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I believe what Eileen was referring to was not her 'walk of life' or her income level, but Eileen herself. Eileen comes across as a very strong woman, one who knows what she wants and someone who does what she has to do to get it. Someone who would never allow herself to be abused. Or...someone who would never be in an abusive relationship. Yet, she was. I think that people who have never been in abusive relationships think that the women who are, are weak and somewhat helpless.

Eileen presents herself, and is, the opposite of that.

I believe that is what she meant by that comment.


I thought that was what she meant as well. That people would see her and think, "She'd never take that kind of shit!" Look how she shut Vince down when he was giving her grief about her dress. Many people understand that abuse doesn't just affect one race or class, but I think it's also important to know that strong women can pull prey to abusers as well. It's also possible, of course, that surviving abuse MADE Eileen the woman we see today. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 13

The defense used it many ways.  Probably the most important way they used it was to offer the alternative scenario of Nicole being killed by Faye's drug connections.  It also tainted the jury pool, in a blame the victim way.  She was a druggie!  She cheated on her husband!  She had disgusting friends!  Those friends murdered Nicole.


That trial was a circus, and Faye contributed to that, not just with her book, but with her many (paid) interviews.  Judge Ito was the main culprit, but Faye is right up there.


The jury REJECTED the blood evidence.  If the trial had hinged on that, he would have been convicted.  He was convicted later, in civil court.

For the record that alternative theory of drug dealers coming after Faye for money owed due to her drug use was NEVER admitted.  They had a hearing OUTSIDE THE PRESENCE OF THE JURY and the defense was unable to make any good faith or any type of connection.  So no Faye did not give them an alternative theory of the case,  her interviews stated repeatedly OJ was GUILTY and how physically abusive of Nicole he had been.  Although Faye never testified to that because of her three stints in rehab, Nicole's sister and other physical evidence came in concurring with Faye's out of court assertion he was abusive.


The trial did hinge on the blood evidence.   The fact the jury rejected it made it the hinge.  So I am not understanding your comments. 

  • Love 3

For the record that alternative theory of drug dealers coming after Faye for money owed due to her drug use was NEVER admitted.  They had a hearing OUTSIDE THE PRESENCE OF THE JURY and the defense was unable to make any good faith or any type of connection.  So no Faye did not give them an alternative theory of the case,  her interviews stated repeatedly OJ was GUILTY and how physically abusive of Nicole he had been.  Although Faye never testified to that because of her three stints in rehab, Nicole's sister and other physical evidence came in concurring with Faye's out of court assertion he was abusive.


The trial did hinge on the blood evidence.   The fact the jury rejected it made it the hinge.  So I am not understanding your comments. 



LOS ANGELES, March 8— The chief defense lawyer and the chief police investigator in the O. J. Simpson case continued their seemingly endless fencing match today, delving into topics lik ethe rate at which ice cream melts and the murder methods used by Colombian drug lords.


The lawyer, Johnnie L. Cochran Jr., elaborated on his assertion that Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald L. Goldman were not the victims of a jealous former husband but of irate drug dealers who had set out last June to kill one of Mrs. Simpson's friends -- one of their customers -- instead.

Continuing his effort to offer some plausible alternative to the prosecution's case,


Mr. Cochran suggested that the very brutality of the killings indicated that the perpetrators were drug dealers out to collect a debt, and that the real target was Faye Resnick, who was living with Mrs. Simpson, and taking drugs, around the same time.


much more at link

  • Love 1

If I were in her social circle, I would so want to play that game with her.

"Oh, yes, I know how you feel, but I actually just had a 3 foot parasite removed from my body, the doctor actually asked if they could include a photo in a medical journal."

"Did you say you had 3 back fusions? That is almost as bad as my four".

"My surgeon has completed 10,000 explant surgeries. She says that mine was the worst. Ever."

"Would you care to see my second closet full of medications?"

"If only I had to have weekly colonics, these daily ones are really becoming too much."

"You are so lucky that only 2 of your children are suffering with the Lyme. My four babies can hardly function."

" I was once bedridden for 10 years. Do you have any idea of how many white robes I went through?"


I actually had one of those type of people in my social circle.  She always had it worse or soooo much better.  So another friend and I started making shit up.  Like 'Oh you went to Gstaad to ski?  Oh hasn't it gotten so filled with the tacky tourist package set?  Seems like it is all people who can't really afford how it was in the days when it was sooo exclusive?  We go to Tableaux.  They don't even let the royals in unless they still have their throne.  Oh you went there too?  Wait did I just say Tableaux?  I meant the Cloisters.  I don't know what I was thinking,  There is NO SUCH PLACE as Tableaux'.  Restaurants, designers, cars, books and movies, you made it up and she ate there, dressed there, read it and saw it before you did. Actually before anyone did I guess.


I'm mean enough to see if any of these women are savvy to Yolanda enough to see how far they could get her to go.  Bella didn't have a DUI?  It was the Lyme?  You know I heard that it can cause unusual changes in the nasal cavity most-outer structure as well as shifts in the severity of one's cheekbones and chin.


Or lay on the false sympathy until she chokes.  You have what?  Oh lay back,  No don't talk.  I heard it can cause your tongue to fall out if you do.  Let me cover you with this blanket.  I heard you get severe face crevases if you let your body core temp dip in any way.  Here let me put another on you.  No don't talk I said.  If your warm it only means it is working.  How about another.  90 degree weather be damned, lets get you swaddled you sick sick sick thing you.


