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S04.E15: Pucker & Pout

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Katie launches her web site with a party, but a surprise appearance by James and a text message from Stassi threaten to ruin the event; Jax adjusts to life as an unemployed outlaw while Brittany adjusts to her new life as sole breadwinner.

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Hey you guys! I'm having a party to launch this post. But SORRY, you aren't invited.

However, Aleckxsz from Below Deck is.


The question is: which one of his Rolexes will he wear?? He has TWO dontcha know!

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James is gross and abusive. Jax is a walking DSM-IV. Lala needs an actual name. She also needs to stop thinking that naming random dudes and what she'd do with them in bed gives her a personality. I think Schwartzie was cute tonight until the very end of his convo with Stassi, who is so hungry for fame she will (pretend to) room with the chick who messed around with her boyfriend.


The only interesting thing tonight was on WWHL when AC said Bravo staff were at a LVP restaurant and they saw Lisa kick out Kristen. Andy wouldn't ask what happened and when a viewer asked neither Katie nor Kristen would tell.   

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Season 1-2 rewatch: (yes I'm a glutton for punishment) I spotted KRISTIN at Pandora's bachelorette party in Vegas. What the f??

Ok what was creepy Jax saying in the previews? That he's the number 1 guy of the group?? OMG he's demonic!

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Ok what was creepy Jax saying in the previews? That he's the number 1 guy of the group?? OMG he's demonic!

I know! Whilst gulping down the (most definitely stolen) bottle of vodka. Jax seems to have three gears: sucking up, lying and complete disconnect. He goes blank-eyed and very cold (like in the preview). I know I diagnose everyone on this show (I can't help it they're nuts) but middle-aged reality star is not the place for this guy. He needs to develop some useful life skills. I think whatever modelling career he had helped stunt his growth even further; he still acts like he's 22 and he's a pretty pretty princess who is not accountable for anything. And I just can't with any grown man who names himself "Jax".

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Okay really weird and random, but as I was watching the scene between Schwarz and Stassi, I thought "hmm, they have a nice chemistry and angsty vibe to them. Too bad this isn't a scripted soap opera where next season could be devoted to their affair." Lol!

I think they should accept Stassi back for the sake of the show. I mean Jax is back in and he was the worst IMO. Also, Kristin is not bringing the crazy this year and is all around disappointing in the drama department. We need someone crazy and dramatic...other than James. Of course what the cast wants to say and can't say is that Stassi just wants to be on the show. Which is true, but I don't care.

Edited by Brooke0707
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I am observing that the same people that don't want to give Stassi another chance are the very same people that were annoyed with Tom and Ariana for not giving Kristen another chance. Don't get me wrong, I am not on Stassi or Kristen's side, I'm just sayin.

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I'm probably in the minority to think this way, but I don't think Stassi wants to come back on the show just for fame. I mean, I don't think she would turn down fame, but I think she wants to come back on the show because she feels lost. I think she's looking to reset her life to a time when everything made sense and she felt in control, and it seems the last time she felt that way was when she worked at SUR and was friends with everybody.

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I agree with the above post, only because Stassi keeps mentioning her HBIC status that she had at SUR.Granted,she's mentioning all this re: missing the events like Katie's engagement, her blog party, etc. But yeah, she doesn't seem to have much of a social life.I think a lot of this does have a lot to do with her boyfriend, not only him not wanting to be on the show-which to me, I never thought that was a problem, plently of people don't wanna be on camera,I just always thought it was funny that this boyfriend got mad if Stassi was on camera with jax when for all intents and purposes,THE SHOW WAS HER JOB last year and she signed up to be on camera- but that sometimes when people date someone, they have a tendency to close themsleves off and she did that but also badmouthed everyone around her. So.. I think she's coming back to LA with no friends and it makes sense she would feel this way.

