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S06.E13: Spinning A Web

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I agree.  The problem is, the "offense" was pretty mild (bringing up Eileen's "love affair" with her husband) and pretty old.  So even though Eileen's larger point was right on, in my opinion - that LVP has to control every interaction and has to "win" every conversation - the example she used to make it made Eileen look petty.  So in the end, in my opinion, her point was unlikely to change the mind of any LVP fan.  Although I do think, based on both Kyle and LVP's reactions, that they both realized that Eileen sees RIGHT through LVP's game.  


I also believe, weird as it is, that the interaction did fundamentally change Eileen's opinion of LVP, whom she had always held in high regard.  Eileen's blog says essentially the same thing.  I think throughout the first season, Eileen genuinely was delighted by LVP, like a fan of the show, and was startled to see that side of her.  Kyle was probably like, "been there, lived through that, not doing it again."


I think the opportunity to take LVP down was best made several seasons ago, when LVP went hard after Kyle and Mauricio.  That was as vicious as she has ever been caught being on camera, and going after someone's business integrity and marriage is a low blow.  The problem is that a) everyone hated Kyle then, so no one felt sorry for her, and b) Brandi co-opted that storyline to make it about LVP befriending Scheana, wanting the real "betrayal" to be LVP of Brandi, not LVP of Kyle.  Because Brandi muddied the waters, it made them look like they were ganging up; then Yolanda pretended that Ken assaulted her, and then LVP really looked like a victim.  Bottom line - they messed up the best chance they would ever have, and LVP in my opinion is never going to be dumb enough to be that blatant again.  The most she'll do is what she did with Eileen - bring up things sideways that might be a little bit uncomfortable, and act like she doesn't know why they're uncomfortable.  It's just not that much of an offense, in the scheme of things.  I don't think this season's takedown will work.


If anyone has not read Yolanda's "non Bravo approved" blog, it really is a must read.  They'll never post it - way too much about production.  I did have some sympathy for Yolanda - I do believe that the women were giving her a hard time for not being more present for filming, and she really was showing up when she could. Whatever her craziness (and there is craziness), I believe she did not feel well and that going on camera in a combative situation was probably difficult.


That said:  Yolanda.  Yo - LAN - da.  (Kyle voice.)  DARLING.  You are the problem here.  LVP and Kyle were whispering about you and Rinna.  Of course they were.  You were out for blood. Then you hugged.  It wasn't over.  No one thought it was over.  Not even you, much as you like to claim otherwise, now.  And as Kyle said on twitter last night, at a table with six people talking, two of them having a side conversation is - just - it's what you do.  It's not nefarious.  But Yolanda saw it as yet another opportunity to turn a group on LVP, and she tried it.  Yolanda was the one at the table who kept escalating, who kept trying to make the fight bigger and bigger, while at the same time, accusing Kyle of picking a fight! How could she not see that?  And this thing where she is now trying to build a narrative that LVP went after her kids is crazy.  


LVP, since I know you or your staff reads every word on the internet, at the reunion, make sure to draw the connection: it IS like the time Yo accused Ken of hitting her.  Yolanda for some reason really wants to make LVP look bad, and she WILL make things up to make that happen. People remember the Ken thing.  You can present this as another example of that - trying to create a harm that didn't exist. 


It's also funny, all season (even in her blogs, meaning even as of three weeks ago), Yolanda has been kind to Kyle, leaving Kyle out of her fights with LVP.  Obviously hoping Kyle would move over to her team, and isolate LVP completely.  I guess that she's given up on that, because this last blog went hard on Kyle, and paired the two of them together.  Maybe she hopes that with Erica and Eileen on her team, she doesn't need Kyle.  We'll see.


So the teams now - Kyle, LVP, Kathryn


Yolanda, Erica, Eileen 


Eileen and Lisa Rinna


I think Eileen and Kyle are good together, although not sure Eileen and LVP are.


I think Erica and Kyle are fine too.  But not Erica and LVP.


Not sure where Kyle and Lisa Rinna stand.  I think Kyle might be angry at Lisa Rinna, but Lisa Rinna tweeted something nice at Kyle last night.  I think Lisa Rinna might be down to just Eileen as a friend.


Sorry for the unfocused post.  I do think the dynamics of the group are getting complicated, in a good way.


And to summarize:  LVP is manipulative and they're going after her, but I don't think she'll get caught out.  Yolanda is manipulative but I'm not sure she'll get caught either - as I said in another post, I think Andy is going to protect her. 


OH and one last thing - did anyone else notice, near the very end of the Yolanda fight scene at lunch, when Kyle was finally really upset, after LVP had left, Kyle said something to Yo and the camera was on Yo, and she had her hand covering her mouth, but you could CLEARLY see the smile underneath, which she was covering up.  I see you. Yolanda.  LITERALLY.

Eileen has been to see Yolanda quite a bit this season so far, as much as Erika IMO. In fact, it was at such a 'visit" that Yolanda told her about LisaR/bipolar AND gave her permission to tell LisaR she in fact said that. I also suspect that Eileen was seeing Yolanda before filming began or at the very least talking to her on the phone on a regular basis. I come by that conclusion by what Eileen herself has said, that she HAS been talking to Yolanda AND that she looks at what Yolanda is going through health wise as the same as what her now dead sister went through. I believe that Yolanda has been bending Eileen's ear and working hard to turn her away from a friendship with LisaV AND that she is succeeded in doing so. I don't think LisaV needs to control anything/conversation anymore than any of the other HWs, including Eileen, do and most certainly nowhere near as much as Yolanda does. IMO, LisaV says "sorry/I apologize" means it and moves on quickly, notice that she has NOT repeated her mistake with Eileen, asking personal questions, a second time and it drives most of the others nuts because she is not tearful/wailing/begging forgiveness like they want her too do. LOL


As for Yolanda's blog and saying she was too ill to be present at many things, I think the others know she is exaggerating or even lying because of her stupid twitter/Instagram selfie addiction. She doesn't seem to realize that the other HWs also read her T/I accounts, just like she does theirs. LOL


I have to wonder why Yolanda believes that Kyle is a "producer" on the show and that Kyle has any control over what is filmed or how it is filmed/edited. LOL IMO, she is really trying to lay blame on both Kyle and LisaV for everything negative that has been said about her this season.