Or another way is to do the Ramona.  Remember how poor Kelly Bensimmon was simply unable to deal with Ramona after setting up what Kelly clearly thought was an esoteric meet at the architect's model exhibit and Ramona seemed to have stayed up all night and learned everything she could about the architect and architecture in general?  If I was going to Yolanda's house I would have wiki'd everything she said and been an expert on it so vocally dripping with sympathy and upped her martyrdom every inch.  If she said she was weak I would nod and say she looked horrible and I just felt so bad for her.  If she said she had a parasite I'd nod and say she looked like it was just pulled out of her a minute ago and I just felt so bad for her.  If she said her kids had the Lyme I would nod my head and say I just had to look at Bella and I could see why she wasn't a big model like her sister.  And how poor Anwar was so brave to try when one look at his easy to see suffering and we all knew it was futile and would only get work due to his limited fame and if he found someone famous to date.  So so very very sad.  I think if you laid on the pity with enough false sweetness you could put that as the cause of death, 


And after the bullshit she has pulled in trying to make anyone who has not catered to her a bad person, I as a fellow castmate would make sure every event I scheduled for the cast was something rigorously physical.  Hikes.  Mountain climbing.  Surfing.  You name it.  And personally go and sadly tell her you made the plans before she got so sick but you know being Yolanda how wise and understanding she would be.  Just a fly by visit before the 'ta-ta' gotta go' breezing out.

  • Love 13

Her side? Against what side that's making Kyle into a villian publicly? I would get this if Kathy and Kim are running all over reality TV bashing Kyle or addressing the rift publicly and officially but Kyle is putting HER side out there because the STORY is out there more publicly due to unfortunate events and of course Kim's unfortunate addiction. Just because Kim's addiction is resulting in unwanted public attention doesn't mean Kyle has a side she NEEDS to put out there.  No matter what past transgressions are out there. It's time to put a sock in it and deal with the matter privately. Privately doesn't mean hide it it means that it's now beyond obvious that the old way of handling Kim and the families issues have been ineffective the changes being made by you in how you deal with Kim can now proceed BUT it can be done PRIVATELY which is what I'm guessing is one of the beefs between all three of the sisters. I don't think anyone is trying to hide Kim's addiction anymore I just think the family would just rather have their reactions privately and not find the need to hold a press conference every time Kim Richards finds herself in yet another addicted related headline. There's a difference. Just because Kyle is refusing to play the "ignore it" game anymore doesn't mean the exact opposite is necessary where she shouts her concerns and dilemma's over it all from the rooftops with Bravo camera's in tow. The platform that this woman is getting to talk about HER SISTER'S addiction just makes my skin crawl. Everyone else trying to jump on board just makes me want to rip my skin right off.



Nothing to add...just had to quote it since I couldn't like it a million times. Vyle is despicable and loving every minute of it.

  • Love 6

Cedric, like Brandi, was one of Lisa's pet projects that ended up turning on her.  She adopts these leeches and blindly welcomes them into her home.  Lisa believes she can control people like Cedric and Brandi and have their undying loyalty, but what she doesn't realize is they have no souls and the more she gave, the more they wanted in return until they ultimately betrayed her.  I would say it was more stupidity.


Sorry I missed this in posting initially.


Lisa said in an interview somewhere that when she first 'out' for the show she was not told right away she got the part and the producers had reservations about her having enough.  She came with the whole male stripper living with storyline and it got her the gig. Remember the hugely fake long friendship she claimed?  Remember that incredibly funny but hugely awkward scene when Cedric was trying for his closeup with his sad sad sad little tale of woe in regards to his family and Lisa was struggling to act like she, one, gave a crap and two wasn't trying to smack him right then and there for trying to get his own 'star' moment.  Still one of my favorite bits from the first season.  Made up so much for that incredibly stupid Lucy and Ethel routine they tried to pull with the driving lessons.

  • Love 5



Trash Talk has been hitting it out of the park this year.


Later after more recaps about everyone endless talking about Kim, there is this.  Standing ovation for this line!


On page 3 it gets REALLY good, discussing Lisa showing emotion.


This guy is so nasty, I couldn't make it through all five pages and stopped.  But not before this passage: 


You know nothing keeps Lisa Vanderpump up at night. Her ass got a double Ambien prescription the first night Ken wet the bed.


  • Love 4

Cedric, like Brandi, was one of Lisa's pet projects that ended up turning on her.  She adopts these leeches and blindly welcomes them into her home.  Lisa believes she can control people like Cedric and Brandi and have their undying loyalty, but what she doesn't realize is they have no souls and the more she gave, the more they wanted in return until they ultimately betrayed her.  I would say it was more stupidity.

I'm not sure Lisa actually feels any more than they do - she collects people so that they'll provide the attention and admiration she craves, and the opportunists she collects take all they can while the taking is good. They're all using each other, as opposed to caring for each other soul to soul.
  • Love 7

You're correct on the Cedric thing.


And RadarOnline even specifically said, after the Reunion, that Lisa had never sold any stories to them. And I don't believe she would because she's super wealthy and in no way that desperate for cash. 


Lisa is way too clever to do either of those things. She's way too smart to ever leave a trail like that. 

I never thought Lisa sold stories, and of course, Radar confirmed this. I think she just gave them information. She said as much at the reunion. She said "do I talk to them? Yes I do". 

  • Love 7

I never thought Lisa sold stories, and of course, Radar confirmed this. I think she just gave them information. She said as much at the reunion. She said "do I talk to them? Yes I do". 

Lisa said that Yes, she does talk to them as they all do when they are doing the photo ops Bravo requires them to do. Heck, we have seen TMZ AND ROL ask all the HWs questions as they leave a store or enter it, as they walk down the street, anytime they are in the public for the most part, they are asked questions by the tabloids and then the tabloids make a story about it. For example...... "LisaV and Kyle call Brandi a LIAR", What really happened was that Lisa/Kyle were asked if Brandi is currently filming the RHWBH they both said NO....and....... that is how they, the tabloids, create their headlines/stories. LOL AND that was what Lisa was referring to with Adrienne.

  • Love 5

I also always found it interesting, in that production email, that LVP knew Cedric was coming but the other wives didn't. I wonder how many rules are different for LVP.

