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S06.E11: Please Welcome Erika Jayne!

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Eileen may not be all about expensive shoes and bags but let's not forget the episode earlier on in the season where her husband was giving her grief over her VERY expensive clothing.  Not that there's anything wrong with that but let's not pretend she's completely basic ;)


Eileen paid $500 for a dress.  By these women's standards that's very cheap.  Practically bargain basement.  LOL!

  • Love 8

Did anyone notice that both Lisa v and Erika did boob flash?

As far as Eileen, she must be well liked in general.

Everyone applauds her for using an old plastic tote but nobody mentioned that she was the jump off not once but twice that we know of...

By all means, cheat with my man, as long as you have a 30$ bag,. We are all good...

  • Love 2



I woke up this morning and thought about patting the puss.....I decided against it.......




A good friend of mine wanted another child and she was blessed with a son. I called her one day and she was perplexed about one thing. I guess she was polling all the males she knew because she made a comment about changing him and how, since he found it, his little hands would go down to 'pat the peter'. She asked me - because I had brothers and a few nephews - what the attraction was.


I told her, "Maybe because it feels good?" and we laughed.


Maybe Ericka Jayne just found out about her puss!!!!!!



  • Love 1

I finally got around to watching the entire episode this morning, but was unprepared for how much I disliked Erika in this episode. It was bad enough that she flat out lied, but then she sat on the floor stroking her hair while Lisar asked Lisa and Kyle if they were OK with her. Lisar did the right thing by going to Yo and owning her part in what she said, but now is being accused of throwing people that are her friends under the bus. Erika, who says she values friendship so highly, just sits and listens to the frustration. I am aware that Erika's definition of the word differs, but in my world that is all kinds of c*nty.

  • Love 14

Asking a long time friend how their children are is not overstepping boundaries.  I am sure had LVP not asked Mohamed how the non-Gigis were-Yolanda would be up in arms.  How dare her not ask about my children!!!

Ah yes the long time friend who's also on a reality show and asking about a third parties family, third party who is also a part of the cast on a reality show. Of course there was no hidden agenda with the prying. But was she prying? Lets analyze THAT til semantics confuses the exchange beyond recognition because of course Kyle not dropping it and her continued interrogation as well as Lisa's obvious discomfort and attempts to disengage from the conversation obviously aren't enough to describe that whole interaction as underhanded. Oh no, it was all about Kyle worrying about those kids. I'm sure.

  • Love 1

There isn't anything low about any of the women talking about Yolanda and her children regarding the LD. Just as there isn't anything wrong with the people in this forum discussing it because of what Yolanda has put out there. If Yolanda doesn't want to people to talk about the struggles of her children and their medical issues then why is she putting it out there for the public? Why can't she take responsibility for the fact that *she* is the reason that anyone is talking about this shit. It isn't Kyle's fault, it isn't the fault of either of the Lisas. Outing her kids was Yolanda's choice and because there are 5234095872309 confusing things about what Yolanda has put out there about herself and her children, it makes people tilt their heads and go 'hang on a second, what?' That's what happens when somebody says a bunch of things that are completely inconsistent and make little to no sense. 


Yolanda has received support and well wishes and concern and it isn't enough for her. 


Yolanda is the one who has put the doubt out there. Take away everything that the other women have said in relation to Yolanda's so called LD and you still have a bunch of things that have made numerous viewers think that she's completely full of shit. 


What good does it do to talk about the main storyline for one of the women when they're on a reality show? This is Yolanda's story. It was her choice to make her health issues and the issues of her children her storyline and the women are responding to that. The women are on a show together where they talk about each other's lives, from the appropriate to the inappropriate. Yolanda has known that from the moment she's been on this show. 


They talk about each other, they have opinions, there is always conflict, and season after season after season after season shows that anything is potentially up for grabs. Suicide, adultery, surrogacy, adoption, health scares, mammograms, pregnancies, motherhood, physical abuse, divorces, connections to a high profile murder trial, fake lawsuits, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. But saying that Yolanda's kids are "healthy" and "fine" is crossing the freaking line to the point where the women have brought themselves to some incredibly low level? Seriously?


If Yolanda wants to point her finger and use that disapproving tone on somebody, she needs to go over to a mirror and have at it. 

Of course it's everyone's right to talk about what they want to talk about. I just point out how low caliber and shameful it is to sink to a certain level. To me being on a reality show doesn't mean that all humane expectations are left at the production room door. What, so these women shouldn't have any standards while they are filming a season?  Honestly, this is a very unnerving concept to me.

Ah yes the long time friend who's also on a reality show and asking about a third parties family, third party who is also a part of the cast on a reality show. Of course there was no hidden agenda with the prying. But was she prying? Lets analyze THAT til semantics confuses the exchange beyond recognition because of course Kyle not dropping it and her continued interrogation as well as Lisa's obvious discomfort and attempts to disengage from the conversation obviously aren't enough to describe that whole interaction as underhanded. Oh no, it was all about Kyle worrying about those kids. I'm sure.

There is no satisfying Yoyo.

