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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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"We'll be busy swearing in the 45th president."  Hooray
 "If you leave loaded guns lying aroung the house, it's only a matter of time until a 4 year old  picks it up" (picture of Drumpf)

Madelyn Albright and the women prime ministers was a great segment, although not very funny.  
"If Mike Wallace's son got it that wrong" (partial birth BS)

"Beat this dick-waving Berlusconi knock off like a little bitch" 

Skip to the end of this web extra :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4rSfqsGD4U

Nasty Women Tees available at samanthabee.com, proceeds to Planned Parenthood.

I almost forgot:  "Maria Bartiromo's show stealing ta-tas"

"Those situations are called the middle ages", "a uterus is the wrong place for a priest" and "Thanks, Friar Suck" from the Catholic hospital segment.

Edited by atomationage
  • Love 10
14 hours ago, pennben said:

This show has been my therapy this election season and this episode was no different.  Great work again. Thank you Samantha Bee and staff.  We're almost there.......

But tragically, Catholic hospitals will still be denying appropriate medical care for women even after the election.

  • Love 11

Such a GREAT episode! It's so fantastic to see full-throated, unapologetic feminism on TV.

I think our country in particular has a hard time with sexism because there's such a toxic masculinity that embodies our culture. I didn't think Hillary would have a harder time facing down sexism than Obama did with racism when he first ran, but given what I've witnessed this year...I think maybe it's been worse? And the racism Obama faced was so awful, but I think Hillary faces really rampant misogyny from both the right AND the left, sadly.

Edited by ruby24
  • Love 17

Anybody automatically recognised the word "Nasty Woman" on Samantha's t-shirt before she revealed it? Great opening segment and good that they're making more of these t-shirts and giving all the profits to Planned Parenthood.

Given how the United States has elected many, many women to office such as mayor, governor, congressperson, senator, etc. I'd say the country is more than ready, if not overdue, to elect its first ever woman president.

  • Love 4

While I appreciated the themes of this episode it also just depresses the hell out of me because, while electing Hillary, or any woman, is a step in the right direction, it shows what a sick, long twisted as fuck path we have to tread to see anything approaching the proper way, we as Americans, treat our fellow citizens. 

I knew a bit about this since, thanks to having to pay off pervert priest actions, two Catholic hospitals with excellent reps were closed (which also showed where the priorities of the Nazi Pope Who Quit were) and all kinds of practices came to light that pretty much were kept in the dark unless it affected you.

And to think about all the lies we have heard these last few years and still do about the evils of Planned Parenthood.

Here's a thing good Catholics that think this is a good thing these hospitals are doing.  Next time a priest has a cardiac arrest committing a sin, and we know that happens, leave him to die okay?  You know.  Exercise those morals.

And how about publicly making it known that any man suffering a health crises that sits beyond the moral pale of the Catholic Church will now also suffer the same health judgement as women do, hmmm?  From now on, no male adulterer is allowed life saving methods.  Period. 

Or lets look at the drugs you do allow for men?  Do you let viagra be dispensed by doctors who have practicing rights to your hospital?  Well that is circumventing the Lord's will isn't it?  If God wanted grandpa to have a stiffy he would bless him with one right?  And even is such a latitude that currently allows such drugs to be prescribed, how does it follow that these dirty priests who likely haven't had a lesson in female biology let alone reproductive health or ob-gyn course work aren't making sure Senior Citizen Dole is using it only on fertile women?  Is using health care to promote non-reproductive intercourse at odds with the blazing hypocrisy of preaching right to life for a fetus but not for the woman?  Its like the kit I once saw on some comedy show that does the "I hear two heartbeats" during an exam and the mother to be exclaims "its twins" and the camera pulls back to show the doctor is listening to the mother's heart while the tech is monitoring the fetus and the quip is "no I hear your's and the baby's".  Funny that according to Catholic medicine, as we see so horrifyingly here, the mother ceases to "live" the minute she conceives. 

It is also a sobering look that 2016 is not the end of our job.  2018 will likely to be just as important and I have no doubts we will fuck that up again like 2010. 

