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Yolanda, if you’d stuck with a real doctor, you might have had those implants out long before this.  I mean, they’re 10 years old and that’s the life span.  And to the best of my knowledge, a rupture so severe would be visible on mammography.  So, maybe a mammogram instead of a series of bizarre third world body fluid replacement “cures” might have sorted things out more efficiently. 

In all her years on the show, LVP has had ONE storyline that was not chosen by her - the women being angry at her in Puerto Rico - and she pitched such a hissy fit, she left the vacation, and nearly left the show.



I think you’ve nailed it. Part of what I have always admired about her is her control, because hell, I’d love to think I could control myself in the environment by playing smarter than other people, too.  But when you’re playing with other smart people, and they call you out on that game play, you need to adjust your game.  She hasn’t figured out how, yet.  She got complacent because the level of competition wasn't exactly impressive.


Faye Resnick, the female Kato Kaelin.

Kato had a kind of doofus charm. Faye was... morally corrupt.  Which isn’t to say she still is, or was before that.  But she made some seriously questionable choices during that period.  Maybe she will renounce them – I’m willing to hear her out if she does. I mean, reality tv shows got me to love Tammy Faye Baker, Ron Jeremy, Rodney King and other people I never would have thought I’d connect with. And I do remember being mildly impressed with her vs, Alison Dubois.


Thank you, Erika, for the plane porn.  Ah, to stretch out under a cable knit blanket and wake up at my destination...  However


By and large she's been getting the Greek chorus edit, like she's just a normal girl who happens to be rich. Suddenly she's acting pretty bitchy with that flight attendant, and then talking about the burdens of having a private plane. The what now? Because sometimes you get a bad bag of tea?



And don’t get Camille started about ensuring that the hot tubs in Hawaii get turned on before you get there.  It’s EXHAUSTING being rich, folks.

  • Love 19

Avaleigh, I think what Eileen was referring to is she took some time away from acting and there were financial pressures with it being a one income family.  From time to time I read Vince's twitter -he works.  He was just in China announcing a tournament and travels pretty extensively for WPT.  He also lets his followers know how he did each week in his sports betting.  (He is up again this week.)  His last tweet was quite interesting in response to a person who attacked him for his conversation about the dress and being a gambler-he told her that they were filming a reality TV show-not necessarily reality.  He then suggested she step away from the incense.


I hear the word gambling and I assume problem.  In Vince's world it just doesn't carry the same weight.

She goes further in her blog.  One was in her teens and the other in her twenties.  So I don't think she substituted boyfriend for husband.

Zoeysmom, don't you get the impression that Vince is into side betting that doesn't have anything to do with WPT?

  • Love 4

As for going deep or sharing from deep emotional issue with the group…..

One of the ladies asked 'what keeps you up at night." Well a person could be concerned about  or dealing with any number of things -- that don't "keep them up at night." For example, Erika has said she DOES INDEED worry about her son being a police officer (as any parent might) -- however that doesn't mean it "keeps her up at night."


Perhaps Lisa VP didn't have anything to respond with -- because NOTHING DOES keep her up at night." And I believe she said as much in one of her talking heads.

It's certainly true we don't' know anything for sure about what goes on behind closed doors -- BUT, from the outside, NONE of them should have anything that "keeps them up at night."

  • Love 7

I think it’s perfectly plausible that Lisa doesn’t have anything keeping her up at night, which doesn’t mean she doesn’t have some worries, like the fact that her husband is aging and more fragile than fit like he was in the swinging sixties and seventies, but it wouldn’t be healthy to dwell on that. Max, over whom she “tore her hair out” when he was into drugs, is making progress. Pandora is in a good place. So why shouldn’t she sleep at peace?

Lisa has been out there living and working hard for decades and at this stage in life shouldn’t have a lot of concerns. Life doesn’t always have to be full of drama and worry. I think that sometimes the women are taken a bit aback by Lisa’s supreme sense of self-confidence and they don’t always know how to take her British stiff upper lip and sense of humor. If I were at her station in life, I’d be having sweet dreams, too.

Erika, I think, may want to challenge her for the top dog position, but I don’t think that in the end it will work. Ashley Abbott’s husband is a degenerate gambler; LisaR seriously has issues, which is why she does things like getting her butt waxed on TV; Kyle is struggling with the whole Kim thing, which is very, very, very serious; Yolanda is struggling with her health and may have Manchausen and is getting divorced. Lisa is pragmatic and in a good place. Good for her.

Why do we need this new woman? So they can rehash the whole sordid OJ saga? What’s next, Kris Jenner joins the cast? Eww!