No matter what anybody do or say, she will be pissed off.

IMO, she is not in a good headspace and taking out on her coworkers.


Of course it's everyone's right to talk about what they want to talk about. I just point out how low caliber and shameful it is to sink to a certain level. To me being on a reality show doesn't mean that all humane expectations are left at the production room door. What, so these women shouldn't have any standards while they are filming a season?  Honestly, this is a very unnerving concept to me.

There I agree with you.

They are shameless however I also noticed that LVP had immediate remorse when she blurted what Momo told her.

So she knew that she crossed a boundary there.

  • Love 1

I thought it was interesting on twitter how LisaR was complaining about Yolanda lying about her to get Lisa & Kyle angry and Yolanda said something like, "Oh, so first you say you're sorry and now you claim you're the victim!" Which was...exactly what happened. It was like she was saying that if LisaR was truly sorry about the Munchhausen's stuff it obviously means that she can't ever object to anything Yolanda does. Who's the victim here? Yolanda always and forever!

  • Love 16

There is no satisfying Yoyo.

No matter what anybody do or say, she will be pissed off.

IMO, she is not in a good headspace and taking out on her coworkers.


I guess my opinion has nothing to do whether Yo's handling it correctly or not. I'm staying in the area that I'M disgusted with the extent of the exchange because I saw that conversation as very distasteful with what I know about the situation, the circumstance, how Kyle operates, how LisaR inserts, how conniving things get in the housewives world when planting or watering storyline seeds etc. etc. I don't limit my observations to just one scene and the 6 specific words that were said. I don't think it was planned before hand but the way it progressed was just classic shit stirring in my opinion. I really could care less if Yolanda "brought it upon herself" or this or that. I'm focusing on how I've received it and how wrong I believe it was for them to continue on with the subject as much as they have because of my personal standards of behavior. Those levels don't change because Yolanda is annoying with her sick selfies or because of Bellas DUI or because Yolanda put a bigger heart next to Gigi's name than she did with the other two. I saw that particular scene for what I believe it was. An imposition that was in bad taste regarding the health of someone else's children. Nosiness, barely cloaked as concern and doubt begging to be confirmed for people who aren't entitled to that clarification any freaking way.


I also feel that Lisa V, for all her experience still steps in it once in a while and see, situations like that is the reason why I don't have a problem with the way Lisa V handles herself with the other women. Guarded and thoughtful in her interactions with them because you see what happens when you're not completely mindful about the conversations you engage in? 

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 4

In every franchise there is ONE idiot who comes on the show and comes off as being a pretty rational person, then they start to pull some stupidity out of their a-hole and eventually show their true colors?


As a rule-of-thumb, they are the people with choreographers, health advocates and makeup/wardrobe people and interns.

If you need someone to help you out with simple things like dancing, eating, putting on your face/clothes or your calendar? You are in sad shape.

  • Love 6

Sending a large-sized Schwabs Valentine's Candy box to whoever first coined "the non-Gigi's." Couldn't love it more. Except maybe for this:


Bless her heart, as we say here in the South. I never liked Erica (neither of her personae do I like). And she just showed tonight why I never liked her. I think she thinks she's a darned sight smarter than she really is. And she's not nearly as talented as she thinks. And not cute at all. Yeah, I just don't like her. :)


Or this:


Hated Erica Jayne's performance - so boring and so self-absorbing.  I don't know, it didn't even seem like the audience was as in love with her as she thinks they were.  A lot of men looked bored, or were not really paying attention to her.


Hated Erica's word necklace - I am one of those people who absolutely despise the c-word, so her explanations were bullshit to me.  She wore that necklace to intentionally get a rise out of Kathryn, because Kathryn chided her about that word at Kyle and Lisa's party.  Her stupid comment about "YOU'RE in my world now" (or words to that effect) sounded like a lame excuse.


Hated that Erica wouldn't admit to being the one who outed the "do they or don't they" story about Bella and Anwar to Yolanda.  She's not as forthright, honest and upstanding as she gave the impression to be in earlier episodes.


Or this:


Listen, I've liked Erika. I thought she was a sassy, fun addition to this group and could hold her own against these ladies. But today, she has my eyes rolling all over the freaking place. Own your shit gurl! It's not that hard to do. She has no problem snarking in her "Talking Head", but when the situation arises in real life: *crickets*.

Just admit it. Be like "Yes, I told Yolanda. She's my friend. I thought she deserved to know that stuff was being said/questions about the kids." Own it and move on. So annoying.


Or this:


Damn Erika, you played me. I went and brought a ticket on the Erika Giradi/Jayne team bus and it turns out all the wheels have flats. Last week when she just sat there and said nothing as LisaV and Kyle talked about Yolanda, but had a ton to say in her TH, it niggled a bit but I gave her a pass. However, combine this week with her behavior from last week? No bueno!