Eileen is most defiantly on Yolanda's team, hook, line and sinker...Yolanda reeled her in and has her mounted on her wall as a trophy.


I do agree that Andy will go easy on Yolanda, he always has and I might go 1 further and say that he will once again allow her to control the reunion like she did a couple of seasons ago. Her smile was evil IMO, she knew what she was did to Kyle/LisaV and enjoyed every minute of it immensely.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 12

Saying "IF" means that she is unsure of what she did wrong to offend Eileen, Lisa said that she meant NOTHING offensive to begin with and was unsure how it was taken the wrong way. Eileen wasn't very articulate when she whined to Lisa the first time, the second time or even this last time. For an actress, she sure has trouble expressing her own feelings IMO.

Saying IF is just a tactic people use when they refuse to be accountable. The reason Lisa doesn't understand Eileen has nothing to do with how Eileen explains, and everything to do with Lisa's lack of empathy.

  • Love 6

From Yoblanda's blog:


"I am 100% Dutch and proud of it, any one that was raised with a Germanic language will agree that our tone is strong especially once translated into English."


And yet, she cannot spell "Munchausen", a German word. (And Moses on one of LVP's ponies, is that game getting old. Her blog post has two more rounds of Medical See and Spell -- Manshausen and Munchhausen -- cousins of the Baron, I suppose --  but she sure can spell this Lyme related word correctly, and in all caps: NEUROBORRELIOSIS.)

Maybe there can be issues translating one language to another....but YoLemonLymes has lived in the US for a long time. She can't use that ol language excuse any more! When you visit or move to a country with another language you try to learn about the language asap! (Been there done that which is why I am commenting on this language issue). Her mispronouncing Munchhausens is all pretend.

  • Love 7

I want to throat punch Yolanda, she is mad at the messengers never mad at the source and it is getting old. It was very telling that Yo wanted to host the girls but not at her house because it would be too much work, yeah right, we all know the truth about David and the house now.  That email was a very passive aggressive move, I am never in favor of that sort of thing, I have been the victim of a situation like that, those people are no longer in my life, I hope Kyle takes the cue to leave Yo in the dust.

I hope we get to see some Emmy stuff thru Lisa Rinna, THAT is the stuff worth mucking thru all the other crap for.

Kyle didn't leave the restaurant with Lisa VP because I believe she was hosting and had to pay the bill.

New girl, what's her name repeating what was said at lunch with Erika, rookie move.  She won't do that again.  Didn't she want to become a trusted friend of Erika's? That is not the way to do it.

LVP's new dog, OMG so cute! 


  • Love 10

I am curious if at all the runway shows if the 30-50 models all have their parents show up to watch them walk. It would seem like it would be a pretty good percentage of the audience.

If their parents are rich and famous and so inclined to be in the audience, those parents probably would have the same opportunity. Gigi walked 3 shows in New York, she opened and closed Tommy Hilfiger and that's the show that Yolanda was, in her own words, "privileged" to see.

  • Love 5

I enjoyed the episode. Light thoughts first--


Did anybody else think of Romy and Michele during the spinning class? 


Frida has super good food, I'm glad this episode reminded me. 


Holy shit with Kathryn's muscle! I remember seeing her work out with Donnie but damn, I was not expecting that. 


Is there anything sexy about being in the shower with your clothes on even if you are having them ripped off?


Lol that the first thing Yolanda taught her children ever in life was not whisper at the table. I wonder what the second thing was. 


Erika's emotion over her grandmother is the most touching thing I've seen about her so far. 

  • Love 3

Is it me or did it seem like Erika was probably regurgitating what her husband might had told her in private about LVP based off their dinner date from last week's episode.

I don't think Erika isn't the sharpest tool in the shed to figure out LVP the way she did with a little help. Or she could be getting ex housewife talk from one Brandi about LVP.

  • Love 4

At the same time she uses words to negate the apology - words like IF I...

She's good but she's not fooling Eileen.

THIS. "I apologize IF...." And "I apologize BUT" are not apologies. LVP is fake apologizing shooting from the side when she really means she is sorry that Eileen is confronting her on something LVP. finds ridiculous. Erika is talking out of both sides of her mouth much of the time but she is right about LVP.

LVP is an ass rivaling the size of her own ass.

  • Love 8

Lisa said "I APOLOGIZE" twice in the Hamptons and she said "I am SORRY" tonight. All 3 are considered apologies and whether or not Eileen accepts them is on her, NOT on Lisa.  



Also, Kyle and others kept up the refrain, "Lisa NEVER apologizes!" Apparently, their first language is not English. This is so tiresome.

At least Kyle backed up Lisa for a change and said she didn't say anything against Yo's kids.


Yo was ridiculous in her carrying on and escalating the same old conversation once again, just like Eileen. Move on! I don't blame Lisa for leaving, and when she looked at Kyle before departing, I felt as though her unspoken communication was, "I'm blowing this joint, come along if you like!"


Yo's letter was yet more stirring and she and Erika can take several seats. Kathryn did get her quote all kinds of wrong, though. I don't believe Erika ever said anything about webs, etc. I only heard her make the "shoot from the side" and fingerprint comments. Kathryn was giving her interpretation of what she thought Erika said, which was bad enough, but IIRC, no spider or web talk.


So lame once again, people banding together trying to "bring Lisa down." Give it a rest, it's ridiculous. Give her a wide berth if you don't like or trust her, but just shut up about it.

  • Love 10

Saying IF is just a tactic people use when they refuse to be accountable. The reason Lisa doesn't understand Eileen has nothing to do with how Eileen explains, and everything to do with Lisa's lack of empathy.

