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S06.E10: Backwards In Heels

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I remember when a lot of women had that cut - it really is a fun look, but is it carefree or do you have to style it every day?

Depends on your hair type. If you have super straight hair, it could be a nightmare. I have natural wave in my hair so it was so easy to maintain. Just blow dry and go. 

It's the longer super straight 'do's that are popular now that I have to fight with every day. 

  • Love 4
bravofan27, on 03 Feb 2016 - 10:08 PM, said:

Bodies, yes. Faces looked granny-- tons and tons and tons of make-up and frizzy grey hair dyed and bleached


Wow kudos to you if you are a granny and look that good.  And please spill your secrets!


Heaven knows I loved and adored both of my grandmas but yeah, no, they sure never looked like Kyle, Eileen or Erika.  Or any of them when they were in their 40s and 50s. The only one, in my opinion, whose hair is frizzy and badly in need of a trim or deep conditioning (ideally both) is LisaV.  Occasionally Eileen's gets a little frizzy looking but still generally looks fab.  I've never seen even a hint of frizz on Kyle in what... 6 years?  Definitely none on LisaR or Erika. 


stcroix, on 04 Feb 2016 - 01:48 AM, said:

You know, I've been wanting Camille to come back to the show forever, but the few times she's been on now all she does is gush,'' Look at YOUUUUU!  You look GREAAAT!" kiss,kiss.  I want her to show up with her medium friend, her fabulous wardrobe, her snide comments! If she isn't going to be the old interesting Camille then she can stay away. We already have too many gushers as it is.... 


And I know this is unpopular, but I loved Erika's home.  It was total MONEY, solid money.  With serious and tasteful decorating.  I love Lisa's house,too, but it's more of a gorgeous fluff of a home.  (I'd probably be happier there I'll admit-- there's always her closet... drool...)


Yes while I'd much prefer to be friends with Camille 2.0 in *real life* I gotta admit that Camille 1.0 made for much more dramatic and compelling reality TV.  But I agree that her original persona is a real life Gone Girl. 




This flashed me back to a time when I spent many hours looking for a perfect house gift for the mother of my soon-to-be-husband.  I was going to be meeting her for the first time and spending the weekend at her home.  I was young at the time, and an older woman at my office went shopping with me because I wanted to get it right.  We chose a beautiful crystal bowl, and I paid to have it professionally-wrapped.  I was really happy with my choice.  The reaction I got, however, was similar to Yolanda.  My future MIL opened it, and said, "The last thing I need is another glass bowl".  To say I was crushed is putting it mildly.  This was a long time ago, and I still remember how awful that felt.  



Omg!  That is horrible!  I'm mad and upset for you.  I hope your now-husband spoke up in your defense.  I probably would have cried if that had happened to me.


And yes, Yo was totes ungracious about LisaR's gift.  I mean, how hard is it to just say "Thank you- how thoughtful" and let that be the end of it?  Then you put it away and re-gift it to Bella. (oops, too soon?)


motorcitymom65, on 04 Feb 2016 - 05:33 AM, said:

We've seen KIm go off on Kyle for things like that. Remember the fit she threw at Lisa's last anniversary party because she thought that Kyle was more understanding over Brandi and her issues than she was of Kim and hers? It was surreal and strange to watch. 


I cannot really see a comparison between Kyle standing up for her friend, who has apparently never done anything to hurt Kyle or her family, and Kyle not standing up as firmly for Kim on every occasion. Kim being the one who has hurt her and her family over and over again. Of course, I don't think there is much doubt that Kyle has taken up for Kim on multiple occasions over the years. 


This - exactly.  There is NO comparison between the relationship one has with her girlfriend who has always been there for you - and an extremely complex relationship with sister who has caused you stress, grief, and worry for 1/2 of your life. Say what you will about Faye but I do not doubt Kyle when she says that Faye has been a good and loyal friend to her for 20+ years. 


Happy Camper, on 04 Feb 2016 - 06:58 AM, said:

If all of these inconsistencies don't come up at the reunion, I will be terribly disappointed. We need to see flashbacks of her making these statements, followed by flashbacks of her engaged in these activities, and then see her trying to explain her way out of the lies.

This is going to have to be exposed. I can't imagine this not being questioned.


I would so love this.  But, sadly, I would bet the farm that it's not gonna.  *sad face*

  • Love 17

In an exclusive scene on bravo.tv where the husbands are interviewed on how they met their wives....mauricio mentions meeting kyle when she asked to bum a cigarette from him..and she was berating him for mentioning cigarettes.

Plus, last year when brandi mentioned pot and kyle doing it..and kyle got miffed. I do have to think kyle wasn't so angelic in her youth. Then this week kathryn thinks it's interesting that kyle met faye in 1994 during fayes low point.

Add those facts together and I'm wondering if Kyle is a reformed party girl. Sometimes the reformed partiers are the ones who act all huffy.

Yolanda...no words

Edited by JAYJAY1979
  • Love 6



I was taught you should always accept a gift graciously even if its something that you think is hideous.  Yolanda should have just said thank you.  She could always put it away and serve it to guests when they visit, or just save it for when she's well.  You should never make a person feel awkward that they offered you a gift.  What a self serving douche she is.

Yo would have been happy with a bag of lemons or a box of enemas?

