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S06.E10: The Next World

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After so long of waiting for Rick and Michonne to get busy i was elated when it finally happened!


And then the reality set in...that will probably be known for the rest of the series as "The Kiss of Death" for Michonne. I am convinced now that she is going to die. With an unknown amount of seasons left in the show I in know way believe they are going to let the hero be happy until the final credits roll on the last episode. Plus I can see them not wanting to tie Rick down with a steady love interest so that he can romance this gal or that gal in whatever temporary "safe zones" they wind up in the future. I am really, really worried for Michonne now...she has always been the most improved character having come so far from the scowly near silent companion of Andrea from those early days.

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The general gist I get in reading various interviews with Danai or Scott Gimple is that she is an integral part of the story and not heartbreak cannon fodder for Rick.  There's always kidnapping and various other forms of peril to cause anguish.  And without Michonne, Rick is the one who'd be dead several times over.

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After so long of waiting for Rick and Michonne to get busy i was elated when it finally happened!


And then the reality set in...that will probably be known for the rest of the series as "The Kiss of Death" for Michonne. I am convinced now that she is going to die. With an unknown amount of seasons left in the show I in know way believe they are going to let the hero be happy until the final credits roll on the last episode. Plus I can see them not wanting to tie Rick down with a steady love interest so that he can romance this gal or that gal in whatever temporary "safe zones" they wind up in the future. I am really, really worried for Michonne now...she has always been the most improved character having come so far from the scowly near silent companion of Andrea from those early days.

I think the bigger risk is that Michonne's only significance now is as Rick's girlfriend and surrogate mom to his kids.

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When the group first came to Alexandria and Carl was hanging out with the kids in the attic there was at least one other teenage boy besides Ron.  And they implied there were other kids (at school).  What happened to all the other kids?

Yes! That other teenage boy was Nicholas's son Mikey, and he hasn't been mentioned since! And when the group arrived at Alexandria, weren't they drawn to the sound of children's laughter inside the walls? 

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I think the bigger risk is that Michonne's only significance now is as Rick's girlfriend and surrogate mom to his kids.


I don't think that's going to happen. Michonne has been Rick's platonic friend for long enough that there's no reason or evidence that she can't stand on her own as a character, and we don't know what their relationship will turn into now that they've canoodled. I'm usually the first to be a pessimist, but I'm willing to think positively based on what's come before.

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Yes! That other teenage boy was Nicholas's son Mikey, and he hasn't been mentioned since! And when the group arrived at Alexandria, weren't they drawn to the sound of children's laughter inside the walls? 

Nicholas who pulled Glenn off the dumpster Nicholas? Am I confused? Do I have the dementia again? 

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Doubleback mambo = two backs, one dance. 


Ah, thank you kindly, young one. ;)


I didn't mean to suggest that naked sexytimes didn't happen between them. I'm just saying, for argument's sake, that there are many alternatives to the kinds of fun which have baby-making risks... :D

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I don't think that's going to happen. Michonne has been Rick's platonic friend for long enough that there's no reason or evidence that she can't stand on her own as a character, and we don't know what their relationship will turn into now that they've canoodled. I'm usually the first to be a pessimist, but I'm willing to think positively based on what's come before.


I remain hopeful, too.  There's also that a guy who doesn't let Michonne be Michonne is going to be unattractive to her VERY quickly. 

Another thought I had about the pairing:  There's a faction of posters who don't think Rick is good enough for Michonne based on some of his previous actions, and while I don't agree with it, I see why they make the point.  But one thing that occurs to me is that for Michonne, with her history, what's going to be one of the single most attractive traits a man can have?  An interest in keeping his kids alive and the ability to do so.

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I remain hopeful, too. There's also that a guy who doesn't let Michonne be Michonne is going to be unattractive to her VERY quickly.

Another thought I had about the pairing: There's a faction of posters who don't think Rick is good enough for Michonne based on some of his previous actions, and while I don't agree with it, I see why they make the point. But one thing that occurs to me is that for Michonne, with her history, what's going to be one of the single most attractive traits a man can have? An interest in keeping his kids alive and the ability to do so.

I totally agree with this. I also read that Michonne background,losing a child and the way it happened, was change by Kirkman. That is telling to me of who they wanted the character to end-up with in the end.