Erika is talking head strong. She can act like a HBIC, no nonsense, "I don't give a fuck" bitch while she is alone being interviewed after the fact, but when in actual situations that requires a stance, balls or her to live up to that c*nty necklace she wore to shock the ladies, than she is a complete punk. I would have had no problem with her saying, I don't want to talk about this BS now, I am on a performance high and not here for your thirst, but no! She outright lied and got loud. That is just some garden variety bitchassedness. 


And this:


You have never been alone!  I have been by your side from day one.   :>)  


Just warmed my heart. I never was on her fake ass Dusty C*** Express and I'm smugly satisfied to see others disembark. Two snaps in a Z-formation for the "talking head strong" shout out. Being asked directly was her one opportunity to show that saving her comments for her talking heads was a choice ... and dead-ass lying was the proof that it wasn't, it's just her usual sit, stare, then talk shit when you can't be contradicted persona. "Breath of fresh air?" "So real?" "Badass?" Yeah, not so much.


Eileen may not be all about expensive shoes and bags but let's not forget the episode earlier on in the season where her husband was giving her grief over her VERY expensive clothing.  Not that there's anything wrong with that but let's not pretend she's completely basic ;)


I'm sayin'. I love Eileen, but she needs to stop calling people superficial because they buy expensive bags and shoes. Her husband drops 2-3 Birkins in a single card game. How would she like it if people judged him as excessive, wasteful and irresponsible? Stay out of people's pockets, Eileen. There's some chick in a $25 dress calling your ass superficial for paying $500 for $50 worth of material because somebody's name is on it.


And while I'm here, yes, you really need to up your shoe and purse game. You don't need Birkins but come on, splurge on a Chanel for crying out loud. You can afford it, it finishes your outfits in a way that ugly cloth nothing you were carrying can't. Besides, there are occasions as a professional actress you could write it off for. I mean, I get it. I was the original eschew-er of labels. I answered the question "what kind of bag do I carry" with "Red/Black/Brown."  Pay more than $30? Forget it. One day I saw a beautiful Coach bag, gulped and bought it (outlet & duty free, girl still wants a deal, now) ... and there was no going back. It's a tricky thing, Eileen, and the stakes only get higher (someday, quilted Chanel, someday.) But you can get there. Take my hand, I'm here for you girl.

  • Love 16

Yolanda's umbrage at Lisav has nothing to do with the non-Gigis. It's all about her, like everything else she gets insulted by or critical of. Yolanda announced to the world on camera that her non-Gigi kids had chronic Lyme disease. When she perceived that her unsupported statement to that effect was not taken as gospel by Lisav, she attacked her. Not for asking Mo about the health of the non-Gigis (as someone said upthread, who gets offended by someone saying their kids are OK?)but for not believing Yolanda without question.

[speaking of keeping the kids out of it, is it wrong that part of me wishes Lisav had grabbed the medical files Yolanda had so snippily offered her and started reading them out loud on camera? She's both too classy and too savvy to do something like that, but I would have loved to see Yolanda smugly nodding as Lisav reads guarded doctors' comments that clearly imply the only one who "diagnosed" the kids was their mother. I somehow doubt she would have snatched them out of Lisav's hands to protect the privacy of the non-Gigis.]

  • Love 7

I would have wanted LisaV to take the so-called medical records and give them to Mohammed.  Surely, he must know a real doctor or two he could ask to look them over and see if the kids had ever been seen and treated by a real doctor, or just charlatans. 


Mo should also go over to that drug closet and get that shit tested in a lab so he knows what poisons Yo is feeding the non-Gigi's when she can get her hands on them.  Not kidding; that stuff is full of lead, depending on where she got it from.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 11

I would have wanted LisaV to take the so-called medical records and give them to Mohammed.  Surely, he must know a real doctor or two he could ask to look them over and see if the kids had ever been seen and treated by a real doctor, or just charlatans. 


Mo should also go over to that drug closet and get that shit tested in a lab so he knows what poisons Yo is feeding the non-Gigi's when she can get her hands on them.  Not kidding; that stuff is full of lead, depending on where she got it from.

I wish I could remember the name of her "health advocate" girlfriend...has anyone googled her?

I wish I could remember the name of her "health advocate" girlfriend...has anyone googled her?


Daisy?  The one who keeps her drug closet and charts straight?  Yes, someone looked at her website, and apparently, she's a former call girl.  No medical training as far as I know.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 4

This can't be for real. She has to be a production plant, IMO.

I don't think so, Daisy is still with Yolanda even though filming the season is over with the exception of the reunion. LOL


ETA...It was "rumored" that David hired her (I don't think he did") to care for Yolanda when he wasn't home. I suspect that Daisy is tied to Dr. K or 1 of her other quacks.