  • Love 6


This - exactly.  There is NO comparison between the relationship one has with her girlfriend who has always been there for you - and an extremely complex relationship with sister who has caused you stress, grief, and worry for 1/2 of your life. Say what you will about Faye but I do not doubt Kyle when she says that Faye has been a good and loyal friend to her for 20+ years. 


But if you got it in you, I don't care how many years go by (and I suspect Kyle has done her share of causing Kim grief lets face it Kyle no damn saint "you're an alcoholic" ring a bell?) if you have it in you to come out swinging for this person that person and the other then you have it in you to at least shut something down for your family, or at least NOT FEED INTO IT with sheepish looks and attention, sympathy seeking antics. Kyle didn't have to go in like she did for Faye but Hell's Bells the shit she pulled at Kim's expense went way beyond justifiable frustration. That went straight into self serving gratification for the whatever catty feelings she has for her sister. Kyle let it get away from her during this show and now she regrets it........ Girl Bye.

  • Love 3

Yo has always acted superior to the other women, with the lecturing and her sanctimonious attitude.  I didn't get the point of LisaR and Yo's meeting/conversation.  Maybe LisaR did it to get herself off the hook for saying the "word". 


Tired of the whole is she sick deal and sick to death of Yo and her woe is me mantra.


Kathryn is trying too hard.  She was mentioned in a book she did not read 20 years ago.  Does anyone remember her from that book? No.  And LVP, if you don't hold a grudge then you don't care if the MCFR is at a party.  You don't hold a grudge, remember?

  • Love 6

Yea, she was pretty passionate in her defense of Kim that night, and for much of the season (again at the spa day at Adrienne's house).  I think it is fair to say that for the most part, the audience didn't care much for her loyalty to Kim. According to others on the show, Kyle was also very protective of Kim for the first season, asking the others to not talk about Kim's problems, and finding excuses for her tardiness.  This relationship is nothing if not extremely complicated. 

And the loyalty and protection of Kim may be the last thing Kim needs. And I say this as someone whose niece is in rehab for the 4th or maybe 5th time right now. She was injecting Dilaudid, and we are beginning to prepare ourselves for the fact that she may not make it. There has been  a lot of protecting and standing by her, despite being advised not to do so by experts and I can't help but wonder what might have been had people not been so defensive, supportive and protective of her.  Protecting Kim does not help her. It enables her.

  • Love 9

Every a.m. I walk 5 miles.  Except when there's ice on the trail.  So when someone says to me, "be careful when you're out walking" and I say, "Oh, I haven't walked in weeks", I hope they don't think I'm a liar because they saw me at the grocery store yesterday.  Just saying.


I think Yolanda meant she hadn't taken her daily 5 miler on the beach in 9 months. That's believable. Not that she'd lost the ability to hobble into the kitchen or the bathroom.


Like the rumor that Kyle didn't attend Monty's funeral.  Someone who doesn't like her will take a statement like that and give it legs.  Same with Yo saying she hadn't walked in 9 months - it becomes part of the long list of lies/over-dramatizations/misspeaks from Yo.  And she's told a few. But I think a lot of them have been blown out of proportion by non-fans. Because they're non-fans.  I'm actually a non-fan but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on some things because English is her second language, she's only got 65% brain function, her credibility is in the toilet and I don't take every single thing any of these HWs say literally.  Even Lisa Rinna.  And that's hard for me, man.  Really, really hard. 


I haven't run (a half-marathon) in 3 years.  I'll say right now, with 100% conviction, that I will never 'run' again. Bum knee.


But when I walk, sometimes I sprint for block or so.  I guess technically I'm lying about never running again but I hope my Hollywood friends don't hate me for it.


So it is pretty much a given that Yolanda exaggerates for the cause or exposure and if they want to be her friends just not Hollywood friends they need to accept it?  Because her exaggerations led to things such as accusing ken of assaulting her and in spite of video evidence to the contrary she has never backed down.  perhaps Yolanda needs to be more specific and vague-I haven't walked on the beach in ages.  I don't wear make up everyday.  The I feel like I have spent the last nine months in bed.  This would also mean that Yolanda needs to stop reading things into what others say.  They are not attacking her.  She wants them to be so involved in her health issues until they ask a question.  It is also not cool to keep bringing up the breast implant stuff to a group of women (I think we are just down to Erika, Lisar and Eileen) who have breast implants.  They have heard it let them digest it.  It seems like Yolanda is passing judgment on others when she prattles on.  Same with saying to Kyle that she has Lyme Disease.  We know Dietrich diagnoses everyone with Lyme Disease.  This I guarantee if one of the other Real Housewives got Lyme Disease, Yolanda would take credit for diagnosing it, hers would be far worse and ultimately be pissed they were getting any attention for it.

In an exclusive scene on bravo.tv where the husbands are interviewed on how they met their wives....mauricio mentions meeting kyle when she asked to bum a cigarette from him..and she was berating him for mentioning cigarettes.

Plus, last year when brandi mentioned pot and kyle doing it..and kyle got miffed. I do have to think kyle wasn't so angelic in her youth. Then this week kathryn thinks it's interesting that kyle met faye in 1994 during fayes low point.