I think that this gets at the root of some of the feelings the others have about LVP. Does she get special treatment? Maybe, maybe not. The fact is she has another show on the network where she serves as Executive Producer. The show is based on her restaurant and she is the star. The ratings are good, and I will assume the profits significant, since there has been much reported on the fact that the "servers" don't get paid much for being on the show. Certainly they don't pay them what they pay the HW's, nor do they take as many lavish vacations, which adds to the production costs of the HW show. At one point the ratings for VPR were better than for the HW show, and currently, they are close. What that all means is the VPR is important to the network, and I would think keeping LVP happy is important to them. Others have made vague comments about Lisa being "protected".  Who knows, maybe others have brought up topics that are unflattering to Lisa, or make her unhappy, and they don't make it on the air. 


The one thing I am sure of is that Lisa isn't going to allow anything to harm her business, and she is in a position with the network to make such demands because of the other show. The things that have upset Lisa the most during her time on the show are things that might do this. Her main beef witih Adrienne saying that she sold stories was that it could make cheating spouses visiting her restaurant think twice about whether or not she would value their privacy or sell nuggets to Radar. She was mad about Brandi's bankruptcy claim because she said it might make it harder for her to find suppliers. She wasn't nearly as upset about being accused of sleeping with her trainer.  No way is she going to be put in a position with Bravo where something might harm her restaurants.  For that reason, I feel certain that some topics have been deemed off-limits, including any real discussion of lawsuits or underperforming restaurants. I'm not sure that the rest of them have any say in what ends up on TV, which might piss them off from time to time. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 8
Avaleigh, on 20 Jan 2016 - 9:32 PM, said:Avaleigh, on 20 Jan 2016 - 9:32 PM, said:Avaleigh, on 20 Jan 2016 - 9:32 PM, said:Avaleigh, on 20 Jan 2016 - 9:32 PM, said:

I'm curious to know where you read this. I've always imagined LisaR as being somebody who will do anything for production. It's Yolanda that I imagine currently being the most difficult. Before this current season, Kim was easily the biggest pain in the ass for production.  


Yea I'm pretty curious where this piece of gossip came from myself.  I mean, if somebody said it on the internet, it must be true. Must be!




Honestly. And they never discuss anything interesting or cultural. Again, they're conjuring the image of a gaggle of hags sitting outside their trailers gossiping and playing canasta with half-smoked cigarettes dangling from their lips. Good grief--the women in the break-room at Norma Rae's old textile factory were probably more erudite.


And yes--Vyle, try as she might, is just too dumb to conceal her true identity--a nasty, jealous, dull rube who can't hide her glee when there's even a hint of someone else's discomfort. She's like a mean-spirited, slow-witted sneak.



These women are not paid to discuss the problems in the Middle East. Or the 2016 elections. Or the latest exhibition at LACMA.


They are paid to gossip and shit-stir. About other cast mates. That is their raison d'être. And people tune in for it---including all of us "enlightened" folks on this here forum. Complaining that they aren't discussing current events is like complaining that there's no steak at a vegan restaurant.


There's always PBS or CNN or the Discovery Channel if we want to listen to people discuss politics or learn about ancient Rome or watch something culturally enlightening. The Real Housewives is not that show. And has never pretended to be.



Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 20

I don't know whether to post this in this thread of the new one but, since the discourse into which I'm interjecting is on this page, I'll go with here: Faye Resnick was mentioned by the defense during the trial, though, iirc, the specific (and baldly ludicrous) theory that drug dealers searching for Faye actually killed Nicole circulated in the court of public opinion alone. In the literal courthouse, Faye's usefulness was slightly more subtle - the defense (Johnny Cochran invoked her, I believe) had a deliberate strategy to portray Nicole as an irresponsible slut who lived fast and spent her nights out partying with Faye until "3:00, 4:00 A. M." A not guilty verdict or mistrial was foregone before the trial even commenced; Marcia Clark seriously fucked herself in jury selection by picking multiple black women and then disregarding a private and expensive polling session that demonstrated that said demographic was biased both against Nicole (in that session, black women in the sample gave Nicole, a documented domestic violence survivor, scores much closer to "1" than "10" on a sympathy scale and universally shrugged at the fact that OJ had beaten his wife with rationalizations like, "there's trouble in every relationship") and herself (polling indicated that she telegraphed almost universally as a "bitch"). Aside from the arrogant delusion that she would win by following her instincts, Marcia's second chair was somewhat unpredictable - I believe he actually almost threw a tantrum/lost control of his composure in the courtroom at one point. So o prosecutorial incompetence and racial politics jettisoned any chance of criminal conviction from the get go completely apart from Faye's sinister involvement - though she definitely did evade efforts by Clarke to contact her by fleeing to rehab. In her second book, Faye claims she was advised to do this by her lawyer and spill all of her secrets about Nicole in her first book in order to get everything out in the open before OJ himself murdered her, Faye (why OJ would want to kill the primary diversion/shiny object that would potentially cast doubt on his own guilt within the media, Faye never explains). A claim that makes no sense since this would amount to obstruction by her lawyer if true.

  • Love 10

I don't know whether to post this in this thread of the new one but, since the discourse into which I'm interjecting is on this page, I'll go with here: Faye Resnick was mentioned by the defense during the trial, though, iirc, the specific (and baldly ludicrous) theory that drug dealers searching for Faye actually killed Nicole circulated in the court of public opinion alone. In the literal courthouse, Faye's usefulness was slightly more subtle - the defense (Johnny Cochran invoked her, I believe) had a deliberate strategy to portray Nicole as an irresponsible slut who lived fast and spent her nights out partying with Faye until "3:00, 4:00 A. M." A not guilty verdict or mistrial was foregone before the trial even commenced; Marcia Clark seriously fucked herself in jury selection by picking multiple black women and then disregarding a private and expensive polling session that demonstrated that said demographic was biased both against Nicole (in that session, black women in the sample gave Nicole, a documented domestic violence survivor, scores much closer to "1" than "10" on a sympathy scale and universally shrugged at the fact that OJ had beaten his wife with rationalizations like, "there's trouble in every relationship") and herself (polling indicated that she telegraphed almost universally as a "bitch"). Aside from the arrogant delusion that she would win by following her instincts, Marcia's second chair was somewhat unpredictable - I believe he actually almost threw a tantrum/lost control of his composure in the courtroom at one point. So o prosecutorial incompetence and racial politics jettisoned any chance of criminal conviction from the get go completely apart from Faye's sinister involvement - though she definitely did evade efforts by Clarke to contact her by fleeing to rehab. In her second book, Faye claims she was advised to do this by her lawyer and spill all of her secrets about Nicole in her first book in order to get everything out in the open before OJ himself murdered her, Faye (why OJ would want to kill the primary diversion/shiny object that would potentially cast doubt on his own guilt within the media, Faye never explains). A claim that makes no sense since this would amount to obstruction by her lawyer if true.