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I don't get where the apprehension comes from about Michonne getting killed or just becoming Rick's girlfriend. Michonne is a main character in the show whether she is romantically involved with Rick or not. Maggie isn't just Glenn's wife. She is a character in her own right although of course, she shares most of her scenes with him. Michonne's primary bond in the group from the start was with Carl which has caused her to form a bond with Rick. She has always shared most of her scenes with Rick and his children while continuing to be a warrior. Having her jump out of bed and point her katana at Jesus reinforces this. 


As for getting pregnant,  there are probably condoms in Alexandria and even if Rick and Michonne do not have access to birth control, it is not difficult for anyone who took sex education to not get pregnant. Most women are only fertile six days per month although they should abstain two to three days before ovulation just in case. Plus, given their poor limited diet and rigorous physical activity, it should be even more difficult for any of the woman in the group to get pregnant.

Edited by SimoneS
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Plus, given their poor limited diet and rigorous physical activity, it should be even more difficult for any of the woman in the group to get pregnant.

Maggie got pregnant when the group was literally starving to death while wandering the roads after Terminus.

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Maggie got pregnant when the group was literally starving to death while wandering the roads after Terminus.


Which is pretty unbelievable leading to the conclusion that the pregnancies are plot devices. I don't think that Michonne will be subjected to that particular plot device for awhile. However, if she did get pregnant, I think that would be good drama. 

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Eugene's participation in the Clearing might be evidence of a change in Eugene's innate self-view and core values; on the other hand, it might also simply be that Rosita's earlier harsh words impressed upon Eugene the very real possibility that CDB might be fed up with his constant unwillingness to fight the good fight - to the point continued non-participation might not be given the depressed-but-accepting pass of days past, but instead might be met with total ostracism or even outright banishment. Eugene's own words would seem to bear this out. Eugene didn't choose to fight because it was right, or because he needed to prove something to himself or anyone else; he fought because "everybody will be talking about this" for years to come - including, presumably, talking disparagingly about those who cringed from the fight. Eugene is intelligent enough to know this would forever relegate him to second-class citizen status - to borrow from J. K. Rowling, Eugene would be forever branded as The Man Who Hid - and therefore numbered among the most expendable. In this context, participation becomes mandatory to ensure future survival. Don't get me wrong; I really HOPE there's more to Eugene than this, but it is possible this is all there is.

Reading Eugene's line "This is one story they're going to tell" to mean "I have no choice but to participate lest I be labeled an irredeemable coward and drummed out of the community" is certainly valid, given Eugene's history, but I didn't read it that way. To me, Eugene sounded almost excited, as if he wanted to participate in something that would be talked about for years after, so that he could say "I was there, I witnessed it." There's something very powerful about being able to participate in collective events of significance, and in the postapocalyptic world of TWD, which has shrunk considerably, participating in the clearing of Alexandria would be even more important in the collective memory.

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Michonne is not getting pregnant because for some women pregnant is not as easy as some people think.

Michonne is not getting pregnant because I don't want it, not right now and maybe never. Also Rick's little soldiers might be slow, lol.

Michonne is getting pregnant because the writers won't make her pregnant. They no reason because Rick and Michonne basically already have two children. So the writers won't feel the need to have Michonne pregnant.

So in conclusion, Michonne and Rick can have sex like they are rabbits and Michonne will never get pregnant.

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As for getting pregnant, there are probably condoms in Alexandria and even if Rick and Michonne do not have access to birth control, it is not difficult for anyone who took sex education to not get pregnant. Most women are only fertile six days per month although they should abstain two to three days before ovulation just in case. Plus, given their poor limited diet and rigorous physical activity, it should be even more difficult for any of the woman in the group to get pregnant.

But, it's a Brave New World and she has African ovaries.

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I don't get where the apprehension comes from about Michonne getting killed or just becoming Rick's girlfriend. Michonne is a main character in the show whether she is romantically involved with Rick or not. Maggie isn't just Glenn's wife. She is a character in her own right although of course, she shares most of her scenes with him. Michonne's primary bond in the group from the start was with Carl which has caused her to form a bond with Rick. She has always shared most of her scenes with Rick and his children while continuing to be a warrior. Having her jump out of bed and point her katana at Jesus reinforces this. 


As for getting pregnant,  there are probably condoms in Alexandria and even if Rick and Michonne do not have access to birth control, it is not difficult for anyone who took sex education to not get pregnant. Most women are only fertile six days per month although they should abstain two to three days before ovulation just in case. Plus, given their poor limited diet and rigorous physical activity, it should be even more difficult for any of the woman in the group to get pregnant.