  • Love 14

I find it incredibly hypocratic that many "christian/catholic" followers denounce the muslim religion because it subjugates women, but imo, its no better than how many 'christian/catholic' followers do the same.  This is probably a huge reason why so many Americans are still mysoginistic, because their religion preaches it.  This is why I have no problem with government run healthcare and hospitals and keep religion out of anything operated by the government.  Frankly, I think religion should not be allowed in schools either.  You want to preach your religion, then you can have your kids go to your religious classes after they go to the government/public school.  Religion is way way too much a part of our country and is the cause of many of our problems.

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Hanahope said:

Religion is way way too much a part of our country and is the cause of many of our problems.

Doctors are prevented from performing legit recognized medical procedures to take care of patients. When is enough enough? That's unethical by any definition. 

The cell phone in the bra was seriously funny though because I know about 50000 women who do that. It doesn't even register. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 6
4 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Sam's interviewing President Obama next Monday! That's so cool, that must mean he likes the show!

The press release about the interview is hilarious.


The conversation with America's male president, who wore a flattering wool suit paired with sensible leather flats, follows Samantha's October 24th interviews with Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet, Marshallese President Hilda Heine, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, along with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Sam's interviewing President Obama next Monday! That's so cool, that must mean he likes the show!

It makes me laugh because Bill Maher is the one guy whose show he won't do, even though he's been begging him for a year now, because he does literally everyone else's. You can add Sam to that list now!

Or it means that the show's large number of internet views, focus on feminist issues, and viewer demographics means that doing this interview fits into his voter outreach strategy. Alternatively maybe it does means he likes the show. Or perhaps my favorite possibility of all, maybe it means that he is just screwing with Bill Maher?

1 hour ago, trow125 said:

The press release about the interview is hilarious.

Thanks for posting that. I was already happy to hear the news, but I'm looking forward to it even more now.

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, purist said:


I don't understand how doctors who work in Catholic hospitals reconcile their 'First, do no harm' oath with causing women pain.

It seemed crazy to me and made me wonder what else they wouldn't do. I assume vasectomies are out. What about morning after pills? What about handing out condoms? I am pretty sure at one point after one of our kids was born either the hospital or the ob gave us condoms since there was a window where she couldn't take birth control. What about any kind  of treatment for pregnant women who are unmarried, or HIV tests for gay people? Like Sam said it is especially freaky if you kice somewhere where that is your closest option.

3 hours ago, ruby24 said:


It makes me laugh because Bill Maher is the one guy whose show he won't do, even though he's been begging him for a year now, because he does literally everyone else's. You can add Sam to that list now!

That's kind of awesome, mostly because Maher always comes off as a giant arrogant jackass.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
  • Love 5

The show put up four extended interviews from the most recent show, First, Dr. Rupa Natarajan talks about the real life effects of Catholic hospital regulations:

Jennafer Norris, denied tubal ligation during emergency c-section:


Melanie Jones, refused care for a dislodged IUD:


and Mindy Swank, denied termination for unviable pregnancy:


  • Love 3
10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

The interview with President Obama was FANTASTIC! Not to mention funny!

I know I'm about to risk having all of you roll your eyes at my stupidity in even asking this, but those trolls weren't really from Russia, right? They were actors mocking trolls. Right???????

I don't know either!  I would have said they were genuine, except she was so casual about "I ran over to Russia one day . . . "


And I hate to say this, but I did not think the interview with the President was fantastic at all.

Samantha doing her imitation of a self-involved teen, Snapchatting with herself in the annoying voice, when Obama was trying to make the point that young voters were more responsible than people gave them credit for.  Her question to Obama about naming things he was proud of [can't remember--accomplishments? highlights?] only allowed for a couple of "real" response points before she reminded him,  and he graciously repeated, "Being the first president interviewed by Samantha Bee."    Etc.

Bottom line, it just seemed that each exchange had an equal or greater amount of Bee than Obama.


I felt he came prepared to talk about some interesting stuff I haven't heard in other interviews, maybe focusing on young voters by starting with the interesting news that Malia is now old enough to vote.  (Who knew?  Time flies.)  I would have preferred to hear what he had to say to an audience like the Full Frontal demographic, but it's kind of like Samantha wouldn't get out of his way.  She stuck to the Short Question-Short Answer format, which included a lot of funny quips, mostly from her. 

He's great, and quick, and funny and she's great and quick and funny, but I don't think he's scheduling interviews right now, just before the election, so he can bat the "clever remarks" ball back and forth. 