The discussion about drug people killing Nicole never made it in front of the sequestered jury.   So yes it was mentioned, and the detectives questioned at length about  the theory but the Court didn't let it in. 


It was Marcia Clark's case to win and she blew it.  One of her bigger blunders was not letting the testimony in of a witness who could place OJ near the scene.  The woman had taken a $5,000.00 fee from Hard Copy after being identified as a witness. Marcia was smart enough however, to wrangle a $4 million book advance so regardless of the verdict she was pretty much set for life.  According to Rockne Harmon, an attorney hired by the prosecution to help with the DNA evidence, Marcia could not be bothered to show up for prep sessions, but had plenty of time screw Chris Darden co-counsel.  I think the People were poorly represented and Gil Garcetti, the sitting District Attorney made a really poor choice forcing the issue of OJ trying on the glove.

  • Love 2

The discussion about drug people killing Nicole never made it in front of the sequestered jury.   So yes it was mentioned, and the detectives questioned at length about  the theory but the Court didn't let it in. 


It was Marcia Clark's case to win and she blew it.  One of her bigger blunders was not letting the testimony in of a witness who could place OJ near the scene.  The woman had taken a $5,000.00 fee from Hard Copy after being identified as a witness. Marcia was smart enough however, to wrangle a $4 million book advance so regardless of the verdict she was pretty much set for life.  According to Rockne Harmon, an attorney hired by the prosecution to help with the DNA evidence, Marcia could not be bothered to show up for prep sessions, but had plenty of time screw Chris Darden co-counsel.  I think the People were poorly represented and Gil Garcetti, the sitting District Attorney made a really poor choice forcing the issue of OJ trying on the glove.

I am taking this post and commenting on it in the new thread discussing the OJ case/connection. 

  • Love 2

Whose puppy did Lisa V kick? I can't be Giggy, he is getting almost as much vitriol as her when she is not being accused of abusing him.


I must say, I am enjoying all the conspiracies. She really is hiding some deep deep dark secret. Sleeping with estranged gay hanger oner is obviously one of them.


This  is the season that she  finally  be taken down!

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 6

Bet the bitch gets it all back after she squeezes what she wants out of David in the divorce.


I guess secretly Mo really hated David when he allowed his "good friend" to take Yoyo off his hands and off the payroll.

I've never, ever understood that story and how it was supposedly "ok".  I've never NOT thought David Foster is an asshole, just by hearing that one.  Even if Mo was genuinely good with it, it's just way too close for comfort.  It also shows how superficial the dickhead is.  He saw her pic on Mo's wall and basically said, "I want me summa dat!"  It's beyond weird, especially that Dad's best friend was suddenly Stepdaddy to those kids (with enviable culinary talents).  He's just yuck.  

  • Love 6

If I were in her social circle, I would so want to play that game with her.

"Oh, yes, I know how you feel, but I actually just had a 3 foot parasite removed from my body, the doctor actually asked if they could include a photo in a medical journal."

"Did you say you had 3 back fusions? That is almost as bad as my four".

"My surgeon has completed 10,000 explant surgeries. She says that mine was the worst. Ever."

"Would you care to see my second closet full of medications?"

"If only I had to have weekly colonics, these daily ones are really becoming too much."

"You are so lucky that only 3 of your children are suffering with the Lyme. My four babies can hardly function."

" I was once bedridden for 10 years. Do you have any idea of how many white robes I went through?"

Lol. That is Hysterical. Or go total justice warrior on her..." I took those Chinese supplements too , until I learned that they have Chinese babies picking the crops to make them, for every hundred pills produced a Chinese baby looses its life " . Or " I read that the research on breast implant leakage was discovered by implanting Golden Retrievers with faulty implants and watching them die in agony, I just couldn't feel good about that surgery" Or " the US government introduced Lyme into the population to suppress Dutch models. What are the odds of you and your three model children all having Lymes? I looked it up and the odds are 18 billion to one, use your head Yo!" Or "every time Gigi , who is a millionaire just for being born, is booked at a runway show a Wilhelmina Model is sold to Isis as a slave to populate the caliphate.

Or lastly pull a Steve Harvey...." And the winner for most beautiful model is ...(drum roll)....Yolander Foster ...oh wait a minute ..."

I want you all to know I'm sooooooo guilty of a lot of this ^ .

ETA of all things, ?I had to edit 3 model children not 2.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 10


Good Gravy Yes!  Preach on Sister!  Why are they trying to age LVP this season?  LisaV is only mid 50ish...production is making her look like look mid 70s, what with her prim and proper attitudes and her over the hill  "English Ladies that lunch" clothes and make-up.  She needs a new stylist pronto.  Drop the dippy hats.

I don't think that's production; she's doing that all by herself! 

  • Love 6

I'm glad the cameraman hovered over that gawd awful orange portrait of a nipple on Kyle's stairway as Kyle did a voice over of how great a decorator Faye is, and how she did Kyle's house, and Paris' and Nikki's. Because, yuck.


NOTE: My quote function is not working so i am distinguishing quotes as shown below. My apologies to my fellow posters.


======Okay, Mauricio is making oodles of money.  Why don't they move to a bigger house?=======


I love Kyle's house. I think it has good bones, and is probably very 1960s-70s old Hollywood. I also like that she doesn't have to descend a ten thousand step staircase just to grill, as we saw at Eileen and Vince's house.  Anyway, I admired Kyle for saying this house was her dream house instead of someplace obscene like Mohammed's.