  • Love 14

I'm not defending Lisa V but I think her clash with Eileen may be a cultural thing or semantics. To Lisa the word affair meant love affair and To Eileen it meant infidelity . Any Brits here who can weigh in? It may be the same thing with the question " what keeps you up at night?" I have a sister who is a fundy and she would have answered that question the same way, nothing....absolutely nothing. But then she would have to tell you how she turns it over to God and he handles it all. Me? I'm awake at night worrying about my sister ( among other things) who doesn't have the good sense to worry about herself. Don't tell me Lisa isn't worried about Ken's health or the possibility of him dying long before her . I think she probably worries about Jiggy as well as 100 other things ,but perhaps it doesn't keep her up at night. That said, her reaction to Elieen bringing it up again was COLD. She does not like to be wrong. She pulled that blank stare that makes the other person feel like they need to keep talking to fill the awkward silence. That was a power move for sure.

I had to add , I have Kyles glasses and so does my daughter! Yes LensCrafters ray bans . I am so very rarely in step with what is cool that I had to tell someone.

  • Love 14

Boo Hoo Eileen. All Eileen had to do was shut LisaV down once she started feeling uncomfortable which was pretty early on but Eileen kept going on and on and Lisa wasn't going to stop as long as Eileen kept spilling. There is a reason these ladies are on a reality show, they love the exposure and they love to talk. Lisa understands too that if the women are talking about their own or someone else's issues they won't be focusing on unearthing any of hers.


With this being the 6th season Eileen should have known Lisa  by now. She would have had the opportunity to watch prior season to watch Lisa in action. She can still be a lady putting Lisa in her place kindly and set aside the conversation until she can have it, if she wants to have it, on her own terms. If Lisa doesn't get the hint then she can be more forceful.


Lisa R you are no good at being a stealth bitch nor planting a story seed. Accept the role you are being paid for and own what you say with out excuses or don't say it.

  • Love 13

It could be part of it but I suspect there is more to it than poor put upon Kyle and mean rotten Kim and Kathy.

I don't think that anyone is claiming that Kyle is some innocent angel. I also don't think that anybody who is watching doesn't also acknowledge that Kathy and Kim have their side of the story. Are there numerous facts and details that we as viewers have no way of knowing? Of course. However, what has trickled out in addition to what I've seen on camera for myself and read directly from the women involved, I don't see how Kim and Kathy are the innocent victims who are being unfairly by their younger sister because she's talking about the issues on her show. 


Kathy and Kim don't have the moral high ground with me on this issue, not for a second. Kim has a lot of work to do before she could ever gain the moral high ground about anything. But simply going by what we've seen on the show I still have zero sympathy for Kim. So she's being talked about on the show where she consistently made a fool of herself. BFD. 


Not "put upon Kyle" but perhaps a Kyle who has stepped out of the role given to her by Big Kathy, and now isn't so easily controlled.

I think this is a huge part of it. 


I'm positive that Kathy had a lot more control over Kyle when Mauricio was still with H&H. 

  • Love 21

Great point - how dare Kyle and Mauricio crawl out from under the Hilton thumbs!

Interesting that Kyle says she misses her mother so much.

If anything is crystal clear to me it's that Kim and Kyle loved their mother and I'm assuming that Kathy did too. There's an incredibly close bond there and you can hear it in their voices how much they miss her all these years later. You hear them talk about their father occasionally but not in the same adoring way that you hear about their mother. 

  • Love 14

Lisar also seems to know, but she's got some sort of compulsive behavior that prevents her from moderating her behavior; so she poked Kim the whole way to Amsterdam.


LisaR is the worst. She feels "somewhat responsible" for Kim spiraling out of control. She acts proud that she 'stressed' Kim out and that she was Kim's "worst nightmare".  That's really something to be proud of, isn't it?  Her tendency to poke and kick someone when they're down is cruel.  Imo.  Kim was awful to her, true story.  I'm not quite sure what Yo did to her, but Lisa is 'supposedly' healthier in mind and body than both.  She should act like it. I know people say, 'fuck being the bigger person', this is just my personal feeling.


Yesterday, listening to the news about the Massachusetts teen who urged her boyfriend to kill himself via text message. I know this is an extreme example but Lisa Rinna popped into my head as I was thinking how heinous that is.  Not saying she'd do something like that, just that my mind went there. 


When she was exposed on the reunion for sending threatening texts to Kim, she turned that around by suddenly throwing her dad under the bus and crying.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 14

LisaR is the worst. She feels "somewhat responsible" for Kim spiraling out of control. She acts proud that she 'stressed' Kim out and that she was Kim's "worst nightmare".  That's really something to be proud of, isn't it?  Her tendency to poke and kick someone when they're down is cruel.  Imo.  Kim was awful to her, true story.  I'm not quite sure what Yo did to her, but Lisa is 'supposedly' healthier in mind and body than both.  She should act like it. I know people say, 'fuck being the bigger person', this is just my personal feeling.


Yesterday, listening to the news about the Massachusetts teen who urged her boyfriend to kill himself via text message. I know this is an extreme example but Lisa Rinna popped into my head as I was thinking how heinous that is.  Not saying she'd do something like that, just that my mind went there. 