Sorry.  : (


Edited by candall
  • Love 2

Wow, this was a really strange show. Sam completely ignored the latest flap about Clinton's e-mails, as though the show was deliberately ignoring it. It was only mentioned as a comparison, and only in a general way. And yes, I'm sure that was on purpose, but after this weekend I expected the issue to be addressed more directly. It was an interesting choice, that's for sure.

OMG does Russia really pay people to be internet trolls? How much? Call me, Russia! I'd love that job.

Thought the interview with Obama was great - I'm assuming a "full" version will be available somewhere online. I hope so, anyway. Felt too short.

  • Love 1

Great show. I really enjoyed the interview with Obama. Loved when he couldn't stop laughing at Sam's valley girl impression.

I think Trump retweets the alt-right stuff ignorantly, but I also believe that his son -- can't remember which one -- is an alt-righter, if that's a term. Anyway, all that stuff is horrid, and Trump's folly in lifting the rock and letting the uglies spread their wings is something he can never be forgiven for. BTW, I read that the Jew-S-A guy claimed he was speaking like Hispanic people do because he saw some Hispanic children who tried to chant "USA" but got embarrassed by their "Joo-S-A" and so stopped. Aww. The guy felt bad for them and so chanted to make them feel better. That's his story and he's sticking to it. Seeing that clip again, I do wonder what he would say about those hand-signs he made. I think they're supposed to be some kind of alt right symbol.

I think the Russian trolls were real. I was very surprised that Sam had gone to Russia and was able to meet with them. That's a huge story. It doesn't seem like it should be true, but it was presented that way.

  • Love 2

A very good interview Samantha conducted with President Obama. I think her Valley Girl impersonation represented the young Millennial voters who think their vote doesn't matter, and the prez explained perfectly why it is. After the pieces about the alt.right and the Russian trolls, the interview was more than welcomed.

  • Love 2

Usually when a show like this does something fake, they make it obviously fake. They showed footage of Sam on the streets of Russia, so I feel like it's actually Russia. Didn't Jason Jones do a series for the Daily Show  from Russia on the country's anti-gay laws? Maybe they still have contacts there from that.

I liked how she glossed over the emails as the big nothing burger that they are. This is what all the media should be doing until some actual evidence of wrongdoing is found.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I think the Russian trolls were real. I was very surprised that Sam had gone to Russia and was able to meet with them. That's a huge story. It doesn't seem like it should be true, but it was presented that way.

I doubt it.  This is a comedy show doing a comedy bit.  I don't think it is any more real than Trevor taking cover in his underground hideout on his Halloween show.  I'm sure if this were real, it would have made headlines.  

Edited by Fable
33 minutes ago, Fable said:
4 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I think the Russian trolls were real. I was very surprised that Sam had gone to Russia and was able to meet with them. That's a huge story. It doesn't seem like it should be true, but it was presented that way.

I doubt it.  This is a comedy show doing a comedy bit.  I don't think it is any more real than Trevor taking cover in his underground hideout on his Halloween show.  I'm sure if this were real, it would have made headlines.

Sam does travel to do these pieces. Remember her interviews at the Syrian refugee camp? That wasn't hyped by the media either. She travels all over the U.S. to interview people, and she went to the U.N. last week (it may not have been a long way to go, but she was demonstrably there). I don't recall her ever trying to make it appear that she was somewhere she wasn't for comedic value. I think it's fair to take her at her word that she went to Russia for that piece. Why it's not making headlines, though, probably says more about the state of headlines these days than anything else.

  • Love 5

FWIW, the content of the Russian troll segment itself is real. Actually it's been reported a few times but never seems to get much attention for whatever reasons. 

- June 2015 http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html (This article was featured in her clip.)
The Agency: From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities.
- July 2016 It looks like Russia hired internet trolls to pose as pro-Trump Americans
- October 2016 How Russia’s Twitter Bots And Trolls Work With Donald Trump Campaign Accounts
A third of pro-Trump tweets are generated by bots

If you go through pro-DJT tweets there are some patterns. Most prominently from their profile pics. On Reddit, several threads on The_Donald get loads and loads of upvotes that end up on front page within a couple of hours on daily basis. A giveaway is that those threads get disproportionately a small amount of replies.

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