Erika strikes me as a completely busy woman, with a career/hobby and a mansion and an old man to take care of. Who knows why she wanted to become a housewife, but I do agree that she does look as if she is over it already.  Bethenny has nothing that Erika wants or needs or can be impressed by, so it's a blast to watch Erika handle her.


======There's always PBS or CNN or the Discovery Channel if we want to listen to people discuss politics or learn about ancient Rome or watch something culturally enlightening. Bravo is not that channel. And has never pretended to be.=======


I thought a long, long time ago, BRAVO was a station about the arts.  Then it started the RHOC and the slide toward what it currently represents began.  


This new housewife, Kathryn? Looks like she's stuck in the 80s style wise, and in a worse way than LVP.  I was not impressed by her appearance. IMO she looked her age, if she says she is 51, yeah, she looks that age to me.  51 is just a few years out of your forties, it's not that big a deal.

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 7

what really did it for the jury, IMO, was Mark Furman. The one who was caught using n!gger multiple times in ordinary conversations and the whole case being handled by the notoriously crooked LAPD. Keep in mind, this was only a year or 2 after the notorious LA riots, etc. It is also worth noting that the jury consisted of 9 blacks, 2 whites and 1 hispanic - blacks tend to be more mistrustful of law enforcement and i imagine they especially were so soon after the LA riots. 


I think OJ did it, but I also think the jury made the right call because Mark Furman and the rest of the LAPD, who admitted to being careless and making mistakes in the investigation, could not be trusted. 

The defense used it many ways.  Probably the most important way they used it was to offer the alternative scenario of Nicole being killed by Faye's drug connections.  It also tainted the jury pool, in a blame the victim way.  She was a druggie!  She cheated on her husband!  She had disgusting friends!  Those friends murdered Nicole.


That trial was a circus, and Faye contributed to that, not just with her book, but with her many (paid) interviews.  Judge Ito was the main culprit, but Faye is right up there.


The jury REJECTED the blood evidence.  If the trial had hinged on that, he would have been convicted.  He was convicted later, in civil court.

  • Love 1

This new housewife, Kathryn? Looks like she's stuck in the 80s style wise, and in a worse way than LVP.  I was not impressed by her appearance. IMO she looked her age, if she says she is 51, yeah, she looks that age to me.  51 is just a few years out of your forties, it's not that big a deal.


Jury is still out on Kathryn for me, too.  If Aviva and Holla had a baby it would be Kathryn.


In the preview she says to Faye, "Doan say you know me if you doan know me."   Then she rolled up her sleeves and said, "Right now, I'm like, c'moan wit it now."  Implying she was ready to go at it with Faye.


Where'd she learn that, prison?



  • Love 7

Exactly.  IIRC, they found his blood at the scene and Nicole's at his house.  I'm not saying Faye was responsible for setting that murderer free, but her book surely muddied the water.

Her book and what was contained within never made it to the jury so it could not have possibly muddied the waters.  There was no victim bashing-the jury heard the voice of the victim calling 911 and calling OJ a batterer.  They saw the photos.  Faye's book did not dispute the prosecution or Nicole's claims she had been battered.  Here is a story about what happened during deliberations-http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1995-10-10/news/1995283069_1_aldana-simpson-verdict No Faye whatsoever.  Again this was a case the prosecution chose to pursue the physical blood evidence.  The jury just didn't buy it.  I think it is kind of rotten that people claimed the jurors were selected properly.  They did their job.  Faye may have breached her friend's confidence but she was not in charge of the prosecution's case. 

  • Love 2

Her book and what was contained within never made it to the jury so it could not have possibly muddied the waters.  There was no victim bashing-the jury heard the voice of the victim calling 911 and calling OJ a batterer.  They saw the photos.  Faye's book did not dispute the prosecution or Nicole's claims she had been battered.  Here is a story about what happened during deliberations-http://articles.baltimoresun.com/1995-10-10/news/1995283069_1_aldana-simpson-verdict No Faye whatsoever.  Again this was a case the prosecution chose to pursue the physical blood evidence.  The jury just didn't buy it.  I think it is kind of rotten that people claimed the jurors were selected properly.  They did their job.  Faye may have breached her friend's confidence but she was not in charge of the prosecution's case. 


I'll respond in Trial thread.

  • Love 1

Oh gosh, I'm going over the corner again.  I kinda like Faye.  Yes, I read her book and well as Chris Darden.  I also read Dominic Dunn's book as well - loved the ending.  I can't tell you a darn thing about them because it was so long ago but at the time I enjoyed them all.  I also watched the trial.   I'm kinda of finding it interesting with Kathryn having the OJ connection.  And Lisar introducing it was totally production driven IMO because there's an interesting  'story' there.


And for the record, no one in the history of the world has gone through what Yo has gone through.  No pain has been greater than hers.  There is no more serious case of silicone leakage or Lyme Disease, or birth story or heroic deed of saving her unborn child.  There just isn't.  Just follow her on instagram and you will know this.  She surely will be canonized when she finally succumbs to one of her life's endurances of pain and suffering.  God.  This woman hasn't a clue.

  • Love 9

And for the record, no one in the history of the world has gone through what Yo has gone through.  No pain has been greater than hers.  There is no more serious case of silicone leakage or Lyme Disease, or birth story or heroic deed of saving her unborn child.  There just isn't.  Just follow her on instagram and you will know this.  She surely will be canonized when she finally succumbs to one of her life's endurances of pain and suffering.  God.  This woman hasn't a clue.


Oh, it's on the record alright.  It's been talked about so often it's a boxed set of 10 CDs.  Where ya been?

  • Love 9

I read that LisaR will not be asked back, maybe it's just a rumor started by Kim, but I think it's true. Can't remember where I read it. She's going to be replaced by Camille Grammar.

Another thing I read was that Yolanda is asking for spousal support from David! I was surprised about this for some reason, but the off colored "jokes" he's made at her expense make me hardly feel sympathetic.  Clean him out Yolanda!


