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S06.E10: Backwards In Heels

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Here is this week's Trash Talk TV recap. http://www.trashtalktv.com/02/03/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-cud-on-the-dance-floor/378823/


I enjoyed Lyme Disease is not a family business, Erika's singing at Sea World will sound like a mating call to Shamu and Lisar acting as if chatting were akin to her on SnapChat with the Taliban.

Is Erika really performing at Sea World or is that a joke?

  • Love 3

Gotta love Vince telling Eileen to just shake off that jet lag and get back to work. Eileen has three jobs, takes care of that mausoleum, seems to be the sole caretaker of the child, picks up the slack when his kids are arround - anything I missed? The only surprise was that Vince was in an upright position while talking to her. Must have needed to place a bet.


He does seem rather worthless, doesn't he?  What exactly does he DO?


If I have to see Kyle do the splits/stupid ponytail swing one more time.  My god.  If us viewers are bored and rolling our eyes at it, I can only imagine how the people actually at all of these parties feel.  Find a new shtick, Kyle.  That one is getting old.


Also, was it just me or did all of the ladies seem to be wearing the same outfit?

  • Love 6

I'd really like to see an up-close still shot of what Taylor was wearing at the anniversary party. I've tried looking, but nothing yet. Interestingly, a Google search did pull up a picture of Taylor Swift's Oh-My-God- I- can't- believe- I -won- this - 20th-award! face, and she almost looked like a young Taylor Shana Armstrong (or whatever her real name is). I'm upset, because that was the most interesting part of the episode to me! I wonder if Kyle pulled her oops! wrong dress code! act once again. Once is a mistake, twice is a pattern...


Any years that LisaR lost in her outfit were picked up (and then some) by LVP. Not a good look on LVP. LisaR and Erika looked great. I'm partial to Lisar's long hair. Kyle looked hot, but I always think so. I don't remember Eileen, but Katherine looked like she bought a Halloween costume from Spencer's and called it a day. I would have LOVED to have seen Yolanda show up and do her bit. Maybe she could stand next to Taylor. B and Kim could also join that gang. (Thank YOU no Brandi- can you imagine?)


Agree with everyone here re: Katherine and her husband. Fake, posers, something is off. I don't even think that Katherine's mad about the book anymore. I think she's fake, and wanted a storyline or an in on the show. They obviously NEED to work or else she wouldn't be doing the show. What's with the RH's pretending they don't get paid for the show? We all know the man behind the curtain by now. Also agree with telling a grown woman not to say something. Now, if someone said the N-word or something in front of me, I would let my displeasure be known- LOUDLY, but I wouldn't use their appearance as a reason for them to speak a certain way. It's along the lines of "you're so pretty if only you'd smile more."


I apologize for my grammar being completely off today-- speaking of, I HATED Camille's cheap (looking) pink outfit, but it looked like she was having fun so that's all that matters.

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 7
MatildaMoody, on 05 Feb 2016 - 4:04 PM, said:

It's a joke. Ronnie has an amazing sense of humor IMO. But, then I am biased because he is a friend of mine.


I hardly ever click on external links, but I read this recap and nearly died from laughter.  You are not biased, MatildaM; Ronnie has the most wicked sense of humor I've encountered in quite some time.   I have been missing out on some delicious snark, lo these years.  :-)

  • Love 5

How could you tell or did they tell us her implants were under the muscle?  I thought of all the boob jobs on all the RH shows Yo's looked the most natural. I found myself wondering if her boobs were natural and just another number on her genetic lottery she won. I never saw the weird implant rise when she raised her arms like you see on skinny women with implants.  Good catch by the way.


A few episodes ago, Yo made a comment about having silicon near her organs.  After surgery, she said silicon was near her lymph nodes. I've never heard anyone with a ruptured implant over the muscle have this issue.

  • Love 1

Arrgh, this episode.  


I refuse to believe Kathryn hasn't devoured Faye's book.  Twice.  With a highlighter.  I'm convinced she's trying to project the image of being above it all to us in TVland, and that's failing for me.  I'm not going to believe anything out of her mouth after seeing her with her private jeweler after blatantly parking in the red zone ("you gonna buy something this time?"), her fake relationship with her childish hubby, and the smug way she lectured Erika about language.  (And good for Erika to shut that shit down - whatever her language choices, Kathryn has no right to lecture her or anyone else with that sneer of condescension.)  Nope.   And I don't really even like Faye that much and can't claim to be on her side in anything - I just don't buy what Kate is selling.