Add those facts together and I'm wondering if Kyle is a reformed party girl. Sometimes the reformed partiers are the ones who act all hufdy

Big Kathy, Kathy and Kim are/were all heavy smokers.  I am not surprised Kyle use to smoke, these girls basically came out of the birth canal with a lit cigarette.  I think Kyle stopped smoking when she met up with Mauricio but it would not surprise me if she sneaks one with other smokers.  Kyle when she was younger before she got pregnant, ran around with the young Hollywoods. Here is a photo of her with C.Thomas Howell (at Kim's wedding) https://www.google.com/search?q=kyle+richards+c.+thomas+howell+photos&rls=com.microsoft:en-US:IE-Address&rlz=1I7NDKB_enUS584&tbm=isch&imgil=2b7SO3Mtt0TO7M%253A%253B4F1cRHJyKHrnEM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.eonline.com%25252Fnews%25252F719963%25252Fum-tmi-kyle-richards-just-revealed-which-actor-she-lost-her-virginity-to&source=iu&pf=m&fir=2b7SO3Mtt0TO7M%253A%252C4F1cRHJyKHrnEM%252C_&biw=1333&bih=671&usg=__OOFzoPNm6oRGnbuBt9Mcr5w7i-M%3D&ved=0ahUKEwiA5ffxsd7KAhXCPhQKHT8pBIAQyjcIOA&ei=nGmzVoCnFcL9UL_SkIAI#imgrc=2b7SO3Mtt0TO7M%3A&usg=__OOFzoPNm6oRGnbuBt9Mcr5w7i-M%3D     My guess is her partying days slowed when she had Farrah and during her short lived marriage.  I do think she was at many a party where substances were in abundance.


You call it Faye's low point, Kathy Hilton treated her like a four star celebrity.  I don't think Kyle was around during Faye's rehab.  I think the first person Faye bonded with was Big Kathy.  After OJ, Faye had a built in set of clientele with the Richards sisters and ultimately their spawn.  Although I don't think Kim ever lived in a house long enough to have a decorator. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

Frizzy dyed hair (all grey)--> Faye, Kathryn, Elieen, LisaV, Taylor

I notice signs of aging very easily, and imo, the more work someone does, the more noticeable other things are. Kyle does look great, but she isn't very old. It's the people who are in their 50's, trying to look 25, that makes them look even older. I just notice skin tone and coloration, and these ladies live in CA where they are and have been exposed to sun and this shit just can't be hidden. 

  • Love 1
ryebread, on 04 Feb 2016 - 08:49 AM, said:

Every a.m. I walk 5 miles.  Except when there's ice on the trail.  So when someone says to me, "be careful when you're out walking" and I say, "Oh, I haven't walked in weeks", I hope they don't think I'm a liar because they saw me at the grocery store yesterday.  Just saying.


I think Yolanda meant she hadn't taken her daily 5 miler on the beach in 9 months. That's believable. Not that she'd lost the ability to hobble into the kitchen or the bathroom.


Like the rumor that Kyle didn't attend Monty's funeral.  Someone who doesn't like her will take a statement like that and give it legs.  Same with Yo saying she hadn't walked in 9 months - it becomes part of the long list of lies/over-dramatizations/misspeaks from Yo.  And she's told a few. But I think a lot of them have been blown out of proportion by non-fans. Because they're non-fans.  I'm actually a non-fan but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on some things because English is her second language, she's only got 65% brain function, her credibility is in the toilet and I don't take every single thing any of these HWs say literally.  Even Lisa Rinna.  And that's hard for me, man.  Really, really hard. 


I haven't run (a half-marathon) in 3 years.  I'll say right now, with 100% conviction, that I will never 'run' again. Bum knee.


But when I walk, sometimes I sprint for block or so.  I guess technically I'm lying about never running again but I hope my Hollywood friends don't hate me for it.


Oh I would totally point my finger at you accusingly and say "You're such a f***ing liar, ryebread!"   ;)

  • Love 8

Every a.m. I walk 5 miles. Except when there's ice on the trail. So when someone says to me, "be careful when you're out walking" and I say, "Oh, I haven't walked in weeks", I hope they don't think I'm a liar because they saw me at the grocery store yesterday. Just saying.

I think Yolanda meant she hadn't taken her daily 5 miler on the beach in 9 months. That's believable. Not that she'd lost the ability to hobble into the kitchen or the bathroom.

Like the rumor that Kyle didn't attend Monty's funeral. Someone who doesn't like her will take a statement like that and give it legs. Same with Yo saying she hadn't walked in 9 months - it becomes part of the long list of lies/over-dramatizations/misspeaks from Yo. And she's told a few. But I think a lot of them have been blown out of proportion by non-fans. Because they're non-fans. I'm actually a non-fan but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on some things because English is her second language, she's only got 65% brain function, her credibility is in the toilet and I don't take every single thing any of these HWs say literally. Even Lisa Rinna. And that's hard for me, man. Really, really hard.

I haven't run (a half-marathon) in 3 years. I'll say right now, with 100% conviction, that I will never 'run' again. Bum knee.

But when I walk, sometimes I sprint for block or so. I guess technically I'm lying about never running again but I hope my Hollywood friends don't hate me for it.

You make an excellent point about taking what someone says literally, when often, they are just chattering, assuming that their conversation is not going to be dissected. Another poster mentioned this when it came to Lisa Rinna as well. Saying Harry wouldn't "F### her" if she changed her hair...she was exaggerating. I think, as others have suggested, she thinks it's her brand identity, like her lips.