 I feel like my mom when I say this, but if Yolanda feels well enough to care about, pose, and post a sick picture, she isn't really that sick. 


Kyle may be one of those people that would prefer to live in the best most expensive neighborhood, and doesn't care she lives in the smallest house in the neighborhood, because she wants that address. Others will live farther out in a less expensive area to afford a bigger house. Still, I'm sure they are in massive debt-- real estate is a fickle business, and you have no idea how much you will make from week to week. 


It seems like one thing that all of the sisters (kathy, kyle and kim) have in common is a major love for their mom. They never mention the dads, just the mom and how amazing and how missed she is. It's very odd to me to see grown adults so infatuated with their mom and relishing the past. Something is definitely off there.

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 4

To the fellow poster who commented on the hideous painting in Kyle's stairwell....I wholeheartedly agree. Seemed like a subtle attempt at showing Faye's decorating skill, or lack thereof. What stood out most to me, aside from the ugliness, is how it just didn't seem to fit the style of the house, which is lovely. I also think is is unnecessary and stupid to have a "decorator" redo a closet when, in reality, all she has to do is unload a few (dozen) muumuus. It seems as though Kyle aspires to be LVP.

  • Love 7

Whose puppy did Lisa V kick? I can't be Giggy, he is getting almost as much vitriol as her when she is not being accused of abusing him.

I must say, I am enjoying all the conspiracies. She really is hiding some deep deep dark secret. Sleeping with estranged gay hanger oner is obviously one of them.

This is the season that she finally be taken down!

The editors on this housewives shows are really the best, in the biz.

My hat to them.

Edited by LIMOM

Kyle may be one of those people that would prefer to live in the best most expensive neighborhood, and doesn't care she lives in the smallest house in the neighborhood, because she wants that address. Others will live farther out in a less expensive areaa to afford a bigger house. Still, I'm sure they are in massive debt-- real estate is a fickle business, and you have no idea how much you will make from week to week. 



I don't know as much about real estate as others do, but isn't this a recommended thing to do by some professionals? We are house shopping right now, and we are going first to the neighborhoods that we want to live in and trying to find a house (usually one of the more mosest in the area, because that is what we can afford). 


Why would anyone think they would have a lot of debt? I'm not sure if they do or they don't, but if memory serves, the house they bought was in the $2-3MM range. I would think that if Kyle is being paid the $500K a year or so that is rumored, she could take care of that mortgage on her own if necessary. Even though their financial picture has improved significantly since the show started, Mauricio was a top 5 Realtor in California when the show started, selling upwards of $300MM a year in real estate. Even assuming a conservative estimate of a 2% commission (I have zero idea what kind of commissions these people actually get because it sounds complicated with lots of factors), he could have been bringing in $6MM or so even when the show started. Now of course he is selling more than $400MM a year, but I understand there are lots of other people who get a cut in what he sells. I just think they make a ton of money (more than Lisa and Ken for sure) and live where they want to live. 

  • Love 8

Someone had mentioned the two levels of stories on the housewives...the ones the women choose to feature...and the one that production deems fit to force on them.

I do have to agree that Lisa V usually is spared the 2nd type of story. Remember in season 5 where the women assumed she wasn't going to brandi'S housewarming..and them she showed up shocking the women. I contend that was done by her without production or the other women knowing..hence why no film was shown of her heading there, etc. She could teach classes I need controlling the narrative.

I also think season 5 would have ended up differently if kyle kept control of her emotions instead of getting into it with brandi. Nothing Eileen and Lisa v refused to engage with brandi last season.

I'm curious about kathryn since she seems kind of cool...just wish the OJ crap was bought in a little later after we got to know her. Apparently she and her hubby go on trips all over the country...more travel porn would be nice :)

  • Love 5

This episode proved to me that Bravo is reaching deep into their pocket of desperation by introducing Kathryn Edwards into the group. This will rehash some horrible things that a lot of people would rather forget. Faye Resnick is always the catalyst for some serious shit-stirring. Faye enjoys stirring the pot as much as any of them, she loves creating drama as they all do. I thought at one time that she would be introduced as one of the new housewives. Faye has made quite a few appearances on the show over the past few years, she can thank Kyle for that.


Faye Resnick was an admitted cocaine addict who was also a good friend to Nicole Brown Simpson and Kris Jenner. Faye's drug problem was serious enough to require an intervention from her family. After the intervention, she agreed to enter treatment. Prior to entering rehab, she stayed with Nicole in her condo for several days. Four days later, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered at Nicole's condo. Faye Resnick was served papers by O.J. Simpson's lawyers to testify in the trial. Coincidentally when the process servers for the papers found Faye, she was at a Los Angeles park with her daughter Francesca who was playing softball with her friend Khloe Kardashian. Faye Resnick, Nicole and O.J.. Simpson, Kris and Bruce Jenner and Robert Kardashian were all a part of a very exclusive circle of friends.


In 1994, Faye Resnick wrote a book called "Nicole Brown Simpson: The Private Diary of a Life Interrupted," In the book she contends that Nicole had a very passionate affair with Marcus Allen while he was married to Kathryn Edwards. (Allen was Kathryn's first husband)  Marcus was best friends with O.J. Simpson at the time and also a NFL football player. Marcus Allen has always denied this affair. Faye Resnick suggested that it was this affair that 'set off' O.J. Simpson and enraged him enough to murder Nichole and Ron Goldman.


I think that Kyle Richards is a total witch for bringing up Faye Resnick's name to Kathryn Edwards with everyone else present at the table. Kyle knows the history as reported by Faye Resnick and she's very aware she's doing nothing more than stirring the pot in a very evil way. For anyone in this forum that is old enough to recall the days of the O.J. trial, you will as I do have a sinking feeling of 'oh no, not this again'. Of course it was the trial of the century and people followed every day on live television from the courtroom where Kris and Bruce were usually seated in the gallery.  I happened to be vacationing in California the week the trial ended and the not guilty verdict was announced as we drove through L.A. and past the courthouse. Helicopters and press were everywhere. Truthfully it was a sickening, long, dark trial that didn't end with any justice for the two people murdered. Simpson was acquitted of the murders in that trial but was later found liable for Goldman's death in a civil trial.