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Not feeling sorry fir Stassi! That chick is lower than a snakes belly! It kills her that this tribe of idiots decided they didn't want to be mastered anymore ! Stassi has to bring out the crocodile tears because she has no man,no money,no job and sleeping in the home of someone she hates and totally has no respect for! Stassi is back for round two and these fools will one by one fall inline for another punch to the gut from this self important prig!

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Let me just say that I LOVED Stassi's list of people who are worse than her...people putting blades in Halloween Candy, and people running sprinklers during the drought...oh and JAX

Edited by bblancobrnx
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I think this has been said many times before, but Jax is just ridiculous. He acts like a dumb, clueless kid, but keep in mind that he is way, way into adulthood. He's in his mid-thirties, no? Ridiculous. It is way, way past time for him to grow up. I know this is old news, but it's irking me more since his sunglasses escapade. That is not something a grown man should do (well, or something anyone should do).

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Let me just say that I LOVED Stassi's list of people who are worse than her...people putting blades in Halloween Candy, and people running sprinklers during the drought...oh and JAX

Any one else think the drought/sprinkler reference was a dig at Lisa? Villa Rosa's grounds look awfully lush....

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I agree with the above post, only because Stassi keeps mentioning her HBIC status that she had at SUR.Granted,she's mentioning all this re: missing the events like Katie's engagement, her blog party, etc. But yeah, she doesn't seem to have much of a social life.I think a lot of this does have a lot to do with her boyfriend, not only him not wanting to be on the show-which to me, I never thought that was a problem, plently of people don't wanna be on camera,I just always thought it was funny that this boyfriend got mad if Stassi was on camera with jax when for all intents and purposes,THE SHOW WAS HER JOB last year and she signed up to be on camera- but that sometimes when people date someone, they have a tendency to close themsleves off and she did that but also badmouthed everyone around her. So.. I think she's coming back to LA with no friends and it makes sense she would feel this way.

This is astute, but it's not going to work for her. There's no going home again. She exhibited some growth by moving on and now she wants to regress. She should understand that enough time on Pleasure Island turns you into a donkey.

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I was exhausted from my evening work out so I zoned out several times last night, but here's what I remember:

● I am so over LaLa being such a cock tease and then getting upset about getting called out on it.

● James is a chauvinist punk.

● Stassi is so desperate to get back on this show she's willing to pretend sleeping on Kristen's couch (how long ago did she and the bf move back in town?) and kiss asses.

● Katie telling people about her blog party but telling them they're not invited is a totally bitch move. BTW, I consider "fashion blog" not far above "being a DJ". Loser.

● LaLa acts fickle with James and then gets upset when he reacts.

● Multimillionaire entrepreneur Lisa Vanderbucks did something that annoyed me but I cannot remember what it was right now.

● Of COURSE, Kristen's newest asshole bf if a friend of Jax!

Edited by Ubiquitous
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I burst out laughing when Stassi said "I'd rather give birth to a dump truck than have that conversation again." Stassi might be the worst but she also gives the best THs.

Lala is such a tease. James is awful, but it's true that Lala does things like ask him to squeeze her ass and says they can make out then sleeps with some other guy. Da fuq? Who does that? That being said, James sounds like a douche for these drunk texts he keeps sending everyone. "You're a dumb thing to say!" BAHAHAHA

I could not with him when he was bragging to Lisa and getting a bit too big for his britches saying how he's responsible for the influx of customers and that people are asking for a CD. LOL

I normally tolerate Katie but she was kind of bitchy in this episode. Who goes up to people to tell them they are NOT invited to an event? Just don't mention it and if they hear about it and ask if they are invited, just explain there's a capacity limit, sorry, and leave it at that. There's no reason to tell someone they specifically are not invited to something before they've even heard about said event. Kudos to Katie though for sticking to her guns about Stassi. And Schwartz's takedown was epic, too bad he invited her to the engagement party but I guess we all knew it had to happen.

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Kristen as a "drunk maid" = best description ever. 