I disagree because I have used that word in an apology when I am unclear about what I did that hurt someone and it doesn't mean that I am not sorry I hurt them at all. Eileen has a bad habit of "beating around the bush" when she tries to explain her "feelings". It is like she is on her Soap and overacting her scene and she doesn't get to the point, she just goes on and on AND she expects the other to sit and listen to her ramble on and on and on then cry, beg forgiveness and grovel at her feet. LOL Ok, a mild exaggeration with the groveling but she does expect MORE than an apology and she just isn't going to get from most people.


But I do respect your opinion and agree to disagree on this and about LisaV in general. :)

  • Love 12

Is it me or did it seem like Erika was probably regurgitating what her husband might had told her in private about LVP based off their dinner date from last week's episode.

I don't think Erika isn't the sharpest tool in the shed to figure out LVP the way she did with a little help. Or she could be getting ex housewife talk from one Brandi about LVP.

IMO, Erika is getting her info on LisaV directly from Yolanda, who is also getting feedback from Brandi to tell the others about LisaV. LOL

  • Love 12


I have to wonder why Yolanda believes that Kyle is a "producer" on the show and that Kyle has any control over what is filmed or how it is filmed/edited. LOL IMO, she is really trying to lay blame on both Kyle and LisaV for everything negative that has been said about her this season.


Eileen is most defiantly on Yolanda's team, hook, line and sinker...Yolanda reeled her in and has her mounted on her wall as a trophy.


I do agree that Andy will go easy on Yolanda, he always has and I might go 1 further and say that he will once again allow her to control the reunion like she did a couple of seasons ago. Her smile was evil IMO, she knew what she was did to Kyle/LisaV and enjoyed every minute of it immensely.


You have a more generous view of LVP than I do, but that's okay.  You are probably a more generous person.  :)


I TOTALLY agree that Yolanda's evil smile keeps sneaking through!! 


I also think that when Yolanda accuses Kyle of "producing" the show, she doesn't mean literally - I think she means in the way that they all do it, when they instigate conflict in order to "produce" storylines.  I suspect this is a conversation they have all the time.  Brandi alluded to it quite often - saying it was her role on the show, as the person who needed the money, to produce the conflict.  She also said that when "scenes" weren't going well, she would act up in order to create good television.  I think that's the kind of producing they mean; I also think that with Brandi gone, they are all aware that they need to do something new to produce conflict, so they're all caught in this cycle where they alternate between producing conflict and complaining that others are producing conflict.  


I laughed when someone told Heather Thomson last season, on twitter, "you should just talk to Bethenny about your issues off camera," and Heather was like, "that wouldn't be much of a show."  It's true.  


The part that's disingenuous with Yolanda here - as opposed to all the OTHER times Yolanda is disingenuous - is that they ALL "produce" in that way.  They have to, or there's no show.  If they get together and make endless small talk, they end up cancelled.  Someone has to instigate conflict in order for the narrative to move forward. The trick is to do it in a way that is authentic. In my opinion, at that lunch, Kyle and LVP brought up conflict just as they're supposed to; Yolanda used it to start a fight, just as SHE'S supposed to; but she ultimately lost the fight and so sent the email, and tried to pin the whole thing on Kyle.


Even saying in her blog that the women were unfair to her because they only read part of the email on camera is ridiculous.  Yolanda:  the PRODUCERS edited the footage.  And they edited out the parts of the email where you talked about production!  YOU KNOW THIS!!  I hate when the women use the fourth wall to their benefit - like when LVP complained about Kyle inviting Faye to lunch in Season Three; as Kyle pointed out later, in interviews, Faye was a PAID CAST MEMBER who was cast in the scene by production!! Lisa knew that.  But she also knew that pretending Kyle did it would make Kyle look bad; and that Kyle couldn't counter because Bravo won't include anything that acknowledges production.  It's a crappy thing to do to someone, and Yolanda is doing it here.


The main reason I am watching the season at this point: to see if Yolanda gets her comeuppance. There have been two great comeuppances in housewives history, in my opinion:  Jill at the Season 3 reunion, where Bethenny basically disemboweled her on stage; and, Vicki in this season's reunion, where they got her to admit to all KINDS of things, including faking Brooks' cancer symptoms for casseroles.  I would so love for that to happen to Yolanda.  It won't though.  But maybe there will be some smidgen of comeuppance, just an appetizer portion.  And that could be enough.

  • Love 14

So Yo has to host a party at a restaurant because she doesn't want to stress over having to HIRE various people. Beverly Hills problems!


You know, for someone with Lymes Fog, I'm amazed at her ability to remember specific lengths of time. She hasn't been to the gym in 3 years. She hasn't entertained in 11 months. She hasn't climbed a set of stairs in 2.7 weeks. Okay, I fudged on the last one! But it really does amaze me - one minute she's at 43% brain function and can't form a coherent sentence, and the next she's got all her details on lock! 


And I love how she wants to play the semantics game. I COULD call you bipolar, but I won't. (Except you just did...basically.) I have secrets about you in my vault, but of course I won't open it. She's really a manipulative bitch, isn't she? I really cannot understand why she's going after Kyle so hard. I got being mad at Lisar, but what is with this singled out email? 


Well, I suppose Kyle and Lisa V should not have been talking about the bi-polar comment right there at the table with everyone else. But Kyle was right - they've all done shit like that. But what Yo does drives me nuts - she takes one little thing and runs with it. She is not based in reality. Kyle has never ever said that she doesn't think Yo is sick, yet here is she is composing lectures about her "journey of three years" at 2 am in the morning. She is just cuckoo!



I am pretty sure Eileen is going to be a permanent fixture on this show, because she really is the mediator of the group. Everyone will be shouting over each other and not listening to a damn thing anyone else is saying, and Eileen is all calmly interjecting - "I think what she's trying to say is ____". And she's generally right. Listen to Eileen, people! 