When she was exposed on the reunion for sending threatening texts to Kim, she turned that around by suddenly throwing her dad under the bus and crying.

See I get this same weird and scary vibe from this woman. This need to be the catalyst meanwhile it was funny how Kyle bestowed that honor to Brandi. I don't know what's up with LisaR but she really does like to shoehorn her way into things. Very forced. I agree, I think she's more dangerous than Brandi.

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 5

See I get this same weird and scary vibe from this woman. This need to be the catalyst meanwhile it was funny how Kyle bestowed that honor to Brandi. I don't know what's up with LisaR but she really does like to shoehorn her way into things. Very forced. I agree, I think she's more dangerous than Brandi.

For some reason your post reminded me of the way Kim and Kyle treated Brandi when they first met her and Brandi said Kim was doing drugs - back then Kyle was still covering things up.
  • Love 2

Zoeysmom, don't you get the impression that Vince is into side betting that doesn't have anything to do with WPT?

Clearly, he talks about his sports bets and the poker tournament he enters.  He will tweet how much he is up at a tournament and when he gets eliminated.  So because I don't gamble, I get this uneasy feeling-a lot of money and nothing to show for it.  Then I have to remind myself that Zoey's dad spends a lot of money every year playing golf and skiing.  There is virtually no chance of him seeing any of the money he lays out for skis, clubs, tournament fees, membership fees and lift tickets.  So when all uptight about gambling I am reminded there is such a thing as recreational gambling.  So until I hear he has a gambling problem I have to go with it is a hobby for he and Eileen who apparently also likes to gamble.   Vince describing a day in the life of Dick Van Patten seemed to be all about horse racing and poker playing.

  • Love 8

That said, her reaction to Elieen bringing it up again was COLD. She does not like to be wrong. She pulled that blank stare that makes the other person feel like they need to keep talking to fill the awkward silence. That was a power move for sure.


Eileen filling the awkward silence...Yes!  Omgosh that was so uncomfortable to watch.


Total power play, old as the hills.  Lisa's monosyllable responses, "Yeah." "Okay." while Eileen kept regurgitating. And apologizing...awkwaaard. 


Eileen's hair.  I think her hair is in good condition.  It's just that she has some natural wave and it gets some frizz in the heat.  But when the magic of an ionic straightener or rollers or even a good old blow-out do their thing, her hair - next to Kyle's - looks the healthiest, imo.

  • Love 8

I'm not defending Lisa V but I think her clash with Eileen may be a cultural thing or semantics. To Lisa the word affair meant love affair and To Eileen it meant infidelity . Any Brits here who can weigh in? It may be the same thing with the question " what keeps you up at night?" I have a sister who is a fundy and she would have answered that question the same way, nothing....absolutely nothing. But then she would have to tell you how she turns it over to God and he handles it all. Me? I'm awake at night worrying about my sister ( among other things) who doesn't have the good sense to worry about herself. Don't tell me Lisa isn't worried about Ken's health or the possibility of him dying long before her . I think she probably worries about Jiggy as well as 100 other things ,but perhaps it doesn't keep her up at night. That said, her reaction to Elieen bringing it up again was COLD. She does not like to be wrong. She pulled that blank stare that makes the other person feel like they need to keep talking to fill the awkward silence. That was a power move for sure.

I had to add , I have Kyles glasses and so does my daughter! Yes LensCrafters ray bans . I am so very rarely in step with what is cool that I had to tell someone.

I'm not British, I'm Australian, but I feel confident in saying that the British are more inclined to settle (or even aim for) for less than total blissful happiness compared to Americans. American "have a nice day!" politeness is perceived to be insincere, service industry employees are not expected to behave as though a customer's dissatisfaction ruined their day. Britain is a country where you pretend you don't hear your neighbor (who shares a wall) argue with their families. Less than "Mary Hart" level enthusiasm is ok, in fact, Mary Hart probably came off as deranged.
  • Love 8

I think LVP was smart to answer as she did.  She probably couldn't think immediately of any innocuous issues cuz you know whatever she might have said would  1) end up in the tabs "Lisa Vanderpump's Secret Woes!" 2) might have spurred the producers to have the ladies hound her over it the rest of the season 3) or the producers would hold onto it and make it a storyline next season.


Okay, Mauricio is making oodles of money.  Why don't they move to a bigger house?


I think it was suggested to Erika to bring up Brandi.  I bet she asked for something to say to stir up any interesting conversation.  I was taken aback when Erika said to Bethenny that she was trying to make Erika Jayne a career.  Honey, you're 44 now.  Time is limited.  Remember the Barbie where you pulled hair out of her head?  That's Erika in the TH shots.


I'd love to hear more about Kim.  Really spill the beans, Kyle!   Rehab, escaping rehab, shoplifting, dissing Dr. Phil.  It's gold. 