I've been battling some health issues, so I haven't been my old self with exercise. I'm normally very active like you Ryebread. I may say, "I haven't exercised in months," and completely discount any 1 or 2 mile slower walks because I think of those walks as barely moving compared to what people know I normally do for exercise. Now, if I had some type of surgery, like hip surgery, I would not consider those short walks in the same way, because, No, literally, I truly could not even walk more than a few steps. Perspective. As someone who is very sarcastic, I've learned I really need to know my audience, because I have had some people take some of my comments seriously, when I thought it was clear that I was joking.

That being said, WoFo still contradicts herself so often, that these little comments she makes gives the audience a reason to question what she says and that's fair, IMO. When you are filmed, it's all there...unless it's those editing monkeys. However, WoFo's use of social media, is what is making her look off. It is confusing, like Taylor said, to see such contradicting images with her Instagram posts, which will feed the rumor mill.

I wanted to also add, that this isn't WoFo's first season on a reality show...so, I do give side eye to some of her comments...because she should be well aware that what she is saying is on film...

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 8

Frizzy dyed hair (all grey)--> Faye, Kathryn, Elieen, LisaV, Taylor

I notice signs of aging very easily, and imo, the more work someone does, the more noticeable other things are. Kyle does look great, but she isn't very old. It's the people who are in their 50's, trying to look 25, that makes them look even older. I just notice skin tone and coloration, and these ladies live in CA where they are and have been exposed to sun and this shit just can't be hidden.

All it takes to remove the frizzy is a keratin treatment. Yes, even for those in their fifties.

And sometimes, it has nothing to do with grey hair but it is frizzy due to hair texture.

  • Love 5

That being said, WoFo still contradicts herself so often, that these little comments she makes gives the audience a reason to question what she says and that's fair, IMO. When you are filmed, it's all there...unless it's those editing monkeys.


And I absolutely agree about some of her contradictions. 


But last night, because of  the scene and the context, it seemed clear enough to me - what she meant about not walking in months.  Then to read here that it's one more thing in the looooooong list of things Yo contradicts herself about makes me want to take a closer look at all the things on that list that I've taken at face value and truth.  But eh, she just doesn't matter that much to me. 


It reminds me of going camping and at the end of the weekend my friend saying, "I just want a nice, hot bath."  And I said, "I haven't had a bath in two years."  I hope she didn't think that meant that I literally hadn't bathed in two years. Because that would just be dumb. (I just don't like bathtubs.)

  • Love 6

That's what I assumed as well.  Not that Yolanda hadn't walked at all, but that she hadn't done that walk (i.e., on the beach) in nine months.

Always possible BUT that would have been her choice, to not go for a walk on the beach, as we saw her/Erika/Kyle take a walk in the park just before her explant surgery, so we know she was capable of a stroll on the beach. She is trying to make it look/sound like she has been too sick to walk on the beach and I call BS on that boo hoo story. JMO

  • Love 12

If all of these inconsistencies don't come up at the reunion, I will be terribly disappointed. We need to see flashbacks of her making these statements, followed by flashbacks of her engaged in these activities, and then see her trying to explain her way out of the lies.

This is going to have to be exposed. I can't imagine this not being questioned.

Every a.m. I walk 5 miles. Except when there's ice on the trail. So when someone says to me, "be careful when you're out walking" and I say, "Oh, I haven't walked in weeks", I hope they don't think I'm a liar because they saw me at the grocery store yesterday. Just saying.

I think Yolanda meant she hadn't taken her daily 5 miler on the beach in 9 months. That's believable. Not that she'd lost the ability to hobble into the kitchen or the bathroom.

Like the rumor that Kyle didn't attend Monty's funeral. Someone who doesn't like her will take a statement like that and give it legs. Same with Yo saying she hadn't walked in 9 months - it becomes part of the long list of lies/over-dramatizations/misspeaks from Yo. And she's told a few. But I think a lot of them have been blown out of proportion by non-fans. Because they're non-fans. I'm actually a non-fan but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt on some things because English is her second language, she's only got 65% brain function, her credibility is in the toilet and I don't take every single thing any of these HWs say literally. Even Lisa Rinna. And that's hard for me, man. Really, really hard.

I haven't run (a half-marathon) in 3 years. I'll say right now, with 100% conviction, that I will never 'run' again. Bum knee.

But when I walk, sometimes I sprint for block or so. I guess technically I'm lying about never running again but I hope my Hollywood friends don't hate me for it.

I get your point but you are not posting pictures on social media of your son carrying you around because you are so sick. If you were then people might think you haven't walked in a week. I'm not being snarky when I say this but someone who is close to Yo really needs to tell her she needs to be very precise in her comments from this point foward and she needs to stop with the sick selfies. Yo has entered the "bitch eating crackers" realm for many folks. I must say I didn't mind the last selfie re the haircut and I enjoyed seeing her laugh in the preview. I don't want her to fall in the ocean, I just want her to stop spreading misinformation. I also never doubted that she may be chronically ill with something else. In my opinion she took a wrong turn and instead of turning around and admitting she may be wrong she just doubles down.

Having had a small dose of Kim Richards I think Kyle was more loyal then she deserved.