Gonna give Faye points for her tux and top hat, though.  I thought she looked the best of any of the ladies.  Girl sure likes her tequila, but I can't blame her.  I'd be sucking down the Don Julio myself if I was at that party.  She clearly does not give a shit, and has no regrets.


I do like Kyle, but I'm not blind to her faults.  She seems almost frantic right now to stir the shit.  Did not buy the way she was climbing all over Mauricio.  You know, when you've been married 20 years, things change.  It's not a bad thing, just a different sort of relationship.  You don't have to convince us you are horny teenagers, no one is buying it and the only thing it does is make your kids cringe when they watch the show.  I wonder if she is cringing after seeing herself on this episode watching her extra flesh erupting out of that too-tight corset.


Lisa, that pink clashes with everyone else, and is getting just plain boring.  You look ridiculous.   I think she's more than capable of still looking hot and put together, but the package she's been rocking for decades is dated and stupid looking.  I howled watching Ken and Lisa attempt to walk down a driveway.


Bored with WoYo.  


If there were awards given, I think the prizes of the evening would go to Erika in third place for her awkward singing lessons, second to LisaR for her dubious fashion choices that reveal why she should never go sleeveless, and a solid first to Taylor, who was channeling her inner Skeletor.  I could not take my eyes away from her for a second, but not for the reason she was hoping, I'm sure.


This show is turning me into a nasty, judgmental bitch, guys.  There are plenty of positive things to say about these people and I'm a little horrified at my own snarky behavior, but it's like watching a car crash in slow motion.  If this is what being rich is like, I'm happy where I'm at.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 10

This show is turning me into a nasty, judgmental bitch, guys.  There are plenty of positive things to say about these people and I'm a little horrified at my own snarky behavior, but it's like watching a car crash in slow motion.  


LOL. Same.  I snarked about Rinna after her dad died. It wasn't especially nasty, but considering my own dad is ill - shame on me.  I don't really believe in karma but I do believe that you get as good as you give.  I was still thinking about it days later. WTF. Being peri-menopausal can already lend a hand in being a bitch.  Should I really let my feelings about Lisa Rinna, (LISA 'MonkeyAssface' RINNA?!?!) send me further down that rabbit hole?  No. She's not important enough to hate. I've given her too much power. Thank you, LisaV for my deep thought for the day. ;-)


Debating Yolanda's surgery made me feel gross, too.  Whether it took 45 minutes or 7 hours, why do I care in the big scheme of things?  A woman had her breasts removed.  In comment sections all over the web, I've read that the 'bitch' deserves whatever is coming her way. Ugh. That's no longer snark.  That's soul sucking meanness.  Maybe it's because I helped a friend re-bind her chest after her mastectomy. I don't pretend to know how it feels to be a woman who wakes up to see the devastation that a mastectomy causes, physically and mentally. She cried and said it was because she knew it was hard for me to see. Of course, I know it was more than that.  She was crying about things I can't comprehend because I haven't walked in her shoes. So regardless of what I think about Yo and her implant removal surgery, she still suffered. I'm going to try harder not to dog the suffering.


Is Faye Resnick suffering?  Because I've still got some choice morsels for that one. 

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 18

Favorite moment of the episode was Erika's reaction to Kathryn telling her not to use the "c" word "you're too good for that, don't use it, it's disgusting so don't ever say that word again."  Erika: "a) I don't care; and b) I'll use it as much as I want, which is constantly."  Erika is hands down my favorite housewife of all time (so far).  Additionally, she was the only one who could pull off the Moulin Rouge look.


YES! Erika was the only one who had a great look for the party. I loved her sexy little ringmaster-esque outfit. Erika Jane is my shit! lol

I also appreciate a woman with a potty mouth. Girl, we can hang.

