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S06.E10: Backwards In Heels

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Kathryn's Brentwood property is a second residence condominium; the Edwards normally live in San Diego (where their house is considerably larger and probably has a value of low single-digit millions - it's nice but not ostentatious). I have no difficulty imagining that they don't ever have to work because, well, they don't, do they (I don't think he has any sports commentary jobs, right?)? Traveling for most of the year on first-class international flights would make a California palace as ludicrous as the bad real estate investments that have led so many franchise cast members to get foreclosed on. That being said, my initial goodwill toward Kathryn is beginning to erode because girlfriend is full of it as far as her talking heads in this ep on OJ are concerned. The timeline of the Allen and Simpson marriages suggests she didn't know Nicole too well so her murder, as brutal as it was, shouldn't be the second-most traumatic experience of her life. Secondly, her name was in OJ's suicide note and she and Marcus visibly supported OJ throughout much of the saga. How did Faye introduce her into the whole imbroglio (which is, imo, a distinct issue from whether or not Kathryn has a right to be incensed about Faye's commentary on her romantic dynamic with Marcus)?

  • Love 14

Good for Kathryn standing her ground on Faye. Kyle has not one clue how much crap Kathryn had to tolerate during her marriage to Marcus and put up with all the crap that resulted from the book. Kyle needs to zip it, zip it, zip it. LisaV is right: kathryn is allowed her opinion and Kyle is being a PITA about it. And Kathryn is no Brandi.

Faye has been brought on for no other reason than to cause trouble. I don't appreciate her role on the show and she can leave at any time.

Rinna did the best she could with Yolanda. We may be missing some parts of the puzzle, but it no longer matters.

Eta: Evansville thunderstorms created a double post - sorry.....

Edited by b2H
  • Love 21

Does Kyle ever pass up an opportunity to do the splits? I laughed at Lisa's comment about having trouble putting on her socks. I laughed even harder seeing her trying to walk down the driveway.

I'm already tired of Katheryn going on and on about Faye and the book. She accepted Faye's apology last week so move on. I have to agree about one thing with Katheryn though, I don't like the 'C' word either.

  • Love 20

I feel terribly guilty about this but I find Lisa Rinna entertaining as hell to watch. She's a nosy-as-hell gossip, she can't have a thought pass through that brain of hers without uttering it, especially if it's a not nice one about someone in the Beverly Hills circles, she's a snob, she's self-important and probably a host of other major personaluty flaws but she is definitely not a bore (which is more than I can say for some of these women).


I'll probably go to hell for this.

Can we decorate our hand baskets together?

  • Love 16

Oh great, a tart(s) party.

The expiration date for all involved was about 20 years ago.

First thought was: "this Moulin Rouge party reminds me more of the Bridget Jones Tarts and Vicars party, minus the vicars."

Taylor looked like a painting -- and not a pretty one.

Whaddaya bet Lisar's "conversation" is her own chatter with random internet people? Not thrilled that she tries to exonerate herself and throw Lisav under the bus. (Not that Lisav didn't engage in the conversation about Yolanda's kids, but Lisar just seemed all ready to play the "concerned" card and get the heat on someone else.)

  • Love 17

Favorite moment of the episode was Erika's reaction to Kathryn telling her not to use the "c" word "you're too good for that, don't use it, it's disgusting so don't ever say that word again."  Erika: "a) I don't care; and b) I'll use it as much as I want, which is constantly."  Erika is hands down my favorite housewife of all time (so far).  Additionally, she was the only one who could pull off the Moulin Rouge look.

Yes.  I hate Erika's house, but I love Erika.  She is fun to watch.  

  • Love 3

First thought was: "this Moulin Rouge party reminds me more of the Bridget Jones Tarts and Vicars party, minus the vicars."

Taylor looked like a painting -- and not a pretty one.

Whaddaya bet Lisar's "conversation" is her own chatter with random internet people? Not thrilled that she tries to exonerate herself and throw Lisav under the bus. (Not that Lisav didn't engage in the conversation about Yolanda's kids, but Lisar just seemed all ready to play the "concerned" card and get the heat on someone else.)

LisaR playing the classic game of "Hot Potato".

  • Love 6

She never mentioned Mohammed being the one who told Lisa V. that his kids were not sick. She made it sound like Lisa is starting rumors.

Kyle and her splits. Too bad her hair was up and she couldn't do the ponytail spin at the same time. :)


I thought Lisa asked Moh how the kids were and he said, "Fine."  Sounds to me like Lisa ran with that and *did* try to twist his words and start a rumor.


Kyle twirls her ponytail next week!