  • Love 8
As for going deep or sharing from deep emotional issue with the group…..

One of the ladies asked 'what keeps you up at night." Well a person could be concerned about  or dealing with any number of things -- that don't "keep them up at night." For example, Erika has said she DOES INDEED worry about her son being a police officer (as any parent might) -- however that doesn't mean it "keeps her up at night."

Perhaps Lisa VP didn't have anything to respond with -- because NOTHING DOES keep her up at night." And I believe she said as much in one of her talking heads.
It's certainly true we don't' know anything for sure about what goes on behind closed doors -- BUT, from the outside, NONE of them should have anything that "keeps them up at night."



This is all true. But I'm not sure the question was meant to be taken that literally. I didn't think Kyle actually meant - "Why are you laying awake at 3 am in need of a Xanax?" I thought it was most of a euphemism for, "What is your biggest worry". Maybe a bit of hyperbole to make it sound more fun, but basically just a conversation starter. Lisa's refusal to answer could have been because she took the question too literally. Or maybe she understood and was just being a stubborn old gal. 

I had a geeky moment when Eileen said that Erika was like one of the beautiful faeries from Lord of the Rings. I wondered if Erika would mind being called an elf. ;p


Ah, thank goodness, a fellow nerd! I totally yelled at the TV when that was said - "Except there ARE no faeries in Lord of the Rings! Perhaps you were thinking of the Galadriel, an ELF???"

  • Love 5

I think LVP was smart to answer as she did.  She probably couldn't think immediately of any innocuous issues cuz you know whatever she might have said would  1) end up in the tabs "Lisa Vanderpump's Secret Woes!" 2) might have spurred the producers to have the ladies hound her over it the rest of the season 3) or the producers would hold onto it and make it a storyline next season.


Okay, Mauricio is making oodles of money.  Why don't they move to a bigger house?


I think it was suggested to Erika to bring up Brandi.  I bet she asked for something to say to stir up any interesting conversation.  I was taken aback when Erika said to Bethenny that she was trying to make Erika Jayne a career.  Honey, you're 44 now.  Time is limited.  Remember the Barbie where you pulled hair out of her head?  That's Erika in the TH shots.


I'd love to hear more about Kim.  Really spill the beans, Kyle!   Rehab, escaping rehab, shoplifting, dissing Dr. Phil.  It's gold. 

I think LVP lives a certain worry free existence.  I am sure if pressed their issues are probably business related.  Villa Blanca seems to be on and off the market.  After they revealed the earnings at Villa Blanca, I could see them wanting to dump it and there are no takers. 


Alas the house has almost 8,000 square feet now, including a man cave and a ginormous closet.  I just hate the front yard of the house with the white picket fence.  It is just not Bel Air.   I think they like the location even though they gave up a view from their 4,000 square foot house. 


I think Kyle was on the do not call list and Kyle wasn't really ready to reach out to Kim.  Something happened at the wedding in Mexico and for the umpteenth time they stopped speaking again.  The only thing Faye is good for is relaying how these sisters communicate.  She seemed to almost be directing traffic. 


I definitely think Erika got an earful of Brandi and her allegiance to Yolanda she felt the need to minimize and humiliate the others' feelings.  All I can say if you are a performer and you don't have the smarts to watch the past episodes you need to be held accountable for your stupidity. 

  • Love 3


I thought it was most of a euphemism for, "What is your biggest worry"


I see.

IMO still a strange question to ask, and expect someone to REALLY answer honestly on a TV show.

I know part of the conversation was about how some of them are sharing more personal things than others…..But how "deep" did they expect Lisa to get hen they were all sitting about shooting the shit, and then it got all serious.

Part of the reason a lot of talk focuses on Kyle/Kim….is because it's out there already…and SHE never SHUTS IT DOWN - PERIOD.

And quite honestly the other people DON'T have anything thing like that going on right now.

  • Love 3

Eileen's blog is ridiculous in its cynicism, intellectual condescension, and disingenuousness. It was "more than a coincidence" that her abuse revelations dropped in the same episode as the OJ segue? Why, yes, Eileen, it's called editing and producer orchestration, the latter of which probably occurred in deliberate concert with you.

  • Love 6

Kyle - the only reason she is on this show is "Kim". Despite Kyle's claims of being a child actress, no one would have known who she was without having Kim by her side. Now, she wants to forbid everyone from bringing up Kim's name. Given everything Kim did, and the fact it was all so public, it's perfectly natural for it to be discussed.


I knew exactly who Kyle was, as did a lot of people.  She was part of one of my favorite (and heart breaking) storylines on Little House.  She was adorable.  And as others pointed out, Kyle brought Kim on board, not vice versa.

  • Love 10

My mom wore them, too.  Her senior picture is hilarious.  She saved them for years in her top bureau drawer.  I remember as a kid trying them on.  Weighed a ton and made me dizzy for a full five minutes. LOL


Kyle has been wearing nerdy glasses for years.  Oh, wait...