  • Love 5

LOL. Same. I snarked about Rinna after her dad died. It wasn't especially nasty, but considering my own dad is ill - shame on me. I don't really believe in karma but I do believe that you get as good as you give. I was still thinking about it days later. WTF. Being peri-menopausal can already lend a hand in being a bitch. Should I really let my feelings about Lisa Rinna, (LISA 'MonkeyAssface' RINNA?!?!) send me further down that rabbit hole? No. She's not important enough to hate. I've given her too much power. Thank you, LisaV for my deep thought for the day. ;-)

Debating Yolanda's surgery made me feel gross, too. Whether it took 45 minutes or 7 hours, why do I care in the big scheme of things? A woman had her breasts removed. In comment sections all over the web, I've read that the 'bitch' deserves whatever is coming her way. Ugh. That's no longer snark. That's soul sucking meanness. Maybe it's because I helped a friend re-bind her chest after her mastectomy. I don't pretend to know how it feels to be a woman who wakes up to see the devastation that a mastectomy causes, physically and mentally. She cried and said it was because she knew it was hard for me to see. Of course, I know it was more than that. She was crying about things I can't comprehend because I haven't walked in her shoes. So regardless of what I think about Yo and her implant removal surgery, she still suffered. I'm going to try harder not to dog the suffering.

Yolanda's still got what God gave her. She didn't have implants when she was modeling, I think she got them after Gigi was born.
  • Love 3

LOL. Same.  I snarked about Rinna after her dad died. It wasn't especially nasty, but considering my own dad is ill - shame on me.  I don't really believe in karma but I do believe that you get as good as you give.  I was still thinking about it days later. WTF. Being peri-menopausal can already lend a hand in being a bitch.  Should I really let my feelings about Lisa Rinna, (LISA 'MonkeyAssface' RINNA?!?!) send me further down that rabbit hole?  No. She's not important enough to hate. I've given her too much power. Thank you, LisaV for my deep thought for the day. ;-)


Debating Yolanda's surgery made me feel gross, too.  Whether it took 45 minutes or 7 hours, why do I care in the big scheme of things?  A woman had her breasts removed.  In comment sections all over the web, I've read that the 'bitch' deserves whatever is coming her way. Ugh. That's no longer snark.  That's soul sucking meanness.  Maybe it's because I helped a friend re-bind her chest after her mastectomy. I don't pretend to know how it feels to be a woman who wakes up to see the devastation that a mastectomy causes, physically and mentally. She cried and said it was because she knew it was hard for me to see. Of course, I know it was more than that.  She was crying about things I can't comprehend because I haven't walked in her shoes. So regardless of what I think about Yo and her implant removal surgery, she still suffered. I'm going to try harder not to dog the suffering.


Is Faye Resnick suffering?  Because I've still got some choice morsels for that one. 

Yolanda did not have her breasts removed-she had her implants taken out.  Huge difference.  I believe the discussion was sparked by Yolanda, The Topper, having the worst case of silicone leakage ever.  Yolanda's two earlier breast augmentations and subsequent removal were all elective surgery. 


I feel for your friend or any man or woman that has a mastectomy.  The pain both physically and emotionally is heartbreaking.


What I have taken away from Yolanda's surgery is it did little to get her back on her feet.  She still talks about being confined to bed.  I also feel, from what we have seen from Yolanda she has a very low threshold for pain.  The port removal and the dentist office scenes kind of sealed the deal for me.

Yolanda's still got what God gave her. She didn't have implants when she was modeling, I think she got them after Gigi was born.

She claims she had them before Gigi-hence Gigi's possible exposure to silicone and affecting her immune system.  I believe she said she got them 20 plus years ago.

  • Love 8

I too, hated the lecture Katherine gave Erika on her language. It isn't a word I use ( out in public anyway,haha), but it is just that: a word- no harm no foul. The thing that really stood out for me was Maurice's disinterest in Kyle! When she was dressing and he exclaimed "sooooo sexxxxxy", I laughed! Kyle's rebuffed attempts to make out with Mo were embarassing- he turned his head like she had massive garlic breath or something! LVP looked like a tired old Madame at a brothel. I'm not a huge Camille fan, but she was having fun recreating her old Club MTV days on the dance floor- that was great! Rinna seems to be like a Zelig- she morphs into what is around her, and her comment about keeping her hair short so that Harry will F her, may have been a "keeping up with Erika" moment?!

  • Love 3

Yolanda did not have her breasts removed-she had her implants taken out.  Huge difference.  I believe the discussion was sparked by Yolanda, The Topper, having the worst case of silicone leakage ever.  Yolanda's two earlier breast augmentations and subsequent removal were all elective surgery. 


I feel for your friend or any man or woman that has a mastectomy.  The pain both physically and emotionally is heartbreaking.


