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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.

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Would it be too much to hope the ban on flat earth commentary also extends to kooky 9/11 tinfoil conspiracy theories? I adore Rosie, but Sherri ain't the only one with mockable views.

Ugh. I'd almost managed to forget about that 9/11 nonsense of hers. I adore Rosie but that was a big disappointment to hear coming from her. Absolutely cringe worthy tinfoil hat territory for sure.

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The View should be subtitled "We're 18 now.  Maybe it's time we grow up a bit."  


First week guests:


Mo 9/15: Season Premiere

Tu 9/16: Kirsten Dunst, Rachael Ray

We 9/17: Neil Patrick Harris, Tim McGraw

Th 9/18: Jessica Chastain

Fr 9/19: Billy Crystal (him and Whoopi together is going to be a sob fest.) 

I hope they don't use this as a tug for ratings..... Im sure Robyn Williams will be a focus.... I just hope they are respectful about it

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Looks like the 4am guy got transferred to the ABC website. Here's the description for Monday's show: http://abc.go.com/sh...ptember-15-2014

Dante tries desperately to save Lulu from an unforeseen peril. Obrecht confesses to Victor. Maxie and Nathan join forces in an attempt to save each other’s lives. Sam reminisces about her marriage to Jason as she and Patrick share dinner. Screams are heard coming from a mysterious patient.

and we thought the new season would be dull!- Maybe they are trying to win over all the soap opera watchers!

Edited by springtime
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I think the  removal of Sherry, Jenny, (and Bits) has jacked the quality of this show up 100%,  and probably the IQ of the co-hosts 1000%.  I think the choices of Nicolle Wallace and Rosie Perez were good ones. But  Babs' absence has really improved the show way  more than I thought it would.  So many times in these first few weeks I noticed places where Babs would have/could have totally derailed the entire conversation. 


Now, if someone could just teach Whoop how to sit in a chair. The other co-hosts don't feel the need to dramatically pull their chair forward and sit on the edge with their legs wide apart. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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The show is not faux lite anymore and I really appreciate that. Thank goodness Geddie is gone or else we'd be seeing more of the likes of "Judge" Pirro and Trump appearing as experts of some sort. Whoopi's not a good moderator though and if her contract is not renewed or she leaves on her own accord it would be a good thing. 

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I have been reading the comments, but have only watched a handful of shows in the last 2 months.  I find myself--as most of you--yelling at Whoops to shut up with uh huhs, etc., as well as laughing before she introduces a topic--I don't get it.  Delayed pot reaction?


All in all, I have noticed that we viewers are so much smarter, savvy, up-to-date, and nicer than Whoops, or even Rosie P. who can't speak succinctly to save her life. The republican I really don't care about at all; she has nice hair.  I want to hear Rosie O speak.  It seems like no one except Rosie O does her homework, the "research" that these nimrods are supposed to be doing before the show. I guess they don't watch the news or tv, read internet, books or magazines, or listen to radio news in the car.   So, I think that any new co-host(s) should be vetted for consciousness about current events AND concern about getting facts straight (as much as we know at the time), stating your opinion as a point of "VIEW" (duh), rather than a "judgment" which Rosie P. considers inappropriate on a talk show.  Someone who would be pro-woman(fairly) on a talk show for women would seem to be a given, but sadly we have Whoops instead.

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When one of what is supposed to be four co-hosts dominates every conversation it's bad enough but the fact that after all these years I know what that one co-host will say before she even says it it's just boring.  95% of the time Whoopi is 100% predictable in her opinions, statements, 'jokes, and even her wardrobe.  The other co-hosts are super limited in time to say anything because Whoopi is always talking.  I am bored

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I am back to not tuning into

The View in a regular basis. It's depressing and stressful I don't blame Rosie P if she can't handle the conflicts. This show is a mess again.