Oops forgot to add I doubt Bravo would do a package of Yo's exaggerations but I'm crossing my fingers for someone to do it.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 17

Not that Bravo minds the drama, but the way Kyle is working overtime to incorporate TMCFR into scenes just to pimp her as the Bestest Friend Ever seems totally like a preemptive move to counter the mini-series, which is sure to show Faye in all her scummy glory. And people say LisaV is calculated and has all the production pull.


Kathryn is kind of a dud. Don't act like you're ready to read someone for filth or buy expensive jewelry, then fizzle out on both.


Camille working those 25-year old dance moves is always good for a laugh.

  • Love 9

I don't see anything wrong with the ladies dressed up for a theme party. I thought they all looked pretty damn good. It is not like they are running around in their daily life dressed as such. It was a party to let loose and have fun. There are too many rules for what women can wear and be seen in as they age. This gave them a chance to forgo the rules for a night. I say more power to them.

  • Love 18

Frizzy dyed hair (all grey)--> Faye, Kathryn, Elieen, LisaV, Taylor

I notice signs of aging very easily, and imo, the more work someone does, the more noticeable other things are. Kyle does look great, but she isn't very old. It's the people who are in their 50's, trying to look 25, that makes them look even older. I just notice skin tone and coloration, and these ladies live in CA where they are and have been exposed to sun and this shit just can't be hidden. 

And it's the 50 year old women who show a ridiculous amount of cleavage that give off the stench of trying to be sensual?


Lisa V and her breasts - along with her phony sexual innuendos - that need to be covered up. I like boobs and the occasional flash of a bra, but you can't be taken seriously when you dress the way that she does.......Did I mention the skirts that make yer arse look like south end of a baboon when you motorvate?

  • Love 5

If all of these inconsistencies don't come up at the reunion, I will be terribly disappointed. We need to see flashbacks of her making these statements, followed by flashbacks of her engaged in these activities, and then see her trying to explain her way out of the lies.

This is going to have to be exposed. I can't imagine this not being questioned.

Don't hold your breath.  Andy is the worst at reunions. There is zero chance he'll ask her any difficult questions.  

  • Love 13

You know since the beginning of this franchise there has been real life drama going on ( divorce, domestic violence, suicide, alcoholism, crazy bitches with tampons hanging out lol) . Maybe these ladies don't know how to do the " you called me 1/16 th Italian in your book" kind of fake drama .


With all the 'real life drama' going on it's a wonder they know anything about fractions?

  • Love 6

I disagree, I don't think LisaV holds "grudges" at all. When someone hurts or betrays her, she becomes guarded and the relationship is changed by that hurt/betrayal but IMO, that is true for most people. She can still be around them, be civil to them, laugh with them during social occasions or at work (the show), even have sympathy with/for them but she keeps them at arms length. Again, it is NOT holding a "grudge" it IS protecting yourself from getting hurt again. Even when the offending person apologizes, they have to earn back the trust they lost over time and if that person never apologizes, she will be cordial but distant/cold....again, as most people would be. JMO and just my experience. LOL


Oh. I think Lisa holds grudges. I also don't think she knows how to be civil to a person who she feels has wronged her--not by a long shot. Unless we're calling civil not cursing someone out, in which case, yay for low standards. But when Lisa has a beef with someone, she gets quite passive aggressive with her dealings (see: Maloof, Adrienne; Richards, Kyle).


Contrast the friendship between Camille and Kyle that developed after that first season. I see nothing but actual friendship between those two women. 

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 8

And it's the 50 year old women who show a ridiculous amount of cleavage that give off the stench of trying to be sensual?

Lisa V and her breasts - along with her phony sexual innuendos - that need to be covered up. I like boobs and the occasional flash of a bra, but you can't be taken seriously when you dress the way that she does.......Did I mention the skirts that make yer arse look like south end of a baboon when you motorvate?

Excuse me?

Lisa V while making corny jokes, has a banging body, IMO.

Young girls pay good money nowadays to get a booty like hers. Lol

Oh. I think Lisa holds grudges. I also don't think she knows how to be civil to a person who she feels has wronged her--not by a long shot. Unless we're calling civil not cursing someone out, in which case, yay for low standards. But when Lisa has a beef with someone, she gets quite passive aggressive with her dealings (see: Maloof, Adrienne; Richards, Kyle).

Contrast the friendship between Camille and Kyle that developed after that first season. I see nothing but actual friendship between those two women.

Yes, I don't get the impression that Lisa has a lot of girlfriends, IRL. Edited by LIMOM
  • Love 7

I'm a loI also heard the Fatburger endorsement didn't come in until the cameras were involved. That's to be expected though. Like I said, everyone that goes on camera needs to be vetted. I'm sure a lot of guests turn down invitations because they don't want to be on camera, especially anyone of substance. They're basically guaranteed to be chyroned and no one does that without requesting an appearance fee ;)

If memory serves, wasn't the featuring of Fatburger mainly due to Kyle's(or Kim?) daughter being engaged--later married, to the son of the Fatburger owner?

Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 3

How is it that Bella is busy over in Paris working the runway with her big sister (David Foster posted photos of them, he's a very proud stepdad) if she has Lyme Disease? Seriously....I believe it when Mohammed said "they're fine" and Lisa V took it to mean there's nothing wrong with them. No way in hell that girl could be enduring the long, strenuous days and nights as a runway model during fashion week if she was seriously ill, in my opinion.