Those look like standard issue glasses that we were given in the Marines. They are called BC glassed. Birth control glasses, because no man will ever touch you when you wear them.

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 7

This is all true. But I'm not sure the question was meant to be taken that literally. I didn't think Kyle actually meant - "Why are you laying awake at 3 am in need of a Xanax?" I thought it was most of a euphemism for, "What is your biggest worry". Maybe a bit of hyperbole to make it sound more fun, but basically just a conversation starter. Lisa's refusal to answer could have been because she took the question too literally. Or maybe she understood and was just being a stubborn old gal.


I totally agree.  I don't think any of them meant it quite so literally.  VDP rarely adds anything to the conversation unless she's either talking about someone else or imparting her wisdom and advice.  I can see that and so must they - they spend a lot of time together during the season. So perhaps, after years of Lisa not really revealing anything about herself, that's what they were looking for.  Not literally "what keeps her up at night", but what does she think about. What makes her human?


It's perfectly within her right to not reveal a thing but it would be hard to be close to someone like that.

  • Love 13

Kyle - the only reason she is on this show is "Kim". Despite Kyle's claims of being a child actress, no one would have known who she was without having Kim by her side. Now, she wants to forbid everyone from bringing up Kim's name. Given everything Kim did, and the fact it was all so public, it's perfectly natural for it to be discussed.

LisaR - Is her favorite food waffles? That's all she does on any topic, waffle. Pick a side and stick with it instead of trying to play all angles. Someone is going to disagree with her no matter what so she needs to put on her big girl panties and own it. BORING this season!

Eileen - speaking of BORING... I really liked her last season but between action "holier than thou" because someone asked about her relationship with her husband (SHE was the one who fooled around with a married man!) and trying to garner sympathy (Anyone else feel the timing of her shared secret was odd?) I've lost interest.

Erika - I've totally done a turn around. I love her. Breath of fresh air.

Lisa VP - eh. She looks better in the talking heads. In the show she seems mumsy in both looks and behavior.mmaybe Ken is rubbing of on her. It's like 2 different people between BH and VP Rules.

Yolanda - what a TOPPER! Has to be " the best, worst, sickest, most loving, etc.) than anyone else in the world. There isn't a superlative this woman doesn't love! Yawn! Didn't need to be in the show at all. BORING!

Faye- yuck!

Kathryn - time will tell


I just want to say I knew who Kyle was On her own without Kim. 

  • Love 8

Re: Erika


Did anybody notice the print of her outfit (a black one piece printed romper) she wore to Kyle's store opening?


The print was of various life size handguns. Handguns. 


If you DVR'd the episode, freeze your screen when she and Bethenny are talking and looking at some of the clothes (the short shorts) in the store together. You really can see it there. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 4

Re: Erika


Did anybody notice the print of her outfit (a black one piece printed romper) she wore to Kyle's store opening?


The print was of various life size handguns.


If you DVR, freeze your screen when she and Bethenny are talking and looking at some of the clothes (short shorts) together. You really can see it there. 


I did.  I hated that outfit.  Too short and I'm not a fan of graphics.  Especially handguns.  I didn't think the color was flattering on her, either.  I'm sure the others had a giggle over it. 


And I'm just as sure she didn't care.

  • Love 6

Kim was the adult female lead, opposite James Spader, in a legit theatrical release motion picture Tuff Turf. Sure it probably sucked, but she also was the main child lead in another theatrical release Escape to Witch Mountain. Her career before whatever happened in 1986, had higher peaks than probably anyone else on this show. A recurring minor ER role was nothing compared to that.

  • Love 3

Eileen's blog is ridiculous in its cynicism, intellectual condescension, and disingenuousness. It was "more than a coincidence" that her abuse revelations dropped in the same episode as the OJ segue? Why, yes, Eileen, it's called editing and producer orchestration, the latter of which probably occurred in deliberate concert with you.

I think I found the third reason for the sudden upchucking of OJ - http://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/lisa-rinna-to-play-kris-jenner-in-oj-simpson-miniseries-report-56775  I had forgotten Rinna was rumored to play Kris Jenner in the American Horror Story People vs. OJ Simpson.  IIRC it is Ryan Murphy production, who loves Nene and all things RH.  It could be Rinna had been studying up on her OJ facts including reading Faye's book.  In any event RHOBH is delivering a lot of pre show publicity for the AHS-PvOJS.  Too bad the air at the same time.

  • Love 2

LisaR is the worst. She feels "somewhat responsible" for Kim spiraling out of control. She acts proud that she 'stressed' Kim out and that she was Kim's "worst nightmare".  That's really something to be proud of, isn't it?  Her tendency to poke and kick someone when they're down is cruel.  Imo.  Kim was awful to her, true story.  I'm not quite sure what Yo did to her, but Lisa is 'supposedly' healthier in mind and body than both.  She should act like it. I know people say, 'fuck being the bigger person', this is just my personal feeling.