I really don't know what to make of her tiff with LVP, though. I do think Lisa was being overly nosy and her motive was getting some good "dirt", not getting to know her friend better. I got a bad vibe during that convo. And I do understand Eileen's frustration with not being truly heard. Lisa's apology was pretty much one of those, "I'm sorry IF" non-apologies. And she did a haughty little laugh after, like she couldn't believe she had to apologize for THIS. Lisa is pretty bad about not owning shit, it can get really annoying. But....I think you kind of just have to realize that about her and pick your battles. As long ago as the Hamptons stuff was, I would not have brought it up again. It really seemed like Eileen was just looking for a way to squeeze that in there - because I doubt Erika's comments about LVP were really stemming from what the latter said to Eileen that weekend. I think it was an overall assessment. 


Speaking of which, Kathryn, dear....if you're going to repeat what one girl said about another, don't paraphrase so badly. I know it's on TV, so it will all come out anyhow. But Erika said nothing about a spider web. That's really going to come back to bite you! 



My favorite moment: the girls taking the piss out of Lisa V about her menagerie. "Where are the giraffes, Ken? Please bring in the zebra!" I love when they're just silly like that. 


Least favorite: Lisar on Jenny's show. I may be a prude, but I just really don't need to know about anyone's sex life. I wouldn't want to touch Lipsa's sex accessories with a 10 foot strap-on.




NOT looking forward to seeing either Brandi OR Kim again. Blech. 

  • Love 16

At the same time she uses words to negate the apology - words like IF I...

    She's good but she's not fooling Eileen.


I think the problem here is that, for some reason, Lisa doesn't see her blunt questioning about Eileen's dating a married man while also married as rude or offensive. Most of us do, but for some reason, this is not on her radar. Why not is anyone's guess, but I think this is the main problem. Eileen actually perceives there is a definite disconnect between the way the two see things, but even though she realizes that, she doesn't genuinely let it go.


The thing is, she did not have to answer those questions. She did, then later regretted it. I've done that sort of thing on occasion, and felt manipulated also. However, at that point, it is a bit late to go back to the questioner and demand an apology. Admit to yourself that you've allowed yourself to be manipulated into a discussion you didn't want to have, learn from it, and move on.


Because Lisa has this myopia about her approach, she will always qualify her apologies about this issue because she just doesn't get that she has done anything offensive. So at this point, it's like swankie said, "Deal with it, or not."

  • Love 14

You have a more generous view of LVP than I do, but that's okay.  You are probably a more generous person.  :)


I TOTALLY agree that Yolanda's evil smile keeps sneaking through!! 


I also think that when Yolanda accuses Kyle of "producing" the show, she doesn't mean literally - I think she means in the way that they all do it, when they instigate conflict in order to "produce" storylines.  I suspect this is a conversation they have all the time.  Brandi alluded to it quite often - saying it was her role on the show, as the person who needed the money, to produce the conflict.  She also said that when "scenes" weren't going well, she would act up in order to create good television.  I think that's the kind of producing they mean; I also think that with Brandi gone, they are all aware that they need to do something new to produce conflict, so they're all caught in this cycle where they alternate between producing conflict and complaining that others are producing conflict.  


I laughed when someone told Heather Thomson last season, on twitter, "you should just talk to Bethenny about your issues off camera," and Heather was like, "that wouldn't be much of a show."  It's true.  


The part that's disingenuous with Yolanda here - as opposed to all the OTHER times Yolanda is disingenuous - is that they ALL "produce" in that way.  They have to, or there's no show.  If they get together and make endless small talk, they end up cancelled.  Someone has to instigate conflict in order for the narrative to move forward. The trick is to do it in a way that is authentic. In my opinion, at that lunch, Kyle and LVP brought up conflict just as they're supposed to; Yolanda used it to start a fight, just as SHE'S supposed to; but she ultimately lost the fight and so sent the email, and tried to pin the whole thing on Kyle.


Even saying in her blog that the women were unfair to her because they only read part of the email on camera is ridiculous.  Yolanda:  the PRODUCERS edited the footage.  And they edited out the parts of the email where you talked about production!  YOU KNOW THIS!!  I hate when the women use the fourth wall to their benefit - like when LVP complained about Kyle inviting Faye to lunch in Season Three; as Kyle pointed out later, in interviews, Faye was a PAID CAST MEMBER who was cast in the scene by production!! Lisa knew that.  But she also knew that pretending Kyle did it would make Kyle look bad; and that Kyle couldn't counter because Bravo won't include anything that acknowledges production.  It's a crappy thing to do to someone, and Yolanda is doing it here.


The main reason I am watching the season at this point: to see if Yolanda gets her comeuppance. There have been two great comeuppances in housewives history, in my opinion:  Jill at the Season 3 reunion, where Bethenny basically disemboweled her on stage; and, Vicki in this season's reunion, where they got her to admit to all KINDS of things, including faking Brooks' cancer symptoms for casseroles.  I would so love for that to happen to Yolanda.  It won't though.  But maybe there will be some smidgen of comeuppance, just an appetizer portion.  And that could be enough.

I am not so sure Yolanda was referring to the fourth wall and storylines, I think she really believes that Kyle and LisaV have THAT much control over the show, filming AND editing. She gets a lot of her information from Brandi (Kim) and Brandi has been telling the world that LisaV and Kyle GOT HER FIRED and I suspect that Yolanda believes every single word out of Brandi's mouth.

I agree, they have to have some conflict on the show or it would be the end of BH. LOL

  • Love 8

Kathryn did not say that she was subpoenaed by the defense in the OJ trial. She said that she was subpoenaed, period, and fought it. It could have been for the prosecution. And, she refused to say OJ was guilty. After seeing her on WWHL, and on episode last night, I'm convinced she's a complete idiot and way out of her league. And, she also said she's forgiven Faye Resnick, so, so much for that big deal.


The issue I had with Kyle at the lunch with Yolanda was this - she's complaining that everything is getting swept under the rug. Hello, Kyle is the queen of that when she's involved in the drama. Rinna wasn't there, so even if it was being swept under the rug, it wasn't the right time to talk to Yolanda about it, AND it wasn't Kyle's issue to resolve regardless. It is rude to have a conversation about someone at the table, within earshot of that person. In typical Kyle fashion, she's all for stirring the pot for drama she thinks she's not involved in (the bi-polar comment), because she likes to be involved from the sidelines. It just backfired this time.