I'm sort of on David's side for finally having had enough of the cures, cleanses and endless trips around the world to visit the next quack.

  • Love 12

I thought the women looked smashing, and I enjoyed their men enjoying their racy outfits. If I dressed up like that for an evening, I would like to think Mr. Bref would be all over me. :)


That said, I cannot defend Kyle and her ridiculous instigating. This whole Kathryn/Faye/OJ story is making me uncomfortable and is not entertaining. Boo.

  • Love 6

If memory serves, wasn't the featuring of Fatburger mainly due to Kyle's(or Kim?) daughter being engaged--later married, to the son of the Fatburger owner?

My mistake "endorsement" probably wasn't the right word. What I meant is they use the show to plug the boyfriend's family business just like they plug The Agency and Kyle's boutique. And Lisa does the same with her restaurants. Honestly, I wish I had never brought up Fatburger in the first place. I've only eaten there once and it made me sick. Just the though of it makes me want to do the Mastercleanse

  • Love 2

It would be so great to see a montage of Yo's greatest fibs, but I cannot imagine that we ever will. All of the ladies very quickly pushed back in the media at the notion that they questioned her being ill (no doubt due in part to what happened to the folks over on the OC show regarding Brooks).  She is to an extent in the drivers seat with this whole thing, which I believe was her entire point in coming back to the show. She was well aware that she was being questioned - if not about actually being ill, then about the wacky treatments she indulged in and her constant need to document those treatments in social media - and this show gave her the platform to acknowledge those questions and try to make people feel stupid for having doubts. Really, none of these ladies has been anything except kind to Yo. They seem worried about her, are happy when they hear she is doing better, and in general seem to be rooting for her. I think she would have liked for it to be the case that everyone was seriously talking behind her back and calling her a loon, so she could play the victim even further. The result is that the ladies are not doing that, but a good portion of the viewing audience is. I think she wanted to rehabilitate her image with the public by being on this season, and in fact all she has done is damage it further. 


A preview for next week.  I think Lisa's comments regarding it all being worth it just to see Yo laugh is very sweet and I wonder if Yo hates it. 




Yolanda's really looking sick in this pic, and I'm not referring to lack of makeup.  Her arms are flabby with no muscle tone, and she has an obvious double chin.  There's nothing at all wrong with this, except this has never been Yolanda.  Even back when they were doing Kim's yoga day, Yolanda was very strong and looked super toned.  She was complaining about being sick back then, but she looked in much better shape.


I know everyone is sick of Yolanda's complaints, and everyone seems to think she's either skipping makeup to look worse, or applying makeup strategically to look sicker.  I actually have a bit of a different opinion.  I think the leaking silicone was her true problem.  I think Yolanda is very deconditioned from feeling like crap, and we're seeing that now.  But rather than thinking Yo's going around looking like death to dredge up sympathy, I think she's feeling much better and lowering the expectations.  This will make her transformation all the more striking when she shows up healthy, toned, and perfectly made up.  Just a thought.  She's going to be on the hunt for hubby #3.

  • Love 9

Excuse me?

Lisa V while making corny jokes, has a banging body, IMO.

Young girls pay good money nowadays to get a booty like hers. Lol

Yes, I don't get the impression that Lisa has a lot of girlfriends, IRL.

I like many guys, like arse and breasts....sometimes it's the thought of what's underneath the wrapper that motivates a mind, Then?

There is 'booty' and then there is the woman who walks like she sat on a toilet plunger as she wobbles along on a pair of heels! ; )

  • Love 2

Always possible BUT that would have been her choice, to not go for a walk on the beach, as we saw her/Erika/Kyle take a walk in the park just before her explant surgery, so we know she was capable of a stroll on the beach. She is trying to make it look/sound like she has been too sick to walk on the beach and I call BS on that boo hoo story. JMO


Huh?  Bolding mine. She never said she hadn't been ON the beach. She just said she hadn't been on a walk.  Just want to clear that up before it becomes legend that she said she was too sick to walk on the beach but walked in the park. She never said it or insinuated it.


Even if she DID made it look like she could walk in the park but not on the beach?  Walk 50 yards on a beach.  Now take the same walk in a flat grassy park. Which do you think is more difficult?  On your lungs and your joints? Before my meniscus repair I could walk on flat surfaces but not on a sandy beach. The sand compresses and shifts under foot.  Lots of natural resistance.  Way harder than walking on grass or pavement.  Way.


Today my friend Facebooked that she had just went for a run on the lake.  I wanted to respond, "Wow. Jesus only walked on the water.  You can run on it.  Impressive." 

  • Love 4

I like many guys, like arse and breasts....sometimes it's the thought of what's underneath the wrapper that motivates a mind, Then?

There is 'booty' and then there is the woman who walks like she sat on a toilet plunger as she wobbles along on a pair of heels! ; )


It is all a question of personal taste...

Ken does not seem to mind the wobbling so there, more power to her!

I don't see that many 50 ++Adonis IRL.