I agree. I don't get where the "All of Rick's women die" thing is coming from seeing as how he's only been with 1 (I don't count Jessie because they only kissed). Lori was his wife and she died giving birth to Shane's baby in the absence of proper medical care. Also, she was a horrible person and mother so it was kinda karma. Jessie died because she simply wasn't ready for this "new world". She'd been behind the walls for the whole ZA, and her sons were emotionally stunted. Even if she hadn't surrendered at seeing Sam eaten, I doubt she would have made it for more than a week outside of ASZ. She would have died with our witout Rick's sexy, sexy kisses. Michonne however, is and has always been a character in her own right, with her own arch, strengths and aspirations outside of Rick. She's the closest to Rick in terms of bonds, but they've been separated before and survived just fine. Of course it's up to the writers, but I really don't see how Michonne dying would serve the overall storyline at this point. She's effectively the female lead of this show and her being with Rick isn't going to turn him into a schmoopy mess (again, refer to how she jumped out of that bed o' love and had her Katana on Jesus before her eyes fully opened). She'll be the same badass she's always been, she'll just finally get to have some sex. She and Rick have earned it, dammit lol.



Which is pretty unbelievable leading to the conclusion that the pregnancies are plot devices. I don't think that Michonne will be subjected to that particular plot device for awhile. However, if she did get pregnant, I think that would be good drama. 


Exactly. Lori's pregnancy was for the sake of driving a wedge between Rick and Shane that couldn't be reversed. Maggie's pregnancy was to reinforce Glenn's will to survive and Maggie realizing that she can't risk her life for Glenn's anymore (as she did for most of season 5). I actually envisioned Maggie and Michonne having a convo one day where Maggie hands Michonne a pack of condoms and says something like "We won't be needing these for a while so you should have them" and having Michonne raise her eyebrows in the way only she can, but taking them just the same :) But yeah, I don't see Michonne getting pregnant, and if the writers ever chose to do it, it would be after a super fast-forward timeline wise (i.e. several years) or  likely not until this show is on it's final season. Babies don't make sense in this world as it stands, and the writers have no idea what to do with Judith right now as it is.

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Maggie got pregnant when the group was literally starving to death while wandering the roads after Terminus.


They were hungry for a while but they weren't experiencing an extended period of genuine starvation - Bob Geldof wasn't about to show up at their campsite asking them if they knew about Christmas.  Some women in actual famines can still get pregnant and Maggie still has some meat on her bones.

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Yes! That other teenage boy was Nicholas's son Mikey, and he hasn't been mentioned since! And when the group arrived at Alexandria, weren't they drawn to the sound of children's laughter inside the walls?


I think we can all just assume that the Wolves killed them all. It saves having to create backstories for a bunch of people they were never interested in to begin with. 

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Also see Othello, Act I, scene i, "...the beast with two backs."  :)


I know that reference (which is why I figured the other one was a sex-related phrase, but I didn't know whether that specific phrase meant a particular sexual activity (and I didn't want to check urbandictionary because one can't un-read something)... ;)

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I must be the last person in the world who got to watch the episode.  Yay Richonne!


I assume we will never be given an explanation on how "Jesus" got untied, followed a running truck (and these guys never put put along at a safe 20mph), and got up on top of it, while it was running.


Alexandria has just been overrun by hordes of walkers and the Wolves, resulting in the destruction of their walls and massive death counts.  Michonne is a sentry, who spots something in the woods, leaves her post, and without telling anyone else, wanders into the woods to check it out.  Really?  And she's supposed to be one of the smart ones.  Even Boston Rob could figure out the buddy system.

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Yay, I finally caught up with the thread!


Also, it's practically revolutionary for a big show like this to have its main romantic couple be an interracial one with a black woman, especially a black woman that doesn't conform to euro centric standards of beauty.


Eh, I think whoever determined that particular eurocentric standard of beauty needs to get their eyes checked; Danai Gurira is stunning!


I think the dreads are part of Michonne's signature look. Eugene has his mullet, Abraham has his handlebar mustache, Sasha has her gorgeous braided buns, and Michonne has her dreads. With that said, Danai can rock the short hair, my goodness.


Abraham has more of a Fu Manchu mustache.


And your honor, I submit "No, there's more! You see? When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the '64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn't happen here. The tire mark stayed flat and even. This car had an independent rear suspension. Now, in the '60's, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the '64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest."


The two Yoots are guilty as charged, Jesus has left the building.


I'm 99% sure that the two Yoots were found not guilty as a result of that brilliant testimony.