ETA...Here is Daisy's web page!  http://www.adwprofessionalcoaching.com/Welcome.html#

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

I guess my opinion has nothing to do whether Yo's handling it correctly or not. I'm staying in the area that I'M disgusted with the extent of the exchange because I saw that conversation as very distasteful with what I know about the situation, the circumstance, how Kyle operates, how LisaR inserts, how conniving things get in the housewives world when planting or watering storyline seeds etc. etc. I don't limit my observations to just one scene and the 6 specific words that were said. I don't think it was planned before hand but the way it progressed was just classic shit stirring in my opinion. I really could care less if Yolanda "brought it upon herself" or this or that. I'm focusing on how I've received it and how wrong I believe it was for them to continue on with the subject as much as they have because of my personal standards of behavior. Those levels don't change because Yolanda is annoying with her sick selfies or because of Bellas DUI or because Yolanda put a bigger heart next to Gigi's name than she did with the other two. I saw that particular scene for what I believe it was. An imposition that was in bad taste regarding the health of someone else's children. Nosiness, barely cloaked as concern and doubt begging to be confirmed for people who aren't entitled to that clarification any freaking way.


I also feel that Lisa V, for all her experience still steps in it once in a while and see, situations like that is the reason why I don't have a problem with the way Lisa V handles herself with the other women. Guarded and thoughtful in her interactions with them because you see what happens when you're not completely mindful about the conversations you engage in? 

But how does Kyle operate in a situation like this? We've seen nothing except warm feelings between Kyle and Yo since the middle of S4. Yo even vacationed with Kyle's family last year, an intimate experience whether you are on a Reality TV show together or not. Kyle has never been anything but supportive of Yo in her "journey". Yo said last year that she asked for Kyle to keep the information regarding Bella and her DUI quiet in front of the cameras, and that Kyle was very supportive to her during that time. What has she ever done that would indicate she would want to bring someone's children into a drama just for the sake of drama? 


I think she was actually shocked. For once in all these years, I actually believe I saw genuine curiosity; not someone pretending to be upset, offended, or jealous for the sake of the camera. Is there a single person in the world that would not have been shocked by this news? Your friend has suddenly told you that her children are ill and have been for 2 years, but then you find out that her ex-husband is saying they are not actually ill. How does someone not follow that up with "what do you mean"? I would ask that question and press hard for clarification no matter who the topic of conversation was - be it a casual acquaintance or my best friend. I would want to know more about what was going on, because it sounded outrageous, and maybe what Lisa said just came out wrong.  I just cannot believe that most people would not do the same, or that anyone would actually be offended by it. 


As others have said, if she is going to be consistent (she is not), her ire should have been for Erika, who sat there and didn't defend her (which we all know is a sin that will garner you a lecture as if you are a 5 year-old), and for her ex-husband, who is apparently telling this story to Lisa, knowing full well that there is tension and a bit of bad blood between the two ladies. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 18

I don't think so, Daisy is still with Yolanda even though filming the season is over with the exception of the reunion. LOL


ETA...It was "rumored" that David hired her (I don't think he did") to care for Yolanda when he wasn't home. I suspect that Daisy is tied to Dr. K or 1 of her other quacks.


ETA...Here is Daisy's web page!  http://www.adwprofessionalcoaching.com/Welcome.html#


She was born in Europe and is a former model.

Here are all the qualifications needed to be a coach in Yoyo's Lymey mind.

  • Love 5


Just warmed my heart. I never was on her fake ass Dusty C*** Express and I'm smugly satisfied to see others disembark. Two snaps in a Z-formation for the "talking head strong" shout out. Being asked directly was her one opportunity to show that saving her comments for her talking heads was a choice ... and dead-ass lying was the proof that it wasn't, it's just her usual sit, stare, then talk shit when you can't be contradicted persona. "Breath of fresh air?" "So real?" "Badass?" Yeah, not so much.



I'm sayin'. I love Eileen, but she needs to stop calling people superficial because they buy expensive bags and shoes. Her husband drops 2-3 Birkins in a single card game. How would she like it if people judged him as excessive, wasteful and irresponsible? Stay out of people's pockets, Eileen. There's some chick in a $25 dress calling your ass superficial for paying $500 for $50 worth of material because somebody's name is on it.


And while I'm here, yes, you really need to up your shoe and purse game. You don't need Birkins but come on, splurge on a Chanel for crying out loud. You can afford it, it finishes your outfits in a way that ugly cloth nothing you were carrying can't. Besides, there are occasions as a professional actress you could write it off for. I mean, I get it. I was the original eschew-er of labels. I answered the question "what kind of bag do I carry" with "Red/Black/Brown."  Pay more than $30? Forget it. One day I saw a beautiful Coach bag, gulped and bought it (outlet & duty free, girl still wants a deal, now) ... and there was no going back. It's a tricky thing, Eileen, and the stakes only get higher (someday, quilted Chanel, someday.) But you can get there. Take my hand, I'm here for you girl.


As I walk thru life, I thirst for knowledge and freedom from my demons.


Now? I know what a 'fake ass Dusty C**t Express' is and won't ever be fooled into climbing aboard. I also know that it ok to look at the North Face down jackets and even tho I already own two (one is almost 30 years old, the other 20?) 300 dollars isn't out of the question - The 30 y.o. model is good, but I can't get it to zip up (too much weight gained) and the 20 year old model fits (but the Velcro on the pockets sucks AH) - for a new coat, that fits, has better Velcro and maybe an inside pocket I can use to hide stuff in?