I mentioned on Kathryn's thread-she and Marcus probably fought it because they did not reside in LA County and resided more than 150 miles away.  They lived in Kansas City at the time of both trials.  I don't think Kathryn mentioned which trial they were subpoenaed to.    It is not as if you can just fight a subpoena because you don;t want to talk about your marriage.

  • Love 3

I thought it was hilarious that Yolanda was trying to pretend the email was due to her not having her brain functioning right at the time. Yolanda, not being able to think of the right burn in the moment isn't a symptom. Most everybody has that. Everybody's even more articulate about their complaints when they can write it out with time! You were obviously focused enough to laser in on a way to start yet another "everybody is attacking me!" situation so your brain was working as usual.


It is funny watching Lisa unable to really apologize--she's like Fonzie. "I was wr...wr...wr.." She can say she's sorry for politeness sake but yes, it makes her uncomfortable when that kind of spotlight gets put on her. She'd start out saying she was sorry but if you make her keep saying it her irritation is going to become more obvious. She's defensive. Here she would go from reluctantly apologetic to resentful to downright hostile!


Erika's standard speech about how she doesn't have girlfriends because girls just aren't trustworthy---yeah, we all know what you mean. You don't value women and see them only as competition and you'd rather be just the one woman admired by men. No wonder she's friends with Yolanda, former wife of "the king" who thinks friendship means people are constantly calling up to ask if they can be at your beck and call and if she doesn't answer it's like you ignored her. Meanwhile she does pretty much nothing for anybody else. In fact via editing it seems like she's literally ruined like 3 lunches in a row now by either taking offense at something or bringing the offense to the party.


Were Kyle and Lisa even really saying much about the bipolar thing? I thought the thing that caught Yolanda's attention was Kyle saying "I'm not even bringing up that" in an exaggerated side-mouth way.


I think basically the discussion began as, "Are Lisa and Yolanda ok with each other now?"  Really not a big deal blown way out of proportion by wannabe thought policewoman Yolanda.

  • Love 5

Eileen thought Kathryn was too smart to repeat what Erika said?  Hasn't Eileen done this at least twice?  She repeated Yolanda's bipolar comment to Rinna, and repeated Rinna's Munchausen's comment to Yolanda.  Maybe Eileen is actually questioning the intent behind Kathryn's tattling?


I get strangely uncomfortable when there's tension between Eileen and LVP.  I have my issues with both of them, so it's difficult to take sides, and the side changes frequently.  Eileen has the intelligence to take on Lisa, but not the stealth or mental fortitude.



Correction:  Don't whisper in a group of women.  Men (apparently) are fair game. 

LVP and Eileen are my favorites by far. They don't have to be best buds, but a big hate thing will make me really uncomfortable. Otherwise, I'm all "let the games begin" (or continue). 

Edited by mbutterfly
  • Love 9

I thought Eileen was the first person to actually call LVP out in an articulate, cogent way.

I totally agree, and it has nothing to do with my liking Eileen - I like LVP, too, but she's a very different animal and is all about power.  Doing the right thing is never on her radar - unless it has to do with animals, and that's arguable, considering some of poor little Giggy's outfits. ;)


I think this whole situation comes across to many as Eileen being whiny and not letting this go, but all she's really doing is calling LVP out on her bullshit non-apology and not backing down.  I also actually thought that, at first, she was just trying to help explain what may have been behind Erika's observation - it wasn't about Eileen originally, but once it came up, she stood her ground on that subject and doesn't mince words about the fact that LVP's faux apology was a passive aggressive swipe at Eileen and an attempt to make her look weak and needy.  She's neither - she's actually strong, but is also honest and shows true class - the latter two of which we often don't see with LVP, no matter how hard she tries to give that impression.  LVP is slick, though - I'll give her that.  I have to laugh at her attempts to look the victim, though.  She's not as good at that as she thinks - but then again, maybe she wants it to be obvious what she's doing - I never know!  As much as I love her sarcasm and quick wit, I have to wonder if she has any friends with whom she shows compassion and is the least bit unselfish.  Maybe she does, and they're just not on this show. 


I'm impressed that Eileen is sticking to her guns.  It seems as if she's not big on confrontation, but she doesn't want to let this bully get away with this one - especially after having it turned around on her.  Just own it, Vanderpump, and everyone can move on. 

  • Love 7

Finally a good episode!


I liked Erika in this one, and to a point, Katherine, and even Yo held her own.  Kyle's obvious mean-girl ways were on display, and I think Eileen actually VERY MUCH finally showed Lisa's ass. 

Agreed! Like seriously?


There's not even the slightest defense for Kyle. I just can't explain it all. It was so blatantly done. She's that mean girl that leans overs in the lunchroom. psst, psst, psst, psst in her friends ear while holding her hand over her mouth and looking directly at the person she's talking about making sure the person notices that she's talking about her. Like that shit was classic elementary school. What in the what????? And I know everyone hates Yolanda but in that instance she was absolutely right and handled it beautifully. She also put Kyle right on the spot calmly and collectively and that made Kyle all kinds of embarrassed that she was trying to lash out and act like Yolanda was doing something wrong. The things in the vault part was her making a point that things can be left alone and doesn't need to "accidentally" spill out for mean girl dramatics. I mean did you see the uh-oh smirk that Kyle had when someone FINALLY said "oh the bipolar comment". I mean she almost came in her panties cause she was going on and on hoping that someone would pick up on her "private conversation" and someone ELSE say it. I just can't she's such a fucking childish little piece of shit I swear. And then going all crazy and extra acting like Yolanda was stomping all over the restaurant all she was doing what calmly checking your ass! How many times did Yolanda say we're moving passed it, it's all good, lets move on? I mean Yolanda just keep brushing passed it so they could continue on with the meal but Kyle wouldn't let it go and then decided to be offended that Yolanda pretty much telling her well she already addressed in, answered her question can it be dropped now and still. On and on about LisaR. It's just so maddening.