Yesterday, listening to the news about the Massachusetts teen who urged her boyfriend to kill himself via text message. I know this is an extreme example but Lisa Rinna popped into my head as I was thinking how heinous that is.  Not saying she'd do something like that, just that my mind went there. 


When she was exposed on the reunion for sending threatening texts to Kim, she turned that around by suddenly throwing her dad under the bus and crying.

I still think Kim DID blurt out the "secret" about Harry *probably that he's gay* at that dinner in Amsterdam, and Bravo edited it out, probably out of respect for Harry Hamlin, not for Lipsa.  It explains SO much, including Lipsa's pitchfork and matches still chasing after Kim.


Kyle, as usual, wants to control her story about her relationship to both sisters.  So, of course she is more than willing to climb back up on her cross about Kim with people that she KNOWS have her back, and will craft their conversation to completely protect Kyle.  The HWs?  Not so much.  Kyle can't control them, so she clams up, cries, whatever.  Again, some more.  So Bravo gave her Bethenny, the aunt, Faye, whomever.


I do think Lisa is just far better at the HW game.  Of course she has things that keep her up at night.  She has 2 reality shows going on.  Her husband has had two pretty major operations, and like many with hip replacements, is kind of failing a bit.  Giggy has health issues and is getting old too.  She also has something like 250 employees, and that's never stress-free.  She's not going to discuss the lawsuit on a Bravo reality show, then again, who really does discuss lawsuits on these shows?  Only idiots.


I do think she is partly the "stiff upper lip" Brit who isn't likely to complain about personal things, such as worry about Ken.  Even more than that though, I agree with another poster that said "some people are just happy."  They look to the brighter side, they cope with stresses, but don't let them influence their mood for long.  I've known a few people like that in my life.  I mostly love being around them, they always seem to find something good.  It's a gift, and one I wish I had more of.


Eileen's blog is ridiculous in its cynicism, intellectual condescension, and disingenuousness. It was "more than a coincidence" that her abuse revelations dropped in the same episode as the OJ segue? Why, yes, Eileen, it's called editing and producer orchestration, the latter of which probably occurred in deliberate concert with you.

Seriously.  Another episode of bad acting, actually worse than her "How DARE you?"  Deflection, pure and simple, trying to bring something "real" or at least a "story" to her role on RHBH, something that doesn't involve the state of her marriage, or how that marriage began. 


I don't get the Eileen hair love.  It's OK.  Maybe it's because I have Eileen hair, and I've always envied thicker, more manageable hair, hair that's either curly or straight.  I'm telling you, that "in between" rather fine hair with a natural wave and a tendency to frizz, or for those "waves" to be in the wrong place isn't that much fun.  Now, when it's DONE, it looks fabulous, but give it a few hours, or some humidity, or too much heat and it's all wispy and weird.  A perfect example is here:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/blogs Eileen's photo next to her blog shows the "real" hair, just like mine, kind of flat and too fine, but look at her official photo on the right side, gorgeous.  it gets too long and that wispy blowsy look happens.  Anyway, from someone with hair like that, it's been fun to read the admiring comments, also, kind of shocking. 

  • Love 10

So the party continues...Eileen divulges a history of abuse, which surprised me as I was understanding that she was reserved in sharing her personal stories due to my experience with her. I am sorry she endured that...

I have encountered abuse myself at the hands of an ex-boyfriend many years ago. It would seem redundant for me, personally, to relive that traumatic time. For what benefit? Maybe I am that person that can compartmentalize, lock it in a box, and throw away the key....I am not judging others who are still haunted by their experiences. I was fortunate to realize once was a mistake, twice was a lesson, a lesson that taught me well as a young girl that I didn't deserve that and had the strength to walk away. Many don't have the resources or opportunity to leave, and I am thankful to be in a loving, secure relationship with a man who is my protector, rather than aggressor. A kind man who will step by my side, as we saw in Puerto Rico, when things become unbalanced,when strength is gathered in numbers, and backup is welcomed.


THAT is how you throw shade.  LVP, still the champ.  Ha!


(I read her blog after posting my thoughts above BTW.)


Erika's is boring boring boring, in a butter wouldn't melt in her mouth way.  I don't know what it is, I should probably like someone who always says nice things about everyone in the cast, but this is a BRAVO real housewives show, and somehow it just feels so calculated and careful.  There are moments I enjoy her poise (the scene with Bethenny was one of those) but then I see her on WWHL or read her vanilla blogs and just yawn.


I generally can't stand Lipsa really, but she's kind of perfect for this kind of show, one thing I completely do agree with her about though?  Her blog title this week:  Lisa Rinna: Every Family Has Their Issues  She mentions her sister's death, etc. and really, who isn't touched by cancer, or drugs/alcohol addiction by someone we know.  She's kind of implying Kyle is milking the hell out of Kim's life, and I completely agree with that.