I'm sorry, I generally like Katie, but I find it pretty hypocritical that she is adamant about Stassi not attending her events, but she was flipping out on Tom for not wanting Kristen at HIS event. 


James is so so gross. What would ever make you think it's okay to talk about butt licking in front of your boss/friend's mom???? His white hoodie is gross, and his pathetic insecurity over women is gross. Go ahead and call every other dude "ugly", it's not going to make the women come running back to you. Loser. I don't really like Lala either, but I love seeing James squirm. 


Now, while I can't stand James, I don't really think Scheana is in a position to be calling anyone "loud", "obnoxious", or "emotional". Just saying. 


Aleks!!! From Below Deck!!! I knew I recognized him. Is it just me or is he looking really hot??? I wonder if this thing with Kristen is real, or he's her hired Bravo date for the night? They seemed pretty genuinely into each other. But they could have just been drunk. 


Of course Sandoval could be found at the "brow bar" station of Katie's event. 


I loved Schwartz's meeting with Stassi. He was blunt and articulate as hell. I loved when he called her "ruthlessly dismissive". I'm not sorry he made her cry. She was horrible, HORRIBLE, to people. She played a fuck ton of mind games, pulled Mean Girl bullshit on every girl she knew, and actually slapped people in the face. You reap what you sow, honey. 

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Also, Kristin is not bringing the crazy this year and is all around disappointing in the drama department.



Kristen is sooo disappointing this year. I'm going to need to her to get back on the crazy train next year, or exit stage left.

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I paused the dvr to look at the text message that James sent to Lala, and I have a strong suspicion that he used a racial slur in referring to Lala's "ugly" ex that she hooked up with. The word is blurred out, which immediately made me suspicious. A quick google search reveals that the guy is Hayes Pullard, football player for the Jaguars. 

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James needs to be gone from this show ASAP.  His skinny, pathetic misogynistic act doesn't even make for good TV.  It makes him a horrific human being.  I don't actively hate Lala but she really doesn't bring much to the show at all, so I'd be more than happy if she was gone next season. 


heatherchandler, on 08 Feb 2016 - 11:35 PM, said:

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Season 1-2 rewatch: (yes I'm a glutton for punishment) I spotted KRISTIN at Pandora's bachelorette party in Vegas. What the f??

Ok what was creepy Jax saying in the previews? That he's the number 1 guy of the group?? OMG he's demonic!


Yeah, Pandora was really good friends with Stassi (who I'm sure was there too) and so I just assume that she was friends with Kristin and Katie by proxy as well.


I also can't help but wonder if Pandora and Stassi's friendship remained strong throughout Stassi and Lisa's relationship breakdown.   


chick binewski, on 09 Feb 2016 - 12:19 AM, said:

I know! Whilst gulping down the (most definitely stolen) bottle of vodka. Jax seems to have three gears: sucking up, lying and complete disconnect. He goes blank-eyed and very cold (like in the preview). I know I diagnose everyone on this show (I can't help it they're nuts) but middle-aged reality star is not the place for this guy. He needs to develop some useful life skills. I think whatever modelling career he had helped stunt his growth even further; he still acts like he's 22 and he's a pretty pretty princess who is not accountable for anything. And I just can't with any grown man who names himself "Jax".


He's seriously so sad and just... ick.  Did he FART when he and Brittany were sitting outside on his stoop, or burp?  Either way, he's nasty.  


I just SO strongly suspect he came up with the nickname "Jax" for himself when Sons of Anarchy became popular.  He'd like to think he's as hot as Jax Teller.  But he'd be sadly, sadly mistaken.


Aleks!!! From Below Deck!!! I knew I recognized him. Is it just me or is he looking really hot??? I wonder if this thing with Kristen is real, or he's her hired Bravo date for the night? They seemed pretty genuinely into each other. But they could have just been drunk.



I don't watch Below Deck so I didn't know who this guy was, but I thought he was a nice looking guy and seemed normal enough. I don't know if he and Kristen just had some drunken encounters, a showmance, or a real relationship, but I do know she's not dating him now. 


