't be posting of their children in their underwear or a baby a naked. Partly because of the pedophile thing and also because at some point your child is going to grow up and realize that these pictures are on the internet for anybody to see and they may not like it. There are pictures of me in my parents photo album in all the typically poses (bath, diaper less, etc), but as an adult I would be mortified if these were online for thousands of people to see.

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An observation about The View coffee mugs.   Past versions have had photos of all the hosts in the mug design.  I guess when the current design was put out, that should have been a giveaway that things were changing.  No photos, just pastel dots. 

Oh good catch @backformore


Did I just turn this mess on to see Whoopi Bo Peep  yelling at us for "speculating" about who is coming on the show and how they will work together?  At first I thought she was yelling at the tabs but then she looked right at the audience and it seemed more like she was yelling at us (the viewing audience)  for talking about it. .  Then, she and the rest of those morons  proceeded to speculate, spread gossip and judge all the other Not Hot Topics including the marriage of a murder victim  (-who by the way is/was a private citizen not a celeb) and the woman accused of his murder.   Jesus. 


But my favorite part was Whoopi Bo Peep all dressed up in costume pantaloons screaming that she is a "grown ass woman."  If you say so  Whoops or should I say Peep?

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Elisabeth has the career she has because of her continuing to play the victim role.  If it hadn't been for that infamous split screen she would have continued to be the "young one" on the View (as Regis Philbin always called her).


But this time around her badmouthing Rosie I think is going to backfire.  Most people have Elisabeth's number now.  She isn't "poor pregnant Elisabeth" anymore.  She is now a shrewish shrieking harpie who regurgitates whatever GOP talking points are put in front of her.

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Did I just turn this mess on to see Whoopi Bo Peep  yelling at us for "speculating" about who is coming on the show and how they will work together?

Pretty sure it's her warning to Bitsy.  Joy has made it clear that Elisabeth isn't making herself look good, it wouldn't surprise me Whoopi feels the way.  

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Yeah, Whoopi's rant was insane.  I was thinking, you want the audience to be invested in the show, and then you yell at the audience for speculating on who's going to be hosting?


Same thing with the Overgrown Tweenyboppers saying that celebrities need to have private lives, while at the same time grabbing their phones to tweet their lives.


I respect Whoopi's right to privacy, because she doesn't live her personal life in front of the cameras and in the glare of social media.  But someone like Sherri, who lets the world into every moment of her life, including (lest we forget) her private parts being waxed, for her to suddenly say "Nunya beeswax" is absurd.

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Honestly I get annoyed about celebrities whining because people recognize them and want to speak to them in public...... if they dont want to be celebrities then don't put your self out there. Yes sometimes it goes too far and even becomes dangerous. But Whoopi has complained because a fan spoke to her. Drives me nuts.... I hate the poor me Im a celebrity leave me alone


If people left them alone they wouldn't be a celebrity

  • Love 4
... and BOTH Sherri and Jenny said....  WHY DONT THESE PEOPLE GET REAL JOBS!!!



RogerFromOhio, this just proves that Sherri has lost (or never had) short-term or long-term memory.  Didn't she try to convinces us that the ONLY way for Kate Gosselin to support herself and her kids was via reality TV?  Didn't she feel the same about Octomom?   No reality person should ever (EVER!) have to cut down on extravagances, move their children to public school, move to an affordable place, shop and dress according to one's income.  That's punishment beyond belief!  Once a reality "star," always a person with a high six-figure-plus income.  (I think Sherri was hoping for the same for herself and Huzzbin #2.)

It's obvious to me now that Sherri was really afraid of Barbara.  Now that Barbara is no longer on the show, it's like the teacher left the room and the bad kids went KA-RAZY.   Ka-razy Sherri, ka-razy!   I can't wait to boycott her next project.

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The most watchable part of today's show was Whoopi's response to...everything.  Husband was even laughing about it.  I couldn't count how many times her head or chin was in her hand or she was looking to her right with the "can-you-believe-this-crap" face.


I got nauseous and thought about throwing up when Sherri was masturbating in her chair for what seemed like forever - after the picture of whoever that guy was.  It was soooo much worse than when she did her "comedy" bit in the swiveling chair a few years back.


Even when she first walked out, she couldn't have stuck her colossal breasts out any farther, then some weird-ass walk.  And finally, after the game and she stood up, it was like that odd dancing thing she does.  Looked totally stupid.


I enjoy Jane Lynch so much on Game Night in America.  I enjoy her on talk shows - especially with Craig the other week.  Did not bother watching the last segment.

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COUSINAMY, ON 09 JUL 2014 - 9:02 PM, SAID:

I don't get it. How did Rachel see today's show last night?


Rachel Maddow was on Andy Cohen's "Watch What Happens Live" show when she made her comments about The View and her experience there as a guest host. She was not impressed in the least.


Sorry, I should have thrown in a winky face or something to show that I was being facetious. It sounded like Rachel's comments were describing exactly what we saw the next day.

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Honestly I get annoyed about celebrities whining because people recognize them and want to speak to them in public...... if they dont want to be celebrities then don't put your self out there. Yes sometimes it goes too far and even becomes dangerous. But Whoopi has complained because a fan spoke to her. Drives me nuts.... I hate the poor me Im a celebrity leave me alone


If people left them alone they wouldn't be a celebrity


To be fair, I don't think certain celebrities are required to take photos or sign autographs when they aren't working (red carpet). It's asking a lot of them if they are out with family and friends. They aren't really working.