For Bravo to bring this all up again after these things are ancient history is sort of disgusting to me. Intertwining the alleged affair between Marcus Allen and Nichole Simpson while introducing Kathryn Edwards as a new cast member is cheap and unnecessary. It's very interesting since there's a correlation to all this becoming a story-line right about the time the OJ miniseries airs.

I remember and I'm completely stunned that this is something being brought onto the show. Like completely and utterly amazed. I stopped following the trail halfway through because it was overwhelming and bombarding. Everywhere you turned it was about the trial and I just couldn't take it anymore. It was such an awful ordeal and definitely not something you go poking around so tactlessly on a silly reality show like the Housewives. It's so very disturbing.

  • Love 4

I read that LisaR will not be asked back, maybe it's just a rumor started by Kim, but I think it's true. Can't remember where I read it. She's going to be replaced by Camille Grammar.

Another thing I read was that Yolanda is asking for spousal support from David! I was surprised about this for some reason, but the off colored "jokes" he's made at her expense make me hardly feel sympathetic.  Clean him out Yolanda!


 I feel like my mom when I say this, but if Yolanda feels well enough to care about, pose, and post a sick picture, she isn't really that sick. 


Kyle may be one of those people that would prefer to live in the best most expensive neighborhood, and doesn't care she lives in the smallest house in the neighborhood, because she wants that address. Others will live farther out in a less expensive area to afford a bigger house. Still, I'm sure they are in massive debt-- real estate is a fickle business, and you have no idea how much you will make from week to week. 


It seems like one thing that all of the sisters (kathy, kyle and kim) have in common is a major love for their mom. They never mention the dads, just the mom and how amazing and how missed she is. It's very odd to me to see grown adults so infatuated with their mom and relishing the past. Something is definitely off there.

Kathy, Kim and Kyle all have the same father as Kathy was adopted by Ken Richards.   I think there is a bit of product placement with the mention of Big Kathy this year.  Kyle does have a sitcom coming  about her life and so any mention is good, right?


I don't think Umanskys bought the smallest house in the neighborhood-it has 8,000 square feet. The y just dropped another million or so into remodeling.  Nor do I think they live paycheck to paycheck.  They seem to have a lot of sources of income.

  • Love 4

8000 square feet seems adequate for soon-to-be empty nesters.  I don't know where it is, but if it's a prime location in terms of being accessible to his office and the kids' schools and whatever they like to do in their spare time, and they have a nice level lot with a backyard to hang out in, why not?  Not everybody wants to have to walk through empty cavernous marble rooms to get to the kitchen and tv room where they spend 90% of their home time.


Of all the BH housewives, Kyle presents her life within her house about as naturally as you can expect.  I love how her dogs are constantly underfoot, and she takes it for granted -- she's not fussing at them and drawing attention to it, just accepting it as those of us with dogs do.  The same with her kids -- yes, there have been manufactured scenes with Portia (acting) and the other ones (ear piercing) and to me the reason those rang so false is that we've seen many instances where she's just effortlessly and unselfconsciously gone into regular mom mode, mildly calling out a kid who needs to be chided. 


You can see from the little things why her daughters did not turn into Paris Hilton, and her dogs did not turn into Kingsley.  Whatever remains of the Richards family emotional pathology, Kyle has created a very nice nest for her family to grow in. She's got her priorities straight.   

  • Love 21


Eileen telling the women she was in an abusive relationship showed a sign of strength to me.  Yet I don't know what she quite meant when she said "When people see a person like me they don't think that."  Umm Eileen abuse comes in all walks life it just doesn't come with economic class or how you look.  Anyone can be subjected to a violent relationship.  Just saying.

ITA agree that it was a sign of strength and also agree with ghoulina's and other posts above- I don't think it was about class or appearance primarily, (though when she said it first I also wondered). I think Eileen said somewhere- maybe in her blog--that she plays these strong characters on tv, and her fans would be surprised to find out she was abused.


On another note, on the question that many are asking of why she brought it up so often with Lisa: Lisa Rinna, who is a spiteful shit stirrer to beat all others, egged her to do it. I also wondered if part of her recovery involved her standing up for herself and being honest about her feelings when she felt put down. Of course Lisa VDP was never going to get that. LisaVDP has a pattern of pushing people for secrets, whether it's Kim about going home with that man Lisa foisted on her in season one, or Kyle this season (to the point when her kids were uncomfortable). I saw Eileen indicate many times that she wanted to pull back, but Lisa is either too dense to get it or she feels a need to give bravo its money's worth by making her costars squirm. I do think Lisa didn't have evil intentions when she started out, but her crassness and inability to read non-verbal cues are also annoying.


I read Lisa's blog in which she says something like "isn't it the whole premise of reality shows to reveal our secrets"? Yes, it might be, but who appointed HER the interrogator and secret-extractor in chief? And who appointed you the interrogator ON AIR? Leave it to bravo to do the dirty digging- why is it her mission? .


I love how Lisa says her life is an open book, so bring it on with the questions. And then in the very next breath adds her life is absolutely happy with Ken the Magnificent and there's nothing to hide. Well, ok, but then why can't you understand why someone whose life is NOT pink and perfect like yours might want to keep certain things to themselves? She's such an ass. And I hate to agree with Kyle on anything, but I'm beginning to see that Lisa does indeed never apologize and mean it. She is the kind of friend who ends up ultimately depleting your energy and your happiness.

Edited by nyxy
  • Love 7
And for the record, no one in the history of the world has gone through what Yo has gone through.  No pain has been greater than hers.  There is no more serious case of silicone leakage or Lyme Disease, or birth story or heroic deed of saving her unborn child.  There just isn't.  Just follow her on instagram and you will know this.  She surely will be canonized when she finally succumbs to one of her life's endurances of pain and suffering.  God.  This woman hasn't a clue.