As of this past fall, she was dating somebody named Brian Carter, but not sure if they are still together. http://www.eonline.com/news/692744/vanderpump-rules-kristen-doute-has-a-new-boyfriend-following-james-kennedy-split-find-out-who-she-s-dating


Speaking of Kristen, I only caught the first 5 minutes of WWHL last night, but I have to give credit where credit is due and she looked really good. The best I've ever seen her look, by far.  Her hair is longer and I think having it professionally styled helped, too. 


I do really like Katie and think she is cute, but she looked kinda awkward and stumpy sitting next to Kristen.

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Awwwww Schwartzie was doing so well with his verbal beatdown of Stassi until....he invited her to the engagement party! WTH? Or did he tell her he was maybe thinking about inviting her? 


Sandoval explaining the importance of manscaping and how it was simply good grooming and nothing wrong with it. As he was having his eyebrows trimmed up. 


I love these two. 

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I paused the dvr to look at the text message that James sent to Lala, and I have a strong suspicion that he used a racial slur in referring to Lala's "ugly" ex that she hooked up with. The word is blurred out, which immediately made me suspicious. A quick google search reveals that the guy is Hayes Pullard, football player for the Jaguars.

Yeah, there was something about it came out that seemed nastier than usual. I wouldn't be surprised if he used a racial slur. His behavior of late has been loathsome and odious.

Given how Lala started the season, implying that she was trading blowjobs for trips to Italy, a professional football player seems much more like the kind of guy she'd actually be into. It makes her performance of being attracted and torn between Jax and James so much more obnoxious.

I thought Aleks looked really good.

Katie started her beauty blog as a second act to give her a career beyond SUR. What career should the chucklefucks have after SUR? And where do you think they'll actually be after Vanderpump Rules ends?

I've always thought that Sandoval should be a stylist, but he'll probably end up as a bar manager at another Vanderpump Todd restaurant.

Schwartz should be a SAHD and will be a SAHD. Hopefully Katie's beauty blog makes tons of money because that boy has homemaker written all over him.

Kristen should be a drunk maid, but she will end up as the bitchiest stew on Aleks' crew or the bitchiest server at someone else's restaurant.

Jax' ideal career after Vanderpump Rules should be to be a sober bartender at SUR, but he'll probably end up a drunk thieving bartender at SUR. The boy has got few prospects.

Lala will be married and on the revamped cast of RHoBH, but she'll end up as married and as either as a friend of on RHoBH or the VH1 or E! knock off of RHoBH.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Katie started her beauty blog as a second act to give her a career beyond SUR. What career should the chucklefucks have after SUR? And where do you think they'll actually be after Vanderpump Rules ends?



That reminds me!  So I only saw a few snippets here and there of Season 1 when it aired, so I started watching it on Hulu.


In the very first episode, I'm pretty certain that Katie says she wants to be a "music producer"??  Dafuq??  Like, was there any ever follow-up on that bizarre pipe dream?  


Also.... whatever happened to those "dresses" (aka: large flowy napkins) that the Sur-vers used to have to wear?  Those were just.... wildly inappropriate. 

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I thought Aleks looked really good.

Kristen should be a drunk maid, but she will end up as the bitchiest stew on Aleks' crew or the bitchiest server at someone else's restaurant.

Aleks did look good--and certainly more normal than Miss K's usual dudes--and I attribute any redness/shininess to his work.

(Someone remind me: He didn't do anything super obnoxious on Below Deck, did he? I don't think so, but my memory may be clouded by the obnoxiousness of Sam the "rocket solver" and CJ the... whatever he was.)

And YES I MUST see Kristen on the next voyage of the Below Deck crew!

James is so so gross. What would ever make you think it's okay to talk about butt licking in front of your boss/friend's mom???? His white hoodie is gross, and his pathetic insecurity over women is gross. Go ahead and call every other dude "ugly", it's not going to make the women come running back to you. Loser. I don't really like Lala either, but I love seeing James squirm.