ETA, no blog from Kyle last week, and nothing up so far for this week either.  Is she off on vacation or something?

ETA again, ryebread, my "shade" comment was being posted before I saw your post.  Ha.  Competing shades.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

Kim was the adult female lead, opposite James Spader, in a legit theatrical release motion picture Tuff Turf. Sure it probably sucked, but she also was the main child lead in another theatrical release Escape to Witch Mountain. Her career before whatever happened in 1986, had higher peaks than probably anyone else on this show. A recurring minor ER role was nothing compared to that.

But Kyle probably had more clout in Beverly Hills social circles at the time the show was devised - she was the one producers drafted, and then she talked Kim into doing it. No doubt Kyle feels some guilt over this, especially since she ended up outing Kim on the show.

  • Love 8

I still think Kim DID blurt out the "secret" about Harry *probably that he's gay* at that dinner in Amsterdam, and Bravo edited it out, probably out of respect for Harry Hamlin, not for Lipsa. It explains SO much, including Lipsa's pitchfork and matches still chasing after Kim

If this is true, and it's totally possible, than Rinna is especially hypocritical for accusing Kim of denial and lack of ownership while running her #whatdidharrydo #didhefuckthedog campaign.

  • Love 3



Holy crap. Bravo has a whole section up on Faye Resnick!~  WTH?


Looks like they will milk this OJ thing as vigorously as possible. 



I didn't realize this mini series was going to be 10 episodes!  Wow.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2788432/ Faye and Kris Jenner both have actresses portraying them (of course) and it promises new disclosures.  I think Bravo's hoping to scoop them on a few, so we have Kathryn and Faye.  I can't really blame Bravo for this, it's smart.  Also kind of creepy.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

Oh, and also that one weird moment when the women were supposedly "obsessed" with Brandi. Seems more the other way around to me. They haven't talked about her much and given the interactions both Lisa and Kyle had with her they have good reason to talk shit about her.

It annoyed me that Erika put it that way when Brandi is still talking about most of these women on social media. Add in her having been on the show, being so deep into Kim's bullshit, that it doesn't seem unnatural to me that Brandi's name would come up between the ladies. I don't think it suggests that Brandi is the only thing these women talk about. Erika is a smart woman and she knows perfectly well what she's doing with a comment like that. Erika of course hasn't had to deal with the horror that is Brandi or being forced to interact with her for the sake of a job so it's easy for her to say that she's above it. 


And while I'm on the things about Erika that annoy me (I actually like her but I think she has issues just as they all do) it kind of tweaks me the way she generalizes "gays". Like when she talked about how when she's around women she has to do things like "pay attention" and how she has to be on her A game. She probably just phrased it in a weird way and I certainly don't think she's prejudiced but it was a head tilt moment for me all the same. I am curious as to why she wanted to do the show. Is it just about exposure for Erika Jayne or did she actually think it would be fun because so far she seems pretty bored. 

  • Love 15

I'm not defending Lisa V but I think her clash with Eileen may be a cultural thing or semantics. To Lisa the word affair meant love affair and To Eileen it meant infidelity . Any Brits here who can weigh in? It may be the same thing with the question " what keeps you up at night?" I have a sister who is a fundy and she would have answered that question the same way, nothing....absolutely nothing. But then she would have to tell you how she turns it over to God and he handles it all. Me? I'm awake at night worrying about my sister ( among other things) who doesn't have the good sense to worry about herself. Don't tell me Lisa isn't worried about Ken's health or the possibility of him dying long before her . I think she probably worries about Jiggy as well as 100 other things ,but perhaps it doesn't keep her up at night. That said, her reaction to Elieen bringing it up again was COLD. She does not like to be wrong. She pulled that blank stare that makes the other person feel like they need to keep talking to fill the awkward silence. That was a power move for sure.

I had to add , I have Kyles glasses and so does my daughter! Yes LensCrafters ray bans . I am so very rarely in step with what is cool that I had to tell someone.

Lisa did say "love affair" and she asked about when Eileen KNEW Vince was THE one during that conversation but Eileen only hears what she wants to hear especially the word AFFAIR.


I totally agree.  I don't think any of them meant it quite so literally.  VDP rarely adds anything to the conversation unless she's either talking about someone else or imparting her wisdom and advice.  I can see that and so must they - they spend a lot of time together during the season. So perhaps, after years of Lisa not really revealing anything about herself, that's what they were looking for.  Not literally "what keeps her up at night", but what does she think about. What makes her human?


It's perfectly within her right to not reveal a thing but it would be hard to be close to someone like that.