I am wondering when St. Eternal Suffering of the Lymed-Disease Mind, will shift her energy into promoting awareness about the horrors of silicone breast implants and their leakage. Surely that is an anti-establishment cause in plastic-happy Hollywood/Malibu/Bel-Air that would take some balls to be the face of.


I won't hold my breath.

Edited by Lisin
Added quote brackets
  • Love 9
I actually had one of those type of people in my social circle.  She always had it worse or soooo much better.  So another friend and I started making shit up.  Like 'Oh you went to Gstaad to ski?  Oh hasn't it gotten so filled with the tacky tourist package set?  Seems like it is all people who can't really afford how it was in the days when it was sooo exclusive?  We go to Tableaux.  They don't even let the royals in unless they still have their throne.  Oh you went there too?  Wait did I just say Tableaux?  I meant the Cloisters.  I don't know what I was thinking,  There is NO SUCH PLACE as Tableaux'.  Restaurants, designers, cars, books and movies, you made it up and she ate there, dressed there, read it and saw it before you did. Actually before anyone did I guess.


Hahaha I did something similar. I had a friend who was a classic One Upper. You came in and said you had a headache, and he'd tell you about the time his face disintegrated. Then, in addition to medical conditions, he also had stories about the multiple times he outsmarted the law. One time he was talking about--I just realized how topic appropriate this is--how OJ Simpson didn't know shit and if he had been in that Bronco they'd have never been caught blah blah blah and did he ever tell us the story about his motorcycle chase? So another friend goes, "Oh yeah--weren't you on that episode of Highway Patrol? On that one episode where they didn't catch the perp? I thought I recognized your motorcycle." This of course was a complete fabrication, but sure enough the guy lights up like a Christmas tree and confirmed it was him.

  • Love 9

I actually had one of those type of people in my social circle.  She always had it worse or soooo much better.  So another friend and I started making shit up.  Like 'Oh you went to Gstaad to ski?  Oh hasn't it gotten so filled with the tacky tourist package set?  Seems like it is all people who can't really afford how it was in the days when it was sooo exclusive?  We go to Tableaux.  They don't even let the royals in unless they still have their throne.  Oh you went there too?  Wait did I just say Tableaux?  I meant the Cloisters.  I don't know what I was thinking,  There is NO SUCH PLACE as Tableaux'.  Restaurants, designers, cars, books and movies, you made it up and she ate there, dressed there, read it and saw it before you did. Actually before anyone did I guess.


I'm mean enough to see if any of these women are savvy to Yolanda enough to see how far they could get her to go.  Bella didn't have a DUI?  It was the Lyme?  You know I heard that it can cause unusual changes in the nasal cavity most-outer structure as well as shifts in the severity of one's cheekbones and chin.


Or lay on the false sympathy until she chokes.  You have what?  Oh lay back,  No don't talk.  I heard it can cause your tongue to fall out if you do.  Let me cover you with this blanket.  I heard you get severe face crevases if you let your body core temp dip in any way.  Here let me put another on you.  No don't talk I said.  If your warm it only means it is working.  How about another.  90 degree weather be damned, lets get you swaddled you sick sick sick thing you.


Or another way is to do the Ramona.  Remember how poor Kelly Bensimmon was simply unable to deal with Ramona after setting up what Kelly clearly thought was an esoteric meet at the architect's model exhibit and Ramona seemed to have stayed up all night and learned everything she could about the architect and architecture in general?  If I was going to Yolanda's house I would have wiki'd everything she said and been an expert on it so vocally dripping with sympathy and upped her martyrdom every inch.  If she said she was weak I would nod and say she looked horrible and I just felt so bad for her.  If she said she had a parasite I'd nod and say she looked like it was just pulled out of her a minute ago and I just felt so bad for her.  If she said her kids had the Lyme I would nod my head and say I just had to look at Bella and I could see why she wasn't a big model like her sister.  And how poor Anwar was so brave to try when one look at his easy to see suffering and we all knew it was futile and would only get work due to his limited fame and if he found someone famous to date.  So so very very sad.  I think if you laid on the pity with enough false sweetness you could put that as the cause of death, 


And after the bullshit she has pulled in trying to make anyone who has not catered to her a bad person, I as a fellow castmate would make sure every event I scheduled for the cast was something rigorously physical.  Hikes.  Mountain climbing.  Surfing.  You name it.  And personally go and sadly tell her you made the plans before she got so sick but you know being Yolanda how wise and understanding she would be.  Just a fly by visit before the 'ta-ta' gotta go' breezing out.

Yoyo is going to have to change her story, and blame it on Lyme brain; some guy in China has her beat on the parasite story:  http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/01/22/20-foot-tapeworm-found-inside-mans-intestines.html?intcmp=hpffo&intcmp=obnetwork



this guy had a 20ft tapeworm!!

Edited by AnitaKnight
  • Love 2

This season is gross, from Yo's epic journey to Faye. I'm not at all interested in rehashing 20 year old gossip about the people around OJ and Nicole. Major fail as far as I'm concerned if that's the purpose of Kathryn.

Erika, thanks for letting Bethenny hang herself.

I could not agree more with all of this!

O.J.? Ugh! Over and done 20 years ago. I have no interest in the movie (or miniseries? Whatever!) or any of the pathetic hangers-on still trying to milk $10 and 10 minutes of fame from that awful story. Got that, Andy? NOT interested.

I have always given Kyle a big side-eye for having Faye as one of her "besties".

  • Love 5

There are several comments I want to "like" but the arrow won't let me. As I was reading the one about how wrong it was of Kyle to bring up Faye's name to Kathryn it occurred to me....Why is it okay for Kyle to bring up something potentially painful to someone else, yet not okay for the RH to bring Kim's situation to her because it's too painful? At least talking about Kim has continuity from last season, AND proves they were all right about her issues.

On another note, I wish Kyle would do her hair and make up like she did for last seasons reunion because it looked so much better.

  • Love 10

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