That was the first time, in my recollection, that I've seen LVP look *genuinely* squirmy and uncomfortable, and not just for the cameras. I think all her reactions--from the pained look at Max's busted-teeth photos, to the sheer turpitude of James' timing and choice of conversational topics for the DENTIST OFFICE--were honest. She seems more "herself" on this show than on RHOBH.

I *guess* James was right about the Yelp reviews. There ARE* many positive comments about the music, but there are also a bunch that refer to how loud it is.

Anyone else watch WWHL last night? I was surprised** by how much Bobby Moynihan loved Lala and thought she could do no wrong.

* Almost wrote "arse," which I think is appropriate

** sort of

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Here's me, totally crashing...


In a white hoodie?


He's seriously so sad and just... ick.  Did he FART when he and Brittany were sitting outside on his stoop, or burp?  Either way, he's nasty.


He farted. It was disgusting. As she ran to get away from him, he used the excuse that they were "outside", as if that negates immature and foul behavior. My husband drives me crazy at times, but I have rarely every heard him burp or fart. He tries to be very gentlemanly about it, and certainly never does it on purpose. I've also never seen him on a toilet.  Jax gives me a whole new appreciation for that man. 

(Someone remind me: He didn't do anything super obnoxious on Below Deck, did he? I don't think so, but my memory may be clouded by the obnoxiousness of Sam the "rocket solver" and CJ the... whatever he was.)


I don't think so. Wasn't he second in command or something? I seem to remember him being a bit uptight and not getting wild like the rest of the cast, he was trying to prove himself. I also remember him having darker hair, which might be why I didn't recognize him at first. 

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Okay really weird and random, but as I was watching the scene between Schwarz and Stassi, I thought "hmm, they have a nice chemistry and angsty vibe to them. Too bad this isn't a scripted soap opera where next season could be devoted to their affair." Lol!

I think they should accept Stassi back for the sake of the show. I mean Jax is back in and he was the worst IMO. Also, Kristin is not bringing the crazy this year and is all around disappointing in the drama department. We need someone crazy and dramatic...other than James. Of course what the cast wants to say and can't say is that Stassi just wants to be on the show. Which is true, but I don't care.


Schwartz was also startlingly articulate during that conversation. As in, I didn't know he had half those words in his vocabulary, or the ability to man up to that extent and dole out tough love to Stassi without waffling and letting her dominate the conversation with her pity party. He was having none of her whining. Is this the first time on screen we've seen him really defend Katie? I wish he would do it more often in front of the others, but at least now I'm catching a glimpse of what Katie sees in him. 


My guess is that the producers have been pulling all along for Stassi to be a surprise last minute guest at Katie and Schwartz's engagement party and/or wedding, a la Lauren Conrad showing up to Heidi and Spencer's wedding at the 25th hour. I doubt Katie and Stassi are besties again, but they know what makes for compelling TV. 

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OMG I am dying at this description! 

I'm intrigued by where Kristen goes every night until 5 am….


And why is she cleaning when she gets home??  Maybe a little hopped up on something.  I mean, if she is out until 5am, she is on something.

Edited by heatherchandler
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Aleks did look good--and certainly more normal than Miss K's usual dudes--and I attribute any redness/shininess to his work.

(Someone remind me: He didn't do anything super obnoxious on Below Deck, did he? I don't think so, but my memory may be clouded by the obnoxiousness of Sam the "rocket solver" and CJ the... whatever he was.)

And YES I MUST see Kristen on the next voyage of the Below Deck crew!

Oh my word, I honestly didn't even realize that was Aleks from Season 1 of BD until I saw it here!!! He looks/acts so damned different on this show now, that's all.