I think the show needs to lighten up. Dwelling on topics of rape and torture is something I can't find at all enjoyable to warch. . Also, I agree with Rosie most of the time, but she can't be on a panel with anyone who doesn't agree with her without making it stressful. Whoopi also can't just allow someone else to have an opinion.

Rosie has to even minimize the idea that being a place that was attacked was extra stressful? I felt stressed too, but Rosie can not equate her stress to the stress someone who was in a place that was attacked felt.

What is ABC thinking making this part of the news division? This is a panel of 3 celebrities and one person who is associated with news shows ,

This show is now like a bad family holiday dinner table unless they bring someone in to lighten the nasty arguing .

I still think they need to stop fixating on the same topics, and they need to stop personal arguments with each orher express your opinion and move on.

Also, I have a feeling depressed Rosie wanted to make sure they focused on serious topics all the time she was mad when they would discuss light topics in the past . Well, it's not working.

This show was its best when Meredith, Star, Lisa and Joy were in. No constant beating topics into the ground, no giant celebrity egos, and they didn't take themselves so seriously

Now I tune in to see Whoopi lecturing to us.Rosie truly caring and making good points, but unable to not fixate. Rosie P with her annoying voice looking uptight and also thinking she is an expert on everything, and Nicole not fitting in.

Rosie needs a one on one panel, Nicole needs to work with people who debate, not attack and freak out

Rosie P and Whoopi need to go back to movies

Unless they lighten up, and allow discussion and diversity - and I don't mean race- I mran differeny ages and points of view , or different types of lives, they will have ratings problem So

I actually liked when Bella Thorne was on. Rosie was at her best showing her motherly side and also relating to Bella who lost her dad. Also we had some young energy, something different.

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Anyway, after watching Whoopi and her nonsense and her monopolizing the show, I'll be tuning back out. I noticed at one point when the Mouth was going on and on, Rosie looked composed from the waist up but her feet were jumping and shuffling around the rungs of her chair. She was agitated and I don't blame her one bit. If the producers don't rein Whoopi in, not only are some of the co-hosts going to escape from the zoo, the ratings are going to drop so much the whole show might be kaput.

What really bothers me is that Whoopi is ruining the show. Yet, if the ratings plummet, it will be seen by many as Rosie O' s fault.

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What really bothers me is that Whoopi is ruining the show. Yet, if the ratings plummet, it will be seen by many as Rosie O' s fault.


I agree, she'll be the scapegoat. In my opinion, it was Jenny last year. ABC must have a bunch of chuckleheads in charge. I thought the guy that replaced what's his name, Bill, was supposed to be a good thing. Barbara is gone (sort of), Sherri's gone, Jenny's gone, so now what? The show still sucks, and who happens to STILL be there?

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I agree, she'll be the scapegoat. In my opinion, it was Jenny last year. ABC must have a bunch of chuckleheads in charge. I thought the guy that replaced what's his name, Bill, was supposed to be a good thing. Barbara is gone (sort of), Sherri's gone, Jenny's gone, so now what? The show still sucks, and who happens to STILL be there?




I have to wonder if anyone in charge at ABC even listens to feedback concerning the View.  Surely this forum isn't the only one where people have a very negative opinion of Whoopi. It does seem like the mainstream media always goes easy on her.  Which I just find baffling.  From where I sit she does not seem like a press friendly celebrity. 

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I have to wonder if anyone in charge at ABC even listens to feedback concerning the View.




I don't think ABC listens to viewers opinions. They listen to numbers. With all of the commercials within the show, I guess they are happy.

ABC has a message board for The View. I don't know what it's like now, but quite a while ago it was an out of control bunch of nonsense (with a few exceptions). ABC and Disney, I would think, would not want to be associated with some of what was being posted. So, I assume there wasn't really any interest in reading viewer's opinions, because what remained on those boards wouldn't have if someone from ABC was actually monitoring them, imo.