I can buy that Mossberg that I have had my eye on and keep on suffering with my NF jackets that, by the way, cannot be worn with anything black or navy because of the feathers that seem to work their way out of the liner..........Or maybe both are within reach?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 1



There I agree with you.

They are shameless however I also noticed that LVP had immediate remorse when she blurted what Momo told her.

So she knew that she crossed a boundary there.

I don't know if Lisa V and Kyle were tit for tatting each other or scratching each other's back this season with Lisa V talking about Kathy H inviting/disinviting  Kyle and not inviting the kids/Mauricio and Kyle bringing up what Mohammed said and allowing Lisa V to slip.  Did Lisa V want to out Yolanda and did Kyle want to give her the opportunity as a thank you for getting out Kyle's side of her family situation, or did Kyle want to trap Lisa V and make her slip up to get back at her for going there with her own family drama.  I just don't know.

  • Love 2

I don't think so, Daisy is still with Yolanda even though filming the season is over with the exception of the reunion. LOL


ETA...It was "rumored" that David hired her (I don't think he did") to care for Yolanda when he wasn't home. I suspect that Daisy is tied to Dr. K or 1 of her other quacks.


ETA...Here is Daisy's web page!  http://www.adwprofessionalcoaching.com/Welcome.html#

Daisy claims to have been mentored by Yo's doc.

As far as working in health and wellness, I have been incredibly lucky to be mentored by the best. Dr. Klinghardt, and Sophia Health Institute, Dr. Kang, and too many along the way to mention.


No surprise.



  • Love 9

As I walk thru life, I thirst for knowledge and freedom from my demons.


Now? I know what a 'fake ass Dusty C**t Express' is and won't ever be fooled into climbing aboard. I also know that it ok to look at the North Face down jackets and even tho I already own two (one is almost 30 years old, the other 20?) 300 dollars isn't out of the question - The 30 y.o. model is good, but I can't get it to zip up (too much weight gained) and the 20 year old model fits (but the Velcro on the pockets sucks AH) - for a new coat, that fits, has better Velcro and maybe an inside pocket I can use to hide stuff in?


I can buy that Mossberg that I have had my eye on and keep on suffering with my NF jackets that, by the way, cannot be worn with anything black or navy because of the feathers that seem to work their way out of the liner..........Or maybe both are within reach?


Maybe as winter ends the NF jackets will go on sale on various websites and in stores. If you live in an area that has gunshows nearby then you should be able to get the Mossberg you wish as a reasonable price. Go for it, get both when the price is right.

  • Love 4

Sending a large-sized Schwabs Valentine's Candy box to whoever first coined "the non-Gigi's." Couldn't love it more. Except maybe for this:




Would the originator of the "non Gigi's" please step forward? I would like to salute you.

Hilarious stuff.  :)


I believe it was my friend Ronnie Karam over at TrashTalk that coined the term. He uses "Non-Gigi children" and "the udder ones" interchangeably to describe Bella and Anwar.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 13

Would the originator of the "non Gigi's" please step forward? I would like to salute you. 

Hilarious stuff.  :)


I'm pretty sure it was RonnieK who does the hilarious recaps of the show on the TrashTalkTv website.

I think this week they are referred to as da udder uns but in the past he always seemed to favor non-Gigis



Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 6

Given all the discussion on handbags/purses, I thought this was relevant. My purse (insides) is more like Kyle's purse content but I do tend to have pills like LisaR.




Purse boogers.  That's the linty dreck accumulated at the bottom of a purse with a cheap fabric lining.  (I retired that purse!).  :-)


For the record, I own a lovely quilted tote with leather-like bottom & handles that is about 15 years old - I got it free with Virginia Slims UPCs, and have used it every day since - it still looks as good as new.

  • Love 5

The way I have envisioned the med recs lunch going?


Yo waving the envelope around and then Lisa putting her hand out to take them - Yo then pulls her hand back and begins to berate Lisa

for NOT taking her at her word and how DARE she not be down with her hommies? The envelope then goes back into her purse and yo leaves in a huff?

  • Love 3

But how does Kyle operate in a situation like this? We've seen nothing except warm feelings between Kyle and Yo since the middle of S4. Yo even vacationed with Kyle's family last year, an intimate experience whether you are on a Reality TV show together or not. Kyle has never been anything but supportive of Yo in her "journey". Yo said last year that she asked for Kyle to keep the information regarding Bella and her DUI quiet in front of the cameras, and that Kyle was very supportive to her during that time. What has she ever done that would indicate she would want to bring someone's children into a drama just for the sake of drama? 


I think she was actually shocked. For once in all these years, I actually believe I saw genuine curiosity; not someone pretending to be upset, offended, or jealous for the sake of the camera. Is there a single person in the world that would not have been shocked by this news? Your friend has suddenly told you that her children are ill and have been for 2 years, but then you find out that her ex-husband is saying they are not actually ill. How does someone not follow that up with "what do you mean"? I would ask that question and press hard for clarification no matter who the topic of conversation was - be it a casual acquaintance or my best friend. I would want to know more about what was going on, because it sounded outrageous, and maybe what Lisa said just came out wrong.  I just cannot believe that most people would not do the same, or that anyone would actually be offended by it. 