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I know that reference (which is why I figured the other one was a sex-related phrase, but I didn't know whether that specific phrase meant a particular sexual activity (and I didn't want to check urbandictionary because one can't un-read something)... ;)


Urban Dictionary is scarier to me than an actual zombie apocalypse. 

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I think this episode was conceived as proof of Rick's law of averages.  Its the embodiment of one day they'll find supplies and people and the supplies won't be Bob and the people won't eat him. 


One magical episode there will be wordplay and one-liners and jokes and hijinks.  The new character will hold his own against the likes of Rick and Daryl in skills ad personality from his first moment onscreen instead of being a downer with a tragic past that will bore and annoy us until they grow on us like mold on a shower curtain.  There will be Grimes/Michonne family bonding.  Carl won't revert to prison Carl with the loss of his eye (I was totally expecting that one).  And then when the day is winding down after Rick delivers the comedy and Michonne delivers the heartfelt, they'll get it on.


I think that was why they were vague about the time jump with Maggie not showing.  I think something not good is going on there and no downers in the law of averages episode. 

What I noted from that scene was that while Glen and Maggie talked about the crops not growing, Maggie's teary face betrayed that she was worried about her baby not growing.

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Michonne is not getting pregnant because for some women pregnant is not as easy as some people think.

Michonne is not getting pregnant because I don't want it, not right now and maybe never. Also Rick's little soldiers might be slow, lol.

Michonne is getting pregnant because the writers won't make her pregnant. They no reason because Rick and Michonne basically already have two children. So the writers won't feel the need to have Michonne pregnant.

So in conclusion, Michonne and Rick can have sex like they are rabbits and Michonne will never get pregnant.


In further conclusion, 'pregnant' no longer looks like an actual word. ;-)

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Reading Eugene's line "This is one story they're going to tell" to mean "I have no choice but to participate lest I be labeled an irredeemable coward and drummed out of the community" is certainly valid, given Eugene's history, but I didn't read it that way. To me, Eugene sounded almost excited, as if he wanted to participate in something that would be talked about for years after, so that he could say "I was there, I witnessed it." There's something very powerful about being able to participate in collective events of significance, and in the postapocalyptic world of TWD, which has shrunk considerably, participating in the clearing of Alexandria would be even more important in the collective memory.


I agree it's entirely possible Eugene saw the coming battle as the Alexandria version of St. Crispin's Day; in fact, I'm certain that's the surface interpretation the director wished to convey.  Which is why I immediately looked for possible alternate interpretations.  I'm hella big on devil's advocacy as the best way to preserve objectivity.  ;>



Michonne is not getting pregnant because I don't want it, not right now and maybe never. Also Rick's little soldiers might be slow, lol.


Slow, hell.  They've been running all over Georgia -er- Virginia.



I know that reference (which is why I figured the other one was a sex-related phrase, but I didn't know whether that specific phrase meant a particular sexual activity (and I didn't want to check urbandictionary because one can't un-read something)... ;)


Well, I initially thought of "bumping boots" - but coming from someone with a handle like Nashville, that would've been just too stereotypical for words.



I assume we will never be given an explanation on how "Jesus" got untied, followed a running truck (and these guys never put put along at a safe 20mph), and got up on top of it, while it was running.


My impression was Jesus was out of the ropes and onto the roof before Rick even took the truck out of Park.  Did anybody else notice after they turned their backs on Jesus and got back in the truck, neither Rick nor Daryl (a) turned around to look at Jesus again, or (b) even bothered looking in the mirrors?  ;)

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Which is odd because Daryl even flipped him off right as they started to drive away. What good's an aggressive bird if you don't couple it with eye contact to show you're super serious?


...right? I did wonder why Daryl bothered since it was a cube van, Daryl was in the passenger side, and Jesus was tied up at the back by the driver's side.


I guess it's good enough for Daryl if *Daryl* knows he flipped Jesus the bird. 


Somewhere in Heaven, Beth's taking a break from singing to look down and smile at him for the gesture... ;)

Edited by NoWillToResist
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...right? I did wonder why Daryl bothered since it was a cube van, Daryl was in the passenger side, and Jesus was tied up at the back by the driver's side.


I guess it's good enough for Daryl if *Daryl* knows he flipped Jesus the bird. 


Somewhere in Heaven, Beth's taking a break from singing to look down and smile at him for the gesture... ;)


Heck, Beth is probably flipping Daryl the bird from Heaven for not burning the sorghum barn down.  We all know she loves her arson.  ;)

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 Babies don't make sense in this world as it stands, and the writers have no idea what to do with Judith right now as it is.