  • Love 7

The prevailing thought I had while watching is fuck off Faye Resnick and anyone who calls her a great person. 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 1 week ago the disgust still stands. If your "good friend" is murdered and you ink a book before her body is even cold in the grave to out every salacious detail of her life you're scum, period. I saw pictures of a now 30 year old Sydney in the Daily Mail and I felt so bad for her. She's tries to remain out of the spotlight and you have the vultures circling her for ratings/money/clicks. The last thing anyone needed was to have so a called best friend cashing in on a double murder. Being labeled "morally corrupt" is the kindest words about Resnick that were ever uttered. You want to speak out about domestic violence, great. But you know that this murder would cause pain for her kids and family. Why add to it? Why just be another parasite picking at the bones of this woman? If you were a good friend, wouldn't your instinct be to protect the dignity and privacy of this poor slaughtered woman?


I guess with Kyle's logic, if her or Mauricio were to die tomorrow Faye has their blessing to write about them for money. Every sex partner, affair, drug or illicit party would be up for the tell all, no hard feelings, right? Won't little Portia have something nice to remember her parents by. It doesn't surprise me that Kris Jenner is BFF with Faye. That woman sells out her own family 24/7 and prostitutes her teenage daughters to grown ass men. But I thought Kyle held herself up as being better than that. For her to go out of her way to exalt the virtues of Resnick is worthy of disdain.


So go ahead, Kathryn. It's too bad you froze at the dinner and let Faye be a condescending fake. If she's going to attempt to stick her superior smug ass on the show at least make her a little uncomfortable. Love that she ran away from LisaV at the party. Keep running right off my tv screen.

I can't like this post enough

  • Love 4

There is 'booty' and then there is the woman who walks like she sat on a toilet plunger as she wobbles along on a pair of heels! ; )


And then there is what Lisa Rinna does.  Teetering into the party in her Moulin Rouge costume, she walked like the shoes at the end of her chicken drummies hurt like hell.

Yolanda's really looking sick in this pic,


What pic, RHZ?

  • Love 1

Something about MoFoYoFo's 'crusade' with Lyme - I wondered who the organization was that made her the 'face' of the disease?


I saw two organizations that had her featured with some associated with the group.

One was a "world Lyme" group and the other was a group who, when you looked at page on the website, it features their newsletter with yo on the cover, in a Glamour Shot pose.


She was nominated as a 'person of the year' in '13  for one and the newsletter story for another?  She really doesn't seem to have any real connection with any organization. Maybe they just have a passing interest in her and her story, rather than having invested any real effort in making her the official spokesperson for any group/organization?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 3

Yolanda's really looking sick in this pic, and I'm not referring to lack of makeup.  Her arms are flabby with no muscle tone, and she has an obvious double chin.  There's nothing at all wrong with this, except this has never been Yolanda.  Even back when they were doing Kim's yoga day, Yolanda was very strong and looked super toned.  She was complaining about being sick back then, but she looked in much better shape.


I know everyone is sick of Yolanda's complaints, and everyone seems to think she's either skipping makeup to look worse, or applying makeup strategically to look sicker.  I actually have a bit of a different opinion.  I think the leaking silicone was her true problem.  I think Yolanda is very deconditioned from feeling like crap, and we're seeing that now.  But rather than thinking Yo's going around looking like death to dredge up sympathy, I think she's feeling much better and lowering the expectations.  This will make her transformation all the more striking when she shows up healthy, toned, and perfectly made up.  Just a thought.  She's going to be on the hunt for hubby #3.


At the time of filming and from Yolanda's comments she felt so much better after having the silicone removed.  Indeed she went to Dubai, in October, Aspen over the holidays.  So why is it she can't travel to Paris Fashion Week?  I question just how much relief the silicone removal Yolanda received.  Either the silicone wasn't the issue or Yolanda need to raise more awareness.  Maybe the reason the other women won't go over and take care of her is because this is what they look forward to be served:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BBQDD4pos7G/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

If memory serves, wasn't the featuring of Fatburger mainly due to Kyle's(or Kim?) daughter being engaged--later married, to the son of the Fatburger owner?

Kyle and Mauricio are good friends with the CEO and his wife of Fatburger.  Farrah dated one of their twin sons for eight years, Brooke married the other one.  What is interesting is Kim never got close to the parents of her daughter's fiancé and it was alleged she was arguing with her daughter's MIL at the wedding.    Weiderhorn has his own history-he spent 15 months in prison.

  • Love 5

At the time of filming and from Yolanda's comments she felt so much better after having the silicone removed.  Indeed she went to Dubai, in October, Aspen over the holidays.  So why is it she can't travel to Paris Fashion Week?  I question just how much relief the silicone removal Yolanda received.  Either the silicone wasn't the issue or Yolanda need to raise more awareness.  Maybe the reason the other women won't go over and take care of her is because this is what they look forward to be served:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BBQDD4pos7G/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

Ugh. Did you read the comments from people begging her to write a book?

  • Love 6


I guess with Kyle's logic, if her or Mauricio were to die tomorrow Faye has their blessing to write about them for money. Every sex partner, affair, drug or illicit party would be up for the tell all, no hard feelings, right? Won't little Portia have something nice to remember her parents by. It doesn't surprise me that Kris Jenner is BFF with Faye. That woman sells out her own family 24/7 and prostitutes her teenage daughters to grown ass men. But I thought Kyle held herself up as being better than that. For her to go out of her way to exalt the virtues of Resnick is worthy of disdain.