What I have taken away from Yolanda's surgery is it did little to get her back on her feet.  She still talks about being confined to bed.  I also feel, from what we have seen from Yolanda she has a very low threshold for pain.  The port removal and the dentist office scenes kind of sealed the deal for me.

She claims she had them before Gigi-hence Gigi's possible exposure to silicone and affecting her immune system.  I believe she said she got them 20 plus years ago.

IMO, removing the leaked silicone made a big difference in Yolanda's health BUT she doesn't want to admit it.

  • Love 6

Sigh. Pain, scarring, waking up looking and feeling much different 40 minutes (or 7 hours) later. Anxiety over having to schedule another surgery to correct any disfigurement if they weren't able to reconstruct during the removal surgery? I'm out of this conversation. Makes me sad.

Elective or not, surgery definitely isn't a fun experience.
  • Love 6


The thing that really stood out for me was Maurice's disinterest in Kyle! When she was dressing and he exclaimed "sooooo sexxxxxy", I laughed! Kyle's rebuffed attempts to make out with Mo were embarassing- he turned his head like she had massive garlic breath or something!




I don't think that happened. Not even... at all. Mo appears to be just as into Kyle as she is into him.  Perhaps even more so.  


I mean, people can hate on Kyle all the live-long day if they must. For...whatever reasons.  But to try to paint it as though her husband is repulsed by her or something is just not right. 

  • Love 20

Erica is telling Yolanda just enough to get her juices going, but she's not telling it accurately. Which I think will come back to bite her at some point. I love Erica, she's fun, but if you're going to carry tales you had better get all the facts out there correctly. She never mentioned Mohammed being the one who told Lisa V. that his kids were not sick. She made it sound like Lisa is starting rumors.

Kyle and her splits. Too bad her hair was up and she couldn't do the ponytail spin at the same time. :)

Refresh my memory, who first mentioned Munchausen's?

I don't know if anyone mentioned that Mohammed tweeted in to WWHL and said LVP asked him how the kids were doing and he said "fine" His stance is to not discuss the children's health issues.

Oops, yes someone already did!

Edited by Bob Loblaw

LOL. Same. I snarked about Rinna after her dad died. It wasn't especially nasty, but considering my own dad is ill - shame on me. I don't really believe in karma but I do believe that you get as good as you give. I was still thinking about it days later. WTF. Being peri-menopausal can already lend a hand in being a bitch. Should I really let my feelings about Lisa Rinna, (LISA 'MonkeyAssface' RINNA?!?!) send me further down that rabbit hole? No. She's not important enough to hate. I've given her too much power. Thank you, LisaV for my deep thought for the day. ;-)

Debating Yolanda's surgery made me feel gross, too. Whether it took 45 minutes or 7 hours, why do I care in the big scheme of things? A woman had her breasts removed. In comment sections all over the web, I've read that the 'bitch' deserves whatever is coming her way. Ugh. That's no longer snark. That's soul sucking meanness. Maybe it's because I helped a friend re-bind her chest after her mastectomy. I don't pretend to know how it feels to be a woman who wakes up to see the devastation that a mastectomy causes, physically and mentally. She cried and said it was because she knew it was hard for me to see. Of course, I know it was more than that. She was crying about things I can't comprehend because I haven't walked in her shoes. So regardless of what I think about Yo and her implant removal surgery, she still suffered. I'm going to try harder not to dog the suffering.

Is Faye Resnick suffering? Because I've still got some choice morsels for that one.

I'm going out of the country and don't think I will be able to watch this week ( I have the Bravo app but do I have the NERVE to admit to my husband that I need some Bravo alone time? ) so I'm depending on my peeps here to write very descriptive post. This is just my two cents on posting here and in general. I really try not to post anything I wouldn't say IRL. I remember a few years ago a woman in England got outed for writing some really hateful things about Madeline McCain's parents (abducted child ) on a message board and she killed herself a few days later. I always keep that in mind. I don't follow anybody but real life friends on social media and I do that very grudgingly. Who knew I had so many racist and stupid friends? But I can't imagine writing hateful things to anyone. The anonymity of the Internet can really bring out the worst in people. I wouldn't be thrilled to say to Yo's face that I think she's looney but if I had to I would. I also have become hesitant to divulge too many personal details. On another forum there was one , know it all poster ,who was generally loathed by everyone . I got a pm with her real life Facebook info, she gave so many details the posters figured it out. Yikes! Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 9

"I don't think that happened. Not even... at all. Mo appears to be just as into Kyle as she is into him. Perhaps even more so.