Edited by ginger90
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Many years ago I participated in a live web chat on the View message board at ABC.com.  I voiced my displeasure at Elisabeth's seemingly free rein to spout whatever nonsense she wanted with no regard to facts.  The moderator asked me to elaborate which I happily did.  But I was one of very few posters who said anything negative about the show.  Almost everyone else was fans.  Kinda along the lines of "I just love Joy" or "Whoopi is such a hoot".

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Whoopi is starting the irritate me the way Elisabeth irritated me in the past. I stopped watching because it wasn't worth being irritated for a stupid show.   I feel better when I don't watch this mess anymore.  Whoopi annoys me the most.  Rosie I can take, but sometimes her simplistic view and her need to argue is hard to take,  Rosie P's voice and long winded speeches are also boring.    I would rather watch the Talk, they don't take themselves so seriously, and dwell on things so long.  I'd even rather watch Live or Hoda and KL,  at least it's just stupid and fun to snark about. This show just isn't worth it anymroe.

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After Whoopi's repeated insistence that there are only Frozen and/or other "girl" ornaments available at Disney parks, I had to laugh today when I walked into a store at Disneyland and the first display I came to was chock full of Captain Hook, Mickey Mouse, and Cars ornaments.

I actually had to hunt around to find Frozen stuff (although there was a dedicated Frozen store -- maybe Whoopi stumbled into that by mistake and then wondered why everything was Frozen??)

I wonder if Disney was pissed that she disparaged them multiple times on the show, and with completely false information at that!

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After Whoopi's repeated insistence that there are only Frozen and/or other "girl" ornaments available at Disney parks, I had to laugh today when I walked into a store at Disneyland and the first display I came to was chock full of Captain Hook, Mickey Mouse, and Cars ornaments.

I actually had to hunt around to find Frozen stuff (although there was a dedicated Frozen store -- maybe Whoopi stumbled into that by mistake and then wondered why everything was Frozen??)

I wonder if Disney was pissed that she disparaged them multiple times on the show, and with completely false information at that!


Or maybe they saw it the way I did: Not so much a slam on Disney as it was yet another way to disagree with RO.   If RO wasn't such a fan, I don't think Whoopi would have even brought it up.  JMHO


Edited by Cosmocrush
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Oh ok, I get it. The View is actually how WHOOPI sees things - no one else.

Rosie was offended about Sony's "jokes" regarding Obama and rightfully called it out for what it is - RACISM.

I don't care if it's subtle or outright, it's still RACISM.


But then our resident expert Whoopi forcibly shouts her down and lets us know SHE knows what is and isn't racism and the movies Sony execs assumed our president would like (based on his color) is no biggie.

Oh and I just learned every single one of us have wrote nasty things in private, so it's just fine what the SONY people did.


 I absolutely can't stand this woman. It is so painful listening to her, she makes the show unbearable.


I didn't think I could dislike anyone more than I did Hasselbeck. Whoopi is coming awfully close...

For me Whoopi is worse because she is in the moderator position - so she makes her word the first and last word, almost always.  Hasselbeck was a parrot and a moron but I never felt like it was The Bitsy Hour the way I do now with Whoopi.   


And while Bitsy's audience was mainly this show, I think the majority of Whoopi fans (for lack of a better word) don't ever bother to even watch - especially all her A-list friends.  How many times has a guest come on the show and said it was his or her mother's favorite show?  I can't even imagine people like Robert DiNiro or Billy Crystal tuning in to daytime TV either.   Ditto for entertainment reporters although some surely do keep their ears to the internet.  So the pre-View illusion of Whoopi Goldberg remains strong.  I think it's only when people have spent as much time as we have, or really even a fraction of it, watching this mess that  people  often decide she's ridiculous.  On many levels. 


Full disclosure, I didn't watch today but I read every word of this thread and decided to skip it - at least for now.  

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Ok, I am so fed up that I went to the ABC site and complained about Whoopi.  I am not someone who ever does that.  Wish there was a petition I could sign.