I guess I don't get this. Would it just apply to Kyle, or to everyone of us who has ever forgiven a friend for something that they did; or maybe didn't judge them for it or drop them as a friend? i have many people in my life who have made terrible decisions in the past; ones that were harmful to their own families in some cases. Does that mean that I would just be OK with them doing something to me or my family? It seems like Kyle is held to some impossible standard that no one I know could live up to. Especially since no one has any idea of the the conversations that Kyle and Faye have had about this over the years, or how Kyle feels about what Faye did so many years ago.

  • Love 9

At the time of filming and from Yolanda's comments she felt so much better after having the silicone removed.  Indeed she went to Dubai, in October, Aspen over the holidays.  So why is it she can't travel to Paris Fashion Week?  I question just how much relief the silicone removal Yolanda received.  Either the silicone wasn't the issue or Yolanda need to raise more awareness.  Maybe the reason the other women won't go over and take care of her is because this is what they look forward to be served:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BBQDD4pos7G/?taken-by=yolandahfoster


I have to laugh at her comment about eating '35 different veggies', I don't think that I can NAME 35 different veggies. I always thought that I'd wake up to hear Kim Richards had passed from a drug OD, now? I think it's going to be this nitwit - from some kind of vitamin/chemical imbalance or her body is going to shutdown?

  • Love 5

Huh?  Bolding mine. She never said she hadn't been ON the beach. She just said she hadn't been on a walk.  Just want to clear that up before it becomes legend that she said she was too sick to walk on the beach but walked in the park. She never said it or insinuated it.


Even if she DID made it look like she could walk in the park but not on the beach?  Walk 50 yards on a beach.  Now take the same walk in a flat grassy park. Which do you think is more difficult?  On your lungs and your joints? Before my meniscus repair I could walk on flat surfaces but not on a sandy beach. The sand compresses and shifts under foot.  Lots of natural resistance.  Way harder than walking on grass or pavement.  Way.


Today my friend Facebooked that she had just went for a run on the lake.  I wanted to respond, "Wow. Jesus only walked on the water.  You can run on it.  Impressive." 

My comment/post was in response to someone that thought she meant she, Yolanda, hadn't been for a "walk ON the beach in 9 months"  when she said that she "hadn't been on a walk for 9 months". I was taking it into consideration that Yolanda may have meant that about the beach and I stand by my comment, she choose to not go walking on the beach. NOT all beaches have soft sand on them, many have a hard, packed sand where people not only walk on them but also ride bicycles on them, something almost impossible to do on soft sand. I could be wrong but it appeared that the beach they were walking on was a harder sand. Also, when I think back to when Brandi and Yolanda took their stroll on the beach, that section of beach near Yolanda's Malibu home was rocky, not sandy like this beach. I wonder where this beach was located, I doubt it was near her old Malibu home.

  • Love 2

That's because a 50 year old Venus is better that a 50 year old Adonis.


Check out the scrotum on an old dude?

Gee thanks for the visual, just before dinner.lol

At the time of filming and from Yolanda's comments she felt so much better after having the silicone removed.  Indeed she went to Dubai, in October, Aspen over the holidays.  So why is it she can't travel to Paris Fashion Week?  I question just how much relief the silicone removal Yolanda received.  Either the silicone wasn't the issue or Yolanda need to raise more awareness.  Maybe the reason the other women won't go over and take care of her is because this is what they look forward to be served:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BBQDD4pos7G/?taken-by=yolandahfoster

Kyle and Mauricio are good friends with the CEO and his wife of Fatburger.  Farrah dated one of their twin sons for eight years, Brooke married the other one.  What is interesting is Kim never got close to the parents of her daughter's fiancé and it was alleged she was arguing with her daughter's MIL at the wedding.    Weiderhorn has his own history-he spent 15 months in prison.

Ever thought of writing a book on all that stuff?

Seriously, I am totally impressed with the breadth and width of your knowledge on all things RHBH.

  • Love 4

My comment/post was in response to someone that thought she meant she, Yolanda, hadn't been for a "walk ON the beach in 9 months"  when she said that she "hadn't been on a walk for 9 months". I was taking it into consideration that Yolanda may have meant that about the beach and I stand by my comment, she choose to not go walking on the beach. NOT all beaches have soft sand on them, many have a hard, packed sand where people not only walk on them but also ride bicycles on them, something almost impossible to do on soft sand. I could be wrong but it appeared that the beach they were walking on was a harder sand. Also, when I think back to when Brandi and Yolanda took their stroll on the beach, that section of beach near Yolanda's Malibu home was rocky, not sandy like this beach. I wonder where this beach was located, I doubt it was near her old Malibu home.

It looked like the beach near her house. Her house was on the corner of Pacific Coast Highway and another road I cannot remember the name of. To get to the beach directly across from her house, She would have had to walk down to the Highway, cross a 5 lane road and then take a walkway to get to the beach. The houses on that stretch of sand are pretty exclusive and for a while the homeowners fought to keep those beachfront properties private. There was a long court case about allowing beach access and I seem to remember that public access was given to everyone, so a walk to the beach near her house may have been possible.


The beach along that stretch of Malibu changes from pebbly, rocky to sandy stretches. There is an area on front of the Malibu Colony, just south of that that changes as the seasons do. Sometimes the tide will wash away the sand or repack it, depending on the season.

Edited by ElDosEquis

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