I mean, people can hate on Kyle all the live-long day if they must. For...whatever reasons. But to try to paint it as though her husband is repulsed by her or something is just not right. "

Re-watch the scenes if you don't believe me. I think it is fairly easy to tell when a man is not into a woman, and Maurice's comment to Kyle was as genuine as a 3 dollar bill. I'm not hating on Kyle- I love seeing a good marriage that stands the test of time and temptation. Just don't see it with these two. The rumors about Mo's philandering hold some weight.

  • Love 5

A few episodes ago, Yo made a comment about having silicon near her organs.  After surgery, she said silicon was near her lymph nodes. I've never heard anyone with a ruptured implant over the muscle have this issue.

Look at a 'map' of the human lymphatic system. Did she talk about a resection of her lymph nodes? Any biopsy or tissue that went to a examined? Seems to me that any talk of her having 'silicone poisoning' would be on her tongue and another illness that she could earn the badge, be the face of, or talk about ad naseum.

  • Love 3
Re-watch the scenes if you don't believe me. I think it is fairly easy to tell when a man is not into a woman, and Maurice's comment to Kyle was as genuine as a 3 dollar bill. I'm not hating on Kyle- I love seeing a good marriage that stands the test of time and temptation. Just don't see it with these two. The rumors about Mo's philandering hold some weight.



Hmmm I just don't see that scene that way I guess.  And coupled with the many scenes I've watched of him loving on her over the past years, I don't, personally, believe the Mo is a cheater rumors.  But that's just my own personal interpretation, based on what I see on TV, of course. I guess you never really know what's going on in a couple's marriage unless you're IN it. Some of the most outwardly-loving reality TV couples have split, so anything is possible!   


nc socialworker, on 06 Feb 2016 - 11:03 AM, said:

I'm going out of the country and don't think I will be able to watch this week ( I have the Bravo app but do I have the NERVE to admit to my husband that I need some Bravo alone time? ) so I'm depending on my peeps here to write very descriptive post. This is just my two cents on posting here and in general. I really try not to post anything I wouldn't say IRL. I remember a few years ago a woman in England got outed for writing some really hateful things about Madeline McCain's parents (abducted child ) on a message board and she killed herself a few days later. I always keep that in mind. I don't follow anybody but real life friends on social media and I do that very grudgingly. Who knew I had so many racist and stupid friends? But I can't imagine writing hateful things to anyone. The anonymity of the Internet can really bring out the worst in people. I wouldn't be thrilled to say to Yo's face that I think she's looney but if I had to I would. I also have become hesitant to divulge too many personal details. On another forum there was one , know it all poster ,who was generally loathed by everyone . I got a pm with her real life Facebook info, she gave so many details the posters figured it out. Yikes!


This is such good advice - and I do need to remember to keep this in mind, myself!


I was part of a health/fitness message board years ago, and one woman tried to destroy another's life over some things she was posting that she didn't agree with. She somehow found out where she worked, called her boss, and got her fired.  I don't remember the details as to how she actually did that, but it was all terrible.


She also called the woman's HUSBAND and tried to convince  him that his wife was cheating on him. The husband fortunately didn't but into it the way that her employer did.


But this was all next-level stuff that, of course, a sane person wouldn't do.  But, as you know, it's not always sane people we're dealing with when we engage with others on message boards, social media, etc.

  • Love 10

Utter and complete snoozefest. I thought Taylor did look kinda weird and Skeletor-like though. Probably NOT the look she was going for??

Poor WoeYo. She's still claiming to be chronically ill and it just keeps getting more and more ridiculous, IMHO. If things for her health-wise are THAT FREAKING BAD, she needs to get off teevee and concentrate her efforts on getting well. I still cringe at that scene with her Mom, Gigi and the non's, throwing out her will. I mean, here's her "Mommy" with CANCER for cryin' out loud. And here's poor old WoeYO going on about her impending surgery. Just YUK!

I know others have suggested that WoeYo go to that organic makeup place that the OC Howife frequents, and I think that would be a good place for WoeYo to start. Those dark circles seem to be growing? And now her hair looks kinda streaked. What's up with all that?