  • Love 8

Erica is telling Yolanda just enough to get her juices going, but she's not telling it accurately. Which I think will come back to bite her at some point. I love Erica, she's fun, but if you're going to carry tales you had better get all the facts out there correctly. She never mentioned Mohammed being the one who told Lisa V. that his kids were not sick. She made it sound like Lisa is starting rumors.

Kyle and her splits. Too bad her hair was up and she couldn't do the ponytail spin at the same time. :)

Refresh my memory, who first mentioned Munchausen's?

LisaR was the one to use Munchausen first. Both LisaV and Kyle disagreed that Yolanda had it, yet LisaR left that info out of her conversation with Yolanda. And both LisR and Erika left out that LisaV was asked IF Bella/Anwar had LD like Yolanda claimed becasue she is friends with Mohamed by Kyle, LisaR and Eileen the first time and by Kyle/LisaR the second time at Kyle's party. Nor did either Erika/LisaR mention that it was Mohamed who told LisaV that the kids were "fine" and that only Yolanda had LD.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 13

Lisa V is one hell of a grudge holder.  Good lord woman I get you felt disrespected by Faye coming at you and I was on your side then, but now you making a 3-year old situation seem like 3 days or 3 hours ago.  Like if you don't like her, fine, but the more you talk about her the more and energy you give her.


Speaking of energy did anyone else get sideeye when Yoda said in her confessional, "I wish they use they energy on taking care of me."  What an attention hawk.  Not to mention, she was a bad actress when Erika told her what LVP and Kyle were talking about the children's lymes at the BBQ. 


Lisa R getting a wet one over Erika's house.  Erika's house is nice from the outside but say it's better than LVP's I would have to disagree but it definitely is old money looking.  Nevertheless, Lisa R is one big ass scary cat this season.  This woman was so ballsy as hell last season.  Now this season she's all mouth in her talking heads but when she's in person with these ladies she's meow!  I don't think she was one bit ready to be thrust into the "bitch" role (actually, none of them were from the looks of it).  The convo between Yoda and Lisa R only proved when she's in the hot seat she can't back it up.


Kathryn... if you are not going to read the book, you need to let shit go!  You can't go back and forth saying you are not bothered by Faye but then want to make a mountain of a molehill the next.  Kyle also annoyed me too.  For someone who wanted to know all about Kathryn and wanted to stir the pot now doesn't want Kathryn and Faye to have it.  Kyle, if you are going to be a little troublemaker be entertaining but don't be in your feelings neither when you get in the hot seat.  But I will say Kyle was correct that LVP's grudge against Faye will probably have her side with Kay easily.  


As for next week, Yolanda is going to be like a kid in a fucking candy store seeing these women arguing over her.  I can see her now on her king sized bed, sucking on lemon and getting a huge giggle out of each woman questioning her lymes.   

  • Love 15

Another snoozer for me.  I got lost in Spider Solitaire, never a good sign.


Erika's blind support of Yolanda is transparent.  Her husband is close with David Foster and she has to protect that.  Munchhausen was never close to accurate and boring to hear that play out.   Yo and her nutty trip is much more fun here with what is going currently.  


I don't care about Faye or Katherine.  


Erika's house is hideous. 


I like Vince. 


LOVE that Kyle can do the splits!  


i appreciate the close relationship Kyle and LisaV have. 


Rinna, you are moving up in my book.  Stir it baby!  

  • Love 11

Whaddaya bet Lisar's "conversation" is her own chatter with random internet people?


I actually think that LisaR has been terrified and feeding this fire because she made the mistake of engaging with Taylor back at Ken's B-day.  So LisaR gossips with Taylor and ends up in a position where the producers have a former housewife who will get invited to a party just to launch this storyline and will have zero qualms about doing so.  There was never avoiding it coming out.  But LisaR has spent the last couple episodes taking two approaches 1) putting forth that Yolanda isn't really as ill as she says she is and 2) dragging everyone into the speculation, so now she isn't the only guilty party.  Not a bad strategy if you make the mistake of giving Taylor ammo.  

Edited by ParadoxLost

Wow, this should've been way more fun and wild of an episode than it ended up being...it was just a snoozer overall.

No, that doesn't mean I miss the crazed drama or scene-chewing of Kim and Brandi!! It just all felt flat and forced overall, with not nearly enough energy and zest for an episode that had a Moulin Rouge-themed party and real estate porn, after all.

Oh, but that LisaV and Ken...seeing her all tarted up and him all pimped out while teetering down that steep driveway---now that was tragic comedy right there!!

Erica may be an unreliable run-tell-that character and doesn't quite engage or shit-stir like most Housewives are expected, but I still love her more with every episode.