Lisa has shared many personal things that have caused her pain, from problems/concerns with Max to Ken's health problems over the years. Kyle specifically asked Lisa "What keeps you up at night", NOT "What worries you" and there is a big difference between the 2 IMO.

  • Love 12

It annoyed me that Erika put it that way when Brandi is still talking about most of these women on social media. Add in her having been on the show, being so deep into Kim's bullshit, that it doesn't seem unnatural to me that Brandi's name would come up between the ladies. I don't think it suggests that Brandi is the only thing these women talk about. Erika is a smart woman and she knows perfectly well what she's doing with a comment like that. Erika of course hasn't had to deal with the horror that is Brandi or being forced to interact with her for the sake of a job so it's easy for her to say that she's above it. 


And while I'm on the things about Erika that annoy me (I actually like her but I think she has issues just as they all do) it kind of tweaks me the way she generalizes "gays". Like when she talked about how when she's around women she has to do things like "pay attention" and how she has to be on her A game. She probably just phrased it in a weird way and I certainly don't think she's prejudiced but it was a head tilt moment for me all the same. I am curious as to why she wanted to do the show. Is it just about exposure for Erika Jayne or did she actually think it would be fun because so far she seems pretty bored. 


I firmly believe that Erika told Yolanda what was said about Brandi by the other HWs and Yolanda fed that info to Brandi throughout filming, hence Brandi declaring war on LisaV/Kyle before she agreed to film as a FOH.

  • Love 3



Holy crap. Bravo has a whole section up on Faye Resnick!~  WTH?


Looks like they will milk this OJ thing as vigorously as possible. 



I didn't realize this mini series was going to be 10 episodes!  Wow.  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2788432/ Faye and Kris Jenner both have actresses portraying them (of course) and it promises new disclosures.  I think Bravo's hoping to scoop them on a few, so we have Kathryn and Faye.  I can't really blame Bravo for this, it's smart.  Also kind of creepy.

Faye is miffed at Bravo:  http://www.inquisitr.com/2722950/faye-resnick-responds-to-critics-while-kathryn-edwards-addresses-lisa-rinna-and-kyle-richards-bringing-up-o-j/

Kato had a kind of doofus charm. Faye was... morally corrupt.  Which isn’t to say she still is, or was before that.  But she made some seriously questionable choices during that period.  Maybe she will renounce them – I’m willing to hear her out if she does. I mean, reality tv shows got me to love Tammy Faye Baker, Ron Jeremy, Rodney King and other people I never would have thought I’d connect with.


Tammy Faye and Ron Jeremy 4 EVA. I did so love those first few seasons of The Surreal Life. The drama was generally more of the genteel "wacky hijinks" variety in those first two seasons than what you usually see now on a "candid" reality show.

Edited by KFC
  • Love 4

This is all true. But I'm not sure the question was meant to be taken that literally. I didn't think Kyle actually meant - "Why are you laying awake at 3 am in need of a Xanax?" I thought it was most of a euphemism for, "What is your biggest worry". Maybe a bit of hyperbole to make it sound more fun, but basically just a conversation starter. Lisa's refusal to answer could have been because she took the question too literally. Or maybe she understood and was just being a stubborn old gal. 





Yes to this. 


At the company I work for, this is part of our language, and has been for 15 years. We are asked it constantly, and are very aware that there is no such thing as "nothing". In the business world, they are asking what worries us about the company - do we have a product that disappoints, customers we are not taking care of, etc. The question is intended to spur conversation and teamwork. To let a person with a concern know they are not alone, and give others the opportunity to give feedback and offer solutions. I love it, and I often use it in personal matters as well.  It is a great way to get to know someone; to understand them better. I think this is the core of the issue. Lisa shares very little. Over the years we have watched virtually every HW go through things. That doesn't mean they don't have a happy life. They share what they are going through with the audience and the other ladies. The most personal thing we have really seen Lisa go through was the deal with Max last season, but she didn't share it with anyone else. I don't know that the other ladies even knew that Lisa and Ken were dealing with it. It would have been interesting to hear the thoughts from the other ladies. To have one of them comfort her and let her talk through her fears. 


Does Lisa have deep concerns? Maybe and maybe not. The lawsuit has had to weigh on her, yet she doesn't talk about it. I completely get why she doesn't want to talk about her business. Her one restaurant has been up for sale for 2 years, and apparently isn't doing well. I would think that would be something that she spends a good deal of time dealing with. She so carefully controls her own narrative, but at the same time, works overtime to get things the others are going through on camera. The Mauricio cheating rumors, which she said she addressed because it was the "elephant in the room". Asking Eileen about the affair, even though she knew that it wasn't a topic which she wanted to give over control. Eileen would want to control that narrative. Not just talking about Kim in the sense that it was hard for Kyle, but making sure to get the details of her arrest on camera. She is smart to guard her story so carefully, but it is understandable that the others would be irritated when she is less concerned about letting the others guard their own stories. 

  • Love 13

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