Eileen gets on my fucking nerves and I'm all about Lisa V and I'm annoyed that she brought it up yet again but she did call Lisa V out a little bit on the fact that she can't handle anyone bringing a grievance to her without being dismissive and or offended that she's being criticized. Eileen just can't seem to seal the deal. She gets close but can't ever get to the finish line.


This would have been me. "okay, okay Lisa relax you don't get it because you don't want to get it. See right there, the sidebar about the pony while I'm talking to you about this is what I'm talking about. You're dismissive disregard, because what matters right now is that your uncomfortable with being confronted. Then you turn into the victim cause Oh me Oh my I just can't seem to do anything right boo hoo. You my dear handle other people's feelings rudely and that's all there is to it, now can you please pass the grey popoun"..

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4


I am not so sure Yolanda was referring to the fourth wall and storylines, I think she really believes that Kyle and LisaV have THAT much control over the show, filming AND editing. She gets a lot of her information from Brandi (Kim) and Brandi has been telling the world that LisaV and Kyle GOT HER FIRED and I suspect that Yolanda believes every single word out of Brandi's mouth.


I think there's some truth to that, maybe one of the few times Brandi is telling the truth.


Bravo loves LVP, and she's a perennial fan favorite.   She's the executive producer of Pump Rules, one of Bravo's successes, so I think she has connections at Bravo that Brandi can only dream about.  Bravo is not going to touch her.  


I have always  believed that the moment Brandi slapped LVP, Brandi was gone.  (And Kyle probably backed LVP up, but I doubt she was the only one.)


If Yolanda thinks by any stretch of the imagination she is going to "take down" one of Bravo's shining stars, she should rethink that. 

  • Love 6

There were so many funny and/or awesome moments in this episode!


  • "town drunk" (regarding Brandi)


  • Rinna using the word "narcissist" to describe Yolanda!! This bears repeating: Rinna said YOLANDA IS A NARCISSIST 


  • "come on Eileen" (like the song; another poster pointed this out; so funny)


  • montage of the HWs reading Yo's email (done NCIS or Criminal Minds or Law & Order style of presenting the facts)


  • the HWs joking about the menagerie
Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 21

Like seriously?

There's not even the slightest defense for Kyle. I just can't explain it all. It was so blatantly done. She's that mean girl that leans overs in the lunchroom. psst, psst, psst, psst in her friends ear while holding her hand over her mouth and looking directly at the person she's talking about making sure the person notices that she's talking about her. Like that shit was classic elementary school. What in the what????? And I know everyone hates Yolanda but in that instance she was absolutely right and handled it beautifully. She also put Kyle right on the spot calmly and collectively and that made Kyle all kinds of embarrassed that she was trying to lash out and act like Yolanda was doing something wrong. The things in the vault part was her making a point that things can be left alone and doesn't need to "accidentally" spill out for mean girl dramatics. I mean did you see the uh-oh smirk that Kyle had when someone FINALLY said "oh the bipolar comment". I mean she almost came in her panties cause she was going on and on hoping that someone would pick up on her "private conversation" and someone ELSE say it. I just can't she's such a fucking childish little piece of shit I swear. And then going all crazy and extra acting like Yolanda was stomping all over the restaurant all she was doing what calmly checking your ass! How many times did Yolanda say we're moving passed it, it's all good, lets move on? I mean Yolanda just keep brushing passed it so they could continue on with the meal but Kyle wouldn't let it go and then decided to be offended that Yolanda pretty much telling her well she already addressed in, answered her question can it be dropped now and still. On and on about LisaR. It's just so maddening.


Eileen gets on my fucking nerves and I'm all about Lisa V and I'm annoyed that she brought it up yet again but she did call Lisa V out a little bit on the fact that she can't handle anyone bringing a grievance to her without being dismissive and or offended that she's being criticized. Eileen just can't seem to seal the deal. She gets close but can't ever get to the finish line.


This would have been me. "okay, okay Lisa relax you don't get it because you don't want to get it. See right there, the sidebar about the pony while I'm talking to you about this is what I'm talking about. You're dismissive disregard, because what matters right now is that your uncomfortable with being confronted. Then you turn into the victim cause Oh me Oh my I just can't seem to do anything right boo hoo. You my dear handle other people's feelings rudely and that's all there is to it, now can you please pass the grey popoun"..



Yes to all of this.  Whispering at any social event is horribly rude.  Yolanda wanted to move on.  Yay, I thought and was immediately dashed because no one else seemed to want that!  WTF?  My only wish for this episode is to bury the M word.  I almost had it.  damn

  • Love 2

Yolanda isn't filming in Malibu because their home had been rented during filming.  I believe that is why we only see the Girardi's outdoors when visiting Yolanda and David.  By the time filming happened and we are presently around September 20, 2015, I think the Smiths had bought the house. In October-Hope was picking out new linens for their new California beach house in October.  I wonder how Yolanda feels about Hope talking about remodeling the Malibu mansion and giving it a modern feel? Hope would make a good RH, and I believe she and Rinna were on Celebrity Apprentice together.  And she is well. Pregnant but well.


My next complaint about Yolanda stop talking about others labeling people.  Lyme brain needs to understand every time she #s it is a damn label.  Yolanda is now claiming her "vault" comment is she had things locked away in her heart.  #liarliarpantsonfire.

  • Love 6

Eileen is not going to get what she wants. LVP is one tough cookie. She was doing the job that a reality "star" does. She doesn't see any reason to tiptoe around a topic that is not a secret and is not even a particularly unusual situation. Oh my! A married actress fell for a married athlete and they had an affair and they both divorced and now she's married to him! If Eileen didn't want to talk about it, fine, she should have just said so. I'm guessing Lisa was first bemused and then irritated by Eileen's insistence that Lisa's questioning inflicted some level of trauma on her. She doesn't believe it, she doesn't understand it and she isn't going to, no matter how much Eileen tries to make her.



This is so true, especially the first and last sentences. I feel for Eileen, but she is not going to get the closure she wants from LVP. If I could tell Eileen one thing, it would be this, "The great thing about banging your head against the wall is how wonderful it feels when you stop."