Like Bethenny said, she clearly has no fucks to give and just sorta does her own thing while stuck in every awkward group scene. Her bawdy bravado, classy sass and quietly confident, buxom blonde charms are just so refreshing when pitted against the tightly-wound angst of the other ladies.

And YES, she rocked the Hell out of her Moulin Rouge ensemble---best and hottest look of the night! The riding crop helped, of course; she's delightfully naughty.

Ugh, and there was Taylor, thirstily desperate and insane-looking as always, dressed like some crazed performer straight out of "American Horror Story"...she was so damned determined to butt her way into every conversation filmed on screen, wasn't she? Good Lord, I hope she *never* worms her way back onto this show...speaking of someone I wouldn't mind seeing on here again, I wonder where Camille Grammer was??

  • Love 10

I actually think that LisaR has been terrified and feeding this fire because she made the mistake of engaging with Taylor back at Ken's B-day. So LisaR gossips with Taylor and ends up in a position where the producers have a former housewife who will get invited to a party just to launch this storyline and will have zero qualms about doing so. There was never avoiding it coming out. But LisaR has spent the last couple episodes taking two approaches 1) putting forth that Yolanda isn't really as ill as she says she is and 2) dragging everyone into the speculation, so now she isn't the only guilty party. Not a bad strategy if you make the mistake of giving Taylor ammo.

Good points. I blocked that Taylor conversation from my memory.

I still would not be surprised if Lisar trolled social media and websites in top of that.

  • Love 4

The premise that Lisa misconstrued Mohammed's words is entirely contingent upon his own highly edited and consciously crafted social media statement on the entire dispute. Lisa herself said, "he said they're 'fine,'" in recounting his diction. Erika's narrative made it sound like Lisa was just bringing up the topic apropos of nothing (which is untrue) and/or spinning a fallacious yarn out of whole cloth (also untrue; Mohammed agrees about his verbiage, just not the interpretation). And Rinna does not feel guilty about MunchausenGate. Like, at all. The entire point of that confession was all within one of her closing sentences: "and I talked to Kyle and Lisa about it." All she wanted to do was stir the proverbial hot and ensure that someone else landed in the hot seat.

  • Love 16

Lisa V is one hell of a grudge holder. Good lord woman I get you felt disrespected by Faye coming at you and I was on your side then, but now you making a 3-year old situation seem like 3 days or 3 hours ago. Like if you don't like her, fine, but the more you talk about her the more and energy you give her.

This is one my favorite things about Lisa because I hold grudges too and everyone everywhere should hold a grudge against Faye forever because Faye is the worst. Lisa's grudge holding is usually amusing, she manages to do it in such a fun way. As soon as Kathyrn started going on about the book again Lisa instantly got bored because it wasn't about her anymore. Ahaha I love it.

I have such a love/hate thing with Kyle but the second she starts doing the splits it's pure hate. She is so mockable.

I didn't love Erica running back to Yoli with all the boring gossip, but otherwise she remains fun to watch. Her expensive house is so tacky tho! I thought we were back at Eileen's for a second. And speaking of, Vince very much looks like someone who wears a ripped stained t shirt to bed and then just stays in it all day. Like he has a very casual relationship with bathing.

Yolanda was eating up the Munchausen discussion. Something new for her to martyr herself over!

Edited by racked
  • Love 9

Vanderpump was just the most this episode. She is (poorly) trying to drag out her "feud" with Faye it was laughable. I feel like Erika and Brandi would be total BFFs if she were on this season and we would've had a new dream team.


I wish I would care about Kathryns feud with Faye but I just met you girl and I don't know you that much to care about you.

  • Love 9

Jesus Kyle and her splits. Girl bye. 

LisaVP and Ken trying to walk down the driveway to the limo to head to the party was funny. 

I need Erika and Camille to have a dance off. 

Taylor..go away. 

Kathryn and her husband just bore me. 

The Yo Yo and Rinna stuff was just so uncomfortable to watch. I would bet money Rinna was wearing some Depends for that meeting. 

Everything else zzzzzz

  • Love 7

Oh God, STFU Yo.  You put it out there.  No.  You're not the voice of Lyme disease around the world.  Put your f'ing ego in check.  You're the expert but you don't even know what Munchhausen is no less know how to say it.  You're not smart nor are you intelligent.  I just wanted to throw something at the TV and I'm not that kind of person.


What is with Kathryn's accent.  She goes from mid western to a kind of slang thing.  I don't know what it is but it's annoying.  And no, it was not the time to bring up again her feelings about Faye.  It's not your party Kathryn.