I don't necessarily think they need an idea of what to do with Judith, beyond showing her every once in a while, just enough that we know she's still adorable, still being taken care of, and they didn't forget her in an attic.  

And now I've got horrible visions of them "doing something" with Judith, you know, giving her a catch phrase and turning her into Michelle Tanner from Full House.  


What I noted from that scene was that while Glen and Maggie talked about the crops not growing, Maggie's teary face betrayed that she was worried about her baby not growing.


I made that same connection, but I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT.  (Even while I remain convinced there will never be birth scene, no matter how we get to that point.)  

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I just returned from the wikia. By their approximation, she should be about 306 days - so you're right - about 10 mos. it's really crazy how much has happened in those months.


Wait. Wait. Wait. 

It's been 10 months since Lori died? 10 months?! Not even a full year? They really need to tell us this on the show because whoooo. My mind is so blown right now. I guess if we're going by the tiny human calendar though, I should've thought about it a bit further. I feel like it's been forever. 

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The day Daryl finally takes a shower I expect the same level of fan celebration that we got with Richonne finally hooking up. People have just been waiting so long for it that when it finally happens it the fanbase will explode.

I still have at least six pages to go in the thread, but I agree that there will be great celebrations when (if???) Daryl ever washes. Especially if we can see it. ;-)

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 My impression was Jesus was out of the ropes and onto the roof before Rick even took the truck out of Park.  Did anybody else notice after they turned their backs on Jesus and got back in the truck, neither Rick nor Daryl (a) turned around to look at Jesus again, or (b) even bothered looking in the mirrors?  ;)


Which is odd because Daryl even flipped him off right as they started to drive away. What good's an aggressive bird if you don't couple it with eye contact to show you're super serious?


...right? I did wonder why Daryl bothered since it was a cube van, Daryl was in the passenger side, and Jesus was tied up at the back by the driver's side.


I guess it's good enough for Daryl if *Daryl* knows he flipped Jesus the bird. 

The first association I had as soon as I realized Rick and Daryl were totally ignoring Jesus:

Dr. Evil: Close the tank!

Scott Evil: Wait, aren't you even going to watch them? They could get away!

Dr. Evil: No no no, I'm going to leave them alone and not actually witness them dying, I'm just gonna assume it all went to plan. What?

Scott Evil: I have a gun, in my room, you give me five seconds, I'll get it, I'll come back down here, BOOM, I'll blow their brains out!

Dr. Evil: Scott, you just don't get it, do ya? You don't.


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Heck, Beth is probably flipping Daryl the bird from Heaven for not burning the sorghum barn down.  We all know she loves her arson.  ;)


She must have wet her pants at him nuking Negan's goons then. ;)


WOW. Last time somebody called me "young one", Nixon was still working on the first draft of his resignation speech. ¡Muchas gracias! :D


It's nice to be made to feel youthful, regardless of what the calendar says... :D

Edited by NoWillToResist
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...right? I did wonder why Daryl bothered since it was a cube van, Daryl was in the passenger side, and Jesus was tied up at the back by the driver's side.


I guess it's good enough for Daryl if *Daryl* knows he flipped Jesus the bird. 


Somewhere in Heaven, Beth's taking a break from singing to look down and smile at him for the gesture... ;)


Which is odd because Daryl even flipped him off right as they started to drive away. What good's an aggressive bird if you don't couple it with eye contact to show you're super serious?


 Because Daryl didn't think that Jesus was worth the backward glance and giving him the finger was more reflexive than aggressive. Or at least that's how it works when I do something like that. Maybe it comes from being a Boston driver for so many years. We used to joke that the Masshole driving technique was one hand on the steering wheel and the other out the window with middle finger up :)


I could have sworn I heard Rick say that he tied Jesus loosely enough that he could free himself without too much trouble but still give them time enough to leave him in the dust. Little did he know about Jesus's ninja skills, eh.

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I'm not really sure why them having babies has anything to do with the sexuality between them. I mean people do have sex because they want to have sex unrelated to breeding.


They are in love with each other and sex is a reflection of that love IMO.  


Well, you can call me as one of those convinced that TPTB haven't wanted sexual relationships because they thought it was unconvincing not to have more women pregnant.  Willing to admit it could be love stories not being TPTB's bailiwick to write, though.


I just read somewhere recently (might of been in Rob Lowe's book) that no man looks good running on camera. Except Tom Cruise who seems to know it and runs in like, all of his movies, LOL. I tend to agree. No matter how much of a tough guy an actor is playing, they all look goofy running.