  • Love 1

LOL. Same.  I snarked about Rinna after her dad died. It wasn't especially nasty, but considering my own dad is ill - shame on me.  I don't really believe in karma but I do believe that you get as good as you give.  I was still thinking about it days later. WTF. Being peri-menopausal can already lend a hand in being a bitch.  Should I really let my feelings about Lisa Rinna, (LISA 'MonkeyAssface' RINNA?!?!) send me further down that rabbit hole?  No. She's not important enough to hate. I've given her too much power. Thank you, LisaV for my deep thought for the day. ;-)


Debating Yolanda's surgery made me feel gross, too.  Whether it took 45 minutes or 7 hours, why do I care in the big scheme of things?  A woman had her breasts removed.  In comment sections all over the web, I've read that the 'bitch' deserves whatever is coming her way. Ugh. That's no longer snark.  That's soul sucking meanness.  Maybe it's because I helped a friend re-bind her chest after her mastectomy. I don't pretend to know how it feels to be a woman who wakes up to see the devastation that a mastectomy causes, physically and mentally. She cried and said it was because she knew it was hard for me to see. Of course, I know it was more than that.  She was crying about things I can't comprehend because I haven't walked in her shoes. So regardless of what I think about Yo and her implant removal surgery, she still suffered. I'm going to try harder not to dog the suffering.


Is Faye Resnick suffering?  Because I've still got some choice morsels for that one. 

I have to agree with others. Yolanda didn't have her breasts removed. Her breasts were destroyed when the implants were placed.

  • Love 1

Sigh.  Pain, scarring, waking up looking and feeling much different 40 minutes (or 7 hours) later.  Anxiety over having to schedule another surgery to correct any disfigurement if they weren't able to reconstruct during the removal surgery?  I'm out of this conversation.  Makes me sad.


There are many kinds of breast surgeries...To categorize them as just the removal and disfigurement after is true, but there are lifts, reconstruction, partial (segmental) and total mastectomies. One woman I knew had her breast removed and was excited about having her nipple tattooed on her reconstructed breast. I dated a woman who had a segmental bx and a scar from the top of her breast to her axilla...It pained me to see the scar, but she didn't have a problem 'showing' it to me.

I cannot imagine being told that I have breast cancer - yes men get it also - and having to have a mastectomy. But I would be happy that a surgery could save my life.

Having ANY body parts removed in a surgery is a huge life changing moment, rebounding from it shows how resilient the human spirit can be.  Having a uni or bilateral mastectomy and a lymph node resection is way different than having an implant removed,..

  • Love 11

I'm going out of the country and don't think I will be able to watch this week ( I have the Bravo app but do I have the NERVE to admit to my husband that I need some Bravo alone time? ) so I'm depending on my peeps here to write very descriptive post. This is just my two cents on posting here and in general. I really try not to post anything I wouldn't say IRL. I remember a few years ago a woman in England got outed for writing some really hateful things about Madeline McCain's parents (abducted child ) on a message board and she killed herself a few days later. I always keep that in mind. I don't follow anybody but real life friends on social media and I do that very grudgingly. Who knew I had so many racist and stupid friends? But I can't imagine writing hateful things to anyone. The anonymity of the Internet can really bring out the worst in people. I wouldn't be thrilled to say to Yo's face that I think she's looney but if I had to I would. I also have become hesitant to divulge too many personal details. On another forum there was one , know it all poster ,who was generally loathed by everyone . I got a pm with her real life Facebook info, she gave so many details the posters figured it out. Yikes!

Damn, this is nuts!

On another forum, a poster was sharing pictures of her house.

Her house was burglarized.

This made national news.

Yes, I also agree about racist people, crazy competitive people and plain mean people.

too much sharing...

  • Love 7

Sigh.  Pain, scarring, waking up looking and feeling much different 40 minutes (or 7 hours) later.  Anxiety over having to schedule another surgery to correct any disfigurement if they weren't able to reconstruct during the removal surgery?  I'm out of this conversation.  Makes me sad.

Pulling up a chair beside you Ryebread. I don't care for Yolanda, and never have (although there have been things about her I sometimes like), but I have stayed out of this conversation. I have zero idea how ill Yo really is, or what her real ailments are, but this thing was real, and it was probably scary for her. I cut her some slack with this.