  • Love 10

I thought it was hilarious that Yolanda was trying to pretend the email was due to her not having her brain functioning right at the time. Yolanda, not being able to think of the right burn in the moment isn't a symptom. Most everybody has that. Everybody's even more articulate about their complaints when they can write it out with time! You were obviously focused enough to laser in on a way to start yet another "everybody is attacking me!" situation so your brain was working as usual.







Yes!  Is there anyone out there who does not do a "do over" on what we should have said?!   Mine are frequently out loud in the car and brilliant!   If we could only think on our feet quickly all the time.   Lyme, pffffffffffft, you ass.  

  • Love 10

Yolanda isn't filming in Malibu because their home had been rented during filming.  I believe that is why we only see the Girardi's outdoors when visiting Yolanda and David.  By the time filming happened and we are presently around September 20, 2015, I think the Smiths had bought the house. In October-Hope was picking out new linens for their new California beach house in October.  I wonder how Yolanda feels about Hope talking about remodeling the Malibu mansion and giving it a modern feel? Hope would make a good RH, and I believe she and Rinna were on Celebrity Apprentice together.  And she is well. Pregnant but well.

 Escrow closed on october 6th, so I'm thinking they had at least started the process of emptying out the house. 


Also, in case anyone wonders, the newest satellite images seem to indicate that Yolanda's lemon-trees have gone the way of Snowball the dog. 

  • Love 6

Well I never thought I'd dislike anyone as much as I dislike Brandi but YO is definitely a wak a doodle. DId ya'l READ that piece if crap-fantasy blog of hers??? People are DYING EVERY DAY from Lyme!!!!! Yep. It's true. Not cancer but LYME. Now I have, officially, heard it all. GAG And she, once again, tries to say AIDS and Lyme are the same horrible thing. Not a chance bitch. You're tired? Stay in bed and SHUT UP. 


I love LVP and I'm quite fond of Eileen but, Eileen honey? YOU brought up your cheating. NOBODY cares if you slept with this guy before you left husband no 2 over 20 years ago! Really. We. Don't. Care. Let it go........

I never wanted to smack someone as bad as I wanted to smack "poor ill dying fatal disease can't get out of bed" Yolanda. She was so HAPPY to start shit with Kyle and LVP. She had that super smug superior smile of hers and her eyes were shining! She was having FUN. What a see you next tuesday.

  • Love 16

This is so true, especially the first and last sentences. I feel for Eileen, but she is not going to get the closure she wants from LVP. If I could tell Eileen one thing, it would be this, "The great thing about banging your head against the wall is how wonderful it feels when you stop."


This should also be said to Lisa R regarding Kim.

  • Love 9

Yes to all of this.  Whispering at any social event is horribly rude.  Yolanda wanted to move on.  Yay, I thought and was immediately dashed because no one else seemed to want that!  WTF?  My only wish for this episode is to bury the M word.  I almost had it.  damn

See that's how I took this whole exchange. Because Kyle did what she did not only did they create a new dialogue for Lisa R and Yolando to have to resolve but in the course of explaining herself she managed to bring up the Lisa V and kids thing again and THAT blew up. I mean I know I know paycheck but it's so stupid how Kyle wants to be all offended about any of it. Ummmmmm, I would have called you on that too you mean girl bitch. Throws stones then TRIES to stand in front of the boulder with this defiant attitude.. "yeah, and what? I ain't do nothin'" Girl BYE! I don't care how annoying Yolanda has been but she didn't do anything wrong in that exchange and yeah, the smirks and calm tone wasn't lost on me. It's the tone and the attitude you take with a bitch like Kyle whose gonna sit there and have the nerve to try and say she didn't just start some bullshit just for the sake of starting bullshit. Yolanda was steely, as in I see right through you bitch and I'm gonna lay it right out on the table for you no matter how much you flop around with fake outrag. No sweetheart YOU started this YOU created this confrontation and now I'M gonna let you know about yourself. Dumb bitch. Ugggghhhh can't fucking stand her.  And as for Yolanda mentioning the Bella and Anwar thing she was using it as an example of the things that have been moved on from not that she was accusing anything again. Her point was that it's done and doesn't need to be brought up as a reason to keep bad blood flowing at every opportunity. Geeeezzzzzzzz! But Yolanda is wrong for putting Kyle in her place for even bringing that bad energy to the table. Puleezzz!

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

Atwood, adding to what you are saying about Erika, I do think there is some jealousy at how her husband talked to LVP at dinner. He was clearly enamored with Lisa, and very intrigued by her. Maybe he was like that with Erika in the beginning, but now he sees her as his trophy that he can shush.

Mr Moneybags was being a dick and 'showing' LVP what a charmer he is. Watch ken thru the meal. In the beginning, he is busy eating and picking his teeth- by the end of the meal, he has placed an arm across the back of lisa's chair...He picked up on moneybags schmoozing and was paying attention to what was going on.

It was disrespectful for moneybags to 'flirt' with lisa that way, if you are going to pay a woman a compliment, say she looks nice.


His 'compliment' was just a line to get her to react...When you call someone an 'alligator', You are looking for someone to flinch and defend themselves.

  • Love 13

Didn't Eileen but into a conversation in the Hamptons where LVP and Kyle were talking about friends divorcing. Um, if you are divorced and don't want to talk about it (or the affair or feeling you developed for another guy while married) then stop trying to find out the gossip and stay out of the conversation since that will prevent the skeletons from tumbling out of the closet again. So Eileen inserted herself into the conversation because she either wanted in on the gossip or she was desperate for a storyline (she has been boring and bravo has been overpaying her imo).


Then she gets all huffy about the word "affair". You had an emotional affair, get over it. You should have stayed out of the conversation and since you couldn't do that then you should have just let it die by not reacting. But no, you had to made it into a story (her story is not wanting to talk about her story, wtf, girl, please). So she vents to Rinna about it (bringing the story up again on camera) and then brings it up again when she has the staged sit down with LVP who does apologize.