Ha, ever since my friend has warned me of this I can't unsee it with any actor in a chase scene. 


I would also add Colin Farrell to the shortlist of coordinated runners, and submit that Jeremy Sisto is embarrassing at it.


Really? But wasn't Jessie a "slut"? Or maybe I'm thinking of Andrea. Or Lori. What brings forth the appelation of slut from so many righteous viewers of this show? It can't be a woman who has sex with a man not her husband because I don't think I've seen Rosita or Maggie or now Michonne being so labelled. So that narrows it down to woman who has sex with a man when she believes herself to be a widow (Lori) OR who has sex with *gasp* TWO men (Andrea). Those sluts! How dare they?


I feel like in both these situations people objected to it largely on account of the man.  For Lori people didn't want to see Rick cuckolded, plus had literally been through every step of his post-apocalyptic ZA recovery, which makes him the audience touchstone, so they really felt like he had been done wrong, and were designed by the story construct to feel themselves in the Rick role, and feel what he felt.


For Andrea, I would submit that people were primarily upset and skeeved out about her getting it on with the slimy Governor. 

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I feel like in both these situations people objected to it largely on account of the man. For Lori people didn't want to see Rick cuckolded, plus had literally been through every step of his post-apocalyptic ZA recovery, which makes him the audience touchstone, so they really felt like he had been done wrong, and were designed by the story construct to feel themselves in the Rick role, and feel what he felt.

For Andrea, I would submit that people were primarily upset and skeeved out about her getting it on with the slimy Governor.

Also for some people, sleeping with your husband's best friend is always consider to be a slutty thing to do. Of course in our fuck up society, if Rick had been the one sleeping with Lori's best friend, people wouldn't have seen it that way.

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I just read somewhere recently (might of been in Rob Lowe's book) that no man looks good running on camera. Except Tom Cruise who seems to know it and runs in like, all of his movies, LOL. I tend to agree. No matter how much of a tough guy an actor is playing, they all look goofy running.

Oh! Tom Cruise running!   It seems to have evolved from gangly kid to a totally upright, tight arms, must-look-macho-at-all-costs sprint. So funny!

Topic? How was Jesus so spry wearing that long leather coat? Who does he think he is? Blade? Spike?

Eugene has the best run. I demand to see it more often! How about a footrace with Jesus?

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Of course in our fuck up society, if Rick had been the one sleeping with Lori's best friend, people wouldn't have seen it that way.


That's right. I don't remember anyone calling Shane a "slut", "man whore",  or whatever label the male equivalent would be. Hmm... actually there is no male equivalent for any of the derogatory names applied to women who like sex.


I couldn't tolerate Lori, but it had nothing to do with her having sex with Shane. I can't judge, since if I were left alone with my young child during an apolcalypse I might take up with someone who I thought could help us survive, especially if it were someone I already knew quite well and trusted. They didn't think they were cuckolding Rick, since they thought Lori was a widow.


No matter how much of a tough guy an actor is playing, they all look goofy running.


Interesting observation. Never thought about it, but now that I do, Rick doesn't look overly goofy running

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That's right. I don't remember anyone calling Shane a "slut", "man whore",  or whatever label the male equivalent would be. Hmm... actually there is no male equivalent for any of the derogatory names applied to women who like sex.


"Horn dog" leaps immediately to mind....

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ust read somewhere recently (might of been in Rob Lowe's book) that no man looks good running on camera. Except Tom Cruise who seems to know it and runs in like, all of his movies, LOL. I tend to agree. No matter how much of a tough guy an actor is playing, they all look goofy running.


Jensen Ackles aka Dean Winchester would like a word.  He looks awesome running on screen as does Andy Lincoln. Both have bow legs.  Causation? Correlation? 


You be the judge



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Interesting observation. Never thought about it, but now that I do, Rick doesn't look overly goofy running


UO alert: I didn't think Daryl looked goofy either. I've never thought much about how men looked running but I've been rewatching X-Files and I was noticing that DD is a good runner. Sexy even.

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That's right. I don't remember anyone calling Shane a "slut", "man whore",  or whatever label the male equivalent would be. Hmm... actually there is no male equivalent for any of the derogatory names applied to women who like sex.



That doesn't have the same negative connotation as does "slut" or "whore," IMO.


Observation: Shane was the one who tried to force himself on Lori. I would think that 'would-be rapist' would have the most negative of all connotations.

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