On the other hand, they shouldn't be ungrateful or mean about it. I read a fan account that Will Farrell does not do photos and things especially when he is with his kids. The fan parent said he and his kids understood completely and Farrell was nice when declining. Whoopi doesn't seem as polite.

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Oh good catch @backformore


Did I just turn this mess on to see Whoopi Bo Peep  yelling at us for "speculating" about who is coming on the show and how they will work together?  At first I thought she was yelling at the tabs but then she looked right at the audience and it seemed more like she was yelling at us (the viewing audience)  for talking about it. .  Then, she and the rest of those morons  proceeded to speculate, spread gossip and judge all the other Not Hot Topics including the marriage of a murder victim  (-who by the way is/was a private citizen not a celeb) and the woman accused of his murder.   Jesus. 


But my favorite part was Whoopi Bo Peep all dressed up in costume pantaloons screaming that she is a "grown ass woman."  If you say so  Whoops or should I say Peep?

Cosmocrush, I was just coming into this thread to say the same damned thing! I record the show so I can FF through a lot of the crap they all spew, but I confess I was spellbound by Whoopi's tirade while she was dressed in her Halloween costume. Maybe, as others have speculated, she was referring to Bitsy, but I felt like she was yelling at the audience. Shut up, Whoopster, and find some grown up clothes to wear.

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Hold the presses!   Get Sonny...get Sonny (I'm a LAWYER!  I was a PROSCUTOR!) Hostin right now.   I'm just watching The View via DVR and at the 15-minute mark, there is the pornography Sonny has warned us about.  Children in swimsuits--little boys without shirts. Scantily dressed babies. Check out that Fabulous Photo Wall. Who is minding the store? All those pedophiles and perverts Sonny knows so much about (maybe everything!) are transferring that photo wall to their hard drives as I type.  SONNY, help us! 

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To be fair, I don't think certain celebrities are required to take photos or sign autographs when they aren't working (red carpet). It's asking a lot of them if they are out with family and friends. They aren't really working.


On the other hand, they shouldn't be ungrateful or mean about it. I read a fan account that Will Farrell does not do photos and things especially when he is with his kids. The fan parent said he and his kids understood completely and Farrell was nice when declining. Whoopi doesn't seem as polite.

No one is required to do anything, but you hit the nail on the head. Be polite if you decline a request. I do understand if you are with your kids, but I remember Whoopi getting upset because some lady stopped her on the street to say something to her. The whole "poor me" celebrity really grates on my nerves. I guess I should be famous to show them how it should be done.


we need a sarcastic font :p

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I agree @Athena. In fairness, some celebrities really do put up with an awful lot of crap from disrespectful fans who don't know better than to not accost someone in a bathroom for example.

That said, I've met Whoopi. It was a small, structured meet and greet event before a talk Whoopi was giving. It was an intimate event with about 30 people who paid to attend and have a glass of wine and a couple of hors d'oeuvres with Whoopi for an hour or so, and get a photo. Now, I will grant you that these things can be a sometimes awkward, weird way to make a living, but she was not particularly gracious or friendly. She was late, and she barely spoke or smiled. Basically she looked like she'd rather be any place else but with us. My mom and I were not especially impressed. Don't get me wrong, it was still fun and the talks she gave afterword was lively and entertaining. It's not every day that average schmoes like us get to shake hands and speak with someone as famous and award-winning as Whoopi, but we certainly left there with the feeling that she did not enjoy interacting with "the little people." I can easily imagine her reaction if an overly enthusiastic fan approaches her in public when she's not working. It's probably not pretty.

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I didn't hear all of Whoopi's rant but one of the tabloid shows played  a bit of it.  The way they made it sound, she was upset that there was talk that she and whoever else (cough Rosie cough) was hired wouldn't be able to get along.  She said it was ridiculous to think that two grown women couldn't disagree and still be friends.


It was almost like the way the original View was described.


I respect Whoopi's right to privacy, because she doesn't live her personal life in front of the cameras and in the glare of social media.  But someone like Sherri, who lets the world into every moment of her life, including (lest we forget) her private parts being waxed, for her to suddenly say "Nunya beeswax" is absurd.

Sherri and Jenny pontificating on what "celebrities" do - as if they're not celebrities. You can't have it both/neither way! If Jenny thinks it's cute to post pictures of Evan in the bath (she said this yesterday, not sure if it was in the past, or she's still posting them) then she has to realize people are going to talk about it. If Sherri posts pictures of herself being bored at a track meet, then I think it's fair for us "little people" to comment on it. 


Sherri seemed to mostly be performing at Gospel venues these days. Good for her - she's living out her faith. And good for us, because I think it means that Sherri's celebrity "star" will be plunging down to Earth pretty soon. To paraphrase Richard Nixon in 1962, "You won't have Sherri Shepherd to kick around anymore!"


As long as she maintains her body and her blonde-ness, Jenny will have a few more years in the spotlight. 

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I'm surprised Sherri is gaining weight again.  What about living to raise Jeffery?  What about the diabetes?


Today she said she just got a weave.  (I had been wondering what kind of crappy wig she was wearing because it's totally not flattering to her face.)


Her behaviour today was disgusting.  Just sayin'.

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