  • Love 7

Yolanda admitted immediately that she felt better as soon as the implants were removed and believed that they were holding her back from fighting the lyme.  It's right there in the episode. She thought that her body was fighting the silicone and couldn't adequately fight the lyme. All this "Yolanda will never admit that the silicone played a part" is just not right. She said it was part of the problem and that is why she was having the implants removed to begin with.


ETA ITA that Erika's costume was the best - and covered the most.


I don't doubt that Mauricio cheats. From season 1's white party where Kyle chased off the woman talking too closely and the nanny's middle of the night disappearance, plus all of the innuendo by Camille and later by Lisa and Brandi. There's a lot of smoke around Mauricio.  Plus his blasé indifference around Kyle. He barely glances up with his, "So sexxxy."  Just another amaaaaazing in his repertoire.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 4

I'm going out of the country and don't think I will be able to watch this week ( I have the Bravo app but do I have the NERVE to admit to my husband that I need some Bravo alone time? ) so I'm depending on my peeps here to write very descriptive post. This is just my two cents on posting here and in general. I really try not to post anything I wouldn't say IRL. I remember a few years ago a woman in England got outed for writing some really hateful things about Madeline McCain's parents (abducted child ) on a message board and she killed herself a few days later. I always keep that in mind. I don't follow anybody but real life friends on social media and I do that very grudgingly. Who knew I had so many racist and stupid friends? But I can't imagine writing hateful things to anyone. The anonymity of the Internet can really bring out the worst in people. I wouldn't be thrilled to say to Yo's face that I think she's looney but if I had to I would. I also have become hesitant to divulge too many personal details. On another forum there was one , know it all poster ,who was generally loathed by everyone . I got a pm with her real life Facebook info, she gave so many details the posters figured it out. Yikes!

Yup, I hear ya!

I try my best to focus only on critiquing behavior, attitudes, and what they say not their natural born appearance. With appearance, I will only question beauty, style, plastic surgery choices, such as Faye looking orange, LVP's bottom lip, moulin rouge attire, etc. I love to snark, but there's a huge difference between snarking on the HWs poor choices, and being mean spirited or even cruel. Whether WoYo's surgery was due to implants or breast cancer, it's still major surgery and not fun for anyone. I do think she has medical issues, and wacky ideas about diet and cures, and conditions on her Hollywood friends that are over the top, but I still sympathize with what she is dealing with here.

I also think we all have a right to our own opinions here. When I post, I'm not interested in being challenged by others who don't agree with whatever I posted. I only concern myself with opinions of the moderators! Sometimes people read into your posts and than we end up getting mad at each other instead of focusing our snark on the housewives.

I think we were on the same board, NC social worker...I had one poster who would always rip apart anything I posted. If I said something like "Thank God LVP didn't bend over in her moulin rouge costume," this person would post something like, "well, my Godess would certainly never judge women!" I kid you not. That's exhausting and sucks all the fun and joy out of this and why we are on this board in the first place!

This episode was mostly fun, wish orange Faye was not there, want more hover board scenes Bravo!

  • Love 9

Yolanda admitted immediately that she felt better as soon as the implants were removed and believed that they were holding her back from fighting the lyme.  It's right there in the episode. She thought that her body was fighting the silicone and couldn't adequately fight the lyme. All this "Yolanda will never admit that the silicone played a part" is just not right. She said it was part of the problem and that is why she was having the implants removed to begin with.


ETA ITA that Erika's costume was the best - and covered the most.


I don't doubt that Mauricio cheats. From season 1's white party where Kyle chased off the woman talking too closely and the nanny's middle of the night disappearance, plus all of the innuendo by Camille and later by Lisa and Brandi. There's a lot of smoke around Mauricio.  Plus his blasé indifference around Kyle. He barely glances up with his, "So sexxxy."  Just another amaaaaazing in his repertoire.

She is still placing the majority of her symptoms ON LD, NOT on the silicone. I wasn't surprised to see/hear that she was back working with her personal trainer, driving, reading, ect. directly after the silicone was removed because IMO, the silicone was the cause of most of her symptoms. Now, had it still taken her months to get back to being able to do those things, then Yes, the leaked silicone impeded her LD fight but that is not what happened. I AM glad to hear/see she is on the mend though, no matter what the cause was but she needs to stop trying to be the voice/face/warrior for LD, IMO, she has done more damage than good but YMMV.