I think Vinnie loves Eileen but he wants nothing to do with the Housewife show.  Notice he got up and walked away in the one scene.  Very telling.


So it's OK for Erika to tell Yo about stuff that is said behind Yo's back, even if it's incorrect, but according to Yo it's not correct to talk about people behind their back.  Is there some hypocrisy here?


I like Kyle's and Lisa's playfulness with one another but....nope, you don't look at someone else's text messages and yeah, Lisa does hold a grudge.  Love or hate her, Kyle is a loyal friend.  And God forbid, I think Faye handled the conversation with Lisa very well.  

  • Love 16

So it's OK for Erika to tell Yo about stuff that is said behind Yo's back, even if it's incorrect, but according to Yo it's not correct to talk about people behind their back.  Is there some hypocrisy here?


Is it hypocrisy to tell someone that people are talking about them behind their backs because you are talking behind those peoples backs who talked behind the persons back? Telling someone about what was said about them isn't hypocritical to me.

  • Love 3

Honestly, the last thing I want to do on my anniversary is spend the night covering my ass and pulling my boobs up.

Wasn't Camille a dancer? I don't see it.

Rinna-I don't know who brought up the Munchausen (phonics ya'll!) first, but I do know you are the one who brought it up in front of a bunch of cameras.  Backpedaling is good for the gluts, so keep it up.

  • Love 6

Is it hypocrisy to tell someone that people are talking about them behind their backs because you are talking behind those peoples backs who talked behind the persons back? Telling someone about what was said about them isn't hypocritical to me.

For me it is, since Yo's credo is to talk to the person.  So, if Yo has a problem with someone then talk to them, not to a third party.  Shut it down.  Add to that Erika is convoluting what was actually said. 

  • Love 8

Faye does not improve with multiple viewings and Kyle trying to shove her down everyone's throats is not going to happen. Ever.


I know she keeps saying all that was 20 years ago, but Faye has own her media whoring. The news, trial and her part in it are as fresh for me today as when it happened. Some things can't be swept under the carpet.

  • Love 16

Faye does not improve with multiple viewings and Kyle trying to shove her down everyone's throats is not going to happen. Ever.


I know she keeps saying all that was 20 years ago, but Faye has own her media whoring. The news, trial and her part in it are as fresh for me today as when it happened. Some things can't be swept under the carpet.

I don't think Kyle is shoving anything down people's throats.  She's Faye friend and she defends her friends.  Faye's book was over twenty years ago.  Faye never said that Kathryn turned a blind eye.  She said Kris K said that Kathryn turned a blind eye.  Kris K, to my knowledge, has never denied it.  Maybe Kathryn needs to read what was actually said before throwing out accusations.  And this is the ridiculous part of the story.  Read what actually said Kathryn.

  • Love 15

Lisa V is one hell of a grudge holder.  Good lord woman I get you felt disrespected by Faye coming at you and I was on your side then, but now you making a 3-year old situation seem like 3 days or 3 hours ago.  Like if you don't like her, fine, but the more you talk about her the more and energy you give her.


Speaking of energy did anyone else get sideeye when Yoda said in her confessional, "I wish they use they energy on taking care of me."  What an attention hawk.  Not to mention, she was a bad actress when Erika told her what LVP and Kyle were talking about the children's lymes at the BBQ. 


Lisa R getting a wet one over Erika's house.  Erika's house is nice from the outside but say it's better than LVP's I would have to disagree but it definitely is old money looking.  Nevertheless, Lisa R is one big ass scary cat this season.  This woman was so ballsy as hell last season.  Now this season she's all mouth in her talking heads but when she's in person with these ladies she's meow!  I don't think she was one bit ready to be thrust into the "bitch" role (actually, none of them were from the looks of it).  The convo between Yoda and Lisa R only proved when she's in the hot seat she can't back it up.


Kathryn... if you are not going to read the book, you need to let shit go!  You can't go back and forth saying you are not bothered by Faye but then want to make a mountain of a molehill the next.  Kyle also annoyed me too.  For someone who wanted to know all about Kathryn and wanted to stir the pot now doesn't want Kathryn and Faye to have it.  Kyle, if you are going to be a little troublemaker be entertaining but don't be in your feelings neither when you get in the hot seat.  But I will say Kyle was correct that LVP's grudge against Faye will probably have her side with Kay easily.  


As for next week, Yolanda is going to be like a kid in a fucking candy store seeing these women arguing over her.  I can see her now on her king sized bed, sucking on lemon and getting a huge giggle out of each woman questioning her lymes.   


This entire season should be subtitled:  Desperately Seeking Drama

  • Love 11

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