Like on that show, he had a blonde sorta crew cut, like he was trying to channel Val Kilmer as Iceman from "Top Gun." And he acted like a totally uptight, humorlessly smug know-it-all who lorded his second-in-command status over all the rest of the crew. He also was constantly talking shit about the captain and gave countless talking heads about how much more knowledgeable and capable the boat would be if *he* were the captain and that he was well on his way to finally being a boat captain on his own.

Nobody liked him much either---he really was sorta like the crazy Kristen of that season too, because the captain ended up firing him for his inappropriate comments/behavior and the crew was similarly rejoicing upon his own departure.

I will say that I'm sure he's much better and more stable boyfriend material than that creepy Keebler elf DJ James. That kid is either completely nutso and off his meds or he's taking some of the bad shit---he definitely displays all the anxious/paranoid behavior of a cokehead. Or maybe he's just bipolar?

Either way, he's no longer remotely amusing or fun to hate, but extremely disturbing on a variety of levels. They need to toss him right back under the rock from under which he came.

Farting Jax. He really seems proud to display his fecal processes to the world, almost as much as his mansluttery and his cleptomania.

Oh Stassi, I used to love to hate her, but now I just pity her...she really is beyond pathetic this season, groveling to be friends with various cast members again because she obviously doesn't have much else going on in her life.

She and her equally unemployed frienemy Kristen living together is just so awkward---but at least people seem to like Kristen otherwise and men enjoy her regular company.

And if Kristen is cleaning her place at 5 or 6am after an evening either out clubbing or boinking, she's definitely coming down off a prior drug high, either X, Adderrall, meth or coccaine...I speak from experience, sadly...((I don't look back fondly on my former single girl clubbing/cocktail waitressing days))

Schwartz was very gallant and noble defending his woman's honor to Stassi. I honestly think he only invited her to their party due to producers' prodding---instant storyline and potential drama.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Aleks wasn't fired from Below Deck. He did make comments about the captain not leading by example and expecting too much from some crew members. I believe he was also well liked by the crew. He seemed to be the confidante for a few of them and gave pretty good advice. I think he is too good for Kristin but he hired Rocky so I question his judgement.

Kristin really needs to bring the crazy back, I am bored with this season.

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They are acting as if Stassi set their kittens on fire.


Well, I know what ya mean.  If you didn't know the history, it's easy to say, "chill the fuck out, chucklefucks!"  BUT Stassi was soooo disgustingly heartless in the way she threw away Katie's friendship & cut her off.  It was really cruel.  I don't care what Stassi babbles in her defense or how much she cries.  Katie should cut her off & tell her to fuck off & leave her alone.  


Ah, but the chucklefucks don't do that.  The Toms forgive Jax for whatever asshole shit he does to them, so I guess Katie will eventually forgive Stassi, for the sake of the drama of the show?  I hope not.  Cuz it makes no sense.  If a supposed friend treats you horribly & fucks you over, you tell them to piss off & never see them again.  Right?  Well, these are the chucklefucks -- and they do so many things that make no sense so . . .


I want to know what Kristen did to get kicked outta SUR-



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Oh my word, I honestly didn't even realize that was Aleks from Season 1 of BD until I saw it here!!! He looks/acts so damned different on this show now, that's all.

Like on that show, he had a blonde sorta crew cut, like he was trying to channel Val Kilmer as Iceman from "Top Gun." And he acted like a totally uptight, humorlessly smug know-it-all who lorded his second-in-command status over all the rest of the crew. He also was constantly talking shit about the captain and gave countless talking heads about how much more knowledgeable and capable the boat would be if *he* were the captain and that he was well on his way to finally being a boat captain on his own.

Nobody liked him much either---he really was sorta like the crazy Kristen of that season too, because the captain ended up firing him for his inappropriate comments/behavior and the crew was similarly rejoicing upon his own departure.

I will say that I'm sure he's much better and more stable boyfriend material than that creepy Keebler elf DJ James. That kid is either completely nutso and off his meds or he's taking some of the bad shit---he definitely displays all the anxious/paranoid behavior of a cokehead. Or maybe he's just bipolar?