I'm at that point, too.  I now realize that Whoopi just hates women.  She glorifies men, and if they want to rape and beat women, beat children, and torture dogs, that's A-OK with her. It's just a little "thump", and that's the way the black folks have always done it.  I'm waiting for the black community to disavow her - she spends five days a week representing "black folks" as violent thugs.  She's the worst kind of woman, in my opinion. 


ETA:  I just went to the ABC site and complained, too.  They limit the characters in your message, so that sucked.  But I made sure to include that I stuck with this show through Elisabeth/Sherri/Jenny - and it was tough.  I pointed out that they now have informed, intelligent women again, yet they keep their ignorant and uninformed moderator.  And I said that Whoopi defends rapists and child abusers, and derails conversations and cuts people off.  I also managed to throw in that I won't watch anymore with her as moderator.  I'm sure it won't help, but I feel better.


I loved Rosie as moderator, but I think that Meredith was the best moderator of all.  She did the job well, and did it without imposing her opinions and views on others. 

Edited by RedheadZombie
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Sorry to repeat myself again, but I am just sick at heart to see negative things about this new incarnation of the show, with liberal women who don't go in lockstep get ripped apart for how they express themselves and what they express. I just know that the Morning Joe, Fox and Fiends, and other right-winger shows are licking their chops at al the negative comments about the heated moments on The View. I for one do not want to see a tepid version like what it was years ago (in my opinion, anyway), of skirting around issues and having lots of light talk. As obnoxious as Whoopi can be, and certainly was this week with all the talk about racism, I found it to be a GOOD thing that she roared and others roared right back. It's a tough topic and on other shows all we seem to get are the typical comments like Nicolle's being regurgitated over and over again. What occurred on The View was a big, loud, messy, not always coherent, thrashing out of real opinions--right or wrong. It was real. Not pleasant to watch, but not easy to forget. And I'd like to see that rather than mealy-mouthed cohosts who don't seem to know shit or don't know what to say.

Bingo! You expressed my sentiments, thank you. I understand most of us like to snark on this forum/ thread ( as we did back in TWOP) but the level of negativity lately directed at Woopie saddens me. Yes she's been a bit outrageous lately, but I'd actually like to hear her discuss what her definition of racism is...have a feeling I would disagree,, but it would be interesting to hear. Would like to see all the cohosts take a breath and discuss it more. My feelings towards all the current hosts are light years away how I feel about Elizabeth and Sherrie. With those two there was such a high level of uninformed ignorance, word salad babbling and inability to engage in a meaningful discourse that I pretty much stopped watching the show and enjoyed reading snark about them.

I hate to see us beating the current show down and giving fodder to other (ultra conservative) media to hype the discord and comment negatively on any of the current hosts.

I record the show and read on here before watching a few shows in December and was surprised that most of what I saw to me didn't reflect the negative comments on this thread.

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My feelings towards all the current hosts are light years away how I feel about Elizabeth and Sherrie. With those two there was such a high level of uninformed ignorance, word salad babbling and inability to engage in a meaningful discourse that I pretty much stopped watching the show and enjoyed reading snark about them.

Thank you so much Cathy, for expressing so articulately my feelings :)

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It's this ripping the hosts to shreds in post after post

that I can't stand. This is the most fucking negative, unproductive,

unintelligent use of one's time. This isn't "snark." This is just

dopey, sophomoric bullshit. Total waste of time and brain cells.

Wow.  Our perspectives differ.   Looking back on this thread, I don't see at all what you see.  I don't see anyone being 'ripped to shreds."   I see people expressing irritation with the level of discourse on the show, with one host yelling and shutting down discussion.   Mostly, I think people are expressing disappointment in how a show that at one time was ground-breaking in it's "By women, about women, for women" attitude, that has now declined in quality.  


from my perspective, this used to be a show that expressed views that interested me, that discussed issues that were relevant to my life.  Now, it seems that any in-depth discussion is shut down and more time is devoted to stuff that I don't care about.  


I'm also disappointed in Whoopi, but that's because I've come to realize that she's not who I thought she was.   And it does interest me that I'm not alone in feeling let down by that realization. 