As others have said, if she is going to be consistent (she is not), here ire should have been for Erika, who sat there and didn't defend her (which we all know is a sin that will garner you a lecture as if you are a 5 year-old), and for her ex-husband, who is apparently telling this story to Lisa, knowing full well that there is tension and a bit of bad blood between the two ladies. 

Well I was offended and didn't see it as straightforward, simple concern. Shrug. So there you have it. I'm not implying that Kyle WANTED to target anyone but at the end of the day it turned out to be an intrusive endeavor. Good sense escaped them and it resulted in leading the conversation in a bad direction. I see it like this, because of the show these women allow themselves to be a tad bit reckless with regards to how they handle conversations and their requests for information. That's the part that I find distasteful. 


Kyle talking about her fibromyalsia and depression in a previous episode. Now, to me, that came up organically and the conversation progressed rather naturally whereas the one at the BBQ was more forced and I felt like certain "marks" needed to be hit in that scene. It's the manipulation and deliberate staging of a housewife conflict that I felt Kyle was taking part in with her pushing. I guess it's the recklessness that bothers me the most.


Yeah, true, it's not that much of a stretch for Kyle to inquire about it but when it happens as clumsy as it did and the obvious double agenda shines through then any authenticity surrounding the inquiry is lost on me and all I'm left with is the negative impact as a whole. Maybe it was just about making Lisa V squirm or setting her up, that's also a possibility but to use this subject to do it with?? It's the tasteless shenanigans to push forward some kind of conflict at any expense that really bugs the crap outta me.


Now if I was the type to watch the show like it's all just happening organically and these women are conducting themselves as anyone would without the cameras, faults and all then sure I can attribute this misstep and that misstep as innocent faux paus or completely understandable chatter between friends but that's not the case, at times, with these women. Can they have natural scenes? Do they react to certain situations in a natural way? Absolutely, but that's the thing. Which are the authentic moments and which one's are laced with reality show antics? They all do it, and the judging is about who uses what, and in what circumstances do they decide to feed the reality show demons that they sold their souls to? Some manage not to deliver their souls while others find lambs to sacrifice. These are the peripheral details I notice as I watch these women maneuver through the housewife maze and what I use when I make my judgements of them and their behavior.

  • Love 1

April Daisy (lawd what a name) was a call girl? Biggest tangential HW related shocker this week. 

From the bio on her website:



Daisy White has been a teacher, a writer, a coach, an actress, a pilates teacher, a translator, and a high class call-girl. Now she’s an all around motivator for people and artists. In 2004 she wrote and performed Sugar a one-woman show about her life. Sugar explores her life as a young model born in France to American parents, leading us through her journey as an international call girl. Sugar was produced in Los Angeles at Edgemar Center for the Arts under the direction of Larry Moss. In 2006, Daisy was invited by Manhattan Theatre Workshop in New York as resident playwright with her play Sugar. As an actor Daisy has worked with the following to name a few, Ethan Hawke, Henry Jaglom, Jeff Goldblum, Alfonso Arau, Carrie Hamilton, Gemma Redgrave, Lynnne Redgrave, Rob Lowe, Jon Voight, Tyne Daly, and Laura Linney in film, television, and theatre. Daisy played Lula in The Dutchman at The Theatre at the Improv. for which she won an L.A. Weekly award in 1999. She made her Broadway debut working for Tony Randall's National Actor's Theatre in The Little Hotel on the side directed by Tom Moore. She followed a second season in the company of The Seagull directed by Marshall Mason. Now an Acting Coach, Daisy has worked with actors on numerous productions. She also works as a private Life Coach while teaching a writing class, 'Right Your Life by Writing Your Life' facilitating other artists to tell their true-life stories by providing them the coaching and support they need.  She is co-founder of Radiant Productions, which focuses on producing and directing projects promoting social advocacy for minority groups, focusing on the homeless community and Bosnia rape camps. Daisy also worked on a documentary about sex-workers, which explores the human side of prostitution.  Miss. White holds a B.A in Theatre/Literature from Bennington College. She teaches seminars and workshops for artists and personal growth both nationally and internationally in Canada, Europe, and The US. Daisy was also recently published in the anthology, “Hos, Hookers, Call Girls, and Rent Boys” available on Amazon.com, and in the Fall 2009 Issue of the literary/art webZINE which you can find at, NthWORD.com.


Well, she's honest, I will give her that. She could've left that bit out and no one would have been the wiser - until TMZ or some other gossip rag dropped that but how likely is it given she barely registers? Can't fault a girl for getting out of the game and attempting to better herself. I side eye the whole medical advocate though because I don't know what that means aside from filming FroYo's implant removal, keeping her medical procedure trapper keepers, scheduling her colonics and organizing the CVS closet. But hey, a hustle is a hustle - whether on the corner or in a palatial mansion in Malibu.