I don't know if Mauricio cheats on Kyle or not and I really don't care one way or another BUT IMO, Kyle is just an insecure person at heart and that is why she can come off like she does regarding him.


As much as I dislike Faye, I like her "costume" the best. It was a fun twist on the MR theme, different than the corseted outfits the others wore and much more comfortable IMO. AND comfort IS important to me. LOL

  • Love 7

Sigh.  Pain, scarring, waking up looking and feeling much different 40 minutes (or 7 hours) later.  Anxiety over having to schedule another surgery to correct any disfigurement if they weren't able to reconstruct during the removal surgery?  I'm out of this conversation.  Makes me sad.

I agree with the scarring and there is nothing that can be done about that other than not having implants in the first place.  As far as reconstruction, I was left with the understanding Yolanda is back to au naturel.  She looked pretty good at the premiere party three months later-braless and in a figure flattering dress https://www.google.com/search?q=yolanda+foster+2015+rhobh+premiere+party&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&rlz=1I7NDKB_enUS584&tbm=isch&imgil=2ILQPbjHnPktgM%253A%253B1aXdTGrMzReuMM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.gettyimages.com%25252Fdetail%25252Fnews-photo%25252Fyolanda-foster-attends-the-premiere-party-for-bravos-the-news-photo%25252F499865408&source=iu&pf=m&fir=2ILQPbjHnPktgM%253A%252C1aXdTGrMzReuMM%252C_&biw=1103&bih=555&usg=__MJhMZMNXXSauddehrw33WP1R49M%3D&ved=0ahUKEwiuqIPNlOTKAhVEYQ8KHW9vAfwQyjcIMQ&ei=NHC2Vq6-LcTCPe_eheAP#tbm=isch&tbs=rimg%3ACdiC0D24x5z5Ijjv-Y8dR4u5enayOHzte7az2vqFmpFkpHsTdPV_1lRawMpFiFWHMRmOjuirqspbY8e8jDmnxShWv-CoSCe_15jx1Hi7l6ETHlhOKdN4ROKhIJdrI4fO17trMRQVAvfNQ6VAUqEgna-oWakWSkexE2jDpW2ZyYLCoSCRN09X-VFrAyET_17WD56_1_11GKhIJkWIVYcxGY6MRudEA5Uvfg5cqEgm6Kuqyltjx7xHcAsx6UW75GioSCSMOafFKFa_14EUNRpAX2CD4J&q=yolanda%20foster%202015%20rhobh%20premiere%20party


I don't know it seems trouble is being borrowed for Yolanda.



IMO, just going by what Yolanda, herself, put out via twitter and her IG account after she had them removed, the silicone WAS the major health problem. Not that Yolanda will ever admit it though. JMO

I don't think it ever was.  Yolanda gets sold a bill of goods and jumps in without thinking it through.  We are seeing her on the show now about three weeks post surgery and she still seems to be rather disabled.  Yolanda has always had fitness trainers, she claims her work outs are far different than they use to be.  Last year we say her doing yoga with the good looking guy and she had silicone in her body.  I think Yolanda was told she would feel better and didn't want to disappoint anyone.  Yolanda posted the scan she had some leakage just above the breast in two spots.  She then posted a picture pre-op with the purple markings in the same area.  Last I checked the clavicle is not really near any organs.  She said she had a lymph node removed.  And now she is lamenting she is back in bed.  

  • Love 1



I don't think it ever was.  Yolanda gets sold a bill of goods and jumps in without thinking it through.  We are seeing her on the show now about three weeks post surgery and she still seems to be rather disabled.  Yolanda has always had fitness trainers, she claims her work outs are far different than they use to be.  Last year we say her doing yoga with the good looking guy and she had silicone in her body.  I think Yolanda was told she would feel better and didn't want to disappoint anyone.  Yolanda posted the scan she had some leakage just above the breast in two spots.  She then posted a picture pre-op with the purple markings in the same area.  Last I checked the clavicle is not really near any organs.  She said she had a lymph node removed.  And now she is lamenting she is back in bed.  

IMO, what happened was that Yolanda didn't want anyone to realize she IS doing much better due to the silicone removal and has since dialed it back on her recovery posts on twitter/IG.


You are correct -- he died a few weeks ago -- long after filming.

IMO, and I could be wrong, but I think Trooper York was referring to Lisa/Harry's appearance on WWHL this past Tuesday.

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