Edited by CuriousParker
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i hope this is the right thread for this.

1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

Do you guys remember when Elizabeth Hasselback had a meltdown over a character with a similar name like hers who was a victim of a crime on  Law&order:SVU.  She thought that she was being single out because she is a conservative.  Megan would have the same reaction if she was spoofed by SNL

i found the clip

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1 hour ago, atlantaloves said:

Typical Bitsy comment.....she has probably never had a big O in her entire life, so THERE YOU HAVE IT. Do not miss that twit, but would welcome her back over RBM let me tell you.  Never thought I would live to say that. 

Underneath everything, I think Bitsy is probably a nice person. I mean, she was seen as the sweetheart on Survivor. I'm not sure about Joy, but outside of Rosie, it seems like she also got along with the other hosts even after she left. I don't know if it's due to her family or Geddie, but there's someone there who definitely ruined her sweetness and told her that this was the way to get by on the View. Even though I was technically on her side during the Split Screen Gate, I still don't think Elisabeth has to answer for what Fox said about Rosie and it shouldn't have been brought up on the air, I feel like Geddie jumped on this chance and made things 1000% times worse.

What could have been. Either way, despite everything she turned into she's still better than Meghan on the show.

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Hi Cheezy - Eliz H may be sweet to her upscale "peers", but was the embodiment of zero empathy, long before politics came into play.  '"Where were the parents!" and her general, oft-expressed total ignorance of the daily difficulties of folks not born to an atty and an architect, nor married into a  pro athelete's wealthy family.  Good riddance.

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21 minutes ago, telemachus2 said:

Hi Cheezy - Eliz H may be sweet to her upscale "peers", but was the embodiment of zero empathy, long before politics came into play.  '"Where were the parents!" and her general, oft-expressed total ignorance of the daily difficulties of folks not born to an atty and an architect, nor married into a  pro athelete's wealthy family.  Good riddance.

I remember once they were talking about the uninsured and EH said she knew what that was like because between jobs she had to buy COBRA insurance.  Oh the poor little thing.

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Kathy loved toying with Elizabeth in the above clip and Bitsy gave her fodder for standup.  Elizabeth was a fool and I am not looking forward to her coming to the show in the spring.  She was not beloved or admired by the viewers; she is a no talent hack..

Edited by Apprentice79
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25 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Kathy loved toying with Elizabeth in the above clip and Bitsy gave her fodder for standup.  Elizabeth was a fool and I am not looking forward to her coming to the show in the spring.  She was not beloved or admired by the viewers; she is a no talent hack..


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On 2/18/2019 at 1:14 PM, telemachus2 said:

Hi Cheezy - Eliz H may be sweet to her upscale "peers", but was the embodiment of zero empathy, long before politics came into play.  '"Where were the parents!" and her general, oft-expressed total ignorance of the daily difficulties of folks not born to an atty and an architect, nor married into a  pro athelete's wealthy family.  Good riddance.

It's been a long time and Meghan has kind of erased some of those memories, so perhaps you're right.

She did have empathy in Survivor though, so somewhere between then and the View she kind of lost some. Not as much as Meghan though....

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47 minutes ago, CheezyXpressed said:

It's been a long time and Meghan has kind of erased some of those memories, so perhaps you're right.

She did have empathy in Survivor though, so somewhere between then and the View she kind of lost some. Not as much as Meghan though....

Season 2 was 18 years ago.  She latched onto Roger out of the gate. I suspect they talked about religion and politics right away.  They bonded.  She was pleasant to everyone but I don't remember empathy per say.  I didn't care for her very much. Being exclusive with Roger took her out of the mix to a large extent. 

Edited by Bucket
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Survivor led Elizabeth to discover she had Celiac disease.  A diet of fish and rice made her feel better than she ever had.  So while those around her were miserable with so little food she felt fantastic.  That season was the most brutal for lack of food, too. 

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