I don't care that she was a former sex worker, I just don't know if I would hire someone to be a health advocate that hasn't really studied, trained and worked significantly in the healthcare industry rather than under the 'tutelage' of some doctor with an institute. And she also works as an acting and life coach. Girl?!!?


Why the obsession with a journey? Lyme journey? Now April Daisy with her prostitution journey.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 6

That is  what production assistants are for-some fun footage for the show and little bit of cleaning up and paying the breakage bill.


I don't find this to be "fun" footage.  It wasn't funny to me.  Less funny to think of someone who makes a fraction of what these people make cleaning it up.


I agree with the first part of your post but I didn't think that Kyle was all that obnoxious in that scene.


A few things. First, LisaR was the one who said "Oh, that's a classic Chanel." Kyle didn't say that line. She was like, "Oh, I've had this for five years" and then LisaR fawned over how it was a classic Chanel. Eileen then specifically asks Kyle how much it is and says that the women are educating her. Kyle kinds of fake cringes and looks playfully uncomfortable and I didn't get the impression that she would have said how much it cost without prompting from Eileen. (Surely if it's tacky to say the price of your bag, it's just as tacky for someone to ask? I cut them both slack on this because they know that they're on a show where viewers might be interested in that small info.) It wasn't like she was going around like Dana/Pam and $25,000 glasses. She guessed the price and then quickly added that her husband bought it for her. I didn't feel like she was bragging and guess that it wouldn't have come up at all if they hadn't been talking about Eileen's taste in bags and shoes. 






Kyle and her fake cringes and bullshit hemming and hawing.  Give me a break.



Kyle said on the show that the purse she was carrying that night was given to her as a present from Mauricio. 

Of course it was.  He probably saw it and said, "AAHHH-MAAAAAA-ZZZZZINNNGGGGGGGG!"




I'm sayin'. I love Eileen, but she needs to stop calling people superficial because they buy expensive bags and shoes. Her husband drops 2-3 Birkins in a single card game. How would she like it if people judged him as excessive, wasteful and irresponsible? Stay out of people's pockets, Eileen. There's some chick in a $25 dress calling your ass superficial for paying $500 for $50 worth of material because somebody's name is on it.


And while I'm here, yes, you really need to up your shoe and purse game. You don't need Birkins but come on, splurge on a Chanel for crying out loud. You can afford it, it finishes your outfits in a way that ugly cloth nothing you were carrying can't. Besides, there are occasions as a professional actress you could write it off for. I mean, I get it. I was the original eschew-er of labels. I answered the question "what kind of bag do I carry" with "Red/Black/Brown."  Pay more than $30? Forget it. One day I saw a beautiful Coach bag, gulped and bought it (outlet & duty free, girl still wants a deal, now) ... and there was no going back. It's a tricky thing, Eileen, and the stakes only get higher (someday, quilted Chanel, someday.) But you can get there. Take my hand, I'm here for you girl.


But who CARES?  I don't understand why anyone cares what OTHER people have or don't have?  I like nice things because they fit well or look nice but I honestly, truly do not give a crap what other people have.  Why would I?  And not to snark too much, but is Coach high-end?  I would have to disagree with that.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 3
But how does Kyle operate in a situation like this?



It seems like the key issue is that although no one says it, it's a given that Yo's stories don't hold up to questions. So it's okay to listen to Yolanda talk and be sympathetic, or say "her poor children are suffering" or whatever. But asking any question at all shows bad faith because all questions are...questions. In this situation nobody can question innocently because that's not keeping up the facade. Any question is digging or investigating or not taking Yolanda's explanation at face value. So any discussion of exactly what's going on is dangerous territory.


It actually now makes me think of somebody I worked with once writing a story where it turns out she was making the whole thing up. And it came out because the most innocuous questions got contradictory or complicated answers. When that became clear, she got very defensive and claimed people were asking her all sorts of personal details that were intrusive. Very quickly she was claiming she was the victim of some sort of attack when nothing like that had happened. The best defense is a good offense etc.

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GHOULINA, ON 11 FEB 2016 - 4:57 PM, SAID:

I half expect her to have a bed in her dressing room at the reunion. Any time Andy asks a question she doesn't like, she'll have to go lie down.


The bed will be on the stage. Or at least a chaise.




The bed will be a craftmatic adjustable bed.  And she will raise and lower the back as topics come and go, depending on her need to avoid comment.  

  • Love 10

RE: "nice things" vs "NICE THINGS"?


The difference between a nice thing and a NICE THING is pretty simple.


A nice thing, like a purse, jacket or shoes is something you probably don't need, pay a premium price for and will always worry about getting dirty, lost, stolen, torn, etc.

A NICE THING is something that you invest in and is practical, used every day and durable?

  • Love 1
I think the point is if people are that invested in talking about it or discussing it or wondering about it then they should be invested enough to contribute positive experiences and well wishes. If all that these women can muster is slight support and a whole lotta doubt then I think the point is the best route would be to leave the subject alone completely.