Now she already has her apologies and no story. Hmm, what next. Ok get buddy buddy with Yo & Erika who hate LVP. Now bring up your non-story story again (YAWN) and get THREE MORE apologies (I guess you didn't accept the first one). First of all, LVP didn't owe her an apology imo but since she has played this game before, she does the polite thing by apologizing for Eileen being upset (actually Eileen, you created this story and you also need to own up to the fact that only you can control your own feelings). Whatever. LVP said she was sorry if Eileen was upset/hurt/etc. She could have used "for" in place of "if" but I don't think that would even matter. She wasn't sorry since Eileen is the one who started it all and chose to take offense and now won't shut up about it (which I thought the problem was in the first place---she didn't want it on camera but now that is all see can talk about). I think she just wanted a storyline. 


Why take the focus off Erika (Kathryn had just given some juicy gossip about Erika talking smack about LVP)? I preferred to hear that instead of Eileen butting in with her boring shit about not liking LVP's way of apologizing (she had already apologized prior to this current lunch/dinner). Eileen can take her boring overpaid ass and go sit next to Yo & Erika (next to the ghosts of bg & Kim)

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 10

It is interesting that Erika is exactly the type of woman that defines the female that she doesn't want as a friend!    


I don't really get Erica at all.  I think that she gives off that "I don't need any friends" attitude - has she always been that way, or did she just develop that attitude when she married her husband, and she has his money to give her the confidence to have that attitude?  She definitely has some walls up around her, imo.


She doesn't seem warm or inviting to me, she doesn't seem to open herself up to become friends with anyone.  She's cold and seems to hold herself up above others...and I also think that SHE is the one who "shoots from the side".  I think she can be manipulative and sneaky.


She seems like maybe she was the pretty girl in h.s. who claimed that she never had any girlfriends because other girls felt threatened by her looks, so were jealous or never took the time to get to know her, when, in reality, that pretty girl was more impressed with herself and her looks than others were, so again, she held herself away from others and came across as aloof and conceited, and others were/are beneath her or not worthy of her friendship.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 17

And of course she says "women" because she's always finding moments to remind us that women are different than men-less trustworthy and more catty etc.


I don't believe for one second Yolanda hasn't whispered herself at dinner parties numerous times if she has anybody else there who would listen. This is a woman who puts hearts on certain place cards. If anybody told her she was wrong for making a quiet aside to the person beside her they'd get treated to a long lecture about how they were rude for not respecting her having to say a word to her friend.



Given Yolanda's own "rules" about friendship it's not surprising that she wouldn't be able to understand that Lisa and Kyle could fight and then still be friends and make up. Friends are supposed to always "have your back" and basically worship and coddle you if you're the Yolanda in the relationship.

Couldn't disagree more. She jumped on Kyle and Lisa having a private conversation and used it as an excuse to start up a list of her usual grievances. She doesn't want to "let it drop" she wants to be in control of the situation so she can say her piece yet again and have no one answer her. And then start up again with her list of lies like "You said my children blah blah blah." She was fine having the whole thing brought up again, she just didn't like Kyle getting to inject another opinion into it. I will never get the whole "Kyle=Mean Girl" thing. I know she, like all of them, has plenty of times when she tries to manipulative and can be jealous and catty too, but she's no more or less likely to be pulling it than the rest of them. Yolanda didn't have to ask what they were talking about, but when she did Kyle told her and then Yolanda took off as if Kyle has said it loud to begin with when she was actually saying "Don't bring that up."


So Yolanda actually shot herself in the foot by making it a topic of conversation. Or she would have shot herself in the foot if she didn't actually want to make it a topic of conversation so she could be the victim again.

Private conversation...?????? Kyle's intention with all that nonsense was so clear that it almost jumped through my screen and whispered it directly into MY ear. It was CLASSIC mean girl deliberateness. I just can't. It's plain as day that Kyle wanted the matter to be discussed and take life at that table but I'm chalking it up to Yolanda's "bitch eating crackers" status so there's just no point.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 2

I don't know how LVP kept her cool during that lunch with Yolanda. I wanted her to smash a glass Rinna style. I wanted someone to wipe the smug smirk off of Yolanda's face as she saw Kyle was getting upset. What difference does it make to Yolanda if Kyle & LVP consider themselves close friends or not. Her hatred towards LVP is off the charts. I liked Kyle not backing down when Yo sneered that she "holds a lot of information in the vault, honey."


The nerve of this condescending bitch sending an email scolding Kyle like she's a Non-Gigi is unreal to me. 


The only problem is, that due to Lyme brain, or whatever term Yolanda found on the internet to explain it, Yolanda can't remember where the key to that vault is....  ;-)


I thought that was a really nasty thing to say - I agree with you about the glass-smashing feeling!!  It was all - "don't talk about me, or I will spill the secrets I think I know" - just the same way that Kim did last year in Amsterdam to LisaR.  Let's drop a subtle hint of secrets and see who contacts me first to have me spill the tea.


I was glad to see LVP get up and walk away from that table.  I only wish Kyle had done the same. 

  • Love 15

I disagree because I have used that word in an apology when I am unclear about what I did that hurt someone and it doesn't mean that I am not sorry I hurt them at all. Eileen has a bad habit of "beating around the bush" when she tries to explain her "feelings". It is like she is on her Soap and overacting her scene and she doesn't get to the point, she just goes on and on AND she expects the other to sit and listen to her ramble on and on and on then cry, beg forgiveness and grovel at her feet. LOL Ok, a mild exaggeration with the groveling but she does expect MORE than an apology and she just isn't going to get from most people.


But I do respect your opinion and agree to disagree on this and about LisaV in general. :)


Eileen is playing this apology thing as if it was a story line in a soap except the season is 20 or so episodes long and not day in and day out, year in and year out Monday through Friday.


She is doing it because it is her only story line much like Yoyo's and her never ending issues. 


She and Yoyo both need to be told "Accept it or don't, I don't care, but I am getting off this merry go round."

  • Love 9

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