Either way, he's no longer remotely amusing or fun to hate, but extremely disturbing on a variety of levels. They need to toss him right back under the rock from under which he came.

Farting Jax. He really seems proud to display his fecal processes to the world, almost as much as his mansluttery and his cleptomania.

Oh Stassi, I used to love to hate her, but now I just pity her...she really is beyond pathetic this season, groveling to be friends with various cast members again because she obviously doesn't have much else going on in her life.

She and her equally unemployed frienemy Kristen living together is just so awkward---but at least people seem to like Kristen otherwise and men enjoy her regular company.

And if Kristen is cleaning her place at 5 or 6am after an evening either out clubbing or boinking, she's definitely coming down off a prior drug high, either X, Adderrall, meth or coccaine...I speak from experience, sadly...((I don't look back fondly on my former single girl clubbing/cocktail waitressing days))

Schwartz was very gallant and noble defending his woman's honor to Stassi. I honestly think he only invited her to their party due to producers' prodding---instant storyline and potential drama.

I actually agree with most of your post, but I reeeeally agree with you on these two.  James is an absolute mess.  I firmly believe that he is in a very dark place and they should be concerned about his mental health.  Between the breakup with Kristen and his parents' divorce, I think he is really struggling and lost.  I don't believe it's far fetched to say he's a threat to himself and to others.  I hope this is recognized by somebody, anybody - that might be able to get him help.  He's seriously circling the drain.  

You're right on about Schwartz - there's no way it was his decision to invite Stassi the Super Bitch to the engagement party.  Other than that, I sure was proud of him for every single word he said in that conversation, though!  

He's seriously so sad and just... ick.  Did he FART when he and Brittany were sitting outside on his stoop, or burp?  Either way, he's nasty.  


I just SO strongly suspect he came up with the nickname "Jax" for himself when Sons of Anarchy became popular.  He'd like to think he's as hot as Jax Teller.  But he'd be sadly, sadly mistaken.




Jax makes the boys in middle school look distinguished and sophisticated.

Edited by straightshooter
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I'm trying to decide if Stassi coming back means this show is jumping the shark -- or if her presence will re-invigorate the show.  Not sure yet.  I like that she's coming back down & out (supposedly) & begging & pleading for everyone's friendship -- especially when she was so above-it-all & haughty & smug before.  My prob is I'm having a hard time believing her down & out routine.  She doesn't seem so down & out to me.  I'm thinking this crap is all made-up bullshit by the producers to stick her back on the show.  


Idk, producers' intervention doesn't bother me much if I'm entertained, so I'm willing to wait this out.  And If Schwartzie invited Stassi to the engagement party for our entertainment?  Well, then thanks Schwartzie & much appreciated.


As far as Kristen not acting nutsy enough?  Please.  Gurl is biding her time.  She's plenty nutsy.  I have no doubt her lunacy will bust thru soon.


You know, every time I see Brittany, I have the same thought -- why is this seemingly sensible young woman wasting her time on this ape-face loser?  OK, so Jax said he met her in Vegas.  Really, Jaxie-poo?  Um, no.  Ah, but this is Jaxie-poo & we know he lies about EVERYTHING, right?  Well, guess what?  He lied about this too.



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OMG I am dying at this description! 


And why is she cleaning when she gets home??  Maybe a little hopped up on something.  I mean, if she is out until 5am, she is on something.

I'd bet meth.

Lisa calling James a "pipsqueak busboy" made my day.

So Lala is butthurt over the non-invite from Katie because of elementary school? Are you fucking kidding me? Next time my husband eats the last cookie I'm going to tell him the heart-wrenching tale of the kid who stole my cookie on the playground. My poignant tale is sure to bring him to tears.

Schwartzie being a man! That was great! Not so great was him doling out a totally producer-driven invitation to the engagement party.

I was kinda proud of Scheana this episode, she didn't try to make anything about her and just supported Katie.

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