The only one who has come across, to me, as really doubting any of it is Rinna. When she brought Munchausen's up at Lisa's, Kyle and LVP both looked very uncomfortable and did not engage in any of that. I don't think Kyle asking how the kids are is expressing doubt. I think she was taken aback when Yo dropped the bomb that the kids were sick as well (as I think I would be), and it seems like she's truly curious as to how they are feeling. I think the women have given Yo plenty of well wishes. They always express happiness to see her when she shows up, they tell she's looking better. Hell, Lisa and Kyle even froze their asses off to support Yo. But I imagine no amount of support, short of sitting bedside 24 hours a day and sucking the salt off of her almonds for her, would be enough to appease Her Lady of Lemons. 


Oh, and if Kim or Brandi had done that stunt with the mustard/ketchup/dishes, that's ALL many would be talking about in this episode.  But it's Kyle and Lisa, so no biggie.  ;)


Kyle has long been my favorite on this show, but even I mentioned in my original post that it was horrible of her to make that mess and then run off. I hope she reimbursed the hotel. 

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I'm pretty sure it was RonnieK who does the hilarious recaps of the show on the TrashTalkTv website.

I think this week they are referred to as da udder uns but in the past he always seemed to favor non-Gigis





Using the same concept, I'd like to propose referring to LisaV's "other dogs" as the non-Giggy's.  ;P

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 16
Given all the discussion on handbags/purses, I thought this was relevant. My purse (insides) is more like Kyle's purse content but I do tend to have pills like LisaR.




This was fun. Kyle made me laugh so hard, finding receipts and random things with hair attached - sounds like the inside of my purse (which, by the by, is a Loungefly faux leather, sugar skull embossed tote that cost $60). 


What was the stuff Kathryn was spraying all around her face? She was like, "I love this stuff!" but didn't say what it was???

  • Love 2

Gah, the story lines this season are frustratingly BOOORING! All they seem to talk about is who said what behind who's back.  SO WHAT?!?!?  If that's the only shit happening in their lives then let them go shopping or on some crazy trip somewhere.  I was seriously disappointed in Erika Jayne's performance but it sure was a whole lot more entertaining that watching them looking at one another saying "was it YOU?", "was it YOU?"  What difference does it make anyway?  Someone says, "OK it was me and I'm sorry" but that's not good enough because it didn't seem sincere or whatever.  Puhlease, how tedious!

  • Love 4

Have you ever tried the "hang it over the corner of the door--which now can't close all the way so you must pee with one foot against it" routine? It's a tricky one that I've mastered, not because my bags are pricy, but because even a Target purse is not going on a public-bathroom floor!

All of this handbag talk is hilarious. I, for one, prefer the smaller kind that I can sling across my body so that it's hands-free -- I just keep it on when I'm using public facilities, but I never thought this much about it before, lol. 

  • Love 8

What was the stuff Kathryn was spraying all around her face? She was like, "I love this stuff!" but didn't say what it was???


I only know this because I just worked on a commercial for La Roche-Posay. In short, it's water in an aerosol spray can.



  • Love 5

Yolanda's umbrage at Lisav has nothing to do with the non-Gigis. It's all about her, like everything else she gets insulted by or critical of. Yolanda announced to the world on camera that her non-Gigi kids had chronic Lyme disease. When she perceived that her unsupported statement to that effect was not taken as gospel by Lisav, she attacked her. Not for asking Mo about the health of the non-Gigis (as someone said upthread, who gets offended by someone saying their kids are OK?)but for not believing Yolanda without question.

[speaking of keeping the kids out of it, is it wrong that part of me wishes Lisav had grabbed the medical files Yolanda had so snippily offered her and started reading them out loud on camera? She's both too classy and too savvy to do something like that, but I would have loved to see Yolanda smugly nodding as Lisav reads guarded doctors' comments that clearly imply the only one who "diagnosed" the kids was their mother. I somehow doubt she would have snatched them out of Lisav's hands to protect the privacy of the non-Gigis.]

I think that Yo is probably bummed because these ladies aren't sitting around actively talking about whether or not she is sick. This is what she needs to get the sympathy she wants from the public, who decided long ago that something strange was going on. I think that Yo's situation is astonishingly unique in the HW world. Generally when the public starts giving a HW the side-eye about a specific topic, it is because this topic has been part of the show. In this case, people have been questioning Yo since S4, yet none of the HW's ever said boo about having any doubts. Not when she was going from 5 to 9 to 18 months bedridden. Not when she was unable to drive, or to read, or use her brain. Not when she was accusing them of failing to cater to her illness. They always just let her have it, but a good portion of the viewing public did not. I would think this is irritating to someone like Yo, who prides herself on being perfect. She is not being judged by the HW's she probably hates (and who probably hate her), but by the audience. She would love for the gals on the show to be found to have said she isn't really sick, or is making herself sick, etc. But they won't, even if they think it to be the truth. They might be dumb, but they aren't that dumb. In every instance, they talk about hoping she gets better, that they are worried about her, that she has suffered so. In the media they have said the same thing (well, except for Lisar). I think this must irritate Yo to no end. 

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